Final K-Fam newsletter

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Volume 1. Issue 3. March 2012

Marketing & Kiwanis Family Relations: End of the year issue To members of the incredible New York District

Welcome to the final edition of the Marketing & Kiwanis Family Relations newsletter for the 2011-2012 service year. Serving as your committee chair for this service year has been so rewarding and I strongly encourage all of you to consider applying either this chair position or to work on the committee this coming service year. This year, clubs within NYCKI were educated on the branches of the K-Family, other than Circle K, and they worked closer with their K-Family counterparts. Although this year is ending, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want copies of any of the resources that were released earlier this year so that you and your clubs can continue to build these priceless bonds with your K-Family counterparts. We have done so much and in this newsletter you will see our annual report for the number of hours and events that were considered “K-Family� events and hours, based on the Me (right) and my NJCKI

MPRF's that were sent in. You will also find a number of service spotlights from

K-Family Relations counterpart,

various members from our district as well as remarks from the NY District Key

Cristina Trecate!

Club Division 8 LTG, Antonio Xu Liu. Enjoy, congratulations for all you've done and best of luck for the upcoming year. Let's celebrate at our District Convention on the weekend of March 23rd! Yours in K-Family love, Kely Chan

NYCKI Marketing & K-Family Relations Chair

Contact me: E-mail: Phone: 718-757-5687 Facebook:



District K-Family Goals! This year, the Marketing & K-Family Relations committee set a goal of 200 service projects with the K-Family. As of the February MPRF's, we are at 109% of our goal. In other words, we have surpassed our goal! Here's the breakdown: April: 36 service projects May: 39 service projects June/July: 19 service projects August: 6 service projects September: 17 service projects October: 27 service projects November: 41 service projects December: 13 service projects January: 3 service projects February: 17 service projects Total: 218 service projects

Congratulations to each of you who have participated in these K-family events this service year. I hope that you have been able to build stronger relations with other members of the K-Family and become friends with them. Keep it up carry this onto the new service year! Leadership


Special Congratulations to... For completing the most K-Family events since this “competition� began in October. They have completed a total of 28 K-Family since the beginning of October to this day and have worked with every branch of the K-Family. I know that they will continue to do so as we move forward into the new service year. In fact, one of their recent service projects with K-Kids, Aktion Club and Key Club is featured Adelphi University Circle K at Rutger's Dance to Eliminate!

on page 5 of this newsletter.

Adelphi has chosen to not accept the ice cream social. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Circle K and Queens College Circle K came very close in terms of number of service projects, 12 and 13, respectively. QCCKI chose not accept it either and therefore, RPI will be awarded an ice cream social. They have attended many of their Kiwanis club's meetings as well as worked with their sponsor Kiwanis club to put together a great apple pie fundraiser to support RPI Relief: Hurricane Irene. Not only did they work closely with Kiwanis, but they also worked with their local Key Club on an anti-bullying seminar. They have taken full-advantage of being a part of the K-Family and because of this, built strong relations with their K-Family counterparts. Congratulations!



Service Spotlights (1)! 1st Annual Walk for K.P.T.C Dylan Gross, Five Towns CKI President

On Saturday, February 11, 2012, members of the Kiwanis Family from Long Island and the New York City area came together at the Pratt Center of LIU Post for a K.P.T.C. Walk, put on by the K.P.T.C. Service Leadership Committee. The Gym quickly filled up with members of K-Kids, Builders Clubbers, Key Clubbers, Circle Kers and Kiwanians, and a good time was had by all. While most people walked the elevated track, all in attendance had a chance to have some fun with their fellow Kiwanis Family members with some knockout basketball, tattoos, origami, musical chairs, tug-o-war and more! We even heard some music that Kiwanis Governor Bill Risbrook played with B.T. Express, a funk, R&B and soul group that was mainly popular in the 70’s and 80’s. With a fee collected at the door, sales by various groups and general donations, the Kiwanis Family and the K.P.T.C. Service Leadership Committee was able to raise $4000 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. This kind of thing always happens when you work on projects with your local Kiwanis Family, so make sure that you invite them to your events, and they’ll invite you to theirs!



Service Spotlights (2)! On March 16, 2012 the West Hempstead Court Aktion Club held its very first fundraiser. They chose to hold an art show to raise money for the Eliminate Project. Ever since the Aktion Club was chartered in 2007, they members have done service at every one of their meetings. Key Clubbers from Division 6, and Circle Kers from Adelphi University always come down and work with the members as they do these projects, which usually involve creating some kind of craft project which can be donated to someone. This year however, the Aktion decided to turn their arts and crafts skills into a way to save babies. The Aktion Club has been working on different kinds of art for the past three months which include decorating wooden Mardi Gras masks, sponge art, and tissue paper art. At the Art show these pieces were raffled off to raise money for the eliminate project. Members from every branch of the Kiwanis Family were in attendance, and K-Kids members were even there to walk around and serve appetizers. With the amazing art from the Aktion Club members, and the spectacular support from the Kiwanis Family, including a $300 donation from the G.C. Tech Key Club, the Art Show was able to raise $923 to help vaccinate women from maternal/neonatal tetanus. Each of these vaccines will not only save the lives of these mothers, but also their future babies. One of the Aktion Club members, and our featured artist for the evening, Jason said that “It feels nice knowing the my art is going to help save babies.” Jason not only did art with the Aktion Club, but as feature artist, did some of his own sketches which were auctioned off by way of silent auction. His 12 pieces alone raise $145 toward the project. “This project was a success beyond my wildest hopes,” exclaimed West Hempstead Court Aktion Club Advisor Diann Forquinon at the end of the event. Not only did the club raise a lot of money, but it really gave the members a chance to feel like their work has made a difference. Rickie Santer, AUCKI VP NYCKI Eliminate Ad-Hoc Chair



Final Announcements: A Key Clubber's view on the K-Family, NYDKC Division 8 LTG, Antonio Xu Liu: With the obvious thought that Key Club International is not merely a copy nor version of “community service” clubs that have formed throughout high schools, comes the question, “Why is KCI different than other service clubs?” As the world’s oldest and largest student-led organization, KCI is an organization that no solely seeks to focus on service, but rather on creating and bettering leadership among communities, schools, and homes. When KCI is mentioned what should come to mind is service, leadership, and inclusiveness; inclusiveness in such a sense that individuals of all different backgrounds are accepted and given the equal chance to become part of such an organization. One other large factor that distinguishes KCI from other mere “clubs” is the idea that there are individuals from all age groups ready to support us, whether it be from the local college or the local elementary school, Circle K Clubs, Builder Clubs, Aktion Clubs, K-Kids Clubs, and most importantly of all, Kiwanis Clubs, are always more than eager to either lend a hand or ask for a hand to be lent. The importance of relations amongst all branches of the Kiwanis Family is such a large one, it is one of the main reasons why the organization has become so large as not just a network, but more as a family. Without the support that radiates from the smiles and hearts of all individuals of such branches, Key Club International members all around the world would not be so united and willing to make a difference in homes, schools, and communities, and much least be able to uphold the motto, “Caring—our way of life.” With the importance of involvement, Division 8 of the New York District Key Club has done much to support its local clubs of other branches; such clubs including the Queens College Circle K at their annual Rock to EliMiNaTe and The Eliminate Show and even the Long Island Circle K division and their Murder Mystery Dinner, with all its proceeds used to support the Kiwanis Family’s new initiative in partnership with UNICEF, the ELIMINATE Project.

Everything Antonio states on behalf of KCI is true for CKI as well because we are not 6 different clubs, we are one family and as he stated, building relations amongst all branches is what differentiates us and the other “community service” clubs out there.

Thank you for an amazing service year! Leadership


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