Розробка уроку для 6 класу здоров'я

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Розробка уроку для 6-го класу “Здоров’я”

вчитель гімназії “Ерудит” вчитель вищої категорії, учитель-методист, Котовська А.А.

Цілі навчання: Практична мета: а) навчити учнів вести діалог-розпит; Освітня мета: б) розширити знання учнів про вживання артиклів; Розвивальна мета: в) розвивати у учнів культуру спілкування; Виховна мета: г) прищеплювати у учнів почуття ввічливості, чуйність у стосунках з товаришами. картинки, підручник, мультимедійна дошка. Застосовано: Хід уроку Бесіда з класом по темі: Do you like sports? And why? What should you do to be healthy? And what shouldn’t you do? What do you mean when you say: “Healthy way of life?” Do you like to live in industrial cities? Why shouldn’t you do any harm to plants and trees? What can you tell about “green house effect?” Використовуючи інтерактивну дошку, учні повинні сказати правильно що трапилось з героями їх історій і придумати короткі розповіді. Наприклад: 1) He has a headache. Tom played computer all the evening yesterday and today he has a terrible headache. 2) He has a toothache. John likes sweets and cakes a lot. That’s why he has a terrible toothache. 3) Mother is taking Pete to the doctor. Pete likes ice-cream a lot. That’s why now his nose is running and he has a sore throat. 4) Sister is taking her brother to the dentist Little boy is afraid of going to the dentist. That’s why his sister is taking her brother to the doctor. 3. Діалогічні мовлення учнів. A. Hello, Tom! B. Hello, Jane! A. Where are you going? B. You see, Jane, I’m going to visit a doctor. Something has happened to me. I have a cough and a sore throat. A. May be you have eaten your lovely ice-cream. B. You are right. It was so hot that I had thought about it all the day. And now the result is beforehand. A. Well my dear friend! Don’t be so silly for future. And be healthy! B. Thank you? Jane! And good luck! 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2.

4. Монологічні мовлення учнів по темі. Health We all dream to be healthy. We try to lead healthy way of life. We all think about the nature around us, because it is our future life and the future of our children. We want to drink clean water and to breathe fresh air. Bur things are not always the right way. When we feel that we have caught cold, that our nose is running or we have a terrible headache, we go to the doctor and ask for help. As for me I go to the hospital when I feel not well. I understand that the profession of a doctor requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has – with his health. The doctor listenes very attentively to what his patients tells him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier. As for me, I know that the doctor is happy when his patient is recovered. He can help you if you catch a cold or have a fever. The doctor examines your throat, listenes to your lungs and takes your pressure. Than he prescribes you the medicine and you go to the chemist’s. As for me I always listen to my doctor and he always helps me. 5. Повторення граматичного матеріалу. (На інтерактивній дошці – слова, з якими учні повинні скласти речення. Учні повторюють вживання неозначеного артиклю). 1) Weather 2) Advice 3) Information 4) Knowledge 5) Progress 6) Money 7) News 8) Hair 6. Ролева гра “У лікаря” (сценки). (Учні використовують костюми і інструменти лікаря). A. Hallo, doctor. B. Hallo, my friend! What has happened to you? A. I have hurt my leg. Will you help me? B. Just a minute. I’ll calm you. Nothing serious. I’ll prescribe you this medicine and you have to be careful with your leg. A. Thank you doctor. B. Don’t mention. be healthy! 7. Вірш “Your Cold is Getting Worse” (інсценування) Р1. Your cold is getting worse, You ought to see the nurse Р2. Oh, no, I’m fine,

My cold is much better Р1. Your cough is getting worse, You ought to see the nurse Р2. Oh, no, I’m fine. My cough is much better Р3. Your cough sounds bad. It doesn’t sound good. You ought to see the nurse. You really should 8. Підсумки уроку.

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