Third secondary reading quest _ second term_

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Content Unit


The Quest

English Literature

( 3 ) Great Expectations

Your Life is Your Choice Hard work , More Opportunities History Makers

Universities in Saudi (3) Universities in Arabia Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul (3) King Abdul Aziz Rahman Al-Saud bin Abdul Rahman AlSaud Saudi Explorers in the ( 3 ) Saudi Explorers in Antarctic the Antarctic Calligraphy (3) Calligraphy King Fahd’s Project for the Extension of the Two Holy Mosques

(3) The Expansion of the Holy Mosque At Makkah AlMukarramah

90 Degrees South Can You Crack the Code An Amazing Green Dome

Unit : 1 English Literature

lesson : 4 Reading : " Great Expectations "

Your Life Is Your Choice Introduction : You are reading the story ( Great Expectations ) in your English classes. The story inspires you and makes you think about your future.

Task: Draw a mind map for your future life then write a few lines about what you want to be in the future.

Process: Phase 1 – ( pre reading ) scan the story and complete the first work sheet Phase 2- ( while reading ) read the story to complete the second work sheet Phase 3- ( post reading ) Draw a mind- map of your future life then write a few lines about what you want to be in the future.

Resources: 1- Work sheets 1-2 2- Pupils books page 6 ( reading passage )

Evaluation: 1. Students will be evaluated on fishing the worksheets in groups . 2. draw a mind-map and read their finished work in the class.

Phase one (Pre- reading) A-Read the introduction , then fill in the spaces . 1- The name of the novel ----------------------------2- The author --------------------------3- The main character -------------------------------

B- How many sections are there? -----------------------C- What are the subtitles? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Match the words : ( A) 1- Orphan 2- Strict 3- Kind

(B) Pip's sister Joe The prisoner Pip

Phase two (While reading) A- In groups , Re-arrange the events of the novel . ( ) Pip was sent to London for education. ( ) Pip gave food and drink to a prisoner. ( ) Pip had a successful career. ( ) Pip worked with his friend in the insurance company. ( ) The prisoner died in prison before he was hanged. B- Choose the suitable answer: 1- Pip was brought up by his ----------Parents sister the prisoner 2- The prisoner was sent to ----------------England France Australia 3- Pip had a successful career because of ------------------his efforts fortune his sister C- T/ F Exercise on pupil s book page ( 8 )

Phase three (post reading) Draw a mind map of your future plans then write a few lines about your plans.Present your finished work in the class.

lesson: 4 Reading: Universities in Saudi Arabia

Unit: 2

Hard Work, More Opportunities Introduction: In a few months you are coming to a turning point in your life. You are at the gate of the university with so many opportunities.

Task: 1. Choose the major you would like to enrol in. 2. Find information about this major ( where to study & work – how to study and apply). 3. Decide which university you want to enrol and justify . (say why?) & present it to the class.

Process: Phase 1 – ( pre reading ) Do the treasure hunt . Phase 2- ( while reading ) Read the paragraph and complete the given worksheet Phase 3- ( post reading ) Present their choice to the class.

Resources: 1. Work sheets 2. Pupils books page 22 ( reading passage )

Evaluation: 1. Students will be evaluated on fishing the worksheets as a group . 2. The presentation.

Phase one (Pre- reading) 1-What is the title of the passage ? ………………………………………………………………………… 1-How many paragraphs ,lines are there ? ………………………………………………………………………… 2- What are the subtitles ? 1-………………………… 2-………………………… 3-………………………… 4-………………………… 5-………………………… 6-…………………………

Find in the passage : 1- The opposite of male # ………………..… 2- a year ………………………… 3- a city …………..……………… 4-a number ………………………. 5-a degree ………………………... 6- a symbol ………………………. Match each University with correct symbol : 1.King Saud University ____________ KKU 2.Al .Qassim University ____________ KSU 3.King Khalid University ____________ QU KFU

Phase two (While reading) From the passage, rearrange the following universities according to the years of establishment (from the oldest to the newest):

12345678910Phase three (post reading)





1. Choose the major you would like to enrol in. 2. Find information about this major ( where to study & work – how to study and apply). 3. Decide which university you want to enrol and justify . (say why?) & present it to the class.

Unit: 3 King AbdulAziz

lesson: 4 Reading: King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul

Rahman Al-Saud

History Makers Introduction While you were in a computer shop, you found a new exciting software called ( Biography Maker).You want to try it to write a biography of your ideal .( a great leader )

Task: You will write a short biography or design a Power Point presentation about a great leader with the title " History Makers "

Process: Phase 1- (Pre- reading) Treasure hunt : Scan the paragraph then complete the work sheet . Phase 2- (While reading questions) Read the paragraph and complete the given worksheet . Phase 3- ( Post reading) Write a short biography or design a PowerPoint presentation about the life and achievements of a famous leader.

Resources: 1. Worksheets 1 + 2 +3 2. Pupils book pages 35 – 36 ( reading passage )

Evaluation: 1- Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups .

Conclusion: You have a real role model to look up to .

Phase one (Pre- reading) 

Help Dora the Explorer to pass the gates of the Fort by answering the following : Who do you think the passage is about ? ----------------------------------------------------------------

Rearrange the topics according to the paragraphs .

 AbdulAziz's character . ( )  AbdulAziz's childhood . ( )  AbdulAziz's great adventure . (


Find in the passage :  An animal. …………………………  A month . ………………………….  A country ………………………….  A city . …………………………….

Phase two ( While reading) Read the passage and complete the following timeline with dates and events:

Supply the synonyms for the following from the passage :  Well- Known = ……………………………………………….  Unfriendly = ………………………………………………….

Phase three ( post – reading) : 1. Choose one great leader . 2. Complete a time line about his / her life. ( you can use the one above). 3. Write a short biography about him her and present it to class.

Unit: 4 Saudi Explorers in the Antarctica

lesson: 4 Reading

90 Degrees South Introduction: The year is 2050. The earth has become dangerously overcrowded. New lands must be explored. You are commissioned to explore Antarctica to see if habitation is possible.

Task: Do one of the following tasks:

Task 1 - a brochure on the dangers of the Climate in Antarctica and clothing required expeditioners. Task 2 - a "flip card" describing an Antarctic animal . Task 3 - a set of rules to protect Antarctica to be given to visitors.

Process: 1-Phase one (pre-reading) Scan the paragraphs to complete the worksheets.

2-Phase two ;( while reading) Read the passage and complete the given work sheet.

3-Phase three (the Project) First you’ll be on a fact-finding mission. Based on the information you gather, your group will do one of the given tasks.

Resources: 1-Pupils books page 28(reading passage) 2.Work Sheets

Evaluation: 1- Students will be evaluated on finishing the worksheets working in groups . 2- finish one of the tasks and present it to the class.

Phase One (Pre-Reading) : 1- How many paragraphs , lines are there ? ……………………………… 2-Write the subtitles of the passage by using the mind map:

The subtitles 3-Match the words with the suitable pictures:1-Cold,icy climate 2-The Antarctic 3-Skiing

4- Sledges

Phase two: ( While –Reading ) Work in groups to complete the following mind map:



The plan

The journey to Antarctica

Supplies &equipments

The route First :……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………. Second…………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………. Third………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………. Fourth……………………………………. ………………………………………………. Fifth……………………………………………… ………………………………………


South Pole

3-Phase three (the Project) First you’ll be on a fact-finding mission. Based on the information you gather, your group will do one of the following tasks : Task 1 - a brochure on the dangers of the Climate in Antarctica and clothing required expeditioners. Task 2 - a "flip card" describing an animal of Antarctica. Task 3 - a set of rules to protect Antarctica to be given to visitors.

Unit : 5 Calligraphy

lesson : 4 Reading

Can You Crack the Code? Introduction: Calligraphy is at the heart of any culture. Different cultures have their own calligraphy. You are assigned to be a member of handwriting expert group.

Task: Choose a language and design a message using that language calligraphy . You may convey this message on any chosen object : cup , T- shirt ,poster, flip card.

Process: phase 1 – Treasure hunt scan the passage then complete the work sheet. phase 2 – while reading read the passage and complete the given work sheet phase 3 – the project

Resources: 1- Worksheet 2- Pupils' books page 64. 3- Websites links for different scripts ( chinese) ( Japanese) (hieroglyphics)

Evaluation:  Students will be evaluated on answering the questions and working in group .  Making the code and translating the message into English.

Phase one: pre-reading 1-What is the passage about?........................................................... 2- How many paragraphs, lines are there?..................................... 3- Match the words with the pictures: [typewriter –frame – ink - version]




4- Find in the passage: a book a year

a religion

a country

Phase two: while reading 1. Write ( T )or ( F ) for the followings : a. There are many different scripts in English . ( ) b. Gothic script was developed in Italy . ( ) c. The Arabic calligrapher can use three different scripts . ( 2. Write the name of the script for each of the following :

English English ----------------------------Phase three :( post reading)

English ---------------

Choose a language and design a message using that language calligraphy . You may convey this message on any chosen object : cup , T- shirt ,poster, flip card.


Unit : 6 lesson : 4 Reading The Expansion of the Holy Mosque At Makkah


An Amazing Green Dome Introduction: You live in another country and you came to Saudi Arabia for Omra. You visited Prophet Mohammad's Peace be Upon him Mosque.You are amazed with what you have seen.

Task Write a report about your visit and what have amuzed you the most and present it to the class.

Process: phase 1 – (pre reading) Do Worksheet 1 phase 2 – (while reading) Read the passage and answer the questions on worksheet 2 phase 3 – (the Report) Write a report and present it to the class.

Resources: 1- Pupils' book page 80. 2- Websites links for different scripts

Evaluation:  Students will be evaluated on answering the questions and working in groups .  Presenting the report to the class.

Phase one: pre-reading (facts Findings): 1. Read the facts below about the expansions of the two holy mosques true or false. 1- The holy mosque in Makkah has been enlarged eight times. ( ) 2- The Mosque has been enlarged two times under the Saudi rein.( ) 3- King Fahd Laid the foundation for the expansion in 1408Ah.( ) 4- There are four main entrances to the Holy Mosque.( ) 5- A new escalator has been built to help elderly people.( ) 2. What is the passage going to be about, Write three ideas?( ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Phase two: while reading: 1- Read the passage and complete the given table with the changes happened to the Holy Mosque in Makkah after the expansion: Size Number of floors Number of entrances Minarets Escalators Water Power & Ventilation 2- Review your answers to facts findings questions.

Phase three :( post reading) 1- Find information about the expansion of the Holy Mosque in Maddinah. 2- Write a report about the amazing changes that amused you the most and present it to the class. Do not forget to support your report with pictures and graphs.

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