December 4th, 2019

Page 1

December 4, 2019 Volume XVII Issue 23


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800-756-1817 w w w. Tr i c i a s Tr a d e r. c o m 6,000 copies in print distributed across the NorthCentral Montana Hi-Line E m a i l n e w s t o i n f o @ t r i c i a t r a d e r. c o m

Happy December!

ic r t lec E or ons c i l pti 8.5 u a dr ive o l & 2 y H Dr e dels h s u mo b 5 19. ushel b The Hydra Feeder(TM) beltless, chainless direct drive system provides simple, dependable feed discharge. The standard hydraulic or optional electric power source is directly coupled to the 8" discharge auger. With minimum cube damage, the unit provides positive feed delivery rates up to 11 pounds per second. The Hydra Feeder(TM) is designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the Hydra Bed(R) by the bale handling ar ms. The unit can also be used on a three-point tractor mount or Triple C's Hydra TM2000(TM) and powered by the tractor hydraulic system.

2 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

For Sale: 282 Britzman Rd, Glasgow, MT, 3 Bed, 2 Ba., 1680 sq. ft., 150 ac. cultivated cropland, Milk River water rights. Only 7 mi. from town, 23 mi. to Fort Peck Reservoir w/ world-class walleye fishing. $650,000. Call Property West, 945-0394. 12-I

Annual Chouteau County Country Christmas is coming Dec. 7 & 8, and the Trash & Treasure Shop in Loma will open its doors for this Great Event both days from 10am to 4pm. Shop among all the merchandise on sale or make your Best Offer. Thank you for shopping and enjoy the holidays! 11-I

HOLY COW! Big Sky Images & Collectibles has America's largest retail displays of Ruana & USA Made Old Timer & Uncle Henry Knives. Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 http://www. 12-I

For Sale: Beautiful Corgi pups. Family & ranch raised, shots, dewormed, & kennel cough shots, dewclaws & tails docked. Nice goodie bag. References avail. $675 w/o papers, $775 with papers. Also 2 merle Corgi pups, $950 no papers or $1,050 with. Can meet. Call or text 654-4035. 11-II

*No Subscription Required. *Mailed FREE to Every Household in Dozens of Rural Montana Zip Codes. Call us today!


CONTENTS: ARTICLES: The History Of Christmas Trees..............3 Upcoming Christmas Festivities..............6

REGULAR FEATURES: Ad Placement.......................................... 8 Dave Says.............................................11 Joyce Meyer Ministries.......................... 10 Laugh Lines............................................. 8 Ranching For Profit.................................9 Realty Section......................................... 7 Sudoku.................................................... 8 Things to Know........................................ 3

The best of both PRINT & ONLINE... Where else does your ad work this hard? Visit us online today We’re Mobile! “Tricias Trader”

3 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

The History of Christmas Trees

The evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years. Pagans used branches of it to decorate their homes during the winter solstice, as it made them think of the spring to come. The Romans used Fir Trees to decorate their temples at the festival of Saturnalia. Christians use it as a sign of everlasting life with God. Nobody is really sure when Fir trees were first used as Christmas trees. It probably began about 1000 years ago in Northern Europe. Many early Christmas Trees seem to have been hung upside down from the ceiling using chains (hung from chandeliers/lighting hooks). Other early Christmas Trees, across many parts of northern Europe, were cherry or hawthorn plants (or a branch of the plant) that were put into pots and brought inside so they would hopefully flower at Christmas time. If you couldn't afford a real plant, people made pyramids of woods and they were decorated to look like a tree with paper, apples and candles. Sometimes they were carried around from house to house, rather than being displayed in a home. It's possible that the wooden pyramid trees were meant to be like Paradise Trees. These were used in medieval German Mystery or Miracle Plays that were acted out in front of Churches on Christmas Eve. In early church calendars of saints, 24th December was Adam and Eve's day. The Paradise Tree represented the Garden of Eden. It was often paraded around the town before the play started, as a way of advertising the play. The plays told Bible stories to people who could not read. The first documented use of a tree at Christmas and New Year celebrations is argued between the cities of Tallinn in Estonia and Riga in Latvia! Both claim that they had the first trees; Tallinn in 1441 and Riga in 1510. Both trees were put up by the 'Brotherhood of Blackheads' which was an association of local unmarried merchants, ship owners, and foreigners in Livonia (what is now Estonia and Latvia). Little is known about either tree apart from that they were put in the town square, were danced around by the Brotherhood of Blackheads and were then set on fire. This is like the custom of the Yule Log. The word used for the 'tree' could also mean a mast or pole, tree might have been like a 'Paradise Tree' or a tree-shaped wooden candelabra rather than a 'real' tree. In the town square of Riga, the capital of Latvia, there is a plaque which is engraved with "The First New Year's Tree in Riga in 1510", in eight languages. You can find out more about the Riga Tree from this website: A picture from Germany in 1521 which shows a tree being paraded through the streets with a man riding a horse behind it. The man is dressed a bishop, possibly representing St. Nicholas. In 1584, the historian Balthasar Russow wrote about a tradition, in Riga, of a decorated fir tree in the market square where the young men “went with a flock of maidens and women, first sang and danced there and then set the tree aflame”. There's a record of a small tree in Breman, Germany from 1570. It is described as a tree decorated with "apples, nuts, dates, pretzels and paper flowers". It was displayed in a 'guild-house' (the meeting place for a society of business men in the city). The first person to bring a Christmas Tree into a house, in the way we know it today, may have been the 16th century German preacher Martin Luther. A story is told that, one night before Christmas, he was walking through the forest and looked up to see the stars shining through the tree branches. It was so beautiful, that he went home and told his children that it reminded him of Jesus, who left the stars of heaven to come to earth at Christmas. Some people say this is the same tree as the 'Riga' tree, but it isn't! The Riga tree originally took place a few decades earlier. The custom of having Christmas trees could well have travelled along the Baltic sea, from Latvia to Germany. In the 1400s and 1500s, the countries which are now Germany and Latvia were them part of two larger empires which were neighbors. Another story says that St. Boniface of Crediton (a village in Devon, UK) left England and traveled to Germany to preach to the pagan German tribes and convert them to Christianity. He is said to have come across a group of pagans about to sacrifice a young boy while worshipping an oak tree. In anger, and to stop the sacrifice, St. Boniface is said to have cut down the oak tree and, to his amazement, a young fir tree sprang up from the roots of the oak tree. St. Boniface took this as a sign of the Christian faith and his followers decorated the tree with candles so that St. Boniface could preach to the pagans at night. There is another legend, from Germany, about how the Christmas Tree came into being, it goes: Once on a cold Christmas Eve night, a forester and his family were in their cottage gathered round the fire to keep warm. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. When the Continued on page 5...


Annual Chouteau County Country Christmas is coming Dec. 7 & 8 Shop among all the merchandise on sale or make your Best Offer. Thank you for shopping and enjoy the holidays!

Dec 15:

Harlem County Christmas at Harlem Community Center. Venders from 2 to 7pm, Santa pictures from 2 to 4pm, soup supper from 4 to 7pm.

Dec 8:

BIG FLAT COMMUNITY GRAIN BIN, INC. Annual Meeting 4:00 p.m., at the Turner School. Be sure to attend and join the discussion about plans for a new community center! Vacation Raffle tickets will be available for purchase that evening, as well.

Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read!

Call 379-2377 or email

4 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Attention Big Flat Community! Don’t miss the Annual Meeting of the Big Flat Community Grain Bin, Inc., your local non-profit

501(c)(3) organization, working for your school and community.

**Dec. 8 at 4:00 pm, Turner School**

Plans are being formulated for a new Community Center, and your input is requested. For info, call or text 399-3909. The Annual Vacation Raffle is underway and Tickets will be available for purchase that evening. 3 Amazing Trips are up for grabs! GRAND PRIZE:10-Day Panama Canal Cruise 2nd Place: 7-Day Canada/New England Fall Foliage Cruise 3rd Place: 4-Night Maui Vacation for Two

Virgelle Merc. Antiques presents a “Real Country Christmas” at a “Real Country Store” Saturday & Sunday, December 7th & 8th 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Antiques & Collectibles. Phone 1-800-426-2926 or (406) 378-3110. www.VirgelleMontana. com Celebrate the Season at Virgelle, Montana. 11-I: 12-1

FOR SALE: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free866-683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 7-I:X

WINTER BUILD SALE Custom Designed & Built to Last!

Ask us about BUILDING SPECIALS in your area!

Contact us today for a FREE consultation! COLUMBUS, MT • 406-322-5427 GREAT FALLS, MT • 406-453-4322



5 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Continued from page3...

forester opened the door, he found a poor little boy standing on the door step, lost and alone. The forester welcomed him into his house and the family fed and washed him and put him to bed in the youngest sons own bed (he had to share with his brother that night!). The next morning, Christmas Morning, the family were woken up by a choir of angels, and the poor little boy had turned into Jesus, the Christ Child. The Christ Child went into the front garden of the cottage and broke a branch off a Fir tree and gave it to the family as a present to say thank you for looking after him. So ever since them, people have remembered that night by bringing a Christmas Tree into their homes! In Germany, the first Christmas Trees were decorated with edible things, such as gingerbread and gold covered apples. Then glass makers made special small ornaments similar to some of the decorations used today. In 1605 an unknown German wrote: "At Christmas they set up fir trees in the parlours of Strasbourg and hang thereon roses cut out of many-colored paper, apples, wafers, gold foil, sweets, etc." At first, a figure of the Baby Jesus was put on the top of the tree. Over time it changed to an angel/fairy that told the shepherds about Jesus, or a star like the Wise Men saw. The first Christmas Tree in the UK might well have been set-up by Queen Charlotte, the German wife of King George III. In 1800 she had a tree set-up at the Queen’s Lodge in Windsor for a children's party for rich and noble families. Soon having a tree had become popular amongst some rich families. They became very popular throughout the country from the mid 1840s, when reports of 'the Royal tree' were printed in newspapers. In 1848, a drawing of "The Queen's Christmas tree at Windsor Castle" was published in the Illustrated London News. It showed Queen Victoria, her German Husband Prince Albert and their young children around a tree which was setup on a table. The drawing was republished in Godey's Lady's Book, Philadelphia in December 1850 (but they removed the Queen's crown and Prince Albert's moustache to make it look 'American'!). In Victorian times, the tree would have been decorated with candles to represent stars. In many parts of Europe, candles are still used to decorate Christmas trees. Christmas Tree 'skirts' started as Christmas Tree 'carpets'. They were made from heavy fabric, often decorated and with fancy frills around the edges, and were used either on the floor, or on tables, and went under the trees and their stands - rather than 'around' them. They were used to catch the needles from the trees and also protect the floor or table tops from dripping wax coming from the candles on the trees. In Germany in the early/mid 1800s it was also 'fashionable' to have a forest scene and/or a nativity scene under trees (especially if the trees were placed on tables) and so these scenes also stood on the Tree carpets. At this point trees were either normally put in pots (if they still had roots on them) or they were attached to a larger piece of wood or other heavy support (if they'd been cut) and so the scenes help to hide these. In the 1860s proper metal tree holders, for cut trees, started being made. If you were rich, you could get them in very fancy shapes - and some even had music boxes in them, so they 'plinked' Christmas tunes! Less expensive tree holders also became available and were made out of cheaper metals (and they also didn't look so good), so the 'carpets' became smaller and were also put 'around' the tree holders and became the Christmas tree skirts that we have today.

For Sale: 2002 Wilson 53’ cattle pot, 12’ nose 13’ rear, 3/4 dog house, spring ride, new tires, good brakes, 40-50% floors-rear floor 90%. $32,000 obo 390-5951 11-II

Harlem County Christmas. December 15th at Harlem Community Center. Venders from 2 to 7pm, Santa pictures from 2 to 4pm, soup supper from 4 to 7pm. 12-I

6 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Upcoming Christmas Festivities!

December 7th -

Winter Celebration - Ft. Benton

December 7th -

Holiday Spirit Stroll - Havre Beneath the Streets

December 7th -

Living Nativity - Van Orsdel United Methodist Church, Havre.

December 14th -

20th Annual MSU-Northerns Cowboy Christmas. Havre's MSU-Northern Armory Gym, 6pm

Fall is a great time to ls. seed perennia

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High productivity, anti-bloat! AAC Glenview Sainfoin Call us for more information.

Annual, Perennial & Cover Crop Forage Seed Blends Year Round Forage & Grazing Solutions Kimmel Ranch, Turner, Montana


Patrick Kimmel - cell 406.301.2824

Tricia Kimmel - cell 406.399.3909

Western & Wildlife Artwork Indian Design Blankets Furs, Pelts, & Rawhide Braintan Buckskins Sage & Sweetgrass Native American Craftwork Custom Framing n Call Ke Knife & Scissor Sharpening Today! Uncle Henry & Old Timer Knives Ruana Knives Morgan Silver Dollars

(406) 399-6522

Havre Holiday Village Mall 1753 Hwy 2 NW - Ste 8 Havre, MT

HAY FOR SALE: All varieties round/square bales. Trucking available & we custom haul. Call 6706551 or 672-7558. 11-I:

Is there another way???

Are you looking for that special hard-to-find book? BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES We have NEW and USED BOOKS will special order Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 12-I

For Sale: 2002 Wilson 53' cattle pot, 12' nose, 13' rear, 3/4 dog house, spring ride, new tires, good brakes, 4050% floors, rear floor 90%. $32,000 obo. Call 4O6-390-5951. 12-I

For Sale: Looking for a home with outdoor space plus amazing views of the mountains? This home has that and so much more! Beautiful open floor plan with hardwood floors. 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths. Office/ den with stamped concrete floor. Main floor laundry. Bonus rooms, pellet stove plus new carpet in the basement. Sun room connecting the house to the triple stall garage. Private patio out back to bbq and take in the stunning views of the mountains. Abundance of trees and shrubs around the property for privacy. Enjoy country living all on 2.726 acres with the convenience of being minutes from town. This home is ready for new owners. Schedule your showing now before it's too late! List Price $439,000 Call Property West, 945-0394. 11-I:12-I

Looking to improve soil health? Reduce input costs? Get rid of the baler???

Winfred, Goliath, oats & Triticale for Swath Grazing

Decide for yourself if ... • Nutrient-Dense Forage Grazing • Swath Grazing • or Stockpiling Winter Forage will work on your operation.

Relay Mix 1 mo. after silage Oats w/ Ultimate Mix

Turner, Montana Legume Pasture

Are you ready to change the way your cattle are fed? Ask us about a custom mix for your region and goals.

Take advantage of early payment discounts! 10% off if paid by Dec 31st!

Call us (406)379-2512 or visit for more information.

7 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

?Did you know? YOU CAN GET YOUR KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED at BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES in Havre Holiday Village Mall, Will sharpen while you shop, Very affordable 406-399-6522 12-I

For Sale: 2002 Wilson 53’ cattle pot, 12’ nose 13’ rear, 3/4 dog house, spring ride, new tires, good brakes, 40-50% floors-rear floor 90%. $32,000 obo 390-5951 12-I For Sale: Family Farm Dogs, Made in MT & Rich in Heritage! Border Collies with a little Catahoula & Alaskan Klee Kai. Born 9/30. Beautiful markings and great dispositions. Call 406-9450989 for info and pictures. 11-I

Putting you first made us #1. Making you our #1 priority is what’s made State Farm® #1* in auto insurance. I’m here to listen to your needs and to help life go right. CALL ME TODAY. *Based on written premium as reported by SNL Financial 2014. Tom J LaFond, Agent 145 4th ave ste #4 Havre, MT 59501 Bus: 406-265-5861 MON. - FRI. 8:00 - 5:00 After hours by appointment 24 hr customer service

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Dallas, TX 1601917

8 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019


hinook arlem

SUDOKU! The rules to the Japanese game of Sudoku are straightforward. Simply fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9. SOLUTION:

Doctor: "I'm sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live." Patient: "What do you mean, 10? 10 what? Months? Weeks?!" Doctor: "Nine." A doctor accidentally prescribes his patient a laxative instead of a coughing syrup. Three days later the patient comes for a check-up and the doctor asks: “Well? Are you still coughing?” The patient replies: “No. I’m afraid to!”

The next issue publishes Wed., December 18, 2019. Ad DEADLINE Wed., December 11th at 9am.

One company owner asks another: “Tell me, Bill, how come your employees are always on time in the mornings?” Bill replies: “Easy. 30 employees and 20 parking spaces.”

HARLEM REGION: Tricia is happy to help you in:



own: oplin nverness udyard ingham ildford remlin t Benton oma ig Sandy avre

SUD0KU E S $ !

2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 2000 Country Club Road *800-756-1817 Turner, MT 59542 Phone

Phone 800-756-1817 or 406-379-2377 or 406-379-2377 Email:


Email: FAX: 888-796-8498 FAX: Contact us 888-796-8498 to place an advertisement, complete the form above,

Contact us to place an advertisement, or visit us online tocomplete submit yourthe ad. form above, or visit us online to submit your ad.


Town: Prefix: Ft Belknap 353 Prefix: Ft Belknap Joplin 292 Turner353 379 292 Inverness 292 Turner Hogeland 379 379 292 Rudyard 355 Hogeland 379 673 Zortman 355 Zortman 673 397 Hingham 397 DodsonDodson 383 383 Gildford 376 Malta 301, 654, 680 376 Malta 301, 654, 658,658, 680 Kremlin 372 Loring 674 372 Loring 674 Benton 621, 622 Whitewater 621, Ft 622 Whitewater 674 674 Loma 739 Saco 739 Saco 527 527 Big Sandy 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 262, Havre 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 390, 394, 390, 394, 395, 398, 399395, 398, 399 Chinook 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODESARE ARE 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES Harlem 353 (406) 353 (406)

EAST BLAINE FERGUS and OUT-OF-STATE or CANADA Tricia Kimmel, Owner 800-756-1817 x804 406-379-2377 Email:

HAVRE REGION: Christa is happy to help you in: HILL COUNTY Christa Beatty, Sales Rep 406-395-4543 Email:

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9 Tricia’s Trader.....................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Ranching For Profit Blog - Dave Pratt Healthy Land, Happy Families and Profitable Businesses

For Sale: Grass Alfalfa Hay, 1st Cutting, $80/bale, approx. 1400# ea. or $100/ton by semi-load. Delivery available. Located by Dodson. Call 654-4035. 11-II

FOR SALE: New Mint State Silver Eagle Dollars & Morgan Silver Dollars! BIG SKY IMAGES & CvOLLECTIBLES Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 12-I

Succession Success

Most people assume that the biggest estate planning fights involve “Who will own what?” It’s been my experience that, “Who will run what?” is often an even bigger issue. “Who will own what?” is usually a question of perceived fairness. To heirs, “Who will run what?” is a question of respect. As part of a management succession workshop Dallas Mount and I led in Baggs, WY last December, we showed participants how to build a plan for a smooth transition into the future. The plan included effectiveness areas, organization charts, position agreements and career development plans. Don’t hire people to work. Hire them to produce results. Work is a waste of time unless it produces results. So rather than focus on work, shouldn’t we focus on the results? Most people use job descriptions to describe the work we want people to do. A job description for a livestock manager might include “feed cattle” and “administer vaccinations.” Rather than describe what someone does, effectiveness areas describe the area for which someone is responsible. Effectiveness areas for someone who feeds and vaccinates cattle might be “Cattle Nutrition” and “Cattle Health” or simply, “Cattle Production.” We assign a target to each effectiveness area. The target for “Cattle Nutrition” might be >90% of cows are in Body Condition Score 5 at calving. “Cattle Production” might have a gross margin target of $500/SAU. By grouping related effectiveness areas, we form positions. A typical ranch might have positions for livestock production, range health & productivity, livestock marketing, and financial control. One person may hold more than one position. In fact, in a smaller operation one person may be responsible for all of the positions. Position agreements should be drafted for each position in the organization chart. Position agreements list all of the effectiveness areas and targets assigned to a position. All employees, including family employees, should sign the agreement to confirm that they understand and agree to the terms. Once you’ve defined effectiveness areas and created position agreements for each current position in your business it’s time to draft your succession plan. We draft the succession plan by projecting the organization chart into the future. The projected organization chart shows how roles may change in the future. Along with projecting these roles it would be a good idea to establish a training plan to make sure each person has the skill and experience to succeed in their future roles. If you want competent management when you step aside, it is important to find opportunities for the next generation to flex a little managerial muscle. Rather than moving from hired hand to division manager overnight, Junior would be better prepared if they are involved in making important decisions and put in charge of at least one subunit of the business (e.g. the stocker program, developing a cull cow program, managing a particular lease holding) before they take on larger, more complex roles. If this sounds like hard work, that’s because it is! But it is also important work. It is the work that ensures a smooth transition into the next generation. And while it is hard work, once someone knows how to do it, it doesn’t take much time. It takes most people a total of 6-10 mornings to define effectiveness areas, create an organization chart, write position agreements, project the organization chart into the future and build a career development plan. The failure to do this planning is a major reason why less than 1/3 of North American ranches pass on intact to the next generation. Twenty to forty hours to ensure the success of your ranch for the next 20-40 years sounds like time well spent to me.

10 Tricia’s Trader...................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Enjoying Everyday Life Joyce Meyer

A Strength That Never Fails After I became a Christian, there were many years when I had no victory in my everyday life. I was miserable because I still had wounds in my soul from the past that made me insecure, angry, suspicious of others, and hard to get along with. Even though I loved God and went to church every week, I had no idea that there was power available to me to overcome the hurts from the past and the struggles of everyday life. And everything that came along that was hard to handle, defeated me. But I was so grateful when I found out in God’s Word that not only is He powerful, but He wants to fill us with His power. He promises in His Word that we can have abundant life in Christ because He has overcome the world! (See John 10:10; 16:33.) The truth is, as believers in Christ, we don’t have to live weak, wimpy, pitiful, pathetic, barely-getting-by lives. We can have God’s power working in us to enable us to do whatever we need to do in life! There’s No Such Thing as a Problem-free Life Some people have the misconception that when they give their lives to Jesus, they will no longer have any problems. It would be nice if this were true, but in this world, we WILL have trials and tribulations. The good news is we can cheer up anyway because Jesus has overcome the world. In John 16:33 (AMP), Jesus says, “…In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” No one can promise you a problem-free life, but God promises that if you will put your trust in Him, He will give you a faith that enables you to rise above the problems you face. And when you get through them, you’ll be stronger on the other side than you were before you had them. The Truth About God’s Power Knowing you can have power from God to live in this world is one thing, but learning to believe this truth and walk in it is the key to having victory over the trials and suffering you face. I love Philippians 3:10 because it says we can actually experience the same power that raised Christ from the dead. In this verse, the apostle Paul says his determined purpose was to “know Him [experientially, becoming more thoroughly acquainted with Him, understanding the remarkable wonders of His Person more completely] and [in that same way experience] the power of His resurrection [which overflows and is active in believers], and [that I may share] the fellowship of His sufferings, by being continually conformed [inwardly into His likeness even] to His death [dying as He did]” (AMP). This is an amazing and encouraging promise from God, because we all face problems and have weaknesses we can’t overcome in our own strength or effort. But if we are determined to trust God in every situation, all the time, we can fight the good fight of faith by HIS grace. Being More Than a Conqueror Through Christ Romans 8:37 (AMP) says: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].” I love this phrase “more than conquerors.” But what does it really mean? Being more than a conqueror means that before you ever have a problem, you are confident that you have whatever it takes to overcome it through your relationship with Christ. In other words, you know you have the victory before you ever get the problem. Now, in order to “qualify” for the power of God, we must first come to the place where we recognize that in and of ourselves, we are weak and we have limitations without God. If we didn’t have any weakness, we wouldn’t realize we need Him. And one of the best prayers we can ever pray is “God, I need You, and I’m nothing without You!” (See John 15:5.) It’s so important for us to understand this because if we wait until we have a problem that’s too big for us to handle before we rely on God’s strength, then we’re setting ourselves up to fail. The best thing we can do to live this life in victory is to continually seek God with our whole heart, realizing we’re desperate for Him all the time. Spend time with Him in prayer and studying His Word every day. Then, when the storms of life happen, you will be confident that in Christ, you already have everything you need to overcome them…and you’ll experience the power of His resurrection as you rise above them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Sit, Stand, Walk, Run. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.orgPlease note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministtries.

11 Tricia’s Trader...................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Annual Chouteau County Country Christmas is coming Dec. 7 & 8, and the Trash & Treasure Shop in Loma will open its doors for this Great Event both days from 10am to 4pm. Shop among all the merchandise on sale or make your Best Offer. Thank you for shopping and enjoy the holidays! 11-I

For Sale: JD 4230 tractor w/ 158 loader & grapple. Power Shift. $15,000. Call 399-4604. 12-I For Sale: Breeder Sellout! Beautiful wood large aviary. 12 for something? Gouldian Finches, 5 canaries, Searching one button quail. 4 Cages & tons Find it in the search window x of supplies. Package deal, $750. at Call or text 654-4035.. 11-II

Best Resting Inn & Extended Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x

12 Tricia’s Trader...................................................................Volume XVII Issue 23....................................................................... December 4, 2019

Helping You Haul is our business. See our selection of stock trailers, flatbeds, car haulers, utility trailers, toy haulers, and even the B&W Hitch to hook you up. Brands like Circle D, Travalong, Hillsboro, Look, Haulmark, Diamond C, Boss Plows and more. Triple T Sales in Chinook, 406-357-2166, 11-II

For Sale By Owner: Buildings & 19 ac w/ 340' of Milk River frontage, west of Chinook, MT, 1/4 mi. so. of Hwy 2 at mile sign 399. 5 bed, 2 ba. house, 38x40' shop (14' ceilings), 3 car garage (18' ceilings), 1 old barn. Call Doug Plouffe 406-357-2487 for showing, and then give fair offer. 6-I:1-II

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