Horsham Pages North May/June 2020

Page 36

HOLBROOK clo=pj^ii=`efiaobk

Community Information Board Please add your daughter’s details to the

St Mark’s, Parish of Holbrook

Girlguiding web-site –

Every Sunday 8.30am for Holy Communion.

Holbrook Community Pre-School

www.girlguiding.org.uk and use the register your

Sunday 10.30am Morning Worship with Holy

Sessional day care for children

interest tab.

Communion every third Sunday. Wednesday

between 2 and 5

Someone from Horsham will then contact you.

9:45am Traditional Service

Place North Heath Hall Contact Jacky Tee

Café Praise 7.30pm every 1st and 3rd Sunday; clo=tljbk

hcp.registrar@gmail.com 01403 265793 / 07925 576391

informal service with refreshments. Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood

North Heath WI

St Mark’s Church Office - 261380

Horsham North Heath WI meet at The Tythe Barn,


Mini Marks

Pondtail Road on the 1st Tuesday of the month.

Activities for under 5s and their carers on the 3rd

10.00am-12 noon. Visitors very welcome.

HDC Health Walks

Wednesday of each month 12.30pm

Contact Mrs E. Ghinn. Tel: 267510

Two mile circular walk around riverside at

Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood

10.45am every Monday. Suitable for new walkers. clo=^ii

St Mark’s Church Office - 261380

Meet at Sussex Barn car park Contact Ann & John 268885

Icebreakers Singles Dining Club

One and a half mile walk around Horsham Park at

Are you single and looking to meet new people?

10.30am every Wednesday. Suitable for the elderly

If so why not contact Icebreakers – a local dining

and people recovering from illness, operation or

club for the single over 40s. We meet every few

accident. Meet at the bandstand in the Carfax

Junior Pay-As-You-Go Football Sessions

weeks for a meal at a number of different venues

Contact Wyn 256630, Sue 255710 or Emmy

Fridays 5.00-6.30pm in term-time. School holiday

in West Sussex and Surrey. There is always a


day camps too

friendly atmosphere and new people are

Gentle walk from St Mary’s Church in The

Place Holbrook Tythe Barn

welcomed into the group by the organiser and

Causeway including Chesworth Farm.10.30am

Contact David Groom 07860 461982

existing members. There’s no membership or

every Friday. Wheelchairs can be taken if advance

joining fee so members feel free to attend as

notice provided. Contact Peter 260783

www.stmarksholbrook.org.uk clo=dfoip=^ka=_lvp

Chesworth Rovers Football Club

often as they would like to. See

Under 9s (School year 4)

www.icebreakersclub.co.uk for more information

Holbrook Community Centre

Train at the Holbrook Tythe Barn on Mondays

or call Jacquie on 01403 273480.

Hire our centre for your event, or join one of the

from 6-7pm.

groups running sessions at our centre. See our

Match days: Saturdays.

Le Cercle Francais

website for further details and availability calendar

Wednesday evening training.

We are a small, friendly, French Conversation

at www.holbrookcc.co.uk,

Under 12s (School year 7) are looking for new

Club who meet once a week during term

email admin@holbrookcc.co.uk or Contact 01403

players for their team.



Training-Monday evenings 6-7pm (Hurst Road)

Place: Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road

Match days will be Saturday mornings at the

Time: Thursday Mornings 10 am to 12 noon.

Junior Club & Senior Club

Holbrook Club. Interested?

(term times only). Price: Charges vary.

Pool table, table tennis, TV, coffee bar and tuck

T: 07765240821 -

New members welcome.

shop, football and basketball in the floodlit

Angelo Penge - Team Manager

Please contact Jeanette Johnson on 01293

outdoor court, topical discussions, air hockey,

871550 or email jttejn@tiscali.co.uk

games consoles and arts and crafts available each


week in addition to programme specific activities.

Meets at the Capitol Theatre, North Street RH12

Horsham Speakers Club

Junior Club - Wednesdays 6.30pm to 8.30pm for


Improve your speaking skills in friendly, relaxed

ages 8 to 12.

10.30am with youth and children activities every

atmosphere. Meet second and last Tuesday of

Senior Club - Tuesdays 7.00pm to 9.00pm for ages


month 7.45-10.30pm

13 to 16. Run by 4 The Youth on behalf of

Contact 01403 254241

Place Tythe Barn. Contact Barry 01903 246546

Holbrook Community Centre.


Place Holbrook Community Centre, Holbrook


School Lane Compton Bowls Club

Contact www.horshamyouth.org.uk/

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

meets every Thursday 7.30-9.45pm. New members

holbrook-juniors dean.sweet@4theyouth.org.uk,

There are many units throughout Horsham,

welcome. Place North Heath Hall.

or telephone 01403 800142.

various days, venues and times.

Contact Bill King 253752



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