Horsham Pages South April/May 2019

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April/May 2019


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Support Against Incinerator


Midnight Walk For All

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ARE YOU PREPARED FOR MAKING TAX DIGITAL? Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT represents a significant change in policy for many VAT registered businesses. From 1 April 2019, MTD for VAT will be mandatory for businesses which have a taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000). Any business with a taxable turnover of £85,000 after 1 April 2019 must comply with MTD for VAT and must have appropriate digital software in place within 30 days. Taxable turnover does not include supplies that are exempt or outside the scope of VAT but does include zero rated supplies. Once a business has registered for MTD for VAT, it must stay in the system, even if its turnover subsequently falls below the registration threshold. Businesses will remain in the system unless they deregister for VAT. Voluntarily-registered businesses currently below the registration threshold can elect to join MTD for VAT, but are not mandated to do so.

• businesses subject to an insolvency procedure • those who satisfy HMRC that, for reasons of age, disability, remoteness of location or any other reason, it is not reasonably practicable for them to keep business records or submit returns. Certain businesses with ‘more complex requirements’ will be subject to a six-month deferral, and will not be required to use the MTD for VAT system until 1 October 2019. The deferral applies to: not-for-profit organisations that are not set up as a company; trusts; VAT divisions; VAT groups; local authorities; public corporations; and traders based overseas. Public sector entities required to provide additional information on their VAT return, those who must make payments on account, and annual accounting scheme users are also covered by the deferral. MTD will also apply to income tax but this is not expected to take effect until at least April 2020.

Software providers HMRC are not providing software for MTD for VAT. They do, however, list recognised products on the gov.uk site.

Digital records Under MTD for VAT, businesses will be required to keep certain records in a digital format, and must submit their VAT returns via an Application Programming Interface (API). Records to be kept digitally include ‘designatory data’; the VAT account linking primary records and the VAT return; and information about supplies made and received.

Deferrals and exemptions HMRC recognises that certain taxpayers will be unable to comply with the MTD for VAT requirements. Exemptions are limited to: • businesses run by practising members of a religious society or order, with beliefs incompatible with the MTD for VAT regulations www.taxadept.co.uk

How we can help MTD for VAT represents a significant change in the way businesses complete and file their returns. Tax Adept can help you to understand the requirements, and will make sure you are compliant. Our website offers a wealth of information and advice on MTD for VAT: please visit www.taxadept.co.uk. Alternatively, please contact us on 01403 750046 for more information on how we can help you.

CONTENTS A P R I L / M AY 2 0 1 9 4 7 8 10 12 14 18 20 21 22 24 26 30 32 34 38 42 46 48 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 65 66 68

Contents Comment No Incinerator 4 Horsham Horsham Denne Neighbourh’d Council Hearts For Horsham Midnight Walk For All Film Festival Awards Council Urging Residents To Vote Horsham Bridge Club Slinfold Concert Band St Catherine’s Hospice Artist Captures The Beauty Of Churches Horsham Table Tennis Club Lottery To Benefit Good Causes A Medicine Maker Comes To Town Local Author Rebecca Brazier The Big Gig 19 WI Horsham Bridge Club Recipe Warnham Discovery Hub 5 Peaks Challenge The Angel Delights Pet’s Corner Kinder Living Roffey Cricket Club Horsham Community Information Concerts Horsham What’s On Puzzle Answers, Discounts & Offers

C O N TA C T U S T: 01403 588618 E: info@horshampublications.com Editor Richard Milbourn editor@horshampublications.com Sales Manager Gemma Gray gemma@horshampublications.com Client Liaison & Admin Mgr Dee Ryder dee@horshampublications.com Distribution Manager Clare West Find us on



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ts quite possible that you have not heard about Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council (HDNC)? On page 10 you can read about the unparished parts of Horsham which have three Neighbourhood Councils - Denne, Forest and Trafalgar - who represent residents in local matters and liaise closely with Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council. In fact they have a big say on your environment and are involved in Planning Applications; Highways; Youth; Older People; Horsham Park; the Town Centre and the Neighbourhood Wardens. The HDNC area includes: the Park, the Town Centre, Highwood development, Warnham Nature Reserve, the Bus and Railway stations, The Capitol, Hospital, Drill

Hall, the Cricket Club, Causeway and St. Mary’s Parish Church, and part of the Riverside Walk. HDNC is currently involved in: improvements to the North Street and Railway subways; the Horsham Park Management Plan; the Pirie’s Place Development; the Town Vision; and the Horsham Enterprise Park proposals. HDNC is looking for volunteers who live in the area and care about where they live, and who can contribute time, enthusiasm and experience. Why not find out more details about becoming a Neighbourhood Councillor by visiting www.hdnc.org.uk and have your say in Horsham affairs? Richard Milbourn, Editor E: editor@horshampublications.com





Editorial/Advertising Deadline

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T: 01403 588618 E: info@horshampublications.com Editor Richard Milbourn 0750 7109039 editor@horshampublications.com Sales Manager Gemma Gray 0794 2743948 gemma@horshampublications.com Client Liaison & Admin Manager Dee Ryder 0794 2743952 dee@horshampublications.com Distribution Manager Clare West Advertisement Design KNS Design, Horsham Printing Foundry Press, Horsham

Carnah Events Limited is an independent publisher and does not officially endorse any products, services or organisations advertised or otherwise featured in this magazine. Carnah Events Limited cannot be held responsible for any advertisement content, including errors and omissions. Statements and opinions in Horsham Pages South, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in Horsham Pages South may not be produced in any form without the permission of the Editor.

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N O I N C I N E R AT O R 4 H O R S H A M C O M M U N I T Y G R O U P



esidents have now met to formalise the master plan on how communities will fight the Britaniacrest incinerator appeal. A No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) spokesperson said: “The meeting was well attended - many thanks to everyone who came along and to all those who sent messages of support. We have a strong, enthusiastic team ready to have fun fundraising and keep busy researching and challenging this appeal.” Ni4H were delighted to meet so many people at the recently held Kinder Living Show and hear their concerns about the proposed incinerator. The Ni4H Petition to the Planning Inspector: ‘Dismiss Horsham Incinerator’ now has 1,271 signatures. Ni4H also have £2,297 of the £10,000 they



need to start arranging for technical experts and a barrister, to robustly represent all the people who oppose plans to build this huge commercial and industrial incinerator in rural Horsham. Ni4H urgently requires legal advice, consultancy reports by recognised experts, and a barrister, who can explain and present the case for concerned residents, to the Planning Inspector at the Public Inquiry with authority. If you or your business are able to donate, help with fundraising, research, printing, distribution or advertising, or would like to be added to the newsletter list, please email noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com or send a donation or pledge to Ni4H today, more information is on our website www.ni4h.org

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GIVING DENNE RESIDENTS’ A VOICE ho are we? The unparished part of


pleased that a trial has taken place on reversing the

Horsham has three Neighbourhood

entrance and exit and we hope that this will lead to a

Councils - Denne, Forest and Trafalgar -

permanent alteration.

closely with Horsham District Council and West Sussex


who represent our residents in local matters and liaise County Council. See the map below to check if you live in the Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council (HDNC) area or visit our website at www.hdnc.org.uk

This major development of over 1,000 residences east of the A24 is in the HDNC area. We have worked closely with Berkeley’s, HDC and WSCC using our local knowledge to achieve improvements at all phases of the development. We welcomed the successful opening of the long awaited Pump Bike Track in February, and support the work of sculptor Jon Edgar who, assisted by local The HDNC area includes: the Park, the Town Centre, Highwood development, Warnham Nature Reserve,

people, is creating a unique work of art that will be the centre piece of the Southern Site.

the Bus and Railway stations, The Capitol, Hospital, Drill Hall, the Cricket Club, Causeway and St. Mary’s


Parish Church, and part of the Riverside Walk. OUR INVOLVEMENT INCLUDES: Planning applications; Highways; Youth; Older People; Horsham Park; the Town Centre; the Neighbourhood Wardens. HDNC is currently involved in: improvements to the North Street and Railway subways; the Horsham Park

HDNC and the Horsham Society were involved with

Management Plan; the Pirie’s Place Development; the

HDC on enhancing the Remembrance Garden and Mill

Town Vision; and the Horsham Enterprise Park

Bay. Much thought went into landscaping, the non-slip


path, new bridges and lighting, as well as information boards and has created an interesting and peaceful


area for people to enjoy.

Horsham Hospital – HDNC has been lobbying for several years for a change to the Hospital car park


entrance to prevent traffic jams in Hurst Road. We are

HDNC has been involved in improvements to the



HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com


railway station and forecourt. We were instrumental

Horsham Park in raising public interest and attracting

in ensuring the station toilets were upgraded. We also


strove to get seats in the bus shelters, a shelter for the taxi queue and sufficient cycle parking facilities.


Together with Forest NC we succeeded in getting the

HDNC has vacancies for volunteers who care about

flooding problem at the back of the station resolved.

where they live, and who can contribute time,

The subway lighting has been improved and at long

enthusiasm and experience. Neighbourhood

last our proposals to improve the pedestrian access

Councillors must be resident in our area and of voting

into the car parks from the footpath and the

age. We would be pleased to hear from you if you are

replacement of the ugly wire fence are happening.

interested in finding out more.



HDNC has a longstanding agreement with HDC

For further information or to express interest in

concerning consultation on future improvements and

attending one of our monthly meetings (usually held

maintenance in the Park. We initiated the request for

on the third Thursday of each month) please contact

the outdoor gym equipment and are pleased at its

the Clerk, by email at clerk@hdnc.org.uk Tel: 01403

popularity. We were involved in plans to landscape the

581896 or you can visit our new website:

area by the North Parade car park, and more recently

www.hdnc.org.uk You can follow us on Twitter:

in making the North Street entrance appear open and

@DenneNC or on Facebook: Denne Neighbourhood

welcoming. HDNC is pleased to support the Friends of


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HEARTS FOR HORSHAM St Valantines Day was used to launch a HeART for Horsham campaign: a brand new art trail coming to Sussex and Surrey in 2019 with each heart uniquely designed by local artists to raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice so that more people with a terminal illness can receive the care they need.


campaign has been launched to raise money to buy St Catherine’s Hospice HeARTs for Horsham so there is a great local trail in Horsham for visitors to follow during HeART to Heart 2019. In July 2019 St Catherine's Hospice will be introducing HeART to Heart: a brand new art trail coming to West Sussex and East Surrey. (July 4th to September 19th). Hearts for Horsham is the name given to the local campaign to raise money to bring a number of hearts to Horsham and District. This will show our community’s support for the charity and help to bring visitors that are seeking out all of the hearts on the trail. This is a community campaign inspired by the fantastic work that St Catherine's do to support so many life's in the area and is being led by local St Catherine's fundraisers, supported by Horsham District Council and other local organisations. Deputy leader of Horsham District Council,



Jonathan Chowen is keen to see as many ‘Hearts’ across Horsham District as possible saying, “Quite apart from supporting the amazing work that St.Catherine’s do in our community, the HeART to Heart trail is a fantastic community art project that will add another dimension to Horsham’s own District Year of Culture in 2019” What’s happening? On Valentine’s Day the Hearts for Horsham campaign was launched to buy fund raising hearts for Horsham. At the heart of the day was a St. Catherine’s HeART to Heart display on Swan Walk’s mosaic featuring a few of the hearts that could form part of Horsham’s trail along with their prospective artists and fund raisers from the charity. Possible heart locations include Swan Walk, West Street, The Capitol, Waitrose/John Lewis, Horsham Station, The Forum and Horsham Park. We are inviting everyone in Horsham to

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wear a heart on the day and make a small donation for doing so either at Swan Walk, by coordinating your own collections where you work or via our linked Just Giving Page via www.heartsforhorsham.info Local businesses are encouraged to make donations from their own community funds or through profit share on a popular product on the day or for a period thereafter. The fund raising campaign will run (initially) until 31st March with ‘totalisers’ in Swan Walk, Parkside Council Offices and in the foyer of Waitrose/John Lewis keeping track of our fund raising progress. Each heart needs a sum of £3,500 to be raised so lets get donating and see just how many Hearts Horsham can ‘sponsor’. Look out for more news about fund raising events in local and social media www.heartsforhorsham.info

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M I D N I G H T WA L K F O R A L L Dust off your trainers and gather your friends because St Catherine’s Hospice Midnight Walk is back!

aking place on Saturday 8 June at


congratulating you, it was a very poignant moment

Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, this event

for me. I would encourage others to take part in

gives people the chance to walk in support of

the Midnight Walk because doing something like

their local hospice or in memory of a loved one. For

that to raise money for such a wonderful

the very first time, this event is open to walkers of

organisation is very important. It's not a

all ages and abilities, with a brand new 2 mile route

competition or race, just come along and have a go,

added so the whole family can get involved.

there's no winners or losers - we're all winners

Sponsored by Gatwick Airport, the walk offers a choice of 2, 7, 13 or 20 miles. Melanie Wrightson, Community Engagement

because we all take part in the event.” St Catherine’s can currently only reach 1 in 3 local terminally ill people, and their families, when they

Manager at Gatwick Airport said, “We’re thrilled to

need them most. With the support of people like

be sponsoring St Catherine’s Hospice Midnight Walk

you, they can be there for everyone when life

for the third year running. It’s always a fantastically

comes full circle.

uplifting night, and we can’t wait to see thousands

Louise Brown, Events Fundraiser at St Catherine’s

of people hitting the streets of Horsham to support

said: “Last year was our biggest ever Midnight

their local hospice.”

Walk, and this year we’re hoping lots of you will

Last year, over 1,100 people walked through Horsham, lighting up the town with a brilliant

join us to help us beat our target again!” It doesn’t matter whether you’re walking

orange glow. This year, St Catherine’s is hoping even

individually or as a group, for the first time or for

more of you will join them and make your steps

the tenth time, as a personal challenge or in

count for your local hospice.

memory of someone. It just matters that you walk.

Maureen, whose daughter-in-law, Nicola, was cared for by St Catherine's, has taken part in several

Ready to join this inspiring night? Sign up online at: www.stch.org.uk/midnightwalk or call St

of our Midnight Walks. She said: “We had so much

Catherine's Events Team on 01293 447355. Make

fun on the walk. When I crossed the finish line for

sure you sign up by 5pm on Sunday 21 April to

the first time and then each year after, I just felt

receive a special early bird entry rate of £10. After

proud that I've done it and quite elated; the feeling

this date, it'll cost £15 to take part. All entry fees

with everybody at the end cheering you on and

include a free T-shirt, finisher's breakfast and medal.



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he first ever Horsham Film Festival culminated in a celebratory awards night, held at Christ’s Hospital Theatre, Horsham on 21 February 2019, with an evening of comedies, dramas, documentaries and animations and live music from the Big Notes choir. The event was organised by Silver Tip Films and staged with support from the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019. Over 120 people attended the event, comprising shortlisted filmmakers, family, friends, supporters and local business figures. Horsham District representation was impressive with winning films coming in the form of: • Horsham Park Run winning Over 18 Best Documentary with its heart-warming story about the Horsham Park Run community. Directed by Mike Hibberd – a first time filmmaker. • Til Tomorrow winning Under 18 Best Drama with a touching story about loss and it’s impact on a young man and his family and friends. Directed by Mattie Boys, star of SKY 1’s “In The Long Run” and also a first time filmmaker. • Sussex Sites taking the Under 18 Best Documentary award for its stunning aerial



landscape shots of famous Sussex locations. Directed by Luke Whatley-Bigg. • Project Kino winning the Under 18 Your District film for its clever and funny story about two people trying to make a film to enter into a film festival…and winning! Directed by Tom Gerrard and starring pupils from Tanbridge House School. • Prey winning the Over 18 Your District film for its slow burn tension, culminating in a genuine shock moment. Filmed in Horsham by local photographer and first time filmmaker Eric Storey. Other winning films included… • The Waters Edge – a visually stunning, underwater-shot short from filmmaker Nick Sneath which took Over 18 Best Drama. • Sticks – a witty realisation of childhood games with twigs and sticks and the many usages for them. Directed by Syd Heather, taking Over 18 Best Comedy. • Flicker – a mix of 2D and 3D animation with beautiful, stunning visuals from filmmaker Conrad Moody, which took Over 18 Best Animation. • The Dark Triad – an 80s spoof action comedy with bad dubbing, from Jake Robinson which took Under 18 Best Comedy.

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• The Bridge – a lovingly animated hand drawn piece from children at Maple Walk and Faraday Schools, taking Under 18 Best Animation. Commenting on the success of the festival, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Cllr Jonathan Chowen said: “This event was a real triumph and encapsulated all that the Year of Culture is about. “A first for our District, it served as the perfect platform to showcase unique local talent in film making and to highlight many endearing features of our area, its landscape and communities. “This particular Year of Culture event has attracted the largest levels of participation so far with literally thousands of people working many, many hours towards their entries for the overall competition. “It has created a blue print for future film festivals and will create a legacy from the Year of Culture long after the year of celebrations.” Director of Silvertip Films Geoff Cockwill commented: “One of the aims of this festival was to put a focus on the people and stories of the Horsham District and inspire local filmmakers and first time filmmakers to make a film about something close to their hearts. “To have achieved the massive number of entries – and of such high quality – was fantastic. “The event would not have been possible without the support of the Horsham District Year

of Culture and we would like to thank everyone involved for supporting the festival.” The Awards Night was also raising funds via a percentage of each ticket sold for Silvertip Films’ charity partner Springboard. Around £400 was raised for them on the night and the team were on hand to work the Front of House at the theatre and tell people about the excellent work they do for children in West Sussex. The judging panel comprised Geoff Cockwill, director at Silvertip Films, Chris Croucher, producer of Downton Abbey and Davey Pearson, editor of the District Post, who worked their way through the 500 entries to the festival which totalled 47 hours of films. A shortlist of 25 films was eventually arrived at competing in five categories in both the Over 18 and Under 18 age groups. Photographs by Toby Phillips Photography

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orsham District Council is encouraging as many residents as possible to take part in the District Council elections on Thursday 2 May 2019. In order to vote in the elections residents must make sure that that they are registered to vote by Friday 12 April. Anyone already registered to vote will receive their poll card in early April. If you are not registered, you cannot vote and your credit rating may be affected. If anyone has recently moved to the District or has just turned 18, there is still time to get on to the electoral register in time for the election. Registering is quick and easy and can be done online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote at any time. If you are unable to register online, a

paper form can be requested by contacting the council’s Electoral Services team. Parish council elections will also take place on 2 May. These are the first elections to take place using new ward boundaries following a review last year. This means that some households are now in a different ward from previous years. We are also using new polling stations this year, and voters are encouraged to check their poll cards carefully or visit your polling station webpage to make sure you know which polling station you can vote in. To find out how to register or find out more about voting in the election, visit the council’s website www.horsham.gov.uk, email elections@horsham.gov.uk, or call our Electoral Services team on 01403 215126.



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wo players from Horsham Bridge Club came top in a national competition for first-year bridge students. Gill Southern and Polly Hobbs won the ‘MiniBridge Simultaneous Pairs’ run by the English Bridge Union. It involves local heats, with the scoring done nationally. Gill and Polly won the Horsham heat. Their score was highest of all 84 pairs playing across England. Gill said: “We were delighted to have won! It was our group of students’ first competition; we have great fun and have made good friends.” Jane Handley, Chair of Horsham Bridge Club added: “They won with an amazing score of more than 77 percent; six percent ahead of second place. All our first year students did well

Polly Hobbs (left) and Gill Southern receive their Mini Bridge winners' certificate from Jane Handley (right), Chair of Horsham Bridge Club.

and enjoyed the event. The club runs weekly courses for first and second year bridge students, and several ‘improvers’ sessions.” Horsham Bridge Club hosts sessions in its East Street premises every weeknight plus two afternoons per week. There are also lessons for beginners and improvers. New members are always welcome. Details at www.horshambridge.co.uk

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linfold Concert Band is marking its fortieth birthday this year with a Celebratory Concert in Horsham's Drill Hall on Denne Road on 27th April. The Band is keen to create a party atmosphere, and as well as a selection of pieces which should cater for all musical tastes, a welcome drink and light buffet will be included in the cost of a ticket. The Band was founded in 1979 by a few musical enthusiasts in the village of Slinfold. Originally 'Slinfold Brass', the inclusion of woodwind players, many of them local schoolchildren, necessitated a change of name and 'Slinfold Concert Band' was born. Forty years on the Band has grown in both reputation and size, and now numbers around Fifty musicians, although restrictions on space often mean that a smaller Band is required. The Band’s Musical Director is Christopher Newport. A freelance professional musician, he has played the French Horn with many leading orchestras in venues throughout the UK, and works as a brass teacher in Surrey and West Sussex. The Band performs all over the South East, and sometimes further afield, on public bandstands, at shows, and various other corporate and private functions. Additionally the Band likes to host its own concerts once or twice a year, and has also performed with local choral groups, including a number of successful fund raising concerts with the choir of St. Mary's, Horsham. In recent years the Band has enjoyed playing in a number of other churches across Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire, and is keen to add to that collection, so please contact us if



you would like to have a concert in your local church! The Band became a charity in 2015, and is proud of its involvement within the local community. As well as playing at shows and fetes in support of local organisations, members of the Band may often be heard in Horsham and surrounding villages during the Christmas period, when they also enjoy entertaining those in local care homes and day centres. The Band has amassed a large library, and can call on marches, overtures both classical and modern, excerpts from shows and films, music from the dance band era, pop classics, etc. Ensemble pieces are complemented by solos from all sections of the Band, so whatever the occasion the Band can find a suitable programme. We hope all our regular supporters, along with those who have not seen the Band before will come along to 'Fanfare for Forty' on 27th. April for what promises to be a great evening. Tickets are £12 for adults, £5 for those aged 18 and under, and are available from our website, wwwslinfoldconcertband.org or from 01403 710015. Our website also has a lot more information about the Band.

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com



Make your steps count! Walk 20, 13, 7 or 2 miles so no one has to face death and loss alone. Saturday 8 June 2019, from 8pm Open to everyone. Sign up online today: www.stch.org.uk/midnightwalk


Registered charity number 281362 and as a Company in England no. 1525404.

S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S H O S P I C E



t Catherine’s Hospice is calling on local schools, early years learning groups and community groups to get involved in an exciting, large scale art project while supporting their local hospice. Eight schools have already signed up for St Catherine’s Young Heart Project. This is part of the hospice’s HeART to Heart trail, sponsored by Thakeham, which will give visitors a chance to follow a trail of giant hearts across Sussex and Surrey this summer. These hearts will be displayed in the areas St Catherine’s provides people with expert end of life care. And there's still chance for other local schools, early year learning groups and community groups to become a crucial part of the hospice’s trail by joining the Young Hearts project. The project involves school or groups customising a wire heart for display in local spaces such as libraries and shopping centres. Their wire hearts will be displayed alongside larger heart sculptures. These sculptures have been uniquely designed by local artists and individually sponsored by local businesses and organisations. Each wire heart has also been handmade by a local artist and designed to create a beautiful structure that encourages children’s creative freedom. There is also the opportunity for young people to take part in workshops with local artists. Whyteleafe School in Tandridge, Surrey has already signed up to the project. Jenny Taylor, a Year 3 teacher at the school said, “We’re excited to take part in St Catherine’s Young Heart Project and to design a heart for the trail. We’re having a competition for the best designed heart and are looking forward to using our new art studio to give us inspiration. Our school council voted for St Catherine’s as our charity for the year. And we’re looking forward to holding



lots of fun events to help raise money for our local hospice.â€? Abi Harley, Community Fundraiser at St Catherine’s said, “I hope lots of schools and groups will get involved in our exciting art trail. To take part in Young Hearts, we ask your school or group to raise ÂŁ500 or more to for your mini heart. The money you raise will help us care for more terminally ill people and their family and friends in the future. And will help us make sure that in years to come, nobody in our community has to face death and loss alone.“ Ready to open your heart? To sign up or for more information please contact Abi Harley, Community Fundraiser at St Catherine’s on 01293 447319 or email comfun@stch.org.uk Designs need to be completed by the end of May 2019.


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ARTIST CAPTURES THE BEAUTY OF CHURCHES War artist captures the beauty of ancient Sussex churches

St Nicolas Church and Priest House, Itchingfield.


fter 15 years of painting wars brought about by religious conflict, award winning war artist Gordon Rushmer has turned his brush and palette to capture the exquisite beauty of ancient churches of West Sussex and Horsham District in particular. From detailed observation used to record the minutiae of conflict, from recording the right type of kit worn by soldiers, Gordon’s gaze has turned to record the exact poise of the angel at Boxgrove, or wall plaster at Hardham. The stunning new exhibition Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex



at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is not an exercise in replication, but of seeing the churches and their landscape through the eyes of an award winning watercolour artist whose work is held in collections around the world. The exhibition, which opens on 30 March, is a remarkable record; three years in the planning and painting. In visiting the churches, imbibing their charm and creating the essence of what makes them special, Gordon Rushmer has created a remarkable work of art that is a wonderful record of the ancient churches of West Sussex. His

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com


watercolours will encourage you to explore familiar places anew, whilst also revealing the known unknowns; those places you knew about, but never visited. To act as a guide there is a stunning book published to coincide with this exhibition, using the voice of the artist to reveal what drew him to these special places. The exhibition Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex includes unusual views of the majestic Chichester Cathedral to the nude paintings in Hardham, lying just south of Pulborough, to portraits of windows that reflect the sun bursting through, highlighting the mellow stone and patina of age on oak pews. Such images are complemented by the age-worn stone of headstones and graves as they populate the churchyard and add poignancy to the watercolours. The new temporary exhibition is part of Horsham District Council’s Year of Culture programme at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery. Gordon Rushmer’s stunning exhibition is part of a tradition, spanning 250 years, of recording the historic churches, first commenced by William Burrell of West Grinstead who employed the Swiss artist Grimm. His watercolours are now in the British Library and seen as one of the outstanding pictorial records of 18th century Britain. The quality of Gordon Rushmer’s paintings stand in comparison. Some of Grimm’s watercolours became fine copperplate images in leather bound books. Today, thanks to modern technology, the public, if not able to buy one of the original works of art, can buy a beautifully produced book, illustrating all of the paintings in this amazing exhibition. The book will be available to purchase from 30 March from Horsham Museum & Art Gallery and will be priced at £12.50.

St Mary’s The Virgin, Stopham.

Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex by Gordon Rushmer opens on 30 March and runs till 1 June 2019. From there it will also show at Weald and Downland Living Museum followed by Parham House in September 2019. For more information see www.horshammuseum.org Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is open MondaySaturday 10am-5pm, Free Admission.

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES South







Solution on page 68.

PGA 2018 Adam Streeter of Mannings and Billy Hemstock 2018 winner.


he Nokia Masters PGA EuroPro Tour is returning to Mannings Heath Golf & Wine Estate at Horsham in West Sussex, from

August 8th to 10th 2019. It is free to attend and watch and is regarded as one of the best UK-based tours for young professionals. For details visit

www.manningsheath.com The event is preceded by the club’s own Pro-Am event on Wednesday 7th August. Team bookings are available to purchase from Mannings Heath. This offers the opportunity to play with a tour professional and enjoy the gala dinner afterwards, hosted by the PGA. Penny Streeter, owner of Mannings Heath Golf


and Wine Estate, said: “Events like the EuroPro Tour are essential if the game is to thrive and young golfers helped to achieve their potential. We are honoured to have been approached again to host one of the events which we feel confirms the quality of the classic Waterfall Course”.

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Daniel Godding, Chief Executive of the HotelPlanner.com PGA EuroPro Tour, said: “I am

Call Andrew on Mobile 07881 535394 or 01403 253246

delighted with the schedule we have built for the 2019 season. We are welcomed back to some superb venues which have previously hosted in addition to some fantastic new courses.


“With a £50,000 prize fund up for grabs at every tournament, not to mention TV exposure on Sky Sports broadcast to 100 Countries around the world, the HotelPlanner.com PGA EuroPro Tour truly is the best place to hone your game.”



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Home Decorating QUALITY LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE Fully Insured Call Andrew on Mobile 07881 535394 or 01403 253246


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orsham Table Tennis Club is looking to actively recruit more female players in response to a national shortage of female players entering the sport. Local females of all ages and abilities are being encouraged to come along and try out the sport with an offer of six free sessions and a free table tennis bat. The club is working with Horsham District Council’s Sports Development team, Table Tennis England as part of its Better Experiences programme and West Grinstead-based specialist supplier UK Table Tennis, to offer participants with six free one-hour sessions and incentivizing attendance with a free bat worth £10 for

anyone making at least five of the sessions. Girls and women have been identified as a priority group for the sport to encourage. Horsham Table Tennis Club has had quite a good tradition in the past regarding female players with the likes of players such as Sally Weston, Holly Holder and latterly Sasha O’Halloran excelling in the sport. The sessions are running at the Greenway Academy, Greenway, Horsham, the club’s main home, on Thursdays 5-6pm starting in February. The coach in charge will be Natalie Jagota. Anyone interested in attending should contact Ian.ford@horsham.gov.uk or call 07764 146338.


Are you kind, caring, positive and reliable? If the answer is yes, then working in care could of fer you the per fect oppor tunit y to use s your skills and make a dif ference ever y day. To T o find the right local job in care for you visit our new website

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ocal charities are set to benefit from a new

The scheme will launch as a year- long trial and

council - run lottery scheme in the Horsham

will include a top prize of £25,000 and other

District. At a Horsham District Council

smaller prizes.

Cabinet meeting on 24 January, councillors

It will be free for local good causes to join the

backed proposals to establish a new community lottery.

scheme. Voluntary organisations and charities wishing

This exciting new initiative will give local

to benefit will put their details on a bespoke

voluntary and community groups the opportunity

website. Players will then buy tickets online and

to increase the money they raise for their

have the option to nominate a preferred cause to

community work across the District.

receive the money generated.

Residents will be able to help raise income for their favourite good causes and be in with a

Councillor Tricia Youtan, Cabinet Member for Community and Well Being said:

chance of winning a cash prize themselves.

“The council really values all the work that

The Council will be working with an external

local good causes carry out week in, week out in

company to set up the lottery. This organisation

our communities. This initiative will give them the

will also be responsible for the day-to-day

opportunity to raise more money to continue

running of the scheme.

their important work.


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OPEN NOW NEW Day Nursery N & Forest Schooll in Horsham Winners of UK Nursery y of the Ye ear 2015 are opening p g a third ged 0-5 years on the grounds Horsham nursery for children ag of Farlington School ( Open Monday to Friday 7.30am-6pm, 51 weeks a year ( Private woodland access fo for den building, tree climbing, woodland cooking and learning in nature ( Small homely hom mely nursery and garden with Artisst in Residence o all Farlington School ( Full use of grounds and a facilities, including woodland ds, swimming pool, sports hall, librarry and much more. Please mention HORSHAM PAGES South when responding to adverts

Inffo ormation about Little Barn Owl’s ethos is available on our Horsham based nursery website; www.littlebarnowlss.co.uk Pleaase call 01403 254413 2 ffo or more inffo orm mation APRIL/MAY 2019





t was in April 1934 that local estate agent King and Chasemore put up a parcel of land for sale at Horsham Town Hall, advertised as ‘ripe for factory or building development’. There were 19 acres that ran alongside Parsonage Road, currently let out to Mr W.J. Standing as a market garden. The Swiss chemical firm of CIBA had bought a Manchester dyestuffs company in 1911 and had set up a small subsidiary pharmaceutical department in south-east London shortly afterwards. (In those pioneering days dyestuffs businesses were the midwife to the pharmaceutical industry since they usually started from the same basic chemical ingredients.) The young business flourished, and by 1934 the management had ideas of moving out of London and building a brand new factory to make their medicines and to do everything else on one site. It turned out to be a wise move, as six years later the London premises were fire-bombed to the ground. As a desirable location Horsham had plenty of competition, and the managers considered umpteen other sites including Sidcup, Maidstone, St. Mary Cray and Welwyn. The factory would need a good water supply, road and rail links. The company took out an option to purchase the Horsham land but it wasn’t until 1937 that a 250-foot borehole proved beyond doubt that water supply would be no problem. In April 1938 the first contracts for the driveway and the two entrance lodges were signed with London architects O’Donoghue and Halfhide of Upper Grosvenor Street. The high specification of the driveway alone astonished everyone, one man asserting that it was as good or better than the main road to London. This gave a clue that CIBA had already set a gold-standard of quality for whatever they were to build at Horsham. Logically enough, the two roadside lodges were designated Buildings 1 and 2. But it was the all-purpose edifice itself with its central tower, echoing Giles



Novartis withdrew from Horsham in 2014 eventually leaving only the art deco building standing.

Gilbert Scott’s Cambridge Library of 1934 and ever to be known as Building 3, of course, that took the breath away and over the years has become recognized as an art deco jewel to rival anything in that style anywhere else in the country. The staircase within the impressive central tower was illuminated from outside by glass bricks, while inside it the great bronze and glass chandelier is another classic piece of art deco design. The whole of the interior is clad in beautiful Travertine stone from quarries near Rome, and the supporting pillars faced in contrasting richly veined dark and polished marbles. The tower also served a practical purpose, since it originally concealed a chimney which took smoke from the boilers in the basement. Coal or coke delivered to the company’s railway siding was fed by an underground conveyor straight into the boiler room beneath the entrance hall, where a visitor might just detect a slight rumbling when the conveyor was working. During wartime the tower made a great look-out, and in daylight the firm’s commissionaire would go to the top to spot enemy aircraft, to warn the staff and then put out a flag so that a watcher at Collyer’s School a couple of fields away could also pick up his danger signal. The building, not quite finished as war broke out in 1939, was still echoing to the operatic arias

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of Italian craftsmen laying the floors, while back in London the heat was on, and CIBA managed to hire a greengrocer’s van to cart their finished medicines down to Horsham at £2.50 a trip. Only the two lodges were complete, so a handful of Londoners struggled to squeeze the packing cases into their tiny space. Soon the great building itself was ready and it was here that manufacturing in Horsham began. On the ground floor they started producing pharmaceutical chemicals, a process that in 1951 was transferred to a new factory that the Horsham staff set up near Grimsby. The first floor of Building 3 was devoted to making and packaging a variety of medicines, while everything else, including an elegant boardroomcum-library, occupied the top floor. During the war a secret Army convoy sometimes drove up in the dead of night to collect medical supplies for use by the Allies on the world’s battlefields.

Over the years the manufacturing and storage facilities at Horsham were expanded many times over by CIBA and then by Ciba-Geigy. The first biochemical research unit was opened on the site in May1965 and others followed, lastly under the management of Novartis, the name the company adopted after Ciba-Geigy had been joined by a third great Swiss pharma company, Sandoz. So as the world changes so the pages keep turning, often illuminated by the light of great achievement, sometimes stained with tears, and always with the hope of better things ahead. Mr Standing’s market garden had come an awfully long way since it was just growing cabbages. John Snelling An extract from MIXED FRUIT from a SUSSEX TREE (ISBN 978-1-910489-52-9) published by Country Books and can be obtained Price £20.00 from all bookshops or on-line from www.countrybooks.biz or www.sussexbooks.co.uk

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THE TWO FACES OF CANCER The Two Faces of Cancer is motivating and uplifting in how adversity can be faced and overcome, inspiring readers to live their lives.

Rebecca Brazier.


ancer was an unwelcome arrival 30 weeks into Rebecca’s second pregnancy, she was just 38 years old. Chemo began two weeks later and making the decision to have chemo while she was pregnant remains the most difficult choice she has ever had to make. A year’s worth of treatment followed with her daughter being born healthily mid chemo cycles. A recurrence of the same cancer was diagnosed just as she was going to be discharged 10 years later, she now has just 30% chance of surviving for another 10 years. A seemingly minor by comparison skin cancer was diagnosed early in 2016. Cancer impacted and changed every part of Rebecca’s life and she promised herself she would help other cancer patients who face a similar experience. After several years



volunteering at cancer charities she formerly trained as a counsellor and has a practice near where she lives. The Two Faces of Cancer explores Rebecca’s three personal experiences of cancer and then explains these using her professional skills and knowledge as a counsellor to raise awareness and understanding about the enormous and devastating impact cancer has. Rebecca experienced cancer as a frightening and isolating time which created powerful and intense emotions of fear, sadness and anger which Rebecca didn’t understand or know how to manage and which remained long after the treatment ended. The emotional impact of cancer took Rebecca to the brink of a mental break down on more than one occasion. Through understanding what these emotions were about and why she experienced them over time Rebecca has made changes to her life and has learnt to live alongside cancer. The Two Faces of Cancer is motivating and uplifting in how adversity can be faced and overcome, inspiring readers to live their lives. The profits of the book will be donated to Mummy’s Star (www.mummysstar.org) a charity which supports mums who have a diagnosis of cancer during or soon after pregnancy. Rebecca lives near Horsham with her two teenage daughters, husband and assortment of animals. She enjoys reading, nature and has a post cancer passion for travelling. Rebecca writes a weekly blog exploring the emotional impact of cancer which can be found at www.thetwofacesofcancer.com For more details contact Rebecca on info@thetwofacesofcancer.com

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hen I was fifteen it was

time to leave school, I had no clear vocation in

mind but a vague notion of wanting to help people. Having “fainted” on numerous occasions at the sight of

blood, nursing was not an option. My stepmother ran a hairdressers I’d helped out in on Saturdays. She suggested a hairdressing apprenticeship. My desire for learning really began, an eagerness to know all I could about hair, but also people and eventually business, has continued for me. I’ve been really lucky! At Studio 2 almost all of our team are homegrown. I asked five current apprentices about their course. Liv; “I like earning while learning, it’s always fun, education is constant and everyone is an educator here”. Abi; “You get a lot of opportunities, courses, people skills. You’re part of a team.” Beth; “I’ve made new friends, built confidence, particularly in communication, learnt everything from finance, management and gained a rounded education in hairdressing (I’ve finally nailed my Maths and English as part of my course!)” Lucy; “It’s a big team, there is always someone to talk to. The training is really good and we get day release to learn theory.” Cameron; “Who knew learning could be so enjoyable? I’m never bored, there is a real dedication to education, my success really matters to Mandy and the team - as much as it does to me.” If you know someone who might be keen to join our family in September 2019, call for more details or email CV’s to mail@studio2horsham.co.uk.

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eld at the Horsham Sports Club, ‘The Big Gig 19’ confirms a full line-up of live tribute music and family festival fun this summer, on Sat 22nd June 2019. 1.00-10.30pm Now in its fourth year, the Big Gig promises to offer a fantastically fun festival day out, and this year, as part of the Horsham District Year of Culture Fringe, make its mark as an established Family Music festival. Hosted on the grounds of Horsham Sports Club on Saturday 22nd June, the festival pledges to get everyone on their feet to a mix of five local and internationally acclaimed tribute acts. Headlining this year are ‘Rule the World’, the number one Take That tribute band in the world, recognised as such even by the band themselves. With something for everyone, local band ‘Joe90’ will kick off the event with some brit pop favourites from Oasis, Blur, The Kooks and more. The fabulous ‘Kieran’ as ‘Ed Sheeran’ will be followed by the energetic ‘A tribute to Wham’. The ever-popular local Blunter Brothers will be there delivering Motown and Funk classics from the greats including Stevie Wonder and James Brown. If this wasn’t enough - the festival this year promises to have a few more fun activities to keep the whole family entertained. Courtesy of Beautiful World Tents, a fully dressed ‘Giant Hat Tipi’ will house some arts and craft plus the



awesome Ollie Heath will be offering a beatboxing rhythmic workshop for children. Bouncy inflatables, balloon modelling and glitter paint, completes the festival fun line-up. Foodies will enjoy the delicious array of street food stalls available throughout the day, as well as the club’s own fully licensed bar and specialist tents selling local ales, Prosecco, Pimms, and Cider. Horsham Sports Club Chairman Chris Wassell, enthused: “We’re really looking forward to offering a well-established family friendly music festival. Having categorised from previous events what is enjoyed most, we believe, this year will see the right balance of entertainment, facilities and festival fun. We encourage the community and beyond to book their tickets now and enjoy the day” Festival go-ers will be able to come and set up their own space together with friends and family, so small gazebos (limited to size 10ft/10ft) are welcome. Please note that no alcohol, glass, picnic hampers or coolers will be allowed in. This is a fundraising event so all profits will go to improving the club facilities and to our lead charity Action Medical Research for Children. Action’s Community Fundraiser for Horsham Ruth Dean said: “We are absolutely delighted to

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be involved with this year’s ‘The Big Gig’. The charity’s been based in Horsham since 1971 and so it’s fantastic to be a part of this truly local event in the heart of our hometown.” The Big Gig is the perfect day out for the whole family. Children under 5 are FREE and this year the club have introduced a special ‘Child Ticket’ price that covers the age range 5-15 years. Tickets on sale now. Advance Standard Adult Ticket Price: £20.00. Advance Standard Child Ticket (aged 5-15 years) Price: £10.00. Children under 5 are FREE. Pre-bookable limited car parking is available for £5 per car. Tribute Acts: 2.30pm – 10.30pm (Gates open: 1.00pm) Tickets at www.thebiggig19.eventbrite.co.uk or in cash direct from Horsham Sports Club office or bar, Cricketfield Road. Tel: 01403 254628. Facebook @biggighorsham and on Twitter @biggighorsham.

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CROSSWORD Solution on page 68.





1 Small shellfish (6)

3 Worthless dog (3)

2 Signalling light (6)

7 Beat to separate the

3 Devoid of personality

corn (6)


8 Ran away to marry (6)

4 Bonds between people

9 Crab claw (6)


10 Supplying with

5 Official, decorous (6)

weapons (6)

6 ____ and McCartney (6)

11 Blood-curdling (5-8)

11 Perch, squat (3)

13 Saying something with

12 ___ Wan - TV fashion

wry humour (6-2-5)

stylist (3)

18 Gentle walk (6)

14 Discount store (6)

19 Sherlock ______ (6)

15 Floor, terra firma (6)

20 Played at Wimbledon

16 Mrs. Bill Clinton (6)


17 Hole to poke your

21 Package (6)

shoelaces through (6)

22 Distress call (3)

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hat springs to mind when you think of the WI? There are actually many WI groups in this area, each offering a different experience, and it isn't all jam and Jerusalem! Trafalgar Treasures WI is a modern, evening WI group that formed in 2018 in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Rushams Road and meet every 2nd Friday of the month. In our first year we enjoyed talks from a female aerial photographer, and Sussex Green Living and had a go at book folding and sewing. We put together feminine hygiene kits for girls abroad and made no-sew cushion covers. We helped to make a quilt that will be donated to a women’s refuge and played skittles. We donated supplies for local ladies that are admitted to emergency mental health care and knitted squares for a blanket for premature babies. Most importantly, we enjoyed getting to know one another and plan to continue to grow into an entertaining, positive, supportive and welcoming group. As a WI member you will enjoy a varied programme of meetings that include talks, activities, social opportunities, and always cake. You can also get involved in numerous regional and national level events and activities. But there is also the chance to make



a difference both locally and nationally. The WI are to thank for the current NHS Breast Screening Programme and they were among the first in the UK to raise awareness of AIDS. Similar national campaigns are introduced each year and local groups can get as involved in each campaign as they wish. It can be easy to feel bogged down and isolated with work, responsibilities and social media but, once a month, you can chat to people with similar challenges who come together to be part of a community and to learn something new. If you think our group sounds like your cup of tea, why not give it a go? It is ÂŁ5 to visit, or you can join for the year. Our programme for 2019 is as follows: 8th March - The History of Parliament - Jeremy Quinn 12th April - Flower arranging 10th May - Debate and discussion 14th June - Hypnotherapy 12th July - Belly dancing 9th August - Social 13th September - Craft 11th October - Annual meeting and pumpkin carving competition 8th November - Christmas card making 13th December - Fabric wreath making Please like our Facebook page Trafalgar Treasures - Horsham WI for more information.

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

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Thyy Will W Be Done iss a trading g styyyle of Thyy Will Be B Done (Spai p n) Ltd Re egistered in the e UK at 36a Goring G Road, Road Worthing, orthing Westt Sussex BN12 4AD - Compa anies House number n 107911190




ost couples hope that their estate will pass to their children and grandchildren eventually. But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay care home fees. The solution to help protect a couple’s estate is a will incorporating a trust. A testamentary trust can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of one partner, their will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren. But under the terms of the trust the surviving partner has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the other partner the trust

comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries. As the surviving partner does not own the deceased's share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the beneficiary's inheritance is protected. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property they can still sell the property and the proceeds be used to purchase a new property; the terms of the trust remain over the new property. Westminster Law assesses the circumstances of couples and arranges the trust that will provide the best protection for them, their family and their assets. Contact 01483 256625, email info@westminster-law.co.uk or visit www.westminster-law.co.uk




ridge players flocked to Horsham on Sunday (Mar 10) for the first Beginners Welcome Pairs – a new Sussex competition for enthusiastic improvers. Horsham members were joined by pairs from clubs in Haywards Heath and Worthing, plus Dorking in Surrey. Category 1, for those who began Bridge last September, was won by Polly Hobbs & Gill Southern - a great achievement after playing Bridge for such a short time. Joint second: Joanne Coombes & Merle Marshall; Sue Thompson-Hill & Vicky Glynn. Ann and Peter Lloyd, who are enjoying Horsham Club’s weekly lessons, won the 2-3 years category. Bob Cole & Simone Burke (Worthing) won the open section. Horsham’s Chris Brazier & Chris Nikolaj were second. This was the first event of its kind put on by



Rear (L-R): Ann Lloyd, Alison Barkley, Sue Ladd, Bob Cole, Chris Brazier; front: Peter Lloyd, Simone Burke, Chris Nikolaj.

Sussex County Contract Bridge Association and reflects the growing number of people now learning bridge. Horsham Bridge Club hosts sessions in its East Street premises every weeknight plus two afternoons. There are regular lessons for beginners and improvers. New members and visitors are always welcome. More information: www.horshambridge.co.uk

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

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utdoor play has been receiving a greater interest in press releases the last few years. The benefits are constantly being emphasised for health, wellbeing, social, discovery, and wonder. Outdoor play has always been significant to a Montessori education. Maria Montessori herself a pioneer of a lady being an early qualified scientific doctor. She valued the child discovering, questioning, observing and respecting the environment. This year Montessori schools throughout Britain are celebrating the centenary of Maria Montessori visiting Great Britain. To mark this occasion Montessori will be exhibiting a Montessori garden at the forthcoming RHS show. Ideas have been submitted to the designers to include the experiences of school gardens and new ideas for the future and hydroponics. We too have been redesigning our garden. You will be able to follow this on Facebook and our website. www.montessori-uk.co.uk


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READY FOR THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION? Teresa Noon from Indigo Tax & Accountancy explains how she’s helping prepare her clients for HMRC’s Making Tax Digital initiative with a simple 3 step approach. 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS FOR YOUR BUSINESS


ndigo has set out a simple 3 step approach to running your business. Staying compliant, harnessing the power of ‘cloud’ accounting and allowing control of your finances from anywhere. Teresa explains “Cloud accounting software gives amazing information on how your business is performing, but it has to be kept up to date. Working with our digital accounts team we have developed a simple 3 step plan”. • INVOICE on Indigo cloud accounting software • SNAP your receipts with the “Snap” App (right) • The Indigo team RECONCILE your bank account monthly

“SUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS IS THE KEY” From tiny beginnings in the 1990s, Indigo Tax & Accountancy now has a 14-strong team serving clients across all sectors including a large performing arts and creative industries division. The practice is based in Horsham West Sussex. READY FOR THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION Teresa says, “We have really embraced the digital revolution. HMRC’s Making Tax Digital campaign was obviously a key driver. We currently have over 200 clients using cloud based online bookkeeping software, all new clients are set up on it as standard when they come on board.” With HMRC paving the way to mandatory cloud reporting in the near future and Making Tax Digital for VAT coming into force from April 2019, Indigo’s clients can rest assured they are ALREADY compliant. Teresa explains, “Collaborating ‘on line’ has always suited our practice. We’ve been a ‘digital’ practice from day one. The Indigo team all work remotely from home, whilst our clients

including musicians, bands, camera operators and producers could be working on location anywhere in the world.” The Indigo team are fully trained and can guide their clients through the process of going digital, helping their business integrate with the right cloud accounting package is an important facet to their service. With a recent nomination for the IRIS National Best Use of Technology Award 2018, the company seem to be making waves in the Industry too. Teresa has also been a panellist at the accounting Industry’s IRIS World and advises on the Kashflow User Group “discussing issues and keeping up to date with other industry professionals is vital” she explains. With a new tax year starting, Indigo reports a healthy uptake of new client activity. Teresa says, “more and more business owners are now embracing our simple 3 step approach” This forward-thinking company seem to be ready for the digital revolution…are you? Why not give us a call today on 01403 892683 or you can email info@indigotax.com or for more information please visit Teresa Noon. www.indigotax.com

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S P I N A C H A N D F E TA F R I T TATA Serves 4-6 Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium shallot, finely chopped (about 2 tablespoons) 1 medium clove garlic, finely chopped (about 1 teaspoon) 1 (5-ounce) bag baby spinach

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh flatleaved parsley or basil. Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 10 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup milk 3/4 cup (about 3.5 ounces) crumbled feta



reheat the grill. Heat olive oil in an 8-inch pan over a medium high heat. Add chopped shallots and cook for 2-3 minutes beginning to soften. Add garlic and continue to cook for a further two minutes until softened. Add spinach and parsley (or basil) and cook, tossing often until spinach is fully wilted and any water released by the spinach has cooked off. Season to taste with salt and pepper. In a large bowl, beat eggs and milk



with a whisk until mixed together. Don't overbeat. Add feta, and season with salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture over spinach then gently stir with a spatula to release the spinach from the bottom of the pan so that the eggs are in direct contact with the surface of the pan, so they cook quickly. Cook until the eggs are almost totally set (this takes 10-12 minutes), reducing heat to prevent burning. Place pan under the grill for a couple of minutes, until the top is set as well, keeping a close eye on it so it does not burn. To release the frittata from the pan, loosen edges with a spatula. Place a dinner plate over pan, and holding plate firmly flip the pan over so the frittata releases onto the plate. Serve warm.

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com




orsham District Council is celebrating with the Friends of Warnham Nature Reserve, as plans for a new Discovery Hub at Warnham Local Nature Reserve have been given the go-ahead. The Council has been awarded some £278,000 by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development who support investment in public recreational infrastructure. Additional funding from both the Council and the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve (right) is being added to the project with grants of £90,000 and £10,000 respectively. The current site on Warnham Road, Horsham was designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1987 and has grown in popularity ever since. Already home to a small visitor centre and café, the addition of the Discovery Hub will draw visitors from across the District and beyond. The Discovery Hub (artists impression above), will boast a unique octagonal design created from wood and one-way glass. Large panoramic windows will offer breathtaking views across the Nature Reserve’s millpond. The space will be used for both educational and leisure purposes and will tell the story of the industrial, natural and social heritage of this important nature and conservation reserve. “We are delighted that the Discovery Hub has been given the green light with EU funding” explained Councillor Jonathan Chowen, Horsham

District Council Cabinet Member for Community and Culture. He continued: “The team have worked closely with the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve, the general public and the funding authority to make a robust case for this important addition to the Horsham District. The discovery trail is due to be completed by June 2019, with structural work on the Discovery Hub scheduled to start towards the end of the summer. Once underway, the project should take three months to complete with the reserve remaining open to the public for most of the time and disruption kept to a minimum. The whole project is due to be completed and officially opened at the end of the year in celebration of the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019. To read all the latest news on the progress of the Discovery Hub, please visit www.horsham.gov.uk/warnhamdiscoveryhub and receive regular updates by signing up to our dedicated newsletter at www.horsham.gov.uk/ parksandcountryside/parks-and-countryside.

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S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S H O S P I C E



re you or someone you know looking for an adventure? Then join your local hospice in the beautiful Lake District as part of

their first ever UK trek. Caroline Mendes has already signed up for the challenge. Here, she explains why you should join her. “I work as part of the Clinical Admin team at St Catherine’s providing admin support to teams across the hospice. St Catherine’s is a community and the Lake District is a community too. There’s

Caroline Mendes on a training walk at Truleigh Hill.

raise money so we can be there to care for others. I’ve always felt an affinity to the Lake District

so much to explore there and much more than you

and when large areas were flooded in December

first see. It’s the same at St Catherine’s. People

2015 I started to follow a local website to keep up

often assume there are just nurses and doctors at

to date as the community rebuilt. People who live

the hospice, but there’s a whole team of people

there are always sharing stunning pictures of the

working tirelessly to provide the local community

area and there are pictures of proposals, sunrises

with end of life care. And we have supporters who

and all sorts! I can’t wait until June when I can experience the beautiful landscape in person instead of admiring it in a photograph. I’ve never walked the Peaks so when this trek came up it was perfect. If you’re tempted, I’d encourage you to join me because you’re doing more than just challenging yourself. You’re helping terminally ill people in your community too. You’ll also get to enjoy breathtaking views without having to travel out of England. It’s a great opportunity to do something that’s not too far from home, and an opportunity that doesn’t always come around. There’s a fantastic team ready to support you and those of us who have signed up are already doing training walks together. We’d love for you to join us!” The Lake District 5 Peak Challenge takes place from Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June 2019. It includes five of the Lake Districts most demanding mountain peaks, including the highest - Scafell Pike. Ready to make your steps count? To find out more or to sign up, please contact Michaela Clements on 01293 583063 or email: events@stch.org.uk.



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his female vocal harmony group formed over 6 years ago, connecting through their love of singing, great music and vintage dresses. Taking inspiration from celebrated vocalists and close harmony singers of the 20th century, their current repertoire ranges from 1920s to 1960s (although they sing more modern songs too and are willing to give anything a go!). They say, “Our retro set was born out of our passion for the clothes, songs and timeless glamour. We adore singing together and we aim to share that when performing.” The Angels have been delighted to sing at a wide variety of events; highlights include a blacktie garden party, Ladies Day at the Races, and The West Sussex Poppy Appeal Launch. They are proud to support St Catherine’s Hospice in

Crawley when possible, through performing at their special events, or helping to fundraise, particularly in December. They’re even on board The British Pullman for the once-in-a-lifetime St Catherine’s train ride this spring. The Angel Delights would bring fun, music and sparkle to any event you’re planning. Email angeldelights1@mail.com or via Facebook



atrick McIntosh isn’t a man afraid of a challenge! Not content with trekking to the South Pole or beating cancer three times, Patrick is taking on his next challenge – his Lifecycle. And supporting his local hospice, St Catherine’s Hospice, in the process. Patrick is attempting to cycle around the world to raise awareness of the fight against cancer. In May 2019, Patrick will begin his epic cycle ride, taking on a journey of over 7,000 miles to Japan. Eventually he hopes to go on to circumnavigate the world. Patrick will cross several continents in a staggered two year journey during his global cycling challenge. In May, he will set off from St Catherine’s Hospice in Malthouse Road, cycling towards Pease Pottage, which will be the site of a new, larger hospice building in years to come. From there it’s off to Twickenham Stadium before

Patricia Brayden, St Catherine's Hospice Medical Director with Patrick McIntosh.

cycling across Europe and Russia, with the aim of reaching Tokyo for the opening game of the Rugby World Cup in September. As part of his cycle ride, Patrick is raising money for the new hospice building. He said, “It’s an honour to support St Catherine’s as part of my next big adventure. As a cancer survivor I know the importance of their vital care. And I want more people to be able to have hospice care in the future so I’m raising money for St Catherine’s new larger hospice. Follow Patrick’s amazing adventure on Twitter at: @KMGfoundation

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Maltman Cosham Veterinar e y Surge geryy provides veterinary care for Horsham and the surrounding area. Run by local veterinary surgeon Mark Maltman, with assisstant vets Hannah West, st Lindley Lindle Stewart, Stewart Cla are Newton, Newton Philippa Bulman, Poppy Winter, Be ecky Pritchard and Anna Etherton. UÊ >À }Ê> `ÊV «>ÃÃ >Ìi veterinary team UÊ -i«>À>ÌiÊ` }Ê> `ÊV>ÌÉÀ>LL ÌÊÜ>À`Ã Ü ÊÊÊ UÊ -«>V ÕÃÊ> `Ê `iÀ ÊÀiVi«Ì Ê>Ài> UÊ >À}iÊV>ÀÊ«>À ÊÊ UÊ ÀiiÊ i i Ê Õ} ÊÛ>VV >Ì Ê with all dog vaccinations UÊ } Ì>

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www maltmancosham www.maltmancosham m co uk m.co.uk Lyons Farm Estate, Lyons Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, RH13 0QP

01403 791011 56


ennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious airborne infection that results in inflammation of the windpipe and airways. Environments where dogs are in close proximity to one another predispose them to infection. Kennel cough is caused by a combination of a bacterial infection called bordetella bronchiseptica and various viruses including canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus type two. The incubation period can vary from two days to two weeks from the point of exposure, and symptoms include a persistent hacking or honking cough followed by retching, which can sound like your dog has something stuck in its throat. These symptoms usually resolve within one to three weeks although may last for up to six weeks. Dogs can be carriers of the infection for several months after the cough resolves. The disease is usually self-limiting and most animals remain well other than the cough. Puppies, elderly dogs and those with concurrent illnesses need to be monitored closely as occasionally the disease can develop into pneumonia. A vet check is recommended if your dog is inappetant, lethargic, has any coloured nasal discharge or a productive cough. Treatment with cough suppressants and anti-inflammatories may be indicated and antibiotics in more severely affected cases. Vaccination is available to prevent kennel cough and contains bordetella and parainfluenza administered as a spray into the nose. Check with your vet to see if your dog is covered, as not all practices include it in their routine annual vaccinations. Tel: 01403 791011. www.maltmancosham.co.uk

HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

T I P S F O R S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y By Jeanette Mercer


hatever the weather, Spring has always been the time when thoughts turn to our homes and gardens. The DIY and gardening stores are beckoning, and before we know it we’ve bought some new electric tool and daubed paint from tester pots on a wall. Does creating a more sustainable home mean we shouldn’t be doing this? Not at all. Change is a part of human nature and our homes and gardens should be places that nurture and refresh us. To be more sustainable, we just need to think those changes through - we’ll probably save ourselves money too. Here are our tips for a more sustainable Spring: 1) Plan before you buy or begin. So many home projects end up unfinished, causing stress and wasting materials, through lack of planning. Ask yourself these questions: • Do you have the skills and TIME to complete the project? • Do you have a realistic budget and timeframe? • Are you sure what’s the best order for the work you’re planning to do? (Many local tradespeople are happy to work on projects where a homeowner is doing some of the work themselves and can advise on a sensible order.) 2) Don’t skimp on the quality of materials and tools. Good quality tools can last many years. Good quality materials will often give a better finished result and last longer.



3) Cut the chemicals. Environmental standards were tightened in the paint industry, but there are still some paints that are more eco friendly than others. Go for water based paints and varnishes wherever possible, and those which are low (or even zero) in VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). As well as reducing the potentially harmful chemicals you and your family are breathing in, water based paints are much easier to clean up after use. 4) Re-use, repair, re-purpose. Some of the satisfying buzz that comes from a well executed DIY project is even better when you know you’ve saved something from ending up at the tip! Our grandparents and great grandparents wouldn’t have dreamt of just disposing of something that was a little broken. If you don’t think you have the skills, Horsham now has a monthly Horsham Repair Cafe, where volunteer repairers will help with repairs. Recycling is fine, but it still takes energy and public funds to do. Re-use and re-purposing (finding a new use for something) is better. If you don’t need it, local Facebook groups are a great place for asking “can anyone make use of?” Finally, spring is of course prime time in the garden. If you’ve never grown your own vegetables, why not give it a go this year? You’d be amazed what even a few pots can hold. For more information on Kinder Living see our website: www.kinderliving.co.uk

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Home Decorating


offey Cricket Club (RCC) is a growing community that

boasts four Saturday league teams, one Sunday team and a junior section suitable for both boys and girls. The ground, left in trust by the Innes Family, is situated off the Crawley Road in North Horsham. There is also another ground in Faygate, where the third and fourth teams play their home games. The first team have won the Sussex Premier League for four of the last five years. The most successful season so far was in 2018, with the first eleven winning the league and making it to the country’s last four in both national knockout competitions. Much of the club’s success can be credited to their fantastic junior section that runs on a Friday evening. Colts’ training resumes Friday 26th April 2019 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, for under 9s through to under 16s, alongside an introduction to cricket session suitable for 5 to 9 year olds. Over the years, the youth section has produced some incredibly talented cricketers who have progressed through the adult teams to the Firsts. Most importantly, it gives youngsters the chance to enjoy playing cricket with their friends and become part of a wider family community in a fun and friendly environment. RCC is the perfect place for parents to bring children, of all ages and ability levels, to play cricket and socialise with friends. Likewise, if you are an adult looking to play competitive cricket, or just to enjoy the sport, there’s a place for you at Roffey. For more information please contact Toni Jeal on

07747 781231 or email roffeycc@gmail.com - Roffey Cricket Club thanks all of their sponsors for their ongoing support. For more information about sponsorship opportunities email sponsorshipRCC@gmail.com Please mention HORSHAM PAGES South when responding to adverts




Community Information Board


contemporary songs, relevant bible teaching

Ladies Wednesday Club: 1st & 3rd Wed


and a full range of children’s activities.

7:30 pm

Contact: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk

Wed Lunch Club: 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1pm


Toddler Group: Wednesday 10am (term time)

Christian Science Church & Reading Room Sunday Service including Sunday School 11am – 12 noon and Wednesday meetings from 7.30pm.

Prayer partners: every Saturday 9:15 am Life Community Baptist Church

(Except 1st Saturday, meeting at St. Andrew’s

Sunday Service, every Sunday 10.30am to 12

Methodist Church Roffey)

Holy Trinity Church Horsham

Place: Business Enterprise Centre, Forest

Church remains open for personal reflection and

Rushams Road, Horsham, RH12 2NT

Community School. Comptons Lane, Horsham

prayers weekdays: 10am -12 noon

Meet every Sunday at 8.00am and every third

RH13 5NW

Minister: Rev Gavin Hancocks

Sunday at 9.30am


Place: 41, London Road, Horsham, West Sussex

and 11.00am and all other

Tea & Chat second Friday of every month 2.30

RH12 1AN

Sundays at 10.00am

to 4.00 pm at Phoenix Club, Forest Community

Contact: Church office 01403 240714

Contact: 01403 265401



Contact: Rev Julie Shimizu Horsham Interfaith Forum

01403 541688

Trafalgar Road Baptist Church

Faith & No Faith Group - normally meet once


Trafalgar Road, Horsham, RH12 2QL

last Saturday of the month @ 2.00

Sunday service is at 10:30am every week,

for interesting talks & discussion. Do look on

Brighton Road Baptist Church

including activities for children and young

Facebook or Web site for latest news.

7 Brighton Road, Horsham RH13 5BD

people. Refreshments served after the service.

Contact Secretary on 01403 273479.

Meet every Sunday 10.30am (including Sunday

Contact: 01403 240729


clubs for young people & children and creche) &

enquiries@trbc.info, www.trbc.info

6.30pm. Horsham Unitarian Church

Contact: 01403 211150

Worthing Road (opposite the bus station)

St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Springfield Road

A place of worship where members and visitors

Horsham United Reformed Church with

Horsham RH12 2PJ

are encouraged to explore the spiritual aspects


Mass times - Saturday 6pm

of their lives free from the pressure of

Meet every Sunday 10.30am at Horsham

Sunday 9.15am, 11.15am

prescriptive creeds. Services every Sunday at

(Springfield Road)

Sunday 1pm (Polish)


Meet every Sunday 6.30pm at Slinfold (The

Sunday 5pm (Italian)

Meditation Friday and Saturdays

Street) Coffee and Tea after the services

Sunday 2.30pm- every 3rd Sunday (Malayalam)

(see website for details)

Every 1st Saturday of the month 1.30pm (signed

Contact: 01403 256788

Christian Life Centre

for the deaf community)


Sundays 10.30 at Greenway Acadamy,

Weekday Masses - Daily 10am except Thursday,

Greenway, Horsham, RH12 2JS

Wednesday 1pm (Polish) and every 1st Friday of

Contact: 01403 242335

the month

The Salvation Army Booth Way, Horsham, RH13 5PZ

Confessions & Adoration

Sundays at 10.30am, 1st Sunday at 6pm, Kids

Christian Life

Friday 10.30am, Saturday 10.30am

Alive & Creche from 11.15am, Youth Matters

We meet as a church Sundays 10.30

Confessions also by appointment with the Parish

10am. Plus many other events in the week

51a East Street, Horsham RH12 1HR

Priest - Fr Aaron Spinelli

Contact: 01403 254624

Contact: 01403 242335

Fr Alban Aguezeala


For Fellowship

Contact: 01403 253667

Meets at The Capitol Theatre, North Street,

3rd Sunday from September to March 2.15-


Horsham, RH12 1RG

4.30pm, St Leonard’s Church Hall, Cambridge

Please also see our website

10.30am with youth and children’s activities

Road, Horsham, RH12 3QW

www.stjohnshorsham.com for Sacraments and

every Sunday.

Contact Margaret 01403 210733 or Sue 01403

other information.

Contact 01403 254241.


St John’s, Broadbridge Heath

London Road Methodist Church

Church Road, Broadbridge Heath

Every Sunday worship: 10:30 am

Bumbles Pre-School

9.00am Formal Worship with Holy Communion,

2nd & 4th Sunday worship: 9:00 am

Place: Hills Farm Lane, Horsham

traditional prayers and hymns, and relevant

Messy Church: 3rd Thursday of a month 3:30 pm

Contact: 756196

bible teaching.

–all ages

Kookaburra Playgroup,

10.30am Informal Worship with

JIGSAW: 3rd Sunday of a month - 6-16 yrs

Place: Hills Farm Lane, Blackbridge Lane,

Deacon - Tom Murray




HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Horsham. Meet Monday to Friday between


8.30am – 1.30pm

www.horsham-shaolinkungfu.co.uk / Contact 07979 195714

Contact: 01403 269548


St Mary’s Nursery, Horsham

Horsham Bowling Club,

free. Place: Greenway Academy, Greenway,

Place: Denne Road, Horsham

Place: Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road

RH12 2JS

Morning sessions 8.30am 11.30am

New members always welcome.

Contact: www.horshamtabletennisclub.co.uk

Pre-school afternoon sessions

Contact: 01403 265730 or

Laurence Barber: 07506 449958

also available

01403 242616

Contact: 01403 250223



Horsham Table Tennis Club New members always welcome. First session

www.stmarysnurseryhorsham.co.uk Horsham Cricket & Sports Club,

Horsham Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Chatt-a-Box Group

Place: Cricketfield Road,

Monday 4.30pm(B) 5.45pm(C) 7.30pm(S)

Thursdays/Fridays 10am - 11.30am

Horsham, RH12 1TE.

Toddlers Group:

Place: The Salvation Army,

Contact: 01403 254628

Tuesday 10.00am -12 noon

Booth Way, Horsham


Coffee Mates: Wednesday 10.00am -12 noon

Contact: 01403 254624 Horsham Crawley CTC

Contact: 01403 210362 Kids Alive

Little Footprints

Horsham and Crawley CTC run social rides for

Fridays, 5-6.30pm. Years R-6

A parent, baby and toddler group

all standards of cyclist on Sunday mornings.

The Salvation Army, Booth Way, Horsham

Friday mornings (term-time only)

New cyclists of all abilities always welcome.

Contact: 01403 254624

10am - 11.30am

Contact: www.meetup.com/Horsham-Crawley-

Place: The Barn, Causeway, Horsham


Youth Centre at The Needles New members always welcome.

Contact: 01403 253762 Horsham Park Bowls Clubs

Contact: Liz Kerim on 01403 263832 for more

BRBC Playschool

Place: Bowls Green, Horsham Park,


Mon - Fri 9.15am - 12.15pm

North St, Horsham, RH12 1RN

(Term time only).

Pop into the club at any time.

Horsham Hockey COLTS

For children from age 2 1/2.

Bowls played until the end of September.

Train every Sunday morning.

Place: Brighton Road Baptist Church

Contact: Secretary David Peters 01403 266170

New members welcome.

Happy Fish Toddler Group

Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club

Contact: Sue Chinn 01403 270065

Meet at 10-11.30 Wednesday term times at the

Place: Wickhurst Lane, Broadbridge Heath


Christian Life Centre,

(opposite Tesco).

51a Queens Street, Horsham,

New members always welcome Contact: 01403

Horsham Bluebelles Baton Twirlers

RH12 1HR

251260 or

Girls and boys from the age of 4 years are

Contact: 01403 242335

email: horshamindoorbowls@talktalk.net

welcome to join us. First lesson free.


Place: Meet Forest School every Friday 6 - 8pm

Ages 5yrs - 18yrs

under 8s

Pit Stop A group for parents, carers, babies and

Forest Short Mat Bowls Club

6 - 8.30pm over 8s

toddlers. Play time, crafts, refreshments, and

A good indoor activity. Your first two sessions

Contact: Carol Wray 01403 264662 or e-mail:

singing. Tuesday mornings from 10am until

are free and you get tea and biscuits Equipment


11:30am on a first come first served basis

will be supplied,

(Term time only, excluding the first and last

so please come and have a go.

Junior Image -

Tuesday of each term).

Tuesdays 1pm; Thursdays 10.30am

Youth Club for school years 4 to 6. Thursday

Place: Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, Trafalgar

Place: Meet at St. Leonards Church Hall,

6.00pm - 7.00pm

Road, Horsham, RH12 2QL

Cambridge Road, Horsham

Image - Youth club for school years 7

Contact: 01403 240729

Contact: Anne on 01403 275903 and Wendy on

& 8. Thursday 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Enquiries@trbc.info www.trbc.info/pitstop

01403 268537.

Place: Brighton Road Baptist Church

Horsham Montessori Nursery

Horsham Shaolin NPC Kung Fu

A nursery for 2-5 year olds,

Mondays 19:00-20:30

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

open from 8am to 5pm in term-time.

Adults 11+ Tanbridge School canteen

There are many units throughout Horsham,

Holiday Club for 2-7 year olds during

Wednesdays 18:00-19:00

various days, venues and times. Please add your

Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.

Kids 4+ Forest School gym

daughter’s details to the Girlguiding website –

Place: Higgins Way, Bennetts Field

Wednesdays 19:00-20:30 Kids 11+ Forest School

www.girlguiding.org.uk and use the register

Off Brighton Road, Horsham RH13 5JZ


your interest tab.

Contact: 01403 750504

Training for all ages/abilities - great for fitness,


flexibility, self defence and making friends

Contact: 01403 211150

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES South



The Hub

railways or just talking trains.

A youth club on Friday night during term time

Place: Meeting from 7pm every Wednesday at St

from 7:30pm – 9pm for all those in school years

Leonards Church Hall, Cambridge Road,

Normandy WI

7-10. We have something different each week,

Horsham, RH13 5ED

Place: United Reformed Church Hall,

ranging from cooking to games to outings. See

Contact: Phone 01403 266639

Springfield Road, Horsham

our website for the coming half term.


RH12 2RG on the 3rd Thursday of each month

Contact: 01403 240729


except August from 10am to 12.15pm.


Horsham and District Sands

Contact: Linda Mapp 01403 241709


Offers support to anyone affected by the death

Broadbridge Heath WI

of a baby before, during or shortly after birth.

Place: St. John’s Community Hall, Church Road,

Horsham Hawks Basketball Club

Group Support meetings are informal with

Broadbridge Heath RH12 3LD (free parking)

Ages 6-18

coffee, tea and tissues on hand.

meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for

New members always welcome

Place: The first Tuesday of every month, 7pm-

guest speakers and activities - 2.30 to 4.00 p.m.

Contact: info@horshamhawks.co.uk

9pm at the Salvation Army, Booth Way,

Contact: Gill on 01403 266525



email: Gillian.axby@sky.com or Pauline on 01403

Contact: Support Line No:


07596 210230

email: Pauline_scott@hotmail.co.uk



carrie@horshamanddistrictsands.org Horsham Sparrows Football Club


Broadbridge Heath WI Place: St. John’s Community Hall,

Girls and boys teams, new team members always welcome

Mid Sussex Caledonian Society

Church Road, Broadbridge Heath

Contact: Simon King 07544 683677

Events are organised throughout the year

RH12 3LD (free parking)


including St Andrews Night Supper, Burns

meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every


evening, Walk and tea, Golf day and Summer

month for guest speakers and

party at different venues. Membership open to

activities - 2.30 to 4.00 p.m.

Horsham Tigers Youth Football Club


Contact: Gill on 01403 266525

Contact: Kevin Bartlett, Club Secretary

Contact: 01403 252694

email: Gillian.axby@sky.com or Pauline



on 01403 211704

Horsham Olympic Football Club

Horsham Green Gym

Two men’s football teams play in the West

Not a Gym, but volunteers in Horsham,getting

Trafalgar Treasures (Horsham) WI

Sussex League. The Club is currently recruiting

exercise and fresh air while improving the local

Place: Holy Trinity Church Hall, Rushams Road,

new players for both teams. Regular training


RH12 2NT

sessions throughout the football season and

Tues & Thurs mornings 10am -1pm.

When: 2nd Friday of every month, 19.45 - 21.30

during the close season in the summer months.

Free membership.

Contact: www.facebook.com/trafalgartreasures

Contact: Tim Wilkins on 07905 542821 or email

Contact: Tel 01403 269384 (David)

Details: A range of ladies attend our WI,



including lots of mum's to young children. We


Last Wishes Workshops

"traditional WI" skills, to interesting talks and

Discover the many choices available when pre-

everything in between. Plus we always have

The Hope In Community Services

planning a funeral - you do not have to spend a


Thursday, 6pm, Crisis food parcels, wet room,


refreshments, chat

Contact: Jean Francis on 01403 273754 for

(& at other times by appointment)

further details. Booking essential.

email: Pauline_scott@hotmail.co.uk

do a mixture of activities from learning the

CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS Crowning Years Coffee Morning

Place: The Salvation Army, Booth Way, Horsham

Horsham Astronomy Group

Place: Meets at St Peter’s Hall

Contact: 01403 254624

Astronomy for all levels of interest from the

Three Acres, Horsham RH12 1RS

beginner to the aficionado. New members,

Meets fortnightly at 10.30am.


guests and students are welcome. Talks cover

A variety of activities takes place every other

Place: Denne Road, Horsham. Counselling for

many aspects of science and astronomy.

Tuesday morning. Run by Lifespring.

singles, couples, families and teenagers

Encouraging observation and education are

Mon - Fri 9.30am - 1pm

amongst our aims.

5th/10th Horsham Weald Scouts

Mon - Thurs 6pm - 9pm

Place: Room HU2, The Forest School, Comptons

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers

Contact: 01403 266454

Lane, Horsham RH13 5NT at 7:30pm. First

Place: Bennetts Field, Horsham

Wednesday of the month*


Horsham Model Railway Club

Contact: secretary@horshamastronomy.co.uk or

Contact: join5th10th@gmail.com

We are a welcoming group and membership is

01403 269911.

open to anyone, beginner or experienced,


Horsham Barbershop Harmony Club

interested in building and running model

twitter @HorshamAstro

Meeting Monday evenings 8-10pm



HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Place: Unitarian Church Hall, Worthing Road,

speaker each month. All welcome.

The aim is to encourage visits to and from these

Horsham, RH12 1SL

Entry costs £7 payable on door (includes

interesting and welcoming places. Our links with

Contact: Ted Hornsby 01403 260853


these towns are strong and exchange visits are


Place: Friends Meeting House, Worthing Road,

organized every year or so.

Horsham Snooker Club

Horsham RH12 1SL.

New members are welcome and can enjoy social

49a, The Carfax, Horsham, RH12 1EQ

Contact: tina@rainbowoasis.co.uk or 07857 545

events throughout the year.

Contact : 01403 265294


Contact: Further details from Membership

Horsham Mediation & Reiki Charismatic

Heathers Horsham Cancer Support Group


Healing Group

Offers emotional and practical support to

Or call Peter Tobutt on 01403 260783.

Every 3rd Tuesday 12.30 to 1.30pm at Place:

anyone affected by cancer

Unitarian Church Hall, Worthing Road, opp Bus

Meets 1st and 3rd Monday each month except

Horsham Natural History Society


Bank Holidays

New season of lectures about all aspects of

Contact: Carol 0771 722 1520

Unitarian Church Hall, opposite the Bus Station,

wildlife starts with a talk on butterflies. Every

Worthing Road

Monday evening at 7.30 from the 25th

Friendship Club

Contact: Sue 01403 823858 or Yvonne 01293

September 2017. Visitors welcome.

Friday Lunches & Friendship Club


Place: Methodist Church Hall, London Road,

Secretary, Janet Saunders email

1st and 3rd. 12.30-3pm.


Pre Booking Essential

Horsham Decorative & Fine Arts Society

Please see our website for more details -

Place: The Salvation Army,

Place: Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday


Booth Way, Horsham

of the month at the Capitol Theatre Horsham at

Contact: 01403 254624


Horsham Photographic Society

Lectures are given by professional speakers on

A mixture of competitions, speakers and

HDC Walks

art related subjects.

members evenings and outings. We are a

Every Tuesday, 12.00 noon:

Contact: Membership Secretary

friendly bunch, so if you are interested in

Denne Hill. Brisk 3 mile walk up Denne Hill (not

Mrs Susan Stanforth - 01403 730336

photography then come along and give us a try,

suitable for new walkers).1 to 1 ¼ hours.

you will be made welcome. We are open to

Meet: The Bandstand, Horsham Park.

anyone over the age of 18. We encourage

Contact: Leader Carol 01403 263201

Horsham & District Horticultural Society

potential new members to attend up to 3

Every Wednesday, 10.30 am: Horsham Park

A friendly gardening club which meets during

meetings prior to making any commitment to

Stroll. 1½ mile flat walk around the Park. Very

the winter months from October to March. A


suitable for the elderly and people recovering

varied programme each autumn usually with

Meets every second Wednesday

from illness, operation or accident. Dogs

guest speakers. Also outings in the

from 8-10pm.

allowed on a lead. 1 to 1½ hours

spring/summer months and flower/

Place: Salvation Army Hall, Depot Rd, Horsham

Meet: at the Bandstand, Carfax.

produce/cookery/craft shows held too.

RH13 5PZ. Parking is available and

Contact Leaders Emmy 01403 255517, Sue

Place: Meet at Brighton Road Baptist Church,

venue wheelchair accessible.

01403 255710 or Wyn 01403 256630

Brighton Road, Horsham RH13 5BD at 7.30pm


Place: Every Friday, 10.30 am:

on alternate Tuesday evenings

Ian Nicol mcwolfie@btinternet.com

St Mary’s Church, Causeway.

Contact: Membership Secretary: Carolyn Smith


Gentle 1 or 2 mile walks for slow or new

01403 255253

walkers, mainly riverside and Chesworth Farm.


Wheelchairs taken if advance notice provided.

Lavinia House over 50’s Club wide range of social activities, exercise classes,

1½ hours.

Horsham Speakers Club

gardening club, café, hairdressing, chiropody,

Contact: Leader Peter 01403 260783

Improve your speaking skills in friendly, relaxed

massage and beauty therapies, acupuncture and

atmosphere. Meet second and last Tuesday of

more. Transport available. Ask about our free

Horsham Bridge Club

month 7.45-10.30pm

trial day.

Place: 22a East St, Horsham RH12 1HL

Place: Tythe Barn

contact: 01403 751 327 or

New members and visitors always welcome.

Contact: Barry 01903 246546


Afternoon and evening Bridge sessions available



for all standards of players


Contact: Full details on our website

Horsham Twinning Association


Horsham Twinning Association aims to promote

Martlets Lacemakers

For more information,

and foster friendship and understanding

Meet on the second Saturday of alternative

email secretary@horshambridge.co.uk

between the towns of Horsham in England,

months at Lavinia House, Dukes Square,

tel. 01403 254921

Lage in Germany and St. Maixent L’Ecole in

Horsham. We meet in January, March, May, July,


September and November. We make lace on a

Horsham Holistic Health

The Association is run by volunteers and

pillow with bobbins, needle lace and tatted lace

Mind, Body and Spirit Group. Meetings at 7.30

supports Horsham District Council’s links with its

with a shuttle.

pm on 3rd Tuesday of the month with different

twin towns.

Contact: Cathy 01403 274662.

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES South



Luncheon Club

professional and business men who enjoy a

The Group

For senior citizens on the third Wednesday of

wide range of activities such as outings, walks,

For unattached men and women, aged 50+

the month (excluding August)

lunches, golf, holidays, indoor bowls and many

meets at a pub in Horsham on the 4th Monday

Place: Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, Trafalgar

more, together with their partners

evening of every month. Eating out, quizzes,

Road, Horsham, RH12 2QL.

Place: Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre on

music, walking, golf, theatre, sports, art,

Contact: 01403 240729

second Monday of each month

holidays. Also in Burgess Hill, Brighton and


Contact: Google website probuswealdhorsham

Lewes. www.thegroup.org.uk


for more information.

National Women’s Register

RAFA Social Club


We are a national organisation, but meet locally

Club for everyone, not just ex air force, who

The aim is to enable members to enjoy a varied

on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of the

supports the aims of the charity.

programme of activities and provide

month for lively discussion on a variety of topics.

Open Tue 1930-2300, Wed 1000-1200, Fri 2000-

opportunities to support the local National Trust

We also have a Book Group meeting on 1st

2300, Sat 2000-2300, Sun 1200-1400

properties through fundraising.

Thursday evening of the month.

Music evenings and other social functions,

Outings, holidays and social events are

Contact: Katharine Webbe

mainly weekends, approximately

arranged. A newsletter is sent to members three

01403 262506 www.nwr.org.uk

twice per month.

times a year with details of events.

Place: Needles Farm,

Visitors are welcome at £5.00 per lecture and

Phoenix Stroke Club

Blackbridge Lane, RH12 1RS

the annual fee is £15 for members.

Horsham Social club and support for stroke

Contact: Club Tel: 01403 271800

Place: Afternoon lectures are held at Wesley

survivors. Contact: The Manager for further

Chairman Tel: 01403 264691

Hall, London Road, Horsham, RH12 1AN.

The North Sussex Centre of the National

details - 01403 268130 or email

Contact: Jeremy Balaam on 01403 730162 or


Short Mat Bowls, Keep Fit,


Craft Club Probus Club of Horsham Weald

Contact: The Salvation Army

Please send new listings to

Members comprise retired (and semi-retired)

(01403 254624) for more information


Printing Quality printing, just one of your ingredients for successful marketing communications. For fresh advice on how we can add flavour to your marketing and communications call 01403 216 120.

Enabling you to communicate your messages through print Foundry Press, Unit A, Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PX t: 01403 216 120 f: 01403 242 700 info@foundry-press.co.uk




HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com




o complete Horsham Music Circle’s 77th

Sharpenhurst Quartet, will be led by Rachel Ellis,

season on concerts there will be two

and joined by harpist Heather Wrighton and

contrasting programmes of live music to

clarinettist Steve Dummer. Rachel, is leader of the

enjoy. On Tuesday 9th April in the Unitarian

Horsham Symphony Orchestra, teaches and enjoys

Church, Worthing Road, Gerald Taylor FRCO

both solo and chamber music playing, Heather has

presents works from the organ repertoire. Gerald

a busy career as a soloist, orchestral and chamber

trained at the Royal College of Music followed by

musician. Steve Dummer, no stranger to the local

a career as organist at London churches including

music scene as the conductor of Horsham

Westminster Abbey, teaching at schools in West

Symphony Orchestra, first trained as a clarinettist

Sussex and Surrey and playing regularly in the

with Jack Brymer. He is involved with many

Horsham area. This hour long concert starting at

professional and community music groups and

1pm includes pieces by Handel, Bach and

enthuses about music anywhere he is asked to go!

Mendelssohn. All are welcome - entry is free and

The programme, supported by HDC Year of

there will be a retiring collection to support the

Culture funding, includes Elgar’s string quartet,

Music Circle’s concert promoting work.

Mozart’s clarinet quintet, and the Danse Sacré et

On May 11th at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Church, Horsham Music Circle celebrates its 77th Anniversary. Some of our busiest Horsham

Profane for harp and strings by Debussy. Tickets are available in advance from 01403 252602, email horshammusiccircle@gmail.com,

musicians, have come together to form a chamber

from Horsham Museum 01403 211661 and on line

ensemble for this special concert. The

from www.wegottickets.com/HorshamMusicCircle

P H I L H A R M O N I C C H O I R C O N C E RT n Saturday 27th April, the West Sussex


Requiem he would use Cherubini’s as a model, and

Philharmonic Choir will present their

it was performed at Beethoven’s funeral in 1827.

and their programme is a cocktail of musical

J.S.Bach, sung in its original German ‘Wohl mir, dass

delights. Four short ‘delicacies’ will form the

ich Jesum habe’ and the ‘Halleluia Chorus’ from

background to two choral works.

Handel’s Messiah. Also on the menu are two well-

Spring Concert at St. Mary’s Parish Church

Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’ which he composed in

The ‘delicacies’ are ‘Jesu, joy of man’s desiring’ by

loved pieces by the English composer, Hubert Parry.

about 1715 has become a firm favourite with

The music which he composed for the coronation in

audiences, appearing regularly in the Classic FM

1902 of Edward VII includes the anthem ‘I was Glad’

Hall of Fame; Luigi Cherubini’s ‘Royal’ Requiem is

which has featured in the three subsequent

less widely known but deserves greater

coronation services; completing the programme is

appreciation. It was composed in 1815 at the

the hymn ‘Jerusalem’, based on a poem by William

request of the French King Louis XVIII to

Blake, written by Parry in 1916 as a patriotic

commemorate the demise of his predecessor Louis

contribution to the war effort and was viewed as

XVI and Marie Antoinette on the guillotine during

an ‘alternative’ National Anthem. Well- known as it

the revolution. No less a musical giant than

is to members of the Women’s Institute, having

Beethoven declared that if he were to write a

been adopted by the Suffragette movement.

Please mention HORSHAM PAGES South when responding to adverts






Sunday 19 May


Horsham Caribbean Festival Saturday & Sunday 1st/2nd April

The Sussex Travel Company based in Queen

The West Sussex County Times: 150 Years of

Sussex Guild Craft Show

Street, Horsham, supported by Horsham

Trusted News

Members of the Guild will be exhibiting their

District Council’s Economic Development

15th Feb 2019 to 12th Apr 2019

fine crafts. Parkside. Organised by Sussex

team are bringing a celebration of

The West Sussex County Times in 2019 is


Caribbean culture to Horsham’s Carfax on

marking a milestone in the history of the

Displays, Stalls, Music and Dance will

newspaper and the community - 150 years of

Easter Holiday 6th to 22nd April

transport visitors to the sun kissed shores

delivering trusted news.

The Bunny Hunt Town Trail

of… @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Carfax. Price: Free Frederick Du Cane Godman

Up to 30 businesses apply to be in the Easter trail for children and their parents.

Sunday 26 May

18th Feb 2019 to 20th Apr 2019

Town Centre. Organised by Horsham Rotary.

Horsham Plum Jam

Marking the centenary of world renowned

Supported by HDC E Dev.

Plum Jam is a free to attend air cooled

collector and scientist

Volkswagen show in the heart of Horsham Good Friday 19th April

town centre. If you dream of taking off into

Below the Belt- Costume Exhibition

Horsham Piazza Italia 2019

the sunset with just a campervan and a

4 February 2019 - 6 June 2019

14th Easter Italian Festival. Celebration of

surfboard for company, if you appreciate the

Our new costume display, ‘Below the Belt’, is

fast cars, Italian Food and Culture. Town

hard work, love and dedication… @ 10:00

an eclectic selection of the many types of

Centre. Organised by HDC E Dev.

am - 3:00 pm. Town Wide.

clothing worn below the waist, taking in underwear, footwear and most layers in

With commercial and voluntary partners. HORSHAM YEAR OF CULTURE 2019


Horsham Easter Festival

Sat 30 March

Frederick Du Cane Godman

New Easter themed market day.

English Romantics. £6 – £18. 20:00 - St John’s

18 February 2019 - 20 April 2019

Carfax TBC.


Frederick Du Cane Godman was one of the

Sun 31 March

great naturalists of Britain in an age of

Easter Monday 22nd April

Mums Can Do. £15. 10:00 - Amberley

naturalists. He built South Lodge in Lower

Horsham Piazza Italia 2019

Industrial Museum.

Beeding as his family home and then funded

14th Easter Italian Festival. Celebration of

Sun 31 March

and took part in explorations of South

fast cars, Italian Food and Culture. Town

Mother’s Day Guided Walk and Country


Centre. Windows Organised by HDC E Dev.

Lunch. 10:00 - Leonardslee Gardens.

With commercial and voluntary partners.

Sun 31 March

Brangwyn in Horsham

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea. 12:00

9 February 2019 - 23 March 2019

Friday 26th April

- Mannings Heath Golf & Wine Estate.

Sir Frank Brangwyn RA, one of the leading

Traditional Bandstand Entertainment in

Tue 2 April

20th century artists, came to Christ’s Hospital

Horsham Town Centre and Horsham Park @

Horsham Writers Circle Percy Bysshe Shelley –

School in 1913 to design and paint 16 wall


Horsham’s Most Famous Writer. 19:00 - Pizza

murals depicting incidents in the history of


the Christian church.

Easter Saturday 20th April

Sunday 28th April

Wed 3 April

Horsham Scouts St. Georges Day Parade

Horsham Heritage Guided Walks. Free. 14:30

The Written Word: a Literary Life of

Thousands of scouts and their parents from

- Horsham Museum & Art Gallery.

Horsham District

across the town early afternoon. Carfax

Fri 5 April

30 March 2019 - 22 June 2019

Bandstand. Organised by Horsham Weald

A Sussex Village and its Birds. 19:30

Shelley, Conan Doyle, Belloc, Hornung,

and Horsham West District Scouts.

- Henfield Village Hall.

Brown, Pope, Lintott – this area of West

Sat 6 April

Sussex has proved to be birthplace, host and

Saturday 11th May

Sussex Guild Contemporary Craft Show. £3.

inspiration (as well as tomb) of many writers

Horsham’s Great British Weekend

10:00 - Parkside.

spanning the last 400 years.

A two day celebration of British cultural

Sat 6 April

traditions. The Broadwood Day of Dance. A

Chickenshed Theatre – Planet play. 10:30

Accents on the Landscape - Ancient Churches

riot of colour, music and dance featuring

- The QE2 School, Horsham.

of West Sussex by Gordon Rushmer

around 25 Morris dance sides mostly from

Sat 6 April

30 March 2019 - 1 June 2019

the local area. There is also a small display of

Chickenshed Theatre – Tales from the shed

Gordon described this exhibition as: “A

classic Morris Minor cars… @ 10:00

12:00 - The QE2 School, Horsham.

painter's rural rides in search of the hidden

am - 4:00pm. Carfax.



delights and details”.

HORSHAM South PAGES To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Horsham District Captured by Light: A

Sun 31 Mar , 7:30pm

Shipley Arts Festival: Shipley Church

Photographic Record of the District's Cultural

Hancock's Half Hour

Sun 5 May , 6:30pm

Life in 2018

Tue 2 - Wed 3 Apr , Various Times

Mark Beaumont - Around the World in 80

6th Apr 2019 to 6th Jul 2019

Julian Dutton in Do You Think That's Wise?


With Horsham Photographic Society and

Thu 4 Apr , 7:45pm

Tue 7 May , 7:30pm

Steyning Camera Club.

The Simon and Garfunkel Story: 50th

Walk Right Back: The Everly Brothers Story

Anniversary Tour

Thu 9 May , 7:30pm

Scapes by Stef van Vuuren

Fri 5 Apr , 7:30pm

Jim Tavaré: From Deadpan to Bedpan

16th Apr 2019 to 13th Jul 2019

Dame Patricia Routledge & Piers Lane:

Fri 10 May , 7:45pm

Stef has lived in Horsham since 2004 when

Admission One Shilling...

He Writes The Songs - Barry's Ultimate

he arrived from South Africa.

Sat 6 Apr , 7:30pm


Moya Brennan - The Voice of Clannad

Fri 10 May , 8pm

Beautiful Sussex by Sue Collins

Sun 7 Apr , 7:30pm

Metropolitan Opera Live: Dialogues des

27th Apr 2019 to 29th Jun 2019

HFS The Handmaiden (18)


Beautiful Sussex' is a solo exhibition by

Mon 8 Apr , 8pm

Sat 11 May , 5pm

printmaking artist Sue Collins.

Exhibition on Screen: Rembrandt

HFS In The Fade (15)

Tue 9 & Tue 16 Apr , Various Times

Mon 13 May , 8pm

Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, 9 Causeway,

An Evening with Aggers

NT Live: All My Sons (12A)


Wed 10 Apr , 7:30pm

Tue 14 May , 7pm

West Sussex RH12 1HE.

NT Live: All About Eve

HAODS presents Singin In The Rain

Tel: 01403 254959 or visit

Thu 11 Apr , 7pm

Tue 14 - Sat 18 May , Various Times


Heather Small

Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers: Tribe

Thu 11 Apr , 7:30pm

Sun 19 May , 7:30pm

ELO Again

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake (12A)

Fri 12 Apr , 7:30pm

Tue 21 May , Various Times

Sat 13th April Fundraiser

Motionhouse presents Charge

Peter James

Roffey Millenium Hall

Tue 16 - Wed 17 Apr , Various Times

Wed 22 May , 7:30pm

2 pm – 4 pm

RSC Live: As You Like It (12A TBC)

The Counterfeit Stones: The Midnight

Sun 12th May Homing Show

Wed 17 Apr , 7pm


Broadbridge Heath Village Centre

Steeleye Span: 50th Anniversary Tour

Thu 23 May , 7:30pm

11 am – 2 pm

Thu 18 Apr , 7:30pm

PJ Proby Farewell Tour

Sat 18th May Fundraiser

Alice in Wonderland

Fri 24 May , 7:30pm

Horsham Hospital Fete

Fri 19 Apr , Various Times


1 pm – 4 pm

Conrad Anker - Hold Fast

Sat 25 May , 7:30pm

Sat 8th June Fundraiser

Sat 20 Apr , 7:30pm

Aliens Love Underpants

Barns Green Village Hall

Upbeat Dance: Kaleidoscope

Mon 27 May , Various Times

1 pm – 3 pm

Mon 22 Apr , 6:30pm

NT Encore: All My Sons (12A)

Details on 01403 854464 or visit

Midge Ure: Songs and Stories

Tue 28 May , 7pm


Wed 24 Apr , 7:30pm

Pop Divas Live!

Northern Soul Live

Wed 29 May , 6pm

Sat 27 Apr , 7:30pm

The Wizard of Oz

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Thu 30 May , Various Times

Jackson Live In Concert

Mon 29 Apr - Sat 4 May , Various Times

Bye Bye Baby

Sat 30 Mar , 7:30pm

Box Office Babies Screening: Red Joan (TBC)

Fri 31 May , 8pm

Horsham Symphony Orchestra - March 2019

Tue 30 Apr , 10:30am












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W O R D S E A R C H PA G E 2 8

C R O S S W O R D PA G E 4 4


James for Carpets - 10% Discount

Page 5

Nightingales - £10 Amazon Voucher Page 6 Flackwoods – Free Half Hour Advice Page 8 Bathe in Safety - Zero VAT

Page 13

G & S Roofing – 15% Discount

Page 15

P. Green - Free Guttering

Page 39

Horsham Sports Club - 25% Discount Page 44

C O N TA C T U S www.horshampublications.com T: 01403 588618 E: info@horshampublications.com Editor Richard Milbourn editor@horshampublications.com Sales Manager Gemma Gray gemma@horshampublications.com Client Liaison & Admin Mgr Dee Ryder dee@horshampublications.com



HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Psychotherapy and Counselling Ă?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vi`]ĂŠ1 *ĂŠĂ€i}ÂˆĂƒĂŒiĂ€i`]ĂŠ ÂŤĂƒĂžVÂ…Âœ>˜>Â?ĂžĂŒÂˆVĂŠÂŤĂƒĂžVÂ…ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€>ÂŤÂˆĂƒĂŒ ĂƒĂŠ ÂœvviĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠÂˆÂ˜Â‡`iÂŤĂŒÂ…ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂ€>ÂŤĂžĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠ ˆ˜`ÂˆĂ›Âˆ`Ă•>Â?ĂƒĂŠv>Vˆ˜}ĂŠ`ˆvwVĂ•Â?ĂŒÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜ ˆ ĂŠ ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ĂŠÂ?ÂˆĂ›iĂƒ° ĂŠ *Â?i>ĂƒiĂŠĂƒiiĂŠĂœiLĂƒÂˆĂŒiĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠvĂ•Ă€ĂŒÂ…iÀÊ `iĂŒ>ˆÂ?ĂƒĂŠÂœĂ€ĂŠV>Â?Â?ĂŠ iLLˆiĂŠ ÂœÂœĂ€iĂŠÂœÂ˜ Âœ

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ADVERTISEMENT INDEX Accountancy & Bookkeeping

Revival Dry Cleaners 41

Oven Cleaning



Oven Rescue - Horsham 50

AJE Accountancy 67

David J Long Limited 69

Oven Wizards 69

Indigo Tax & Accountancy 25


Painting / Decorating /

Tax Adept Accountants 2

Revival Dry Cleaners 62

Plastering Services

Tax Assist 11

Estate & Letting Agents /

Tony Billings 59


Homes for Sale

Pest Control

Bathe in Safety 17

At Home Estate Agency 71

The Pest Man 4

Bicycle Repair Services

Brock Taylor Estate Agents 72

Pet Services

Onsite Cycles 54

Moat Homes 45

R & H Pet Supplies 35

Building Services / Carpentry /

Oakford Homes 31

Plumbing / Heating / Boiler


Fascias / Soffits / Gutters


AMA Property Maintenance 69

P Green House Maintenance 39

Alba Plumbing 4

Home & Garden Care 17

Foot Services

Ferris Plumbing & Heating 17

NPD Developments 43

Clockhouse Podiatry 27

PST Plumbing 69

Smart Homes Handyman 24

Horsham Podiatry 29

Printing/Graphic Design Serv’s

Car Services

Funeral Services

Foundry Press 64

Denton's Automotive Serv’s 16

Francis Chappell & Sons 29

Roofing Contractor

Nightingale Service Centre 6

Garden & Landscaping Services

G & S Roofing & Guttering 15

Car Sales

Fairalls 28

Satellite & Aerial Services

Mercury Car Sales 16

Lawn3 17

1st Rate Aerials 67

Carpet / Flooring

Hair & Beauty

TAS Aerials 41

Berwicks of Horsham 36/37

Peach Perfect Beauty Clinic 54

Self Storage

James For Carpets 5

Health & Wellbeing

Standby Self Storage 1

Children & Education

Debbie Moore Counselling 69


Horsham Montessori 50

Hair Salons

Flackwoods Solicitors 8


Studio 2 41

Smith Gadd & Co 20

Henson Services 50

IT / Web Design Services

Swim School


Woodstock IT Services 40

Horsham Swim School 13

Horsham Sports Club 44

Kitchens / Bedrooms


Slinfold Golf & Country Club 3

Absolutely Kitchens, Bedrooms

Maltman Cosham 56


and Bathrooms 32

Wills & Estate Planning

West Sussex Cty Council 30

Alexander Kitchens 9

Thy Will Be Done 47

Curtains / Blinds / Interiors

The Kitchen Store 49

Westminster Law 6

CMD Interiors 69

Mortgage Consultant

Windows, Doors &

Driving School

Private Wealth Mortgages 21


Great Driver 59

Nursery School

Intratik 69

Dry Cleaning Services

Little Barn Owls Nursery 33



HORSHAM PAGES South To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com




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