2018 FALL
Babel Diorama হট্টগোল ডিত্তরম
haka used to be a prosperous city, it's citizen thrived, and faithful to the sacred Allah. However as the climate worsen every year, constantly struck by floods and hurricanes, the city starts to wither. this city needs an solution more than ever, but it never came. Not because of lacking fund nor technical knowledge, but because of blind stubbornness. Religious leader refuses to let the city be tainted by the towering structures, insisting that to build a modern Babel will only attract his wrath, only the great mosque can be the center of this city, And every flood struck is his warning to our arrogance and blasphemy. Water used to be Dhaka's vital, but now it's curse. Some people choose to leave, most people adapt, as there were nowhere else to go. Floods after floods not only washed away homes, but also faiths. People starts to question, will God punish people trying to survive? People were promised that rebirth comes with destruction, but after the destruction, there is only broken homes and people, awaiting the next disaster to struck. Maybe ancient humans who built Babel are also trying to avoid disaster. With the doubt to the way of religious leaders grow inside every citizen, a religious revolution ignited. Enlightened, people no longer blinded by strict rules and words, they united and drag down their leaders, and finally, rebuild Dhaka...
Chapter I, Bovton of Dhaka, 2078 As of 2078, the plan to rebuild Dhaka has started. However before the plan even is considered, Dhaka's resilient citizens had managed to adapt the city constantly in water, and thus formed a new kind of city scape.
Dhaka, 2078
West Bengal Sea
Savar Uni o n সাভার
Elenbari Island
Bov’ton of Uttara
West Bengal Sea
Uttara Dhaka উত্তর ঢাকা
Dhaka Industrial Relocation Zone
Old National Parliament
Dhaka Hive
University of Dhaka
Bov’ton of Dhaka
Port Rehan Cape
" E ven though I w al ked t h e se st r e e t s f or a l m ost t w o de c a de s , t h e r e is s t ill ma n y pla c e s t o explore, sto res, exo ti c r e st a ur a n t s, or si m p l y a n ic e lit t le p ie c e o f g a r de n , t h e r e is s t ill tons of i nteresti n g t h i n g s si t t i n g i n som e c or n e r , wa it in g f o r me t o f in d t h e m. ”
Bov’ton of Dhaka Dhaka is the capital of Bangledesh, the city had stood proudly in the delta of Ganga river for more than half a millenia. However due to increasing extreme climate, the city is under crisis, severe flooding has plagued the city. However, Its resiliant citizens managed to adapt to the city in water, and thus formed a new kind of city scape. Bov’ton is the name Dhakan give to their unique roof top streets, which is the acronym of “Town Above”. Through time, Bov’ton not only became a mean to travel across the city, but also became a part of every citizens’ life. While Various shops and activities thrive on this tranditionally “dull” space, to a not experienced person, this place is prove very hard to navigating, complicated route plan is needed just to get to a friend’s place.
“I h a v e me mo r ie s o f this house since my childhood, most of t hem are blurry, but some o f t h e m I ’ ll pr o ba bly never f orget. The lit tle shards of memories from corners of this n e ig h b o r h o o d, my r oom, t op yard, the rust y book st ore of my f ather, all these pieces mak es, well...me.”
New Home As roof top streets “bov’ton” is the new way to travel around, houses’ form and it’s accessories changes too. Racks and tents are assebled as market is moved to the roof. Pavilions, scaffoldings are built around balcony as it is now the front yard. Old and new stores alike, starts to put up signs, seats and samples on roof to attract costomer, as lower part of the building is usually transformed into storage or docks to house boats. Although Dhaka is resilient enough to adapt the flooded environment, but in reality, citizen’s lives in constant fear, ever threaten by another bad weather. And buildings across city are constantly underwater, slowly eroding, this is a danger waitng to be ignited. To solve these problem, a plan is needed.
“N o t mu c h p e o p le g o e s t o t h e mosque every Friday t hese day, t he Enlightenment Era changes a lo t o f p e o p le , bu t n o t me . Going t o mosque has become a get away f rom the cramp and busy bo v ’ t o n . N o t t h r o u g h pr a y ing t hough, but chatting wit h M ullah, he’s k ind of lik e my grandpa s la s h me n t o r . W e wo u ld c h ill a t t he squared yard in the mosque, not much open space this large remains nowadays.”
Old Mosque As of the Enlightment Era in 2070s, plus constantly living in despair, people starts to question the strict rules and practice of their religion. And slowly, people changed their view of God, Although remaining faithful, but not not binded by it. The change of heart in citizens however, doesnt affect the Mosque’s nature. A few decades ago, Mosque is viewed as the most sacred building in the city, it is the heart of the city, teaming with people to pray. and after praying, neighbors and friends spends the friday afternoon together.
" Thou gh peo pl e do n’t c om e r e g ul a r l y a t f r i d a y a n y mo r e , in we e ke n ds , a ll s o r t s o f p e ople wi l l co me i n afte r n oon , j ust r e st i n g , b on d i n g . I g u e s s h e r e h a s , in s o me wa y , b e ca m e a park. No t a b a d t h i n g t h ough , a s t h i s p l a c e ’ s p u r p o s e is t o bo n d s o c ie t y anywa y .”
In 2078, though people don’t pray much, but they still goes to Mosques, bonding and spend time togherther. As of the building, only a few modification is added to adapt the rising level of water.
Dhaka Hive Project
A regular home in Bov’ton
Neighborhood beside the Mosque
A section of Bov’ton
Shore Side Transportation
Bov’ton Pi pe
Old Town Ruins
South Bov’ton
Light Rail System & Walking Platform
Chapter II, Home, 2083 Although Dhaka is resilient enough to adapt the flooded environment, but in reality, citizen's lives in constant fear, ever threaten by another bad weather. And as buildings across city are constantly underwater, they slowly erode, forming a danger waiting to be ignited. To solve these problem, thus the plan is created.
An General Map of Dhaka and Future Developements - 2077 Addition -
Savar Uni o n সাভার
Elenbari Island
Dhaka Hive Project, generally called Dhaka Hive or simply Hive, is a 4-phase plan each gradually change Dhaka. It's goal is to house every citizen, providing them a safe and comfort environment.
Uttara Dhaka
It started with a few towers, each provides various activities, they also acted as a foundation for later plans and gaining trust among citizens.
উত্তর ঢাকা
New-Dhaka International Airport
West Bengal Sea Old National Parliament
Great Matir Mosque
West Bengal Sea
CBD Light Industrial Zone Heavy Industrial Zone Low Tier Residental Mid Tier Residental High Tier Residental
However in phase 2 the plans become less docile. Giant Machines tear apart and collect abandoned buildings left outside the rim of the city, using them as materials for the building of Hive in downtown.
University of Dhaka
Museum of Independence
Dhaka Hive ঢাকা
National Parliament
Dhaka Space Dock
Great Bangal Mosque
Dhaka’s Past
Under Progress
Old Dha ka,2051
G r e a t F l o o d o f Dhaka / 2072
Great Flood of Dhaka,2072
Great Bangal M o s q u e , 2 0 7 5
Dhaka Hive,2089
Dhaka’s Future
Dh aka Hive P h a s e I
Dhaka Hive Phase 2
D h a k a Hive Phase 3
Dhaka Hive Phase 4
Construct Hive’s center and various coloums as first step, gaining citizens’ trust and assist future construction plans.
Deconstucting outer rim, and recycle wreckage as building materials, while hive constructions expands further.
Deconstucting and construction countinues, portions of citizen were to be moved into finished quarters within Hive. Meanwhile, temporary facilities to maintain proper society function are distributed in city.
Had construction completed, all citizen of Dhaka are properly transfered into the Hive. All remaining temporal construct outside the hive removed.
Dhaka Hive Project Securing the city’s future
Phase 1
Phase 2
As of Dhaka’s situation since the flooding is in constant decay.To solve the flooding problem once and for all, the Hive projectis introduced. The first step is the bangaltower,combining multiple programs including HSR station, activity center, and a mosque. The tower is to be the vocal point of other upcoming project and construction.
As construction is under process, the surrounding area is removed to make way for new programs in the project.While the city’s rim is being decomposed to feed the construction’s material need.
"Most of my neighbors are satisfied with this exchange, however, I'm not. Were there other people decided to stay here with me, I won't sign that contract. I guess live in a lone building on sea is worse than living in a hive.”
Photo Unavailable
Phase 3
Phase 4
As partial of the Hive is complete, citizens of Dhaka can begin to migrate into the Hive. As the city is being decomposed for new material, the average citizen’s daily life will certainly be impact. Therefore, multiple temporal facilities will be erected to help people live through the transitionalperiod.
Dhaka Hive’s completion is the final stage of project,as all citizen moved in the complex, otherremaining construct will be decomposed. However, the hive seems nevercompleted due to material shortage..
"I am all for the progress we made, but tear down my home, my neighborhood, my city? They are ripping a part of me away, and it will never come back. This is directly against the original purpose of this plan: to preserve a home.
Great Bangal Mosque Ph as e 1 of D h a k a H i v e
Wal l f a c i n g M e c h a
Further Usage
Pra y i n g P l a t f o r m s
Redemption 4 Lvl
Ascension 5 Lvl
Enlighten 2.5 Lvl
Cleansing 3 Lvl
Cleansing pool
Station 1 Lvl
Lounge 2 Lvl
Ac t i v i t y c e n t e r
A f t e r t h e r el i g i o n r e v o l u t i o n
Great Mosque
After the enlightenment in 2060s, Dhaka’s people have an new perspective on religion. They start to question the strict rules of the sacred Quran, yet, remaining faithful to Allah. This is reflected on this building as this is not a traditional mosque, but a reinterpreted idea of it.
This towering mosque is unlike any other mosque format, yet remaining true to the various meaning of what a mosque should be: connecting people, humble, respect of god, and help others. The decorative wall facing Mecha is a islamic pattern shade, luming lights into this sacred hall.
Mosque Cleansing pool Railway transition station Activity center “These towers started to pop out rapidly in downtown, B and I were shocked how fast it was built, I mean we already know that there are such tech out there, but watching by your eyes is another thing. A 800 metre building taking a few weeks to complete? Its mindblowing. They said that it is made possible by the hundreds of printing machines, working twenty-four-seven. At this rapid rate, I think I can feel the city recovering.
Recycling City P hase 2’s workers
3D Pr inting The revolutionary way to build giant complex and towers, only small amount of work force are required to control them. Also, they can work 24/7.
The cycle of materials Due to a revolutionary technology, most of the building materials like concrete, steel, stones and more can be processed, refined into usable materials again.
As Dhaka project jets into phase 2, more material is needed for construvtion. One way to obtain additional material is to dicintergrate old houses and reprocess them to put it to use. What made this possible is this giant machine. Very huge yet hardly dull, this walker is designed to navigate the underwater terrain easily and remain effective at collecting rubbles.
Refining Mobil e F a c t o r y
Due to the special geography condition of Dhaka, this flexible giant is requirred. It’s funtion is to refine raw materials AP-EP collected. Then the product is distributed to the 3D printing machines in downtown.
An eye bot is used to detect resources and determined how to recover them, they are the guides of AP-EPs.
Grinding and S i f t i n g
Transporting Rail
Giant Chunk of material is released in the grinder, breaking into smaller pieces, and sorted roughly by its property under.
Fast made rails allows refined material quickly delivered to where its needed. This rail can be easily break down into small pieces and move to another location.
“I remember when those gigantic recyclers start to roam in the rim of city, it scared the hell out of me. It was a few kilometers away back then, now, it's at my doorstep. “ Pipe Raw material went through this to the refinery. meanwhile, walker gets charged for the next run.
" I we r e s h o c ke d t h at so many new t hings were built here after I lef t . B ack when I still liv e h e r e , t h e r e ’ s o nly some light rails and walk pat h, no such f ancy st uf fs. Though to b e f a ir , I mo v e d t o t he Hive earlier t hen t hey did(not t hat I lik e t he place). M aybe I’m a b it je a lo u s , b u t I ’ m genuine glad the people here can live without inconvineince.”
Temporal Construct As Dhaka began it’s “Hive” project, many homes, buildings, facilities are relocated. While its all good for those moved away, but those yet to move in the hive will face problems living with less and less things that keeps a city funtion. In respond, serveral multipurpose temporal construct is errect across the city, helping the remainging people to still be able to carry out day to day buisness. For example, some are market, some are residential house, some are simply a garden.
Phase 3 - Temporal Constructs As partial of the Hive is complete, citizens of Dhaka can begin to migrate into the Hive. As the city is being decomposed for new material, the average citizen’s daily life will certainly be impact. Therefore, multiple temporal facilities will be erected to help people live through the transitionalperiod.
Chapter III, Hive, 2083 While most of the citizens willing to live in the Hive are transferred, some become more isolated than ever, as they had no more neighbors living beside them. Each of those small pocket of people struggling to live in the lone island. While in the Hive, relocated citizens enjoyed a paradise-like life.
“ I st ru ggled t o l i ve her e, though l i ved her e for coupl e of months now, I’m st ill t rying t o a dapt her e. I mi s s ed the ol d d ay s on Bov'ton, ther e, thi ngs ar e mo re simpl e y et attr acti ve. Her e i n the Hi ve, ever y thi ng i s s o per fectl y ar r ange, per fectl y d ul l , i ts d r i vi ng me cr azy .”
Dhaka Hive Dhaka hive is an city-wide project in Dhaka downtown. Its purpose is to provide a new home that can avoid �foods and harsh climates for every citizen. Every citizen works together for this goal, either working for the construction, or donating funds and resources. There are 4 phases in this project, each gradually transforming Dhaka. While each phase introduce a program, the final phase sees that all citizens moved in, living a comfortable life. However, Due to unexpected characteristic among some citizens, this project has never been 100% complete.
Dhaka Hive’s completion is the final stage of project,as all citizen moved in the complex, otherremaining construct will be decomposed. However, the hive seems nevercompleted due to material shortage..
“ I st ruggled t o live here, though lived here for couple of mont hs now, I’m still trying to adapt here. I missed the old days on B ov' ton, t here, things are more simple yet attract ive. Here in t he Hive, everything is so perfect ly arrange, perfect ly dull, its driving me craz y.”
Chapter IV, Babel, 2089 The old tale told that a group of people try to reach the realms of god, and by god's language change, the people broke apart, and the tower eventually collapsed. Maybe god isn't trying to punish mankind for trying to become him, but testing them to see were they qualified for godhood.
"Upon learning luxurious houses were built on hive, I cracked. We sacrificed our houses so they could build more of theirs. If weren't those bastards and this ridiculously flawed plan, the city could've still exist. This adds to my rage even more. Were it all for nothing?
T he old t a le t o ld t ha t a gro u p o f p eo p le t ry t o rea c h t he real ms of god , and by god 's ha nd , la ng u a ge c ha nged, t he p eo p le b ro k e a p a rt , a nd t he t ower eventual l y col l aps ed . Ma yb e g od isn' t t rying t o p u nish ma nk ind fo r t rying t o b ec o me hi m, but tes ti ng them to s e e we r e t hey q u a lified fo r go dho o d. They c a n' t ev en u nders tand thems el ves , how can t he y und e r s t o o d go d. I t is t he fla w s o f ma nk ind t ha t ev ent u al l y tear thems el ves apar t. W hile t he new o ne a lik e, p eo p le w ere a lso mo t iv a t ed t o rea ch a better goal , enti r e ci ty d e d ic a t e d t o b u ild t his t o w er, ho w ev er, hint ed a nd la t er reveal ed i n the s tor y , s oci al hie r a r c hy s t ill ex ist in t he H iv e' s syst em, ho w c a n o ne a c hiev e a gr eater goal i f ever y one is ju st fo r t hemselv es.
Dhaka Hive’s completion is the final stage of project,as all citizen moved in the complex, otherremaining construct will be decomposed. However, the hive seems nevercompleted due to material shortage..
“ I struggled t o live here, though lived here for couple of months now, I’m still trying to adapt here. I missed t he old days on B ov' ton, t here, t hings are more simple yet attract ive. Here in t he Hive, everyt hing is so perfect ly arrange, perfect ly dull, it s driving me craz y.”
Lone Island As of the Dhaka Hive project begins, countless people signed the “Home Exchange” agreement, and gradually move into the finished quaters in the Hive. However, some people refuses to give up their home, gaurding what they have left: an identity and memory. As their neighbors’ former houses gets tear down, and government aid program leaving, these people lives an isolated life on their island with satisfactory, preserving what Dhaka used to be. One such example is the house of Amel. “These scattered places are the only one left that one can get a glimpse of what life is before Hive. As I visit a number of them, I find that each of those homes usually carries a special trait, some are a fish town, some are like a museum full of relics, some were simply full of greens in there yard. Maybe those who dare to live by themselves have held on to a somewhat unique perspective too.”
Plant life At an era where plants are harder maintain with most land flooded, this is uncommon and requires lots of effort.
While the city is still intact, very few people noticed this unusual house. It is untill the neighboring buildings are gone that here is finally noticed.
Most of the decorations and modifications are done together with Owner’s family or friend which makes this place more valuable to him.
"I leave, although many tell me to stay, I went for one of the so called "islands", hoping one of those welcomed me or isn't occupied any more.