July 6th, 2011

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July 6, 2011 Volume IX Issue 13

Postal Customer

Tricia’s Trader

OVER PIES IN 12,500 CO ! GROWING D N A . . . PRINT r Northern e v o ll a s u Find Montana.




$10.00 ds! Classifie

Attention Brides! Bridal Clearance Sale! Save up to 50%! Sale extended til July 16th. Blushing Brides, Havre. See page 6.

“Tricia’s Trader” is July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 Phone 800-756-1817 * Email: office@kimmel-kreations.com www.Kimmel-Kreations.com (Don’t forget the dash!) FAX: 888-796-8498

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EASTERN REGION: Tasha is happy to help you if you live in one of these counties: VALLEY PHILLIPS DANIELS ROOSEVELT SHERIDAN RICHLAND

CENTRAL REGION: Wendy is back at work and ready to serve you if you live in one of these counties: HILL BLAINE PETROLEUM FERGUS JUDITH BASIN

WESTERN REGION: Brandon would love to help you if you live in one of these counties: CASCADE CHOUTEAU LIBERTY PONDERA TETON TOOLE GLACIER

Tasha Hines 800-756-1817 x104 406-654-7157 (c) Email: east@triciastrader.com

Wendy Warburton 800-756-1817 x102 406-262-3185 (c) Email: central@triciastrader. com

Brandon Billsborough 800-756-1817 x103 406-470-4927 (c) Email: west@triciastrader.com

Joplin Inverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre Chinook Cleveland Harlem Fort Belknap Turner Zortman Dodson Malta Saco Hinsdale Glasgow Nashua Fort Peck Park Grove

Wolf Point Jordan Lewistown Roy Junction Grass Range Hobson Stanford Chester Geraldine Square Butte Denton Great Falls Shelby Dunkirk Galata Conrad Valier Choteau Dutton Fairfield Simms Sun River Vaughn Sun Prairie


Classifieds, Classifieds, EVERYWHERE! Pg.

Ad Placement Form.........11 Classified Ad Rates.........11 Community Spotlight.......... ...................Keep watching! Conservative Cow Dr...... 14 Cowboy Poetry by............ 5 Fred Liese “He Said . . . She Said”....... .................... back next time Index............................... 24 “Laugh Lines”...................... .................... back next time “Money Talks” Financial Column............... 7 Realty Section.................. 8 Rodeo Roundup............. 13 Subscription Request......11 Sudoku........ back next time “Things to Know”.............. 4

Thanks for reading “Tricia’s Trader!”

The next issue of Tricia’s Trader will be distributed Wed., July 20th. Ad Submission DEADLINE is Wed, July 13th at 9am.

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

Bass Auction Co. for all your trailer needs: PJ Trailers-flatbeds, pickup flatbeds, Carry-On Cargo Trailers, Travalong Stock Trailers, HiQual Portable Fabric Buildings. We have something for all your needs. Bass Auction 406-538-8709 For Sale: Dream Home with A View! .58 acres located in Korb’s Southview Subdivision near hospital in cul-desac. Includes city water & sewer to curb box. Call Jeanie Cole (406) 945-0931. 6-II

Turn that unwanted Gold into CASH! Or, trade in for jewelry. Heirloom Jewelers, Havre, 406-265-2522, www. heirloomjewelers.com. 6-II

FBR )%5 80 ACRES in Blaine Co. 5 miles East of Harlem. 70 Acres of irrigated hay, 10 Acres of pasture & trees. Fenced with good Pheasant and Deer hunting area. Terms Possible $80,000 FREEZE OUT LAKE PROPERTY 139 Acres in the heart of Freezeout Lake Area! 20 Acres of irrigated barley combined with grass pasture creates an upland bird & pheasant paradise! 2 year-round streams running thru this property and newer pole barn with corrals and round pen make this a must have for any avid hunter! $240,000 1714 / 1716 FRONT Commercial Opportunity located on Fort Benton’s Historic Missouri River Levee! Constructed in 1998 to replicate “Old West” store fronts, this approx. 4620 sq/ft complex currently houses a beauty salon, insurance company, bookkeeping business, & a newly expanded coffee shop/eatery. $292,800


1426 Front Street, Fort Benton, MT (800) 406-0046

For Sale: Hyster 9000 lb. lift, new hard tires, side shift, propane, $6000. Allis Chalmers 3yd. front loader, diesel. 1992 double bucket Altec. 1994 23ft. Freedom 454 big block, inboard, outboard. 1977 4-door 1 ton Chevy dually, new engine, new tires. Call 406-861-2740 For Sale: NATIVE BLANKETS & ARTWORK, Knives, Saddles, Buckskin & Furs, Sweetgrass, and Sage. 10% off all Framing and Matting! Check it out at Big Sky Images, Havre Holiday Village Mall. 6-II

For Sale: N. Havre house, well maintained, for $65,000.00. For showings call Sheila Forshee 406-262-4842. 6-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13...............................................................................Tricia’s Trader

THINGS TO KNOW: July 8 & 9, Fri. & Sat.: BLAINE CO. CAR CRUISE and DRIVE-IN MOVIE. For i n formati o n, contact Matt Langford at 357-2470. Preregi s trati o n, $30; Day-of regi s trati o n, $35. July 14-17, Thurs.-Sun.: BLAINE CO. FAIR. See ad for detai l s . July 21 - 24, Thurs.-Sun.: GREAT NORTHERN FAIR. 4-H exhi b i t s, ni g ht shows, Rodeo, Youth Rodeo, carni v al , open tal e nt stage and great food. Good foods, 4-H l i v estock competi t i o ns, aucti o n and petti n g zoo. Fun for the whol e fami l y. July 21 & 28, Thurs.: HOMEBUYERS ED CLASS. 235 Fi r st St., Havre (use West entrance and go to the 2nd l e vel meeti n g room), 5pm to 9pm. Reg. $20 per person. Al l cl a ss materi a l s and di n ner provi d ed. July 21 & 24, Thurs.-Sun: Marias 4 County Fair. Carni v al , chi l d rens acti v i t i e s, entertai n ment, parades, arts and crafts, exhi b i t s, fi r eworks, food and dri n k, musi c , horse show, l i v estock show, rodeo, amusement park. Fun for al l .

Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read! Call 379-2377 or email kimmelkreations@yahoo.com. For Sale: Rem. #700 BDL 300 Win. Mag. 4x Leupold, Sav. # 24 OU 30-30/12 ga, Dayton 1hp motor 110/220 1725 rpm. 7-I

Attention Vendors: Commercial booths available at the Blaine Co. Fair! July 1417. For more info, call Susie 357-3742 or 799-5684. 6-II

We Sharpen Human & Animal Clipperheads! Jim Fox 406-799-4919

Kent Fox 406-750-2902

For Sale: ‘05 ASV RC 100 skidsteers-$24,999. ‘05 ASV RC85 Skidsteer- $27,999. Great for all your summer clean-up from all the rain damage. Give Bass Auction a call to find out more about these great machines. 538-8709. 7-I:8-I Wanted to Buy: Batteries. Will pick up. Also scrap iron and cars. 654-1964. 4-II:10-I

July 6, 2011.............................................................................Volume IX Issue13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

Photo courtesy Meryl Rygg McKenna, Lewistown News-Argus.

COWBOY POETRY BY H. FRED LIESE Fred Liese makes his home at the edge of Black Coulee near Turner, Montana. Raised on the Big Flat, he finds plenty of “inspiration” in the people and things around him every day, and Fred’s brand of entertainment has earned him a large following throughout the US and Canada.

Montana gals are pretty Some are downright sweet Here’s a kind and gentle story She’s slender and petite.

Kathy’s Law

Her husband’s in the Army They found a dwelling place They raise three precious daughters They’re on a military base. Home is where the heart is You’ve heard that phrase before In the center of a mother’s heart, There’s a family to adore.

God bless our military Our freedom, it survives Thank you for your service And, hey, God bless your wives. Fred Liese Tricia’s Trader, © 2011

A NOTE FROM FRED: This one is for Kathy (Howard) Liese at Fort Lewis, WA… I want to wish you all a happy Fourth of July.

Brought to you by:

Ride with the #1 car insurer in

A husband placed out overseas A family home alone Alerted by her neighbor, She’s on the telephone. Then the plot, it thickens Suspense, it really grows A culprit’s making entry It’s through a window that he chose. But through his time of planning, He failed to realize That an opening much larger, It would accommodate his size.


Anthony Cammon FSS LTCP, Agent 1728 2nd Street West Havre, MT 59501 Bus: 406-945-9000 Toll Free: 888-945-9002 anthony.cammon.rt6m@statefarm.com

With competitive rates and personal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trust State Farm . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. ®


Kathy stepped out in the darkness She evened up the score She welcomed the intruder He felt the two by four.


July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

Have Customer wanting to purchase a dry land farm within 50 miles of Great Falls, MT. With the strong grain prices this would be a good time to sell some land and work towards retirement. For a confidential discussion or meeting call Shane Ophus @ 406-788-6662 or Mark Pyrak at 788-9280. 7-I Come see the professionals at Performance One for all your Automotive and Diesel Repairs. We have a wide range of performance parts and accessories for you to choose from. Call Mike Copenhaver at 357-2901 or stop by 428 Indiana, Chinook. 6-II James Cooler Horsemanship Clinic July 14-16 at Bear Paw Veterinary Clinic, Havre. Colt starting through all levels of riding experience. Call for more information or to reserve a time 406-945-2969 or vist www. coolerhorsemanship.com. 7-I

For Sale: Ruger mod. 77 Hawkeye .300 Win mag Nikon 3-9x40 BDC scope, new, plus extras, Reduced to $867.99. Call cell 403-1804. 5-II:7-I

MONTANA MADE FENCING PRODUCTS. Treated set posts, drive posts, and rails. Tony’s Post Frame, 538-2000. 7-I Mirage Massage: A professional massage experience offered by A.K. Barnard, licensed by State of MT. $28 for 1/2 hr. or $55/ hr. makes this a great deal! Call today at 406-230-2575 or email miragemassage@hotmail. com. Serving Valley/Daniels Co. areas. Portable table/ products brought by therapist, references available. 7-I Wanted to Buy: Mower and auger attachment for a compact tractor. Call (406) 945-2969. 6-II Farm Equipment for Sale: Retiring & selling our Tractors, farm trucks, gates, swathers, balers, bale wagon, mower, plows, hay handlers, tanks, gates, land plane, gooseneck flatbed, rake, leveler, buck rake, manure spreader, squeeze chute, stock trailers, garden tractor, calf table, roto tiller, generator, welder & piano. Near Chinook. Call Craig for prices-will dicker, 619251-8030. See our display ad!

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

Money Talks

By guest contributor Greg Dugdale of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Havre, Montana

LIVING TRUSTS: FACT AND FICTION Living trusts are powerful estate planning tools that can help many people. Living trusts provide certain advantages that are not available with other estate planning devices. Living trusts are a way to manage and control property during life and distribute property at death. They are not, however, a cure-all. Disciples of the living trust abound today. They tout the advantages of living trusts with the fervor of a television evangelist. Let’s separate the facts about living trusts from some of the fiction that is being advocated. First, it is necessary to understand the nature of a living trust. Technically, living trusts are “revocable inter vivos” trusts. If a trust is “revocable,” the person who establishes the trust can change all or any part of the trust, so long as that person is competent. “Inter vivos” is Latin for “during life.” At death, the living trust becomes irrevocable. Assets owned by living trusts generally are not included as part of the probate process at death. Probate is the court proceeding by which a deceased person’s assets are gathered and distributed to his or her beneficiaries. Fact or fiction, avoiding probate is always desirable? In a strict sense, this is fiction. Probate can be an expensive and time consuming process. However, many states have adopted the modern Uniform Probate Code that substantially streamlines the process. Also, there are some situations in which a probate proceeding may be desirable. Fact or fiction, living trusts always save money during administration of the estate? By avoiding the probate court, living trusts may save on the associated attorney fees and court costs. However, there are still income and estate tax returns to file and legal, administrative and asset transfer work to do. This claim is not fiction, although it is hyperbole. Fact or fiction, living trusts save on estate taxes? Fiction. Living trusts do not necessarily save federal estate taxes. Estate tax saving provisions can be incorporated into living trusts. However, those same provisions can be incorporated into a will. Therefore, living trusts do not offer any inherent tax saving advantages. Fact or fiction, living trusts are private? This is largely fact. By avoiding the probate process, you can keep the distribution of your assets private. Also, if the trust is funded (i.e. assets have been transferred into the trust before death) the size of the estate can be kept quiet. Note, however, that some transfers, notably real estate, are always public. Note also that the probate process in many states prohibits outsiders from learning what assets are part of the estate’s inventory. Fact or fiction, a living trust can help in the event of incapacity? Fact, provided you have either placed assets in the trust before incapacity or a device exists to place your assets into the trust in the event of incapacity. Another device, the durable power of attorney, can be used in some cases as a less expensive alternative to the living trust when planning for incapacity. A trust is not appropriate for every individual. You should discuss the advantages of a trust with your estate planning attorney if: 1. you are the parent of minor children, 2. you desire privacy, 3. you own real property, 4. your estate is in excess of the applicable exclusion amount, and 5. you wish to avoid probate. The living trust is an important tool that provides many advantages. Living trusts are not, and never have been, a panacea. It remains important to work with an experienced estate planning attorney and evaluate all alternatives before adopting an estate planning strategy. This material was prepared by Raymond James for use by Greg Dugdale, Branch Manager of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.


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R-value of 6.6 per inch. Seamless, water resistant foam insulation works great for steel shops, exterior walls, pipes, attics, and crawl spaces. This closed cell foam insulation is a great choice for these long Montana winters.


Foam Roofing is a seamless water resistant roofing that has a 15 year warranty from leaks and damage caused by the elements.

234 Front Street z P.O. Box 902 z Shelby, Montana 59474 406-434-5211 z 1-800-585-5212

Contact Tel Colburn of Colburn Insulation

406-434-5506 - Home

406-390-0169 406-654-1427

Russ Seubert, Agent

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader



Sheila Forshee, Agent /LVWLQJV IRU 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO DQG /DQG skforshee@onewest.net (406) 262-4842 - Havre, MT www.northernlandandrealty.com

1150 14th Ave - Havre

1361 Lincoln Ave - Havre 5 bed/3 bath, sprinkler system, a heated workshop, two car garage, fenced yard, a wonderful back yard deck, a master suite, big bedrooms and family room. $259,900

Heated three car garage, corner lot remodeled in 1997. Large kitchen and a large laundry/computer room. A Must Sell. $240,000

210 6th Ave - Havre Commercial property with stable commercial tenancy.


517 2nd St - Havre Shop is 3,456 sq ft and office is 1344 sq ft. Does have an upstairs that is 1344 sq ft.


/$5*( 6+23 2)),&( %8,/',1*

OXEN YOKE INN 1224 West Main, PO Box 58 Lewistown, MT 59457 Phone: (406) 538-5162 www.gardenre.com Rick Dyck, Broker/Owner: (406) 350-5162


/$5*( 6+23 2)),&( %8,/',1*



Well constructed building in Hobson, MT, measures 46’ X 80’ with 16’ sidewalls. Shop area includes 3 large bays, ½ EDWK KRW ZDWHU UDGLDQW Ă€ RRU KHDW EHG EDWK VWRU\ OLY LQJ TXDUWHUV KDV VT IW $VSHQ WRQJXH JURRYH ZDOOV <RX WUXO\ PXVW VHH WR DSSUHFLDWH ,QFO ORWV DQ 59 KRRN XS &DOO 5LFN WR VHW XS DQ DSSRLQWPHQW WR YLHZ WKLV unique property.

Brand New Camaro For Sale: New 2010 Chevrolet Camaro, SS, V8, Auto, Metallic Blue, Sunroof, FACTORY REBATE! $37,000 (Less Rebate) Call (406)228-9325. 7-I

Planning a party, wedding, or reception? Call Colby’s Creative Party Planning: I will do the party for you! Will organize, plan from start to finish. 357-2197. 7-I

406-353-2511 Find us at the south end of Main. If we don’t have it, we can get it! Charlie & Kay Brekke, Owners

For Sale: McNabb cross pups from ranch working parents for sale. Sire is 7/8 McNabb and 1/8 Catahoula and the dam is 1/2 Blue Heeler and 1/2 Border Collie. $75/ea Call 406-366-2230 or 538-8655.

Love to Cook? Sign up for the Cook-Inn at Virgelle. Practice your gourmet cooking with a Dutch oven and over a classic western campfire. Saturday July 23rd beginning 1pm. “Tuition� includes Cooking Classes with Chandee Bomgardner and delicoious dinner. $75/person for an afternoon and evening of FOOD, FRIENDS, & FUN. Options include “student� discounts on accommodation and antique purchase. For information call 1-800426-2926 or 378-3110. 7-I

For Sale: Hesston 1014 hydro swing 14’ single sickle, $2,590. Call Larry at 357-2211 or rainbowsales$mtintouch. net. 7-I Culvert for Sale! Multiple sizes & lengths. From 4� to 60�. Plastic or steel. Call before your neighbor does! Pacific Steel, Havre. 265-5824. 7-I PC FAIR OPEN RODEO in Dodson MT, July 23rd, slack @ 4pm, main performance @ 7pm. ENTRY DAYS ARE JULY 12TH &13TH FROM ONLY 7PM-9PM. ENTRY PHONE 654-2920. 7-I

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

The PHILLIPS COUNTY FAIR is just weeks away!! 4-H events, Premium and open Class Display/Judging, Carnival, Food and Merchandise Vendors, Midway Entertainment, GLEN TEMPELTON in Concert, Family Fun Day Events at the Areana, Sheep Riding, Open Rodeo, AMX Races, Demolition Derby. Visit www.phillipscountyfair.com for fair information, updates and entry times. 6-II Build a business on your terms representing the luxury and style of Touchstone Crystal! Training. Free product credit. Schedule parties with friends, family, neighbors & coworkers and start earning immediately! Contact June Hesser pardigras@ bresnan.net (406) 262-7783.

For Sale: RUANA KNIVES! CASE XX KNIVES! WESTERN KNIVES! Huge selection of hard-to-find, USA-made Schrade OLD TIMERS & UNCLE HENRYs. We also buy knives. Big Sky Images and Collectibles, Havre Holiday Village Mall. (406) 788-7210. 6-II

Great Falls Wellness Weighs, Evergreen Mall 406-454-1000 6pm - June 28, July 12, & July 26 Malta Wellness Weighs, NEW Location! 47177 Hwy 87, Suite 1 654-4140 5:30pm - June 21, July 5, & July 19 Lewistown, Complete Health & Allergy Center, 366-6321 6pm - July 6 & July 20

0$ 6 /20$ &$)( Food that is worth the drive!

Convenient Call In Drive Thru

Pizzas, Nachos, Burgers, Fries, Chicken, and Shakes

406-739-4400 Along Highway 87 in Loma

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 10

Japanese 4x4 Mini Trucks

in Stock Now! Tired of HIGH GAS PRICES?

40-50 mpg! 4 wheel drive, clean, low mile trucks! Call to reserve your truck now, delivery available.

406-434-2005 - Shelby, MT

Reeds Ag Enterprises in For Sale: 1996 Mazda ProteTurner is now a Wheatheart ge’, 1.5L gasoline, tranny bad, dealer for NorthCentral Monneeds replaced. $500. Call 357tana for parts & equipment. 4201 for more information. x Call 406-379-2386. 3-II:10-I


1 265-460

Reasonable Reliable Insured License #8829

8969 Hwy #2 N.E. Havre, MT 59501

July 6, 2011.............................................................................Volume IX Issue13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 11

For Sale: 1992 Toyota Tercel, 1.5L gasoline, 2 door coupe car. Motor bad, needs -replaced. $500. Call 406-357-4201. x

Hey! Looking for a good building mover?? Call Dale Freitag 654-1123 or Dan Liese 3792320. Prompt, experienced, competitive pricing. 4-I:7-II WANT TO PLACE AN AD?

PUBLISHER’S COMMENTS The publisher does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any advertising herein, and all representations or warranties made in such advertising are those of the advertisers and not the publisher. Every effort is made by Kimmel Kreations to never knowingly accept advertising that is deceptive or misleading. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. The publisher is not liable to any advertiser herein for any misprints in advertising not the fault of the publisher, and in such an event, the limit of the publisher ’s liability shall be the amount of the publisher ’s charge for such advertising. All advertising for the sale, rental, financing, insurance and appraisal of residential real estate are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Kimmel Kreations will not knowingly accept any advertising which is in violation of this law. All advertising layouts and designs and portions of the same that are produced by Kimmel Kreations, LLC are the sole property of Kimmel Kreations, LLC and may not be reproduced in any form unless written authorization is obtained from the publisher. “Tricia’s Trader” is published bi-monthly by Kimmel Kreations, LLC, 2000 Country Club Road, Turner, MT 59542. Copies of “Tricia’s Trader” are distributed free to the reader in public locations, and by subscription service for a minimal charge to those requesting mailing service. All material copyright 2011.

NOTICE: The opinions and ideas expressed in articles and advertisements in ‘Tricia’s Trader ’ are those of the author or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, Kimmel Kreations, LLC. Material in articles or advertisements should be considered general reading and should not be construed as professional advice. All information should be carefully researched by the reader, and the reader assumes all responsibilty and risks associated with any action taken based upon information in an advertisement or article.

+A+3>381 >23<. </+.381 ,/09</ 79@381 98 >9 >2/ !98>+8+E= 0?>?</

To place a classified, just fill out the form below and mail it to Tricia’s Trader, 2000 Country Club Road, Turner, MT 59542.


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For Sale: Double Bull Archery Blind. Normally $400, selling for $329. Call JR’s Tackle, (406) 353-4850. 6-II


See prices on 2! Page 5

$26.95 $48.95

For Sale: 234+ acres, plus 2,380 sq. ft.+/- 5 bedroom 2 bath home with large living/dining room. 1,440sq.ft. +/- heated shop, barn & corrals. Perimeter fenced. Farm land is currently leased until 2014. Asking $189,000 (259KM6), 654-2273. M i s s o u r i R i v e r R e a l t y. c o m

For Sale: 146.35 acres of irrigated crop land just 4 ½ miles west of Malta on Highway 363. Property is in one block and with easy highway access and a good portion of this property has been laser leveled. Asking $120,000 (241YR6) 654-2273. M i s s o u r i R i v e r R e a l t y. c o m

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 12


near chinook: 1805 MF 4WD tractor 14’ Kirchner land plane 4030 JD w/duals 3PT 18’ gooseneck flatbed 540/1000 plus Du-al loader JD side delivery rake 1948M Farmall Farm Hand plus F-11 antique Eversman land leveler loader w/steel wheels 9N Fordson tractor Two 1946 Chevy 1.5 ton farm trucks NH bale wagon upright piano 830 JD swather complete antique buck rake NH 499 Hydro Swing Swather manure spreader 415 NH Disc Mower squeeze chute 277 NH Small Sq Baler 4-horse trailer 467 JD Small sq Baler JD garden tractor 510 JD Round Baler calf table various chisel plows and disc plows Round bale unroller 3pt 8-pack Farmhand Pridgeon Head roto tiller Hay Handler gooseneck 19’ stock trailer F700 Ford Dump Truck PTO generator 3 gas tanks with frames water tank various pipe gates welder

Call for prices, will dicker.

Call Craig 619-251-8030

1-800-255-1472 toll free (406) 228-9595 fax Email: newtons@nemont.net

(406) 228-9325 business P.O. Box 391 Glasgow, MT 59230


Do you like Rhinestones? How about flip flops, bracelets, &/or hats? 3 sisters in Malta, has all that in one! You can personalize your flip flops, bracelets, & hat w/ ‘Rhinestone Ruby’ letters, symbols, numbers. Stop in or give us a call 654-2529. 7-I For Sale: Pug puppies. One fawn & 3 black. Weaned & ready! Call 379-2592 or 353-4524. 6-II

For Sale: A must sell! 2 Bd, 2 bath, LG kitchen, 3 car heated garage, basement, corner lot, and underground sprinkler system. $240,000. Call Sheila 262-4842. 7-I

Used Mowers For Sale: 1995 Ford LS 45 riding mower tractor, 42” deck, $2,899. 2006 Dixie Chopper, 44”, 38hrs. $4,799. Red’s Auto Electric Havre (406) 265-9595. 6-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 13

For Sale: 2001 Chevrolet suburban LT, leather, captian chairs, sun roof, Onstar, running boards, dark green, 143K miles, $8,995. 1998 Chevrolet 3/4T regular cab 4x4, white, 350, auto Diamond Plate tool boxes, 173K miles, $5,995. Central City Auto $ RV, 350-9484. 7-I For Sale: USED OILFIED PIPE - 1-24in od weld fittings & valves, 1-1/4 thru 6-5/8” USED RODS - 5/8 thru 1”, CABLE - 3/8 thru 1”, USED GUARD RAIL, USED 6” galv CHANNEL, NEW HDPE PIPE - 3/4 thru 4”, lengths to 12,000ft BRIDGES for pivots, vehicles, walking, rv’s, etc prices fob our yard in Great Falls or delivered 406-453-7299 or 866-683-7299 ask for Ed bigskypipe55@msn. com ask for free catalog. 2-II:8-I For Sale: Stock water tanks. Polyester Resin, no rust. 5 Colors, 6’7” long x 3’11” wide x 2’ high. Multiple use. Stockwater, back yard pools, raised Gardens, Fish tanks. $200. 654-2771. 2-I:7-II ATTN: COUNTRY MUSIC FANS!!! Glen Templeton will be LIVE in concert on Friday, July 22nd at 7:00 PM at Phillips County Fair, in Dodson, MT!!!! Buy advance tickets @ www. phillipscountryfair.com. Call 3903639 with any questions. 7-I For Sale: Aussie Pups. Blue merle’s, Black-tri’s. 379-2661. 6-II NURSING Positions Available: Hi-Line Retirement Center in Malta is accepting applications for RNs, LPNs and CNAs to join their quality, professional healthcare team. Interested persons can pick up an application/ job description from the HLRC business office or contact Cheryl Weaver, COO at 654-1190 x6013 for further info. Positions open until filled. HLRC is an equal opportunity employer. 3-II:10-I

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 14

Stay with us in Great Falls! Water Playground - nothing like it in Montana! Hot Tubs - under the Big Sky! Unique Playground!

Book your Group Event with us NOW!

Great Falls KOA Cabins & Cottages Information: 406-727-3191 We love tenters! Reservations: 800-562-6584 Fire Pits & Picnic Tables - at every site! Reserve Online: www.koa.com Family Style Bathrooms - lots of them! Outdoor Kitchens Breakfast - served outdoors every morning! Entertainment - every night! Coffee/Espresso/Ice Cream Gift Shop - full of great stuff! Store & Laundry Pedal Bike Rentals FREE Firewood!

1500 51st Street South * Great Falls, MT 59405 Sanjel (USA) Inc. is a leader in the North American oilfield services industry with over two decades of experience. Build your career and future with Sanjel!

Sanjel has positions available in the following districts: x x x x

Williston, ND (Fracturing, Cementing, Coil Tubing) Miles City, MT (Fracturing, Cementing, Coil Tubing) Riverton, WY (Fracturing, Cementing, Coil Tubing) Billings, MT (Diesel Mechanics and Electronic Techs)

Hiring for Fracturing, Coil Tubing and Cementing Service Lines 9 Mechanics 9CDL Drivers 9Equipment Operators w/CDL Sanjel offers competitive industry wages, bonus packages, and a comprehensive benefits package. Call 1.800.9.SANJEL (1.800.972.6535) to speak to a Recruiter and confirm an interview time: Sanjel (USA) Inc. 511 16th St. #300, Denver, CO 80202 Email: careers_us@sanjel.com Fax: 303.628.4178

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 15

For Sale: Used 2002 Dodge Caravan Sport, Red int., 3.36 V-6, 142K, rear Air/Heat, Power Seats, AM/FM CD, Gray Cloth Int., Very clean. Retail $5,800. Drive away price, $5,000. Call 357-4201. 6-II For Sale: 3 bedroom & 1 ½ bath home close to both schools and grocery stores. Main floor and basement thoroughly remodeled with new electrical and plumbing. Asking $85,000 (115MB6) Missouri River Realty 406-654-2273 missouririverrealty@yahoo.com. 6-II House For Sale: Clean, 2br/1bath on 2 lots. Full basement. Covered parking. Fenced. Great for animals! Partly furnished & incl NEW washer & dryer. So much more! $69k. 1/2 down, owner finance 1/2. Call 739-4384. Loma. Avail. Spring 2012. 7-I:12-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 16

Great Income Properties in Havre: 1304 4th. St. - total 3 possible bedrooms $70,000. 1314 & 1314 1/2 4th. St.: 2 for the price of 1! $90,000. Or purchase all 3 for $160,000. Also, Build Your Dream Home with A View! .58 acres located in Korb’s Southview Subdivision near hospital in cul-de-sac. Includes city water & sewer to curb box. Call Jeanie Cole (406) 945-0931. 6-II Help Wanted: Apply at Sears, Havre or call for details. 265-4720. 7-I

GLASGOW STOCKYARDS 2009 Spring • Summer • Fall

Linda & Mark Nielsen SCHEDULE MARCH - 2009 THURSDAY


- 2009


Bowles J5 Red Angus Bull Iva 7Murch & Female Production Auction & "Going to Grass" Special & All Manager • 263-7529 Class Cattle Auction

Feeder Special Cattle Auction & All Class Cattle Auction

5 12

Owners MAY

Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Auction & All Class Cattle Auction


All Class Cattle Auction

For Sale: Set of grain trailers. Lead is a 2010 Timpte 48’, 96w72h spread axle. Pup is a 2008  G lasGow 24’ Frontier. Excellent condition. s tockyards $61,000 OBO. 899-4152. 6-II I nc. 1946 - 2009

63 years of great service to Northeast Montana!


6 13

All Class Cattle Auction All Class Cattle Auction

Linda & Mark Nielsen Yearling Special Dean Barnes, Yard Manager Auction & 20 Early & All Class Cattle Auction Owners 21 Horse Great Northern LimousinAUCTION SCHEDULE All Class Cattle Auction Bull Production Auction & All Class Cattle Auction



Iva Murch 28 Thursday : July 7, 2011 Manager • 263-7529 UBar Red Angus Bull

Ed Hinton, Auctioneer


Happy Labor Day No Auction

Thursday: August 4, 2011 Area Fieldmen

All Class Cattle Auction

Dry Cow Special Auction.................... 406-228-9306No Auction Dean Barnes • Cell 406-263-1175

Production Auction

- 2009 Ed Hinton........................ 406-893-4462SEPTEMBER • Cell 406-783-7285 JUNE - 2009 Yard Manager 26 Thursday:EdJBarnes, uly 2011 Thursday•: A ugust 11, 2011 Hinton,14, Auctioneer Craig Sibley..................... 406-653-3211 Cell The406-650-8448 One and Only 3Cattle SheepAuction Auction of 2008 All Class Cattle Auction All Class Cattle Auction All Class 4 APRIL - 2009Area Fieldmen & All Class Cattle Auction P.O.406-228-9306 BOx 129• Cell • glasgOw, mt 59230 • 406-228-9306 Dean Barnes.................... 406-263-1175 Anderson Bar Triangle All Class Cattle Auction 11• Cell Ed 406-783-7285 All Class Cattle gsi@nemont.net • Website: www.glasgowstockyards.com 10 Thursday : August 18,Auction 2011 Charolais & GalpinEmail: THinton........................ hursday : July406-893-4462 21, 2011 Dean All Class Cattle Auction





Craig 406-653-3211 • Cell 406-650-8448 AngusSibley..................... Ranch Bull Production

18 All Class Cattle Auction Early Yearling Special The Big Fall Yearling Classic No Auction SUPERIOR VIDEO AUCTION SCHEDULE

17 All Class Cattle Auction All Class P.O. BOxCattle 129Auction • glasgOw, mt 59230 • 406-228-9306 &All Class Cattle Auction All Class Cattle Auction 25 Glasgow Stockyards, Inc.--Representatives for Superior Livestock Email: gsi@nemont.net • Website: www.glasgowstockyards.com Auction & All Class Eayrs Angus Bull onday uesday 24 Horse Auction and Superior Stampede Internet Auction Production Auction, Cattle Auction Auctions & Feeder Special &




SUPERIOR VIDEO Cow, Bred Heifer, Pair AUCTION SCHEDULE 9 Stock July 25-26, 2011 & All Class Cattle Auction Glasgow Stockyards, Inc.--Representatives for Superior Livestock Thursday: August 25, 2011 and Superior Stampede Internet Auction- 2009 JULY NorthernAuction Video auction Summertime McRae's Big Dry Angus No Auction Classic. Catalog Deadline July 8. Production Auction, 2 4th of July Week. No Auction Heifer & 16 Replacement Feeder Special & All Class Cattle Auction 9 All Class Cattle Auction Thursday: September 1, 2011 Thursday: July 28, 2011 Fossum-Humbert North All Class Cattle Auction All Class Cattle Auction Country "Performance to 16 All Class Cattle Auction Profit" Angus Bull Production 23 Auction Northeast 23 All Class Cattle Auction & All Class Cattle Auction Montana's Nelson Simmental & No Auction Full e c k o u Composite t W W W.30 GL A S G O W S T O C K YA R Service DS.COM Simmental/Angus 30C h THURSDAY

Bull Auction & All Class Cattle for Auction

Linda & Mark Nielsen, Owners Iva Murch, Manager - 263-7529 Dean Barnes, Yard Manager 263-1175 Ed Hinton, Auctioneer

Facility C u r r e n t M a r k e t R e p o r Auction ts!

P.O. BOx 129 glASgOw, mT 59230 406-228-9306 gsi@nemont.net www.glasgowstockyards.com

AREA FIElDmEN Ed Hinton ................ 406-893-4462 Cell.......................... 406-783-7285 Craig Sibley............. 406-653-3211 Cell.......................... 406-650-8448

Need a new Trailer? Well, Rathert Fox takes orders for new Jet Co. and Neville Trailers. Call Mike at (888)8728917 or (406)653-1350. 7-I

For Rent: Family friendly home with 3 bed/2 bath, laundry, family room, mud room, and 2-car attached garage. South of Chinook. 262-3839. 7-I

July 6, 2011.............................................................................Volume IX Issue13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 17

For Sale: 332+/- deeded acres surrounded by thousands of acres of BLM and some State land. Located on high plateau looking into Alkali Coulee, Cottonwood Creek and its tributaries. Asking $166,000 (253DP6) Missouri River Realty 406-654-2273 missouririverrealty@yahoo.com 6-II For Sale: 1996 Chevy 3500 Ext. Cab long bed, 210,037 miles, automatic, 2WD, electric door lock/windows, V8, dually, Red, $3,500 OBO. Call 228-8740. 7-I

For Sale: Grill Guard, 2006 Can’t afford a car trailDodge Pickup, $350 cash. er? Buy a tow dolly! SumAll there & papers. Call mer special $1200. D&D 673-3504 or 399-1687. 7-I Trailer Sales 265-4255. 6-II

American Garage Does

ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Electrical issues can be frustrating. Let our knowledgeable technicians help with your electrical nightmares!

Scott DePriest, Owner (406) 357-4201 534 Indiana Street - Chinook


July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 18

VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT ~ 1994 Ford Explorer, 4 X 4, 150,000 miles, one owner, runs good ~ ’90 Ford Pickup, 4 x 4, 59,000 miles, runs good ~ Ford “50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee” Tractor w/Dual Loader, new back tires-14.9 x 24, 3 point hitch ~ Model A-John Deere Tractor w/new rear tires-12.4x38, 12 volt battery, 6 speed, dual front tires, electric start, motor turns ~ Tandem axle trailer, homemade ~ 2-Horse Trailer ~ Old 2 Bottom Roll-Over Plow ~ # 5 John Deere Sickle Mower ~ 3 point blade, older

Yanmar 4x4 Diesel Loader Tractors z 4 Speed

z Axle Loc


Power Shift Trans


z 3 Point

and more!

Starting at just $8500! Delivery available.

Call 406-434-2005 - Shelby, MT

SHOP ITEMS, TOOLS & MISC. ~ Wooden Barn, to be moved, set up on ties,12’ X 16’ ~ Metal Canopy, like new, double car- 20’ x 20’ ~ FMF Computer Balancer, 3 phase, works good ~ Scaffolding ~Pickup Crossover Tool Box ~ Sun Electric Engine Analyzer Tester, works ~ Jari Mower, 3 HP, runs good; ~ Tire Chains ~ 225 Amp Lincoln Welder ~Several Log Chains ~ Mig Welder “Proxone Mig 200”, 110 Volt ~ “ Vulcan” Anvil w/stand & blacksmithing tools ~ DeWalt Table Saw w/stand ~ Cement Tools HORSE & HORSE DRAWN ITEMS ~ Craftsman metal Lathe-6” ~ Wood working clamps ~ Buggy running gear, partially restored w/good wheels ~ Craftsman wood Lathe-12” & Lathe tools ~ Wagon running gear ~Several horse collars ~ McCulloch Chain Saw, 16” w/case ~ Bench Vise-4” ~ 3-Buggy Wheels, repairable ~ Buggy Harnesses ~ 24’ Extension Ladder-like new ~ Pipe Clamps ~ Leather Chaps w/flower design, good leather ~ Coast to Coast 14 gal. Air Compressor, 3.4 cfm ~ Training Halters ~ 3 Bridles ~ Hames ~ Cinch ~ Homelite “Super 2” Chain Saw ~ Hand Saws ~ Sm Leather Horse Whip ~ New Shaves for 1-horse cart ~ ¾” Drive Socket Set ~ Craftsman Belt Sander ~ Single Trees ~ Wagon Wheels ~ Bits ~ Rope, various ~ Craftsman Router w/accessories ~ 6” Bench Grinder ~ Buckboard Buggy Seat ~ Homelite XL 12” Chain Saw ~ Craftsman Laser Trac ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ~ Craftsman Miter Saw w/stand, cuts compound, nice ~ Several Old Wagon Wheels ~ Hand Water Pumps ~ Laser Level w/tripod & carrying case, like new ~ Large Liberty Bell ~ Cream Cans ~ Coal Chute Buckets ~ 3 – Ford Motors, 2-V-8’s, 1- St 6 cy ~ Breaker Bars ~ Several old sleds w/metal running gear & wood base ~ Coleman 4000 Watt Generator w/8hp Tecumseh ~ Hero Pot Bellied Stove ~ “One Minute” wringer washer ~ Floor Mounted 4” vise ~ Lg Canvass Tarp ~ Antique Grain Scoop ~ Old Yellow tricycle ~ 2135 Rechargeable Gasless Wire Feed Welder ~ Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. double barrel shotgun-no stock ~ Floor Jack , 2 ½ T Pro Lift ~ 6/12 Battery Charger ~ “Conoco” Film Strength & Oiliness Dem. Device-in case ~ Craftsman 19.2 v 3/8” drill w/case ~ Levels ~ Ford Grill-Model A or T era ~ “Exide Batteries” Clock ~ Poulan 2 HP elec. Chain Saw ~ Hyd. Cylinders ~ Sm Radio Flyer 80 metal wagon ~ Several Old Lamps/Lanters ~ Cutting Torch w/cart, propane, oxygen, acetylene~ ~ ~ Metal Bed Frame ~ 3- Antique Phones –various eras ~ Blacksmith Forge Blower ~ Boomers ~ Old “Budweiser” metal cooler ~ 33 1/3 records ~ Pole Climbing spikes & Belt ~ Steel Post Pounder~ ~ Various old wood burning stoves w/bases ~ Bench Saws ~ 4” Channel Iron, 3 new pcs ~ 7 ¼ “ SKILL” Saw ~ Lg Hand Wood Saw ~ “Union Special Machine”-incomplete ~ Several Electric Motors ~ Sears Belt Sander ~ Blow Torches ~ Old Hand Corn Planter ~ Branding Irons ~ Makita 14” Chop Saw w/stand ~ Fence Charger ~ Old Glass Jars ~ Various old Wooden Crates ~ Teakettle ~ Several Heavy Duty Turn Buckles ~ Spud Bars ~ Childs Metal Wagon w/wooden rack ~ Ice Tongs ~ Rope Block & Tackle ~ Come-A-Longs ~ Hand Sheep Shears ~ Several Galvanized Tubs ~ Various Wood Tool Chests w/shelves for carpenter tools ~ Wheel Mounted Wood Splitter ~ Chains HOUSEHOLD & MISC. ~ 3/8” & ½” Drills ~ 240 Volt Extension Cord ~ “Liberty Bell” Dishes, 8 place setting, made in England, w/salt ~ New Iron, various sizes ~ Post Maul ~ Forks & pepper, sugar & creamer, platter ~Various Kitchen Dishes ~ Hi-lift Jacks ~ Shovels B & D Saw Protractor ~ Kitchen Table w/ 4 chairs ~ Full size Bed w/wood headboard ~ ½” Drive Socket Set ~ Wood Carving Tools ~ Hide-A-Bed Sofa & Matching Chair ~ Pro-Form Treadmill ~ Elec. Impact Wrench ~ Pipe Wrenches, various sizes ~ Coffee Table & 2 End Tables ~ Double Bull Horn Wall Décor ~ Overhead Electrical Wire Stretcher ~ 2-Jig Saws ~ Large Doll Collection all w/Handmade Outfits ~ Dressers ~ Drill Press, older ~ Small Bolt Cutters ~ Cords ~ Kenmore Sewing Machine ~ Sewing Chair ~ 13 pc Torx bits ~ Misc Combination Wrenches ~ Oak Dresser w/mirror ~ Sm White Dress w/mirror ~ 2-Fish Tapes w/winders ~ Clamps ~ Drill Bits ~ Buffalo Skull mounted on wood base ~ Various Sm Tables ~ Framing Squares ~ Fencing Pliers ~ Hammers ~ Metal Framed full size bed, painted white ~ Artwork ~ Tiller ~ Lawn Mower ~ Sickle Section Replacer ~ Misc. Yard Stakes & Ornaments ~ Hoses ~ Tackle Boxes-loaded ~ Fishing Poles *** plus several more items too numerous to mention ~ Come-A-Longs ~ Chain Come-A-Long Auctioneers Note: This estate auction will have something for everyone. Mark your calendars and come out and enjoy the auction with us. All items sell “As Is-Where Is”, without return. Bidders must rely on their own personal inspection of items. This flyer is only a guide, sale day announcements take precedence over any other information. Complete payment must be made prior to removal of any items. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. Sale managed & conducted by:

HINES AUCTION SERVICE Professional service. Competitive Rates.

Bonded, Licensed & Insured Member: MT Auctioneers Association

New Listing: 20 5th St W~Kremlin, MT. $109,900. Beautiful, single level, move-in ready home 20 min from Havre. 3 bdrm, 1 3/4 bath & 3 stall garage. Call John Carlson @ 390-1381.

For Sale: ‘08 Chrysler 300M, leather, new tires, XM, pwr sunrf. $21,100. ‘08 Chevy Colorado, new tires, bed liner, CD, pwr, great mpg! $20,500. Call Precision Auto Body 406-357-2311. 6-II Jan’s Floral in Malta has all of your gardening/flowering needs! With over 50,000 transplanted plants, take your pick. Don’t forget we do beautiful Grain Truck For Sale! 1981 bouquets for that something spe- International diesel Tandem cial! Call us at 654-1951. 7-I Grain Truck For Sale! Call Mike at (406)653-1350. 7-I


~ 406-654-2838 cell: 654-4780 Put our commitment of quality service and proven success to work for you.

Wanted to Buy: Youth English clothes & tack and Western saddle w/13” or 14” seat. Call (406) 945-2969. 6-II

For Sale: Sandpiper Sport 29 ft. 5th wheel toy hauler, great cond., ac, fueling station and generator. Call 379-2657 or 390-1374. $16,500. 5-II-7-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 19

Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor

by Krayton Kerns, DVM, State Rep. HD 58

For Sale: Used 2005 Chrysler 300 Touring, Silver, dark heated leather, sunroof, 77K, AM/ FM-CD/MP3-6disc Sirius radio. MSRP $15,300. Cash Price $14,750. Call 653-1160. 7-I

For Sale: Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 1999, Under 60,000 mi., 6 cyl, auto, AC, near perfect condition. Lists for $11,695, will accept $10,000, Frazer, MT 786-7459. 6-II

We hope you enjoy reading this feature in Tricia’s Trader. You may agree, you may disagree with Dr. Kerns’ Ramblings, but

you will always have something to discuss over dinner.

A Letter Home

Dear Dad, After 42 years, I made a small payment on a debt which I incurred one winter’s day when I was 12. Perhaps you’ve forgotten about it, but I haven’t and here is how I remember that Saturday in January. Both my brothers skied, but neither shared my insatiable passion for the sport, so you and I were the only ones in the car on the two hour drive to Antelope Butte Ski Area. Even though we weren’t calving yet, I know there were better ways for you to spend a Saturday, but while I skied, you patiently waited in the lodge. (Using the term “lodge” makes it sound like it was a mammoth log structure with a huge rock fireplace and picture window overlooking the slopes. In reality, in 1969 Antelope Butte’s lodge was the three-stall garage for the snow-cats which doubled as a warming shed and snack bar.) As usual, I skied all day, never stopping for lunch. When the T-bar lift closed at 4:00pm, I stuffed my gear in the station wagon, plopped in the front seat and drifted in and out of sleep as we rattled down the mountain. Since I was almost a teenager, I’m certain I added nothing to the conversation on the entire two hour drive home to the ranch…certainly no mention of gratitude. Years later, when I became a dad and felt the conflict between family, time and money, I’ve often thought back to that Saturday when, without hesitation or qualification, you gave me 10 hours of your time. King David explains in 2 Samuel 24:24 he will not offer a sacrifice “which costs me nothing” and because we can always make more money, but can never make more time, giving one’s time is the biggest sacrifice a father can make. This debt of one’s time can be paid both backward and forward and two weeks ago, I had the chance to pay that Saturday forward. Druann and I, plus four of our running friends had just completed a 12 mile, daybreak run along the rims in Billings. It was a great morning and we just walked in the house when Druann’s cell phone rang. “Mom, I’m in a jam.” Meagan frantically began. “My sitter is sick today, Michelle is busy moving back to the base, Tim is in Virginia for two more weeks, we admitted six new patients at work and I can find no one to watch all five kids this afternoon.” Druann listened quietly before saying “I’ll call you back.” She looked at me and explained our daughter’s phone call. “Great Falls is three hours away, so we could be there by noon when Clara and Mae get home from school. What do you think?” “Well, Meagan wouldn’t have called unless she was truly in a jam,” I offered as I thought back to that Saturday 42 winters ago. “I am not on-call this weekend and I don’t have to be at my speaking engagement in Columbus until tomorrow at 4:00. Let’s go.” In twenty-two minutes we showered, packed a bag, ate a banana and hit the road. So Dad, the ten hours you gave me has now been paid forward to Tim, Meagan and their five mini-Kimmels. I expect all seven will pay those same ten hours forward or backward when the opportunity presents itself, so the pyramid of giving of one’s time is growing. See what you started? Happy Father’s Day, from your grateful son, Kray

Read more of Krayton’s op-ed in his 350 page book, Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor - a collection of published and unpublished articles written about the life of a cowboy as it pertains to America’s freedom. Visit kraytonkerns.com to order your copy, available in softcover or hardcover signed editions. Now! Available from Kimmel Kreations, LLC: Call 800-756-1817, ext. 101. For Sale: Reconditioned woodstoves, Hurricane, Arrow Insert, Centennial, Safire, Hersey, Earth Stove, and Filson woodstoves. Some with glass on the door, and some with blowers on the back. Ask for Jerry, 452-0863. 6-II Leaky Roof? Instead of Replacing your Metal Roof, FIX IT, w/ guarantee’s up to 12 years. No slope, low slope, we’ve got a solution for your roof! Call Curt at 406.650.7500 We can also take care of your stucco restoration project for you as well!

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 20

Standing at Stud: 12.3 hand Welsh pony stallion. Triple registered. Accepting mares approx. 11-14 hands. $175 + mare care. For more info, call 357-3743. 7-I

Buying: Estates and Personal Property, liquidation services statewide. Will purchase for cash or organize your garage or estate sale. Call Corinna @390-3176. All calls will be returned and kept confidential. Need Extra Storage Space? We have available right now 10x12 storage sheds, with roll up doors, $2,100. Other sizes are available and we will custom build one for you also. Call All Seasons @ 406-228-8288

Tire trouble? See us for your farm tire needs. Pehrsons Firestone, Chinook 357-2570 or 3305. After hours 357-3807. 6-II:9-I

Help Wanted: Schwan’s Home Service Now Hiring across the Hi-Line! Great pay & benefits. Apply at schwansjobs.com. Contact Bob at (406) 265- 4420 or 945-3047. Equal opportunity employer. Relocation assistance.

Blaine County Health Dept. 357-2345 For Sale: Border collie pups, gray/white & red/white, $75 ea. Call 383-4343. Please Lv. Msg. Will return your calls. 6-II

For Sale: 2.5 horsepower Stover water-cooled hitor-miss engine. 1-cylinder. Call (406) 353-2291. 6-II

For Sale 4010 Forage Peas: Take Prevented Planting Payment? Plant forage peas for cover crop. Save on fertilizer and improve soil for this fall or next spring planting. 97.75 germination, $10 per Bu. Call 406-974-2836 or 974-3438. 7-I

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 21

For Sale: Papered 4 yr old Paint Stallion, over 16 hands, very gentle, would make good reining & cutting horse who will do anything! Halter broke. Throws awesome colts! $2000 or partial trade for well broke large saddle horse. (406) 673-3175. For Sale: Birdseed, USA made socks, horse tack, fly control, mineral, gloves, sea foam, fencing materials, about anything you might need around. Stop in and look around at Equity Coop in Malta. Give us a call at 654-2240. 7-I Like Guns? Swap Shop has a great selection of guns. Make sure to check back as inventory is always changing! Give us a call at 653-1410 or stop by downtown Wolf Point and check us out! 7-I

CITY SHOOTER’S SUPP C I R T C ELE Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign, LY New and Used Firearms, Knives and Related Accessories


kevin@electriccitygun.com www.ElectricCityGun.com

Cell - (406) 231-6320 Office - (406) 216-3003 Fax - (406) 216-3013

3017 10th Ave. S. Great Falls, MT

For Sale: All around sports ponies for children. 12-14 hands, half Egyptian Arab/ half Welsh or half POA/half Egyptian Arab. Will compete at any level and endurance riding. A&J Sports Ponies (406)673-3175 or 423-5353. Come ask for free catalog. 6-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 22

For Sale: Minnkota turbo pro 42 lb. thrust, 18ft. cord w/foot pedal, $250. 12-gauge shotgun reloader mec jr. 600, $75. Craftsman tablesaw, $75. Jiffy Ice auger w/8’ auger, $250. Ask for Jerry 406-452-0863. 6-II

For Sale: The Dyson Animal upright vacuum. Want to buy: baby crib. Call evenings. (406)357-2837.

Used Furniture and Collectibles For Sale: 2001 Silver Chevy Silverado, 1/2 ton, ext. cab, 4x4, long box, topper w/canoe rack, very clean. xtra set of near new tires. 781-4269. 7-I

For Sale: 6550 Hesston Gas swather, radio, AC, lights, 14ft. auger header, 21ft Draper header, both double sickle. Call 658-2146. 7-I

Corinna Bahnmiller

Open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday Hwy 87, PO Box 472 - Big Sandy, MT 59520 (406) 390-3176

Estate and Personal Property Liquidator crean.bean@hotmail.com usedabitantiques.blogspot.com

HOME WORKERS NEEDED NOW: Need extra income? No experience needed. No selling required. Assemble products in your home at your own pace! Many legitimate companies want to employ you now! Write for FREE REPORT! Send a long (#10) self,addressed, stamped envelope to: C & G ENTERPRISES, 425 5th Ave. S., Glasgow, MT 59230. 6-II Help Wanted: Full-time tires & automotive repair. Send resume to storfas@midrivers. com or call 538-3406. 7-I For Sale: 2006 Ford 500 Limited, Silver, Gray leather, Sunroof, 96K, very clean, 1 owner vehicle, MSRP $12,500. Drive away Price, $11,250. 60 mo. $223. 20% down O.A.C. 7%. Call 653-1160. 6-II


Plant Manager :DVKLQJWRQ $YH 7ROO )UHH

&KHVWHU 07 (406) 759-5472 (Fax) ZZZ VXSHULRUIHHGVLQF FRP 59522 For Sale: 400cc dirt bike, yellow, used very little, $4000 OBO or trade. Call evenings after 4. 357-3613. Chinook. 7-I For Sale: Refurbished propane tanks, all tanks are cleaned and painted, revalved, moisture treated, and pressure tested with propane, all tanks come with lids. Call, we are in Glasgow, MT, 665-7310 or email at rockymountainpropanetanks@hotmail.com. 7-I

For Sale: 1995 Wildwood 26ft 5th wheel camper, AC, Radio, fridg, stove, micro, sleeps 6, Pwr Front Jacks, both ball and plate hitch, fair shape, $6,800 OBO. 654-1162 evening. 7-I For Sale: Hesston Round Baler 956A $11,900. Call Larry at Rainbow Irrigation 357-2211 or email rainbowsales@mtintouch.net. 6-II

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 23

For Sale: Reduced! 2007 Dodge Nitro SXT, White, Gray cloth, 4x4, AM/FMCD, Dual Headrest DVD’s, MSRP $12,650. Cash Price $10,500. Call 653-1160. 7-I Attention Art Lovers: Stop by Montana Mountainmen Gallery in Lewistown! Originals & prints by renowned Western artists. Yogo Sapphires. A most unique store! 538-7492. 7-I For Sale: 2003 Ford F-350, Crew cab XLT, 7.3 diesel, auto trans, white, gray cloth, 125k, tow. MSRP $18,900. Cash price $17,000. Call 653-1160. 7-I

Check out these hot deals at Northern Prairie Auto Sales in Wolf Point! See our full Lineup at www.northernprairieauto.com


is here and so are the Savings! 2011 CHRY SLER 2 NEW 00

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eated ray H roof G , r e Silv r TV, Sun 36 emi, ,8 .7L H Seat, Rea ay Price $45 5 , w w w A Cre o e R iv 3rd 47,675 - Dr Lthr, RP $ MS


Limi Leath ted, Brilli ant B er lack, MSRP Interior, 3.6L N $27,16 V6, 0 - Dr av, Bost ive Aw o ay Pric n Sound e$ 25,410


oat, Q earlc to L uad, Lar line P 6 Spd Au ower a d e R 2 Ton mie, 5.7L of, V6, 45 Hem e MSRP unro $26,4 3.6L i $43,70 , 40/20/4 Lux, hr, Nav, S Away Price 0 Htd , Black 5 - Dr t e L iv r D iv d ) Lthr, e e LQ DQFHG WKURXJAway Pr Heat RP $28,195 Nav. K $OO\ % ice $ MS 37,7 DQN 09

3500 Crew , Cum SLT, 8’ Bo m 40/20 ins, Aut x, 6.7L o, /4 Cloth 0 Premiu Silver, m Be , Tec h n tor G roup Grp, Pro ch tec,R MSRP emote S tart $51,36 Drive 5 HG WKUR XJK $OO\$44,327 %






Compare vehicles side-by-side at www.northernprairieauto.com! Give Jack Nelson or Terry Fast a call today!

July 6, 2011.............................................................................Volume IX Issue13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 24



SEE STORE FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY 4,000’ 350 Lb. Baler Twine 4000-350/75386 4,000’ 400 Lb. Baler Twine 4000-400/23705 4,000’ 440 Lb. Baler Twine 4000-440/144554 4,850’ 350 Lb. Baler Twine 4850-350/380384 6,500’ 210 Lb. Baler Twine 6500-210/75383 6,500’ 240 Lb. Baler Twine 6500-240/252372 9,600’ 170 Lb. Baler Twine 9600-170/75377 20,000’ 110 Lb. Baler Twine 20000-110/75365 20,000’ 110 Lb. Single Ball Baler Twine 20000-150B/235094

Prices good through July 31, 2011

20,000’ 150 Lb. Baler Twine 20000-150/380387

16,000’ 200 Lb. Sisal Baler Twine 16000/52592 64” x 7000’ Blue Zebra Bale Wrap 64-7000EE/311459

67” x 7000’ Blue Zebra Bale Wrap 67-7000EE/311462

Right -ORLeft Rake Wheel

64” x 7,000’ Green Bale Wrap 64-6560/378179 67” x 7,000’ Green Bale Wrap 67-7000/348641

W16-801R, 802L/307985, 88

48” x 9,840’ Green Bale Wrap 48-9840/204524


711-006/61679 SECTION OVERLAP - 5 PACK ................. 13.99 904-500/61706 5/8" BOLT & LOCK NUT - 50 COUNT ....... 9.99 711-066/61727 UNIVERSAL LOW CLIP - 2 PACK .............. 7.99


14 Oz. All Purpose Lith Flex Grease Tube. 22892




Handler 140 Wire Feed Welder

Comfortable 10 ft. H-10 MIG welding gun. Operates from 115-volt standard household current. Features 4 output voltage settings with wire feed tracking and a purge setting. Range up to 1/4” 500500/244733

712-750/61745 LEFT HAND END - 5 PACK ..................... 11.99 LESS 25¢ PER GUARD IN CASE PACKAGE OF 25

712-730/61748 RIGHT HAND END - 5 PACK ..................... 9.99


711-005/61751 NEW HOLLAND OVERLAP - 5 PACK ....... 13.99

FQ215 NEW HOLLAND/HESSTON GUARD ................. 9.99 FQ218 NEW HOLLAND GUARD.................................. 9.99 FQ220 JOHN DEERE GUARD ................................... 10.99 FQ245 HESSTON GUARD .......................................... 9.99 FQ290 VERSATILE GUARD ........................................ 7.99 FQ225 ALLIS CHALMER GUARD ............................... 7.49 FQ240 JOHN DEERE GUARD ..................................... 7.99 FQ250 HESSTON/JOHN DEERE GUARD .................... 8.99 FQ260 HESSTON GUARD ........................................ 10.49 FQ221 JOHN DEERE GUARD ................................... 11.99

211-001/61754 SHAPE 2 CASE IH, N-H, N-1 - 10 PACK ... 7.95

FQ245DH HARDENED HESSTON GUARD................. 10.95 FQ215DH NEW HOLLAND /HESSTON GUARD ........... 9.95 FQ223DH JOHN DEERE GUARD .............................. 11.45 FQ218DH HARDENED NEW HOLLAND GUARD ........ 10.45

904-110/309746 RIVET ASSORTMENT ............................. 4.49


211-411/61757 SHAPE 3 MACDON, M-F - 10 PACK ......... 9.95 211-022/61760 SHAPE 1 J-D, FORD - 10 PACK ................ 8.49 211-211/61763 SHAPE 2 CASE IH, GEHL/OWAT-10 PACK 6.95 212-412/61787 SHAPE 3 M-F, N-H, MCDON-10 PACK ... 12.99 412-063/61790 SHAPE 5 VERSATILE - 10 PACK............. 15.99 232-241/61904 SHAPE 3 JD - 10 PACK .......................... 13.49 231-461/61931 SHAPE 2 CASE, I-H, HESS - 10 PACK ...... 9.49 231-211/61940 SHAPE 2 CASE, I-H, HESS - 10 PACK ...... 8.99 711-018/309734 HESSTON OVERLAP SECTION ............. 18.99


D31-132/61958 JD CLOCK-WISE DISC ............................. 7.49 D31-142/61961 JD COUNTER CLOCK-WISE ..................... 7.49


D21-192/61985 NH CLOCK WISE ...................................... 7.49

FQ240S JOHN DEERE COMBINE GUARD .................. 7.99

D21-202/61988 NH COUNTER CLOCK WISE..................... 7.49

Great Falls (406) 761-7441 • Havre (406) 265-9566 • bigrstore.com Sale prices good through July 31, 2011. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors. Prices subject to change without notice. Some items limited to stock and hand. Copyright 2011 CSWW Inc.

-8/< &25( 75,&,$67 LQGG


July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 25

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 26

July 6, 2011............................................................................ Volume IX Issue 13.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 27

July 6, 2011.............................................................................Volume IX Issue13............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 28

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