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N°5/68-B 2015




OUR TESTS Extrema Ratio Resolza Mcusta Japanese Tradition Maserin Never Forgets Viper I’m Your Father

... 40 anni di pas s ione ed es perienza F.lli Beltrame F&c. snc via dei Fabbri 15/b - 33085 Maniago (PN) ITALY Tel./Fax: +39 0427 701859 -

Conaz Coltellerie dei F.lli Consigli & C. S.n.c. He ce: Via Giordano Giordani, 20 Phone +39.055.846197 Fax +39.055.846603 Shop / showroom: Via Roma, 8 Phone +39.055.8430270 50038 Scarperia (Firenze) Italy - 3 zuava nella misura di cm. 16, cm. 19 e cm. 24 con manici in corno bovino


Art. skar 235 €


W W W. C O LT E L L E R I A C O L L I N I . I T


SPEDIZIONI IN TUTTA ITALIA GRATUITE OLTRE I 180 EURO Immagini, prezzi (IVA inclusa) e caratteristiche dei prodotti sono da intendersi “SALVO ERRORI, OMISSIONI E/O VARIAZIONI”.


Art. skar-testudo 250 €

Realizzato in occasione del Blade Show 2014 in una tiratura limitata di soli 500 pezzi in tutto il Mondo, l’IMPOFU (antilope Eland, in lingua Zulu) è il coltello a lama fissa più grande ed imponente mai prodotto da Chris Reeve. ART. 0038 - 780,00 EURO

W W W . C O LT E L L E R I A C O L L I N I . I T


B 20 15



N °5

/6 8-




















Editorial Director Roberto Canali Managing Director Filippo Camperio Chief Administrative Officer Silvia Cei


Cover: Maserin 170


Extrem a Ra tio Reso lza Mcust a Japa nese Trad Maser ition in Neve r Forg ets Vipe r I’m Yo ur Fa ther


Editorial Staff Massimiliano Duca (, Gianluigi Guiotto ( Graphic Designers Jessica Licata, M-House Ed. di Luca Morselli Studio grafico Stefano Oriani English Version IT-wire srl ( Tommaso Rumici ( Contributors Gianni Daffara, Alfredo Doricchi, Fabio Ferrari, Vincenzo Goffredo, Tommaso Rumici, Vincenzo Tumbiolo, Luigi “Sator” Tumolo, Giuseppe Vernocchi, Marco Dell’Acqua, Marta Cammilletti, Giorgio Alessandri, Francesco Pascoli, Francesco Pachì, Roberto Allara, Mauro Maggi International Advertising Luca Gallina +39 347 26 86 288 Italian Advertising Paolo Maggiorelli +39 349 4 33 69 33 Published by C.A.F.F. Editrice via Sabatelli, 1 - 20154 Milano tel. +39 02 34537504 fax +39 02 34537513 Milan Court Registration Number n. 521 issued on 10/09/2001. Copyright by C.A.F.F. srl All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address above.


Extrema Ratio - Resolza


Mcusta - MC-0154 / 0145 / 0171D / 0041C / 0184D and DDS-170D


Maserin - 162CVD, 170CL / CLT / AG, 175, 126 / 3LGP


Viper - Borr





Resolza in the eyes of Extrema Ratio The Tuscan producer has reinterpreted a traditional Sardinian knife - upgrading it with modern materials still maintaining its nature. Tough job, but perfectly executed by Roberto Allara



a resolza, in the Sardinian dialect, i s t h e r a z o r, a n d b y extension, can be used to c a l l a l m o s t e ve r y bl a d e. P re c i s e ly, t h e wo rd m o re often identifies the Pattada knife, the most renown and famous for the elegance of the shapes. For this reason is so popular outside Sardinia - and became standardized even if in the origins each knife there were small differences. The knife was made by a bl a ck s m i t h , wh o wo r ke d

with the material at his disposal and adapting t h e bl a d e t o t h e h a n d l e. Many times, in order to g ive a g r a c e f u l s h ap e t o t h e k n i f e wh e n t h e h o r n for the handle was to thin, he had to make each time s o m e m o d i f i c at i o n s t h at ended with a knife slightly different from the other. Moreover, those who created a bunch of knives in their spare time, certainly didn't take into consideration the rigorous equivalence among the samples produced.

Even taking into consideration the differences between single knives, the Sardinian pocket knives (not to be confused with the "sa Leppa" a d agg e r- k n i fe s i m i l a r t o a re n a i s s a n c e k n i fe c a l l e d " p a l o s c i o " ) t ra d i t i o n a l ly can be organized in three g ro u p s : p o t - b e l ly t o s k i n , narrow to gut or blunt blades. The latter is mostly recognized in the Tempio Pa u s a n i a r a z o r s o r i n a precise Guspini model.

1. The Resolza by Extrema Ratio has a 12 cm length blade 2. The liner lock ensures the lock of the blade while opening it




On the online version of the Magazine you can see a video here Please visit:

3. The completely open handle allows an easy cleaning




4. The two versions of the Extrema Ratio knife

The narrow shepherd k n i f e h a s b e e n a lway s a mu l t i p u r p o s e bl a d e ve r y practical when using the point. Between the blade and the handle there is an almost imperceptible angle of few degrees that, when using the point, should keep the blade open and not let it close on the owners' fingers. Th e R e s o l z a s h a p e i s s o e l e g a n t a n d s l e n d e r t h at

many custom knifemakers have reinterpreted it, even using a Damascus steel blade. Many are the reproductions of this knife since its spread. We have the Resolza from M a n i a g o, S c a r p e r i a a n d some extremely sad plastic imitations. E x t r e m a R at i o, c o m p a n y that made quality its credo, decided that this knife was so fascinating that deserved

a reinterpretation that could further develop it using the t o d a y av a i l a b l e m o d e r n materials thus maintaining its nature. Their Resolza is knife with classic dimensions with a 12 cm long blade. Elegant and tapered, carries a Boehler N690 steel bl a d e, a n h i g h i n c a r b o n chromium-molybdenum alloy that allows high levels of hardness and great



handle is granted by a traditional Italian two-nails structure (the original brass ring would be out of place here) and it is made of anticordal aluminum with strong anodization. The blade finishing can b e a s t a n d a rd bu r n i s h e d M I L - C - 1 3 9 2 4 o r t u m bl e d , similar to the original, and black which highlights the upgrade of the knife. The handle show the clear signs of the style of the producer - the double side g r o ove - wh i ch d o e s n o t

Producer: Extrema Ratio, Model: Resolza Blade length: 122 mm Blade thickness: 3 mm Blade material: Boeker N690 Handle material: anticorodal aluminum Total length: 268 mm Length when closed: 145 mm Weight: 93 g


clash with the traditional shape of the knife, lending a touch of modernity. U n l i ke t h e h a n d c r a f t e d model created by the blacksmith, the blade s t ab i l i t y wh e n u s e d w i t h its point is granted by a discrete liner lock, to see it you need to look for it. There are differences between the modern object and the handcrafted knives, but the shape is natural that can be actually seen only after the second careful look. î ľ LM

capability to remain sharp. It's a fundamental characteristic a shepherd c a n n o t g ive u p, s i n c e h e stays isolated for long periods and that is the main tool. He uses the knife to cut bread, cheese and for all those tasks related to pastoralism. The grinding is flat and the bl a d e i s 3 m m t h i ck bu t does not confer to the knife a bulky look thanks to its dimensions. The overall solidity of the


















J a p a n e s e FOLDER



We have to thank Collini Cutlery - Italian distributor fro the Japanese Mcusta brand, for having given us the chance to review these knives. Text and pictures by Tommaso Rumici



1- From left to right, the five Mcusta displayed in the order they are described in the article: Ao-Take Money Clip MC-0154, Bamboo knife MC-0145, Knife Jazz D a m a s c u s M C - 0 1 7 1 D, Katana MC-0041C series, a n d R i k y u Te a C e re m o ny Damascus MC-0184D. Even if clearly belonging to the same family, each one holds a characteristic specific to particular user 2- The right side of the blade mounted on the Ao-Take Money Clip has no bevels.The handle, that mimics the bamboo, can be made in micarta, red pakkawood or ebony


custa keeps enriching its assortment on the international market. Despite the fact that many models cl e a r l y d i f f e r s f r o m o n e another, they all share the same careful match between advanced materials and the constant recollection to the Japanese tradition. The end result is a style that is fascinating as well as unique. Another strong point is the p ro d u c t i o n p ro c e s s , t h at can count on state of the ar t technologies coupled with manual procedures of assembly. so, let's take a look at the new entries, from the smallest to the biggest.

Ao-Take Money Clip The small Ao-Take Money Clip it's a real pocket jewel, and its peculiarity is to be completely asymmetr ic. The AUS 8 blade is beveled and sharpened only on its left side, the right bevel is slightly polished to finish it. The right side of the handle has a steel liner, on which a micar ta scales (worked to recall a bamboo) is screwed on. On the same liner, the opposing spring is secured. The mechanics is slip joint, fastened with three rounded plain brass pins. On the left side, there is only a generous money-clip,




3- As the name suggests, Ao-Take Money Clip, the smallest of the five Mcusta is a practical money clip, thanks to the hammered finished wide clip. The lanyard present in the packaging does not match the folder 4- As for the other models, also the Bamboo knife reproduces the bark of the famous Asiatic plant. The peculiarity are the damascus bolsters

carrying a light hammered f i n i s h i n g a n d t wo s e r i e s of delicate openings that re c a l l b a m b o o l e ave s . To open the knife, you need to use two hands, operating on the specific partial through indentation. The first lock position the blade encounter s is at 3 0 d e g r e e s r o t at i o n , a n d the second one is at its complete open position.


Th e fo rc e exe r t e d by t h e spring does not differ from other similar in architecture folder s, and is clearly the most appropriate. The use of the green micarta offers this small folder a touch of modernity. Those cherishing the utmost elegance, can choose b e t w e e n t h e S u s u Ta k e Money Clip variation - with a r e d Pa k k a w o o d s c a l e ,

and the Turo Take Money Clip - with a ebony scale. C u r i o u s ly e n o u g h , i n s i d e the packaging, we find a s y n t h e t i c l a n ya r d w i t h sparkling colors, which, in our opinion, are totally out of place when matched with such delicate aesthetics. If yo u w i s h t o m a ke u s e o f the rear hook, we suggest a small chain or a leather strip.


Bamboo knife

convincing way. The inner structure is made of a The Bamboo knife, as the metallic liner, a steel spacer, n a m e s u g g e s t s , o w n s a a second liner where the h a n d l e t h a t r e c a l l s t h e opposing spring is cut into p l a n t o f t h e s a m e n a m e. and, unusually, a third liner E v e n t h o u g h t h i s i s n o t that increases the thickness the fir st liner lock that t h e s e c o n d o n e l a c k s M c u s t a o f f e r s w i t h t h i s compared with the first one. characteristic, this model The blade is made of three d i f f e r s f o r t h e d a m a s c u s layers, the central one is in bolster s, which confer an VG-10 at 59-60 HRC, and the ever more exclusive look. scales are in stainless steel. T h e d o w n s i d e b e i n g a n U n l i ke t h e o t h e r k n iv e s increase on the weight, still p re s e n t e d i n t h i s a r t i cl e, well under the maximum t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n acceptable threshold. The the materials has not been blocking liner is way more highlighted via mechanical thinner that what we were or chemical processes, and expecting, and still under it's slightly visible only the s t re s s o p e rat e s i n a ve r y blade lock face.

The general dimensions are small enough to list this folder among the urban ones. Still its nature is clearly more of a sporting knife compared to the previous one - starting from the opening that is easier thanks to the ambidextrous opening pin. To carry it, we can count on a nice clip with a etched surface, that is secured on the end of the handle and easily reverted for the lefthanded. It's quite interesting noticing how Mcusta has managed - without declaring it - to show where she believes the user can a n d c a n n o t f i dd l e w i t h .






5- The Bamboo knife is very easy to carry, thanks to its dimensions and for the excellent and elegant clip. Probably we’ll never need to use the belt sheath found in the packaging 6- Even if the dimensions are generous for its category, we feel to put the Jazz among the gentleman’s knives, mainly for its very peculiar aesthetics. Outstanding the attention put in its production 7- The clip on the Jazz actually have a nice design, and the opaque finishing is fitting. But the edges are way too pointy, and you can feel them in your hand


The screws on the clip are common Torx - easy to be found - whereas those that keep together the knife have a very rare starred head ( * ). This characteristic belongs also to the following models. In the box we find a leather and synthetic sheath, with a belt fastener.

Knife Jazz Damascus Th e J a z z i s a f o l d e r t h at crosses the category of the gentleman's knife -Â which the previous models belong to - and the one of the spor ting ones - which will accompany our review to the end. As a matter of

fact, we have abundance of hindrances and yet elegance in the aesthetics. The lack o f t h e b o t t o m g u a rd a n d the dimensions of the mechanics suggest a easy and meditative use. The Jazz is the ideal knife to take out from the jacket pocket to face a Florentine steak. 15


The frame is similar to the Bamboo's, as we find the same triple metallic liner s solutions, with the difference that the spacer i s p a r t i a l a n d l e ave s t h e back completely open. The scales are made of a combination of cocobolo and African ebony without a continuity solution and with the addition of a polished metallic inlay. At the end o f t h e h a n d l e we f i n d a rectangular back cover of polished metal, forerun by a lanyard hole. The blade is made of laminated damascus stainless steel, with the c e n t r a l l aye r i n VG - 1 0 at 59/60HRC. In our opinion, the layers pattern has been mechanically highlighted and not chemically - by means of micro shoot peening or sanding, based on the different hardness of the materials. The result is a clearly visible gap but not too exaggerated in the contrast, that certainly will make happy those looking for a simple but interesting pattern. Also in this case, to open the knife, we act on the double thumb stud. The clip is positioned on the right side, near the pivot and allows only a tip-down carry. The surface has nice opaque finishing, but the e d g e s a r e way t o o mu ch pointy, especially the raised point tend to bother the palm of the hand.



Katana series

steel damascus, with a fine but ver y visible patter ns. T h e K a t a n a s e r i e s n o t Once again the central layer only recalls the Japanese is in VG-10, clearly highlighted s wo r d s w i t h t h e i r n a m e, by the darker color, probably but with the profile of the obtained through etching. blade and the striations on The hollow ambidextrous the handle - typical of the pin, offers a perfect grip for inter twined handles. The the thumb to open the knife blade is a laminated stainless without hesitations.

Jazz or Bamboo. Unlike those two, the unlocking appears a little more tougher even after substantial stresses. It will be interesting keeping an eye on this phenomenon on the long run, verifying that this is a permanent characteristic The liner lock laminate is cut rather than one destined in the only inner metallic liner, to disappear following the that lacks the corresponding polishing of the flat areas. one on the opposite side. The black anodized handle T h e s c a l e s a r e m a d e o f sporting blue details, not only anodized aluminum and are looks nice but it's extremely sufficiently strong that makes comfortable and safe thanks the lack of the second liner to the index groove and a hint acceptable. The thickness of upper guard that allows to of the spring is important if point the thumb. Even if the compared to the those of the back lanyard hole is present, 8- The Katana series offers a modern sporting knife, so nice and intriguing as well as nicely crafted. The effect given by the contrasts leaves speechless

the opaque stainless steel clip is designed not to be removed. Quite imposing, offers only a tip down carry for right-handed, and even in the presence of pointy edges, finds a perfect position within the palm of the hand, avoiding any annoying sensations. 9- As per Mcusta tradition, even on the Katana we find incredible recollections of the Japanese tradition, reinterpreted in a more moder way. In particular, here notice how the aluminum striations recall the sword handles




Rikyu Tea Ceremony Damascus The last knife of this review is the one with the most peculiar look. It's a kind of aesthetic that we, Westerners, are not used to. You'll like it or you'll hate it, no shades of gray. Always with a sporting setting, has such hindrances that m a ke i t p e r fe c t d u r i n g hikes, where carr ying it in the open cannot lead to misunderstandings with the law enforcers. The blade carries a straight swedge, making it the most a g g r e s s iv e o f t h e g r o u p, and the one with damascus pattern more emphasized. The steel is a SanMai w i t h c u t t i n g e d g e i n VG 10 at 59/60HRC, and outer layers in 33 layers of nickel d a m a s c u s . Th e l i n e r l o ck mechanics is similar to the previous one, even if in this case, a second liner had to be inser ted so to suppor t the green pakkawood scales. The handle is decorated with grooves and engravings dedicated to the tea ceremony - a fundamental aspect of the Japanese culture. The back is completely open, thanks to the use of three cylindric 10 spacers. The grip is the most ergonomic of the quintet. It fills the hand allowing a ver y safe grip. Still it's the bulkiest of all, and the clip 10- The Rikyu Tea Ceremony is, among all, the folder with the is not contemplated, instead most particular aesthetics. It’s impossible to remain emotionless: t h e r e i s a l e a t h e r a n d you’ll love it or you’ll hate it. No doubts on the comfort 18


synthetic sheath. There is also a version only in VG-10, which costs less and with a opening hole instead of the ambidextrous pin.

11- The green Pakkawood handle has an engraving dedicated to the tea ceremony, an extremely important ritual in the Japanese culture. Lacking the clip, we appreciate the sheath present in the packaging


Type of lock:

Mcusta, Coltelleria Collini, tel. 0331 632.686, Ao-Take Money Clip Bamboo knife MC-0145 Knife Jazz Damascus MC-0154 MC-0171D triple layer, the central AUS 8 and VG-10 on in damascus VG-10 cocobolo, African ebony, steel and micarta cocobolo, damascus steel 136 mm 168 mm 195 mm 58 mm 72 mm 85 mm 2 mm 3 mm 3 mm 36 g 95 g 91 g slip joint liner-lock liner lock


Practical and light


Nothing to point out a little heavy


Italian Distributor: Model: Blade material: Handle material: Length when open: Blade length: Blade thickness: Weight:

a perfect EDC

elegant and refined pointy clip

Katana MC-0041C series

Rikyu Tea Ceremony Damascus MC-0184D

Sakura DDS-170D scissors

VG-10 damascus

and VG-10

and VG-10




194 mm 85 mm 3 mm 96 g liner lock light, practical and polished big and pointy clip

211 mm 93 mm 3 mm 123 g liner lock

170 mm 81 mm 2.6 mm 58 g --


simply magnificent

peculiar aesthetics

Nothing to point out 19


Sakura Scissors is shaped and also holds an authenticity certificate. The sharpening is smooth and flat. The cutting abilities are something difficult to describe when used to common scissors. The price too is commensurate, but in this case we have no hesitations stating that it's adequate. D a m a s c u s p at t e r n a s i d e,

the Mcusta scissors are embellished by three d e s i g n s yo u c a n c h o o s e from and so cataloged: DDS for the Sakura, cherry f l o we r, D D C f o r t h e t wo stylized cranes, and DDB for the butterfly. î ľ LM

These magnificent scissors are made by craftsmen in Seki, Japan, and are made of one of the best Japanese steels, the 37 layer s VG-10 clad steel damascus. Every piece is assembled by hand, finished, sharpened and controlled by specialized craftsmen. It's then packaged in a balsa wood box, the inside

12- Not only knives: Mcusta started to produce also very elegant damascus scissors. Each piece is hand assembled and its packaging is a wooden box




13- The Mcusta scissors handles are elegantly perforated. Right now there are just three available designs: cherry flower, crane and butterfly. The price is high, but totally justified



ZANMAI STONES Aside the blades seen so far, Mcusta offers also a series of Zanmai stones. They have Japanese origins and are synthetic and to be used with water. With their 20 cm of length, can be used on folders as well as on kitchen knives.


High quality Nothing

With such refined blades, we are not astonished to see the producer Series: Zanmai selling also high quality stones to use to sharpen them. They need water Material: synthetic to be used Use: with water Length: 205 mm Width: 76 mm Thickness: 35 mm Weight: 1,134 g

The Zanmai stone of this article is with a double grain: one side 1000 and the other 6000 22

Design by Fabrizio Silvestrelli






Disegnato da Fabrizio Silvestrelli, Ten si rivolge all’utente evoluto, che richiede pretende un funzionamento meccanico sempre perfetto, a prescindere dal tempo e dall’usura. Il cuore del Ten è la sua particolare molla ibrida: l’elemento elastico è in titanio, per offrire la massima elasticità, mentre quello di contatto è in acciaio, per una maggiore durata. Tre viti permettono la regolazione dell’accoppiamento fra liner e tallone della lama, poi completata sfruttando un grano per la microregolazione. Le dimensioni e il peso ridotti, oltre alla previsione di un pratico flipper d’apertura, rendono il Ten un ottimo compagno per tutti i giorni. Designed by Fabrizio Silvestrelli, Ten turns to the evolved user, that requires the mechanical operation to be always perfect, regardless of time and wear. The heart of the Ten is its particular hybrid spring: the elastic element is made of titanium, to provide maximum elasticity, while the contact one is made of steel, for a greater durability. Three screws allow the adjustment of the coupling between the liner and the heel of the blade, completed using a grain for the micro-regulation. The reduced size and weight, in addition to the provision of a practical opening flipper, make the Ten a great everyday companion.

Tel. +39 0427 700153 · ·



Maserin never forgets Some companies at times forget their roots. Maserin, instead, keeps alive, celebrates and offers historical models in new precious and neat versions of the classics text and pictures by Giorgio Alessandri

1. Dimensional comparison between Maserin 162 CVD (top), damascus and deer special edition, and 170 CLT model - its handle is in nickel-silver and holds a precious insert in tiger coral




ince it's that period o f t h e ye a r wh e n companies are working on the models of t h e n e w c o l l e c t i o n s , we take the chance to make a jump in the past. In these pages we will describe some of the most traditional lines of Maserin catalog. Even if long has passed from their debut, they are still produced and per iodically receive new injections in form of new materials or limited editions. Their age is betrayed by the extremely

e l e g a n t s e t t i n g - ye t n o t anachronistic - but refined. Another hint it's their names - simple product c o d e s - a s re q u e s t e d by customs at the time .

This new version, that adds the CVD suffix, is offered in an imposing case with a magnetic lock, a metallic t ag c a r r y i n g t h e l o go o f the producer and the originating country. In the 162 packaging, together with the folder protected by Let's open our review with a plastic bag, there is the the last re-visitation of the warranty and the specifics 1 6 2 s e r i e s . Th e m o d e l i s of the damascus - made of a classic of the company, twisted and forged ATS34 which in its standard and 440A bars under a edition carries 420 stainless weight of 30 tons. steel blades and today Th e m a i n n i cke l - s i l ve r m at ch e d o n ly w i t h d e e r liner s are strong enough antlers and blond horn. so no other metallic ones

2. The right side of the 175 - celebrating the 50th anniversary of the company, at the beginning wasn't meant to be sold to the public




3.The 162 CVD is given us in a prestigious and imposing box, with a tag carrying the company logo. Inside, aside the leaflets, a protective p o u c h f o r t h e ev e r y d ay carry


4 . T h e t h re e 1 7 0 o f t h i s r ev i e w. F ro m l e f t : t i g e r coral, abalone and coral. In the catalog, there are two other versions with ebony or mother-pearl inlays, the structure completely made of nickel-silver and no insert.




5. The 126/3LGP could not be more classic than this. Even with small hindrances and light in weight, offers a sturdy blade, a good saw and a cork screw.

are required. In the middle they have been milled to r e d u c e t h e t h i ck n e s s o f just what needed to mount the two deer scales - held together by two brass rivets - avoiding the formation of treads in the junction. The extremities keep their full thickness, and act as bolster s. The handle is c o m p l e t e ly p o l i s h e d , s o to avoid edges and create a fluid transition between the metallic and natural materials A dark brown soft sheath i s a l s o i n cl u d e d i n t h e

packaging. It carries white stitches and the inside is suede. This sheath allows to car r y this small jewel ever y day in our pockets without worrying to ruin it by getting in contact with other objects.

t h re e i n l ay s : c o ra l , t i g e r c o r a l a n d a b a l o n e. T h e ser ies is completed by a mother-pearl, ebony, and a, more economic, nickelsilver versions, that are not present in the pictures of this article. The frame is simple: two 170 and 175 lateral nickel-silver liners, with oval grooves that host I d e n t i c a l i n e v e r y t h i n g the inserts of fine material. e x c e p t f o r t h e i n s e r t s , Inside there are the blade these three folders of the and the opposing spr ing 1 7 0 s e r i e s , c a n b e t o l d that acts also as a spacer. apar t by their suffixes Ever ything is carefully C L , C LT a n d A L , w h i c h polished to eliminate any respectively identify the e d g e a n d t r e a d , w h i c h 27


tasks, such as opening letters or transparent plastic bags, cutting tedious threads from clothes and similar everyday duties. The absence of a lock doesn't influence the cutting exper ience, on the contrary it ends being shows the assembly pins, very positive, thanks to the and makes it an extremely extremely contained weigh comfortable carry. and thickness. The blade is 420 stainless There is no doubt that there steel, mirror-finished and are no fighting capabilities just a little longer of the in this knife. previous model. This time The 175 series is identical t h e p ro f i l e i s s y m m e t r i c to the 170, sharing the same and, thanks to the reduced blade. t h i c k n e s s , a l s o i n t h i s The difference belongs in c a s e t h e c u t t i n g e d g e i s the scales, which have no extremely sharp. The ideal double inlay, to favor two u s e o f t h e 1 7 0 a re s m a l l more simple panels. 6 . A d e t a i l o f t h e s aw o f 126/3LGp, which tooths are made to work in traction, making the lock useless. The point is designed to work as a slot screwdriver


In the standard version are in nickel-silver or copper C70, both with the same diamond decoration and three visible wrought pins. Our version celebrates the 50 year s of the company, e s t abl i s h e d i n 1 9 6 0 a n d initially wasn't for sale. This version carries copper C70 scales, but for this instance, they are richly decorated and held together by two brass rounded pins.

126/3LGP just cocobolo Of a totally different type, the 126/3LGP is still a cl a s s i c. We h ave ch o s e n this one to represent the

different models dedicated to hunting, which carry just the blade or accessorized with useful instruments for such purpose. Our model has a main blade retained with a back lock system, a cork screwer and a saw, which point acts also as a screwdriver. Other models offer hooks or skinning blade. The main frame includes three metallic liners, which creates two openings: one for the blade and respective lock, and the other for the remaining tools. Ever ything is assembled with brass pins, which hold together the diamond surface scales - in this

m o d e l ava i l abl e o n ly i n cocobolo. Fo r t h e o t h e r k n iv e s o f t h e h u n t i n g s e r i e s , yo u can choose between deer, c o c o b o l o, b l o n d h o r n and olive tree wood. The forward extremity of the handle is embellished by two bolsters in mirrorf i n i s h e d n i c k e l - s i l v e r, where as on the backward extremity we find a small cylinder that we can use to secure the knife in the pocket. The main blade is symmetrical and ver y pointy, ver y solid thanks to its significant thickness. I n i t s f a c t o r y ve r s i o n i s already very sharp.

It's made of AISI 440 and yo u c a n o p e n i t w i t h two hands, using the indentation that perfectly matches the tradition and the hunting times. The back lock lever offer s a strong re s i s t a n c e t o a c c i d e n t a l closings, and you can easily unlock it by pushing with the thumb on the extremity, a movement made easier thanks to the appropriate g ro ove o n t h e l e f t s c a l e and metallic liners. 7. Detail of the 170 CL blade. The streamlined shape and the reduced thickness makes it a perfect letter opener, as well as a perfect tool for small tasks




For this blade, there is no lock, but only an opposing spring. A choice that doesn't c o m p r o m i s e t h e s a f e t y, since the significant stresses are present o n ly d u r i n g t h e t ra c t i o n The saw has to alter nate movement, which will tend rows of tooths, oriented to t o ke ep t h e bl a d e o p e n saw by traction, and ver y rather than closed. suitable for bones too, let's A t t e n t i o n m u s t b e p a i d not forget this is a hunting only when using the saw folder. as a screwdriver. Even the The thickness of the edge c o rk s c rew h a s a s t ro n g is considerable, where as retention spring, in this eay near the back it is reduced. it will stay in place, without In this manner, the saw will causing problems to the not try to get stuck, as the hand. î ľ t o o t h s w i l l d i g a g ro ove larger than the cutting edge. SO

8. The left side of the c o m m e m o r a t i ve e d i t i o n of 175, dominated by the company logo. The handle is copper C70, held together by brass rounded pins



Great classics Nothing to point out

Producer: Maserin, Model: 162 CVD; 170 CL, CLT, AL; 175; 126/3LGP Blade material: damascus (162CVD); AISI 420 (170 and 175 series); AISI 440C (126/3LGP) Handle material: nickel-silver and deer (162CVD); coral (170CL); tiger coral (170 CLT); abalone (170 AL); copper C70 (175); cocobolo (126/3LGP). Total length: 140 mm (162); 154 mm (170 e 175); 177 mm (126/3LGP) Blade length: 62 mm (162); 65 mm (170 e 175); 79 mm (126/3LGP) Blade thickness: 2.5 mm (162); 2 mm (170 e 175); 2.8 mm (126/3LGP) Weight: 42 g (162); 47 g (170 e 175); 126 g (126/3LGP) Type of lock: slip joint (162, 170, 175); back lock (126/LGP)

Dalla collaborazione tra lo scrittore Nicolai Lilin e Coltellerie Maserin è nato il 987 Siberian knife. Pugnale dalle forme tipicamente siberiane, ha lama e fodero con disegni che riprendono temi e simbologie della tradizione siberiana presenti anche nelle opere figurative e nei tatuaggi realizzati dall’autore del libro best seller Educazione Siberiana.

Coltellerie Maserin snc via dei Fabbri, 19 - 33085 Maniago (PN) Tel. +39 0427 71335 - Fax +39 0427 700690 -



I am your father! As promised, not too far from the launch of Odin frame-lock, Viper in collaboration with Vox, completes their folder-fixed couple with the new knife called Borr, Odin's father Text and pictures by Giorgio Alessandri




1. Viper Borr is a robust field knife and of not too excessive dimensions. The design is clearly ascribable to Vox, which does not sacrificeversatility in favor of ease of use 2. It's a full tang, with scales secured by two couples of screws. On our model we had the green canvas micarta. The tang is partially exposed so to be used as a crusher


he fir st sur pr ise we face even before starting to review t h e k n i fe i t s e l f, c o m e s from the packaging. It has a n ew d e s i g n , ke ep i n g i t s s i m p l i c i t y, i s m o r e r o bu s t c o m p a r e d t o t h e former ones and certainly more modern in the aesthetics. Inside we find a transparent bag containing the knife with a cardboard

p ro t e c t i o n o n t h e bl a d e and a bubble wrap bag that s h i e l d s t h e s h e at h f r o m scratches and abrasions. Th e s h e at h i s m a d e o f a t h i ck bl a ck l e at h e r t h at fo l l ow s t h e k n i fe s h ap e. When inside, the knife is c ove re d u p u n t i l h a l f o f t h e h a n d l e, t h e t o n e - o n tone stitches appear ver y strong and on each side of the sheath the producer

l o go i s p re s e n t . Yo u c a n carry it on the belt - even if you are left-handed, thanks to two loops, like on a gun holster. The blade retention is so reliable that does not require lanyards or other add-ons. It is undoubtedly nicely manufactured, still looking at the type of blade, we a r e n o t s u r e t h at a l l customers will be satisfied and won't look for a Kydex



3. Viper has decided to go against the trend, giving up the Kydex to favor a leather sheath - which is extremely well crafted. If we really look for a synthetic material, there are many good artisans that can come in help

- g r e at ly ap p r e c i at e d i n militar y-spor ting arenas. Fo r t u n at e ly i t ' s e a s y enough to find an artisan r e a d y t o m a nu f a c t u r e a tailor made one. The knife has been clearly upgraded from the prerelease sample displayed at t h e B l a d e S h ow 2 0 1 4 , wh i ch c a r r i e d t o o m a ny edges that made it almost uncomfor table. The commercial ver sion has been wisely refined, maintaining the same determined lines, but avoiding rough edges on 34

the suppor ting areas. So, even if the scales on the handle still carr y a lively and full of character design, when a strong grasp is needed, you can use all the necessary strength. For the same reason, the producer has worked on the entire perimeter of this full tang, likewise he did on the Fate and Car nera, rounding it where the ergonomics can better exploit it and leaving more flat those areas that are of no concern. Wh e n t a ke n ap a r t , t h e m i c a r t a s c a l e s , t h at a r e

h e l d t o g e t h e r w i t h t wo c o u p l e s o f To r x o n t wo screw-on cylinder s, show the tang - properly reduced in weight and balanced by two oval opening. As a field knife, the guard has only the bottom part. Where the upper one would b e, we f i n d a c o u p l e o f milled areas, similar to the one on the back of the tang, which holds the lanyard hole and lightly protrudes from the handle in order to be used to hammer. To offer an higher versatility, we find the index groove


4. On the right side, we find the logo of the designer. The Borr grip is characterized by a index groove, that allows to hold the knife in a forward stance. The upper guard has been replaced by two knurlings

an evident roundness. In t h i s way, ro bu s t n e s s h a s been favored instead of an highest penetration. The bevels are flat and just for few millimeters reach the back. As usual, Viper offers different versions on this new model. Black or green c a nva s m i c a r t a h a n d l e s , or pau santo wood, which aesthetically is similar to the cocobolo but, unlike it, it's easier to be found. î ľ


Comfortable and exploitable Someone may look for the Kydex

Producer: Viper, Model: Borr Designer: Jesper Voxnaes Blade material: AISI D2 58/60HRC Handle material: micarta Total length: 250 mm Blade length: 125 mm Weight: 260 g Sheath: leather


in a more forward position and, above it, a hole for the wrist lanyard - that has to be removed before stowing it back in the sheath. On the Odin frame-lock, Viper used Boehler N690; on the Borr, where higher stresses are more likely, used AISI D 2 w i t h a s t o n e wa s h e d finishing. The blade profile it's ver y similar to the f o l d e r o n e, a n d i t ' s t h e typical design belonging t o J e s p e r Vox n a e s . T h e edge runs almost up until the tip and joins up with a limited radius creating



5. Taking the scales apart, we can see the work carried out on the tang to make it lighter and balanced without influencing its robustness. Take a look at the two screw-on cylinders within the scales

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AUSONIA NANUTTI BELTRAME S.P.A. Via Arba, 31 - 33085 Maniago (PN) Tel. + 39 0427-71251 Fax + 39 0427-700316

Our special limited version in CPM S 125 V with scales in Ranger Green G 10 represents the maximum in terms of cutting capability and rust resistance. With reference to the specifications of the Crucible steel plant, the life of the cutting edge of CPM S 125 V is 4 times higher than the CPM S 30 V which is already high. We forecast to produce a new knife at the beginning of the next year where the blade will be in CPM S 125 V

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