February 21, 2018 Volume XVI Issue 4
800-756-1817 www.TriciasTrader.com Over 6,000 copies distributed all across NorthCentral Montana! Email news to repor ter@triciatrader.com
Postal Customer
Community Supports Child Battling Cancer Page 3
Annual Bull Sale - March 29th, 2018 1 p.m. - Bear Paw Livestock - Chinook, MT
Bulls produced from a solid maternal foundation. Gene Ryg & Vinee’ Cox Office (406)357-2265 Cell (406) 680-7483
Classifieds, Classifieds!
NEWS: Sister Act Opens on March 9 in Havre..........................2 Community Supports Child Battling Cancer ............................ 3 Appreciation Lunch Set for Sunday..........................................4 Cleary Building Corp Celebrates 40 Years In Business.......................................5 Livestock Indemnity Program ...... 6 Comedian to Perform in Havre .......7 Montana Stockgrowers Foundation 69th Montana Seed Show Set for Early March.....................11 Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by Attending Havre's Bonspiel........15 REGULAR FEATURES: Ranching For Profit......................4 Dave Says....................................6 Realty Section ............................. 7 Advertising/Subscriptions.............8 Hooves and Horns ....................... 8 Laugh Lines ................................. 8 Markets ........................................ 9 Joyce Meyer Ministries................11 Conservative Cow Dr...................12 Bull Sale Calendar.......................13
It's time to take a Serious Look at Tricia's Trader... *No Subscription Required. *Mailed FREE to Every Household in Dozens of Rural Montana Zip Codes. Call us today!
Selling 50 Registered Angus Bulls
Sires Represented
Mason 352 | SR Dakota 514 Neel’s Power 572 | Rowdy 5206
2 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
For Sale: 1000 Ton 3x4 2nd cutting covered Alfalfa. 500 Ton 4x4 covered Alfalfa, loc. in Townsend. 1300 Ton straight Alfalfa, uncovered, loc. west of Great Falls. Trucking avail. Montana Hay Company, 406-670-6551 or 672-7558. 2-II
For Rent: 2 bedroom, 2 bath house in Chinook. No pets, no smoking. Call 406-357-3366 or 390-4874. 2-II For Sale or Lease: Commercial property formerly havre vets club. 8400 sq ft some newer upgrades. 299k call 265-2941 or 945-1716. 2-II
Firewood For Sale: $120/cord located in Havre Call 945-7098. 2-I
For Sale: Several items. Dozer blade, fits D6 sive. Dozer blade for D7E w/ new 11-2-24 tires. ATV Winch. Small heavy duty trailer. SnapOn tool box w/ tools. Call 406-450-4760. 2-II
Sister Act Opens on March 9 in Havre ister Act a Tony-nominated Broad ay musical based on the 1992 lm starring Whoopi Goldberg, opens on March 9 and 10 in the Montana Actors’ Theater on Cowan Drive in Havre, Montana, with the curtain rising both nights at 8:00 P.M. The show will run March 15-17 and 22-24, with 2 P.M. matinees on March 17 and March 24 in addition to the 8:00 P.M. shows. Although the stage play and the movie are quite different, the Montana Actors’ Theatrical troupe will tell the tale of the wannabe disco diva, Deloris Van Cartier (played by Denae Ellis), whose life changes drastically after she witnesses a murder and is put into protective custody in a convent, the one place the police are certain she won’t be found. As the free-spirited and soul singing Cartier disrupts convent life under the watchful eye of Mother Superior (played by Marie Deegan), she rediscovers her own voice in the process. In addition to Ellis and Deegan, a cast of area residents will take part in the production: • Sister Mary Robert – Clarissa Allred • Sister Mary Patrick – Angela Messinger • Sister Mary Lazarus – Jamie Lynn Sherman • Monsignor O’Hara – Ben Hall • Curtis – Luke Pratt • Eddie – TJ Schwartzkopf • TJ – Oriah Williams • Joey – Martin Holt • Pablo – David Chambers • Sister Mary Martin of Tours – Tamara Sooter • Sister Mary Theresa – Mary Sue Davis • Michelle – Amanda Knutson • Tina – Haley Lippy • Ernie – Mark Cichosz • Ensemble– Amanda Viall, Angela Murri, Deanne Stevenson, Lacey Huff, Michelene Edwards, Serena Dawson, Tara Zuelke, and Taryn Jungers Tickets, which are $20 for adults and $15 for students/seniors/military, are on sale now at www.mtactors.com. The play’s producing agents are Western Drug, Holland and Bonine, Credit Bureau of Havre, and Aaron's Rent-To-Own, and each night’s production is sponsored by an area business or a patron of the arts. For more information, interested persons can call (406) 945-0272.
Adult Ed is Back! Big Flat Community Grain Bin is happy to sponsor Adult Ed in the Turner Community once again. The first class began January 30, and our last scheduled class ends February 25. Visit www.turnermontana.us for a full schedule and signup forms! 2-I For Sale: 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa hay, big round bales, net wrap. 1st cutting RFV 185, 2nd cutting RFV 201. Call 379-2512. 2-I Havre Day Care: Think BIG. If you have the experience, I have the building! 265-2941 2-I
American Garage Does
Want to know if the vehicle you are considering to purchase is going to need repairs soon? Stop by American Garage today and we’ll inspect it for you!
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For Sale: 2000 gallon, oval, For Rent: Small 4 bedroom, galvanized water tank, approximately 2 bath house in Chinook. Call 16 feet long. No leaks. $500. 406-357-2049 or 945-3626. 2-I Call 357-4282 if interested. 2-I
5 #s You Need to Know
For Sale: 30 Charolais yearling bulls, gentle disposition, not for heifers. Call for prices & info, 357-2133. 1-II:3-1
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3 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Community Supports Child Battling Cancer
Big brother -Wylee, Father - Justin, Mother- Tomi & Wacee
Justin and Tomi Simenson's lives were recently turned upside down with the unexpected news that their youngest son, Wacee, had a large mass in his chest With a sus icion o cancer he as o n to alis ell or bio sies blood work, and further tests. Because of the size of the tumor and the possibility that its rapid shrinking from chemotherapy could affect Wacee’s kidneys so that he might require dialysis, the Pediatric Acute Center in Kalispell transferred Wacee to Denver Children's Hospital where more sophisticated equipment could handle his condition while he received chemotherapy. On February 13, the Simensons learned of their son’s diagnosis, T-Cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, and its prognosis: this disease is highly curable with chemotherapy treatments. Overwhelmed by the news, Tomi wrote on Facebook: “My head literally feels like it could explode because of all the information I have had to learn over the course of the last few days about this disease. But the thing I’m still having trouble with is just how fast all of this happened and just how fast our lives have been changed so drastically! Our new ‘normal’ is about to look a whole lot different!” Wacee began receiving chemotherapy on Tuesday night, February 13, and is expected to receive treatments for the next two years. Although medical professionals optimistically expect Wacee to return to normal activity within six months, Wacee will have to remain in Denver until approximately mid-March, at which time his condition will be reevaluated. If Wacee makes positive progress, the family will return to Montana, and Wacee will continue his treatments in Kalispell. Support for this community-minded family was immediate. Kelly Anderson organized a Go Fund Me page on February 10, and by the afternoon of February 13, already $33,859 of the $40,000 goal was raised. An account at the First Bank of Montana in Chinook has also been opened for donations for Wacee, and interested individuals can make checks payable to Justin, Tomi, or Wacee Simenson and send them to First Bank, P.O. Box 9; Chinook, MT 59523. Calling 406-357-2244 will enable individuals to transfer money into the account, as ell onations can be made at any Glacier Bank a liate across Montana Furthermore, a Facebook border for Wacee was created by Heather DePriest. The border features a yellow ribbon followed by the words Wacee trong also in yello Any eo le ishing to u date their ro le ictures ith this frame as a show of support can simply search “Wacee” and then use the hashtag #waceestrong to create the frame. u orters encourage not only rayers but nancial donations welcoming any help in spreading the word about local fundraising efforts. The Simensons also extend gratitude for all the prayers, love, and support they’ve experienced. “Please continue to pray,” Tomi asked. “I can’t wait to get my baby feeling better and back to being a boy!”
4 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Ranching For Profit Blog -
ealthy land
Dave Pratt a y amilies and ro table Businesses
SUDOKU! The rules to the Japanese game of Sudoku are straightforward. im ly ll in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.
Big Rocks My niece, Kelsey, got married last Saturday. The title of this article doesn’t refer to the size of the diamond on her ring. It doesn’t even refer to the place she was married, which was on top of a huge granite dome above 7,000’ elevation in the Sierra. But it does refer to something that her wedding made me think of. It is one of the simple, powerful principles from the 7 Habits of Highly ective eo le course that has had a great in uence on me The most re uent constraint Ranching or ro t chool alumni cite to getting things done is not enough time O course time is ed ince e can’t make more of it, we can only be more effective with the time we have. But ho ill e ever get to the im ortant WOTB ork i our days are lled ith seemingly endless WITB? That’s a good question and one I have struggled with myself. We are all driven by the clock. But to be highly effective, we need to use a clock and a compass. Of course the clock represents time. The compass re resents direction The clock stands or e ciency The com ass stands or e ectiveness e live by the clock our lives ill be lled ith urgent things and the WOTB work is likely to go undone. Using our compass for guidance, it becomes possible to set priorities and do the WOTB. You create a compass by identifying your purpose in the form of a mission statement. There are some very practical tools we use in the 7 Habits program to help people identify their purpose and write their mission statement. The process involves clarifying your priorities and identifying the principles and values by which you want to live your life. It involves recognizing your talents and strengths. It also requires that we identify the roles we play in our lives and the outcomes we want to achieve in each of those roles. We call the things we want to achieve in each role “The Big Rocks.” We each play many roles in our lives personally and professionally. For example at work I have the role of business owner, teacher, boss, writer, salesman, mouse killer and a dozen other things. In my personal life I have roles of husband, father, brother, friend, hiker, musician (or, perhaps more accurately, noise maker) and more. Kelsey just added “wife” to her list of roles. In each of those roles there are outcomes I want to achieve and things I need to do to achieve them. These things are the “Big Rocks.” If you are tired of letting WITB drive your life, I recommend you try this: 1. Identify 7 of the most important roles you play in your life. Make sure at least 3 of them are in your personal life and at least 3 of them are in your work life. 2. For each role imagine the ultimate outcome you’d like to achieve. It can be helpful to think of someone who would be affected by your achievements in this role. Ask yourself how you would like this person to describe your success in this particular role 20 years from now. 3 or each outcome identi y one or more signi cant ste s you d like to take this month to make progress toward that outcome. 4. Schedule those steps on a calendar or planner. (We give each participant in the 7 Habits Course a Franklin/Covey Planning System Kit that includes a planner for scheduling their months, weeks and days.) 5 ach eek con rm the blocks o time you ill devote to the big rocks and schedule the little rocks (WITB) around the big ones. 6. Each day take 10 minutes to translate the weekly schedule to a prioritized “to do” list for the day. It may seem like this takes a lot of time. It’s been taking me 30 minutes at the beginning of each month to plan the month, another 20 minutes at the start of each week to plan my week and 5-10 minutes each morning to plan my day. All totaled that comes to less than 5 hours a month. That is less than 1% o my time nd that s ending 1 o my time to reduce my stress and increase my effectiveness during the other 99% is a good return on my investment.
Tricia’s Trader is now offering
Website Design
in partnership with Montana Grafix! Call us at 379-2377 to learn more! Appreciation Lunch Set for Sunday
Need to Buy or Sell? Hire a realtor you can trust. Greytak Realty will help take the stress out of buying or selling your home, farm/ranch or commercial property. Call our office at 406-357-2111; Clint Greytak 2623170 or Bob Sharples 945-5655. www.GreytakRealty.com 1-II
For Sale: 2000 Merritt Livestock trailer; this 53’ spread axle has virgin tires, good floors, and is ready to go to work. Asking $29,000 for this “must see to appreciate” trailer. Call 357-4282. 2-I For Sale: 116 2nd Ave. S.E. 2 bed 1 bath 1574 sq. ft., $64,900. Call Kim Cripps at 406-265-0905. 2-II
On Sunday, February 25, the Harlem Civic Association will be hosting an Appreciation Lunch for Blaine County emergency service crews, including ambulance re and olice A lasagna lunch ill be served rom 1 00 M -2 30 P.M. at the Harlem VFW Club located at 530 Central Avenue West in Harlem. Organizers encourage the recipients of these services to join them in saying, “Thank you to these wonderful people and their families for the services they so sel essly rovide We are so blessed to have these eo le in our community!” The arlem Civic Association is a non ro t organi ation in arlem Montana The organi ations mission is to su ort non- ro t activities that ill promote the improvement of the community of Harlem. Anyone can seek a membership. Civic meetings occur the 3rd Monday of the Month at 6:00 P.M. in the Harlem Library Meeting Room.
5 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Proven, Solid, Dependable!
THINGS TO KNOW: 3rd Wed. of Every Month: Volunteers invited! Blaine County Local Area Committee for Mental Health meets in Youth Court Services meeting room of Bl. Co. Courthouse. All interested parties are welcome to share or bring ideas! Call 406-357-2369 for details.
3rd Thurs. Quarterly, Sept. 21, Dec. 21, Mar. 15 and June 21: Blaine County DUI Task Force meets in Bl. Co. Triple E Room at noon. This meeting is open to the public and welcomes the community. For questions call Deputy Chris Adair at 357-3260. First and Third Mon. of the Month.: HAVRE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLMeadowlark Estates, 4113 9th St. W., Havre, Sundays, 5:00-7:00pm. More info call Barbara Fell, 390-3708. Open to all denominations. REO offers agricultural workers & their families assistance with: Funding for short-term classes or college tuition, books & other related costs. Job Search, placements & advancements. Employment security & wage increases. For more info visit reomontana.org call 406-879-9384 or email fawn@reomontana.org Dept.of Labor.
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Cleary Building Corp. Celebrates 40 Years In Business VERONA, WI – Cleary Building Corp., a leading manufacturer of commercial, equine, farm, suburban and residential pre-engineered structures, is proud to announce its 40th anniversary. The company recently celebrated its 40 years of continued success with an employee appreciation event at its Corporate Worldwide Headquarters in Verona, WI. At the event, Sean Cleary, President, and Tom Cleary, Cleary Founder, thanked all Cleary employees for their hard work and dedication to the company.
TROUT FLIES, locally made, tried and proven by expert fishermen. BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES, Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522. 12-II:3-I Annual 22nd
Best Resting Inn & Extended Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x
Bull Sale
Bulls Sell
1:00 p.m. • Lunch at noon
Pictured above, from left, Carol, Tom and Sean Cleary celebrate Cleary Building Corp.’s 40th Anniversary at its Corporate World Headquarters in Verona, WI. Since it was founded on February 10, 1978, Cleary has always prided itself on offering Clients high-quality buildings at affordable prices, along with second-to-none personal service. Cleary’s Corporate World Headquarters and agshi manu acturing lant are located in erona W n 1985 Cleary o ened its rst branch o ce in A leton W less than one year later the com any broke ground in llinois o ening an o ce in both the northern and southern parts of the state, in Sandwich and Breese. Expansion has continued at a steady pace and today the company’s branches stretch as far east as Warrenton, VA, and as far west as Grants Pass, Oregon.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Bear Paw Livestock • Chinook, Montana Bulls can be viewed at Hould Feedlot in Malta.
View videos at www.billpelton.com, and bid sale day by phone & live online at www.lmaacutions.com
— Milk River Bull Sale Consignors —
C Bar
Bar 9 Ranch Clayton Hofeldt 406-945-0850 bar9ranch@gmail.com
Four Butte Cattle Co. Bryan Pike 406-788-5952 bpike4@hotmail.com
C Bar Angus • Bruce Christofferson 406-658-2131 Ross Christofferson rc516@mtintouch.net • 658-2153
DH Registered Angus Dale Hofeldt 406-357-3785
Complete Sale Information and Sale Book, Contact: Clayton Hofeldt • 406-945-0850
North Fork Angus Kade, Shane & Morgan Friede 406-357-2410 sfriede@hotmail.com
6 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
DAVE SAYS: Who Is Dave Ramsey? Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace Revisited and More Than Enough. In them, Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.
DEAR DAVE, I’ve been following your plan, and I’m ready to start investing. Do employer contributions count toward the 15 percent you recommend putting into retirement?
DEAR BRENDA, Investing 15 percent of your income in retirement accounts is Baby Step 4 of my plan. That means you’ve already paid off all your debt, except for your home, and you’ve increased your $1,000 beginner’s emergency fund to a fully-funded emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. Way to go! I want you to control your destiny, so employer contributions do not count to ard the 15 ercent recommend setting aside or retirement The rst thing you should put money into is a matching retirement account. If you’ve got access to a 401(k) — and your employer offers a match — you should do that up to the match before anything else. It’s nice if your company will match up to a certain point, but chances are that will still mean you’ve got some work to do. To make up the remainder, you could look at a Roth IRA. Then if the Roth, plus what you invested previously to get the match doesn’t equal 15 percent, you could see about a 403(b) or go back to your 401(k) to complete the 15 percent. You’re doing great, Brenda. Keep up the good work!
~ Dave
* Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 13 million listeners each week on 585 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at daveramsey.com and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.
Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) For the 2017 Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), producers who suffered livestock deaths due to an eligible loss condition, including eligible adverse weather events, eligible disease, and eligible attacks from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 must have submitted a notice of loss within 30 calendar days o hen the loss o livestock as rst a arent An a lication or ayment must be led ith the local A County O ce by the March 31 2018 deadline. For the 2018 LIP Program, producers who suffer livestock deaths due to an eligible loss condition—including eligible adverse weather events, eligible disease, and eligible attacks from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 must submit a notice of loss within 30 calendar days of when the loss of livestock is rst a arent livestock roducers su ering livestock losses may submit the notice of loss to FSA by phone, fax, email, or in person. An application for ayment must be led ith the local A County O ce by the March 31 2019 deadline. Eligible adverse weather events include, but are not limited to, earthquake, hail, lightning, tornado, winter storm (lasting three consecutive days with high winds, freezing rain/sleet, heavy snowfall and extremely cold temperatures), oods bli ards ild res e treme heat e treme cold anthra straight-line winds, and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae poisoning) that directly results in the death of eligible livestock in excess of more than normal mortality. Livestock producers must provide proof of death and inventory numbers of eligible livestock that died due to an eligible loss condition. The inventory numbers represent the number of eligible livestock before and after the eligible loss conditions that cause the death of the livestock. Beginning and ending inventory documents can include, veterinary records, balance sheets, inventory numbers used for tax purposes, loan records, sales and purchase records and other similar documents. Proof of death documentation may be rendering truck receipts, FEMA records, veterinary records, private insurance documents, contemporaneous records that existed at the time of the eligible loss conditions, pictures with a date, and other similar documents. or ans ers to uestions roducers can contact their local A o ces or visit the online site at sa usda gov disaster here they can nd a link to the Livestock Indemnity Program Factsheet.
For Sale: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pi p e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 1-II-4-II
Cabinets and More: Come into All Seasons Home Center @729 2nd Ave. S. Customize your cabinets for bathroom or kitchen with our computerized design program Durasupreme cabinets; ask for specials. Call 406-228-8288. 2-II Searching for something? Find it in the search window at www.TriciasTrader.com. x
7 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Comedian to Perform in Havre
For Sale or Lease: Commercial property formerly havre vets club. 8400 sq ft some newer upgrades. 299k 2-II On March 28 stand-u comedian actor im ersonator and lm call 265-2941 or 945-1716. producer, Barry Brewer will perform on MSU-Northern’s campus in the Student Union Building’s (SUB) Ballroom at 8:00 P.M. A native of South Side Chicago, Brewer began his comedic career in 2001. Since then, he has traveled the country and abroad. His talent in bringing humor to high ro le discussion to ics and ty ically uncom ortable sub ect matter has earned him invitations to perform at the nation's top comedy clubs, colleges, and events is high- ro le lat orms include television a earances on Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand Up Revolution, an American stand-up comedy television series airing on Comedy Central, and performances with Dave Chappelle and Kevin Hart. Referred to as a “freshly clever and multi-talented comedian,” Brewer has been compared to Eric Marlon Bishop, who is known professionally as the comedy sensation Jamie Foxx. With his satirical style and relatable delivery, Brewer is a star on the rise and one of Hollywood's fresh, new entertainers to watch. Although the performance is free to MSU-N students with valid student identi cation the cost or the ublic is 5 or anyone 14 and over and 3 or those 13 and under.
Are you looking for that special hard-to-find book? BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES We have NEW and USED BOOKS will special order Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 12-II:3-I
For Sale: Timbren Overloads for sale. Fit 2011-2013 1/2 Ton Dodge Ram. Paid $325, asking $200 firm. For more info call Gary at 390-2392. 2-I.
For Sale: 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa hay, big round bales, net wrap. 1st cutting RFV 185, 2nd cutting RFV 201. Call 379-2512. 2-I
8 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Mrs. Right Sitting in the bar George asked his 40-year-old friend John, "How come you aren't married?" John: "I haven't found the right woman yet." George: "So what are you looking for?" John: "Oh she's got to be real pretty, a good cook and house keeper. She's got to know how to handle money, have a nice and pleasant personality and money. She's got to have money. And a nice big house wouldn't hurt either." George: "A woman like that would be crazy to marry YOU!" John: "Oh, it's okay, if she is crazy."
2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 Phone 800-756-1817 Email: office@triciastrader.com www.TriciasTrader.com FAX: 888-796-8498
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CENTRAL REGION: We welcome Juel to the Tricia's Trader team. She looks forward to working with you if you live in:
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The next issue publishes Wed., March 7th, 2018. Ad DEADLINE Wed., Feb. 28th at 9am. Tricia’s Trader SERVES THESE MONTANA TOWNS: Town: Joplin Inverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre Chinook Harlem Fort Belknap Turner Hogeland Zortman Roy Dodson Malta Loring Whitewater Saco
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Hinsdale Glasgow
364, 648 228, 230, 263, 367, 831 Nashua 746 Fort Peck 526 Wolf Point 392, 525, 650, 653, 915 762 Opheim 765 Plentywood Circle 485, 974 557, 977 Jordan 428, 928 Grass Range Lewistown 350, 366, 380, 535, 538, 707, 708, 968 Hobson 423 Stanford 566 Geraldine 737 Denton 567 Chester 759 Belt 277 Great Falls 205, 216, 217, 231, 268, 403, 452, 453, 454, 455, 564, 590, 715, 727, 731, 750, 760, 761, 770, 771, 781, 788, 791, 799, 836, 866, 868, 870, 899, 923, 952, 964, 965, 997 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES ARE (406)
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9 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Louise Gartner, Spectrum Commodities 800-888-9843 Wheat markets were mostly lower following
S p e c t r u m
C o m m o d i t i e s
P u t t i n g T h e P o w e r o f I n f o r m a t i o n I n Yo u r H a n d s
Wheat markets were mostly lower following the supply/demand report that showed a reduction in US export expectations and an increase in Russian export projections. Corn was slightly higher and soybeans strongly higher, both a result of Argentine production issues as those crops head into pollination under expanding drought conditions and yield estimates rapidly declining. Soymeal is the leader higher as Argentina crushes most of its soybean crop and then exports the soymeal. The cattle complex was mixed with live cattle moving slightly higher, following stronger cash markets. Extreme cold in the northern plains and more storms across the central plains have reduced cattle movement, and even closed some auction yards, catching packers short-bot again and helping to support cash prices. Feeder cattle struggled to move higher with the fats as producers begin to worry about having enough moisture available for pastures, with spring warm-up just around the corner. Financial markets had another very active week. Stocks were sharply higher following the major selling from the previous week as investors looked to take advantage of cheaper values. The US dollar pulled back from its quick rally as the Europeans resumed talk about rising interest rates, supporting the euro but pressuring the dollar. Energies were weaker as weekly crude oil and distillate supplies increased more than trade expectations. THIS IS A SOLICITATION. Reproduction or rebroadcast of any portion of this information is strictly prohibited without written permission. The information reflected herein is derived from sources believed to be reliable; however, this information is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Futures trading involves risk.
Guitars of Montana: Alvarez, BOSS/Roland, Crafter, Dean, Electro-Voice, EVH, G&L, Gretsch, Guild, Hammond, Ibanez, Jackson, Laney, Ludwig, Luna, Mapex, Phil Jones Pure Sound, Randall, Zildjian! Music books, Band/Orchestra rentals. #2 5th Street South, downtown Great Falls, 406-453-4998. 1-II:7-1
For Sale: 3 bed, 2 bath home at 515 Minn., Chinook, MT. Very clean, move-in ready, central a/c, storage, add'n w/ util. rm. New master bath, lots of upgrades. Huge 2-car garage, deck, quiet neighborhood near HS. Call 406357-2835 or 262-3910 to see. x
10 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
For Sale: RARE KNIVES, Large selection RUANA, SCHRADE, Hard to find USA- made Old Timer & Uncle Henry, Knife/scissor sharpening BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522. 2-II Have you ever sworn an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution? Check out www.OathKeepers.org. 11-x
For Sale: Two horse training sticks. 48" fiberglass, EVA foam handle. Plastic hook on handle end for pulling cinch under the animal. One has a 6' cord w/ leather popper. Cord att'd w/ roll pins & covered w/ HD heat formed tube. The other stick has a detachable 6" flag. 399-7876. 2-I. For Sale: 20 x 30 x 12 Heavy duty building. I bought two of these buildings for storage and never put them up. Still new in the crates. Invested $3,600 in the pair. Would like $1,600 separately or $3,000/pair. 406-899-9606. Located In Chinook. 2-I. Notice: Snow removal available in Havre. Call 390-3362. 2-II.
11 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Custom Hay & Grain Grinding Jake Konesky, Owner Kyle Konesky, Owner
406.399.3334 406.945.8222
40063 Road 20 South • Havre, MT 59501 koneskyfrontier@gmail.com
69th Montana Seed Show Set for Early March The arlem Civic Association a non ro t organi ation in arlem Montana, has announced that the 69th Montana Seed Show will be held March 8-10 at Harlem High School, located at 610 First Avenue South East in Harlem. The Seed Show promises many exhibits and events to attract attendance. Moore's Printing of Malta printed the seed show books, whose front cover features a western meadowlark perched on a fence post surrounded by ild roses in the oreground ith a blue sky and green elds as a backdro The Seed Show will kick off on Thursday at 9:00 A.M. as entry day for agricultural exhibits and will close with the Banquet and Auction on Saturday at 7:00 P.M. The banquet’s guest speaker will be Colter Brown of the Northern Ag Network. After the banquet, auctioneer Bob Sivertsen will sell various items to the bidding public. One of the Seed Show’s highlights, the Bread Baking Contest, is set for March 9. Bread Show Chairwoman, Karolee Cronk, named four categories for youth (high school seniors and younger) and adults: regular white bread, 100% whole wheat bread, machine white bread, and machine 50% combination whole wheat bread. All four categories will offer monetary prizes for youth and adults with plaques in each category for the adults and a plaque to the over-all-winner. The rst- lace adult inners in each category are not eligible to enter that category again for three years; however, they may enter the other categories,” Cronk said. “Youth winners are eligible to enter each year,” she added. Breads may be entered on Friday, March 9, between 8 and 9:30 A.M. at Harlem High School’s big gym. For further information, Cronk encourages individuals to consult their Seed Show books or to call her at 353-2874. The status as Montana’s oldest running seed show is one the Harlem Civic Association wears with pride. For more information, interested persons can call 379-2592 or 353-4524.
Enjoying Everyday Life Joyce Meyer
The Power of Intimacy with God Years ago, when I was just learning how to
develop a personal relationship with God, I had a lot of problems. I was a mess because of the abuse I had experienced growing up. As a result, I was insecure, unstable, unhappy most of the time, and I got angry whenever things didn’t go my way. It was a miserable way to live. I eventually reached a point where I was willing to do whatever I had to do to have peace and to really enjoy my life. So I got serious about my relationship with God and started studying His Word and spending time with Him in prayer. As I did this, I discovered that God wanted me to have abundant life and to live with His righteousness, peace and joy. But getting there was a battle! John 10:10 says Jesus “came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the ull till it over o s (AM ) And Romans 14:17 says, “The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking hat one likes but o righteousness and eace and oy in the Holy Spirit.” We can experience abundant life and have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit when we develop an intimate, personal relationship with God. And two main keys to having intimacy with God are truth and time. You’ve probably heard the saying, “The truth will set you free!” This is not just a wise proverb someone came up with; it’s actually taken from Scripture. Jesus says in John 8:31-32 that “if you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then you are truly My disci les And you ill kno the truth regarding salvation and the truth ill set you ree rom the enalty o sin If we’re going to be set free from sin – wrong mindsets, attitudes and behavior that are not like Christ – then we must face the truth about ourselves and choose to believe what God says in His Word more than what we think or feel or what others say. We need to be completely truthful with God and let Him into every part of our lives. This means that when we have thoughts like, “I’m no good. I never do anything right. I’ll never amount to anything. Nothing ever works out right for me!” we talk back to ourselves and say what God’s Word says. For example: • God is love, He loves me, and nothing can separate me from His love! (1 John 4:16; John 3:16; Romans 8:38-39) • I am a new creation in Christ and I am made right with God because of what Jesus has done for me! (2 Corinthians 5:17, 21) • I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who gives me strength! (Philippians 4:13) • I trust God and put my faith in Him to cause everything in my life to work together for my good as I walk out His plans for my life! (Romans 8:28) These declarations are based on a few verses you can use to come against old mindsets that don’t line up with the truth of God’s Word. Look up the scriptures referenced above in your Bible, and study them so you can get them rooted in your heart. It may help if you write them on note cards or in a journal and read them frequently. As you meditate on God’s Word, you’ll renew your mind with the truth, because there is power in the Truth to set you free from anything that’s holding you back in your walk with Him. The second thing we must do to cultivate intimacy with God is spend regular, quality time with Him each day. Christianity isn’t about a eekly tri to church or ul lling a checklist o religious rituals that you feel obligated to do to stay on God’s good side. Jesus died for us so we can have a personal relationship with Him, not a religion. You don’t just need to know about God…it’s more important for you to know HIM! God doesn t have rst lace in your li e you ill never be ul lled you ll never have real lasting eace and oy in anything you do or any circumstance you experience. But if you will abide in Christ, continually obeying His teachings and living by them, then you will be empowered to live with victory over sin. You’ll have true intimacy with God! If you’ve been struggling to grow in your relationship with God or you’re discouraged because of battles you can’t seem to get through, I want to encourage you to make a determined decision to spend regular, quality time alone with God each day. Even if you can only spend a few minutes with Him in the morning or during your lunch break at work, make this your number one priority. God loves you so much! He wants you to succeed in being everything He created you to be and having the life Jesus came to give you. Make your relationship with Him the foundation of everything in your li e and you ill in the battles you ace because e ill ght or you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Sit, Stand, Walk, Run. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting www.joycemeyer.org. Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.org. Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
12 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor by Krayton Kerns, DVM, former State Rep. HD 58
Unpublished Obituary
For Sale: 2011 Buick Enclave, AWD, 118472 miles, htd leather, buckets 2nd row, back up camera, XM radio. $13,995. Call or text Tamara Woronik Lamphier at 390-3387 for more info and to set up your test drive. 2-I
For Sale: Big Suckers. Perfect for spearing enthusiasts that like using live decoy suckers. Asking $2 each or will sell you a dozen for $20, negotiate for larger quantities. Call Bob at 406-945-2346. 2-I.
Millennials remember the moment they move out of their parent’s basement, but the truly epic event of their adulting journey occurs the day they discover they will not live forever. Some morning in their forties, they flip open the newspaper and oddly find themselves focusing on the obituary column rather than the sports page. Over time, this becomes a habit and they begin studying the obituaries of complete strangers focusing mostly on their ages and cause of death. If the deceased were younger but died of African Swamp Fever, readers find solace knowing since they never travel to Africa, Swamp Fever will never kill them. This safety valve becomes problematic when the cause of death is not published as was the case in a death in Washington, D.C. last week. As community service, I have preemptively written this unpublished obituary, plus included the cause of death. The Clinton-Obama machine, James Comey, D.C. Democrats, GOP Never Trumpers and the establishment media have all conspired to bring down a presidency. In the process, they destroyed a fundamental principle of American jurisprudence. We were a nation where the rule of law was equally applied to every citizen from the lowly cow doctor to the plumber to the leader of the free world. Not anymore. These truly nefarious individuals think they are above the law and have used the full force of government to destroy political adversaries and secure their power. The Representative Nunes memo has exposed the evil Clinton-Obama cartel. Even though attempts were made to destroy incriminating texts, e-mails and servers those recovered reveal the ones in power directed government to spy on citizens. Former FBI Director James Comey and his underlings colluded to alter the outcome of a presidential election and then tried to block the transition of the duly elected new administration when their first effort failed. This is treason. Beltway Democrats joined forces with their favorite lap dog, the GOP Never Trumpers, to advance this Trump-Russia collusion scam while concealing the true Clinton-Obama-Russia scandal. No credibility exists in the swamp and this brings me to my point. The single function of the media is to shine the light of truth on the three branches of government, but as they have swapped impartiality for progressivism, they will sanitize these revelations as being a “nothing-burger.” Consumers of the Fake News Network will dutifully believe as they are told. If swamp dwellers successfully sweep this conspiracy under the rug, the idea called America is dead.
?Did you know? YOU CAN GET YOUR KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED at BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES in Havre Holiday Village Mall. Will sharpen while you shop, Very affordable. 406-399-6522. 10-II:3-I
For Sale: By owner. 131 acres, 7 miles east of Roundup, MT in the Bull Mountains, on a good road, approx. 1 hr north of Billings. Easy access. Power, well, perimeter fenced, cross fenced, fenced horse or calf pen, 2 livestock waters, 3 hydrants, Looking for Help? Help outhouse, 9x16 storage shed, garden 2-I. Wanted ads are FREE in spot.. We will not finance. Tricia’s Trader. Call today! x
13 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Date Mar. 1 1pm
Mar. 5 Mar. 28 Mar. 2018 Apr. 4 Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 18 Apr. 2018
Sale info. INFINITY ANGUS RANCH Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow, MT 406-893-4456, 406-893-7788, Edwin Miner/ Monica Haaland
CLEAR CREEK ANGUS BULL SALE 1:00pm, Bear Paw Livestock, Lunch at noon Call 406-395-4962 or visit www.clearcreekangus.com.
MASTER ANGUS Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook, MT www.masterangus.com, 406-357-2265 or 680-7483 HOULD ANGUS Internet Only Auction www.HouldAngus.com, 406-808-2265
is under
NISSEN ANGUS ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Blaine County Fairgrounds, Chinook Jeff & Christie Nissen 406-357-2643 info@nissenangus.com
BOWLES J5 REDS 1:00pm, Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow, MT. For a catalog or more information call us at 406-357-3125 or Jim 406-539-3100 or Brady 406-539-2102 NORTHERN PREMIER ANGUS SALE Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook www.montanasnorthernpremier.com, Kelly McCracken, 406-262-2347
MILK RIVER ANGUS Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook For a catalog, call Clayton Hofeldt 406-945-0850
R. MATH FARMS ANGUS SALE Milk River Pavillion www.mathfarms.com, Bob Math 406-674-5562
For Rent: 2 Bed 1 Bath House in Chinook. 825 Sq ft., Available the first of March. Washer/dryer included! Call 357-8076. 2-II.
Private Treaty BAR STAR CATTLE Polled Hereford Heifer Bulls www.barstarcattle.com Chad 406-399-7811, Stephanie 399-7815 Private Treaty FUNK ANGUS Funk Angus Ranch, 18 mi. NE of Frazer. Gary & Roxann, 406-392-5777 Private Treaty THOMPSON CATTLE COMPANY, INC. Call 406-654- 4278
Private Treaty BEERY LAND & LIVESTOCK 100 Horned & Polled Herefords. Call 406-979-5720 or 773-5710 for catalog. Private Treaty GUNDERSON HEREFORDS 2 Year old Hereford bulls, Polled & Horned. At the Ranch at Rudyard, 406-355-4212.
Quality & Integrity
Feb. 2018 Feb. 2018
YOUNG BROS. ANGUS BULL SALE at Milk River Pavilion, Malta, MT Kip 406-390-4814, Larry 406-930-1566
BULLS OF THE BIG SKY Billings Livestock Commission, Billings, MT. http://www.bullsofthebigsky.com
For Sale: CM Truck beds for dually pickups. SS models 8 foot wide and 8 1/2 long. On Sale, reg. priced at $2500 each, reduced to $2000. Don't miss out on your last chance to get the flat bed you always wanted. Please contact Dave at 406-945-1640. 2-I
Is your Marketing missing one important piece? Get an online presence with a unique website. Tricia's Trader and Montana Grafix have partnered up to offer this valuable marketing tool. Call 3792377 or ask your ad rep today to find out how to get started. x
Pontiac sunroof, 123,500 $6,995. 2-II.
Cattle with substanCe and quality, baCked by people with integrity
J5 Principles
Fertility: the ability to breed early and often Structure: the ability to keep feet and legs underneath them for the long haul Disposition: the ability to handle them safely and quietly Maternity: the ability to clean, suckle and protect a calf to weaning Balance: the ability to grow, show and grade
Private Treaty SUMMER'S RED ANGUS Private Treaty Bulls Bert, 779-3654, Matt 779-3565 summersredangus.com
Private Treaty 66 RANCH RED ANGUS www.66ranch.com, Havre, MT Bim & Janas Strauser, 406-945-1839
For Sale: Loaded up Grand Prix, heated leather, heads up display!!! miles, sale priced at Call or text 390-3387.
APRIL 5, 2018
1:00 P.M.
at Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow Montana
50 Reg. Yearling Bulls 45 Reg. Yearling Heifers Featuring SonS & DaughterS oF • • • • •
Beckton Warrior Z314 N6 (1544704) J5 356 Gunsmith 80A (1660236) 5l Guardian 2206-209B (1701559) 5l Advocate 3721-522B (1725760) J5 356 Rebel Tradition B16 (1730639)
• • • •
Over Zion 674Z (1645273) J5 Cadillac C43 (3549239) GMRA Trilogy 0226 (1367533) J5 0226 Thriller C147 (3549243)
For a catalog or more information call us at 406-357-3125 Brady 406-353-7085 12995 Paradise Valley Rd, Chinook, MT 59523 e-mail: bbowlesj5@yahoo.com Check us out at bowlesj5reds.com and Facebook Bowles J5 Reds
14 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
For Sale: Several items. Dozer blade, fits D6 sive. Dozer blade for D7E w/ new 11-2-24 tires. ATV Winch. Small heavy duty trailer. SnapOn tool box w/ tools. Call 406-450-4760. 2-II
For Sale: Timbren Overloads for sale. Fit 2011-2013 1/2 Ton Dodge Ram. Paid $325, asking $200 firm. For more info call Gary at 390-2392. 2-I.
For Sale: Big Suckers. Perfect for spearing enthusiasts that like using live decoy suckers. Asking $2 each or will sell you a dozen for $20, negotiate for larger quantities. Call Bob at 406-945-2346. 2-I.
For Sale: 2010 Chevy Tahoe LT, 5.3L V8, Auto, 183,613 mi., 4WD, Flex Fuel, Cruise, PW/PL/PS, Remote Start, Tow/Haul, Third Row Seats, Leather. Call Scott at (406) 3574201 for more information. 2-II. Notice: Snow removal available in Havre. Call 390-3362. 2-II.
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*Discounts and their availability may vary by state and eligibility requirements. For more information, please see or call a State Farm agent. 1101216.1
State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL
15 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by Attending Havre’s Bonspiel
The Hi-Line Curling Club will be hosting its league tournament on March 2-3 at the Havre Ice Dome, located at 2585 5th Avenue, but their showcase event, the 8th Annual Hammers and Hacks Hi-Line Curling Club Bonspiel, will take place March 16, 17, and 18. Etymologically, bon has French roots, meaning good, and spiel comes from the high German and the old English cognates meaning to play. Eventually, in Britain and Scotland, this “good play” came to mean a match or tournament between curling clubs. Curling is a sport played by two teams of four players on a sheet of ice. Its nickname, “The Roaring Game,” originates from the rumbling sound the 44-pound (19.96 kg) polished stones make when they travel across the ice. A curling rock, or stone, is made of rare, dense granite that is quarried on Scotland's Ailsa Craig. According to Hi-Line Curling Club Vice President, Andy Herding, “one of the best bonspiels the Treasure State has to offer” will begin at 6:00 P.M. on March 16 when teams will register and draw numbers. The number drawn will determine a team’s placement on the tournament bracket in a round-robin con guration Tournament play will commence on Saturday morning. “If a team keeps winning,” Herding explained, “that team stays in the championship bracket, while any losing team will drop to the consolation bracket. Losers in the consolation will fall to the ‘C’ bracket. Games usually last until 8 or so, and during the day, there will be a pizza feed for the competitors.” emi- nal lay ill begin on unday morning and be ollo ed by the cham ionshi match scheduled or 11 00 A M The inning teams in rst through third place will receive trophies, and a novelty trophy will be presented to the last lace nisher “Each team is guaranteed a minimum of three games, and each competitor gets a t-shirt,” Herding said. Interested teams, which will be assessed an entry fee of $225, are encouraged to sign up early by emailing hilinecurling@ gmail.com or by calling Doug at 586-344-5260. Past bonspiels have featured teams from Canada, Billings, Missoula, White sh Glasgo and Rudyard erding re orts that most o these teams will be returning this year, along with a few from Bozeman, plus some of our league teams. There is no charge for spectators, and everyone is more than welcome.” After last year’s bonspiel, curling appeared on the Montana PBS series Backroads of Montana, which has aired regularly on PBS since 1991 when the Backroads crew began travelling across Montana to highlight its unique people and places. The episode “A Stone’s Throw from Anywhere” features the curling team from Rudyard as they compete in one of the oldest team sports known to man. Given that notoriety and the recent winter Olympics in PyeongChang, which included both women’s and men’s curling events, Herding is expecting increased interest in this year’s bonspiel.
For Sale: By owner. 131 acres, 7 miles east of Roundup, MT in the Bull Mountains, on a good road, approx. 1 hr north of Billings. Easy access. Power, well, perimeter fenced, cross fenced, fenced horse or calf pen, 2 livestock waters, 3 hydrants, outhouse, 9x16 storage shed, garden spot.. We will not finance. 2-I.
For Sale: 20 x 30 x 12 Heavy duty building. I bought two of these buildings for storage and never put them up. Still new in the crates. Invested $3,600 in the pair. Would like $1,600 separately or $3,000/pair. 406-899-9606. Located In Chinook. 2-I.
16 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 4........................................................................ February 21 , 2018