12 june 2015

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Aft er oo ENEMY

Regd. No. MCS/035/2015-17 RNI Regn. No. 43675/1985 MUMBAI FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015 32 PAGES `3 Website: www.afternoondc.in

Gold: `26,805 Silver: `37,440 US Dollar: `63.97 Temperature: 320C/290C Humidity: 66%



EW DELHI: A high security alert has been sounded across northeast after reports that NSCNK militants have entered India for revenge attacks following Army's strike in insurgent camps. The move came after a high-level meeting chaired by

Home Minister Rajnath Singh and attended by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, NSA Ajit Doval, Vice Chief of Army Lt Gen Philip Campos among others where intelligence inputs were shared. According to these inputs, around 2O militants belonging to NSCN-K, PLA, ULFA

and other groups like the newly-formed United National Liberation Front of West South East Asia crossed the Indo-Myanmar border with the intention of revenge attacks after Tuesday's surgical strike by Army, sources Continued on pg 12 ÂŤ

No dogs to sniff out narcotic stuff; Sniffer cops do it themselves Report on Pg 12

48 Hours Pg13-20 Films Pg24-25

A high security alert has been sounded across northeast region.

High alert across Northeast where there have been bloody clashes between NSCN-K militants and the army

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