№ 33 (223) листопад 2 008 p.
Традиції святкування Різдва та Нового року у світі Цілі: практична: • розвивати навички діалогічної та м онологічної мови з теми; • удосконалю вати вм іння логіч ного викладення думки, вира ж ен ня своєї власної; розвивальна: • розвивати увагу, логічне м и с л ен н я, світогляд учнів за раху н ок інф орм ації, одерж аної з д о помогою англійської м ови. Обладнання: м агнітоф он, карта, м алю нки, дидактичний матеріал.
ХІД У РО КУ і. Організаційна частина Т. G ood day, dear friends. I ’m glad to see you. How are you today? Are you ready to start our work?
"Happy New Year. M ay we all have a vision now and tlrni of a word where every neighbor is afriend"
practice to speak on this topic, to ask questions about it, to listen to very fun ny stories, to recite poem s, to make jokes. There are two team s in our groups. One is “ Snowflake” and the o th e r “ Ic e ”.
Письмо 1.
2. 3.
III. Перевірка домашнього завдання Each team has already learnt different texts about celebration the New Year. L et’s begin our com petition. І команда
II команда
1. Celtic N ew Year
L Jewish N ew Year
II. Уведення учнів у мовленнєве середовище
2. Ancient Egyp tian N ew Year
2. Hogmany
Ознайомлення з темою та метою уроку
3. Roman New Year
3. Muslim New Year
The them e o f our lesson is Christm as traditions. D uring our lesson you will
IV. Основна частина уроку
4. Hindu New Year 4. Chinese N ew Year
Task 1. Write as many words about Christm as, w inter and New Year as you can. Task 2. M erry cross word. Task 3. I shall give you the cards and you will write greetings con taining different messages to your friends, maybe teachers. Task 4. So, the members o f your team s will recite the poem s about this festival. Task 5. Is for captains o f the teams. Your task is to tell us how C hrist mas is celebrated in G reat Britain and in U kraine.
Конкурс капітанів Captains o f the team s, com e to me, | take two cards. First o f all your team s j should answer the questions about | Christmas: 1. 2.
4. 5.
W here does Santa Claus live? How m any days does Santa Claus | work? How m any gifts are there in Santa | C laus’ bag? Does Santa Claus have a wife? In w hat way does Santa Claus come into the houses? W hat are the favourite colours of Santa Claus? W hat present does Santa Claus like to choose for children? And for adults? How old is Santa Claus? W ho c a n ’t receive Santa C laus’s gifts?
The Santa Claus’s task Game 1 Question: W here does Santa always put down present for children? Children: Into the socks or stockings. There is a circle o f 6 boots. 7 children are running around these boots on when music stops. Repeat the proce dure with 5, then 4, 3, 2 and at last with 1. The w inner will have a gift.
№ 33 (223) листопад 2 008 p.
л іт е р а т у р а g A
; Game 2 j Find the present in the sock, making up
5the rhyme. j a) It is winter, it is cold. Father Frost is very ... (old). j b) Snow on the ground Snow a l l ... (around). | c) Rain, rain go away Com e to me a n o th e r... (day).
l The pupil can choose the sock with | a present after making up the rhyme. і Christmas mail C a p t a i n 1. I have alm ost forgotten [ about Christm as mail. I have some j Christm as cards for you.
V. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання роботи команд (учнів) 5
“ S ilent N ig h t” , “ We wish you a M erry C h ristm a s” , “ N ew Year F ir - tr e e ” .
I So, and this that we are com ing up to j the end o f our lesson. I’m pleased with j the work o f our teams. I ’m happy to say ! we have done a good bit o f work today j You get good marks.
VI. Homework
j So, as you see,
Now let’s write down your hom e task.
it is a tradition to speak
j about Christm as on this day, to recite j New Year’s poem s, to play merry
j games, to make fun, to decorate the j Christm as tree and flat, school, to wait j for Santa Claus, to receive gifts, to have J traditional meal, to sing Christm as j songs and carols. І
j M erry C h ristm a s to everybody (all j pupils are jo in in g h an d s and d an cin g J a ro u n d th e C h ristm as tree singing
C om position: “ Fill the New Year with friendliness and little loving deeds, and you will have the gladdest year that an ybody needs” .
Камінська-Клецкова Я. Ю ., гімназія «Ерудит», м. Київ