May 18, 2016

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May 18, 2016 Volume XIV Issue 10

Postal Customer


FREE dse!rcial ifieom s s m a l C n-c dard,




We’re Mobile! “Tricias Trader”

800-756-1817 Over 8,800 copies distributed all across NorthCentral Montana!

It’s the Annual

MOTORHEADS Issue! See inside, pages 11-14.

Pull out the Centerfold and keep it handy all summer long...


Live Hydraulics * Synchronized Arms * 2 Year Warranty Optional: Supplement Feeders * Post Hole Diggers Tool Boxes * Auxillary Hydraulics

Keith Kessel Construction, LLC - American Scafco Grain Bins Sales & Service

Large Inventory of Beds Installation Available




2 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................... V o l u m

e X IV

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

For Sale: H e a v y d u t y J o h n Deere 8 3-pt o set disc. 900. Call 945-7098. 5-II

Come enjoy t h e N u t - n - G u t Feed on une 4th in Malta at the ucky Bullet. appy hour at 6 and dinner starts at 7. Also enjoy some live music along with ra es and auctions. 5-I

For Sale: 32 ft. ayco ay ight travel trailer, outside kitchenette Shower, Storage under front/ bed, Bunk area sleeps 4, Table/ Bed, ove seat, Full bed, Awning ights, 2 slide outs, Fantastic condition. 28,000. avre, 406-398-3309 5-II

Floral and Gift Shop

at: Located

9 0 0 S. C entr a l Av e. Ma lta , MT 5 9 5 3 8

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m


Classifieds, Classifieds!

A d v ertising I nf o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A UCT I O N Cal end ar . . . . . . . . . Com ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conserv ativ e Cow Dr. . . . . 1 Dav e Says . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hu ng ry M ontanan . . . . . . . . . . 1 L au g h L ines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M arket R ep ort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 R eal ty Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior M enu s . . . . . . once/ m Su b scrip tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T hing s to K now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7 9

e X IV

Issu e 10............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 3

For Sale: 14ft., bottom boat with 15 Evinrude Motor. Complete with trolling motor, oars and trailer. 1,250. Call 406-945-2496. 5-II

For Sale: rain fed beef. alf and quarters available. Cut and wrapped, ready to pick up next week. Call 406945-0850 for more info. 5-II

For Sale: Snap-On welder w/ alum. attach. 5,000 watt generator. Do er, 13 blade for D-8 and larger. late compactor. ustler 6-wheeler with tracks. Call 406-450-4760. 5-II

Robin's Roost in Malta: ocated between the ucky Bullet and Moore s rinting. Fashions for the curvy girl We carry si es small to 3xl. Call 301-1442. 3-II 6-I

5 8 7 7


7 o 8 4

SPECI A L F EA T UR E: M otorHead s G u id e! . . 1 1 -1 4 For Sale: 1983 Shelby ooseneck Stock Trailer, Rear gate with sliding door, Escape door, Two divider gates, Slipper spring suspension, New 15 tires, 20 6 . Call 406 357-3572. 5-I For Sale: Registered 11 month old Nubian/Alpine buck. ery nice prospect buck Neat color and very good disposition. A great 4project. 200, Chinook. 406357-2941 or 357-8899. 5-I For Sale: 1370 Case 2x4 tractor/Westendorf loader with rapple. New Batteries, Runs reat. 9500. omemade Farmhand, needs minor repairs, used to run great, 327cid motor 1500. Call 406-262-7655. 5-I

Birthdays Anniversaries Weddings - Baby Showers - Raffels Just Because

For Sale: Two Registered Black Angus heifer bulls. Semen tested and passed. For more information, please call 406-357-8018. 5-I

For Sale: Stuker for .D. 346 baler, invertor hay rake, 2000 Arnes 43 ft. tri-axle spring ride belly dump, 53x102 dry van semi trailer. 1555 Oliver Tractor. Call 406-768-7395. 5-I


Tricia’s Trader .................................................................... V o l u m

e X IV

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

THINGS TO KNOW: Help Wanted:

May 20 & May 26, Fri. & Thu.: I A UT FUNDRAISER f o r t h e Blaine County Fair EASE MENTION that you’re there to support the Blaine County Fair, and 20 of the amount sold each night will support the fair For details or information see www.BlaineCountyFair.Net or www. June 4, Sat.: ANNUA NUT-N- UT FEED for the Milk River Wagon Train. ucky Bullet, Malta, appy hour 6pm, Dinner at 7pm.

June 18, Sat.: 16th ANNUA ART IN T E AR O IN CAR S OW, oplin Memorial ark, 10AM-4 M . June 24-26, Fri.-Sun: 15T ANNUA MI RI ER OS E AMBOREE, Malta igh School Auditorium. isit for full lineup and itinerary. Or call 406-654-1292.

rofessional Development Specialist/ STARS consultant. 40 hours a week, some night/wknd work req. Travel required. ealth insurance and other bene ts. Ability to lift 25 lbs. For more info and to apply www. f a m i l y c o n n e c t i o n s m t . o rg . 5-I

REO MONTANA CAREER TRAININ O ORTUNITIES grant funded assistance with short-term training to earn certi cation in medical o ce,health care, accounting,welding, CD , or diesel mechanics,etc. Contact REO avre, MT on Facebook or call Fawn at 406-879-9384. Funded in whole or part under contracts/grants D S Dept.of abor. 3rd Wed. of Every Month: 10am olunteers invited Blaine County ocal Area Committee for Mental ealth meets in outh Court Services meeting room of Bl. Co. Courthouse. All interested parties are welcome to share or bring ideas Call 406-357-2369 for details. First and Third Mon. of the Month.: A RE C RISTIAN SC OO Meadowlark Estates, 4113 9th St. W., avre 6 30pm-8 00pm. More info call Barbara Fell, 390-8045. Open to all denominations.

Investment Time? For Sale or Lease is the Former ets Club, avre, MT. Main oor basement, 8400 sq. ft. each. ossible o ces, restaurant, recreation ease or urchase. Call owners at 406-265-2941. 2-I 7-II Help Wanted: STARS yramid Model Coach. 40 hours per week, some night/wknd work reqd. Travel reqd. ealth insurance and other bene ts. Ability to lift 25 lbs. For more information and to apply www. 5-I

JUNE 3rd, 4th & 5th 2016


Registration 7pm At The FSB Parking Lot. Door Prizes Plus Great Fun!

Pho Cr edit: “Fa r

JUNE 4th - Car Show

Registration 9am - 11am Show: 11am - 2pm Awards, Door Prizes, & Family Fun! Music + Local Vendors Test and Tune To Follow At Hi-Line Dragstrip Plus Blown Alcohol Qualifying mer Joe”

JUNE 5th - Drag Races Also Featuring FMX Stunt Show by PCMS Drag Races at Hi-Line Dragstrip “Psycho Sports Cartel” And The “Metal Featuring Blown Alcohol Shootout Mulisha Fitz Army” Sat. & Sun. Time Trials 9am - 12pm Racing starts at 1PM

For More Info Call Terry Skones At The FSB 406-654-2340 or John Carnahan At 406-390-6735

For More Information Contact John Carnahan at 406-390-6735

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

e X IV

Issu e 10............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 5

6 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................... V o l u m

Wanted: Farm machinery operator on 4th generation farm ranch in Eastern Mt. Seeding, spraying, combining, truck driving, feeding cattle in winter months. Should be self starter, family man, honest, good memory good values. Wage TBD according to experience. Short trial period to see if we are compatible. Send ref. resume to lynnsimonson10 5-II

e X IV

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

Wanted to Buy: Older swather with a minimum 16 header, any kind. Call 406-654-1964. 5-II Come in to All Seasons ome Center 729 2nd Ave S., lasgow, with your measurements for your additions, pole barns, and your garage packages. See how we can accommodate you. Call 406-228-8288. 5-I Auction: uge gun/ ammo/reloading/tool/ camping auction, Saturday, une 11, Scobey, MT. See poster at www. For Sale: urebred or BUY-SELL-TRADE intage erman Shepherd ups okomo call for information and Collectibles 2nd litter . Call 406 265poster. Call 406-228-9306, oe s Trading ost, Chester 4384. eave message. 5-I Montana. 406-759-6472. 5-I 263-7529, or 783-7285. 5-I


b y Marc K l o ke r Volunteer instructors are being sought for the Hunter and Bowhunter Education programs in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 6, which includes the counties of Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Daniels, McCone, Sheridan, and Roosevelt counties. In particular, more instructors are needed in the Culbertson, Bainville, Froid, Medicine Lake, and Plentywood areas. Hunter and Bowhunter education are state mandated courses, which are taught by dedicated volunteers. Region 6 is in need of recruiting more of these dedicated men and women to continue to serve the Region 6 area. Anyone who is at least twelve-years old is eligible to apply. The heart of Montana’s Hunter and Bowhunter Education programs is the group of dedicated volunteer instructors. They stand as examples of how each hunter should demonstrate safety, ethics, behavior, and responsibility to not only themselves, but also to landowners, other hunters, and the resource. These instructors choose to honor Montana’s hunting heritage and “Pass it On!” by sharing their skills, experiences and their love of hunting and Montana’s vast resources with those new to hunting and outdoor adventure. If you are interested in the future of hunting, in improving sportsmanship and safety in the field, or teaching an appreciation for the vast hunting resources in Montana, then we need you to join us and “Pass it On!” For information on becoming a Hunter or Bowhunter education instructor, please call Marc Kloker, Region 6 Information and Education Program Manager, at 406-228-3704, or visit the FWP web site at instructors/ to learn more and apply.

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

e X IV

Issu e 10............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 7

AUCTION CALENDAR Sat., May 21 10:00 am


Stormwater Construction Havre, MT Hi-Line Auction 406-654-1772 or 654-4053 4 mi. west of Havre. Turn north at mm 376.



Sat., May 21

Gun & Silver Dollar Auction

Sidney, MT

11:00 am

RK Auction, 406-485-2548 or 939-1632

Wed., May 25 6:00 pm

Dawson County Land Auction Glendive, MT RK Auction, 406-485-2548 or 939-1632

Sat., June 4

Custer Co. Real Est./House, Moving Glendive, MT

9:00 am

Open House May 15, 2-4pm. RK Auction, 406-485-2548 or 939-1632, KB Farming Equipment Conrad, MT Shobe Auction, 406-538-5125

Sat., July 14 10:00 am

For Sale: rause, ardi, West eld, Westgo, Alloway and Melroe/ irschman parts at ower Motors in Fort Benton. 799-7459. uite a few parts for Ford vehicles. Call with the part number. eorge 799-7459. 5-II

For Sale: 72 2-ton Ford 600 series 5 spd, 390. Utility box, 120 500 gal tanks, 2 high spd fuel right pumps, New onda air comp. 5500w owermate generator. Completely serviced w/ 80 rubber, 7,500. Call 406-654-7070. 5-II

Just Us Construction is the company to call for all your Seamless gutters, all types of roofs and elastomeric sprayon roof coatings, plus all types of Ag painting. Call 406-680-2669. 4-I 5-II

Wanted: Experienced, Reliable mechanic with the knowledge on how to do just about everything, needs to also provide great customer service, and have good work ethic. Chinook Tire and ube 357-2901 or 781-8557. 5-I

For Sale: 300 Win. Mag Weatherby anguard, 3.9x40 eupold scope, sling shells, 676.99. 22 cal. Savage Rascal Red 125. Encore T/C .308 Win, 2x6 Simmons scope, holster, case shells, 659.99. Call 403-1804. 5-I 6-II

8 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................... V o l u m


BLAINE VALLEY PHILLIPS DANIELS ROOSEVELT SHERIDAN RICHLAND or any other part of EASTERN MT, OUT-OF-STATE or CANADA Jamie Jones 800-756-1817 x104 406-390-6386 (c) Email: east@

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 Phone 800-756-1817 Email: FAX: 888-796-8498


EASTERN REGION: Jamie is happy to help you in these counties:

e X IV

The next issue will be distributed

Advertisers’ Advocates

Ad DEADLINE May 25 at 9am.

Contact one of our to place an advertisement, or contact Kimmel Kreations directly at the address above.

SOUTH REGION: Marshall and Melissa enjoy serving these counties: FERGUS JUDITH BASIN CASCADE Southern CHOUTEAU (Ft Benton/Loma) PETROLEUM or any other SOUTH WESTERN or CENTRAL MT County Marshall Mord or Melissa Nash 800-756-1817 x106 406-366-5318 (c) 406-301-2620 (c) Email: south@

NORTHCENTRAL REGION: Andrea happily serves these counties:

Owner, Tricia Kimmel 800-756-1817 x101 anytime or 406-379-2377 from 8:30-3:30pm

LIBERTY HILL Northern CHOUTEAU (Big Sandy/Box Elder) or any other part of NORTHWEST MONTANA Andrea Bilger 800-756-1817 x107 406-301-2768 (c) Email: ads@

SALES MANAGER: Laurie Harvey 800-756-1817 x105 406-672-9145 (c) Email: adsales@triciastrader. com

SOCIAL MEDIA & ONLINE AD OPTIMIZATION: Contact one of these two ladies to learn about how your online options and results! Aney Carver 800-756-1817 x108 Email: marketing@ Amy Skryja 800-756-1817 x103 406-450-2588 (c) Email: west@triciastrader. com

Tricia’s Trader SERVES THESE MONTANA TOWNS: Town: Joplin Inverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre Chinook Harlem Fort Belknap Turner Hogeland Zortman Roy Dodson Malta Loring Whitewater Saco

Prefix: 292 292 355 397 376 372 621, 622 739 378 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 390, 394, 395, 398, 399 357 353 353 379 379 673 464 383 301, 654, 658, 680 674 674 527

Hinsdale Glasgow

364, 648 228, 230, 263, 367, 831 Nashua 746 Fort Peck 526 Wolf Point 392, 525, 650, 653, 915 Opheim 762 Plentywood 765 Circle 485, 974 Jordan 557, 977 Grass Range 428, 928 Lewistown 350, 366, 380, 535, 538, 707, 708, 968 Hobson 423 Stanford 566 Geraldine 737 Denton 567 Chester 759 Belt 277 Great Falls 205, 216, 217, 231, 268, 403, 452, 453, 454, 455, 564, 590, 715, 727, 731, 750, 760, 761, 770, 771, 781, 788, 791, 799, 836, 866, 868, 870, 899, 923, 952, 964, 965, 997 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES ARE (406)


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Limited Free Classifieds: ONE FREE Unenhanced Class./Issue/Household for Items for Sale, Wanted, Garage Sales, Help Wanted etc. Will run 2 issues. Business listings, auto dealers, services provided, land/housing, and all other categories may still advertise at the low rates below.

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For Sale: Shop Smith Mark 510 athe-Drill-Saw-SanderBoring- laner and band saw with books. 1,500 OBO. Also, B Series 800 tractor loader, no welds, 2,000 OBO. Call 406-527-3435. 3-II 9-I


☐ GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ☐ MAIL TO: ___________________________________________ (NAME) ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (ADDRESS) ☐ ONE YEAR (24 ISSUES) $26.95 *I hereby authorize Kimmel Kreations, LLC to charge my account in the amount ☐ TWO YEARS (48 ISSUES) $48.90 indicated for advertising and/or subscription costs incurred by myself or my S A V E $ 5 ! organization.

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The cost for a classified advertisement, up to 8 lines is $10 per 2 issues, and $1 per line over 8 lines for a MAXIMUM ad length of 13 lines. Add $5 per 2 issues for a box outline, and/or $5 per 2 issues for bold text other than the heading. The following specials apply for multiple classified ads: Place 3 classifieds or more in the same issue and get a 15% discount. Or run the same classified ad in every issue for a year for $100 (includes 4 issues free), or for six months for $50 (includes 2 issues free). Pictures/ g rap hics m ay onl y b e incl u d ed in d isp l ay ad s. LIMITED FREE CLASSIFIEDS: ONE FREE UN-ENHANCED CLASSIFIED AD PER ISSUE per household for Items for Sale, Wanted, Garage Sales, Help Wanted etc. Will ru n f or two issu es. B u siness l isting s, au to d eal ers, serv ices p rov id ed , l and / hou sing , and all other categories may still advertise for the low rate of $10 per 2 issues. To place a classified, just fill out the form on this page and mail it to: Tricia’s Trader, 2000 Cou ntry Cl u b R oad , T u rner, M T 5 9 5 42. O r com p l ete the f orm onl ine at www. triciastrad er. com . Please contact your Advertiser’s Advocate listed above to inquire about display ad v ertising or to req u est a cu rrent rate chart. Disp l ay ad s can b e any d im ension in 2” wid e increm ents u p to 1 0” wid e b y 1 0” hig h ( f u l l p ag e) . Disp l ay ad d esig n is av ail ab l e for $5 per full design or edit. Ask your Ad Rep about design fee waivers, specials, and p ackag e rates. Y ou r A d v ocate can work with you to d ev el op a m arketing strateg y that’ s ef f ectiv e, and d eterm ine the siz e and d esig n that you need to g et the m ost ou t of you r ad v ertising b u d g et f or you r u niq u e situ ation.

Call YOUR Ad Rep today!

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

Gospel Jamboree! Don t miss the 15th Annual Milk River ospel amboree held une 24, 25, 26, Malta igh School Auditorium. Christian bands from all over the country isit for full lineup and itinerary, or call 406-654-1292. 5-II 1

House For Sale: In Sidney Mt.3 bedrooms, double heated garage, 2 sheds, well water. 5ft private fence, fruit tree, plants updated kitchen, central air/ gas heat. Call 489-1252. 5-I

For Sale: Baby buckling goats for sale The moms are Nigerian Dwarf and ygmy. The sire is ygmy. They are so much fun and so sweet. 90 ea. 406-301-1143. 5-I

Dog Calls Bernard, who was noted for his gracious manners, was awakened one morning at four forty-four a.m. by his ringing telephone. our dog’s barking, and it’s keeping me awake, said an angry voice. Bernard thanked the caller and politely asked his name and number before hanging up. The next morning at precisely four forty-four a.m., Bernard called his neighbor back. ood morning, Mr. Williams. I just called to say that I don’t have a dog.

e X IV

Issu e 10............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 9

10 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

For Rent: Independent iving for 62 and/or Disabled, Subsidi ed Rent 30 of income, iving Rm, full kitchen, bedrm, bathrm w/ tub or shower safety bars. 465 sq. ft., ublic Transit, 5 meals/ wk avail. 25, Equal ousing Opportunity andicapped. Sweet rass odge Shirley eck, Manager, Chester, MT,406-759-5400, MTRS Relay Dial 711. 3-I 9-II

e X IV

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

For Sale: Fertility Tested Red Angus bulls. AI sons of ABS Sires. Call 406-674-5514. 5-I Need burgers? W e h a v e w h a t you need for your upcoming graduation parties, weddings, brandings, family reunions, and BB s. Call Bear aw Meats today at 265-2440, or visit us online at www. 5-I

Shar s



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May 18, 2016 .........................................................................SPECIAL SECTION ............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

It’s MOTOR EADS Season in Montana ~5th Annual Tricia’s Trader 2016 Motorheads Events Pullout Guide

This winter’s drop in fuel prices means automotive enthusiasts and spectators across the state have one more reason to hit the local tracks. If you’re looking to satisfy your need for speed, show or horsepower, head on out to these summer events happening right here in our reading area. *Times on a few events were not available at press time. Many organizations strongly urge attendees to check their website, Facebook site, corresponding fair information or call the numbers listed before heading out to events to find out about time or schedule changes. Be sure to thank our sponsors. Without their support, this Motorheads roundup would NOT be possible. -May 21 10am

Gt Falls Coffee ‘N Cruisers Poker Run Miss Kitty’s Coffee Café, 2501 6th Ave. N. Kirsten Steele 406-788-7179

-May 27

Gt Falls Dirty Dirt Driver Recognitions: MW Mod, Super, Mod., Electric City Speedway 2801 Old Havre Highway, 406-727-4884

-May 28

Glasgow 80’s and Up Derby Northeast Montana Fairgrounds, Josh Thompson 406-263-8726, Josh Dix 406-263-7374, or Rob Brunelle 406-263-7621

-June 4 10am-2pm

Malta First State Bank Car Show Main Street Terry Skones 406-654-2340

-June 4 10am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Car Show Test & Tune Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

-June 5 Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Points Race pits open 7am Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. Of Malta trials 9am, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 -June 10 9am-2pm

Havre Hi-Line Cruz’n Rod Run Great Northern Fairgrounds Barb Salerno 406-265-3163

-June 10 6pm

Lewistown Street Legal Drags Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-June 11 11am

Lewistown ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Challenge Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-June 11 9am-4pm

Gt Falls Fords Forever Bison Ford, 10th Ave. So. Rick George 406-899-1627

May 18, 2016 .........................................................................SPECIAL SECTION ............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

-June 11 11am-dawn

Glasgow Milk River Motorsports Sand Drags Northeast Montana Fairgrounds, Josh Thompson 406-263-8726, Josh Dix 406-263-7374, or Rob Brunelle 406-263-7621

-June 12 11am-dawn

Glasgow Milk River Motorsports Mud Bogs Northeast Montana Fairgrounds, Josh Thompson 406-263-8726, Josh Dix 406-263-7374, or Rob Brunelle 406-263-7621

-June 12 9am

Lewistown ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Challenge Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-June 18 11am-4pm

Joplin Annual Joplin Car Show Joplin Park Tom Wood 406-292-3389 or 799-5858

-June 18-19 Dodson AMX Races Hot Laps 12pm Dodson Speedway Race 1pm Frank Kindle 406-390-3924 -June 18-19 9am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Bracket Racing Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy191 So. Of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-652-2430 or 654-7057

-June 19 10am-3pm

Glasgow Father’s Day Show and Shine Elks Club, 309 2nd Ave. So. Smiley Johnson, 406-230-0501

-June 18 12pm-3pm

Wolf Point Wolf City Rods & Rides Marvin Brookman Stadium Chad Heser 406-650-8575

-June 23-24 9am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Points Race Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

-June 24-25 5pm Fri. 7am Sat.

Chinook Blaine County Cruise Matt or Fred, 406-357-2470, Heather 357-4201

-June 25

Lewistown AMX Races Fergus County Fairgrounds Trent Hess 406-690-1192

-July 8

Lewistown National Open T&T Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-July 9 6:30pm

Chinook Blaine County Truck Pulls Blaine County Fairgrounds Nate Skoyen 406-945-4371

-July 9 1pm

Havre Havre Jaycees AMX Races Great Northern Fairgrounds Seth Hamilton 406-740-0831

-July 9-10 9am

Lewistown National Open, NHRA classes, ET Class, Jr.Drag Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

May 18, 2016 .........................................................................SPECIAL SECTION ............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

-July 15 5pm

Chinook Blaine County Showdown Demolition Derby Blaine County Fairgrounds Scott Skoyen 945-2455, Loren Skoyen 781-8033

-July 23

Havre Havre Jaycees AMX Races and Derby Great Northern Fairgrounds Seth Hamilton 406-740-0831

-July 30 Fair 1pm


-July 30 6pm

Lewistown Central Montana Fair Demolition Derby Fergus Co. Fairgrounds, Jason Hambright 717-572-2571

-July 30

Glasgow Northeast Montana Fair Derby (Milk River MotorSports) NE MT Fairgrounds, Josh Thompson 406-263-8726, Josh Dix 406-263-7374, or Rob Brunelle 406-263-7621

AMX Bump-N-Run BGM Racing/Central MT

Fergus Co. Fairgrounds Trent Hess 406-690-1192

-Aug. 6 Dodson Phillips Co. Fair AMX Races Hot Laps 11am Dodson Speedway Race 12 noon FrankKindle406-390-3924 -Aug. 6 6pm

Dodson Phillips Co. Fair Demolition Derby Fairgrounds

-Aug. 6 9am-4pm

Lewistown Main Street Motor Classic Downtown Main Street Alta Pallett 406-538-9234

-August 12 6pm

Lewistown Street Legal Drags Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Aug. 13 11am

Lewistown MDRA State Points, Lewistown Points ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Chall. Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Aug. 14 9am

Lewistown MDRA State Points, Lewistown Points ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Chall. Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Aug. 20 1pm

Havre Havre Jaycees AMX Races Great Northern Fairgrounds Seth Hamilton 406-740-0831

We Proudly Employ ASE Certified Technicians

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May 18, 2016 .........................................................................SPECIAL SECTION ............................................................................... Tricia’s Trader

- Certied BASF Paint Shop - Glass Replacement - Car & Light Truck Repair 24 Hr Towing Service 406-366-0400

Your Tire Fac tor y has a new name!

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-Aug. 21 6pm

Ft Benton Chouteau Co. Fair Demolition Derby, 406-622-5505

-Aug. 26 6pm

Lewistown Street Legal Drags Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Aug. 27 11am

Lewistown ET Class Bracket Racing, HS,Jr.Drag, Lewis pts Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Aug28 9am

Lewistown ET Class Bracket Racing, Lewis pts Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Sep. 3 10am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Test & Tune Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

-Sep. 4-5 9am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Points Race/Ironman Race Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

-Sep. 10

Lewistown AMX Races BGM “Butz Glidewell Memorial” Fergus County Fairgrounds Trent Hess 406-690-1192

-Sep. 16 5:30pm

Havre Steve Heil Memorial Car Show Independence Bank, 435 3rd Street Ryan 406-265-1601 or Cassie 390-3916

-Sep. 17

Havre E-1 Towing Demolition Derby Great Northern Fairgrounds E-1 Towing 406-265-8757

-Sep. 24 Banquet 9am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Junior Big Dollar Race/Annual

-Sep. 25 9am

Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports Big Dollar Race Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

-Oct. 1-2 9am

Lewistown ET Class Bracket Racing, Jet car, NDC, King of the Track, Lewis pts, Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town, 406-350-0733

-Oct. 8

Lewistown AMX Races Fergus County Fairgrounds Trent Hess 406-690-1192

Hi-Line Dragstrip, Hwy 191 So. of Malta, Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

e X IV

Issu e 10........................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 15

For Sale: ortman, MT invest. opp bordering B M. Apt complex w/ 1,650 /-sq. ft. Owner s suite main r and two 2 BR apts on 2nd level, avail. for long/short term renters. Currently rent to travelers, hunters, etc., have a following. B M adj. for riding horses, AT s or hiking in ittle Rocky Mts Asking 299,500 203CR6 www.MissouriRiverRealty. com 406-654-2273. 5-II For Sale: oat Bucklings. 1 solid black, parents papered, 1 Alpine/Nubian. Make a great prospect buck. ery colorful o spring Buck 150, reserve 75, wether 100. One multi-color, Buck 200, wether 150, or reserve. 406357-2941, 357-8899. 5-II For Sale: 2015 crop 2nd cutting alfalfa in 3x4s, tarped, $110/ton. 250 tons avail. Trucking available. Montana Hay Co., 4066 7 0 - 6 5 5 1 . Tr u c k i n g available. Montana Hay Co., 406-670-6551. 5-I 7-II

We have 14 locations to serve you better!

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Ramblings of a Conservative

Cow Doctor by Krayton Kerns, DVM, former State Rep. HD 58

Crazy Horse The action ceased prior to my arrival, but the injuries of the participants indicated I had missed a real rodeo. Ricky walked upright, but his right hand was in an ice-filled bag, bound by an ace bandage and duct tape. Rick walked bent like a comma, but then he always did, so it wasn’t until he rolled up his shirt sleeve that I saw the hide missing from his right elbow. ere is the scene. Ricky owns a cow pony who is a little sensitive about having his rear hooves trimmed and when he isn’t leaning on you he is cowkicking. After do ens of unsuccessful nipping attempts, a hobble was buckled below the horse’s fetlock to pull his foot off the ground. This three-legged stance sent the pony into a full blown panic and he wildly tried to kick himself free from the hobble. The more he

kicked, the more the loose end of the chain and leather hobble thrashed his other legs. Fences and gates were no match for this horse trying to escape what felt like a badger chewing on his fetlock and the action exploded from the corral, down the driveway and back to the corral. When I arrived, the horse was securely tied to a post and was dripping with sweat. I slowly slipped an 18 gauge needle into his jugular vein so as to administer a powerful tranquili er. We waited nothing happened. This horse was panicked beyond the magic of conventional chemistry. I injected a second anesthetic drug, stepped back and waited and waited. Finally, the old boy gave up the fight and crashed to the dirt. We quickly removed the offending hobble and then waited for him to recover. Ricky explained

how this cow pony is the best in his string and there isn’t anything a cowboy can’t do when mounted astride this 18-year-old gelding. I took his word for it because minutes earlier this horse more resembled an athletic out of control maniac than a cow pony. opefully, one’s true value is more than you see on the surface and this brings me to my point. Trump supporters trumpet all the wonderful things he will do as president, but his disregard for both the Constitution and Christian principles concerns me. At his core, he is a businessman who succeeds by cutting deals; the exact political manipulation destroying America. owever, facing the choice between Mr. Trump and a known Marxist, I will give the Donald a chance. ike Ricky’s horse, I’ll trust he proves better than he looks.

16 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

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Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

Because water happens. There are two things you can’t live without—water and your smartphone. Get the phone that withstands splashes, spills and even the occasional dunk in the toilet.1 For a limited time, get 4-lines & 20GB Data for $139 per month!2 1

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117 1st Street, Havre Fort Belknap Shopping Center Todd’s Technology Store, Malta

Christmas Trail: Annual Christma oma, Dec. 6-7, Stop browse o the One-Room Sc the Old Chappel De For Sale: Alfalfa- rass up in the Little Sh hay, round bales 1500- w/treasures of ye 1600 . 306-267-5711 or today. wy 87 4t 306-267-4548. 11-I 12-I


S p e c t r u m

C o m m o d i t i e s

P u t t i n g T h e P o w e r o f I n f o r m a t i o n I n Yo u r H a n d s


Administrative Assistant/Ins. Enrollment Specialist 20-28 hours/week . Wage negotiable. Contact Meghan Morris at 406-357-2297. Applications at 11-II For Sale: 1999 Newmar Mountaineer Motor ome. 37.5 ft. arge slide-out. Rear queen bed. Washer/dryer. Flat screen TV. Wood flooring. New awning. Excellent shape ow miles. 28,000 OBO. 406-265-8067. 11-II

Change from Last Week -0.16 -0.14 -0.12 0.00 0.44 17.00 0.89 5.37 4.08 0.12 2.45 0.0685 0.0949 0.03 0.02 1.10 0.61 0.0014 -0.0078 78

Gifts and More: Many distinctive gifts available at Promises in Malta. Real flame fire places, soda makers and much more. Come in and check out all your options. 578 iving Water Court, Malta. 6542380. Open 7am-6pm. 11-II

For Sale: 1958 Ford 500 Truck, Tandem, Cat Diesel Engine w/ 40k mi. as new battery and water pump. Transmission has been overhauled. 10,900 Guns - Chain Saws - ewelry Call American arage, C - Movies more. Start your 406 357-4201 today to test Christmas shopping at R-New drive or for more info. 11-I Trading ost 624 First St. W., avre, MT. Mon-Sat, 9amHelp Wanted: S w e e t Medical Center Chinook. 6 30pm. 406 265-5057. 11-II

Prewett Interiors our ome Store We sell Awesome stuff . Decor ifts, too. 406 2289844, nemont.net41, First St. N., lasgow, MT 59230. ours M-F 8 30-5 30. 11-I 1-I

Malta area: Many things are happening in Malta over the oliday Season Stores will be open on Sundays 11am-3pm starting Nov.28th til Christmas. Many late night openings for Christmas shopping. Watch the Malta Chamber ad for complete schedule. 11-I 1-I

Traegar grills on sale for the first time ever 10 off accessories or pellets with purchase of a new grill. Rebates are ending soon, so stop in to E ies ocations in avre, arlem, Malta and lasgow. 11-I 1-I

Wheat markets were weaker as the winter wheat crop nears harvest and production prospects are still May 11, 2016 This Week Kansas City Wheat 4.42 improving. The northern plains spring wheat crop is Minneapolis Wheat 5.27 o to a good start with recent rains relieving dry Chicago Wheat 4.59 conditions. USDA issued the May supply/demand Corn 3.77 Soybeans 10.78 report this week and increased both old crop and new Soybean Meal 362 crop ending stocks estimates. Next year’s stocks are Soybean Oil 33.36 Live Cattle 122.82 projected to be over 1 billion bushels, the rst time Feeder Cattle 149.00 since 1987/88. Sugar 16.77 Soybeans shot higher following the report, with Crude Oil 46.23 Heating Oil 1.3967 USDA projecting higher exports for both old and new Unleaded Gas 1.5815 crop years. With production in South America already Natural Gas 2.17 Silver 17.32 in decline from ooding on ripe elds in Argentina, Gold 1275.50 the soybean market had yet another reason to surge US $ 93.79 higher, reaching a 2-year high before stalling. Corn Canadian $ 0.7788 For Sale: 1 year old buck, For Sale: Wacker/ ohler Euro 1.1436 markets were at following an active week of trading. Dow Jones 17659 Sannen/Nubian, super friendly, electric plant 2.5 kwatt, USDA pegged new crop end stocks above 2 billion Wheat markets were weaker as the winter wheat crop nears harvest and production prospects are still since the 2004/05 marketing year. bushels, the largest make a great prospect buck 3500 watt, 5 hour use improving. The northern plains spring wheat crop is off to a good start with recent rains relieving dry The cattle complex moved higher as cash markets nally found some strength. Boxed conditions. USDA issued the May supply/demand report this week and increased both old crop and new Come take a look. 150, in ohler gas motor. 200 crop ending stocks estimates. Next year’s stocks are projected to be over 1 billion bushels, the first time beef 1987/88. values were sharply higher for the week, and the cash trade rebounded after three weeks Chinook. 406357-2941 OBO. Call 654-7070. 5-I ofsince heavy losses. It appears that beef values have found a price that will stimulate more demand, or 406- 357-8899. 5-I Soybeans shot higher following the report, with USDA projecting higher exports for both old and new crop No v em b er 19 , 2014 ...............................................................V o which l years. u m e X production II Issu 22 ...........................................................................Tricia’s Trader 10 has beeneinunexpectedly slow this spring season. With South America already in decline from flooding on ripe fields in Argentina, the soybean market had yet another reason to surge higher, reaching a 2-year high before stalling. Corn Traegar grills on sale for the first Energies were higher with expectations of an active driving season this summer. The markets were flat following an active week of trading. USDA pegged new crop end stocks above 2 billion energy has found support from the International Energy Agency’s report that projected time everthespace 10 since offthealso accessories bushels, largest 2004/05 marketing year. half crude oil stocks would slow dramatically, from rst half growth of 1.3 or second pellets with2016 purchase of markets a finallygrowth The cattle complex moved higher as cash found some strength. Boxed beef values were Where to Eat, Sleep & Drink in the Heart of Montana. sharply higher for the week, and the cash after three weeks of heavy losses. that half. Financial markets were million barrels perare day to trade justrebounded 200,000 barrels per day inIt appears the later new grill. Rebates ending beef values have found a price that will stimulate more demand, which has been unexpectedly slow this quiet as the and metals were little changed for the week. The US dollar was spring so season. soon, stopDow in paced to Esideways ies stronger again, leading some to suggest that seasonal lows may already be established. ocations in avre, arlem, Energies were higher with expectations of an active driving season this summer. The energy space has also


b er 19 , 2014 ...............................................................V o l u m

Issu e 10........................................................................... Tricia’s Trader 17

Spectrum Commodities ouise artner 800-888-9843

Where to Eat, Sleep & Drink in the Heart of Montana.

No v em

e X IV



e X II Issu e 22 ...........................................................................Tricia’s T

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

found support from the International Energy Agency’s report that projected second half 2016 crude oil Malta andTHIS lasgow. 11-I from 1-I first half growth stocks growth would IS slowAdramatically, of 1.3 million barrels per day to just 200,000 SOLICITATION. Reproduction or rebroadcast of any portion of this information is barrels perprohibited day in the later half. Financial markets were quiet as the Dow paced sideways and metals were strictly without written permission. The information reflected herein is derived from sources Malta area: Many things are little changed the week. The UShowever, dollar was stronger leading someis to not suggest that seasonal lows believed toforbe reliable; this again, information guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. may already be established. Opinions expressed subject happening in Maltaare over the to change without notice. Futures trading involves risk. THIS IS A SOLICITATION. Reproduction or rebroadcast of any portion of this information is strictly oliday Season Stores will be prohibited without written permission. The information reflected herein is derived from sources believed to be reliable; this information is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. Opinions open on however, Sundays 11am-3pm For Sale: RICED TO SE , expressed are subject to change without notice. Futures trading involves risk. starting Nov.28th til Christmas. 17ft berglass boat, 1983 Many late night openings for Mercedes, nice older boat, Christmas shopping. Watch 120 hp Mercruiser, upholstery, the Malta Chamber ad for nice shape, clean. lease complete schedule. 11-I 1-I call for pictures 3,000. Prewett Interiors our Call 406-428-2449. 5-I ome Store We sell Awesome stuff . Decor ifts, too. 406 2289844, nemont.net41, First St. N., lasgow, MT 59230. ours M-F 8 30-5 30. 11-I 1-I

For Sale: 1958 Ford 500 Truck, Tandem, Cat Diesel Engine w/ 40k mi. as new battery and water pump. Transmission has been overhauled. 10,900 Guns - Chain Saws - ewelry Call American arage, C - Movies more. Start your 406 357-4201 today to test Christmas shopping at R-New drive or for more info. 11-I Trading ost 624 First St. W., avre, MT. Mon-Sat, 9amHelp Wanted: S w e e t 6 30pm. 406 265-5057. 11-II Medical Center Chinook.

Christmas Trail: Travel the Annual Christmas Trail to oma, Dec. 6-7, 10am-4pm. Stop browse oma history in the One-Room School ouse, the Old Chappel Depot warm Administrative Assistant/Ins. For Sale: Alfalfa- rass up in the Little Shop all filled Enrollment Specialist 20-28 hay, round bales 1500w/treasures of yesterday and hours/week . Wage negotiable. 1600 . 306-267-5711 or

18 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

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Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

For Sale: ocated in Saco, MT. 1,463 /-sq.ft. 3 bed., 2 bath home w/ landscaped yard numerous int. updates. New ooring, as well as a completely remodeled kitchen and main oor bath. Movein ready w/ inexpensive taxes and utilities making it easy to own Asking 99,500 114AR www.MissouriRiverRealty. com 406 654-2273. 5-I

DAVE SAYS: Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace Revisited and More Than Enough. In them, Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.


I’ve had a judgment led against me for an old, unpaid medical bill. The original amount was 2,500, but now it has increased to 3,200. Can I negotiate this with the lawyer I’ve asked him for a detailed statement of the account several times, but all I’ve gotten is a payment booklet. ~Bill Dear Bill, When it comes to paying o bills or debt, you should always pay what’s owed if you have the money. There’s a moral, as well as legal, responsibility involved. That being said, if you don’t have 3,200, o er him whatever you’ve got 2,000 or the original 2,500 as a settlement. Make sure he understands that you’re not o ering to pay the amount you have on the debt, but that it’s being o ered as settlement in full if the debt is cleared. The reason you haven’t gotten what you’ve asked for so far is you may have been talking to some low-level sta er or paralegal. If you have been talking directly to the lawyer, then he’s probably running a small debt collections or debt lawsuit machine. That means you’re just one of do ens of widgets coming down the line. To you, this is very personal. But to him, you’re just another account. ou might have to do something to get his attention and wake him up. If this is the case, he probably gets a piece of whatever he collects. So, if he gets a third of 2,000 or 2,500 it might make his house payment this month. ou could also talk to the hospital administrator, too, and let them know you’ll bring a couple thousand down there today if they’ll accept it as payment in full. At this point, you’ve just got to do something to get o the conveyor belt ~Dave DEAR DAVE, Are annuities good for long-term retirement ~Quincy Dear uincy, The short answer is no. There might be a rare exception when I’d use a variable annuity which is a mutual fund inside of an annuity but as a rule I don’t use annuities. And I certainly don’t use xed annuities for anything, because they’re just crap. Basically, they’re a CD with a huge set of fees. It’s just an insurance agent’s product, really. The place for variable annuities might be when you’ve got everything else maxed out and your house is paid o . If you’ve reached that point, you can talk to your advisor about some of the possible bene ts of a variable annuity. ou can leave a bene ciary on it, so that it passes outside of probate, and you’ve got some principle guarantees and return guarantees that are decent. The returns are a little lower, though, because you’ll get hit with both the annuity fee and the mutual fund fee. So, by and large the answer is no for most people, because they don’t have their house paid o and aren’t maxing out all other retirement options. If you’re doing all that, and you want to do something in this area, then I might think about it.. ~Dave * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 11 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations and digital outlets. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

For Sale: ocated in avre, Montana. Spacious 5 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath home that includes additional space in the basement and a recent interior remodel, as well as a washer/dryer and a new roof Asking 137,000 615MR www.MissouriRiverRealty. com 406 654-2273. 5-I

Just Us Construction 406-680-2669

* Painting * Tile * Kitchens * Bathrooms * Cultured Stone * Seamless Gutters * Old Design, Now Affordable Granite Garage Sale: May 28th and 29th. Miscellaneous items. ook for signs and come check us out 50454 US W 19N. If you have an questions call us at 406-428-2234. 5-II

For Sale: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free- 866-683-7299 or 406-453-7299 Big Sky Pipe And Supply, Great Falls. Call Today and Ask for our free catalog. Visit Us Online http://bigskypipeandsupply. com/html/ 3-II 6-I

For Sale: ouse in Sidney, MT. 3 bedrooms, double heated garage, 2 sheds, well water. 5 ft. private fence, fruit tree, plants, updated kitchen, central air / gas heat. Call 489-1252. 4-I 8-II

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

Specializing in Urethane Spray Foam Loose Foam Blow In

John 406-403-4402 Micha 406-403-5316

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20 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

For Sale: ohler Whirlpool acu i Bathtub, complete with pump, control, faucets, installation and operating instructions. Call 357-3572. 5-II

Tulips and Treasures: One of a kind arrangements and gifts, free in town delivery. Call 406-654-1273 or stop in at 900 S. Central Ave., Malta. 5-II

e X IV

Issu e 10................................................................................. May 18, 2016

Custom Embroidery, Vinyl & Apparel Printing

Custom Logos and Apparel

For Sale: avre home features 5 brs, 1 full bath, two 3/4 baths, an attached 2 car garage, detached 30 x40 2 stall shop w/1/2 bath and laundry hookups. Downstairs includes 2 br and 3/4 bath, kitchenette and lrg family room. ome sits on over 1/2 acre. Nice deck. Outdoor patio area w/ re pit Asking 395,000 616S 6 www.MissouriRiverRealty. com 406-654-2273. 5-II For Sale: 30 year old composted sheep manure, will load. Call 406-357-3610. 3-II 6-I


Come check out the New Redesigned BBQ Grills

2-Hour Coverage!!

H a il r a te s a r e lo w e r n o w th a n e v e r b e fo r e w i t h R i c h m a n I n s u r a n c e . Call today!

Hey! ooking for a good building mover Call Dale Freitag 654-1123 or Dan iese 379-2320. rompt, experienced, b y Sarah H o n ey The American Prairie Reserve (APR) bought the competitive pricing. 3-I 9-II For Sale: 74 Ford F250 2x4, 4 spd, 360 8 motor w/ utility box. 70 rubber, new brakes, master cylinder, seat, fuel pump, ball joints, tie rods and mu er. 500 g fuel tank, 5,000 watt gen, air comp, torch w/o bottles, obart 110 welder, completely serviced, new re ext. 5,000 OBO. Call 654-7070. 5-I

48,000-acre PN Ranch just north of Winifred, MT to add to its expansion of land along the Missouri River in hopes that bison and other wildlife can freely traverse and graze the open prairies once again. Supporters of this act are hoping to open up this land as a public park where visitors can experience how the West once was, eliminating all cattle, fences, power lines, and “ Keep Out” signs. American Prairie Reserve has established 353,000 acres across five counties since the year of 2001. This causes much tension with many Central Montana residents who see this organization quickly taking over their land, eventually putting them out of business and putting an end to their way of life. Sources: For Sale: 3 0 ft 2 0 0 8 Featherlite, 3 compartment 13,999 and a 2008 30ft Featherlite Stock Trailer 13,999. We have 140 trailers on the lot Always o ering great deals Call Bass Auction at 406 538-8709 or go to 5-II Now Hiring: Timber Creek illage Assisted iving is rowing iring CNAs, Resident Assistants, Cooks Dietary Aides. Must be dependable, highly motivated and team player Comp. hiring package, including shift di erentials, ex. scheduling, vaca. pay and meals during shift. Mail resume or apply in person 155 34th Ave. W., avre; located behind Mart. 5-I

May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

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22 Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

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May 18, 2016 ........................................................................ V o l u m

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For Sale: Taking orders For Sale: RARE NI ES on 1,000 tons of straight arge Selection RUANA alfalfa off a pivot. Net CASE SC RADE wrapped round bales. ard - to - nd USA-made Trucking available. $125/ Old Timer Uncle enry ton. Trucking available. nife/Scissor Sharpening Montana Hay Co., Big Sky Images & Collectibles 406-670-6551. 5-I 7-II avre oliday illage Mall, 406-399-6522. 5-II Looking for a Mountain et-away o to www. 2-II 8-I

Guitars of Montana: Alvare , BOSS/Roland, Crafter, Dean, Electro- oice, E , , retsch, uild, ammond, Ibane , ackson, aney, udwig, una, Mapex, hil ones ure Sound, Randall, ildjian Music books, Band/ Orchestra rentals. 2 5th Street South, downtown reat Falls, 406-453-4998. 2-I 7-II


Tricia’s Trader .................................................................. V o l u m

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Sale: Registered For Sale: Front rill uard For ereford yearling bull for that ts a 2013 Chevy 1/2 ton. lease call 386-2244 Aluminum. If interested, contact sale. 5-I Russ at 406-428-2234. 5-II for more information.

$36,000 $48,000

$70,000 $99,000

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