Учитель англійської мови учитель вищої категорії гімназія «Ерудит» Солом’янський район Жубинська М.І. План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі. Тема: Людина i довкiлля Цілі: Практична: удосконалювати вимову учнів. Практикувати учнів в усному мовленні. Тренувати учнів у вживанні нового лексичного матеріалу у мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та понад фразової єдності. Практикувати учнів у аудіюванні та читанні. Вчити учнів презентувати підготовлений матеріал, удосконалювати вживання the second conditional, Освітня: розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів. Збагачувати знання учнів з теми Розвиваюча: розвивати фонематичний слух учнів, довготривалу, оперативну пам'ять, слуховий контроль, культуру читання, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою. Виховна: виховувати інтерес до навчання, до вивчення іноземної мови, культуру спілкування, любов до природи. Обладнання: аудіо запис тексту, розмовні фрази, скоромовка, тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, підручник Tim Falla, Paul A Davies “Solutions Pre-Intermediate”, Oxford; мультимедійний проектор; презентація учительська Хід уроку: Етап 1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку учням. Мета: Залучити учнів до роботи на уроці Прийом: Вітання, бесіда T.: For the start, I'd like you to write the quotation of Dalai Lama by letters, to explain the meaning of it and try to guess what the topic of our lesson is. Students write the quotation by letters and predict the topic of the lesson. "Mother planet is showing us the red warning light "be careful" – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house. " T: Now find the separate words and read the sentence. What can you say about this quotation? Р: The planet is our home. We should do everything to keep it the beautiful place. That's why we should take care of our planet and try to help the environment before it's too late. T: So, have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? Р: The topic of our lesson is the "Environment". T: Yes, you are right. Today you are going to speak about environmental problems and suggest ways how to help the environment. You will improve your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills on the topic. I suppose this topic will be interesting for you, because nature is our home and our duty is to respect its rights. So, today we’ll learn more about relationship
between people and nature, have a discussion, learn some new vocabulary, do some exercises to remember them better, read a text. Етап 2. Мовленнєва та фонетична зарядка Мета: Ввести учнів у іншомовне середовище за темою уроку Прийом: Робота з прислів’ям та лексикою. 1. T.: Read the proverb and comment upon it! Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. T.: What are your ideas? Do you agree with that proverb? 2. T. When we speak about environment what words do you associate with it? Let’s play the lexical game. Take the cards, find the topic words in the word square. I’ll give one minute. P
T. I hope you will agree with me that nowadays everybody wants to live in a safe and healthy world. We аre given the world that is P1: Beautiful P2: Wonderful P3: Unique P4: Rich but very fragilе T. What makes our world beautiful? P1: Blue oceans and seas, lakes and rivers. P2: Green forests and parks, beautiful gardens and squares P3: Mighty waterfalls and nigh mountains. P4: Spring fields and green pastures T: What makes our world wonderful and unique? P1: Rainforests and steppes P2: Various species of mammals, birds and insects P3: Various plants and flowers Етап 3 I. MAIN PART Мета: . Практикувати учнів у аудіюванні.
Прийом: аудіювання. T: As we are going to speak about the environment, let's listen to the Native American poem. Try to say what it is about. Tapescript: Only when all the rivers have run dry and all the fish in the sea have died Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down and there is no food for the animals Only when all the blue skies have been killed with smoke And the cities of the world have choked Will the white man understand that it's too late to save the earth. T: So, what is the poem about? Р: It's about the damage we are doing to our planet. It is a warning of what might happen in the future. Прийом; Дискусія Мета: Практикувати учнів в усному мовленні, вчити учнів презентувати підготовлений матеріал T.: I see that you are great lovers of nature, you see its beauty and its importance. For today’s lesson you have made your presentations. We are professors – scientists of different branches. The first group: professors of water. The second group: professors of animal’s world. The third group: professors of landscape. The fourth group: professors of plants world. Pupils presentations, speaking 1) T: Professors of water, please WATER IN OUR LIFE Life is a zoo in a jungle. WATER AND WATER PLANTS On our planet there is a lot of water; the water is in rivers, in lakes, in ponds, in seas and in oceans. The ocean is a very big sea. The water in the sea is salty, but in the river the water is fresh. In the water live many plants. The water lily floats on the top of the water. WATER ANIMALS In the water live fish and animals. A fish moves its tail from side to side and swims in the water; its tail is its propeller. Fish are covered with scale. Some fishes eat plants or smaller fish and worms under the water; others eat flies and other insects on the top of the water. IMPORTANCE OF WATER Water is necessary for life. All organisms contain it, some drink it and some live in it. Plants and animals require water that is moderately pure, and they cannot survive, if water contains toxic chemicals or harmful microorganisms. Water pollution kills large quantity of fish, birds, and other animals, in some cases killing everything in an affected area. WATER AND ITS PROTECTION We must keep water clean in rivers and lakes, because we need clean water for drinking. Plants and animals die in the water which is polluted. Especially great harm to the river and lakes is done by oil products. That is why the law forbids to drain harmful and waste waters to
water reservoirs. It also forbids to cup the forests around the water reservoirs because then they become shallow. THE MAIN PROBLEM of WATER POLLUTION The problems associated with water pollution have the capabilities to disrupt life on our planet to a great extent. But global environmental collapse is not inevitable. But they don’t last long if they try. A generation which doesn’t think of nature will not have future! What influence have a water world on the people’s life? What do you think about water pollution? 2) T: Professors of flora, please The Plant Life On Our Planet Life is Just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you. Wally On our planet plants live from the tundra in the north to the tropical forests at the equator. In the Arctic the climate is very cold, snow never melts in summer; that is why few plants live there. The tundra lies to the south of the Arctic; there are no big trees but there grow grass and moss. Forests lie to the south of the tundra; in the forest grow such trees as oak, birch, maple and others. Forests are “the lungs” of our planet. That is why they are protected by law. The worst enemy of a forest is fire. It is necessary to be careful in the forest especially when the weather is dry and windy. The roots of plants absorb water and dissolved salts out the soil. Wind and rain destroy the soil. The best helpers of farmers are plants. They protect the soil agains erosion. They also plant bushes and trees on the sides. People like wild flowers and often pick them up. That is why many of flowers become rare It’s better to take pictures of flowers than to pick them up. 3) T: Professors of fauna, please THE ANIMALS WORLD Epigraph Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos. Will Durant (1885-1981) Every year more animals disappear never to be seen again. Nature is carefully balanced and if this balance is disturbed everyday, thousands of species of animals draw closer to extinction. The problem is acid rain. Acid is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories the burn coal or oil, or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries he smoke far from the factories. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, insect dies our forever. If nothing is done about it, one million kind species that are alive today may soon become extinct. Stop wining the habitat of insects animals and reptiles! Think about rare species. What are the methods do you know to save animal’s life? 4) T: Professors of landscape, please LANDSCAPE Epigraph A country without trees is almost as hopeless. Theodore Roosevelt Trees in Danger Millions of years before animals lived on land, there were trees on the Earth. But today trees are in serious danger. In the 1970s,many of the elm trees in Europe were killed by Dutch
elm disease. Now even a greater danger is threatening the forests and woods of Europe from northern Sweden to southern Italy. This old danger attacks all trees like oak, birch as well as coniferous trees like fir tree and pine. First the branches turn yellow and brown. Then the trees’ needles or leaves fall. The roots and the trunk shrink. Finally the trees die. In the Black Forest in Germany 75% of the trees have been damager or killed. But what is killing the trees?Nobody knows exactly, but it is probably air pollution or acid rain. In other parts of the world trees are threatened by people, not pollution. The great rain forests of Asia and South America are being destroyed for firewood and building material. Trees are important because they provide home for many other plants and animals. Trees produce the oxygen which we breathe. If the trees die, we will too. Мета: Тренувати учнів у вживанні нового лексичного матеріалу у мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та понад фразової єдності, удосконалювати вживання the second conditional. Прийом: Виконання лексичних та граматичних вправ. 1.T.: Are you a good vocabulary learner? Let us see! Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents! “Build” the words using the letters-“bricks”! Explain their meaning! 1. TENCEEXIS 6. SERVEPRE 2. SSILFO 7. CLEARNU 3. UEFL 8. CATIONIMPLI 4. VIVALSUR 9. DOWMBREAK 5. UENTCONSIQ 10. YEILD 2. The Second Conditional. T: Let’s revise some grammar rules. When do we use the Second Conditional? How do we form the sentences? Ps: We use the second conditional to describe an imaginary situation or event, and its result. We use the past tense in the if clause, and would/wouldn’t + verb in the main clause. T: Take the cards and divide into two groups. Use the Second Conditional and continue the sentences. If we didn’t leave taps If we didn’t drop litter… on…. If we recycled plastic, If we didn’t eat fast metal and glass… food… If the plants and factories If we didn’t use the didn’t throw waste into cars… the sea… If we put cans recycling bins…
into If we took care of animals and birds…
3.T→Ps: Let’s use the computers and practice the grammar. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. I’ll give you 3 minutes. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets If we…. (recycle) more plastic bottles, we … (not have to) produce so much plastic. If we … (produce) less plastic, we … (burn) less oil. If we... (burn) less oil, there ...(not be) so many “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. If there … (not be) so many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we … (be able to) reduce global warming. If we… (reduce) global warming, the Earth’s climate … (not change) so fast. Мета: Розвивати навички мовлення на основі тексту для читання. Прийом: читання тексту. T: Read the text (ex.3, p.76 “Teen Action”) and complete it with the words in the box. T: Let’s check the task. Key: 1. Countries; 2. environment; 3. energy; 4.letters; 5. rubbish, 6. turn off, 7. use. Мета: практикувати учнів навколишнього середовища.
Прийом: створення клубу з захисту навколишнього середовища. T: Do you know any environmental organizations or clubs? Would you like to create your own environmental club? Let’s create it! Here’s the club’s card Name your club
Create a slogan (a phrase which describes your club’s activities) Write the environmental problems Write down your ideas and solutions (How can we help the environment?)
I’ll give you 6 minutes. Ps: (презентація клубів з захисту навколишнього середовища). Етап 4. Заключна частина. Повідомлення домашнього завдання та інструктаж. T: Invite your friends to join the club (write the invitations). Підведення підсумків уроку, оцінювання. T: We love the Earth. The Earth is our home! We should help the environment. Our future is in our hands! So, what have we done at the lesson? What new have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? Who was the brightest pupil of this lesson? Why? …(name of a pupil), assess the work of your classmates, please!
T.: So, let us some up the ideas. Brainstorm and write the ideas which refer to environmental
problems! I enjoyed the way you worked at the lesson. You were active and smart. Your marks are‌ because‌ The lesson is over! Bye!