Tricias Trader, Aug. 7, 2013

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August 7, 2013 Volume XI Issue 15

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. . and IN PRINT . hern l over Nort al s u Find Montana.


I N T H I S I SSU E : L e wi s t ow n M T C ow b oy P oe t r y G a t he ri n g a n d C u t B a n k M T F un Week e n d .

w w w . T r i c i a s T r a d e r . c o m

I T ’ S G E T T ING C LOS E R!! ~ S e pt. 27-29 ~ “The Wild, Wild West!” 9 t h A n n ual C hin o o k S ugarb e e t Fe stival ...Now a 3 -day Event!!





Engine Driven Hydraulics - 3000 lb. Lift Capacity - 2 Year Warranty Optional Auxillary Hydraulics and Supplement Feeders

Paulsen Ag & Oilfield Paulsen Ag & Oilfield Service Service

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 2

Thank You! Mark Peterson for purchasing my 4-H Swine at the Great Northern Fair! Your support is greatly appreciated. Katelin Harvey. 8-I


HotsHot trucking& H&otsHot

For Sale: 9-ft overhead Cook pickup camper. Sleeps 4. 3-burner stove w/oven. 3-way fridge. Lavatory w/sink & toilet. Very good shape! Call (406) 390-4806. 8-I

Theron Paulsen 406.945.3802 Chinook, Montana

For Sale: 1997 Grasshopper riding mower, 72" deck. Call Red's Auto Electric, (406) 265-9595. 7-II Blades hair, nail and day spa welcomes you for all your hair, skin and nail needs. Also, 24 hour tanning is available. Walk-in's are welcome. Located at 4 S. 1st St. W. in Malta, 654-5585. 7-II For Sale: Used ATVs, Side-bySides, & Motorcycles. Call Red's Auto Electric for availability & prices, (406) 265-9595. 8-I For Sale: '78 El Dorado, good shape, runs well, $1,000 OBO. '68 Cadillac 4 dr Sedan DeVille, $1,000 OBO. '68 Ford F150 4 speed 4x4, $995. OBO. Call 406-654-7794. 7-II


Theron Paul 406.945.38

Chinook, Monta

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 3

CONTENTS: Classifieds, Classifieds, EVERYWHERE!

Advertising Info............... 10 Auction Calendar............ 18 Bill’s Food Corner........... 20 Comic............................. 18 Comm. Loyalty Page...... 13 Comm. Spotlight............. 22 Conservative Cow Dr...... 14 Cowboy Poetry by............ 5 Fred Liese Dave Says...................... 17 “Laugh Lines”...................11 “Money Talks” Financial Column.......................... 9 Realty Section.................. 8 Rodeo Roundup............... 7 Subscriptions.................. 10 “Things to Know”.............. 4

Vendor Show at the Bullet Hole in Malta, August 10th, 10-3. Please join us for a fun day. For more information please call Jacy, 406-654-2409. 8-I

For Sale: 2009 Pontiac Vibe L4 Wagon. AWD. 36,245 mi. Crystal Red metallic. Loaded! Call Duane Sparks Chevrolet (406) 535-3455. 7-II

Thank You Richman Insurance for buying my 4-H Market hog at the 2013 Blaine County Fair. Your support of area youth is very much appreciated!--Reece Hutton 8-I

See pg 10 to place an ad!

Classified Rates: Classified, $10 up to 8 lines $1 per line each add’l 13 lines maximum. $5 bold, $5 boxed Runs two issues.

The next issue of Tricia’s Trader will be distributed Wed., Aug. 21, 2013. Ad Submission DEADLINE is Wed., Aug. 14th at 9am.

For Sale: 1963 Chevrolet Corvair Classic. Call 406-535-6910. 8-I

For Sale: Two 18.4x30 and two 11.2x24 tires. Lots of pickup & car tires. Also 1985 C-60 Ford Truck, 18 ft. bed, full propane. And Backhoe buckets, different sizes. Also, Pressure washer, used very little. Call 406-873-4780. 8-I

Westside Self-Service Casino and Food Court, Hwy 2 W. Malta, 654-1406, carries pop, beer, wine, ice, and food. Diesel and gas pumps and propane available. Open 5am to midnight, 7days a week. 7-I:9-I


Fort Benton Realty

Fort Benton Commercial Opportunity. Nice automotive/tire repair building on prime corner location in central business district. Off street parking and storage located on property. Sale is subject to a current lease tenant. Call for more details. $145,000 268Acres On Teton River- just N. of Dutton, MT along I-15. Approx 1 mile of treed river bottom with cropland, offers great pheasant and deer hunting. $550,000 Commercial building w/ over 2800 sq ft +/- can be anything! On Hwy Frontage on just under 1 acre. Updated building formally a vet clinic, reception area could be one business and over head door could be another you decide! Situated on the edge of Fort Benton just outside city limits. This deserves a look! $160,000 HIDDEN RIVER RANCH a one of a kind property located on the north shore of the Missouri River. This 318 acres is nestled between Morony and Ryan Dams is perfect as your own private Montana ranch or a premier Montana development opportunity. Great Falls area Call for More Details $675,000 Commercial Property Approx 2500 sp ft building featuring a retail area, cold storage, plus partially fenced rear yard for security. Great Location in Central Business District. 1418 Main Fort Benton $75,000

Call Mark Pyrak at (406) 788-9280 1426 Front Street, Fort Benton, MT (800)406-0946

Creative Elements, 229 4th St. S. of Glasgow. 5 years and growing strong. New makeover, all handcrafted made in Montana. Stop in for the experience. Great variety and gift ideas. 406-214-9501. 7-I:9-II

For Sale: M&R RV Park in Sunburst. 5 RV spaces (currently all full) and 1 occupied rental trailer (one year lease). Call Rita for details, 406-937-7030. 8-I

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15...............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 4

THINGS TO KNOW: Aug. 16th -18th, Fri.-Sun.: CUT BANK MONTANA FUN WEEKEND, Wet/Dry Burnout Contest, Lawn Chair Drive-In Movie, Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast, Drag Race, Car Show, Airplane Bowling, Food Vendors. Fun for the Whole Family! Aug. 24, Sat.: MARIAS VALLEY GOLF COURSE GOLF TOURNAMENT. For more information contact: Jessica Brusven at 406-434-3246 or email: Aug. 27 & 29, Tues. & Thurs.: HOME BUYER EDUC. CLASS, NEXT CLASS, 5-9 p.m.,US Bank @ 235 1st ST Havre,fee $25,Call (406)4349161x111 to register and for more information. Sep. 27-29, Fri.-Sun.: 9th ANNUAL CHINOOK SUGARBEET FESTIVAL, Chinook, MT. Visit for details. Thurs. nights.: CRIBBAGE! 7pm. Come and play OR learn to play. Sweet Grass Lodge, Chester, Montana.

Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read! Call 379-2377 or email For Sale: 2000 Yamaha YZ 426 motorcycle. Excellent condition. $2,000 OBO. (406)374-2422. 7-II Home For Sale: Cute little house in Havre. Master suite, 3 bedrooms, and 2-car garage. $112,000. 921 7th Ave, Havre, MT. Call Sheila Forshee, Keller Williams Realty 406-2654842 or 262-4842 (cell). 7-II

For Rent: Independent Living for adults 62+ or disabled. HUD subsity available if qualified. Stop by or call Today!!! Sweet Grass Lodge, 511 First Street West, Chester, MT 59522. 406-759-5400. MTRS Relay: Dial 711 ***Equal Housing Opportunity***Handicapped Accessible. 8-I:1-II

For Sale: Farm Hand Loader. Good condition. $1,500. Call (406) 390-6670. 7-II For Sale: Great investment opportunity - 4 lots & 3 bdrm/1bath house. Live in and build on vacant lots. Close to hunting and recreation in the Sweet Grass Hills! Great potential! (406) 937-6645. 7-II:8-I

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 5 Photo courtesy Meryl Rygg McKenna, Lewistown News-Argus.

COWBOY POETRY BY H. FRED LIESE Fred Liese makes his home at the edge of Black Coulee near Turner, Montana. Raised on the Big Flat, he finds plenty of “inspiration” in the people and things around him every day, and Fred’s brand of entertainment has earned him a large following throughout the US and Canada.

Energy Efficient For Sale: 3 used tires in good condition. Michelin X Radial LT P265/65R18. Matched, even wear. 1/4" tread depth. $150 for set. Call Rob 406-724-7994. 8-I Thank You Egbert Farms of Turner for buying my 4-H Market hog at the 2013 Blaine County Fair. Your support of area youth is very much appreciated!-Rennay Watkins. 8-I

For Sale: Pellet stove w/30 bags of pellets and a pellet stove shop vac. Heats 1,000 sq. ft. Make reasonable offer. (406) 785-7080. 7-II Call Tarzan Tree for Statewide renovations, thinning and fuels reductions. 2706 or 399-0913.

Trimming shelterbelt forestry hazardous 406-6546-II:9-I

A product comes upon the scene for washing up your clothes. Throw in your greasy, grimy duds and off to work it goes. It will save you water while extracting out the grime. Just a quick reminder, that it won’t conserve your time. Insert the clothes in May and then listen to it croon. On the speedy cycle, well, it might be done by June. You want to lift the lid just to add some extra socks. It truly is impossible, as for safety sake, it locks. It comes with special features and you have no other choice. This power saving dream, well, it has a special voice. There’s a periodic thump, a type of jerk reaction Then an automotive sound as it’s begging now for traction. You thought it said a phrase and was it spoke in Latin? It brought memory to the day when they ran by Briggs and Stratton. A time to sit and meditate, - it’s a time for contemplating. It explodes into a tune of two kitties that are mating. The pause is very soothing with the water gently swishing Then you want to set the drag on a reel when you’re fishing. Alas, a smooth massage that a washboard, it enjoys Here goes a thousand troops as the infantry deploys. It gives you awe and wonder, how it saves the precious drops. The real awe arrives when the cotton picker stops. A moment to reveal, the garments they withdrew ‘em. Chalk up another awe, as the children, they outgrew ‘em.

~Fred Liese Tricia’s Trader, ©2013

For Sale: Western wear Cowboy Hats - some vintage Resistol & Stetsons. New, never-worn Wranglers Cruel Girl - Petrol - We have $79 jeans for $49! Mens & Womens. Shirts, Belts, Decor. New Wedding Dresses & Formals. Much, much more! Goodies Galore, Downtown Chinook (under the Elks Bar sign). 406-390-2801. 8-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 6

For Sale or Lease: House in Turner, located on lots 4, 5 & 6 of Block 11. New shingles 6-7 yrs ago, includes almost new $3,500 pellet stove, gas range, electric heat. No fridge, washer or dryer. Avail. immediately for sale or rent. For more info, call 406-379-2516 or 390-1929. 7-II At Large Volunteer Board Member needed to represent people in poverty for nonprofit “People Helping People” organization. District 4 Human Resources Development Council. For more info, or interest contact Executive Director, Karen Thomas at (406) 265-6743 or visit at 2229 5th Street, Havre, MT. “We are an equal opportunity employer and provider”. 8-I

For Sale: Border Collies, Hanging Tree bloodline puppies, black and white, great cow dogs. 406-357-4109, 406-945-0276. 7-II:10-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 7

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 8

3 Sisters at 101 S. 1st St. E. in Malta has something for everyone! Now selling doTerra oils. Come shop the little store on the corner with a big selection. 406-654-2529. 7-II:9-II Speedy's Backhoe Service -N- More. Cheapest backhoe in town. Call Ed or Joseph at (406) 357-3877 or (406) 945-1979 (Chinook). 7-II:1-I

Free Pallets! Harlem Radio Shack in Malta is now Lumber. During business your local Triangle Mobile cell hours only, 8-5 M-F. 7-II phone dealer. Call 406-6543639 with any questions. 7-I:9-I Hi-Line Collision: If you have dents or need a new Real Estate: Check out this paint job, we can make your week's ad on page 3 to see our vehicle look like new. Come latest listings. You can also see us at Hi-Line Collision see up to date information Repair Center, 740 2nd. Ave at Fort Benton S. Glasgow, MT or give us Realty, 1426 Front Street, Fort a call at 406-228-2433. 7-II Benton, MT (800)406-0946. 7-II

HelpWanted: FT Front Counter, The Swap Shop: Pawn Broker Parts. North Central Auto carrying a great variety of Parts, Havre. (406) 265-4393. items. Kitchen tables, guns, For Sale: 2004 Alpenlite travel games, hand and power tools, trailer. New tires, new flat and T.V.'s. Too much to screen TV with DVD and VHS mention it all. Come check player, new power hitch, power out our selection at 121 awning, ceiling fan, walk around Anaconda Street, Wolf Point, bed, power slide out room, Mt. 406-6531410. 7-II:10-I sleeps 6. 406-423-5517. 8-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 9

Money Talks

Complements of Greg Dugdale Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Havre, Montana

Key estAte PLAnning Documents you neeD

There are five estate planning documents you may need, regardless of your age, health, or wealth: 1. Durable power of attorney 2. Advanced medical directives 3. Will 4. Letter of instruction 5. Living trust The last document, a living trust, isn’t always necessary, but it’s included here because it’s a vital component of many estate plans. Durable power of attorney A durable power of attorney (DPOA) can help protect your property in the event you become physically unable or mentally incompetent to handle financial matters. If no one is ready to look after your financial affairs when you can’t, your property may be wasted, abused, or lost. A DPOA allows you to authorize someone else to act on your behalf, so he or she can do things like pay everyday expenses, collect benefits, watch over your investments, and file taxes. There are two types of DPOAs: (1) a standby DPOA, which is effective immediately (this is appropriate if you face a serious operation or illness), and (2) a springing DPOA, which is not effective unless you have become incapacitated. Caution: A springing DPOA is not permitted in some states, so you’ll want to check with an attorney. Advanced medical directives Advanced medical directives let others know what medical treatment you would want, or allows someone to make medical decisions for you, in the event you can’t express your wishes yourself. If you don’t have an advanced medical directive, medical care providers must prolong your life using artificial means, if necessary. With today’s technology, physicians can sustain you for days and weeks (if not months or even years). There are three types of advanced medical directives. Each state allows only a certain type (or types). You may find that one, two, or all three types are necessary to carry out all of your wishes for medical treatment. (Just make sure all documents are consistent.) First, a living will allows you to approve or decline certain types of medical care, even if you will die as a result of that choice. In most states, living wills take effect only under certain circumstances, such as terminal injury or illness. Generally, one can be used only to decline medical treatment that “serves only to postpone the moment of death.” In those states that do not allow living wills, you may still want to have one to serve as evidence of your wishes. Second, a durable power of attorney for health care (known as a health-care proxy in some states) allows you to appoint a representative to make medical decisions for you. You decide how much power your representative will or won’t have. Finally, a Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR) is a doctor’s order that tells medical personnel not to perform CPR if you go into cardiac arrest. There are two types of DNRs. One is effective only while you are hospitalized. The other is used while you are outside the hospital. Will A will is often said to be the cornerstone of any estate plan. The main purpose of a will is to disburse property to heirs after your death. If you don’t leave a will, disbursements will be made according to state law, which might not be what you would want. There are two other equally important aspects of a will: 1. You can name the person (executor) who will manage and settle your estate. If you do not name someone, the court will appoint an administrator, who might not be someone you would choose. 2. You can name a legal guardian for minor children or dependents with special needs. If you don’t appoint a guardian, the state will appoint one for you.

Keep in mind that a will is a legal document, and the courts are very reluctant to overturn any provisions within it. Therefore, it’s crucial that your will be well written and articulated, and properly executed under your state’s laws. It’s also important to keep your will up-to-date. Letter of instruction A letter of instruction (also called a testamentary letter or side letter) is an informal, nonlegal document that generally accompanies your will and is used to express your personal thoughts and directions regarding what is in the will (or about other things, such as your burial wishes or where to locate other documents). This can be the most helpful document you leave for your family members and your executor. Unlike your will, a letter of instruction remains private. Therefore, it is an opportunity to say the things you would rather not make public. A letter of instruction is not a substitute for a will. Any directions you include in the letter are only suggestions and are not binding. The people to whom you address the letter may follow or disregard any instructions. Living trust A living trust (also known as a revocable or inter vivos trust) is a separate legal entity you create to own property, such as your home or investments. The trust is called a living trust because it’s meant to function while you’re alive. You control the property in the trust, and, whenever you wish, you can change the trust terms, transfer property in and out of the trust, or end the trust altogether. Not everyone needs a living trust, but it can be used to accomplish various purposes. The primary function is typically to avoid probate. This is possible because property in a living trust is not included in the probate estate. Depending on your situation and your state’s laws, the probate process can be simple, easy, and inexpensive, or it can be relatively complex, resulting in delay and expense. This may be the case, for instance, if you own property in more than one state or in a foreign country, or have heirs that live overseas. Further, probate takes time, and your property generally won’t be distributed until the process is completed. A small family allowance is sometimes paid, but it may be insufficient to provide for a family’s ongoing needs. Transferring property through a living trust provides for a quicker, almost immediate transfer of property to those who need it. Probate can also interfere with the management of property like a closely held business or stock portfolio. Although your executor is responsible for managing the property until probate is completed, he or she may not have the expertise or authority to make significant management decisions, and the property may lose value. Transferring the property with a living trust can result in a smoother transition in management. Finally, avoiding probate may be desirable if you’re concerned about privacy. Probated documents (e.g., will, inventory) become a matter of public record. Generally, a trust document does not. Caution: Although a living trust transfers property like a will, you should still also have a will because the trust will be unable to accomplish certain things that only a will can, such as naming an executor or a guardian for minor children. Tip: There are other ways to avoid the probate process besides creating a living trust, such as titling property jointly. Caution: Living trusts do not generally minimize estate taxes or protect property from future creditors or ex-spouses.

This information, developed by an independent third party, has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. This information is not intended as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security referred to herein. Investments mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. The material is general in nature. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not provide advice on tax, legal or mortgage issues. These matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer, and are not insured by FDIC, NCUA or any other government agency, are not deposits or obligations of the financial institution, are not guaranteed by the financial institution, and are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2013.

Benefit Auction! Sunday, July 21st, 5pm at Pondera Medical Center, Conrad, MT. BBQ, picnic, Bobcat homecoming tickets and many other items to bid on! Call Dave with any questions or items to consign! 406-788-3242. 7-II

By Owner: 2000 Dodge Durango 4x4, silver, black leather, all power, air, cruise, tilt, NEW tires, fresh service, nice in and out. 169k highway miles, private. $4,000. Miles City, 406-230-2608. 8-I

For Sale: '09 Dodge Journey SXT SUV, only 51K Miles! SIRIUS Satellite Radio. Remote Start. Rear Back-up Camera. 3rd Row Seating. Overhead 8" Video Screen. Rear A/C w/ Heater. 6-Speed Auto Trans. $17,995. 406-265-5428. 8-I

Save The Date! Mark your calendars to park those tractors and put the work aside to head into town for the Malta Trails 2nd Annual Brewfest September 28th. "Guaranteed a great time for a great cause." You dont want to miss it. 7-II

For Sale: 14X70 Commodore 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home Steel doors, new windows, updated carpet, updated bathrooms, vaulted ceiling in open living room/kitchen. Located in Malta, MT must be moved. Call 674-5233. 8-I

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 10 2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 Phone 800-756-1817 Email: FAX: 888-796-8498

“Tricia’s Trader” is Published by:


EASTERN REGION: Welcome Jamie Jones to the Tricia’s Trader team! Jamie is happy to help you if you live in one of these counties: VALLEY PHILLIPS DANIELS ROOSEVELT SHERIDAN RICHLAND Jamie Jones 800-756-1817 x104 406-390-6386 (c) Email:

Advertisers’ Advocates

Contact one of our to place an advertisement, or contact Kimmel Kreations directly at the address above.

CENTRAL REGION: Wendy is ready to serve you if you live in one of these counties: HILL BLAINE PETROLEUM FERGUS JUDITH BASIN Wendy Warburton 800-756-1817 x102 406-262-3185 (c) Email: central@triciastrader. com

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Owner, Tricia Kimmel 800-756-1817 x101


Town: Joplin Inverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre

Chinook Cleveland Harlem Fort Belknap Turner Zortman Dodson Malta Saco Hinsdale Glasgow Nashua Fort Peck Park Grove Wolf Point Opheim Plentywood

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August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 11

For Sale: John Deere 216 lawn tractor, 48” mower, 36” snowblower, 32” rototiller, rear tire chain, rear weights, manual for tractor & tiller. 406-228-9306. 8-I Custom Swathing, Silage, Grains and Oil Seeds. Magill Farm and Field Services, Inc. Lethbridge, AB. (403)894-5400. 7-I:8-I For Rent: Daily, weekly, or monthly: 1 bedroom 1 bath duplex unit in Malta. Call 406-654-4900. 8-I Thank You Moxley Construction of Chinook for buying my 4-H Market hog at the 2013 Blaine County Fair. Your support of area youth is very much appreciated!-Melanie Watkins. 8-I

For Sale: 2002 Oldsmobile Bravada. Super Condition, AWD SUV. 4.2L V6, Auto, Air Suspension, Leather, OnStar, PW, PL, 6-Way Power Seats, Rear Air & Audio, CD/Cassette, Keyless Entry. Tilt, Cruise, Climate Control. Every Option Except Sunroof. 114,000 Highway miles. New Tires, Always Garaged, Asking $4,500. 406-799-5817. 8-I

For Sale: Jewelry: Gold, Silver, Vintage, Wedding Sets. Antique Dining Sets. Hall & McCoy Pottery. Furniture. Glassware. Housewares. Collectible Cookie Jars. Collectible Plates. Beautiful, white sofa set. Books. Rocks & Minerals. Goodies Galore, consignment, 2nd hand & antiques. Downtown Chinook (under the Elks Bar sign!) (406) 390-2801 8-I For Sale: Toy Australian Shepherd puppies. Tri female with blue eye $500, and blue Merle male $450. They are current on shots and worming. Call 654-1559. 8-I

On The Farm Service! Call Toner's Tire Rama First for all your service needs. Handle McKay and Nichols cultivator sweeps and Wheatheart grain moving equipment! Rudyard, 406-355-4131. 8-I For Sale: 2003 GMC 1/2 MT. ton, 4x4, reg cab, 8 ft box, For Sale: Registered Quarter low miles. Call Duane Sparks Horses and Angus bulls. Chevrolet, 406-535-3455. 8-I Private treaty. Call (406) For Sale: 664 New Holland 357-2367 or 357-2850. 7-II Round Baler, less than 500 bales since through Torgerson's shop. In good shape, twine only. Asking $7,500. Call 406-390-3177. 7-II Rabbits For Sale: New Zealands & Florida Whites. Wire cages made to order. Call Tom Yeager in Terry, Mt. 406-635-2683 or email 7-II

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For Sale: 2009 12x40ft., 2 bedroom modular home, fully furnished including appliances, AC, and furniture. Would make great rental or cabin and will deliver for free with in 100mi. of Glasgow asking $15,900. Call 406-263-3644. 8-I For Sale: Honda CRF50 Dirt Bike, great condition, $850. Also 18.4x34 tractor tires. Call 406-357-2123 or 357-8350. 8-I For Sale: 100KW Generator powered by Cat 3306 diesel engine. Enclosed, full instrumentation, on board fuel tank. Unit has been load tested. Slightly under 2500 hours. $11,500. Call Greg at Northwest Equipment / Warehouse 54 at 406-727-7700. 8-I Hi-Line Dragstrip, Malta, MT Race Dates 2013: State Points, July 27 & 28; August 31; Sept. 1 & 2; Sept. 21 & 22; Gates open 7:30am. Saturdays Test and Tune 9am. Sun., Time trials 9am - racing 1pm. Gate and Pit entrance $10. 7-II:9-II For Sale: 2-Bedroom, 1 bath home with garage in Harlem, MT. Nicely remodeled. Reasonably priced. Act fast! Call for more details. (406) 945-1361. 7-II For Sale: INDIAN BLANKETS & ARTWORK Sweetgrass ~ Sage ~ Furs Buckskin ~ Saddles USA Old Timer Knives Knife/Scissor Sharpening, Custom Framing, Big Sky Images & Collectibles Havre Holiday Village Mall ~~~~~(406)399-6522~~~~~ x-1

Business For Sale: Established, Local Screenprinting and Embroidering Business, Altec Graphics. Equipment, Inventory, Files -- Everything needed to start earning money immediately. Local client base and up and down the Hi-Line. Priced to Sell. Serious Inquiries Only. No realtor fees. For more information or appointment, call 406-945-3409. 8-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 13

Small Businesses...Keeping Montana Strong!

Just like “It takes a community to raise a child”, it takes small businesses to strengthen a community. Without loyal communityminded businesses, many Montana towns would be nothing more than a happy memory. These dedicated companies consistently provide jobs, industry, donations and volunteer services to the patrons who support them. They know that without a healthy economy in their town, their own companies will suffer, so they give back faithfully....When you see them be sure to say, “Thanks!”

Supporting the communities we work in... MULTI-CITY: Ezzie’s Wholesale HARLEM: Richman Insurance LEWISTOWN: Snowy Mountain Motors Lewistown Rental Duane Sparks Chevrolet CHINOOK: Jamieson Motors American Garage, LLC TURNER: Reed’s Ag Enterprises ~ Turner Supply HAVRE: North Star Dodge Custom Collision Repair Havre Muffler & Brake Havre Ready Mix, Inc.~ Baltrusch Construction, Inc. ~Havre Sand & Gravel, Inc. Pacific Steel & Recycling

R&G Quality Feeds, Inc. Montanans have long held to tradition and maintained a firm grip on the old way of doing things. That hasn’t stopped the spread of new ideas in the state – and that’s okay, too – but in Big Sky Country and central Montana in particular, we appreciate our small businesses and do our part to support them. No one understands this better than the folks at R&G Quality Feeds in Malta, Montana, where owners George & Stella Lamb, their son, Rick, and daughter-in-law, Cori, proudly serve their community and the surrounding area. R&G Quality Feeds, Inc. at 515 1st Street East provides virtually anything to has to do with livestock feed. The company stocks pet food, manufactures feed, offers custom application of fertilizer, sells chemicals, hauls grain, and also sells other items like supplements, salts, and protein tubs. Their primary customers are farmers and ranchers, though plenty of Malta residents take advantage of R&G’s stock of pet food, water softener salts, and wood stove pellets. Though stockholders in the Malta area originally owned the then-corporation, George and Rick purchased R&G Quality Feeds in 1985, departing from their management position at the Saco Dehy. Since the shift nearly three decades ago, R&G has developed into fertilizer sales, spreader applications, delivery trucks, and grain hauling. The company’s ability to provide various services to a broad range of clientele reflects the owners’ mission to continue supporting smaller operations. “We try to make sure that we meet the needs of the larger customers as well as those with smaller ranches and farms,” says Rick. Big companies tend to take care of big companies, but R&G makes sure everyone gets a fair shake. “Small ranches and farms have a more difficult time having their products or services delivered,” he says, “but everybody’s place is equally important to us.” The company prides itself on quality, both of its products and its customer service. R&G typically has from seven to nine employees who are dedicated to getting the job done, and done right. “Anybody can sell a product,” says Rick, “but we make sure that good service is provided with that product.” The small staff at R&G Quality Feeds are friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to work with their customers to ensure satisfaction from start to finish. R&G Quality Feeds isn’t just about excellent service and fair prices when it comes to supporting their community – they are also devoted to purchasing their raw materials locally as often as possible. “If the farmers raise it here, we’ll buy it here,” says Rick. On top of that, the company is active among multiple organizations in the Malta area, including 4-H, livestock sales, Boy Scouts, youth groups, and more. They support various student events and activities, and readily donate to fundraisers for organizations and family tragedies. Owners George, Stella, Rick, and Cori have built their company with service in mind. In the past few decades, they managed to expand their products and services while keeping their core values intact. Small businesses and larger operations alike have come to expect fair prices and excellent service from R&G Quality Feeds, and the company has remained steadfast in their mission. Their roots run deep throughout Malta and the surrounding area—and while R&G will continue to expand, none of their clientele will fall through the cracks. Quality and fairness, says Rick, is what his company prides itself upon. Luckily for Malta, that service will likely be around for years to come.

Tilleman Motor Co. RUDYARD: McNair Furniture

The R&G facility stands tall and ready to serve its local clientele.

MALTA: Radio Shack Malta First State Bank Great Northern Hotel & Restaurant ~ Maltana Motel Crossroads Coffee ~ Feigel Photo Liquor Haven ~ Travel Haven Mint Bar R & G Feeds HINSDALE: Stoughie’s Bar & Grill WOLF POINT: Northern Prairie Auto Sales

515 South First Street East, Malta, MT 59538 • 406-654-1530

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 14

Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor

by Krayton Kerns, DVM, State Rep. HD 58

We hope you enjoy reading this feature in Tricia’s Trader. You may agree, you may disagree with Dr. Kerns’ Ramblings, but

you will always have something to discuss over dinner.

Imagine the Conservative Cow Doctor for Czar In spite of growing public opposition, Obamacare is nearing full implementation. The noose of nationalized healthcare was designed to not be fully tightened around the public’s neck until it was futile to struggle. Various cells of opposition were granted temporary exemptions to lull them into submission and it has worked perfectly. If Congress fully funds Obamacare it will be as if the trap door on the gallows has been tripped putting America in a free-fall until the inevitable sudden jerk ends 236 years of liberty. Because Democrats have fully embraced the big government principles of Marx and half the Republicans have fully embraced the principles of compromise, I expect Obamacare will be funded. In Montana’s most recent legislative session, we had two opportunities to hinder Obamacare implementation. We failed to block the first, HB87, an “Act giving the insurance commissioner rate-review authority”. We only stopped the second bill, HB623, “Medicaid expansion,” because we adjourned before the self-described “responsible Republicans” could garner 12 more Republicans to join the Democrats and pass this Obamacare plank. Bless their little hearts. Once the federal government, particularly the Internal Revenue Service, controls your healthcare they will control every aspect of your life. Let me show you. There is no doubt America is facing an obesity epidemic and each week new surveys pop up revealing which city, state or county has the largest citizens. Because the correlation between obesity and the consumption of healthcare dollars is so direct, does it not follow the entity granting you free healthcare has the right to dictate what you eat and how

much you exercise? Of course it does. The left knows this and this should terrify rational thinking Americans. The First Lady’s war on childhood obesity is an exploratory salvo probing exactly how much government intrusion the public will tolerate. Certainly, there has been resistance, but it is mild and the left knows the populace can be indoctrinated to accept any position. If you see nothing wrong with surrendering such decisions to government, imagine if this conservative cow doctor were hired by the IRS as the national body-mass-index czar. Here is life in the Kerns house and it would likely take the full force of government down the barrel of gun to encourage you to join us. The alarm and the coffee pot trip at 3:50 every morning. Over coffee, the trophy wife and I read the Bible for 20 minutes; a pace which gets us cover to cover every year. The next 40 minutes are dedicated to strength training with free-weights and this puts us out the door for our regular seven mile run by 5:25 am. We are home and showered by 7:00 and because we have eliminated sugar and flour, our breakfast is mostly meat, fruit and vegetables; not a popular position for a politician from a state marketing wheat and sugar beets. (Obviously, I am not a politician.) This is our normal, but those of us on the liberty end of the political spectrum know it is each individual’s right and responsibility to balance their personal calories-in and calories-out equation. This is not a decision to surrender to government, yet voters have done just such. Funding Obamacare will mean it is too late for America to back down the steps of the gallows.

Thank You S&J Excavation of Turner for buying my 4-H Market hog at the 2013 Blaine County Fair. Your support of area youth is very much appreciated!-Lyndsay Hutton. 8-I For Sale: RARE KNIVES Large Selection RUANA CASE XX ~ SCHRADE Hard - to - find USA-made Old Timer & Uncle Henry Knife/Scissor Sharpening Big Sky Images & Collectibles Havre Holiday Village Mall ~~~~~(406)399-6522~~~~~

For Sale: 1998 Ford F-150 XLT. Exc. cond., 2WD Supercab Pickup with 3rd Door! 4.6L V8, Auto Power Everything, Tilt, Cruise, ABS, Air, Keyless Entry. Just over 73,000 miles. Includes Color Matched Topper. Always Garaged, Asking $7,700. 406-799-5817. 8-I We're Growing! Come work for Montana's Premier RV Dealership. Pierce RV Supercenter in Great Falls is looking to hire an RV Technician. Experience with hitch work, and basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, carpentry are required. We offer very competitive wages with a great benefits package. Please send resume to 7-II

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For Sale: Nestled against the Little Rocky Mountains on the edge of Zortman are these 160+/- acres. An excellent setting for your dream cabin or for the investor who wishes to subdivide. Asking $640,000, (206ZL6) $4,000/ acre 406-654-2273 8-I For Sale: 5 Kilowatt wind turbine elec. power generator. Complete stand-alone package, ready for power grid tie. Pkg is new in boxes. For details, call 406-230-0664. 8-I For Sale: 1967 Chevy Impala hardtop, to be restored. Have complete 350 engine, rebuilt w/ all accessories & 4-spd trans. Call 406-265-8754. 8-I


Farm w Crop w Hail


Auto w Home w Life

Our company has great hail rates and quick binding authority for your crops! 234 Front Street l P.O. Box 902 l Shelby, Montana 59474 406-434-5211 l 1-800-585-5212

Russ Seubert, Agent 406-434-5506 - Home

Prewett Interiors ~Your Home Store~ "We sell Awesome stuff!"... Decor & Gifts, too. (406)228-9844, 41prewett., 41 First St. N., Glasgow, MT 59230 Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30. 7-II Tire trouble? See us for your farm tire needs. Pehrson’s Firestone, Chinook 357-2570 or 3305. After hours 357-3807. 8-I

Home For Sale: Spacious home in Havre. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, only $145,000. Call Kim Cripps (406) 265-0905. 7-II For Sale: 2 ½ acre parcel just west of Dodson city limits on US Hwy 2. Includes two shops, water, electricity and grazing. Asking $29,950, (153FM6) 406-654-2273 8-I

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For Sale: Thirty tires, 20575R15 radial, Concord take-off. Call 406-3905627 or 379-2233. 8-I

Attention, Ladies! Would you like to get FREE Mary Kay products, just by hosting a party? Are you looking for a rewarding, established, reputable home-based business that is also FUN? I would love to talk to you! Just give me a call. Katie Merja (406) 399-0038 or email 8-I

For Lease: 120 AUMs with reservoir. August 1st. East of Lodgepole. (406)) 3532535 or (406) 399-7159 8-I

For Sale: John Deere 216 lawn tractor with: 48”mower, 36”snow blower, 32” rototiller, rear tire chains weights for back, 18 hp motor tractor & tiller manuals. $2,750 obo. 228-9306. 7-II

For Sale: 2006 Dixie Chopper LT-2000, "The world’s fastest lawnmower." 50 in. cut, Silver Eagle Series, Kohler Command 20 engine, in excellent condition. Phone 406-376-3223. 8-I For Sale: '06 Dodge Ram 1500 Mega Cab, hemi, 4x4, short box, bed liner. Call 406-538-9484. 8-I "Pit Stop" On The Farm Service: Meridian Bins, Hankook, Goodyear tires, crop chemicals, poly tanks, repairs and Much More! 3 Locations To Serve You! Galata, Chester, Inverness. Fraser's Oil. 406-292-3833. 8-I

Kirkwood Funeral Home 654-1132

Serving Northern MT from Malta

Western Styles at 7 N. 3 Av. E Malta wants to help you with all your hair and nail needs. A new addition to our shop is Chelsea Roberts a nail Tech. Liters on sale including Kenra, Joicio, Biolage, and Paul Mitchel. Stop in or call for appointment 654-2072. 7-II:9-II

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Who Is Dave Ramsey?

Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace Revisited and More Than Enough. In them, Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others. * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 5 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

Dear Dave, When is it okay to purchase a house without making a 20 percent down payment? ~Hannah Dear Hannah, When you’re willing to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI). And that’s not something you want to do. PMI costs about $75 a month per $100,000 borrowed. So, if you borrow $200,000 on a home, and you don’t put down at least 20 percent on the transaction, you’ll have to pay out an extra $150 a month as part of your mortgage payment. Private mortgage insurance does nothing for you except pay your mortgage company in the event they have to foreclose on you and they lose money. PMI is foreclosure insurance that protects the lender, and you get to pay for it if you don’t make a 20 percent down payment. In the scenario I mentioned before, that would be an additional $1,800 a year on a $200,000 loan. In a sense, that’s an extra 0.9 percent on your interest rate. That’s what it feels like. So you can see that PMI is not a positive thing. Often, a first-time homebuyer will purchase a house with 10 percent down then pay the other 10 percent as quickly as possible in order to get rid of the PMI. Stay away from it, Hannah. It’s nasty stuff! ~Dave Dear Dave, I have a close friend whose 17-year-old daughter is going to college to become a high-school band director. Her daughter wants to take out student loans to attend an expensive private school, and tuition alone over four years will cost $100,000. I feel this is a really bad idea, but I don’t know how to talk to her about this. ~Natalie Dear Natalie, I’m sure your friend and her family are nice people. But what we’ve got here is a little teenage girl who has her heart set on something, and no one has told her no in a while. You’re getting ready to help introduce a new word into her vocabulary, because what you’ve described to me is stupid. Listen, I love high school band directors. It just doesn’t make sense to spend over $100,000 on a degree to become one. Most of them make about $30,000 a year, so the return on investment for this kind of thing is terrible. It doesn’t matter if you’re a band director, English teacher or a doughnut shop owner, you need to figure out what you’re going to make versus what you spend to get there. Make sure you talk to your friend directly, not her daughter. If you do that, you’ll end up branded as mom’s mean friend. Use your relationship and history together to help her see this is a train wreck waiting to happen. My suggestion would be for her daughter to live at home, work, and attend a community college for a couple of years. Then, when she transfers to a four-year school, make sure it’s a state institution and she keeps working. The trick is to kindly and gently maintain enough influence to guide these two weak people away from a horrible decision. At the same time, you’ve got to be strong enough to call mom out for not stepping up and providing proper guidance. Mommies who don’t try to stop their babies from doing things this dumb are known as bad mommies. People who spend $100,000 to $150,000 to make the kind of money that’s waiting on her daughter are either young and inexperienced, or they’re what are known as fools. I’m sure you’ll find a nice way to say it, but basically your friend needs to grow a backbone and tell her daughter no. ~Dave Filter Services: For all of your air filter and water filter cleaning services call Flawless Filters. Serving North Central Montana with a complete line of Baldwin Filters. 406-3763106, 406-799-4580 (cell) or email us at flawlessfilters@ 8-I

For Sale: John Deere 8820 Parts Combine AND several older GM Parts, pickups and cars. Call early for best choices! 406759-5740 or 406-460-0275. 8-I

Huge, Huge, Huge Sale: Tools, Saddles, Chain Saws. R-New Trading Post, 642 First St. West, Havre, MT (406) 265-5057 Open 9:00-6:30, Mon-Sat. 8-I

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 18

Brought to you by:

Malta Tire is ready to help you with all your automotive repairs and tractor tire repairs. Hwy 2 West, Malta. 406-654-2120. 7-I:9-II

For Sale: Miskin SPC17 pull scraper 17cu. yd; 10ft cut. Factory drop down ripper, new cutting edges and routing bits, $25,000. Call 406-654-1148. 8-I

Help Wanted: Snow Removal Position w/ Turner Public School. District provides small tractor w/ blade & snowblower. Salary DOE, open until filled. Contact school for complete job description. May be combined w/ maintenance position if interested. Call 406379-2205 for application. 7-II

For Sale: '80 F150 2wd, rough shape/runs. $750 OBO: '68 Cadillac 4 dr Sedan DeVille, $1,000 OBO. '68 Ford F150 4 speed 4x4, $995. OBO. Call 406-654-7794. 7-I:8-I

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Found: Cell phone found on Paradise Valley Road (near Chinook) in a driveway. NEW condition. Call 406390-3378 to claim. 7-II

For Sale: 40hp Yamaha outboard motor. Long shaft, electric start, oil injected, tiller, excellent condition. $2,000 OBO. (406) 374-2422. 7-II

Help Wanted: Part-time Maintenance Position for Turner Public School. Contracted, oncall position to complete maint. as needed, w/ at least 1 day/ week in the building. Must be avail. for emergency situations. Salary DOE, open until filled. May be combined w/ snow removal position if interested. Call 406-379-2205 for appl. 7-II

Stop and Shop and get in on the Great Bargains at The Trash & Treasure Shop in Loma, Hwy 87 and 4th Ave. EVERYTHING on Sale. Save up to 50%. Open afternoons only until Oct 15th or call 739-4361 for appt. 8-I

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District 4 HRDC 2229 5th Avenue Havre, MT 59501



August 24th Marias Valley Golf Course Golf tournament, Shelby, MT 4 person Scramble — 18 holes - Prizes! 7:30 am. Registration 8:30 a.m. Shot Gun. Now taking sponsorship and team info. Contact Jessica Brusven at 406-434-3246 or email: 8-I Help Wanted: Farmer's Union Oil in Rudyard is seeking a For Sale: Power Wheelchair reliable and motivated person - SHOPRIDER 6Runner 14 to fill the position of part- HD 888WNLLHD: Midtime clerk. Apply in person in Wheel Drive wheelchair w/ Rudyard and ask for Larry. 8-I braking system; holds 450 lbs, 150 lbs more than avg power Help Wanted: Cook and wait WCs. Pre-Elevating Leg Rest, staff needed for busy restaurant 22NF SLA, Gel or Absorbed, in Loma. No experience Glassmat Battery. One yr old. necessary. Will train the right Slight damage on arm rests, person! Call or stop by Today! otherwise exc cond. $2,500 Ma's Loma Cafe, 203 HWY obo (new $8,000+). Call 76087, Loma, 406-739-4400 8-I 533-1390 or 406-390-6369. 8-I Stretch's Pizza in Malta has the variety of great tasting food to make everyone happy. Our banquet room is available for any occasion, and for those people who have everything, we have gift cards. 140. S. 1 E., Malta. 406-654-1229. 7-II

For Sale: AR-15 .223, 250 rounds of ammo, all new, $1,299.99. (406) 403-1804. 7-II

Bill’s Food


Business For Sale: Turnkey bakery/sandwich/coffee shop for sale in Chinook, Montana. $75,000. Call 406357-3450, leave message. 8-I

Relax... Boost your Immune System... Relieve Pain... Re-Balance. Aroma Touch Massage. Call Ashley at The Healing Path (406) 390-0163. 8-I

Dig right in to our newest regular guest column! Bill Hake invites you to test his recipes and his theories and tell us what you think. And he takes “requests”!

A while back I was asked what my favorite food would be, and as I tried to answer I realized I’d never given it any thought. My first answer was: there are so many great flavors that I can’t pick just one. As the conversation about food wore on, however, it came to mind that if I could never have another well seasoned and properly cooked rare beef steak, that would be a very hard pill to swallow. With all of the dishonest propaganda about beef coming from the so-called health gurus, vegans, PETA, and environmentalists, beef is still the most popular food product on the market. I have neither the space nor desire to enter into a discussion (argument) with biased ideologues about meat consumption. So, I’ll simply state my beliefs and end it there. Sugar, beyond a few teaspoons a day, is an addictive poison. (I know because I’m addicted.) Excessive sugar causes insulin resistance, insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cardiovascular disease. We all will pay a heavy price for excessive sugar consumption. Animal protein and animal fat are loaded with valuable nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. The problem most of us have is that we consume more than we burn. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, herbs and spices fill out the diet. The best advice I can give is variety—the greater the variety of complex carbohydrates in the diet the greater the chance the body will have all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Weight and energy levels are the two best gauges to tell you if you are eating a healthy diet. If you are overweight by more than 20 pounds and/or are tired all the time, you need to overhaul your diet and increase your energy output. Good health is achieved through an active lifestyle, not with a nutrient deficient diet. Beef in our diet is a subject too expansive to cover in one article, so we will do a series of several articles on the different facets of beef preparation. The tougher cuts of beef yield the most flavor and tenderize nicely with long slow cooking, so let’s do a classic Beef Stroganoff in the crock pot. Beef Stroganoff 2 cans mushrooms (4 oz. Each) 2 lb. Beef shoulder roast or round steak cut 4 Tbs. corn starch into bite size pieces. Do not trim away all of 1 tsp. prepared mustard the fat. There should be about 15% fat with the meat. If you are worried about calories eat 1 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce 3 cloves minced garlic a smaller portion. 1/3 c. sour cream (3 oz.) 4 oz. butter 1/3 c. cream cheese (3 oz.) 1 large onion cut to medium chunks Seasoning to taste 1 can beef broth (10.5 oz.) Add butter to frying pan over medium-high heat and brown meat. You don’t have to cook the meat clear through, you are just browning it on the outside to add flavor. (The meat will brown better in small batches). Then, add onion and cook until onion starts to brown. Add all to crock pot. Return pan to heat and add beef broth and mushrooms to frying pan. Stir to release bits found on bottom of pan from frying the meat. Remove pan from heat and blend corn starch, mustard, Worcestershire and garlic into beef broth, then add to crock pot and stir all together to blend. Cover pot, set to low heat and cook until meat tests tender, 4 to 6 hours depending on crock pot. It will hold for several hours on warm if it finishes early. Before adding sour cream adjust gravy if necessary; add a little water if it’s too thick, if it’s too thin blend 1 Tbs. corn starch in 1/4 cup water, add and cook until gravy thickens or remove lid for last hour of cooking. Five minutes before serving stir in sour cream and cream cheese until well blended. Do not boil sour cream or it will break down. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve over country style noodles or mashed potatoes. Tips: If your meat is warm and dry before frying it will brown better. For a different flavor you can omit the mustard and add 1 Tbs. paprika. Next issue we’ll cook a tender juicy steak. And to all you cow gals out there, I need your help. Send your good beef recipes to Bill’s Food Corner, PO Box 81, Turner, MT 59542. or

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SHOP FOR LEASE: 5,000 sq. ft shop with office, plus lots of parking. In Havre. Call 406-3906670, ask for Bill. 6-II:8-I

Frontier Insurance Solutions in Havre offers Nationwide Insurance. Get your home and auto quote today! (406) 265-4842. 8-I

Big Valley Water Inc., 730 3rd Avenue South, Glasgow, MT 59230. Work: 406228-2614, Fax: 406-2282712. bigvalleywater@ 8-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 22

Krause parts and other parts at Power Motors Implement. Hardi, Mayrath, older Spra Coupe, Westgo, Gysler, Edwards, Adja and a group of Minneapolis Moline and Ford parts. Fort Benton. Call George at 406-799-7459 or email 8-I Best Resting Inn & Extended Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x The Bargains are Hotter than the Temperature at The Trash & Treasure Shop in Loma with EVERYTHING on Sale. Save up to 50%. Stop and Dicker with the "Old Girl" for the Best Bargains. Afternoons only, 1:00-5:00 until Oct 15th. 8-I

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 23

28th ANNUAL COWBOY POETRY GATHERING & Western Music Rendezvous Lewistown, Montana Thursday, August 15

Gathering Registration Desk & Consignment Poetry/Music Store Open from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Eagles Club, 124 W. Main St. – Please check in! Welcome ChuckWagon Supper & Open Mic – Eagles Club No-host social, 6:00 p.m. Buffet at 6:30, followed by 2-hour show, Tickets $15 Greeter, Miss Cherry Arthur of the Salt Creek Gang and MCs cowboy poet Lloyd McKenna & songbird wife, Meryl McKenna, Guest of Honor, Kevin Red Star, creator of the 2013 gathering’s official logo, “Horse Shield.” Miss Ruth’s Cookie Jar celebrated by Marci Henderson in memory of Ruth Henderson.

Friday, August 16

8:00 to Noon – Artist/Vendors set-up Western Art & Gear Show outside on 2nd Ave. 10:00, 11:00 - Cowboy Poetry & Western Music Sessions Begin – 4 venues at The Eagles 11:00-3:00 - Pitch Fork Steak Fry – 2nd Avenue Noon to 2:00 - FREE Western Music Stage on 2nd Avenue Noon to 6:00 - Western Art & Gear Show, Open & FREE to the Public, 2nd Avenue Roy Roger’s memorable, Nellybelle II jeep on display on 2nd Avenue 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 - Afternoon Cowboy Poetry & Western Music Sessions 1:30 - “Horses, Horses, Horses,” Poetry and song celebrating the good, bad and ugly hosses who helped to “win the west.” 4:00 pm Boarding/5 pm Departure of Charlie Russell Chew Choo Dinner Train Please go to: for info and tickets! 4:30 to 6:00 - Western Music on outdoor stage on 2nd Avenue during Pig Roast 6:30 Jam ‘n Dance – Pine Meadows Club, 320 Country Club Lane Western Music, Steven Ray Hughes (Directions/map available at Gathering Registration Desk) $3.00 singles, $5.00 couples or FREE ADMISSION with pin-pass

Saturday, August 17

7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ‘Tough Enough to Wear PINK!’ Cowboy Coffee & Burrito Breakfast on 2nd Avenue....Fighting Breast Cancer, proceeds remain in Montana! 9:00 to 6:00 – FREE to the public, Western Art & Gear Show, Eagles Club, 124 W. Main Street on 2nd Avenue 9:00 to 2:00 - Special Collectible Book Sale at the Book Station on Main Street by Friends of the Library...up the hill, across from the Fergus County Court House 10:00, 11:00 - Cowboy Poetry & Western Music Sessions – 4 venues The Eagles 11:00 - Workshop: Victor Anderson, Trick Roper, Cowboy Poet & Rodeo Survivor 11:00 to 2:00 – Pitch Fork Steak Fry….Come an’ get it! 2nd Avenue 11:00 to 2:00 - ‘Art Stomp’ on Main, artisans & musicians all up and down Lewistown’s historic Main Street.....enjoy! Noon to 2:00 - Western Music outdoor stage on 2nd Avenue 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 Afternoon Cowboy Poetry & Music Sessions – 4 venues The Eagles 1:30 - Workshop: Roy Rogers Jr. and Dustin Roy Rogers share remembrances of life with Roy Rogers, “King of the Cowboys,” and Dale Evans, “Queen of the West.” Pin pass is Admission! 4:30 to 6:30 - ChuckWagon dinner on 2nd Avenue ROY ROGERS JR. & DUSTIN ROY ROGERS SHOW, with Sandy Seaton Sallee, cowboy poet from Emigrant, MT and songster, Dave Stamey at the Fergus Center for the Performing Arts (Directions/maps at Gathering Registration Desk) 6:30 - Doors open 6:45 - VIP pre-show Backstage Meet & Greet 7:30 - Show begins. After the for your convenience, these fine eateries! Doc’s OK Korral, 535-6700 Harry’s Place, 538-9510 The Empire, 538-9912 The Yogo Inn/Stetsons, 535-8721 10:30 - Campfire and Coffee Storytellin’ and Such Outside Eagles on 2nd Avenue or Eagles bar…..

Sunday, August 18

Breakfast, Montana Style at these fine eateries!

Doc’s OK Korral, 535-6700 4-Aces, 538-9744, open at 6:30 a.m. Pourman’s Café, 535-4277, open at 7:00 a.m. Taco Time, 535-3435, open at 9:00 a.m. The Empire, open at 6:00 a.m. The Yogo Inn/Stetsons, 535-8721, open at 6:00 a.m. 10:00 - Pastor Curt Langendorff Welcomes Cowboy Church! Held at Celebration Community Fellowship Church, 361 W. Frontage Road, at the top of the hill across from Snowy Mountain Motors 1:00 - Wrangler Bar in Grass Range, 3rd Sunday of the month Jam and Dance

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15.............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 24

(39 ft. cord & 12 ft. hose)

Need a Vacation?? Stop by our New location at 313 Indiana St., Chinook for a Free travel consultation. Gretchan's Getaways, (406) 357-2085. 8-I

Guitars of Montana. Band & Orchestra Rentals/ Sales - Educator approved instruments. American Guild guitars. Bluegrass. Ukuleles. BOSS effects. Special orders welcome. We ship! #2 5th Street South, downtown Great Falls, 406-453-4998 or call Bing at 1-877-566-2224. www. 8-I:1-II

August 7, 2013...................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 25

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 26

Help Wanted: Glasgow, Malta, and Chinook areas. Sell liquid fertilizer and other agricultural products. Agricultural background preferred. Basic knowledge of agronomy. Training avail. Commission outside sales. Call Jay at Hogeland Pro Ag (406) 674-7000. 8-I


Hey! Looking for a good building mover?? Call Dale Freitag 654-1123 or Dan Liese 379-2320. Prompt, experienced, competitive pricing. 8-I

We Have Rough Lumber. Call to see what we have in stock. All Seasons Home Center, 406228-8288, or stop by 729 2nd Ave S., Glasgow, MT. 7-II:9:II

August 7, 2013....................................................................... Volume XI Issue 15............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 27

"Robin Hood" by Malta Community Theatre Aug. 5, 6, 8, & 9th @ 7pm. Malta High School Auditorium. 8-I Buy Direct From The Manufacturer! We manufacture metal roofing Right Here in Great Falls! Customizes to fit your project! Many colors to choose from! Call us today for great pricing! Metal Roofing And Trim, 17 Liberty Lane Great Falls, MT, 1-406-727-2474 www.metalroofingandtrim. com or email us at mrt@ 8-I

For Sale: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free- 866-683-7299 or 406453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND DESIGN, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE http://bigskypipeandsupply. com/html/ 4-II:12-II We Buy Antiques! One item or a household, give us a call! Virgelle Mercantile. 1-800426-2926 or 378-3110. 7-II

Tricia’s Trader . . . The Best-Read Trader from the Mountains to the Plains!

August 7, 2013

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