Volume 1. Issue 1. May 2012
My name is Kelly Chan, I love Star Wars and I am super excited to be serving as the Empire LTG for the 2012-2013 service year. This first newsletter should serve as a resource for you so you can kickoff the year right and you to get to know me if you don't already. To start, I am an upper-junior at Queens College. I am a linguistics and communication disorders major with a psychology minor. For those of you who go to automatically think that since I am a junior, I must be graduating and leaving next year right? Wrong, I will be applying to graduate school for Fall 2013 at Queens College and if not accepted, I will be continuing in undergraduate, changing my psychology minor into a major. This is my 5th year in the K-Family. I was a very active member of Bayside High School Key Club in high school and last service year I served as the Queens College Circle K club president as well as the Marketing & K-Family Relations Chair to the NY District. Therefore, one of my biggest push for all of you is to work with the other branches of the K-Family and build those relations as we build relations within our division. Finally, I'd like to assure you that I am here to serve you and to do what it takes to strengthen this division just as I was able to build my home club. Do not be afraid to contact me about anything, any time of the day. Call, text, e-mail, Facebook me at any time of the day and I will usually respond immediately. Happy 2012-2013! Yours in service, leadership and fellowship,
BQE Lieutenant Governor
From Queens College: President:
Daniel Pierre-Pierre Junior, Linguistics & Communication Disorders Major Sociology & Anthropology Minor
pierrepierre.cki@gmail.com Vice President:
Shabad Sarpal Junior, Psychology and Spanish Major
ssarpal100@qc.cuny.edu Secretary:
Cher Armstrong Graduate Student, Library and Informational Studies Major
speedyhobbit@aol.com Treasurer:
Chandanie Persaud Junior, Economics and Math Major
cpersad1530@yahoo.com Editor:
Mariana Terranova Junior, Anthropology Major
From Vaughn College: President:
Jennifer Truong
Sophomore, Aircraft Operations Major
jennifer.truong@vaughn.edu Vice President:
Aaron Hudson Junior, Aircraft Operations Major
aaron.hudson@vaughn.edu Secretary:
Jiminique Lee Sophomore, Aircraft Management Major
jiminique.lee@vaughn.edu Treasurer:
Brandon Pena Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Option) Major
brandon.pena@vaughn.edu Editor:
Christopher Torres Sophomore, Aircraft Operations Major
Goals for this service year:
I would like to focus building a strong foundation for this division. To do so, let us focus on a few key points as we move forward into the 2012-2013 service year: ! Recruitment and retainment ! Get to know each of your new members and make them feel welcome and excited to come back to another meeting or event. ! Members are more than an e-mail or name on your roster when they pay dues ! Build K-Family Relations with ALL branches ! This will not only open up new doors for service opportunities but this is what differentiates us from other community service organizations out there. Don't be afraid to use each other as supportive resources! ! Remember that there are 3 Kiwanis Family Foundations ! Build inter-club relations ! Within our division AND outside our division ! Attendance at the 3 district-wide events per service year: 1. District Large Scale Service Project (late September - early October) 2. New York Speaking 3. District Convention • Each of these events, whether more service, leadership or fellowship oriented give members from all-over the district to meet and understand the grandiosity of CKI ! 100% submission of MRF's ! Due the 7th of each month, submit them even if you were unable to complete service hours or fundraise for that specific month. ! Host a fundraiser for The Eliminate Project ! Help us fight to maternal and neonatal tetanus in the 35 countries it's currently affecting by 2015
! Attend divisional meetings ! Set your unique club goals to complete a successful service year!
NYCKI’s Governor, Corey Oses Hey there Empire! If you did not have an opportunity to meet me at District Convention this year, my name is Corey Oses and I am humbly serving as your 2012-2013 District Governor. To introduce myself, I am a junior at Cornell University studying Applied and Engineering Physics. I have been in the Kiwanis Family for about ten years now, starting with K-Kids in sixth grade and working my way up to Circle K! While I have been associated with Kiwanis for a decade now, my involvement really began in Key Club at Bloomfield High School in New Jersey. I met some of my closest friends to this day in Key Club. While I have always thought of it to be rather cheesy, I certainly acknowledge that through Kiwanis, I have developed close relationships that I am certain to last a lifetime. I believe that the best part of my job as Governor is the opportunity to meet so many new members who, like me, are focused on community involvement. I am very excited to meet all of you very soon! As an introduction to my Governor’s Project, I am ecstatic to share with all of you my service focus for the year, !"#$%&", the Root of Service! I know that science and mathematics tends to have a polarizing effect on people, in that either you really appreciate it, or you cannot stand it. While I recognize that we all have our strengths and weaknesses, the issue is truly much deeper than that. A recent study taken in 2007 noted that at the fourth grade level of science, the United States was ranked third among the countries of the world. By eighth grade, however, our rank drops to seventh. You can imagine that this trend continues to diverge as we climb the education ladder. Unfortunately, statistics are far worse when we focus on just women in math and science, and worse yet when we focus on minorities in this country. Unfortunately, our education system does not generally promote the sciences, but instead deters students who would have otherwise had a natural inclination toward the subject. Needless to say, there is a need for motivating stronger mathematically inclined students. For my Governor’s Project, I challenge you to promote math and science among elementary, middle, and high school students. However, I challenge you to go beyond just tutoring, but instead work with grade levels to develop science projects. Dare to share the wonders of electricity and magnetism and how it impacts our everyday lives with experiments that address material conductivity, circuit theory, or even the electromagnetic spectrum. Impart some knowledge on the dizzying concepts of angular momentum and it is used to maintain the orientation of satellites and airplanes. However, if you are not so mathematically inclined, no need to fret! Feel free to tackle projects dealing with health, biology, and even astronomy. Have you ever wondered which side of the brain stores memory, or is responsible for your senses? Take students for a walk through nature and discuss the myriad of different species you can find just in your backyard. Find a nice, clear night to take a tour around the constellations and identify as many objects in the sky as you can. The possibilities are truly endless. I hope that throughout the year, I may be able to provide different projects for you to use at your local schools. I encourage you all to add me to your listservs, on Facebook, Twitter, etc. so that I can stay updated with your Circle K endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell phone, (201) 674-1407, or by email, corey.oses@nycirclek.org. Take care and good luck with finals!
District Projects! Yes, this year, there are two! While both projects are essential in many ways, one of our projects is more on the fundraising side while the other is more on the service side of our organization. Enough speaking, I am proud to announce that the district projects are: NY Kiwanis Family Foundations and NYCKI Salutes our Soldiers. What are the NY Kiwanis Family Foundations?: Each member of the K-Family is encouraged to work with these foundations and this year, NYCKI has decided to put a greater emphasis on these three: Kamp Kiwanis – located in Taberg, NY, this camp aims at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure while mainstreaming all kids. You can help by going to the camp itself and working on the camp site or by fundraising to send an underprivileged child to have the best summer of his or her’s childhood. Sending a kid to camp costs $535 so let’s get some kids there! Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center – we are allied with 3 hospitals in NY (Long Island, Albany and Buffalo) in efforts to save the lives of children and reduce or eliminate disabilities due to trauma. In 1 year, injuries to children 14 and under result in 223,000 hospitalizations, nearly 8.7 emergency room visits, and over 12 million to physician’s offices. 120,000 of these are permanently disabled and with a fully staffed, optimally equipped pediatric trauma center, at least 25% of these children could be helped. Kiwanis’ alliance demonstrates the huge commitment to “serving the children of the world.” Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease – Lyme Disease is caused by bacteria usually transmitted by deer tick. This affects the brain in many ways, most commonly, a disturbance in cognition. There are many other terrible symptoms and without early antibiotic treatment, a complicated course of long-term problems can occur. Sadly, treatment is very expensive but if not treated, a person can be affected to up to a lifetime. The rash that comes with it is ugly!
Queens College's Service Spotlight Hello to all my Circle K’ers of the NY District!! Service Week is the week that we devote it to service and do everything possible to contribute to our International Partners and/or just doing what we do but even on a greater scale. QCCKI has participated in a few service deeds that have brought us together in the Common and ongoing goal of making ourselves better for the community. Sunday was the Glendale Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, where our sponsoring Kiwanis held a wonderful breakfast for the attendees of the Sacred Heart Church. We made our way to the church and we were ready to help out fellow Kiwanians. They have been so supportive of us that it makes it so much more worthwhile to repay them for all their support. While the mass had entered the church area, they were happy to see that we served them nice, fluffy pancakes, sausage, and a good ol’ cup of orange juice. It was fast paced too because there were a lot of people who came to enjoy it and to spend more time with their family & friends. Wednesday, we hosted our 1st Annual QCCKI Service Fair, where we held a smorgasbord of service projects such as decorating bookmarks, making Boo Boo Bunnies, sock/handbag puppets, dog toys & bead bracelets. We even had our own “Make you own cupcake/cookie station” during the event. We even went out to offer the baked goods throughout campus during the evening hours; that’s how enthusiastic we are when it comes to our bigger events. With all that enthusiasm, people on campus became more open to our cause and we got our club’s publicity out there to our fellow classmates. The event was a success and we will be planning to do this again. Thursday, for the Six Cents Initiative, we hosted water pong. It is a much cleaner version than beer pong and people still came and played to their hearts’ content. We illustrated how we can sometimes be so wasteful with water and less-developed countries are forced to survive without clean water. The Six Cents Initiative promotes the very low amount of funds it requires to provide clean water which saves the lives of so many. Everyone had fun, including the fraternities on our campus. We laughed and made jokes about it being water instead of beer. Some of our instead even joked about it being vodka. In the end we had a lot of fun & we raised so much money for that event. Everyday we're servicin'!
Service Fellowship
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Announcements! Dates to keep in mind: May 28th – Memorial Day Parade with Glendale Kiwanis June 2nd – June 3rd – Fort Totten Relay for Life June 9th – Soap Box Derby (Jackson Heights) – Bayside High School Relay for Life – Baldwin High School Relay for Life th June 10 – Forest park rail/fence rebuild during the Dog Run – Maspeth Kiwanis Street Fair th June 24 - 27th – CKI's Large Scaled Service Project June 27th – July 1st – CKI's International Convention ** For more info on any of the events listed above, feel free to contact me directly so that you don’t miss out on some great events, especially a week in New Orleans!
INFORMATION TO COME IN NEWSLETTER 2 : NYCKI Salutes our Soldiers, service spotlights, promotion of K-Family relations and more! Joseph Aiello is running for governor! For the 2010-2011 service year, he was awarded the status of Super Distinguished Lieutenant Governor to the Queens West division. This year, he is serving as Queens College Circle K’s Kiwanis advisor and he is doing an incredible job. He helped organize Kiwanis One Day and provided members a chance to rebuild the Glendale community garden while building strong K-Family relations. He has been involved in the KFamily since 1995 and has made huge contributions ever since. As LTG, he helped charter two new Key Clubs, two new Builders Clubs and two new Aktion Clubs. This is an outstanding accomplishment and I know that many of us have already had the chance to work with these newly chartered clubs that are already achieving so much. If you haven’t had the chance to work with Joe Aiello yet, I highly encourage it. Feel free to contact him at joa9014@nyp.org, or myself