Традиції святкування

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№ 33 (223) листопад 2 008 p.



Традиції святкування Різдва та Нового року у світі Цілі: практична: • розвивати навички діалогічної та м онологічної мови з теми; • удосконалю вати вм іння логіч­ ного викладення думки, вира­ ж ен ня своєї власної; розвивальна: • розвивати увагу, логічне м и с­ л ен н я, світогляд учнів за раху­ н ок інф орм ації, одерж аної з д о ­ помогою англійської м ови. Обладнання: м агнітоф он, карта, м алю нки, дидактичний матеріал.

ХІД У РО КУ і. Організаційна частина Т. G ood day, dear friends. I ’m glad to see you. How are you today? Are you ready to start our work?

"Happy New Year. M ay we all have a vision now and tlrni of a word where every neighbor is afriend"

practice to speak on this topic, to ask questions about it, to listen to very fun­ ny stories, to recite poem s, to make jokes. There are two team s in our groups. One is “ Snowflake” and the o th e r “ Ic e ”.

Письмо 1.

2. 3.



III. Перевірка домашнього завдання Each team has already learnt different texts about celebration the New Year. L et’s begin our com petition. І команда

II команда

1. Celtic N ew Year

L Jewish N ew Year

II. Уведення учнів у мовленнєве середовище

2. Ancient Egyp­ tian N ew Year

2. Hogmany

Ознайомлення з темою та метою уроку

3. Roman New Year

3. Muslim New Year

The them e o f our lesson is Christm as traditions. D uring our lesson you will

IV. Основна частина уроку

4. Hindu New Year 4. Chinese N ew Year

Task 1. Write as many words about Christm as, w inter and New Year as you can. Task 2. M erry cross word. Task 3. I shall give you the cards and you will write greetings con­ taining different messages to your friends, maybe teachers. Task 4. So, the members o f your team s will recite the poem s about this festival. Task 5. Is for captains o f the teams. Your task is to tell us how C hrist­ mas is celebrated in G reat Britain and in U kraine.

Конкурс капітанів Captains o f the team s, com e to me, | take two cards. First o f all your team s j should answer the questions about | Christmas: 1. 2.

4. 5.



W here does Santa Claus live? How m any days does Santa Claus | work? How m any gifts are there in Santa | C laus’ bag? Does Santa Claus have a wife? In w hat way does Santa Claus come into the houses? W hat are the favourite colours of Santa Claus? W hat present does Santa Claus like to choose for children? And for adults? How old is Santa Claus? W ho c a n ’t receive Santa C laus’s gifts?

The Santa Claus’s task Game 1 Question: W here does Santa always put down present for children? Children: Into the socks or stockings. There is a circle o f 6 boots. 7 children are running around these boots on when music stops. Repeat the proce­ dure with 5, then 4, 3, 2 and at last with 1. The w inner will have a gift.

№ 33 (223) листопад 2 008 p.


л іт е р а т у р а g A


; Game 2 j Find the present in the sock, making up

5the rhyme. j a) It is winter, it is cold. Father Frost is very ... (old). j b) Snow on the ground Snow a l l ... (around). | c) Rain, rain go away Com e to me a n o th e r... (day).


l The pupil can choose the sock with | a present after making up the rhyme. і Christmas mail C a p t a i n 1. I have alm ost forgotten [ about Christm as mail. I have some j Christm as cards for you.

V. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання роботи команд (учнів) 5

“ S ilent N ig h t” , “ We wish you a M erry C h ristm a s” , “ N ew Year F ir - tr e e ” .

I So, and this that we are com ing up to j the end o f our lesson. I’m pleased with j the work o f our teams. I ’m happy to say ! we have done a good bit o f work today j You get good marks.

VI. Homework

j So, as you see,

Now let’s write down your hom e task.

it is a tradition to speak

j about Christm as on this day, to recite j New Year’s poem s, to play merry

j games, to make fun, to decorate the j Christm as tree and flat, school, to wait j for Santa Claus, to receive gifts, to have J traditional meal, to sing Christm as j songs and carols. І

j M erry C h ristm a s to everybody (all j pupils are jo in in g h an d s and d an cin g J a ro u n d th e C h ristm as tree singing

C om position: “ Fill the New Year with friendliness and little loving deeds, and you will have the gladdest year that an ­ ybody needs” .

Камінська-Клецкова Я. Ю ., гімназія «Ерудит», м. Київ

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