February 7, 2018 Volume XVI Issue 3
Postal Customer
Poetic Singer/Songwriter to Perform in Havre
800-756-1817 www.TriciasTrader.com Over 6,000 copies distributed all across NorthCentral Montana! Email news to repor ter@triciatrader.com
On February 15, MSU-Northern will play host to singer/songwriter Dan Henig, whose radio-friendly and sing-along-ability songs evoke mainstream music stars like John Mayer and Sara Bareilles. Henig’s music has both a lyrical depth and at times a darkness that is also suggestive of Leonard Cohen, one of the artist s in uences Creating distinctive and unforgettable original music, Henig will entertain the crowd with his singing and guitar playing. Along with his commitment to his art, Henig fully embraces the poetic depth of songwriting while infusing his music with a wry sense of humor. The performance of this versatile musician who encourages audience participation and spontaneity will be held in the Student Union Building (SUB) Ballroom at 8:00 P.M. The cost is $5 for those 14 and over and $3 for 13 and under.
Classifieds, Classifieds!
NEWS: Poetic Singer/Songwriter to Perform in Havre........................... 1 Fair Board Business Includes Awards & Funding News .............. 2 Project Success Offers Practical Opportunities for ANC Students.......................................3 Pending Technology Workshops...................................5 Region II CSPD to Present Workshop .................................. 15 Treasure State Title Restoring Location........................17 Hunter Education Classes Offered in Havre...........................19 REGULAR FEATURES: Bull Sale Calendar ....................... 4 Sudoku ...................................... 4 Ranching For Profit......................4 Things To Know............................5 Dave Says....................................6 Realty Section ............................. 7 Advertising/Subscriptions.............8 Hooves and Horns ....................... 8 Laugh Lines ................................. 8 Markets ........................................ 9
It's time to take a Serious Look at Tricia's Trader... *No Subscription Required. *Mailed FREE to Every Household in Dozens of Rural Montana Zip Codes. Call us today!
Fair Board B u s i n e s s us at the See Includes Awards and Funding News
Montana Seed Show
March 9 & 10 in Harlem!
Kessel Construction, LLC - American Scafco Grain Bins Sales & Service Keith Cell 406-399-6565 Email: kgalaxy500@gmail.com
2 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
BLAINE COUNTY FAIR CORRECTION The 2018 Blaine County Fair will be held over the 4th of July and will kick off with the Kids Rodeo begining at 1:00 and NOT at 4:00 as we had previously stated. So, mark your calendars for a fantastic time at the Kids Rodeo starting at 1 p.m!
Fair Board Business Includes Awards and Funding News
At a meeting held on January 18 in Harlem, the Blaine County Fair Board’s business included an award presentation, a motion for the naming of a building, and a funding announcement. Fair Board President, Don Richman, and Vice L to R: Glenna Ammen, Don Richman, President, John Skoyen, formally presented John Skoyen, Loren Skoyen, Dale Williams, Glenna Ammen with Linda Ortner. Not pictured: Mike Copenhaver. the Rocky Mountain Association of Fairs’ (RMAF) Heritage Award. Mrs. Ammen accepted the award on behalf of her late husband, Bill, in recognition of his life's work to promote the Blaine County Fair and for his 45 years of service on the Fair Board. Ammen passed away in January of 2015. The Heritage Award is awarded posthumously by the RMAF to recognize achievements, involvement, and contributions within the candidate’s community as those experiences pertain to the local fair. All Heritage Award recipients have a minimum of ten years of service with their local organization and the RMAF. George Ortner, who served most of his 45 years on the fair board alongside Bill Ammen, received the RMAF Heritage Award in 2015. According to Richman, “Blaine County is fortunate to have, not one but two, members with more than 40 years of service. We’re the only fair board in the Rocky Mountain Region to have two members honored with the Heritage Award.” In addition to the Heritage Award, the RMAF also honors other deserving individuals from member fairs each year during their annual convention in November. These awards include Fair Manager of the Year, Fair Person of the Year, Service Member of the Year, and Hall of Fame Award. Nominations for the 2018 award winners are now being accepted and must be submitted to the RMA O ce by A ril 1 2018 or a nomination orm and a ard re uirements interested individuals can visit https://www.rmaf.net/p/events/242 or call 208326-2288 for more information. In further recognition of Ammen's service to the fair from 1965-2010, the Blaine County Fair Board also passed a motion to name the sale barn at the fairgrounds, "The Bill Ammen Memorial Show and Sale Barn." A farmer and rancher by trade, Ammen’s service on the fair board was only one of a list of organizations to which Ammen volunteered his time. Others included the Turner Fire Department, Blaine II Ambulance, Turner School Board, 4-H, Turner/Hogeland Lions Club, Toast Masters, and Bear Paw Hereford Association. n other meeting business the Blaine County air oundation noti ed the Blaine County Fair Board of Directors that the Foundation applied for and received grant funding from the Montana Department of Tourism in the amount of $22,000 to be used for construction of a Livestock Event Center. The event center project has been developing for several years, and the funding from the Department of Tourism will contribute to its completion. In addition, Foundation members also conveyed that a matching funds commitment of $10,000 was received from Red Rock Power toward the project in honor of Willie and Mary Pyette.
30th Ann u Productio al n Sale
Thursday February 8, 2018
1:00 pm • Glasgow Stockyards • Glasgow, MT
85 — Reference Sires Include —
Yearling Registered Angus Bulls
Bulls wintered free until May 1st
Basin Advance 3134 Barstow Bankroll 873 EF Compliment 8088 Hilltop True Grit 9202 KCF Bennett Fortress Connealy Comrade 1385
Curt and Sue Wittkopp Circle, Montana 406-974-3552 (Cell) 406-485-3552 (Home)
For Sale: Indoor grow light systems - Sunsystem hoods with galaxy ballasts. Two 600 watt systems and one 400 watt system. Also have fans and dehumidifier. Make offer. 301-1071 1-II
3 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
For Sale: Continuous fence panels, $95. HD 11ga. gates, clips/holes, connectors, 2-7/8" steel posts. Call Bull Mtn Fencing, 406-3238688 ext.6, ask for Dan. 1-II
For Sale: 1995 Arctic Cat 580 Powder Special. 2000 Ford F150 SuperCab 4x4. 1970s Mercury Snowmobile. Snowmobile suits and helmet, Arctic Cat brand. Call 406-450-4760, Cut Bank. 1-II
Project Success Offers Practical Opportunities for ANC Students Because of Project Success, a grant funded in part by the Department of Education, Aaniiih Nakoda College (ANC) students can participate in an Internship Program. This grant is designed to assist students who have a nancial need be more successful in college, while helping them obtain career-related paid internships and gain real-world experience. Since spring semester White Clay Language Immersion School instruction began on January 16, student intern Walt BadRoad-Mount the Program has placed two students. works with first graders. According to ANC’s Success Center Coordinator, Kim Barrows, Lynette Medicine Bear was placed with ANC's IT department. She is a Business Tech major and a Computer Information Systems (CIS) major. A second student, Tomeya Doney is an American Indian Studies (AIS) major who accepted an internship with Fort Belknap Indian Community’s (FBIC) Tribal Historic Preservation Program. Eligible ANC students applied in the fall of 2017 for internships that match the degree they are seeking n meeting eligibility re uirements students had to demonstrate nancial need as ell as meet and maintain ANC s academic rogress re uirements and be in good academic standing Trans ortation unds assist students in getting to and from their internship sites, where students can potentially engage with meaningful projects/assignments that enhance their development and knowledge in connection with their academic interests and career goals—all while earning $12.00 an hour. This practical, hands-on knowledge complements coursework, which can sometimes seem theoretical until students put that learning into practice. Last semester, several student interns were placed at various work sites, both on and off campus. Desmond Grant worked with the ANC CIS Department, Kaye Brown with IHS PHN, Jessica Parker with 477 TANF, Anthony Main with the ANC Welding Department, Donavon "Meeks" Bullinsight with the FBIC Buffalo Program, and Walt BadRoad-Mount with the White Clay Language Immersion School. BadRoad-Mount, an AIS major, has a passion for his Aaniiih culture and is committed to learning and living in a traditional way. His placement at the White Clay Language Immersion School enabled him to assist with daily activities while keeping culture in the foreground of the students’ education experience. Although as nervous on my rst day a ter the rst eek as hooked. Something about the environment and the feel of the work I was doing got me motivated. Right away, the children took to me,” BadRoad-Mount said. learned atience ride care and teaching techni ue he added As a result of his internship experience with the teachers and students at the Immersion School, BadRoad-Mount is now considering a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in History. With this degree, he hopes to combine his passion for his culture and his love for working with young people. Project Success is advertising for 1-2 more internships for spring semester.
15. Meatballs & Gravy on Noodles 16. Fish Sticks Across from Albertsons, Served Mon- 17. Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce Sat Noon
enu sub ec o c ange i ou no ifica ion 19. NO MEAL - President's Day Meal Prices: In-House--Under 60: $6.00, 20. Split Pea Soup 60+ $5.00 21. Pork Chops Delivery $5.50
1. Spanish Rice 2. Tuna Casserole 3. Ham
22. Pizza Casserole 23. Salmon 24. Chicken Breasts
26. Taco Salad 27. Vegetable - Beef Soup 28. Baked Potato Bar
5. Philly Steak Sandwiches 6. Chicken Soup 7. Salisbury Steak 8. Hamburger - Potato Stroganoff 9. Chicken Nuggets 10. Pork Roast
RUDYARD SENIOR MEAL Served Mon thru Fri at 11:30am Rudyard Senior Center
12. Turkey - Bacon Club Standwiches 13. Bean Soup 14. Roast Beef
GILDFORD SENIOR MEAL Served Mon/Wed/Fri Gildford Commununity Church Subject to change without notification
Sudoku (Medium) for 01/19/2018 | Sudoku Print | ArcaMax Publishing
4 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
on Jan 19, 2018 Published in Sudoku Print (/entertainment/games/sudokuprint/)
SUDOKU! The rules to the Japanese game of Sudoku are straightforward. im ly ll in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.
You Can’t Starve Profit Into A Business
2/1/2018, 2:46 PM
Ranches with the highest productivity per cow are not the most ro table n act according to our benchmarking they are o ten among the least ro table Ranches ith e tremely high co roductivity generally rely on a lot o in uts As e lained in the 5 11 edition o ro tTi s ( uare egs & Round Holes), input and inputting costs are often greater than the value of roduction attributable to the in uts ending your ay to ro t is like trying to borrow your way out of debt. Just as you can t s end your ay to ro t e mustn t be enny ise and pound foolish. Small things can make a big difference. For example, we eliminated hay feeding on a California ranch. We accomplished this by stockpiling pasture, rationing our winter grazing and providing a fall/winter supplement with degradable protein for just under $20/cow. The degradable rotein stimulated rumen microbes so that they ould more e ciently break do n ligni ed orage By s ending 20 co e ere able to im rove the gross margin by nearly 200 co (Gross margin measures the economic e ciency o production). The essence of the livestock business is converting solar energy into harvestable animal products. Our goal should not be to maximize productivity or minimi e costs t should be to o timi e the economic e ciency o this conversion. In the proper amount, at the appropriate time, a few inputs can go a long way to improve this conversion. Stan Parsons, the founder of Ranch Management Consultants as right hen he said ou can t starve a ro t into 1 of 2 a business.” Nor should we try.
Answer Key: Sudoku (Medium) for 01/19/2018 | Sudoku Print | ArcaMax Publishing
Dave Pratt a y amilies and ro table Businesses
2 of 2
Ranching For Profit Blog -
ealthy land
2/1/2018, 2:45 PM
Date Feb. 8 Mar. 5 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 5 Apr. 12
Apr. 18
Sale info. WITTKOPP ANGUS at Glasgow Stockyards , Glasgow, MT Home 406-485-3552, Cell 974-3552
CLEAR CREEK ANGUS BULL SALE 1:00pm, Bear Paw Livestock, Lunch at noon Call 406-395-4962 or visit www.clearcreekangus.com. MASTER ANGUS Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook, MT www.masterangus.com, 406-357-2265 or 680-7483
NISSEN ANGUS ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Blaine County Fairgrounds, Chinook Jeff & Christie Nissen 406-357-2643 info@nissenangus.com
BOWLES J5 REDS 1:00pm, Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow, MT. For a catalog or more information call us at 406-357-3125 or Jim 406-539-3100 or Brady 406-539-2102 NORTHERN PREMIER ANGUS SALE Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook www.montanasnorthernpremier.com, Kelly McCracken, 406-262-2347
MILK RIVER ANGUS Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook For a catalog, call Clayton Hofeldt 406-945-0850
Private Treaty BAR STAR CATTLE Polled Hereford Heifer Bulls www.barstarcattle.com Chad 406-399-7811, Stephanie 399-7815
5 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
THINGS TO KNOW: WED., Feb. 14: VALENTINE'S DAY. WED. - SAT., Feb. 14-17: DISTRICT 9C BASKETBALL TOURNE. Havre High School Gym. 3rd Wed. of Every Month: Volunteers invited! Blaine County Local Area Committee for Mental Health meets in Youth Court Services meeting room of Bl. Co. Courthouse. All interested parties are welcome to share or bring ideas! Call 406-357-2369 for details.
3rd Thurs. Quarterly, Sept. 21, Dec. 21, Mar. 15 and June 21: Blaine County DUI Task Force meets in Bl. Co. Triple E Room at noon. This meeting is open to the public and welcomes the community. For questions call Deputy Chris Adair at 357-3260. First and Third Mon. of the Month.: HAVRE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLMeadowlark Estates, 4113 9th St. W., Havre, Sundays, 5:00-7:00pm. More info call Barbara Fell, 390-3708. Open to all denominations. REO offers agricultural workers & their families assistance with: Funding for short-term classes or college tuition, books & other related costs. Job Search, placements & advancements. Employment security & wage increases. For more info visit reomontana.org call 406-879-9384 or email fawn@reomontana.org Dept.of Labor.
Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read!
Call 379-2377 or email office@triciastrader.com
Havre Day Care: Think BIG. For Sale: 2000 gallon, oval, If you have the experience, I galvanized water tank, approximately No leaks. $500. have the building! 265-2941 2-I 16 feet long. Call 357-4282 if interested. 2-I
Pending Technology Workshops Technology is a ra idly gro ing eld and or those seeking to develo their technological literacy or hoping to become more tech savvy, Triangle Communications will present two workshops on February 13 at the Malta Business Center if area residents show interest. The rst orksho nternet ecurity and ile haring rotection is designed for business owners and all others who conduct online transactions. Lead Instructor, Ben Calvert, who is an engineer with Triangle Communications, will share tips for password security, avoiding scams, and using online security tools. This informative session is scheduled for 2:00 - 3:30 PM in Room 4 of the Malta Business Center, 46 N 1st Street East, and, depending on need and numbers, will be repeated on the same day at 6:30 PM. A second presentation, Bring Your Own Gadget or Device, will occur at 4:00 - 5:30 PM when a team of presenters from Triangle Communications will assist individuals who may have a new or recently purchased tablet, reader, laptop, cell phone, or other gadget or tech device with which they need help. Consumers are encouraged to bring their gadgets or devices to this handson session to receive instructions for setting up, connecting, and using them. According to the presenters, interested individuals can arrive anytime within the session for assistance. Those wishing to participate in these workshops for tips and tricks to use their technology as e ciently as ossible are encouraged to R to Malta itstriangle.com or to leave a message with 406.654.1776. A minimum of ten people must register for these free workshops to run, so interested individuals are encouraged to respond soon. For Sale: 3 bed, 2 bath home at 515 Minn., Chinook, MT. Very clean, move-in ready, central a/c, storage, add'n w/ util. rm. New master bath, lots of upgrades. Huge 2-car garage, deck, quiet neighborhood near HS. Call 406357-2835 or 262-3910 to see. x For Sale: Lots of doors and vinyl windows, all different sizes and kinds. Also, a bunch of diamond coat siding, various colors. Let me know what you need and make an offer. 301-1071. 1-II
6 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
Custom Hay & Grain Grinding 406.399.3334 406.945.8222
Jake Konesky, Owner Kyle Konesky, Owner
40063 Road 20 South • Havre, MT 59501 koneskyfrontier@gmail.com
DAVE SAYS: Who Is Dave Ramsey? Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace Revisited and More Than Enough. In them, Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.
DEAR DAVE, Is it okay to buy something using a rent-to-own plan?
DEAR JOSH, I advise against rent-to-own deals. Rent-to-own places get people in the door with promises of low monthly or weekly payments. But when it comes to rent-to-own furniture, washer and dryer sets, and that kind of thing, you’ll end up paying much, much more than if you saved up and bought item outright. The amount you’ll pay out of pocket is even more ridiculous if you compare it to buying the same item, slightly used, somewhere else. I don’t recommend rent-to-own scenarios when it comes to buying a home, either. Most of those offerings are listed at full retail price and then some. Plus, the contracts are tilted to ard the sellers side o the e uation And very e eo le ho sign a rent-to-own home deal follow through and become homeowners. When it comes to real estate deals, the only thing I would consider — other than an outright cash purchase — is leasing with an option to buy. That’s different than rent-toown, because in a rent-to-own situation you’ve committed to purchase. On a lease with an option to buy deal, you have the right to purchase, but not the obligation.
Quality & Integrity
For Sale: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pi p e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 1-II-4-II
Cattle with substanCe and quality, baCked by people with integrity
J5 Principles
Fertility: the ability to breed early and often Structure: the ability to keep feet and legs underneath them for the long haul Disposition: the ability to handle them safely and quietly Maternity: the ability to clean, suckle and protect a calf to weaning Balance: the ability to grow, show and grade
APRIL 5, 2018
1:00 P.M.
at Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow Montana
50 Reg. Yearling Bulls 45 Reg. Yearling Heifers Featuring SonS & DaughterS oF • • • • •
Beckton Warrior Z314 N6 (1544704) J5 356 Gunsmith 80A (1660236) 5l Guardian 2206-209B (1701559) 5l Advocate 3721-522B (1725760) J5 356 Rebel Tradition B16 (1730639)
• • • •
Over Zion 674Z (1645273) J5 Cadillac C43 (3549239) GMRA Trilogy 0226 (1367533) J5 0226 Thriller C147 (3549243)
For a catalog or more information call us at 406-357-3125 Brady 406-353-7085 12995 Paradise Valley Rd, Chinook, MT 59523 e-mail: bbowlesj5@yahoo.com Check us out at bowlesj5reds.com and Facebook Bowles J5 Reds
Josh most o the eo le ho use rent-to-o n deals are not in good nancial shape. They’re deeply in debt, and they have no money. Rent-to-own ensures they’ll stay there.
~ Dave
* Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 13 million listeners each week on 585 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at daveramsey.com and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.
7 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
For Sale: 410 11th Ave. 3 bed Firewood For Sale: $120/cord 2 bath $139,000. Call Kim located in Havre Call 945-7098. 2-I Cripps at 406-265-0905. 1-II For Sale: 2000 Merritt Livestock trailer; this 53’ spread axle has virgin tires, good floors, and is ready to go to work. Asking $29,000 for this “must see to appreciate” trailer. Call 357-4282. 2-I
TROUT FLIES, locally made, tried and proven by expert fishermen. BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES, Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522. 12-II:3-I
Looking to Buy: ALL types For Sale: 30 Charolais yearling bulls, of firearms. No collection to gentle disposition, not for heifers. Call small or too big. Will buy entire for prices & info, 357-2133. 1-II:3-1 estates of firearms. 720 1st St. W., Havre, Mt 59501. 265-3342. 1-II For Sale: 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa For Rent: Small 4 bedroom, hay, big round bales, net wrap. 2 bath house in Chinook. Call 1st cutting RFV 185, 2nd cutting 406-357-2049 or 945-3626. 2-I RFV 201. Call 379-2512. 2-I
8 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
The Titanic Test
Recently a teacher, a garbage collector, and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter informed them that in order to get into Heaven, they ould each have to ans er one uestion St. Peter addressed the teacher and asked, "What was the name of the ship that crashed into the iceberg? They just made a movie about it." The teacher ans ered uickly That ould be the Titanic St.Peter let him through the gate. t eter turned to the garbage man and guring eaven didn t R All need all the odors that this guy ould bring ith him decided to make the uestion a little harder: "How many people died on the ship?" Fortunately for him, the trash man had just seen the movie, and answered, "1,228." "That's right! You may enter." St. Peter then turned to the lawyer. "Name them."
2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 Phone 800-756-1817 Email: office@triciastrader.com www.TriciasTrader.com FAX: 888-796-8498
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CENTRAL REGION: We welcome Juel to the Tricia's Trader team. She looks forward to working with you if you live in:
Tricia Kimmel, EDITOR Tricia serves all our valued customers, but especially BLAINE COUNTY 406-379-2377 Email: info@triciastrader. com
Jamie Jones 406-390-6386 (c)
Juel Graham 406-399-1677 (c)
Email: east@ triciastrader.com
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The next issue publishes Wed., Feb. 21, 2018. Ad DEADLINE Wed., Feb. 14 at 9am. Tricia’s Trader SERVES THESE MONTANA TOWNS: Town: Joplin Inverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre Chinook Harlem Fort Belknap Turner Hogeland Zortman Roy Dodson Malta Loring Whitewater Saco
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9 Tricia’s Trader ..................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
Louise Gartner, Spectrum Commodities 800-888-9843
S p e c t r u m
C o m m o d i t i e s
P u t t i n g T h e P o w e r o f I n f o r m a t i o n I n Yo u r H a n d s
Winter wheat markets surged higher, led by Kansas City hard red winter, after the monthly crop condition report showed a sharp deterioration in the southern states. The trade is beginning to anticipate higher abandonment than normal once the crop breaks dormancy. Corn and soybeans ere uietly higher on continued hot and dry in Argentina and too much rain in northern Brazil that is stalling the soybean harvest and delaying the second season corn planting. The cattle complex was slightly lower in very choppy price action. Cash markets worked their way higher despite the futures struggling to maintain upward momentum. A bearish cattle-on-feed report that showed large placements again in December was brushed aside. Feeder cattle are looking for a direction; bearish traders point to huge numbers on feed, some placed very early due to drought conditions in the southern plains. Bullish traders point to an inordinately low number of calves outside of feedlots that could suddenly command a premium as eedlot o erators look to ll em ty ens The dollar as largely uiet a ter an e tensive sell-o that ushed it down to over 3-year lows. Energies were lower as US production continues to increase. November crude production surpassed 10 million barrels er day the rst time since 1970 recious metals also ulled back taking some ro ts a ter a rally to 4-month highs The o as lower for the week, but still managed to touch a new all-time high before running into ro t-taking THIS IS A SOLICITATION. Reproduction or rebroadcast of any portion of this information is strictly prohibited without written permission. The information reflected herein is derived from sources believed to be reliable; however, this information is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Futures trading involves risk.
For Sale: Lots of doors and vinyl windows, all different sizes and kinds. Also, a bunch of diamond coat siding, various colors. Let me know what you need and make an offer. 301-1071. 1-II
State of Cha-Ching. Get discounts up to 40%.* Saving money is important. That’s why you can count on me to get you all the discounts you deserve. GET TO A BETTER STATE . CALL ME TODAY. ™
Tom J LaFond, Agent 327 3rd St Havre, MT 59501 Bus: 406-265-5861 thomas.lafond.f27u@statefarm.com
*Discounts and their availability may vary by state and eligibility requirements. For more information, please see or call a State Farm agent. 1101216.1
State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL
For Sale: Have a completely rebuilt and magna-fluxed 619 head off of an 8630 for sale. Call 357-4710. Asking $1000. 1-II
10 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
Boys Basketball BOYS HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT TOURNAMENTS Feb 12 - 17 2C at Sidney
Feb 14 - 17 3B at Colstrip 10C at Shelby 9C at Havre High School 6C at Red Lodge High School 4C at Custer County High School 3C at Glasgow High School Feb 15 - 17 5B at Belgrade Special Events Center 4B at Huntly Project 2B at Wolf Point 1B at Conrad 14C at Salish Kootenai College 13C at Frenchtown 12C at Butte (MAC) 8C Great Falls High NWA at Ronan SWA at Hamilton
BOYS HIGH SCHOOL DIVISIONAL TOURNAMENTS Feb 21 - 24 Northern C at Great Falls Eastern C at Wolf Point
Feb 22-24 Southern C at Laurel High School Western C at Hamilton Northern B at Glasgow High School Western B at Ronan Western A at Butte Eastern A at Billings (MetraPark) March 1-3 Southern B at Rimrock Auto Arena - Billings Eastern AA at Butte High & Montana Tech Western AA at Helena
BOYS STATE TOURNAMENTS March 1-3 A at MSU-Bozeman C at Butte Civic Center
March 8-10 AA at Billings (MetraPark) B at Missoula (University of Montana)
11 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
r e n
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T Girls Basketball GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT TOURNAMENTS Feb 12 - 17 2C at Sidney
Feb 14 - 17 9C at Havre High School 10C at Shelby 3C at Glasgow High School 4C at Custer County High School 6C at Red Lodge High School 3B at Colstrip Feb 15 - 17 14C at Salish Kootenai College 13C at Frenchtown 12C at Butte (MAC) 8C at Great Falls 1B at Conrad 2B at Wolf Point 4B at Huntley Project 5B at Belgrade Special Events Center SWA at Hamilton
Feb 22-24 Eastern C at Wolf Point Southern C at Custer County High School - Miles City Western C at Hamilton High School Western B at Ronan Western A at Butte Eastern A at Billings (Metra Park) March 1-3 Northern B at Cut Bank High School Southern B at Rimrock Auto Arena - Billings Western AA at Helena Eastern AA at Butte High & Montana Tech
March 8-10 AA at Billings (MetraPark) A at Montana Expo Park Pacific Steel & Recycling B at Missoula (University of Montana) C at Butte Civic Center
12 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
Boys Wrestling BOYS HIGH SCHOOL DIVISIONAL TOURNAMENTS Feb 2-3 Western A at Columbia Falls
Feb 3 Northern B-C at Malta High School Western B-C at Superior High School Feb 10 Southern B-C at Columbus
BOYS HIGH SCHOOL SEEDING TOURNAMENTS Feb 3 Eastern AA at CMR HS Western AA at Flathead (Kalispell)
BOYS WRESTLING STATE TOURNAMENTS Feb 9-10 All Classes at Rimrock Arena at Metra Park
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Swimming STATE SWIM MEET Feb 9-10 All Classes at Great Falls
13 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
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14 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
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15 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
For Sale: Indoor grow light Attention: Late season hunters. I systems - Sunsystem hoods with am still doing wild game processing. galaxy ballasts. Two 600 watt Call Bob at 945-2346. 1-II systems and one 400 watt system. Also have fans and dehumidifier. Make offer. 301-1071 1-II
Region II CSPD to Present Workshop On February 15, Region II of the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) will be offering a free training for general and special educators, paraprofessionals, social workers, occupational therapists, and others who work with children. The training, entitled Vocabulary: The Educational Gift that Keeps Giving, will be held at the Fifth Avenue Christian Church, located at 2015 5th Avenue in Havre, Montana, and presented by Eliza Sorte Thomas. During the workshop, Sorte Thomas will not only share a six-step process for teaching vocabulary and several strategies for organizing and assessing students vocabulary ac uisition but ill e lain ho to ma imi e vocabulary s potential in the academic setting and beyond. Furthermore, she will demonstrate several games and activities that support vocabulary instruction and retention. According to Sorte Thomas, vocabulary is a huge indicator of student success one that can be heavily in uenced by hat the teacher su orts teaches, plays with, expects, and assesses.” Interested persons can register for this training by going online to www.blueponyk12.com where they will click on the CSPD icon and then on the hyperlink that reads: Register Here For Upcoming CSPD Training Events! Registrations will be accepted through February 13, provided that the workshop doesn’t reach its maximum. Questions can be directed to Region II CSPD Coordinator, Aileen Couch by calling (406) 395-8550 ext. 6714 or emailing cs d blue onyk12 com Six OPI renewal units are available for this training, which will begin with sign-in at 8:00 and conclude at 3:30. A one-hour break with lunch on your own will occur from 11:30-12:30. Region II CSPD coordinates personnel development to meet the diverse needs of all children and youth in the counties of Cascade, Teton, Pondera, Toole, Glacier, Liberty, Hill, Blaine, and Chouteau. Although preference will be given to people living in these areas, participation by individuals from outside of Region II is also welcome.
16 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
Big Round Bales, Net Wrap
Adult Ed is Back! Big Flat Community Grain Bin is happy to sponsor Adult Ed in the Turner Community once again. The first class began January 30, and our last scheduled class ends February 25. Visit www.turnermontana.us for a full schedule and signup forms! 2-I For Rent: 1 Bed 1 Bath Apartment, Jefferson Ave, Havre. $625/mo. We have one and two bedroom apartments for rent. These have no rental assistance. Contact Lu Ann at 357-8076 for application. 1-II
For Sale: Over 175 Simmental, SimAngus and Angus yearlings Bulls Of The Big Sky: Billings Livestock Commission, 1:00 pm Feb 19th 2018 Billings, MT. info@bullsofthebigsky. com or (208)267-2668 You Don't Want To Miss This!! 1-II Need to Buy or Sell? Hire a realtor you can trust. Greytak Realty will help take the stress out of buying or selling your home, farm/ranch or commercial property. Call our office at 406-357-2111; Clint Greytak 2623170 or Bob Sharples 945-5655. www.GreytakRealty.com 1-II
17 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
?Did you know? YOU CAN GET YOUR KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED at BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES in Havre Holiday Village Mall. Will sharpen while you shop, Very affordable. 406-399-6522. 10-II:3-I
Kokomo Joe's Trading Post: BuySell-Trade Vintage Collectibles. Chester Montana. 406-759-6472. 1-II
“Your Source for Bulls on the Hi-Line”
Annual 22nd
Download us on Mobile! The Tricia's Trader mobile app is now on Google PlayStore and Apple App Store. Get it now and don't miss a single issue! x
Bull Sale
Bulls Sell
1:00 p.m. • Lunch at noon
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Bear Paw Livestock • Chinook, Montana Bulls can be viewed at Hould Feedlot in Malta.
View videos at www.billpelton.com, and bid sale day by phone & live online at www.lmaacutions.com
— Milk River Bull Sale Consignors —
C Bar
Bar 9 Ranch Clayton Hofeldt 406-945-0850 bar9ranch@gmail.com
Treasure State Title Restoring Location Since purchasing the assets of Bear Paw Title from Perry and Pauly Miller and creating a new business, Treasure State Title, Steve and Lesley Zellmer have continued to make changes. On December 15, they moved into the old Journal-NewsOpinion building at 217 Indiana Street in Chinook and have been restoring the building to its early 1900s grandeur. In their Indiana Street location, the Treasure tate Title o ces occu y the north half of the building, which once served as a bank. The south side of the building, history suggests, housed Boyle Mercantile, and it is the Zellmers’ goal, as funds allow them to continue to remodel to add o ce s aces available or rent or lease by other businesses on this side. About the renovation project, Steve said: “We opened up the building, exposed the tin ceilings and the vault, installed period lights, matched the trim, and painted. To complete the décor, I’d still like to get my hands on some of the period pictures I know are out there.” Title insurance has its own tie to history, since it can tell a story about a location’s ownership. Along with Steve’s brother, Keith, the couple purchased the building in March 2017. The Zellmers are the tenth owners according to the Chain of Title for the building, which will likely bring back memories for many people: W.S. Rainbolt (1892), Ruth Clark (1901), The First National Bank of Chinook (1903), The Farmers National Bank of Chinook (1930), Johnson Printing Company (1963), Michael D. Perry and Curtis H. Starr (1984), Mike Perry and Mary Perry (1991), Blaine County Journal (1997), Keith Hanson and Keri Hanson (1999). When asked what motivated the Treasure State Title business to relocate, Steve cited not only the main street location but the desire to own rather than to rent. He said, “Despite the learning curve the title insurance business has meant, all is going well. Many of the aspects of the title insurance business are similar to those I experienced in real estate and while working with the Bureau of Land Management. My wife and I not only appreciate the stability that business ownership implies but the opportunity to serve our clients.” Members of the Chinook Area Chamber of Commerce, Treasure State Title sells title insurance and performs settlement/closing services for clients in Blaine, Hill, Phillips, and Valley Counties. At this point, Steve and his wife Lesley both work in the business and manage daily operations. “It’s nice to know that down the road we might generate jobs, but we don’t want to get in over our heads. So much of what we do in title insurance is dependent on real estate markets and the economy,” Lesley said. Another u grade dream involves renovating the second- oor area that once served as an opera house. The stage, with its footlights, green room, and dressing room, are still evident as triggers for the narrative imagination, reminding any visitor of Chinook’s history with live theater. “While that renovation might just be a dream,” Lesley said, “I can see that space serving the community as a venue for holding events like wedding receptions or Paint and Pour parties.” Sometimes called Painting with a Twist or Paint and Sip, a Paint and Pour party involves grabbing a drink and a brush and painting along as a guest or local artist instructs participants in the creation of art. m told la o ces aced the street on the second oor lesley said “so there’s lots of history in this space.”
Four Butte Cattle Co. Bryan Pike 406-788-5952 bpike4@hotmail.com
C Bar Angus • Bruce Christofferson 406-658-2131 Ross Christofferson rc516@mtintouch.net • 658-2153
DH Registered Angus Dale Hofeldt 406-357-3785
North Fork Angus Kade, Shane & Morgan Friede 406-357-2410 sfriede@hotmail.com
Complete Sale Information and Sale Book, Contact: Clayton Hofeldt • 406-945-0850
Proven, Solid, Dependable! • More than 107,000 Buildings Sold Since 1978 • Best Warranties in the Industry BUILDING SPECIALS!
24'x32'x12' • $12,351 30'x56'x15' • $20,597 42'x64'x16' • $27,176 60'x104'x17' • $56,331
FEATURING: Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code modifications extra. Price subject to change without notice.
ClearyBuilding.com • 800-373-5550
Contact us today for a FREE consultation!
COLUMBUS, MT • 406-322-5427 GREAT FALLS, MT • 406-453-4322
For Rent: 2 duplex units in Chinook, Brand new 3 BR, 2 ba duplex units w/ X-Lg htd single car garage. Highly efficient, LED lights, central A/C. Washer/dryer hook ups. No maint.,shoveling or mowing. VERY nice! Can accommodate wheelchair/walker accessibility if needed. $1200, month to month rent. Lower rent negotiable for longer lease terms. Call for application and details. Serious inquiries only please. Frank 399-1845. 1-II
Helping You Haul: is our business. See our selection of stock trailers, flatbeds, car haulers, utility trailers, toy haulers, and even the B&W Hitch to hook you up. Brands like Circle D, Travalong, Hillsboro, Look, Haulmark, Diamond C, Boss Plows and more. Triple T Sales in Chinook, 406-3572166, www.ttt-sales.com. 1-II Are you looking for that special hard-to-find book? BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES We have NEW and USED BOOKS will special order Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 12-II:3-I
18 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
eS lling!
50 Yearling Bulls 14 Yearling Heifers
1 PM - Thursday, March 1st at Glasgow Stockyards
Sires Include: SAV Resource 1441 Opp Upward 507 OCC Emblazon 854E Hilltop Alliance 9205
One of a Kind Arrangements: At Tulips and Treasures find Gifts, Holiday bouquets. Order your snowball flowers soon. Free in town delivery. Call 406-654-1273 or stop in 900 S. Central Ave. Malta. 1-II
Tires and More: Havre Ford, 1991 Hwy. 2 W.,check out our tire selection and pick up accessories at unbeatable prices, Goodyear, Kelly, grill guards, Weather tech floor mats and much more. Stop in or call. 265-2246. 1-II
Hilltop Granite 4218 Infinitys Program 7B Identity 4269 Connealy Arsenal 2174
Guest Consignor Pankratz Angus Darin & Ashley Pankratz Darin Cell (406) 724-7169
For Info & Catalog
(406) 893-7788 Cell
19 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
American Garage Carries a full line of
The Rain-XÂŽ Line of Wiper Blade offers ultimate visibility in rain, sleet and snow!
Starting at $7.00
Call 406.357.4201
American Garage 40440 US Hwy 2 East - Chinook Scott DePriest, Owner
Hunter Education Classes Offered in Havre Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) Hunter Education course dates have been set for the Havre area for this spring. Free of charge, three regular youth courses will be held at MSU-Northern in Hagener Hall: Class 1: February 15, 6-7:00 P.M.- Orientation February 19-24- Class Class 2: April 5, 6-7:00 P.M.- Orientation April 9-14- Class Class 3: May 3, 6-7:00 P.M.- Orientation May 7-12- Class To be eligible to hunt and ully certi ed during the 2018 season youth must be twelve years old by January 16, 2019. Youth who are ten and eleven years old can take the course and hunt as an apprentice but will not be fully certi ed until the year they turn t elve All registrants or this event must be ten years o age by the rst day o class Those interested in the Hunter Education courses can pick up Hunter ducation Manuals rom either the avre W o ce Bing N Bob s tromberg s Sinclair, or North 40. Students are to read each chapter and complete all review sections before the start of class. To register and learn more about the hunter education classes offered, potential participants can visit the FWP website at www.fwp.mt.gov and look under the ducation tab ndividuals ith uestions can call the avre W o ce at 265-6177
CHINOOK Karla Buck 399-3224
HARLEM Don Richman 353-2213 Edward Snider 353-2934
TURNER Ralph Snider 379 2343
20 Tricia’s Trader ................................................................... Volume XVI Issue 3.......................................................................... February 7 , 2018
All Seasons: Come into All Seasons Home Center @729 2nd Ave. S. Customize your cabinets for bathroom or kitchen with our computerized design program. Durasupreme cabinets; ask for specials: Call 406-228-8288. 1-II
Guitars of Montana: Alvarez, BOSS/Roland, Crafter, Dean, Electro-Voice, EVH, G&L, Gretsch, Guild, Hammond, Ibanez, Jackson, Laney, Ludwig, Luna, Mapex, Phil Jones Pure Sound, Randall, Zildjian! Music books, Band/Orchestra rentals. #2 5th Street South, downtown Great Falls, 406-453-4998. 1-II:7-1