Victory Highball

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High Handlebars, High Style, The Bike You Want To Be Seen On. SYDNEY (Jan. 29, 2011) – It’s new. bad-ass. It’s theIt’s bike want be seen - plus, a MEDINA, MN (Jan. 20, 2011) – It’s It’s new. It’s bad-ass. theyou bike youtowant to beonseen onit’s - plus, Victory, so yousoknow gotit’s arm-stretching American performance. it’s a Victory, you it’s know got arm-stretching American performance. Introducing the cruiser with high-rise bars, spoked wheels andand Introducing thenew newVictory VictoryHigh-Ball, High-Ball,a acustom custom cruiser with high-rise bars, spoked wheels ® whitewall tyres. featuring thethe Victory Freedom whitewall tires. It’s an essential essential motorcycle motorcycleloaded loadedwith withstyle styleand and featuring Victory Freedom® 106/6 Stage Stage 22 V-Twin V-Twin that that at flatout outhauls. hauls.

HIGH-BALL COLOR COLOURCHOICES CHOICES Matte Black with a white tank cove. The 2011 2012 Victory VictoryHigh-Ball High-Ballisisavailable availableininone onescheme: scheme: Matte Black with a white tank cove. low, thethe High-Ball is black. Handlebars, headlight From the the mirrors mirrorsup uphigh hightotothe thedual dualexhausts exhaustsdown down low, High-Ball is black. Handlebars, bucket, triple trees,triple frame, fender struts, cylinder heads covers – all black. including the headlight bucket, trees, frame, fender struts, cylinder heads coversThe – allpaint, black. The paint, shorty front fender, is covered in the color of the night. including the shorty front fender, is covered in the color of the night. The bodywork raised spine running thethe length of the bikebike atop bodyworkfeatures featuresthe theVictory VictoryVegas Vegassignature signature raised spine running length of the the fenders and the tank, frenched in tail light that keeps linesthe smooth out back.out back. atop the fenders and the and tank,the and the frenched in tail light thatthe keeps lines smooth


Among bobber- and and stripper-style stripper-stylebikes bikesfrom frommajor majorOEMs, OEMs,the the High-Ball delivers most Among bobberHigh-Ball delivers thethe most andand the best: the best: • It’s got gotthe thelargest-displacement largest-displacementengine, engine,the the most horsepower and • Most Most Performance: Performance: It’s most horsepower and thethe most most torque. torque. Cruiseinincomfort comfortdown • Seat Height: Height: Cruise downlow lowwhile while reaching too-cool • Lowest Lowest Seat reaching upup to to thethe too-cool high-rise bars. bars. Sure, judging styling is subjective, but come on – look at this bike – it’s as much • high-rise Coolest Styling: • Best the is most performance at the Coolest Styling: Sure, subjective, but come onlowest - look MSRP at this. bike fun toValue: look atThe theHigh-Ball detailsjudging asdelivers it is styling to twist the throttle. • –Coolest Styling: judging subjective, but come on - look at this bike it’s as much funSure, to look at thestyling detailsisas it is to twist the throttle. – it’s as much fun to look at the details as it is to twist the throttle.


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Need more handlebars data? Try this: • High-rise are adjustable and can be set in the upright position or laid back. The controls mount on the bars in either position and the cables reach in both positions, needing only • High-rise handlebars are adjustable and can be set in the upright position or laid back. simple hand tools to adjust. The controls mount on the bars in either the with in bothDunlop cables • position 16” lace and wheels 130reach and 150mm positions, needing tools to only simple handspokes tyres with whitewalls. Stainless steel adjust. and Gloss Black wheels and hubs. ® • lace wheels 130Fuel-injected, and 150mm • 16” Freedom 106/6 with V-Twin: Dunlop tires with whitewalls. Stainless steel counter-balanced, 97 hp & 113 ft-lb of torque. spokes and Gloss Black wheels and hubs. • Features a solo driver seat and footpegs. • Freedom® 106/6 V-Twin: Fuel-injected, 97 hp & 113with ft-lbspeedo, of torque. • counter-balanced, Single-gauge instrumentation tacho, tripmeter, warning lights & more. • Features a solo driver seat and footpegs. • A 2-into-1 exhaust (black, naturally) will be • Single-gauge instrumentation speedo, available and most Pure Victorywith Gear tach, tripmeter, warning & more. accessories designed forlights the Victory Vegas, including passenger seats and passenger •A 2-into-1 exhaust (black, will floorboards or pegs, also finaturally) t on the High-Ball. Victory be and most Pure Gear It’savailable easy to personalize the bike to the way accessories designed for the Victory you want it, and build the perfect bike Vegas, for you. including passenger seats and passenger floorboards or pegs, also fit on the High-Ball. It’s easy to personalize the bike to the way you want it, and build the perfect bike for you.

The High-Ball MSRP is $13,499 (US 49 state). For complete details about the High-Ball and other Victory models, and for a Victory dealer locator, visit www.VICTORYMOTO R

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