King's Call Vol.7

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Pastor Albert & Minister Linda Kamau

Pastor Steve & Pastor Josh & Pastor Janelle Minister Vicky Pastor Shannon Marocco Franks Marocco

Pastor Robert & Pastor Pascal & Pastor Kevin & Pastor Danny & Pastor Arthur Minister Lani Minister Cece Minister Dianna Minister & Anabelle Sahagun Hardy McNamara Ku`ulei Akau Daguimol

Minister Dylan Andrion

Minister Melani Akuna

Minister Manny Aruda

Minister Rodney Bobo

Ministers Minister Kimo Minister Andrew Minister Patty Chris & Victoria Orlando Pearson Peterson McKaskle

Minister Jireh Urmeneta

Minister Megan Yturriaga

Ministers Scott & Monica Zenger

Pastor Glen Foo Sum

Pastor Brian & Pastor John & Christy Butcher Jamie Werner

Pastor Ron Moody

Pastor Daniel & Jackie Wine

Ministers Darron & Pua Agawa

Minister Sam Ahia

Minister Kawika Gonzales

Ministers Darren & Sharay Ho

Minister Sael Kalles

Ministers Jeremy & Carrie Low

Minister Billie Minister Mamuad Justin Mamuad

Minister Tim Phillps

Minister Roland Respicio

Minister Tony Sagabaen

Minister Mark Sagapolutele

Minister Beth Minister Schultz Frank Thurman


Pastor Daniel & Pastor Karen Bracken

Pastor Harold & Minister Tonya Bacos

Pastor Brian Pastor Chris & Pastor Prudencio & Pastor Kelley Pastor Melissa & Minister Julie Reynolds Davis Quinsay

Pastor Phil & Faye Marocco

Pastor Kirsten Pastor Datsun Pastor Bruno Pastor Vince Pastor Robb Pastor Alex & & Minister & Minister & Minister & Minister Ava & Minister Shelby Betsill Kimi Davis Betty Imakita Heather Frigoli Venson Lokasi Gorringe

Minister Trent Broome

Minister Del Butcher

Minister Tim Capo

Minister Chris Diamond

Minister Crystal Garma

Minister Royce Laik

Minister Lenja Lenja

Minister Micah Pisoni

Minister Vickie Pridgen

Minister Scott Stewart

Dr. James & Pastor Colleen Marocco - Senior Pastor


Minister Christian Acevedo

Minister Johnny Minister Bohanny Rafaela Cetto

Minister Yoann Takaio

Pastor Italo & Pastor Sharon Frigoli

Minister Kaulana Correa

Pastors Alan Pastor Joe Pastor Cesar & Estrella & Minister & Minister Nakama Mahealani Tabuya Sandra Bergen

Minister Ministers Joshua Fifita Shintaro & Fumie Kawaguchi

Minister Dante Matias

Minister Emilio Ochoa

Pastor Joel Takaio

Minister Billie Scott

Minister Michael Torres









EVANGELISM The King’s Call Magazine is designed to share about what God is doing through out King’s Cathedral and Chapels all around the world. We are One Church in Many locations. We currently have 93 churches in Hawaii, US Mainland and the Nations across the world. If you would like more info about our church, please contact us at the information below. If you desire to purchase ad space in our next issue, please contact the King’s Cathedral Maui Media Department at 808871-7311.

King’s Cathedral Maui 777 Mokulele Hwy. Kahului, Hawaii 96732 PH: 808-871-7311 FAX: 808-871-9708 Printed in China



- Dr. James Marocco

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” - Ephesians 6:1-4 I was talking with some leaders about a week ago on the subject of how to create a culture of honor in our church. Honor has been lost in our culture. As many of you know, we demean people now in ways we never did before. We see people as things today, to be used instead of being loved. There is so much sexual immorality. Children are killed even while they’re in the mother’s womb. We have demeaned people, we have dishonored people and we’ve dishon-

1 The King’s Call September 2014

ored the structures God has called us to honor. If there’s ever a time that we need to re-awaken ourselves to the concept of honor, it is today. So where do we begin in restoring the concept of honor? It starts with God being honored. You can never really know what honor is until you understand that we are created beings and have been created by a Creator. We are to honor, respect, and hold Him in awe. In fact, you’ll notice that in Exodus 20 God gave to

Moses the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments deal with honoring God. “Thou shalt not have no other gods before Me, thou shalt not create any graven image, thou shalt not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain, and remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” All four are commandments that explain how we honor God as we obey. “Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Sam. 15:22). We honor God by obeying Him. We honor God by being in His house to

worship because the word of the Lord says, “Do not forsake the assembling together of yourselves” (Heb. 10:25) and “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” You honor God by putting a tithe in the offering and giving because the Bible says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth” (Prov. 3:9). You honor God by taking time to pray because He invited us to “come boldly before the throne of grace.” (Heb. 4:16) We will never restore honor in our lives if we’ve lost the importance of honoring God. We honor Him when we obey Him even when no one else is around. We live holy because we want to honor God. It’s like Joseph, when Potiphar’s wife wanted to commit adultery with him, he said, “How could I do such a thing against God?” (Gen. 39:9). He honored God by refusing to commit adultery. We are to honor God by obeying Him. Secondly, we must understand who we are or we’ll never honor people. God made you special. You’re not the product of time plus chance. You were made by God, a Creator who created you. We live in a world that has dissolved honor because they hold to the evolutionary model of how this world came into being, declaring you’re nothing but a one-celled animal that somehow emerged as you, that we are nothing but time plus chance. But you’re not the result of time plus chance. You’re the result of a loving God who made you. Genesis 1:26-28 tells us that He made us in His image, gave us rulership and dominion. He made us co-heirs with Him. We rule this planet under His authority. In Genesis 2:7 God created light. He just spoke, “Let there be light.” When he created the fish, He said, “Let there be…” and bang! Fish emerged, plants emerged and animals emerged. But when He came to you and me, He paused. He took dirt and He shaped it into a man. Then it says that He breathed into that bunch of dirt His breath. “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” That breath in the Hebrew is ruach, it’s the word we have that translates into “spirit”. You became a living spirit, you became immortal. When you die physically, your spirit will live either in Heaven or Hell. You’re immortal. It’s fascinating that nothing else has that stated about them, only mankind. You are special to God. We are to honor all mankind. Whether they be invalid, old or young, weak or strong, handsome or

ugly, fat or skinny, tall or short, and brainy or dumb they’re to be honored because they’re made in the image of God and they’re special to God. We honor the whales more than we honor people, destroying the unborn in the mother’s womb, but trying to save whales. Something is wrong with this picture. We live in a world where false religions suggest that you’re just an illusion. You’re not an illusion. You were made by God in His image, a personal and infinite God who loves you. All mankind are worthy of dignity. There’s no class system in God. That brings me then to the third point, honor is forged in the home. If we’re going to create a culture of honor, it starts in the home. Yes we honor God, but notice something very interesting in the Ten Commandments, four commandments deal with honor God, and then the fifth commandment says, “Honor your father and mother”. That means we’re supposed to honor not only God, but honor people. Honoring our parents is tied to our obeying God. Parents represent God to the child and are used as instruments of His love and authority to their children. That’s why it’s so difficult when a person has come out of an abused home to have a wonderful picture of God because their picture of a father was one of abuse. Then they somehow think God would treat them the same way their father did. The destiny of this nation is shaped by what happens in the home. That fifth commandment ties the first four with the last five, because when you honor parents, you are honoring God’s representative to bless you. Honor is learned in the home. In fact, the penalty for cursing your parents in the Old Testament was death. If you rebelled against your parents or were stubborn, you were stoned to death. Whoa! You say, “Why such a severe punishment?” It was because how you treated your parents was a small picture of how you would be treating God. Rebellion and dishonoring God was worthy of death. If we re-lived that Old Testament law, a whole generation wouldn’t be alive – that’s really scary. That is how important God views honor. I’m glad that God has mercy and grace! I’m glad for the cross! The law’s been fulfilled in Christ Jesus and He brings forgiveness, even to rebellious kids. He redeems them, restores them and makes them brand new. When we look at this text, we see how the apostle Paul interprets the issue of honor in the Christian home. Paul addresses children first by

saying, “Children, obey your parents.” That may not mean much to you but think about this a moment, this letter was to be read aloud to the church in Ephesus. This means the children were in the service. That’s why on Sunday night we have a service for the whole family and children sit with their parents. I’m thankful that we have a children’s ministry that ministers life to children but some of my greatest experiences in God was when I was in an adult service and the power of God touched me as a little boy. I’d sleep on the pew or under the pew. I’d be fidgety and mama would have to take me out and spank me so I could settle down, but I was in the service and I heard the words of the Lord. Not only is Paul saying that they ought to be in worship but secondly that they are responsible to God for what God says to them. Sometimes we treat children as non-existent people. Adults don’t think that children can be spiritual. There’s no junior Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can touch a child, speak to a child, and He can bless a child just like He can bless you, although they may not be able to express themselves or have the words to tell you what’s going on. Paul saw them as real people responsible before God and he addresses them, “Children, obey your parents.” Paul then gives three reasons why they should. The first reason he states, “it is right”. The actual word in the Greek language is where we get the word “righteous” from, dikaios. It’s the idea that when you obey your parents we, “obey them in the Lord.” Now that’s very important because if a parent is asking a child to do something that’s wrong, that child has to choose between obeying God or obeying their parents and they need to obey God. But if the parent is asking the child to do something that is right, it is important for the child to obey because it’s an act of righteousness before God. Secondly, he says “it will go well with you”. If you’re obedient as a child, you will have a successful life. If you’re a good worker in a business, an employer’s going to trust you to carry out the orders, to do what’s right. But if you come to work and it’s always got to be your way or the highway or you’re rebellious on the job, you’re never going to succeed in life. You’re going to get fired and fired and fired again and you’re always going to blame the boss – it isn’t the boss, it’s you! If you never learned to obey when you were growing up, you will ultimately have to learn it or you’ll

September 2014 The King’s Call


never be successful. Thirdly, you’ll have long life. The older you get, you’ll pray that that promise is yours. We all want to go to Heaven but not right now. Paul speaks to fathers not to exasperate their children, instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Paul suggests that a father can say or do things that can cause the children to get discouraged. In fact in Colossians 3, it says, “do not embitter your children or they will be discouraged.” This is radical! Paul is writing this to the Roman world. He’s writing this to the church in Ephesus that’s made up of Gentiles and Jews. You may not be aware of it, but if you studied Roman history, during the Roman Empire, there was a concept in Rome called patria potestas that was the belief that the father had complete rights to the life and death of every child. So if a child was born and the father didn’t want it, he could expose the child by leaving it out in the open without food to die. That happened. He could command his wife to have an abortion. Thousands upon thousands of children were killed that way. It was the right of patria potestas. Now here the apostle Paul is writing under the unction of the Holy Spirit and saying to fathers, you don’t have ultimate rights because there’s a God in Heaven and you must show dignity and respect even to your children. You cannot exasperate them or embitter them. Wow! All of a sudden, we begin to realize that honor is forged in the home and if we’re going to create a culture of honor at KC, it has to be forged in what happens in your families.

serve. That’s why we pray. We live our lives in such a way to honor God. If we’re going to forge honor in our home, we have to ask ourselves this question, “does my family know that God is foremost in my life and do I honor Him with my life?” The second thing we have to ask ourselves is not only do we honor God, but do we honor and respect our spouse? This is a very interesting thing because you show your children an example of honor by how you treat your spouse. Think about this a moment. There’s a lot of violence in families today and I grieve over children who’ve had to endure the horror of a husband beating his wife. Often times it distorts the picture of how to treat people. We’ve got to ask ourselves this question – “how do we honor our spouse?” In Ephesians 5:33, it says “However each one of you must also love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Do you have any clue what that means when it says love your wife as Christ loves the church or as you love yourself? We all love ourselves. We spend hours looking at ourselves in the mirror trying to get it looking good and we grieve over every loss of hair and any new bump on our bodies. We love ourselves. Even the person who commits suicide loves himself too much. He doesn’t think about anybody else, he doesn’t think about the family he leaves behind or the person that finds him or the grief and the rejection others will feel, all he thinks about is himself! We all do that. We’re all self-centered. Jesus says you’re supposed to love your wife as you love yourself and love your wife as

Do you honor God? Is He top priority in your family? Do your children know that you honor God? One of the saddest things I’ve seen are parents that send their children to church, but don’t go themselves. What are they saying? They’re giving their children a double message. “We’re not going to honor God, but you better!” It’s like a parent saying to a child, “don’t smoke”, and yet the parent smokes. You have to understand the number one priority is to honor God. That’s why we tithe; that’s why we’re in church; that’s why we

Christ loved the church. That’s hard because that means we’ve got to be a servant. I don’t want to be a servant! I want somebody to serve me! But Jesus came to serve, to give His life a ransom for many. It’s interesting how some people define headship, they’re the boss and everybody’s the slave around him, but that’s not really the way it is. If you’re the head, you’re the chief servant. Wives, you’re supposed to respect your husband. “Oh but pastor, you don’t know who I married, the guy’s a jerk!” You married him!

“No matter what culture we are from, we can embrace the importance of honor.”

3 The King’s Call September 2014

I understand the dilemma that we all feel because we’re very different. Husbands and wives are extremely different. My wife views things totally different than I do. When we get in a car, she’ll say turn and I’ll turn right, but she meant turn left. She sees things the exact opposite. We’re very different. Because of those differences we can begin to disrespect each other or think somehow they’re weird - they’re not weird, they’re just who they are. The joy of marriage is honoring the uniqueness of each other and celebrating that. Wouldn’t it be horrible if you were married to someone just like you? The fact that they’re a little different makes it joyous! You honor that difference. I am one of those kind of guys that don’t get stressed - I give stress. I don’t take any, I give it. My wife is very different. She feels stress because she’s sensitive. During this ministry there’s been times of tremendous stress, I just go on but my wife feels it. There were times in our marriage that the stress of the ministry and raising the kids was really on her and was hard for her emotionally. I had to protect her before the children as though nothing’s wrong, mama was fine and everything was cool, you have the best mama in the whole wide world! And she did the same for me. There were times where I’d be angry and I’d say things to the kids that I shouldn’t have. She’d get in my face and say, “honey, that’s not right, you need to ask for forgiveness from your kids.” She’d confront me and I would ask for forgiveness. If there isn’t mutual respect and honor between a husband and wife, how will children know what honor is? You say, “Well if they would only be this way or that way...” grow up. They’re never going to be just the way you want them to be - that’s why God gave them to you. So He could change you, He could make you into what you’re supposed to be. One of the verses that meant an awful lot to my wife and I for our whole married life is 1 Peter 3:7 “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” Very early in my marriage God said, “You respect your wife. You treat her with great respect and honor.” I’ve tried to do that, I wish I could say I did it 100 percent, I have not. I’m a fallen human being and sometimes my own selfishness gets in the way but I repent and I go on. That brings me then to the

third thing, do you honor your children? Let me ask you some questions. Do you give them unreasonable commands? Do you even care what they think? Is it always your way or the highway? Sometimes we make children do things they cannot do. There’s two things you have to know when you’re raising a child. First, what they can do and can’t do and secondly, what they won’t do. There’s a difference. For example, I can tell a child to take out the garbage. The problem is that if I’m asking a 5 year old child to take the garbage out and the garbage can is bigger than they are, chances are they’re not going to be able to physically. So some stupid parents discipline their child for not doing something they cannot physically do. Now if there’s something they can do and they willfully say no, I don’t want to do it, then we’ve got a problem. That is when you deal with the will. Their will must be conformed because if they cannot obey you, they will never obey God. They’ll end up in prison somewhere where they’ll be forced to obey. If they can learn obedience in the house, it will spare them a lot of grief. With every one of my children I had to deal with the issue of their will. But there’s a difference between what you unreasonably expect and the child’s will. You can cause a child to become angry because you have unreasonable commands, or you’re harsh and cruel, or humiliate them, or suppress them, or compare them with other children and not appreciate what God has done for them. That’s part of what it means to exasperate your child. You say, “Pastor, I’ve done all that.” Then repent! Go to your child and say I’m sorry and repent. Fourthly, do you honor others? Sometimes people come to church and then all the way home they talk about so and so in the church that they don’t like. What you’re doing is you’re demeaning people in front of your children. You want them to love God, yet when you go home you pick apart the pastor or the teacher or cell leader or this or that. You are creating an issue of dishonor with your children. You might think, “Oh I’m just expressing myself”, but there’s sometimes you shouldn’t express yourself. The Bible says, “Don’t let any unwholesome words come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edification.” (Eph. 4:29) There are times when you need to just shut your mouth and keep it to yourself, bring it to God in prayer and not defile your children with your

nonsense. Create a culture of honor in your home. That brings me then to the second thing I believe God is speaking to us. No matter what culture we are from, we can embrace the im-

Then her mama got Alzheimer’s. I remember when Pastor Colleen’s dad and mom would come and live with us for 3-4 months at a time. We all had fun with mom because she loved Dr. Pepper, she lived for it. We had

portance of honor. At a certain age a person becomes a man and from that point on they enter the area of adult responsibilities. Some cultures believe the child is dependent on the parents for their whole life and become independent only when they die. Can I suggest to you what I think is the biblical approach? Your job as a parent is to help your children be trained in the Lord to make good decisions. There must come a time when you have to allow your children to be able to make their decisions. I suggest to you when they get to their post-teen years, from the period from about 13, 16, 17, the wires in their brain haven’t gotten connected yet. That’s why teenagers make such crazy and horrible decisions, decisions that affect their life. Their emotions cause them to make decisions. They need special guidance during that period. But there has to come a time when they have become an adult, whether you want to control them or not you have to allow them to make decisions. Pray that you’ve trained them enough to make good decisions. God says that when a man gets married to a woman, they’re to leave their parents and cleave to each other and begin a whole new life. It’s not that you don’t honor your parents but the issue of obedience now comes between you and God. A wise parent knows how to allow their children to be what God wants them to be. To smother them for the rest of their life is not good. Secondly, even though you may not be in the position of directing your children, it doesn’t mean the children shouldn’t honor you. All of us should honor our parents, no matter how old they are. Continue to respect them as your parents and care for them, no matter how old they are. One of the things I appreciated about my wife was that when my father died and my mom was still alive, even though she suffered from Alzheimer’s, Pastor Colleen was so gracious to have her live with us. She ministered to my mama.

to keep the cans to remind her that she had already drunk her amount of Dr. Pepper that day. We loved mama and we blessed her. Though Pastor Colleen’s mom has passed, dad still comes and we honor him. I do whatever I can to honor him and to honor my wife because if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have her. Some of you have not even called your parents on the phone or visited them for months, couldn’t even care less where they’re at. What’s wrong with you? Do you want that to happen to you when you’re old? What you sow is what you’re going to reap. (Job 4:8, James 3:18) Honor is forged in the home. God’s going to help us to build homes where honor is embraced. We’re going to change this culture together. We’re going to honor each other. You’re going to honor that woman and bless her as your wife. You’re going to honor that man and respect him as your husband. You’re going to honor your children and be concerned about them. You’re going to honor your parents. I know it isn’t going to be easy to change a culture, but we’ll change it one family at a time, together.

“God’s going to help us to build homes where honor is embraced. ”

Dr. James Marocco

Sr. Pastor of King’s Cathedral & Chapels

September 2014 The King’s Call




love choirs, harmonies, and the sound of many instruments and voices rising as one to create an audible masterpiece. God created this incredible art form not only for our pleasure, but His. Add to this gift the hearts of true worshippers toward our Living God, and you have created the perfect atmosphere for God’s presence to inhabit. I recently had the privilege of hearing Dr. Marocco’s thoughts and heart as to why in a world where so many churches have done away with choirs and orchestras he encouraged our church to multiply in this area. It inspired me, as I hope it does you. God ordained worship in the tabernacle. All throughout 1st and 2nd Chronicles where God appointed singers and musicians to worship and give thanks continually. This was done on a regular basis as an offering to the Lord. Secondly, it allows the giftings of individuals to be expressed and used to glorify God! It gives opportunity to many (not just a few) to present the gifts God gave them and grow in their ability. Thirdly, it can bring unity. Doing something together for God brings a sense of brotherhood or sisterhood that offers strength and support in this life’s journey. It creates a bond that is not easily broken and allows for great impact which allows for profound evangelistic opportunity! We can get into the community or draw the community into the church by offering music


5 The King’s Call September 2014

and performances that entice the crowds while impacting their souls! The last point, but certainly not the least, is that a strong music ministry with hearts that are focused on God, ushers in the POWER of God. It forces us to draw our focus away from ourselves and toward God’s goodness. His power is released in our lives and we are able to tear down strongholds in the spiritual realm. We will see the bound set free. We will see the sick healed and lives miraculously changed by the power of God. It starts with our worship. What gifts do you have to offer, and how desperate are you for God’s presence? Cause if you got and you want it, then you better BRING IT!

Jamie Werner

KC Maui Music Director





t all started during the May conference just a few months ago. Dr. Marocco saw me in the sanctuary between sessions and said “Pastor Brian, follow me to my office. I need to talk to you.” My mind began to race “I think the music is going well for the conference - I wonder what he wants?” Dr. sat me down and said, “With Pastor Robb and Minister Lokasi moving to Antioch to take the work there, would you and your wife consider going to Lahaina?” I thought, “What just happened?” I asked if we could take a few days to pray. I proceeded to tell my wife. She thought I was joking until she realized that I wasn’t. We quickly discerned through fasting and prayer that God’s hand was at work. We were not even considering making a move, but God’s plans are not always our plans so we forged ahead. We met again with Dr. and let him know that we would be excited to make the move to Lahaina. We have been at Lahaina for only a few weeks, but we are growing in our love and appreciation for the people of our new extension every time we meet. July 13th was Pastor Robb and Minister Lokasi’s last service in Lahaina as their pastors. It was a great morning with a church full of people ready to honor the investment the Gorringe’s had made into each of their lives. The morning was filled with honor as Minister Lokasi thanked everyone that had poured into their lives. Pastor Robb was up next with some funny and touching memories of their time together over the last two years. Their support was invaluable! The morning ended with Pastor Robb passing the baton of leadership over to me. I was thrilled that the congregation applauded and seemed accepting of us as their new leaders. What a great moment for the Butchers and for KC Lahaina!

Pastor Brian & Christy Butcher KC Lahaina




e began Evangelism Ministry after our first Aloha Fest and God has done power ful things with many people being saved, delivered, and set free. Transformation Ministry and Bus Ministry has multiplied. Here are a couple of testimonies that God has done through evangelism. The first time Evangelism Ministry went out, the Lord said to go to the canoe shack. It was empty except for four people. They were desperate for Jesus and received Him as their Lord and Savior. One man received the power of the Holy Ghost. Till today, we visit him and see the Lord prospering him as well as his soul. He used to help everyone get drugs and alcohol but the Lord turned all that around. Every time we go there to pray he uses his influence to make those around him hear the Word. He’s the one that gathers everyone to pray and come hear God’s words. Every week we meet many new people and have the opportunity to see souls saved in that area! We minister to over 60 people just at that camp sight. Titus Borja now leads the work there, committing to go and bring the Word of God! There was a woman living in her car at the beach. She said that she needed help getting a house because she is afraid of living that way. She said it was impossible to change her situation but I invited her to pray anyway. She received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. As we followed up on her a miracle happened. She got a house!

7 The King’s Call September 2014


As we witness at Rivermouth weekly there are always new people. There was a whole family that said the sinner’s prayer and received Jesus. From there we began to pick the children up with the bus ministry every Wednesday night and Sunday. We invited the family to Aloha Fest and the mother, father, and grandpa attended church. Being in church, the mother learned how to pray and kept crying out to God for a home. Well they called us a few weeks ago as they do every Sunday and said, “Please pick us up for church, but you have to come to our new house!” Jesus provided. Now the mom and baby joins her children and two boys at church every week. We have had many opportunities to pray for people who are sick. I was asked to assist in praying for a family friend of ours who had cancer. We went, prayed, and invited them to Aloha Fest. They came and recommitted their lives to Christ afresh. The man has a terminal illness but left feeling encouraged, loved, and refreshed. Immediately a minister followed up and now many will be ministered through a bible study in their home.



e were visited by one of our leaders in the Philippines & they asked us a challenging question: “Do you evangelize? How can you claim to be a Born Again Christian if you don’t share the good news & make disciples? Remember the last commandment of Jesus before leaving planet earth & ascending into heaven: ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’.” There was a very strong prompting of the Holy Spirit that caused my husband and I to ponder in our hearts & finally surrender to the new mantle that God was calling us to activate. We cried out to God that He would give us a deep passion for the lost. My husband & I realized that we had been incubated so long in the presence of God and it was time to come out of the cocoon and see the presence of God move in the lives of people. We then met the leader for the Evangelism ministry, Eva Turalva. I began to ask questions about the Evangelism ministry. After hearing her encouraging words and amazing testimonies. I went out with the team for an outreach and saw God miraculously move in the lives of people. The team came home with a basket full of souls, about 30 to 40 people were saved that week. One day as we went out evangelizing the Lord specifically led us to go to three stores on a Wednesday morning. God showed up and gave our team a great harvest! Fifteen people got saved within an hour and a half! We also ministered to a family as they were leaving a store and they got saved. Praise God! They asked us to pray for their son who had gone through brain surgery to remove a tumor that grew back. We laid hands on him & the power of God manifested very strongly that it was like holding a burning charcoal between his head and my right hand. That family departed in tears and with gratitude. They were deeply touched by the PRESENCE of God that they hesitantly let go of our hands as we said goodbye. On behalf of the team, I exhort you brothers and sisters in Christ to trust the Lord and step out onto the water and be bold to take the risk, to go forth and reap the harvest, for Matt. 9:37 says: “.....The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few” (KJV). I encourage all of you to be a ready, willing, and able vessel to share His love. He has called us all to be His extended hand and to watch and see the His presence move on our behalf in the lives of the people, for His Kingdom’s sake. It is such an indescribable joy to be out ministering to people.



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Evangelism Articles By:

Eva Turalva & Emie Trevino

Greg Cabanas-Owner

808-344-7718 September 2014 The King’s Call 8


FORTY ONE W E R E P R E S E N T On July 7th, we held our very first service and officially started KING’S CHAPEL LAS CONDES. Yes, on a monday night. The services are called POWER MONDAY. Three years ago Dr. Marocco and Pastor Colleen were in Santiago de Chile and they visited what is known as the WALL STREET of Chile, the place where the finances of the country are managed. Dr. Marocco stated that we needed to open a church for people that worked and lived in that área of Santiago. On August 07, 2014 King’s Chapel Las Condes was born. We meet in the auditorium where the presidents have spoken and where the

financial decisions are made. It reminded me of the Apostle Paul ministering at Aeropagus. People come to talk about important things, worshiping the gods of this age, but no one has ever spoken about the true God and that is what I did that first monday: I preached about the unkown God. Four received the Lord for the first time. It is a different crowd. They have other needs. That is why KING’S CHAPEL LAS CONDES is a different kind of church.

Pastor Italo Frigoli KC Chile

KC JAPAN On the 5th of July we had our 2nd Aloha Fest (but ours is called “Natsu Matsuri” It means “Summer Festival”). Last year 65 people came to the event and this year we had 80 people. This year we gave out prizes such as a microwave convection oven, air conditioner, kid’s scooters, toys, rice and many other prizes. We were able to give a prize to everyone who attended, but the best prize was when we shared the gospel of Jesus Christ and many of the neighbors bowed their head and they asked Jesus Christ to come into their heart! Praise God for His wonderful works!!! July 12th we had our Annual Hawaiian Bazaar. We want

to thank everyone that donated your Muu Muus to the church. Many people attended this event. We raised $2,000 from the Hawaiian Bazaar!!! That money will be given as an offering to a church in Tohoku (where the tsunami hit in 2011). Please keep sending the Muu Muus and aloha shirts!!! Thank you. We are claiming this word of multiplication for this year, hundredfold blessings! This is the year to build on our new land. We will start building in September of this year. Please pray. We are believing the LORD to provide us with $350,000 for this building. Pray for the favor of God for the building company to begin work quickly.

God is using our Gospel Choir. We have many invitations from the community and companies to sing gospel songs. We are able to share the gospel by sharing the meaning of the gospel songs (Oh Happy Day, Joyful, Joyful and Amazing Grace). It’s all about Jesus! Many people were so touched and some were even crying. God’s presence was amazing! Praise the LORD!! God Bless you abundantly!!

Pastor Mayumi Nakaue KC Japan




KC Manga has experienced tremendous growth in the last eight months. I left Mozambique suddenly last November due to civil conflict and unrest during the local elections. In my last service in Manga, we were all saddened by the decision of my abrupt exit from Mozambique due to the fighting for control of the local elections in December. My parting blessings was to encour-

age them to keep the faith, love Jesus, love one another, and multiply. I was joyfully surprised in March when our leaders informed me that three other groups joined KC Manga and KC Nhamatanda. Increasing our group from 200 to 700 people. As I rejoiced at the good report, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “There will be 1,000 people by the end of May.” I was stunned! God was increasing KC Mozambique by His design and not because of any man made efforts. The scripture exhorts us to make disciples of all nations and that the Lord, Himself, will accomplish this by His zeal! Glory!!! By the end of May, Jose, a leader in KC Nhamatanda had reached out to four other communities: Chomoio, Motochira, Lamengo, and Maparanganha. A community church group also joined KC Manga from another city to the east, Dondo. All these extensions along with Gorongoza numbered 1,200 people by the end of May. I curiously asked, “How can this be? Why the increase?” The Lord answered, “Manga had

found the key: love and relationship.” The church in Manga had seen the love of God as I pastored them through the Hawaiian expression of ‘Aloha.’ The people in Mozambique had the Word and they had churches. They did visitations and they took care of each other. However, the difference was seeing God’s love in action by my freedom to show affection and genuine love to each person. This is what the church in Manga expressed to me that was different from any one else they had experienced. Aloha was the breath of God being breathed into them and they in turn, shared with each other. To love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; then to love your neighbor as yourself are the two great commandments. The ‘zeal of the Lord’ in them propelled the Manga church to reach out to other communities and testify what God was doing in them. You can’t get better than this.

Minister Kaulana Correa KC Mozambique

September 2014 The King’s Call 10

Miracle Simple in the

This past Father’s Day we had a potluck (or pot-blessing) after our Spanish service. A family had made some pineapple juice to share with everyone but while en route to the church, the container tipped over and most of the juice spilled out in the car. With less than a fourth of the juice left, they debated whether or not they should even bring it in. Deciding that they could at least give all the father’s some juice, they brought it in. The more they filled cups, the more they realized that the amount of juice never diminished. Not only did all the fathers have some pineapple

11 The King’s Call September 2014

juice, but everyone there had as much as they desired, without leaving the container dry. In fact, the level of juice remained the same even a few days after! What is amazing to me is how God intervened and showed His grace on something so simple. Since then we have believed God to multiply our resources with greater expectation and have found Him to be faithful! He is so amazing!!!

Pastor Bruno Frigoli KC Dallas

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