Materiali z urokiv navch vikonavch pismov zavdan

Page 1

Н ап и с а н н я л иста О с о б и с ти й л и с т Привітання Dear + our friend’s first name, П очаток листа

В ст упні розм овні ф ормули How are you? I > 7 7 fine. Thanks f o r y o u r letter. It was realty nice to hear fro m you. I'm sorry I haven't written f o r such a long time b u t ... IH! H ow's everything (going)? 1 hope you are well. Sorry I haven 7 written sooner, but... М ет а н ап и сан н я л и ст а The reason I 'm writing is... I'm writing to tell you... You a s k e d m e to r e c o m m e n d s o m e ( p l a c e s to s t a y in m y c o u n t r y ) ... I've m a n a g e d to f i n d o u t s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t (la n g u a g e sch o o ls) f o r yo u .

Основна частина листа

О працювання пункт ів ком унікат ивного завдання 3 ’єднувальпі ф ормули F ir s tly , s e c o n d l y , to b e g i n w ith , in a d d i ti o n , furthermore, lastly, moreover, besides: on the one hand...on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless; all in all, to sum up, in conclusion тощ о.

Закінчення листа

Завершальні розмовні формули I'd better go now. I can 7 wait to hear from you. Write back soon. Well, that's all my news. Look fo rw a r d to hearinfrom/seeing you soon. Give my regards to your parents. Drop me a line. Love,/Yours,/Best wishes, + our first name.

Writing Bank Ш





Email h

•в* О si Z

• The computer includes your ~ ; emaH address and the date automatically.


а ji —


-r% '*■iw k_sch neider®

« Write the email address of the person you're writing to.

1 11|lib_____ ~__ .о..

Sent: 21/07/06

anke765@ Cc; S u b je c t! M y visit

• Write the address of the people you would like to send a copy of. the letter to.-*

H LK a rin 5ot y o u r m essage about the weather. I'll make sure I pack m y

umbrella I • Choose "subiect. :

•r ' - f

Write themessage like a short informal letter or a personal ii : ПОіе.

і A

М У flight is a rriving in Vienna to m o rro w at 15.35, then I'll take a b u s fro m the airport to the centre. I'll g ive you a ring fro m the hotel w h e n 1 get there. H o w about m eeting up later for dinner? If A n k e arrives fro m Stuttgart, perhaps she could jo in us, too. lt w i „ be great to see y o u again soo n !


Take care, D aniel






Postcard ::> 4

• Write the name and address of the person you're writing to.


^Z.3rd Jtdsj

.nm'i, ""iiMr De-лг Ms** a-nd Dad,

• Put the date at the top. (You can leave this out.)

lsAvi-п » a -fa-niAstic. t in e i-e. A u s t r ia . TWe w e a th e r’s ^ г е л f . L o ts o f


Write Deaf and the name of the " person you're writing to.


f t W мо гл і-и . Mia K cfe /’s л ,


Ш/ • Write your message. Use short forms (Щf, rt% we’re) and short sentences.

сол-f rvf-ftbf e, too

WftVft л іг а л А ^ visited Sdi&nbrv-m-w C a stle . I t 's b e a v titid \ Uexi wteXevd

ZU- Сагііом. C o w f

Salj-bur*. 3V we're pla-мм.ім^ to ffO to7 S a l^ b v r^ . X

Ma^j-fieid Road

r e a lly e n d i n g - nejjsei-f, btrf X rierg r t

' 3 e<a * s


tr. ом CM ГУ-исгелл S^MCre-A*. a-nd mow X tki-xK to put • Finish with a friendly phrase: See you soon, Wish you were here! (lots of) Love, (to family members and close friends)

Best wishes,

I've- pel sv-лЬмг-и!


Wish. •jjotr were kerel Lots of- love,

Da-nifti ,v

1Sign y o u r nam e. First nam e is usually enough.


t h *■; - ?Ш ||

Mr л W Mrs T bv^Wes


Bnstoi BSfc 3QA •UK

ШШ',~ .

,£ т ш ш ік х т т т іш п ш я т т

Formal letter 2 (com plaint)


- 1


Customer Service Dept. „



Last Saturday, I visited my local Cheap-0 Supermarket in Bristol -to buy groceries, which you advertised as being extremely good valuer However, most products were being sold at a price much higher than in other shops, and when I got home, I also found out that nearly all the dairy products I had bought were past their sell-by dates; I think overpriced •food that has gone off is anything but good value.

Ш- -•

........ — —



M O R E USEFUL PHRASES: I am writing to complain a b o u t,.. I w ont to expressnty strong dissatisfaction with ...


щ I demand a full refund. I expect you to send me a replacement I would be grateful If you could send me a refund / replacement.

Book review


* Щ


• Always think about your audience. (W ho are you writing for? Who's going to read your

, ", —





Ender's Gam e .


O n e of m y favourite books of all tim e is E n d e r's

• Introduce the book you’re 7 writing about. Give the tftte, and the author, and any other

G a m e b y the A m e ric a n a utho r O rs o n Scot! C ard. It is the first novel in a series of books w hich all take place in the sam e im a g in a ry universe. End e r's G am e is 8 science fiction story a b o u t a

• Summarise the pkrt without getting info too much detail. V ( W h a t happens in the book?) miП i liimXIi

f ]

about the p urpose of his preparation. After a difficult s

impoitjint things that yo u liked or didn't like about the book.

training school at a v e ry e a rly ege. E n de r sp en d s his d a ys training and practising, but he is n eve r toid

* rocus oniy on m e most

“11 1,1"

talented boy, Ender, w h o is taken to a m ilitary



start, he starts e n jo yin g his trainin g, and soo n becom es the best a m o n g his fe llo w trainees. W h a t he does not realise is that he is being p repared for w a r against an alien race.

points you are

T h e sto ry is w ritten fro m the boy's perspective, w h o canno t quite u n d ersta n d w h a t is happ e nin g a ro u n d h im . T h e reader identifies w ith the protagonist, and w h e n the final tw ist c o m e s (w h ic h I d o not w a n t to g ive a w a y), w e live th ro u g h the shock of it together w ith Ender. T h e book raises im p o rta n t questions of innocence, a dults' responsibilities to w a rd s children a nd about

nmarise what you about .the book.

the nature of special ta le n t віШмйк*

• If you liked the book,

•;Л ІГ, >.

recommend it for others t o ; v. : read, and give a reason why you think they should read it.


Card's p ow erful story-telling m akes E n d e r’s G a m e a real page-turner, a nd I p erso n ally found It v e ry difficult to p ut d o w n . A n all-tim e science fiction classic, w hich I w o u ld

• If there is a word limit, check , that you have written the required am ount

definitely re co m m e n d to fans of the genre.

т я н т т ш т ,п в т H уIIII іпдіщ ч , шмщ щвтттШ ттк, т ц т * ^

• Re-read your finished review check for mistakes.


?Ж Ш Ж :

.... ■...



і Й ,~г т т т ^ •?* Ш Щ і$ Ш

- - i rv

Ш тт

-■^Г щ иІ


щ ■.


М М ' І І 'ЧІГ> ' I'M III ІІ.||ІІМИ f< W WfUrl Ш И Р Ш іім


Television: still the centre of our lives?

am ple tblBujtratrth*

a connect

MORE USEFUL PHRASES: Furthermore,. . .

For one thing, ...

/Đť addition to this, . . . A further (negative / positive) aspect of this is

For example, ... For instance, ... Such a s ... On the one hand,


Share your car and save the planet!

Wr,-9 • Choose a title to attract attention..

Millions commute to work each day by car. Most people travel alone in their cars. • Cars on the road cause traffic jams and pollute the air. Reduce the number of cars on the road by setting up car-sharing schemes at work. When four of you share a car, that makes three cars that stay in the garage! If you take turns driving, you can even reduce your level of stress!

TAKE ACTION NOW! Contact Claire Hams for an information pack: 45 Charlotte Street

* Wcite your contact want peopteto ge

Bristol BS2 6ZX phone:07386135246


people have to wear certain

« r 'L

■ ,i№' 3 anything

d«b• \p"

‘ - I f there Is a charge (do p have to pay to tenter?) <tmт т вщтш т т т « » »

uwuiw m

* Ask people to reply if it's necessary. You can use (t$VP o 'please repl/, from the French' rfyondezs'll vovs plait)



Ш ‘ Ж, essay (for/against a statement) . ffia8?jfe йааШз= f "r ■■■**'•"■'•

’ї\'f~" й :и.М ■-Ч| йш Ш №НЯ№


Write an essay of 200-250 words for or against the following statement: , Shopping centres have improved the тшу we shop. .........': :.. л. Ї.ТЛ!і,.. .І: *

,а^‘г'~ : -,'•- • '' * 5^a,«?iis*C!

^ < Ч Я Я р *" * ш вш


ш*ЬНІ "■ #?Ь

Щ ■'Vv- -V.

The way we shop Shopping centres have changed the way we shop - but is >*' this really an improvement? One positive aspect of shopping centres is convenience: we can find everything from groceries to electronics, from cosmetics to clothes, under the same roof. Furthermore, shopping centres offer entertainment facilities, like cinemas or bowling alleye. with an enormous range of things to buy and to do.

tі•t*I*f> v,1'.


д а ^ Г. . '. . v.


в д в д д о !;д а j:4u\ :- • -•лїУк«(ігіЛ2

In addition to this, they where you can meet _____ у are places pi people and socialise in cafes and restaurants, th e y have become the focus of social life for m any teenagers.


However, smaflBr local shops which used to offer a friendlier, more personal service a r^H o S ftg down because they cannot keep up with the competition. *' ‘ The same thing is happening to local cinemas, end sometimes even bars and restaurants. In fact, w e are losing places that were once important in o u r lives. ;, v ^ * Another disadvantage of shopping centres is that they offer bland, uniform products all over the w orld - local character is disappearing. In order to supply 8 large number of customers efficiently; mass-produced goods replace custom-made products. To summarise, on hand, they offer a more comfortable shopping experience, but on the other hand, they make us all the same: customers in a commercialised world where the m ost Important things are things you can buy. In my view, shopping centres are useful, but we should not allow them to change the world w e live in.

fit contrast,... However, ... In fact, ... [

As far os I'm concerned, .., To sum u p , ... |||| I In m y view / o p i n i o n , To -summarise, щ | M y view / opinion is th a t... In conclusion,...

Actually,... On the other hand,...

Я и В

щ ш щ к т ___


Я:^ ? r r r w . : ......

-'vi' Si§|p ■

Formal letter 1 (inform ation request) v,-„-Vі ;4~, ' *

‘F ' -

'ф:.:/ Put your address in the top

COrnef‘ 6, Esterhazygasse 19 A -1060 W ien

• Write the date.

Austria * Put ttw fo flowing information below the date: - — the full name (and title) of the person you're writing to (If you know) - the department within their company - the name and address of the company

30 Ju n e 2006 Jessica Cam pbell Inform ation Office English Language A cad e m y 99 D o w n s Road Bristol BS6 O Y W ;V■: ’ І

JJt- ■?



у ; і | ..


Dear M s C am pbell,

-y > .



• If you don't know the name of the person, start with: Dear Sir Of you know it's a man)

ШШ- й й


I am w ritin g w ith regard fb-tije intensive English su m m e r courses that y o u offer. I w o u ld b e -ve ry grateful if y o u could

Dear Madam (if you know it’s a wom an) • I Dear Str/Mcdam or Dear Sir “ •or* or Madam.

send m e so m e detailed inform ation a b d u tjh e courses that will be held in y o u r school in Bristol this sumririer^as w ell as w ha t kind of a ccom m odation yo u provide.


- if you know the

I am 18 years old and I have been learning English in Austria for seven ye ars n o w . M y w ritten English is quite

of the


person, start with Dear and write their title and surname.

goo d but I w o u ld like to im prove m y speaking skills. D o yo u


have a ny courses for teenagers w hich offer a lot of speaking practice in sm all gro up s? A s I am a student I w o u ld be



■■■■■ '‘

• Explain your reason for writing.


Interested in details of a ny discounts that are available, and

* Write mor

the full price of the course including accom m odation.

’V r s - ^ ' :й ■ I look forw ard to receiving yo u r reply. ■■’ і *< і Yours sincerely

-a-4 T f '

, . . . . . . т я

К а ГІ л j£ciw.e.ide.r


■-л;й-£| I

• Suggest or request action If appropriate. я

«■» » . № « .

• Finish with a polite expression, such as: Looking forward to . hearing from .. you loan.


Karin Schneider

:| |


! Уоигс sincerely (if you addressed the person by name) Yours faithfully Of you didn't).

• Sign and print your full name




I am writing to enquire about ... Could you please send me further information / details a b o u t...? 1 would be very interested in finding out more a bout...


s i s


т Ш ш ЇЇШ І ’ mm



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