King's Call Magazine

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The King’s Call magazine is designed to share about what God is doing throughout King’s Cathedral and Chapels. We are One Church in Many Locations. King’s Cathedral and Chapels currently has 107 churches in Hawaii, Continental US and the Nations across the world. If you would like more information about our church, please contact us at the information below. If you desire to purchase ad space in our next issue, please contact our media department at 808-871-7311. King’s Cathedral Maui 777 Mokulele Hwy. Kahului, Hawaii 96732 Phone: 808-871-7311 Fax: 808-871-9708



n the 1700’s there was a man by the name of John Newton. He was a slave trade captain of a ship. In the course of that horrible evil, he came to know Christ as Savior. So he wrote a song and we know it today as “Amazing Grace”. It was really his testimony. The reason we’re moving in this direction is an interesting one. This summer I was introduced to three books about grace and was shocked when Pastors and even Christian Television preached from these books. Grace is a message that should be great, positive, wonderful, and glorious, but somehow these authors theologically delude it in a way that has robbed people of the real power of grace. I realized there are people that are being misguided by a message that should be. I felt lead by the Lord to share on the subject of grace because it’s vital to understand in the context of truth. You can understand the word “grace”, but if it’s not seen in light of the whole of the truth of God’s word, confusion will set in and you end up losing out with God. The standard terminology of grace is “unmerited favor.” The word grace in the Greek language, in which the language the New Testament was written, is the word charis. Etymologically, that word came to be known as unmerited favor by simply meaning “charmed” or “delighted”. As it went through time, the word began to take on new meaning. It became seen as “kindly and courteous” and “to will good.” Then it began to take on the meaning of “favor, a token of kindness.” Finally, it began to mean “gratitude for favor bestowed.” The revelation in the New Testament gives us tremendous sense of gratitude that God has bestowed on us favor we did not deserve; GRACE. To the Apostle Paul, grace was the one word that summed up the Christian message. In acts 20:24 he says, “If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Grace is the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. When Barnabas wet to Antioch in Acts 11:23, he saw the evidence of the grace of God revealed in the salvation of many people. Paul was so enamored by the word “grace” that every one of his letters greets with grace and closes the letters with grace. Grace was the main theme of the Apostle Paul’s writing – just as “love” was the main theme of the Apostle John’s writing. The Apostle Paul wrote about many things, but emphasized grace because of His personal testimony. We see Paul’s testimony in Acts 9, he was named Saul before his conversion. Saul had held the clothes of men who stoned Stephen to death. His intensity of anger at Christians fueled their persecution and arrests in Palestine. He hated Christians and Jesus. Paul on his way to Damascus to kill Christians has an encounter with Jesus. He experiences the grace of God. He knew he deserved death, instead he got grace. “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those would believe in Him and

receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Tim. 1:15-17) God became man and dwelt among us and because of that, we see grace in action. We’ve seen grace and truth personified in Jesus, full of grace, full of truth (John 1:14). Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 8:9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus that though he was rich, yet for your sakes, He became poor so that you through His poverty might become rich.” He came out of Heaven into this vile, evil world so that we could have the taste of Heaven and join in as a member of His family. In Jesus Christ, we’ve received the “fullness of His grace, we’ve all received one blessing after another.” (verse 16) The grace of God does not run out. God’s grace is an ocean and the waves of that ocean continually come against the shore. God wants to continually pour grace into our life. It is such where there is no end. Waves of grace flood the shore from the ocean of grace. Paul mentions it very clearly in Ephesians 1:7, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” The fact that we can be here today, that we can be seen as God’s children, the fact that we can have our sins forgiven and Heaven as our home is not by our works but it is by His grace. Jesus is grace incarnate, grace made flesh, we see this in His words and deeds. Jesus has come out of eternity into time. He reached out His hand to us and while were yet sinners, Jesus Christ died for us. The awesomeness of a God who would reach out through the muck and the mire and pull us out of that sewer and say, “I love you,” shows us grace. Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-18, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For

verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Some of the grace teachers are misguided at this point. They begin to intimate that somehow the Old and New Testament are very different and that the New Testament speaks of things that the Old Testament doesn’t and so therefore, the Old Testament is a little lesser in its value than the new. Stop, stop, stop! The Bible of the New Testament was the Old Testament. Everything written by Paul, Jude, James and John all came from the Old Testament. They saw what God had done through Christ and the Old Testament came alive. They saw Jesus on every page. They saw the prophetic words of Isaiah and Jeremiah and the ancient Hebrew prophets fulfilled in Jesus. The Bible of the New Testament is the

Jesus is grace incarnate, grace made flesh, we see this in His words and deeds. Old Testament! You can’t separate one from the other. There’s a fuller revelation that has come forth out of the New Testament only because Christ has come FULL of grace and truth. Things we didn’t understand in the Old now become understandable because He’s revealed truth to us. Jesus came to fulfill the law. I’ve had people even say to me, “We’re no longer under the law, we’re under grace.” Stop, stop, stop. Jesus came to fulfill the law. Paul explains it in Romans 10:4, “Christ is the end of the law unto righteousness to everyone that believes.” The law was given as an example of God’s character and what He demands of us righteously, but there was a problem. We couldn’t fulfill it because all of us have a fallen human nature. That’s why Paul

writes in Romans 8, “Therefore there is now condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death, for what the law was powerless to do, in then It was weakened by our fallen nature, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering for us, so that the righteous requirement of the law would be fully met in us.” Jesus is the only one who fulfilled the law. He’s the only one that is righteous and thereby when we put our trust in Him and we give Him our heart, His righteousness becomes our righteousness and the fulfillment of the law is now fulfilled in us. Not by our own works but by God’s grace and by the working of the Holy Ghost in our lives to re-conform us into the image of Christ (Romans 8). Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, it hasn’t ended. It is through Jesus that the means by which we attain righteousness that the law demanded, has now come to us when we believe on Him. That is grace. Secondly, Jesus says, “I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10) and “I am come as light into the world; whoever believes in me shall no abide in darkness.” (John 12:46) God took the initiative and sent His Son to us. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. He came to destroy the works of the devil, to serve, and to give His life for ransom for many. Jesus is the King of His kingdom. That’s why I get so upset when people try to isolate the words of Jesus as a new covenant. He is the King of the kingdom. The very nature of the kingdom of God is not geographical, it is when you submit your will to the King Jesus, you enter His kingdom and the entire gospel is the story of the kingdom of God. Jesus teaches


Matthew 5, 6, and 7 as the bylaws and constitution of the kingdom of God, the miracles He did is the power of the kingdom of God being expressed. He says to you, “You can be involved with me, co-laborers” Paul writes, expressing the power of the kingdom of God. We enter into His kingdom by submitting our will to Him and believing on Him. That brings me then to how we can experience His grace. The first word is repent. Repentance is becoming a dirty word today. Very rarely do you hear churches or pastors preach it because they think that you’re being negative if you say repent. I guess Jesus was negative because He talked about repentance a lot. I guess the New Testament was negative because the message of the gospel and the message of the early Christians was repent. In Acts 2, 3,000 people yielded to the gospel and cried out to Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost, “What do we do?” Peter didn’t say, “Well, just have good thoughts. Be happy. Don’t worry.” He said, “Repent, be baptized.” Coming into covenant with Jesus starts with repentance. “Repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out and the times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19) The reason why repentance is so crucial to receive God’s grace is because if you don’t know you’re lost, you’ll never be found. That’s the truth. If you don’t even realize what you’ve done is wrong, how in the world are you going to be forgiven? The message of the church is supposed to be repentance. Jesus says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all the nations (Luke 24:47). That was Paul’s exact message in Acts 26:20. He encourages them to preach that people should repent and turn to God and prove repentance by their deeds. Repentance is crucial in receiving grace. I believe that grace is like breathing. You have to breathe in to receive its benefits. Now you can hold your breath, some of you maybe for 5 minutes, but sooner or later you’re going to turn blue and you’re going to need to get a breath of air. As we’re walking in Christ, what we need is a constant supply of God’s grace. You see where the Jews and even some believers today made their mistake, was that they believed they had this special covenant with God. They were the children of God. They had been given the law of Moses and they didn’t need to repent because they were cool. Jesus says to them, “You snakes, you vipers!” I’ve seen Christians do the same nonsense. “We’re the righteousness of Christ.” I believe you’re the righteousness of Christ, don’t get me wrong. I rejoice because there is no righteousness outside of Him and I am thankful that by grace He allowed me to enter into His righteousness, but I’m also very aware of the fact that grace is like breath. There are things I struggle with and

there are things you struggle with that will try to rob us of our life in God. Throughout the New Testament, the church had to deal with people within their congregations that needed to repent. “You mean repentance is supposed to be a lifestyle?” Yes! One of the Authors of the book I read had a problem when he was growing up because he felt so condemned all the time. He came up with this idea: well, all my sins are forgiven, past, present and future, so I don’t need to worry about it anymore. That’s wonderful, I’m glad you got that revelation, except for one thing: it’s not biblical. Can I remind you of a few things? In Acts 8, Peter was in Samaria and he confronted a guy by the name of Simon Magus. Simon was a Christian because he believed on Jesus, got baptized in water and in fact he was attending Philip’s discipleship group. Everywhere Philip went, there was Simon Magus. So by all criteria, we know he was saved. Something was desperately wrong with Simon Magus because when Peter and John came up to lay hands on people so they’d get filled with the Holy Ghost, Simon says, “I’ll buy it.” He was trying to buy the power of God. He still operated as a magician in his mind. Magicians are the manipulators of power. There are people that have given their heart to the Lord but its all still about themselves and they want to control everything in their life. Peter’s response to Simon was repent! In Revelation 2:5 Jesus talks to the church in Ephesus. “Remember the height from which you have fallen. Repent and do the things you did at first.” How about to the church in Pergamum in Revelation 2:16, “Repent, therefore otherwise I will soon come to you and will fight against you with the sword of my mouth.” Not a pretty picture. What about Revelation 2:21 to the church in Thyatira? “I have given her time to repent of her immorality.” In verse 22, “I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely unless they repent of her ways.” These aren’t pagans, these are believers. How about Revelation 3:3, “Remember therefore what you have received; obey it and repent.” And Revelation 3:19, “Those whom I love I rebuke in discipline, so be earnest and repent.” Paul the Apostle when he talked about the Lord’s Supper interestingly says, “You’ve not discerned the Lord’s body, some of you have prematurely died and some of you are sick. You’re under the judgment of God because the cup of blessing has become a cursed cup to you, because you did not examine yourself.” This is heavy duty stuff. In Romans 2:4-5 Paul says, “Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you towards repentance? But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you were storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath when His righteous judgment will be revealed.” God’s kindness, God’s grace to us is that He brings us to the place

GR A of repentance. Listen to what Paul writes in 2 Corinthiinside and not confess, I allow the enemy, without me ans 7:9, “Yet now I’m happy not because you were made realizing it, to control me. That’s why the Bible says that sorry, but because your sorrow led to repentance for you “if you confess your sins, He’s faithful and just to forgive became sorrowful as God intended. Godly sorrow brings and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) If repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret but I’m on a trip and I happen to turn on the TV and there’s worldly sorrow brings death.” 2 Corinthians 12:21 says, some defiling thing on, I’ll turn it off and I’ll tell my “When I come again I will be grieved over many who have wife what happened. I need to do that, because I’m not sinned earlier and have not repented.” Repentance is the going to allow anything to afflict my life. I’m not going mechanism by which grace is appropriated for our life and to give the devil any foothold in my life. James 5: 16 the very act of repentance is grace. The fact you would says, “confess your faults one to another and be healed.” even want to repent is grace. God’s at work in your life Secondly, we receive grace through faith. Paul wrote, to make you want to repent. 2 Timothy 2:25-26, “Those “For by grace you are saved through faith, yet not of who oppose Him, he must gently instruct in hope that God yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of man should boast.” John writes in John 3:16, “For God the truth and that they will come to their senses and escape so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, from the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have do His will.” I could go on and on and on with verses, everlasting life.” You appropriate His grace by faith in but let me just suggest to you why repentance is a means trusting Him. Do you trust Him with your life? D.L. by which we receive the grace of God. We are called to Moody was speaking on salvation by grace and he said, be humble; humility and repentance go hand in hand. “It is well that man cannot save himself; for if a man Repentance is an act of humility. could only work his way to heaven, In 1 Peter 5:5, Peter says, “God opyou would never hear the last of poses the proud but gives grace to Repentance is the mechanism by which it. If a man happens to get a little the humble.” The same thing is said grace is appropriated for our life and ahead of his fellows and scrapes in James 4:6 and Matthew 23:12, a few thousand dollars together, the very act of repentance is grace. “For whoever exalts himself will you’ll hear him boast about being a be humbled, and whoever humbles self-made man. I’ve heard so much himself will be exalted.” When I reof this sort of talk that I’m sick and pent, I appropriate the grace of God for my life. tired of the whole business and I’m glad that through all Now let’s suppose I come to my wife and I say something eternity in Heaven, we will never hear anyone bragging stupid. Invariably, a husband will say something dumb; of how he worked his way to get there!” It is by grace they’re not really aware of their own ego and think and grace alone that any of us sit in this room today. they’re just the greatest thing on the planet. Let’s suppose God’s love has overwhelmed us. How good God is! The my wife gives me the silent treatment, which is a normal writer of the song Amazing Grace, John Newton, said response when a man does something stupid like that. a very fascinating statement one day. He says, “When I So I know that I’ve blown it, but of course I’m so perget to heaven, I shall see three wonders there: the first fect and it’s really her fault anyways. I’m just telling you wonder will be to see many people there whom I did the way men sometimes think. Men, I’m sorry, we have a not expect to see. The second wonder will be to miss problem. If I say to myself, “Well, my wife loves me and many people whom I did expect to see. And the third it’s okay, because I’m so cool and she better be glad she’s and greatest wonder of all, will be to find myself there.” married to me anyway.” Now let me ask you a question. Let us understand the true power of grace through JeHow long before that marriage starts to disintegrate? In sus Christ and receive it through a lifestyle of repenorder for this relationship to be healed, something has tance and faith. to happen on my end. I’ve got to get a revelation that I’ve hurt her. What I have found in our marriage is when she talks to me about how she feels, I realize what a jerk I was. When I say, “I am so sorry”, she has grace to forgive me. Thank you for grace. But if I did not or was not Dr. James Marocco Sr. Pastor of willing to repent, I could not receive grace from her. My King’s Cathedral and Chapels lack of repentance would harden my heart and harden her heart. Then it wouldn’t be long before there would not be a relationship. I have found that when I keep hurt


ur building project has been delayed due to the tax increase since April of this year, 2014. Only one out of 7 construction companies responded to us with an estimate. The price was so high. It was $50,000 over our budget. It seems like no other company could keep the cost within our budget. Early this summer I was having a meeting with a banker at our café. During that time, the Lord brought a Christian brother who owns a construction company in our city. His name is Mr. Fujimoto who is 83 years old and a strong Christian. Mr. Fujimoto

He asked me if he could help us. I didn’t understand what he meant, but later that same day he introduced me to his son, who is now the president of his company. I met with his son and I gave him our current building plan. One week after the meeting the son came back to our café with his building plan. It was different from the first company and it was a very good plan. After a couple meetings I asked him the total cost of the building. First he gave us almost the same price as the first company. I asked the people of our church to pray for the favor of God and that they would give us a discount.

JAPAN’S FILIPINO MINISTRY Another amazing miracle that the LORD did; we’ve being praying to start a Filipino ministry. We tried about 2 years ago, but it just didn’t grow at all. But this year a Christian Filipino lady and her Japanese husband began coming to our church. The husband was not saved, the second time they came to the church the husband got saved and he wanted to be water baptized. Then miracles started happening in his life.

He was drinking alcohol every night but after he received Christ he stopped drinking. Also, he brought his butsudon (home altar) to the church and we destroyed it. He started sharing Jesus with his children. Then they wanted to dedicate their baby to the Lord. We had the dedication service for them and they invited 30 of their Filipino and Japanese friends!! Our church doubled that day! When I gave the invitation to receive Christ, many of the people were

Before the May conference the president gave me a final price. He said to me; “We will give you a discount of $30,000. I am so sorry that I cannot give you more of a discount as a company, but I will try to rearrange the building plan to take off another $10,000.” That makes a total of a $40,000 discount, but it was still $10,000 over our budget. Then, in the next moment he said to me; “My father and I have discussed your budget situation. We will give you an offering of $10,000.” I couldn’t believe what he said to me. He’s not even a member of our church. But he and his father are giving us $10,000 offering for our building. God’s economy is different from the world’s economy. God had a better plan, a better company. We are praying for the dedication in June 2015. Please pray for more miracles of increase!!! God bless you. !!

praying the sinner’s prayer!! Praise God!! The next Sunday some of the Filipino women came back and began to bring their friends too. In October we had our first Filipino ministry cell meeting. We studied the Word of God and they began to share how God is changing them since they’ve been coming to the church. Praise the LORD!!! Please continue to pray for the Filipino ministry in Japan.


his October marked the fourth anniversary for King’s Chapel Mozambique (KC Moz) and the second anniversary for KC Manga and nine other extensions. This has certainly been a great year for growth among the villages and small towns throughout the country-side of Sofala Province. Much appreciation and thankfulness goes to the Manga team that has persevered and grown KC Moz tremendously due to their faithfulness, loyalty and fruitfulness. Our KC Moz team members are Manuel Dango, Celestino and Fatima Feto, Jorge and Elsa Alfonso, Jose and Maria Afia, and Marta. These faithful co-laborers have worked diligently and faithfully to guard, expand and nourish the flock in Mozambique. Amazingly, we communicate only by one telephone among all of them that can receive skype calls and sometimes emails. We have more than the average challenges of multiple languages and a gross lack of technology, but God is so very faithful to bring us through. Glory to Jesus!!!!

MANUEL DANGO is especially noteworthy. Manuel’s mother practiced witchcraft and became possessed by her own witchcraft then committed suicide. Soon after his mother’s death, his father got sick and died. His uncle took him and his 5 siblings to House of Blessing Orphanage to be raised by the American missionary. Manuel was five years old when he arrived at the orphanage and remained there till he was 18 years old. He began his formal education at age 9. Today at 20 years old, he is completing 10th grade and will graduate from high school in two years. He specialized in mechanics and is finishing driver’s school this year. He works six days a week, ten hours per day. He attends high school classes five nights a week from 6-10 p.m. On Sunday, his day off, he ministers in church leading worship, preaching, or leading children’s church. He also administrates all the 10 extensions and is the only one who can speak fluent English. He teaches, trains, corrects and encourages the elders and congregations in the word and maintains a humble attitude while serving God. LOUISA is young 14 year old girl whom I met when she was 12. She was the only child who came to church and could read and write among all the children in the villages. On my initial visit to her home, she was already mentoring ten other children. I gave her a Bible and asked her to read scriptures to the other children every day. Today, she is teaching nearly one hundred children in Children’s Church and is Manuel’s assistant leader. THANK YOU immensely for your constant prayers of support. Please continue to pray for us in KC Moz to purchase property so we can have a permanent building in Manga. At this time, we meet under Mango trees at each site. You can contact us at


inerva Alejandra Sanchez Garcia was born and raised in Mexico, but her and her family had the opportunity to immigrate to the US. Soon after living in the US, she moved in with her boyfriend and started a family with him. However her boyfriend was abusive so she left him after 10+ years. Alone and searching for acceptance, she got mixed up with the wrong crowd (a gang) who made money by stealing, selling drugs and kidnapping people to collect a ransom. One of her jobs was to arrange “the pick-up” and count the money. As part of this gang, Minerva also sold drugs. She was arrested on various occasions. She became increasingly unhappy with her life style and choices. As a way to “numb her pain” she started drinking heavily and using drugs. After 20 years, she was arrested for possession with intent to distribute over 100 grams of heroin. Minerva’s rap sheet was so long, she was facing a 40 year to life prison sentence. While waiting for her court day, Minerva decided to visit the prison chapel. For the first time she heard the word of God.

She started to cry and she asked God “if what I am hearing is true, that you’re a real God have mercy on me and have them reduce my sentence to 5 years”. The date she went to court the judge told her that he was going to give her another chance by reducing the sentence to 5 years, but that was just a preliminary court day. She started bargaining with God and asked that her sentence be reduced to 2 years. God answered her prayer again and gave her mercy; her sentence was for 3 years but by this time she had already served one year, so she had only 2 years left. While in prison, Minerva faithfully attended chapel services. She served her time and her US residency was revoked. After serving her sentence, she was deported back to Mexico and moved in with her sister in Baja, Mexico. Her sister was not a Christian and liked to party so Minerva found herself doing the same. But she was always scared and did not really want to go out, so Minerva asked her sister if she knew of a church that she could go to.

Her sister told her there are 2 churches in the neighborhood, Minerva decided to go to KC Rosarito. It was a Tuesday night service and due to a low attendance, the discouraged congregation requested for service to be cancelled. Minister Rafaela stated “it’s ok if no one comes to Tuesday night service, I’ll be in church with God”. That night 6 new people came to church. Minerva was one of them and received Christ as her Lord and Savior. She is now a dedicated follower and servant, pledging her life to the Lord and has been a part of KC Rosarito for almost 2 years. Minerva is now working at a hotel in housekeeping and goes to church on a weekly basis, continuing to serve the Lord. She is thankful for God’s mercy, for her second chance and she is happy. She has seen the hand of God upon her life and has received His unconditional love and shares her story with the hopes that those who hear would see her life changed and accept Him as Savior.



irst of all I’d like to say what an honor and privilege it is to be a part of a church that it is dedicated to see the great commission fulfilled. It has been a great joy to watch God’s signs, wonders, and miracles performed through a bunch of men and women who love Jesus. I thank the Lord for the evangelism team and the many who will be encouraged through this article and want to join! I was at Foodland and ministered to a young girl and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was from a great Baptist church, who had just served his time in the navy and basically moved here just to enjoy the rest of his life. His girlfriend was a meth user who shot meth into her neck. I witnessed to them they received Jesus Christ afresh as there Lord and Savior. I dropped them off at their camp with an open invitation to come to church. The following Wednesday I picked them up through the bus ministry. The power of God ministered to the young lady as the worship team sang. She went up for prayer and when she came back she stated that KC felt like home. Today the evangelism team went out to see her and she had checked herself into a sober living house. She has decided to join every church service, Transformation, and serve in whatever area needed. As her and boyfriend said goodbye, He asked me “pick me up tomorrow? I would love to get involved in whatever ministries there are.” I’m happy to share that he will be assisting us in putting up the Christmas lights for the display and joining us for a Bible study at one of our outreaches. Someone asked me to go and witness to a man that had a stroke and was very suicidal. My son and I visited his home where there was such a strong sense of oppression, hopelessness, and even death. The first half hour we were there he spoke of all the ways he attempted suicide. Hanging himself only for the rope to break, trying to drive his car off the Pali only to have it stall and not move, and overdosing only to be rescued! He was a successful painter for quality painting company and had gotten a stroke, leaving him paralyzed on the left side.

They had several huge homes and had a growing family, but he lost everything, even his wife left him. He received a huge amount of money from the sale of the business and accounts but his wife took it. All his family and friends turned their backs on him. He thought maybe God was punishing him. We prayed for him and laid hands on his dead arm and foot, even on his face. Nothing happened. Later on that night we were working at the tree lot and I got a phone call from him and he was crying and said he could lift his arm and move his feet. He is now using the walker instead of the wheelchair. Glory to, God my son and I had the privilege of being used as a vessel for God’s healing. Arnold and I went to a meeting for narcotics anonymous and alcoholics anonymous. There were about 37 people in the room. We waited for the opportunity to speak. Arnold was called on and he preached the gospel and gave his testimony. I did the same. Many made comments of this being the best meeting they ever been to. When we were done speaking some listeners were crying, while the rest were offended. Hallelujah! I knew we accomplished what God sent us out to do. After the meeting I went over to a young lady and witnessed to her about Jesus, but she had already written our names down and Transformation information on her hand. We reached about 4 people from that meeting and they were ministered to. That Sunday as we prepared for bus meeting a gentlemen named George walked in. I introduced myself and he said I know who you are you came to my meeting. George later shared about his addiction to heroine and was impacted by Arnold’s testimony. Dr. Marocco prayed with him during the service prayer time and later George shared what a privilege it was to meet Dr. Marocco face to face as he had been listening to him in the prison at MCCC.!!! Hallelujah. He is now a part of KC bus ministry and desires to be involved in seeing people come to the house of God.

-Eva Turalva



n July 13th I received a call from my mom on Maui informing me that my dad was just transported to the hospital by ambulance because he was having a hard time breathing. I called the ER to see the status of my dad and they informed me he was in critical condition due to fluid overload in the heart and lungs. I immediately took hold of my husband’s hand and went to the Lord in prayer. At this time my faith started to arise and I looked up scripture to remind me that the word of God is real, Isaiah 55:1 states, “God’s word will not return void!” A group of people began to pray consisting of KC Staff, my small group leader, and others. A close family friend of mine came to the hospital to pray and visit my dad. We both started to pray over the room, medicine, machine, and the people administering to my dad and both came in agreement in prayer for healing. Soon after lunch I received a call from Pastor Anne Fujii informing me that she would ask one of the Pastors from Maui KC to visit my Dad, Pastor Arthur Daguimol. I spent time with my dad and made sure my dad knew that I loved him dearly and that God loves him more. I then shared the gospel to him and asked him if he wanted to give his life to the Lord, he said “yes” and I lead him to the sinners prayer. Pastor Arthur Daguimol visited my dad and lead him to the Lord as well. Two days later my mom told me that my dad is doing better and would be released. During that conversation I told my mom that she needed to get rid of all of the idols that they had in their home. These idols were passed down through the generations. I knew what the word of God said about these idols and for many years I’ve tried to explain to them that it’s a cursed item. Amazingly my mom agreed to get rid of the statues and my dad agreed to get rid of the idols, too.

My brother heard about what was happening as well and he decided to get rid of his idols as well! There are many things that transpired after this but my dad is now regaining strength, being more independent, praising Jesus for his healing and continues to pray to God for a longer life. My dad also mentioned that he is getting better sleep then before. The relationship with my mom and dad has improved tremendously where they are more loving towards each other and look like they are newlyweds. Thank you Pastor Anne Fujii, Pastor Authur Daguimol, KC Staff, Melissa Thurman, my husband and most importantly GOD! For all your prayers. Thank-you JESUS.

-Jane Tisna

Isaiah 55:1 “God’s word will not return void!”

" I was changed, and God touched me. I was done with drugs and alcohol."



was born in Lankenau Hospital just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1973. My father was an alcoholic and drug addict, which became a generational curse. My dad and mom got into a motorcycle wreck before I was born and my mother’s skull was opened up. She received some form of brain damage and couldn’t function normally. My father stole me from my mother and went on the run with drug charges against him. At around three years old I began to be sexually abused. The abuse went on until I was about 7 years old. I don’t remember when I first took a drink or did a drug, however I do remember beer being a cure for a stomachache and cocaine a cure for a toothache. The only time I remember being somewhat happy as a child was around 1st and 2nd grade when I lived in Florida. Then my stepmom moved us to Maui where at age 9 I got alcohol poisoning for the first time. After living in Maui for 9 months we moved to the Big Island, where my dad bought 3 1/2 acres of lava rocks over grown with guava trees and sleeping grass. At age 13 or so I remember one day getting high on pot and re-lived a lot of emotional pain. I remember thinking this is the answer to my problems. At age 13, I almost died of alcohol poisoning again with a blood alcohol level of over .36. They pumped my stomach and I puked charcoal for days but that did not defer me.

I was into cocaine, hallucinogens, and anything I could get my hands on. At 15 my dad sent me to Philadelphia to live with my mom because I was “out of control”. Well it didn’t take long for me to find trouble in the big city. I met an older guy about 18 who introduced me to crack in 1988 when it was getting popular. Once again, I thought I found the

cure for my pain. I became a thief and a cat burglar to support my habit. After one year I had my first taste of incarceration. I spent a year in lock up and three different rehabilitation centers. It did make an impact on me and I got out of it with a new lease on life with my new found knowledge. However, the day I got out I ran into a so-called “friend” who just so happened to have a

“God, if you can hear me, You are the only one who can put my boys back in my life.” joint. Well I went off again on addictions. At 18 I moved back to the Big Island I got jumped and beaten by a huge crowd of local boys, and that changed me. I had a lot of hate to deal with so I tried to form a gang of white guys and wandered around Hilo and Keau trying to get some payback. Well the local boys, police, and my own friends informed me that my time in Hawaii should come to an end. So I moved to Alaska. I got a job in carpentry, which I lost due to my alcoholism. I was jobless and looking at being homeless and met my first wife. Drinking and pot was the center of the marriage. There was a lot of marital unfaithfulness as well. However at age 21 or 22, a relative of hers introduced me to the Lord.

I gave my heart to Him and felt his presence for the first time. We started going to a little Pentecostal tongue talking church in Anchorage. Well that was it. I was changed, and God touched me. I was done with drugs and alcohol. I would drive down the road throwing weed, alcohol and cigarettes out the window. That lasted for a while but became a tradition for me and I decided being a Christian wasn’t for me and soon went back to drugs. Alcohol, pot, and adultery grew boring. So after a short stent of coke, meth, crack and domestic violence, I decided for my boy’s sake that I should leave. I was annihilated in court. I lost all parental rights and the will to live. At age 26 I got heavy into cocaine and went on another 6 or 7-year roller coaster. I wound up in Florida and got into crack and back to jail. I got out and moved back to Alaska to hopefully get my boys back in my life. That did not work out, so I turned back to my old comfort; the crack pipe. But then I met my wife Michelle. God spared me; He gave me a beautiful little girl named Joni. I was in bed one night and I said, “God, if you can hear me, you are the only one who can put my boys back in my life.” After my simple prayer of help, God made a way for my oldest son find me on the internet. I got to meet my boys at Wal-Mart for a visit. Within 2 weeks, they were spending weekends with me. And within a month, I had physical custody, and within 2 months or so, I had 100% legal custody. I decided my kids needed God, so I wanted to find a church. God moved Minister Timothy Capo next-door to me. One day I walked up to him and said, “you seem like a Christian”, and he said, “Yes I am”. I asked him if he knew of any good churches and he said, “Yes, come to my church”. As a family we walked into KC Wasilla, and the power of my beloved Savior hit me.

I would like to say it was instant deliverance, but with a rebel like me, it was a little harder than that. I love the Lord for all He has done in my life. I couldn’t have done it without the help of Minister Timothy Capo and Pastor Daniel Bracken, who had loved me and been patient with me for 5 years of struggles, ups, and downs and had never given up on me. I have recently given up smoking pot because I cannot justify it any more. My Lord has fully delivered me of alcohol, drugs, and other countless sinful behaviors. I get better a little at a time. I thank God for King’s Chapel Alaska, Minister Timothy, Pastor Daniel, my wife, my kids, and my boss who also never gave up on me. I also want to thank my mom who I love, and my dad who repented of his lifestyle and died with 12 years of sobriety and Jesus in his heart. I look forward to seeing him again one day. Praise you Jesus!! - Dunovan John Trout


ur team has gone to different places to witness like bus stops, ministering outside of the hospital, Roselani Place (a living community for the senior citizens), at the county fair, the malls here in Kahului and Rivermouth, a beach area where some of the homeless live. It’s one thing to minister to the homeless at the mall but it’s a whole different story to visit them where they’re at. We have testimonies of individuals having demons cast out of them, having their sanity come back to them, and Jesus providing them a place to live. Not only that but the Holy Spirit has put in our paths individuals that were from the nations of Syria, Russia,

Guatemala, Columbia, China, and many more that were saved and ministered to. May I challenge you to go to places where you haven’t gone before. It is God’s will that everyone be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). In 2 Timothy 1:9 (KJV), the Bible says that God saved us and called us with a holy calling which was given to us before the world began. I believe that holy calling is for every believer to seek and to save the lost. May we be laborers in these last days to reap in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen in Jesus name! -Titus Borja

“Just as there is a river that flows through this city, I want to flow a river of my Spirit through this place.”

God spoke these words to me over a year and a half ago as I prayed in a hotel room, early one morning in Branson, Missouri. He had spoken to move here and open a show. Branson is a town of over 100 shows and many other tourist attractions, a place where Pastor Melissa and I had both visited many times throughout our lives. Although it is a small city of only 10,000 people, it is also a big city of 9 million annual visitors. So, sensing 2014 was the right time, we sold our house in Texas and made the move, along with our children Madison and Dillon, who had recently finished KSM and felt God calling him to join us in this adventure! We didn’t feel that we were supposed to lease a building and put out a sign for a new church, but rather to start with small groups and build relationships. So September we opened the first Life Group in our tiny apartment and former KC’ers in the area joined us! As of the writing of this article, we have six small groups operating with 50+ different people attending and expect more by the time this is published! Glory to God! Interestingly enough, two of the small groups are in Springfield, Missouri, a much larger city about an hour away. We never expected to be ministering there however, part of our word at the Prophetic Confer-


ence this year was that other extensions would open up almost by accident! We don’t know everything God has planned there, but we will continue to walk through the doors He is opening! Ministers Darron and Pua Agawa, along with their six children, willingly left their positions at KC Oahu and relocated here. We are so excited that they will be volunteering in many leadership roles and establishing a School of Worship along with other ministries! Many years ago, Corrie Ten Boom, a holocaust survivor and great woman of God, requested that her plane land in an area she was flying over. She was informed by the pilot that there was no airport, but then a small one was located. The plane landed and she gave a prophetic word that from that place there would be a great revival in the end times that would impact our nation. Then the plane took off. That airport was in Branson, Missouri! We are praying and believing that God is going to do exactly what he spoke! He isgoing to pour out a river of His Spirit through this city and bring about a great harvest, as mentioned in Ezekiel 47, and will use KC Branson, the future show and a School of Worship to touch people in this region, across the nation and around the world! Thank you for agreeing with us in prayer, in word and in faith for this!

BRANSON, Missouri

-Pastor Chris Davis

Pastors Chris & Melissa Davis



Let the

Entrepreneurs Arise Pastor Robb Gorringe K C Antioch

“We need to do something with these youth!” said one of our very well respected members at KC, as he pointed his finger in my chest. (…As if that’s something I haven’t heard before, being a well-seasoned youth minister.) “We need to teach these young people how to make money.” He said, “If these young people don’t learn how to make money, we won’t have enough money in this church to fulfill the vision that God has given us. They’re the next generation of adults!” If God is going to use us as conduits of Kingdom finances, then we need to receive strategic revelation from Him, and figure out how we’re going to acquire those finances, and begin to ask God, “What is it that you would have me to do right now?” More than ever before we need the entrepreneurs to arise! These are the ones who are willing to use their God-given creative talent to touch this needy world around us. We simply can’t afford to waste any more time. In the last 25 years of ministry I have run into hundreds of people who simply don’t believe that they can accomplish great things for God. Their poor self-image of always looking down on themselves can be seen by the look on their face. They’re carrying the baggage of yesteryear’s heartache and failure. Oh yes, “the struggle is real.” But, be that as it may, it sure doesn’t mean that you and I can’t come out

I believe, as God’s people, our way of thinking needs to change too. No longer can we just be satisfied with merely “making ends meet”, and “hoping for the best”. We have to remove ourselves from a victim mentality, hoping that someone will “hear from God”, and just bless us with some money. The Bible says, that we are to be the lender and not the borrower. Dr. Marocco once said, “You limit your prosperity by your lack of faith, and by your lack of purpose.” I too, echo our Pastor by saying, Believe God! Live for a vision that is bigger than yourself. Your business idea could change the world!

I challenge you to think outside the box, and to step out in faith. There is no personal favoritism with God. You are a candidate to be blessed by God, and to do something great for God. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to arise!

You can read more of Pastor Robb’s writings at his personal blog,



King’s Christian Academy Eleele, Kaua’i Minister Megan Yturriaga

s worship music fills the air, the students bow their heads in prayer for the day. They pray today for the government, for healing for the sick and for the youth vministry on Kauai. Yesterday it was for Dr. Marocco and our pastors, and tomorrow it will be for the churches that need a building and the public schools. Each day begins by seeking God first, and trusting Him to help us in every way. King’s Christian Academy is the Christian school that operates out of the King’s Chapel, Eleele extension. It is our second year and we have an awesome group of students grades 7-12! What an incredible opportunity we have to not only educate these students in an academically challenging environment, but to also encourage them to grow in their walk with the Lord.

Throughout the school day, you can overhear conversations about faith and even students praying for each other when they are dealing with something difficult. Our vision for the school is to educate the next generation of world changers in such a way that as they pursue God’s will for their lives, every door is open to them. The high academic standards coupled with the encouraging and life giving environment brings out the best in these amazing students! Beighlee Vidinha, a 10th grader told us, “KCA was an answered prayer for me and my family because it really helped me develop amazing friendships with people who helped me grow in my walk with Christ. I can say that I have really changed and I am so grateful to have been blessed with KCA and everyone in it.”

Minister Megan Yturriaga directs the school and has been so blessed by the opportunity to disciple students on a daily basis. Vanessa Kelley is teaching science, history and math and she has also been amazed at the transformation in the youth attending KCA. Other volunteers bless the school on a weekly basis through tutoring, volunteer teaching and even baking cookies for the students! King’s Christian Academy is truly changing lives through Christ centered education!

“This school has strengthened me to become a better woman of God. K CA is my fa mily and I wouldn’t trade them for anyone else.” - Coryssa Silva | 9th gr.

”It’s a blessing and answer to prayer because it has brought great friendship and opportunities ans given me a safe enviornment to grow closer to Jesus.” - Isabella Yturriaga | 10th gr.

Proudly Serving Maui Since 1947! KAHULUI



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