First Intermediate reading Quest Second term

Page 1

Content Unit (9) My Clothes (10) My Body (11) Shopping (13)Day By Day (14)Food (15) Countries

Lesson (2) (2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2)

The Quest Fashion 2X2-2=2 Just Arrived Use it Well Stop! What You Eat! Amazing Europe

Unit 9

Lesson 2 Reading

Fashion Introduction You are a designer at ( Dior ) fashion house .

Task Draw a figure : a)- cut clothes item from magazine or else where and fix them on the figure.

B)- Draw clothes item on colored paper then fix them on the figure.

OR Introduction You are a mother and you have a baby. You are going to dress her/ him.

Task Dress a doll as you like.

Process: To finish this assignment go through phases 1 and 2

Resources:  

Work sheet 1 Pupil’ book page 5

Resources: 1- Pupil's book 2- work sheet . 3-materials.

Evaluation: 1- Students will be evaluated on finishing ….. b- Dressing the figure.

Phase 1 (pre- reading): -Scan the passage for the following information.

family members


clothes items

B)- Match the words with their suitable pictures:

sunglasses skirt hat shoes





Phase 2 (while –reading) 1)-Pupil's book page 5 A)-Find the picture for each paragraph. B)- Name the person in each picture.

2)-Put (√) or (x): 1- Huda is wearing a white skirt and a pink blouse. 2- Ahmad's brief case is brown . 3-Mr. Al Ali is wearing a blue jeans and a cap. 4-Jamal is wearing a white thobe and ghotra.

Phase 3 (post- reading) Present your project to your classmates.

( ( ( (

) ) ) )


Unit 9

Lesson 2 Reading

INTRODUCTION: On the first day at school, I entered my class. I talked to Tahani. I went to another class . I found Tahani sitting among the students !!! TASK: Choose one of these tasks to do with your group: * Make your album in which you gather twins’ pictures. * Tell how a mother can distinguish between her twins. * Tell a story you know about twins.

PROCESS: Before starting the task, do phases 1 & 2.


PHASE 1 ( Pre-reading ): Scan the passage for the following information: paragraphs

lines colours

names of people

body parts

names of countries

* Find out differences and similarities.

* Are there twins in your family? What do they look like? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

PHASE 2 (While - reading): A. Read the passage, then answer the following: Do the (True) ( False ) exercise on page [ 17].

B .Find the opposites of: old # …………………

straight # ….…………………

C. Answer the questions below: 1- What do some boys call Shadi at school ?...................... 2- What does Shadi look like ?............................................

D. Choose the suitable answers : 1- Rida is in [ Kuwait - Syria - Iraq ] . 2- Shadi is Rida's [ father - brother - cousin ] .

PHASE 3 ( Post-reading ] : Now start working on your task . 

Remember each group will be evaluated on working together and how well their task is.

Introduction: Shopping fever for Eid has started and people have started rushing to different markets and malls to buy new clothes for Eid.

Task: Choose one of the following to do with your group:  

Write about a specific mall, telling the advantages of shopping from there. Make a list of what you need for Eid and where you can find them.( Don’t forget to name your favourite mall )

Process: Before doing the task ,go through task 1 and 2 with your group.

Resources:  

Worksheet 1 Pupils books page 27.

Phase 1 (pre-reading): Sara lost her son in a shopping center. Help her find him by quickly scanning the following :

There are …….paragraphs Their titles are : …………………………………. …………………………………

Two gerunds : 1…………………….

Para. 1


Para. 2

A name of a famous old souq a name of a country……………….. Para.1


a name of a city………………………

In malls, you find r…………………. and b…………………

Para 2

Phase 2 (while reading): Do part A and B in pupils’ book page 27

Classify the pictures according to the correct list:

Old pots

traditional clothes

A tent

make up


a blouse

A trouser


Phase 3 (post reading): Present your task to class

a skirt


Introduction All of the world's clocks are on vacation for a week.

Task With your group, write about routine of a school day without a clock. or Design a power point presentation about your daily activities.

Process: Before doing the task with your group, go through phase 1 and 2.

Resources:  

Work sheet Pupil’s book

Evaluation : Students will be evaluated on answering the work sheet and finishing the task with their groups.

Phase 1 ( Pre-reading):

Scan the passage for the following:



•It is ........ oc'lock


•......... .........


An adjective of a religion


the times shown in the clocks

meals of the day

Match words with their opposites:






wake up



Phase 2 (while- reading ): -Do questions 1 – 2 – 3 in Pb. page 46 Read,then mark the statement with True or False: * Time always stops and goes back.



* Time is not important.



* It is Islamic to use time wisely.



* Time is a valuable blessing.



Phase 3:( Post- Reading ): Present your task.

Stop! What You Eat! Unit: 14 Grade: 1

Introduction: You eat breakfast from your school cafeteria everyday. The food is eatable but not nutrients, you wish your favorite food was sold there.

Task: Write a letter to the school’s cafeteria in which you list your favorite food and convincing them to put it on the menu. Be sure to use specific reasons and examples from food pyramid to explain why?!!

Process: Go over phases 1 and 2 before doing the task

Resources: * Work sheet 1 * Pupil’s book page 56

Phase one [pr- reading]: Scan the passage to complete the following :

Group number

There are

four includes

……. Groups in


the food pyramid.


In our bodies t……………., b…………. , m……….

Match the kind of food with what it gives us:

[ [

Give us ] B vitamins ]Calcium


]build our muscles


] Good sugar

Kind of food 1- Fruit 2- Meat 3-Milk 4-bread

Phase 2: [while- reading] Do part B in your book page 56

Phase 3 [post reading]: With your group, write the list of food you want to be available in your school cafeteria . Make sure that you select them according to the food pyramid.

Evaluation : Students will be evaluated on working in groups and in presenting a nutrient list of food.

Unit: 15 Grade: 1

Introduction : You won a trip to Europe, you went there and your trip was amazing. You enjoyed different kinds of weather.

Task : Make a presentation about different activities done in different seasons.

Process: Start by phases 1 & 2 before doing the task.

Resources 



Pupil's book on page 45 ( reading passage )

Phase one ( pre-reading ) : a) Match the words with their suitable pictures : 1) rainy 2) hot 3) cold 4) windy b) Find out a name of : 1- a season : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2- a country that has a forest : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Phase 2 ( while-reading ) : Choose the main idea for the passage : a. Deserts in different countries. b. Weather in Africa. c. Summer in the African continent.

Put [ T ] or [ F ]: 1-It always snows in Cameroon. (


2-South Africans wear heavy clothes in winter. (


Phase three ( post-reading ) Make your own presentation about different activities done in different seasons.

Evaluation : St. will be evaluated on : 

making a presentation about the four seasons .

Filename: Directory: Template:

First Intermediate reading Quest Second term C:\Users\areej\Desktop\quests\intermediate word C:\Users\areej\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Nor

mal.dotm Title: Subject: Author: TOSHIBA Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: ‫ م‬04:33:00 2010/04/23 Change Number: 2 Last Saved On: ‫ م‬04:33:00 2010/04/23 Last Saved By: areej Total Editing Time: 1 Minute Last Printed On: ‫ م‬04:33:00 2010/04/23 As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 15 Number of Words: 1,222 (approx.) Number of Characters: 6,972 (approx.)

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