Pastor Robert & Minister Lani Sahagun
Pastor Pascal & Minister Cece Hardy
Minister Rodney Bobo
Minister Brian Butcher
Ministers Scott & Minister Dylan Monica Zenger Andrion
Pastor Albert & Minister Linda Kamau
Pastor Steve & Pastor Kirsten Minister Vicky & Minister Kimi Franks Davis
Pastor Kevin & Pastor Dan & Minister Dianna Kuulei Akau McNamara
Ministers Darren & Sharay Ho
Ministers Jeremy & Carrie Low
Pastor Janelle Marocco
Pastor Arthur & Anabelle Daguimol
Pastor Glenn Foo Sum
Minister Billie Minister Andrew Minister Patty Mamuad Pearson Peterson
Pastor Datsun Pastor Bruno Pastor Vince Minister Alex & Minister & Minister & Minister Ava Betsill Betty Imakita Heather Frigoli Venson
Minister Micah Pisoni
Pastor Robb & Minister Lokasi Gorringe
Pastors Josh & Shannon Marocco
Pastors Brian & Pastor Kelley Reynolds
Minister Trent Minister Broome Nehemiah Brown
Pastor Chris & Pastor Melissa Davis
Minister Tim Capo
0 2 1 0 2
Minister Scott Minister Royce Stewart Laik
Pastor Joe Pastor Cesar & Minister & Minister Mahealani Tabuya Sandra Bergen
Dr. James & Pastor Colleen Marocco Senior Pastor
Minister Joshua Minister Emilio Fifita Ochoa
Pastor Ron Moody
Pastor Harold & Minister Tonya Bacos
Pastor Daniel & Jackie Wine
Minister Darron Minister Sam Ahia Agawa
Minister Manny Aruda
Minister Tim Phillps
Minister Beth Schultz
Minister Roland Respicio
Pastor Prudencio Pastor Phil Pastor Daniel & Minister Julie & Minister Faye & Pastor Karen Quinsay Marocco Bracken
Minister Chris Diamond
Minister Crystal Garma
Minister Lenja Lenja
Pastor Mayumi Nakaue
Pastor Italo & Pastor Sharon Frigoli
Pastors Alan & Estrella Nakama
Pastor Joel Takaio
Minister Johnny Minister Kaulana Bohanny Correa
Minister Billie Ministers Shintaro Minister Dante Matias & Fumie Scott Kawaguchi
Personal powerful permeating
Enjoying Life By Dr. James Marocco
Minister Monica Zenger: I danced hula professionally and played on a nationally ranked softball team.
Pastor Italo Frigoli:
I won a scholarship to go to Yale and study classical music composition. I attended for a year. Loved it!!! But the call to the ministry was way too strong to continue.
Pastor Karen Bracken:
MAUI Real Life Campaign
At the age of 23, I received a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do! But, currently, I can’t kick above the knee...!!!
The King’s Call Magazine is designed to share about what God is doing throughout King’s Cathedral and Chapels all around the world. We are One Church in Many locations. We currently have 83 churches in Hawaii, US Mainland and the Nations across the world. I f you would like more info about our church, please contact us at the information below. If you desire to purchase ad space in our next issue, please contact the King’s Cathedral Maui Media Department at 808-871-7311.
King’s Cathedral Maui 777 Mokulele Hwy. Kahului, Hawaii 96732 PH: 808-871-7311 FAX: 808-871-9708 www.kingscathedral.com
Get to know your
Molokai 5 Kauai 6 Mozambique JAPAN 7 Transformation 9 Ministry
I used to build custom speaker boxes...the kind that they heard you a block and a half away!
Pastoral Staff
What’s Happening
Pastor Dan Akau:
What don’t people know about you?
Table of Contents
“ Life
Enjoying - Dr. James Marocco
hat does it mean to be a healthy Christian? I am talking about being healthy in every way, physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, financially and spiritually. It deals with our attitude, perspective, focus and how we treat our spouses and children. All of that is a part of being a healthy Christian. It is interesting to me that in 3 John 1:2 it says, “Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prosper.” The Apostle John is talking about health for the whole person. I believe God wants us to be healthy even though we are in different stages in life. In 1 Timothy 6 Paul is writing to his son in the faith, Timothy who at the time has taken his place as the pastor of the great church in Ephesus. There was a number of problems going on in that church. Paul addresses those problems with Timothy. One of the problems was the issue of money. From verses earlier in the text you will notice that he deals with the fact that there were some false teachers coming in. He warns them against thinking just because I am Godly I will be wealthy. That was a false teaching that was being taught in verse 5. He goes on in verse 6, godliness with contentment is real wealth. In verse 10 he warns about
loving money. Paul sees it as a trap that can cause a person to fail in their faith. Then as we move to the passage we just read you will notice as he opens up in verse seventeen he is addressing the wealthy people in the church. The church was made up of slaves, poor people and also wealthy people. He warns them first against pride which is always a problem that we all will face no matter who we are whether we are wealthy or poor. Pride is always an issue. It was the issue by which Satan fell from heaven. Pride is something he calls ‘high mindedness ‘when we think we somehow are better than someone else. He then goes on to warn them of putting one’s hope in wealth because he says wealth is so uncertain. Things can change dramatically as we have found out in the recent economic downturn. Things that we thought we had, we don’t have. What happens is that we put our whole trust in wealth and then are crushed by its failure. Instead we should see our security in our relationship with God. Thirdly he goes on to give instruction as to what one should do to remain healthy in regards to money. The key to this passage about being a healthy Christian is our view or perspective of God. If you have the wrong
perspective of God it is going to affect your entire life. How you see God affects your emotions. For example if you don’t think He can intervene in your life, fear and worry will take over. If you think God is just out to squish you, that anger that you think God is exhibiting to you may even be transferred from you to others. You become an angry person. It can affect your actions. God is a speaking God. He has spoken to us through His Word. And in this Word He has given us a manual for life. If I read His Word and obey it my life is going to be blessed. God is a speaking God. That affects our actions and it even affects our faith. If you don’t believe that God can heal you because you don’t believe God heals today then you are never going to receive healing. That is because you have outlawed it in terms of your vision of God. If you don’t believe God can provide for you, you will never be faithful in being a good steward because you will be afraid. Money will grab a hold of you and it will become an idol. Your view of God affects everything. Now this is where it gets real fascinating. Verse
you come to Christianity we only hear the message ‘DIE! YOU’VE GOT TO DIE! DIE TO SELF!’ Well, that’s true. We have to die to self. ‘WE’VE GOT TO SACRIFICE!’ Yes, we have got to sacrifice, but when was the last time you heard someone say “ENJOY!’? God gives you things to enjoy. We get so guilty about anything that we have. We go ‘oh I got it on sale’. ‘I got a good deal’. God wants you to enjoy your life. Yes, there is death to self and yes, there is sacrifice but He provides everything for us to enjoy. Stop for a moment and think about that. Joy is a vital part of the Christian life. You cannot have enjoy without joy. When Jesus came into the world the angels announced ‘joy to the world’. Why? God had invaded time and space in the person of His Son. Darkness has been hit head-on with the light of God. And the angels said ‘JOY TO THE WORLD!’. And when Jesus died on that cross and rose from the dead the phenomenal thing is when He appeared to His disciples they were overwhelmed with joy. Guess what? God put His Holy Spirit in us. He put a generator in us and one of the fruits of
“God wants us to enjoy our life. Grab that! He richly provides everything for your enjoyment.”
17 states, “put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” Do you hear what Paul just said? The God we serve richly provides everything for your enjoyment. What it is saying is there is no lack in God. He richly provides. God has a plan to take the children of Israel out of Egypt and take them to Canaan’s land. There is only one problem. There are about two million of them and they have to walk. They had no airplanes to get in. They had no trucks to load up. They have to walk from Egypt to Palestine. That’s going to take them some time. Plus it’s wilderness. There are no McDonald’s on the way. Two million people is more people in the entire state of Hawaii. Now can you imagine the amount of food that is needed for one day or the amount of water that is needed? There are no water trucks. Not only did God rescue them from Egypt but He provided for them for forty years. God got those people to Canaan’s land even when they disobeyed. He brought water out of a rock. He made manna, a special kind of food that covered the ground every morning. He brought quails, flocks and flocks of them flying low so they could just grab them and have fried quail. Your problem is not too big for God. There’s no lack in God, “Who richly provides us with everything”. The second thing that is mind boggling is that God wants us to enjoy our life. Grab that! He richly provides everything for your enjoyment. Often times when
the Holy Ghost is joy. So there is a bubbling stream inside of you of joy. When you think about it for a moment it begins to shatter some of the things we deal with; our fears, our depression, our grieving. I am here to remind you of God’s intention. God’s intention is for you to enjoy your life. In fact God rejoices. Not only is the Christian marked by joy but God rejoices. It is really interesting to me some of the things God rejoices about. Let me read Deuteronomy 30:9 The Lord your God will make you abound in all the work of your hands, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock and in the produce of the land for good. For the Lord will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers. In other words the writer is saying God wants to bless you and out of that blessing He rejoices to see you blessed. That passage in Psalms 35:27, Let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure or delights in the pleasure of His servants. God gets a kick out of you enjoying life. Here is what shocked me. Keep in mind God used the Apostle Paul to write these words. Do you have any idea what the Apostle Paul’s life was like? Here the Apostle Paul writes these words to Timothy “put your hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment”. Listen to the Apostle Paul in II Corinthians 6. He gives us a little glimpse of his life in verse five. He writes, “rather as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way in great endurance in troubles,
September 2013 The King’s Call
in hardships, in distresses, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights and hunger”. Paul is the same guy that wrote the words that God has provided everything for our enjoyment. And if that is not enough take a look at II Corinthians 11:23-28, “Are they servants of Christ. I am out of my mind to talk like this. I am more. I have worked much harder. I have been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked. I spent a night and a day in the open sea. I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea and in danger from false prophets. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.” There isn’t anybody in this house today who has gone through that. Yet it was that man who penned these words, “hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” Paul knew suffering but that did not distort his view of God and God’s intentions. God’s intention is for you to enjoy your life, because God is good. He is good all the time. There is no shadow of turning. All good gifts come from Him. I do not know if I can communicate the weight of what this passage means. But when you grab on to the realization that God wants you to enjoy your life and that He is a God who provides everything for the purpose of your enjoyment it changes everything in life. God calls us to live in light of that revelation by first making a decision. That decision is twofold. One is the decision to enjoy the various aspects of your life. Enjoy your marriage. Enjoy your kids. Enjoy your grandkids. You say ‘they just get under my skin’. ‘They bother me’. Well, join the human race. We live in a fallen world. There is no way around it. We have our problems, but God is saying my intentions for you are for you to enjoy your life. I enjoy my wife. You know she has put up with me for over forty years. That’s a miracle. Are we perfect, of course not. We have problems. But if you are only looking at the problems you don’t see the provisions of God. Then you are making a bigger mountain out of the problem, and have failed to realize the greatness of our God. Enjoy your job. Maybe you ought to just be thankful you have a job. Many don’t have one. God is able to help you to enjoy your job. Just ask Him. Lord, help me to enjoy my job. And Lord if you have something else for me open that door, but while I am here I am going to enjoy what I am doing. Enjoy your church. “I wish they would do things differently around here!” We all want to have things differently around here but enjoy what you have.
3 The King’s Call September 2013
Enjoy the fact that you get to sit next to somebody who loves Jesus. We get to stretch and touch the world. Enjoy life. Don’t be guilty all the time for the blessings of God. Enjoy what God has given you. Secondly make a decision to be grateful and thankful to God for what you have. Begin to thank Him. Get up in the morning and shout, “oh another day to praise Jesus”! We serve a good God. I know you may feel depressed and I am not slighting you. But please, in that depression let God drop something into your mind. He is good. He wants you to enjoy your life. He is going to help you enjoy it. Be grateful. Paul in talking to the wealthy never said to them ‘you have to give away everything you have’. He just says ‘look, with what you have, do good with it’. Do good deeds, share, be liberal in giving. Look beyond yourself and be a blessing to others. God wants you to be like Him in the world and that’s the way His is. If you get your eyes off yourself, you are going to start enjoying life. We are all in love with ourselves. God says when you make an idol of yourself you can never really be happy. That’s because no one, no woman, no man is going to meet all of your needs. Just smash that idol, not your husband or your wife. Look beyond yourself and begin to bless others. When you begin to do that you then begin to see God in His great love for us. Thirdly live in light of eternity. Paul tells them “in the same way layup treasures for yourselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life”. Live in light of eternity. God is saying that He has given you true life which is life that goes even beyond the grave. Life is bigger and broader and deeper than what you are experiencing right now. Part of receiving from God all things He has for us and enjoying this life is to prepare for the life to come where you will experience greater joy than you have ever known. The joy you have here is only a thimble full of the joy that awaits. So he says don’t put your treasure here. Put your treasure in heaven because as Jesus said in Matthew 6, “where your treasure is that’s where your heart is”. That’s why He wants us to be givers and say this wealth is not just for me, it’s for others too. And when you do that all of a sudden joy comes. You smash the idols of your life by your willingness to be joyful and thankful and willing to give. God wants me to enjoy my life and I am going to enjoy it.
Dr. James Marocco
Senior Pastor King’s Cathedral & Chapels
KC Molokai, Hawaii By Pastor Robert Sahagun
King’s Chapel Molokai Pastor Robert & Minister Lani Sahagun robert.sahagun@me.com
his year King’s Chapel Molokai celebrated 30 years as an extension Church! 30 years ago God spoke to Dr. Marocco saying, “If the Mayor of Maui county can be the mayor of three islands (Maui, Molokai, Lanai), you can be the Pastor of three islands” (at that time there were no extension churches outside of Maui). Dr. Marocco obeyed the Lord and on May 15, 1983 Dr. Marocco held the first service on Molokai and for a whole year after that traveled every Sunday from Maui after the services in Kahului to be with the congregation on Molokai. Later, Molokai was blessed to have great pastors come and lead the work here, Pastor Albert and Minister Linda Kamau, Pastor Steve and Minister Vicky Franks, Pastor Prudencio and Minister Julie Quinsay, Pastor Earl and Janna Thurner, Pastor Mike and Sheila Zarle, Pastor Daniel and Pastor Karen Bracken, and Minister Sam Ahia. There are now three extensions on Molokai, KC Maunaloa, KC Mana’e and in Kaunakakai, We stand amazed at the blessings of God! On May 19, 2013 we celebrated the 30 years with a special Anniversary service. We were believing to have more people in that service than our church building would be able to hold, so we rented the old Pau Hana Inn (now the Molokai Ohana Health Center) next to the church and gave the Sanctuary to the Children’s Ministry. That Sunday morning there were more than double of what our building would be able
5 The King’s Call September 2013
to hold and we had more children in church than we had in years! People who haven’t been in church for years were there, first time visitors and family members came and are part of KC Molokai today! After that Anniversary service we felt if we continue to have our services in the larger rented facility and gave our sanctuary to the children we would continue to grow. This has turned out to be an adventure in faith. It was a little scary because we were actually leaving our building and giving it to the children and having to set up in a large facility next door, but our desire was to see revival come to Molokai and many souls come into the kingdom, so we did it. We are now meeting every Sunday morning in the outdoor stage under the historic banyan tree of the former Pau Hana Inn, and our children’s ministry has taken over the sanctuary in our church building. God is faithful. We are growing both in the adult service and in the children’s service. Our extensions in Maunaloa and Mana’e are also seeing a move of God and new people are being added to the church. God is definitely showing up and showing off. Because Dr. Marocco obeyed God and took a step of faith by starting the first extension church 30 years ago on Molokai, God honored him by giving him the other islands of Hawaii, the mainland and the Nations of the world! One church in many locations. And we are believing for 120 extensions and 20 thousand attending the services worldwide by 2015. It is an awesome blessing to be a part of KC!
What’s Happening
KC Kauai, Hawaii By Colin and Malia Ceda
King’s Chapel Kauai Pastor Steve & Minister Vicki Franks kauaikc@gmail.com
ing’s Chapel Kauai kick started Transformation Ministry on Monday March 09, 2013 with 25 at our first gathering. When my husband Colin and I were set free from addictions, It became clear to us that our hearts desire is to see people walk in FREEDOM and we’ve been praying for God to show us how He can use us as a vessel to Glorify Him to reach those walking in bondage. When Pastor Colleen’s Transformation Ministry was introduced to us in December 2012 we both agreed that this was what Kauai needed. As stated in 1Peter 2:9 (NIV) “He called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light.” Most know that He wouldn’t call us out of darkness without equipping us with tools to steer our life back in the right direction. So as we gained more information we both came to an understanding of the program and now we are ecstatic to let everyone know that Transformation is the tool that we’ve been praying and believing for. At our first gathering Colin and I were fasting and praying for great breakthroughs for the people joining us. What we didn’t expect was that God had
other plans. During the time of testimony Colin was sharing his story on how God has taken him out of his addictions and into victory. At this time my husband dropped to his knees the Holy Spirit came in power and showed him that he needed to ask his oldest daughter for forgiveness with the way he raised her and allowed drug use into her life. A few days later God set up a divine appointment where Colin was able to talk with his daughter. Now complete restoration and healing is taking place in both their lives. Upon talking with those who has joined us, we’ve only had positive feedback from everyone and great excitement for future gatherings. Kauai’s Transformation Ministry team is full of faith, thank you Pastor Steve for recognizing the need, forever grateful for Pastor Colleen to bring forth a ministry to help those who need healing and deliverance, and Praising God for His great grace and mercy. Thank you Jesus!!
KC Mozambique, Africa
By Minister Kaulana Correa
King’s Chapel Mozambique Minister Kaulana Correa ekaulana@gmail.com
la! Bom dia de Beira, Mozambique! We are very excited here in Beira and Manga. The Lord is moving mightily in our midst and we are having to increase our prayer and pace to keep up with the work the Holy Spirit is doing in our communities. The Beira extension has just moved into our own facility and had our first service there this past Sunday. It will provide our church with facilities for services, children’s ministry, small group meetings and fellowship opportunities for the next six months to a year. Our new place will give us time to grow stronger as a church family and prepare us for a larger church facility. On Sunday, July 14th Beira celebrated our second anniversary as an extension!!! Glory to God!! As the only English speaking Christian church service in the city, we continue to experience a weekly growth of visitors and new members. God is so amazing. We just lost about 30% of our congregation because a large mining support company ended their contract
and returned to South Africa. None-the-less, the Lord has continued to increase us with two families and several unaccompanied single persons. I just returned to Beira after three months in Hawaii helping my daughter Pua with the birth of her sixth child and his five siblings. It was wonderful to be with all my family and friends there. I rejoined the church family here, both in Beira and Manga in June. It was wonderful to reconnect with friends and see how each person has grown spiritually. God is definitely in control here. The people in Beira have greatly increased in their trust in the Lord as we move forward with the gospel. MOZAMBIQUE’S Newest Extension: MANGA Astonishingly, the group in Manga has quadrupled! What God began in the farming area at the outskirts of Manga, has now become a movement as people are being stirred and renewed to have a spiritual home in their “front yard.” The official language in Mozambique is Portuguese,
September 2013 The King’s Call
What’s Happening but many of the poor people and country folk speak their indigenous languages. My sermons are translated to Sena, Ndao or Shonna. Most invaluable to me is my translator, Dauce. Manga is his home and he became an orphan after the war. Thanks be to God, he was taken in by House of Blessing Orphanage, founded by American, Lee Trueblood. Today he is serving God in our church and is a vital part of the ministry in Manga. Our facilities are somewhat “rustic”, yet the worship is sincerely heartfelt as the people pour their hearts out to God and dance in the joy of the Lord. Our fellowship was joined by a group of farmers who had been gathered together for four years. Their leader died nine months after the group was formed, yet two of the elders continued meeting for Bible study and fellowship on Sundays. They
have been looking for a spiritual home ever since. They joined us in March and are happy to have found a home at KC Mozambique, Manga. We have three provincial leaders and their wives: Jorge (at whose house we currently meet), Celestiano and his assistant Celestino. Manga will be celebrating its first anniversary in October with a church wide baptism service at the beach. We are beginning a Wednesday Bible study to begin to prepare the people for water baptism and a lifetime-lifestyle of commitment to Jesus. We are all very excited to see what the good Lord is going to do. Thank you for all your prayers and loving support as King’s Cathedral Maui continues to impact the world here in Beira, Africa.
KC Iwakuni, Japan
By Pastor Mayumi Nakaue
King’s Chapel Iwakuni Pastor Mayumi Nakaue kciwakuni@gmail.com
oday is the day!! We have started our new extension building project for King’s Chapel Kuroiso! Pastor Marocco came to Japan in 2009 and dedicated the KC Kuroiso land. Since then we have been doing many outreach events, going door to door, kid’s events and summer festivals. Last year we purchased a small pre-fab building and had it installed on the land. This year we have started a weekly Children’s bible study outreach with games and prizes. We currently have about 20 kids coming from age 8-12yrs. The Pre-Fab is already too small!! This is a miracle in Japan. When we first started our church in 2000 we only had 4 people and grew to 20 after 3yrs. These kids are so hungry for the Word of the Lord!! While I was in Hawaii last year for the Prophetic Conference, I saw the Prophet, who prophesied in 2001, that we would have a big church. I told him, we have the land for the church, what about the building, when will we build? He said; in the 2nd year you will build and in the 3rd year, you will be in the building. Well, this is the 2nd year and we are going to build! Amen! Mr. Shimazu, our Landlord and God fearing non-Christian, is helping us with this building project. Now we are praying for God’s miracle provision of $400,000. Please pray with us for this miracle from the Lord! Also, we are bringing the concept of the “Aloha Fest” from Oahu to Japan, and call it the “Kuroiso Campaign”. In August of this year we will be giving away a 42” flat screen TV and other prizes. Please pray for 200 people to attend this outreach event. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for King’s Chapels Japan.
Fund raising for Japan Building Fund Please send your used or new Muu Muus and Aloha Shirts to Japan. We have an annual Hawaiian Bazaar Fund Raising Event and we also sell them in our Café year around. For shipping instructions send us an e-mail to: kciwakuni@gmail.com .
7 The King’s Call September 2013
“A dramatic change in form or appearance” “A thorough or dramatic
change in form or appearance”
Transformation Ministry - By Pastor Colleen Marocco
“Like John the Baptist we are
making a highway for our God.”
For a year and a half we have embarked upon this exciting adventure. God placed a desire in our hearts to strengthen and encourage those who are struggling with issues that threaten to overwhelm and destroy them. We have found so many people thankful for the opportunity to worship and pray together with others that are struggling. We have heard the stories of those who have overcome their struggles and have found joy and hope in their lives through the power of Jesus. Phillip and Renee came to transformation. They had experienced such loss and defeat. Their marriage with a blended family was struggling to survive. It seemed as though their problems were chasing them. No matter what they did they couldn’t get ahead. At Transformation they met others that were overcoming and they were encouraged. They found people who were willing to stand with them, pray for them and hold them accountable. Now 18 months later they are moving ahead, yes there are struggles, even setbacks, but they are growing in God, and their marriage and family are being healed. They now are helping others who are struggling. They are an example of God’s healing power. Pastor Steve and Minister Vicki along with Malia and Colin Ceda in King’s Chapel Kauai
Transformation Ministry is Currently Available at these locations: KC Maui Pastor Colleen Marocco 808.871.7311
KC Oahu Pastor Josh Marocco 808.373.7416
wanted to open a Transformation Ministry. Now over 90 people attend and many have been transformed. Pastor Shannon joined with Frank and Melissa Thurman, Melani Akuna, and Minister Tim Phillips in King’s Chapel East Oahu and started this February. Last month Pastor Phil and Faye Marocco with Allison and Matt opened in Antioch, California. God is showing up to heal and restore people’s lives. There is nothing too hard for God. He is looking for a man or woman to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. Like John the Baptist we are making a highway for our God. We are meeting the heart need of People. God is drawing them in and healing brokenness. We want to make an opportunity for God to demonstrate His power. A place where people can come and find love, compassion, grace, and God’s power to be healed, delivered and transformed!
Pastor Colleen Marocco
KC Kauai Pastor Steve Franks 808.335.6845
KC Antioch Pastor Phil Marocco 925.756.7315
September 2013 The King’s Call 10
This ministry is lead by Andrew Comiskey. Andrew spoke at the 2013 May Conference in Maui. His word spoke to our heart at KC that we may have not reached out to the sexually broken as much as we desire. This July I was able to join a training with Desert Stream, Living Waters ministry. It is a Ministry to bring healing to those who are sexually broken. I was amazed at hearing the testimonies of the leadership at the Desert Stream Training. We are all broken and it is Jesus’ sacrifice and power that can bring healing. The cross of Continued---->
11 The King’s Call September 2013
De s e r t
Jesus Christ reveals how Jesus bore our pain. He not only knows our pain, but takes it upon his shoulders. Many times through the pain of our brokenness we close into ourselves with blame, anger and great hurt. Other times we have, because of our pain, seek to meet the chasm of need. Our need can drive us toward “safe” people, so that we don’t need to deal with our pain. In our attempt to meet our own need our pain grows bigger and bigger. With that chasm of pain we desperately seek more and more to meet our need. As a church we have met the needs of those who have been physically broken, as we care, pray and encourage them as they trust Jesus in the midst of their physical pain. We have educated and brought people to the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to those who are spiritually broken. Even the mentally broken we have declared the word of God and prayed for the healing power of God. Yet our sexuality is hidden. Due to our sexual nature and sin that exposed our nakedness, sexuality was protected in the bonds of marriage. That is not so in our society today. Today sexuality is exploited, made fun of, emphasized, and is degraded. That which was sacred is now commonplace and defiled. The sexual revolution of the 70s destroyed the honor and intimacy of sexuality. Because of that revolution our society today has destroyed what sex is to be. As I have spoken to my generation, i have heard time and time again of many being abused sexually by someone in their family, being exposed to pornography or explicit sexual material on TV at a young age, or influenced highly by friends who were abused or defiled. I would estimate that 90% of all youth and young adults have been defiled sexually. That defilement has led to sexual brokenness. This defilement
Str e am
can begin to break down our identity was exposed and ridiculed. He has of who we are. If our identity is not seen the shame that we have gone strongly influenced by our parents or through. He knows our pain and by experiences with our Heavenly Fa- can heal us. Just as he did not sin ther, than we can be highly persuad- and died holy and pure he can heal ed by the World to question our sex- our sexuality. He paid the price so ual identity and meet the need of our we can be pure and holy, clothed in brokenness through the worlds way. righteousness. God is the one who made us male Just as the prodigal son and female and called it good. It is came home. He was full of the filth the world and our own depravity of of the world but the father came and need that will try to draw us into pat- loved him. Loved him and embraced terns of behavior to meet our needs him in the midst of his sin. But the in the ways of the World. Yet Jesus Father did not leave the prodigal in saw the depravity of man and came his sin but put the ring of authority and died on the cross so we can be on him, covered his feet with new freed from the defilement, curses shoes and wrapped him in a new and chains that bind us. Some of cloak. The clothing of righteousness the things that bind us were not due and healing. He covered his brokento our own sin but the sin of others ness and nakedness. He healed the and the trauma that we have gone places of shame. The Father defined through. Yet Jesus is the one who him as His son and reconfirmed the paid for it all! He is the one who can identity of His sons. The purpose free us from the defilement and heal that he was created to be. the hurt that we have gone through. My desire is to bring the One of the things I enjoyed focus of Living Waters ministry and at the living waters training was their teaching joining with the power the dependency on Jesus and the of the Holy Spirit with in King’s CaHoly Spirit to redefine who we are thedral through special encounters according to the word of God. Their and small groups with the focus of ministry focus on healing those who experiencing the power of the cross are sexually broken. The more I to heal us in every area of our life, prayed about it I realized that is the physically, emotionally, mentally and definition of this new generation. We sexually. I believe God wants us as have all been sexually broken. Our men and women of God to be whole perspectives have shifted because and clothed in his power not only of our own sexual brokenness and for our own healing but that we can defilement. Just as Jesus died on reach this broken world and show the cross to forgive us of sin, the them the healing power of Jesus and stripes of the whip were for our sin, the love of our Heavenly Father. the crown of thorns signifying that he heals our mind. He has healed us spiritually by standing in the gap and ripping the veil between us and God. He can also heal our sexual brokenness. Just as Jesus was stripped of all his clothing and Pastor Janelle hung on the cross in full view of all those who were against Marocco him. He heard their taunts and knew real shame. He
September 2013 The King’s Call 12
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Summer Missions GUATEMALA MISSIONS by Pastor Bruno Frigoli
In 2012, Prophet John Harke prophesied over our Dallas extension, one of them being how we would plant and support a new extension in the country of Guatemala. A little over a year after those words were spoken, we found ourselves boarding a plane to that Central American country fulfilling those very words. The day after arriving to Guatemala City, we went up north about six hours to the little town of Izabal. We were gearing up to reach out to a community there that was in extreme poverty. In fact, when the pastor of the church would run the generator (because there was no electricity), everyone would come out of their homes to charge their phones! It was as effective as a church bell in getting people to church. We connected with many of the families there and had the opportunity to pray for those that were sick or simply needed a touch from God. A few hours later, we did an outreach for the children, playing games, giving prizes and sharing the gospel. My own daughter played in the dirt roads with the other kids, as they shared their new prizes with her. My wife, meanwhile, was connecting with other ladies. They took her in as one of their own. We capped the evening off by preaching
and encouraging the people from that area. We then hit the road for a long trek back to the capital city where Minister Milo (Emilio) lives with his mother and siblings and has been establishing a KC. He already had a group of mostly young adults that would meet together and minister at hospitals and places in great need. We joined them by going to a cancer ward that was government run, which means that the patients depend on friends and family for such basic needs as toilet paper and tooth brushes. Armed with care packages and the gospel we went floor by floor praying for every patient and helping them with basic needs. Many received the Lord that day. One lady in particular sticks out in my mind, because it literally seemed like someone had slit her throat and sewed it back shut. Shalia and I were ministering to her and in the course of our conversation she let us know that even though she believed in God, she felt like a horrible person and that is why she had cancer. At this point I simply broke down crying. She has a six month old and an eight year old and she was hoping to live and remain being their mother. The weight of condemnation she was living under was too much for even me to bear. We shared about Christ’s love and explain her identity in Christ and leave her with hope. It was hard to tell who had been ministered to most, the cancer patients or us. One man that Rebekah Sherman and I prayed for had so much joy despite his condition that it was hard to not smile while being around him. Thirty minutes from the capital is
the city dump. It’s the place where all the trash is taken and discarded. The thing that makes this place a little different is the 11,000 people (6,500 of them being kids) that live on the dump. Their life consists of sorting through the trash that trucks dump out, in the hopes of finding some scrap of food or something useful that could be sold on the street. Most of them make only $2.00 a day and that is what they have to live on. Only recently the government intervened and has begun to regulate what takes place there in an attempt to make it as safe as possible. However, for the most part, these people are ignored by society and the church. The place is rampant with sexual exploitation, drugs and corruption. So we partnered with a local ministry that has been working there for over 20 years, called The Potter’s House (no affiliation to TD Jakes), and once again, armed with care packages and the gospel, we set out to bless some families there. The first house we entered in had a dirt floor and trash stacked up everywhere. It’s hard to describe the kind of houses they were. Think of cinder block walls, doors made from different pieces of wood and roofs made of different pieces of plastic and corrugated material. The whole place smelled of trash, and even though we had been there for some time, our noses couldn’t quite adjust. The dirt floor was muddy because of the rain we had the day before. There was a makeshift kitchen with eggs in a little pot of dirty water. There was a rooster in the middle of the “kitchen” that was so sick, he couldn’t hold his own head up and kept resting it on the floor under
September 2013 The King’s Call
his body. Here, in this filthy place, lives a family of seven. A young single mother of 17 years old is talking with us while we get some basic information and give them a care package consisting of food, soap and detergent soap bars for their clothes. She carried her little son that was sick and we prayed for him, commanding healing. Outside, following the dirt road we entered into other houses. We blessed them, prayed for protection and talked about God’s love for them. Just last year, during the rainy season, six people fell through the heap of trash while scavenging and have never been found. Despite the conditions they live in, you still hear laughter. You still see hope. People drive really crazy in Guatemala. You have to be aggressive and honking your horn is just a form of communicating with others. Lanes are suggestions and red
lights are just adornment. During traffic jams people try to get your attention in the hopes that you will let them in. Most people just pretend not to see them. They pretend like they are listening to the radio or noticing some architectural feature on a building because if you don’t see them, then you don’t have to do anything about it. In a moment of prayer God asked me, “Will you turn a blind eye? Will you pretend to not see?” Through tears I told Him I would not turn a blind eye to those in need and so in every trip I ever make to Guatemala, I won’t pretend that there are not people that Jesus died for that are living in sub human conditions. By the way, are you turning a blind eye to those around you? It’s easy to come to church and not notice those who are in need. It’s easy to be more focused on our own comfort than God’s heart for people. Think
about it, people are dying because of your own comfort. Our goal in going to Guatemala was to help establish an extension, create relationships (everything there works on the basis of relationships), encourage Minister Milo and strategize the next steps. Our extension has begun. We have around 30 that are meeting regularly and we are expecting great growth to take place. We are hoping to start another extension in Chimaltenango, which is about 45 minutes north of the capital in the next coming months. As to the future, we want to start something in the south of Mexico, get into Belize and start working our way down Central America. Some would say that we are “spawning” new works everywhere we can. Thank you for your prayers. I also want to thank the Chile extension that has committed to help with the rent until the end of this year.
Left: Pastor Bruno Frigoli handing out care packages to people living at the city dump in Guatemala. Above: Children from Guatemala. Right: The missions team ministering at KC Rosarito, Mexico.
I stand amazed when I witness how God can use a tragedy in someone’s life and turn it around for something good. I had the opportunity to by Minister Beth Schultz go to KC Chapel in Baja, Mexico. One of our team members, Evelyn, has a love for the Spanish language. She started attending the Spanish ministry just to hear people speak Spanish. I made an invitation for people to join me on our 2013 mission trip. Evelyn was happy to be a part of it with her granddaughter Lei. I needed people to dance. Her response was “that’s not something I can do but my granddaughter is very good.” I encouraged her to try. She did excellent. That was the first time she stepped out of her comfort zone. I also asked for a brief testimony, again she said “ that’s not something I’m good at.” I told her “just share the love of God and what He has done in your life.” Evelyn shared about broken relationships and a terrible personal loss. She mentioned that she had a daughter who was diagnosed with Cancer and died at the young age of 20. Her daughter
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had the opportunity to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. As she was dying, she was worshiping God, singing hymns. She not once complained about her illness and she went in peace. While Evelyn recounted her mourning at the loss of her daughter, I realized that Evelyn had the comfort of knowing where her daughter was going; to be in eternity with Jesus and no longer in pain or suffering. Evelyn knew she would see her daughter again and that was part of her testimony. There listening, was a young man by the name of David. David had used drugs for a long time. Because of the drug use, his brain was “fried”. All the chemicals had done damage to his brain. Evelyn didn’t realize that he was hearing her testimony and how it impacted him. David had known the Lord and had walked away from Him. But those words permeated his heart and made him realize his need for Jesus. Someone on the team had an opportunity to speak to David two days later and David shared every word of Evelyn’s testimony. David was able to remember what God has done in Evelyn’s daughter life and wanted the same Jesus to be Lord of his life.
The Real Life Campaign has been a dynamic outreach into the community of Maui. It started with Dr. Marocco’s desire to see every home on Maui touched by the power of God. In times past we have given out the Book of Hope, Anointed homes and also Dr. Marocco’s book, “Is God angry with me”. It has been 7 years since our last Campaign. Pastor Colleen stated that the world has so much depression and evil that people need good news, some hope. So we set out an endeavor to bring the people of Maui the truth of the Hope in Jesus and His power to transform lives. Many people came forward with their testimonies of lives transformed by the power of God. Their testimonies declared that no matter how old, young, or what you have come through in life, there is hope in Jesus Christ. The great media team pulled together and June 29th we did our first outreach with tremendous success. We were able to touch almost 6,000 homes. The youth and children summer programs, Surge and Passport, also did over 8,000 homes. Our second outreach was July 27th with al-
most 100 people coming to touch their Island for Jesus. Many came back with testimonies of being able to pray with people, encourage others to get back into church, and others who witnessed to friends and family with the testimonies in the book. In fact Robin and Jodie Sajor have been able to minister to people they don’t know who recognize their face and testimony from the magazine. On July 22nd we started our 40 days of Real Life Bible Studies all over the Island. This was a 40 day devotional study with 6 weeks of small group videos that encouraged everyone in their walk with Jesus. Cranston Kapoi related how he had placed a yard sign for 40 days Bible study in his yard after canvasing his neighborhood with the magazines and one of His neighbors who he had been praying for came and knocked on his door on the day of the Bible Study. He has been an active attender to the 40 days group ever since. I believe that this campaign will transform Maui as the testimonies of hope speak to lives of people.
Thank you to everyone who participated!