Second secondary reading quest _ second term_

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Content Unit



( 2 )The story of oil


( 2 )The Modern Saudi Postal System

A refreshing Drink

( 2 )Tea

Muslims in China

( 2 ) Muslims in China

Shopping Health Care

The Quest What ! No oil! You've Got Mail! Fill It to the Top Everlasting Religion

( 2 )From Souqs to One stop Shopping ! Supermarkets ( 2 )The Progress of Arab Medicine

It's Happening Again

Unit: 1 Oil

lesson : 2 Reading :The Story of Oil

What! No oil! Introduction: While you were travelling, your car needed petrol. You came by a gas station and the worker said "haven't you heard! NO MORE OIL". This makes you imagine how the world would be without oil.

Task: Prepare a presentation about another alternative fuel other than oil.

Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) scan the paragraphs to complete the first worksheet. 2-Phase two (while reading) Read the passage and complete the second work sheet. 3-Phase three (the Presentation) Students should prepare a presentation about another alternative fuel other than oil.

Resources: 1-Work sheets 1-2. 2-Pupils books page 2(The reading passage)

Evaluation: 1- Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups. 2- The presentation.

Phase One (Pre-Reading): 1- How many paragraphs are , lines are there ? ……………………………………………………………………

2-Find in the passage :1- Names of two chemical substances . ……………….. …………… 2- Oli products . ……………….. …………………. …………………….. 3- Places where oil is found . ……………………. ……………………….. 4- A kind of gas which we use for cooking . …………………………..

3-Match :-

_______ 1- rubber

_______ 2- plastic

_________ 3- gasoline

4-What do you think the passage is about ? ……………………………………

Phase Two: ( While –Reading ) 1) Work in groups to complete the following mind map :

Where can oil be found ?

2) Classify the following items into : oil products or non oil products ( Toys – water – pens – furniture – balls – meat –clothes - milk )

oil products

Non oil products

Phase three: (Post-Reading) 1. Research for one of the fuel alternatives and find information about it ( what is it , how does it work , where we can get it) 2. Present it to the class supporting your presentation with necessary pictures and comparisons)

Unit:2 Communication

lesson : 2 Reading: The Modern Saudi Postal System

You've Got Mail! Introduction: My friend Susan is in London. I've known her for 20 years. I used to write letters to her before. But now I use different way ….guess what?

Task Write an e-mail to a friend living outside Saudi Arabia.

The Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) (puzzle game) scan the paragraph then complete the first work sheet. 2-Phase two (while-reading) Read the paragraph and complete the second worksheet. 3-Phase three (post-reading) Write an e- mail

Resources:  Worksheets 1-2  Pupil's books pages ( 23-24 ) ( the reading passage )

Evaluation: - Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups. - Write an e-mail to a friend living outside Saudi Arabia.

Phase One (Pre-Reading): A puzzle game: What's the title of the passage ? ………………………………………………………… How many paragraphs, lines are there? …………………………………………………………… Find in the passage: 1. Name of person………………….. 2. Years……………………………………….. 3. Name of cities………………………….. 4. Numbers………………………………… 5. Countries …………………………… 6. Continents……………………………… Rearrange the following ideas: 1. The processing of S.A. mail 2. Saudi Arabia mail today 3. S.A. mail services in the past 4. Electronic mail 5. Express mail service 6. SPE in the future

Phase Two: (While –Reading) 1.


Complete the following sentences:  Nowadays, mail must be processed by …………………….. Electronic mail can reach to ……………….foreign countries. What are the two services that have been introduced by SPE?



3. What was wrong with the postal service in Saudi Arabia before 1932 ? 4. Before 1932 there was …………………………………………………………………………

Phase three: (Post-Reading) Write an e-mail to your friend with the latest events in your life.

Unit: 3 A Refreshing Drink

lesson : 2 Reading : Tea

Fill It to the Top

Introduction : You are working in a tea company. The company is holding a competition for designing a slogan and a new packaging for its production.

Task: Design a slogan and a tea package for a tea product.

Process: 1-Phase one (Pre-reading) Treasure hunt: Scan the paragraph then complete the first work sheet. 2-Phase two (While-reading) Read the paragraph and complete the second worksheet. 3-Phase Three (Post –reading) Design a slogan and a tea packaging for a tea product.

Resources: 1- Worksheets 1 + 2 2- Pupils book pages 43-44 ( the reading passage )

Evaluation: 1-Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups. 2- Design a slogan and a tea package for a tea product.

Phase One (Pre-Reading): Help the tea taster to go through the tea plantation by answering the following :  1-What do you think the passage is about ? --------------------------------------------------------- 2- How many pictures, paragraphs and lines are there? ---------------------------------------------------------------    

Rearrange the topics according to the paragraphs. The biggest tea drinkers. ( ) The beginning of tea drinking. ( ) The story of tea bags. ( ) Different kinds of tea. ( )

Find in the passage:  A name of an emperor. …………………………  A name of a ship. ………………………………  A name of a tea business owner ………………

Phase Two: (While –Reading) 1-In groups, fill-in the table: Kinds of tea

2-Match the figures in (A) a) 1904 b) 1.650 c) 5000 d) 350 3-On the map below,

Reasons for choice

A with the information in B : (B) ( ) discovering tea. ( ) the appearance of tea bags ( ) the average of tea drinking in Britain mark the countries where tea grows:

Phase three: (Post-Reading) Design a slogan and a tea package for a tea product.

Unit:4 Muslims in China

lesson : 2 Reading : Muslims in China

Everlasting Religion Introduction: Your father has been promoted to be an ambassador in China . Your family is going to live there .

Task: Write a report about Muslims in China .

Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) Treasure hunt: scan the passage then complete the first worksheet. 2-Phase one (pre-reading) Read the passage and complete the second worksheet . 3-Phase one (pre-reading) Write a report about Muslims in China.(include information about estimated number of Muslims, mosques , religious freedom, schooling, any other related information)

Resources : 1- Worksheets 2- Pupils' books page 66 -67 3- www.qada encyclopedia .com

Evaluation : 1. Students will be evaluated on answering the questions and working in a groups. 2. Presenting the report to the class.

Phase One (Pre-Reading): 1-What is the passage about ? 2-Write the words under each picture : [shaking hands –bowing – dome ]




3-Find from the passage : A city A language A season A mosque 4-How many paragraphs, lines are there?........................................

Phase Two: (While –Reading) 1. Write ( T )or ( F ) for the followings : a. Islam reached China before 700AD. ( ) b. All visitors were expected to bow to the Chinese emperor. ( c. The Arab messenger's punishment was death. ( ) 2. Give the opposites of the following : death # ………………….. refuse # …………………. defeat # ………………….. different # ……………….. 3. Complete the following diagram life


Muslims in China



4.Complete describing a mosque from paragraph 4: A mosque has ................. on the roof , ……………….in its corners , ……………… inside it . It has one ……………….. to call for the prayer time and ……………….. to pray towards it.

Phase three: (Post-Reading) Write the report about Muslims in China .


Unit: 5 Shopping

lesson: 2 Reading : From Souqs to Supermarkets.

A Supermarket Adventure Introduction: You are hired by Al-Danube Supermarket to work as the manager of the customer service office.

Task: Suggest a list of changes which makes shopping at the supermarket easier.

Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) Do the treasure hunt by scanning the paragraph then complete the first worksheet . 2-Phase two (while-reading) Read the paragraph and complete the second worksheet . 3-Phase three (post-reading) Present the list of changes to the class.

Resources: 1: Work sheets 2: Pupils books page 82

Evaluation: 1. Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups. 2. Present the list of changes to the class.

Unit:6 Health Care

lesson: 2 Reading : The Progress of Arab Medicine

It's Happening Again Introduction: "It happened in 1918, it happened in 1957, it happened in 1968, it happened in 1977 and it is happening again now in 2009. Either a pandemic or epidemic of the flu occurred worldwide or in individual countries .

Task: Create a flyer to increase people's awareness of the ( swine flue) and include tips of precautions.

Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) Do worksheet 1 2-Phase two (while-reading) Read the paragraph and complete the second worksheet . 3-Phase three (post-reading) Create a flyer to increase people's awareness of the ( swine flu) and include tips of precautions.

Resources: 1- Worksheets 1 + 2 2- Pupils book pages 43-44 ( the reading passage )

Evaluation: 1-Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups. 2- Presenting the flyers to the class.

Phase One (Pre-Reading): Facts finding Put ( √ ) or ( × ) for the following statements: 1- The passage talks about the middle ages contributions to Medicine.( ) 2- Arab medical achievements passed to Europe around the seventeenth century. ( ) 3- There were hospitals at the time of the early Arab caliphs. ( ) 4- People's health in Arabia was poor after Islam. ( )

Phase Two (While-Reading) : A) What do the following words refer to: 1- Line 4 It ………………………………………. 2- Line 9 them ……………………………………. 3- Line 16 their …………………………………….. 4- Line 25 They ……………………………………. 5- Line 37 Their ……………………………………. 6- Line 46 They …………………………………….. B) Answer the following questions: 1- What kind of diseases that spread in hot climate? ……………………………………………………………………………… 2- Where did the Arabs get their medical ideas from? ……………………………………………………………………………….

Phase three: (Post-Reading) Create a flyer to increase people's awareness of the (swine flu) and include tips of precautions.

Filename: Directory: Template:

Second year reading quest ( second term) C:\Users\areej\Documents C:\Users\areej\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Nor

mal.dotm Title: Subject: Author: areej Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: ‫ م‬04:34:00 2010/04/02 Change Number: 9 Last Saved On: ‫ م‬12:14:00 2010/04/05 Last Saved By: areej Total Editing Time: 143 Minutes Last Printed On: ‫ م‬12:14:00 2010/04/05 As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 12 Number of Words: 1,773 (approx.) Number of Characters: 10,110 (approx.)

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