Marina High Newsletter | Volume 1, Issue 4

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"The sea is calm tonight.
 HIGH The tideMARINA is full, the moon lies fair
 Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
 Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
 Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. ... Ah, love, let us be true
 To one another! for the world, which seems
 To lie before us like a land of dreams,
 So various, so beautiful, so new,
 Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
 Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
 V Oare here as on a darkling plain
 And we L. Swept with1 ,confused alarms of struggle and IS SU flight,
 E 4 Where ignorant armies clash by night.”


s e l l w l e e n r)

- Matthew Arnold


Spring Cleaning………………..……….…….. 4 Horoscopes………….…………………..……… 5 Spring Fashion………………..………….……. 6 Budgeting………………………….……………..7 Bite of the Month…………………………….… 7 Fashion Schools……………..…………………. 8


It’s that time of year again for spring cleaning—the famously awaited, un-official holiday that kids dread, and adults need. Time to throw your stuff to the curb, dust off the duster, and get to scrubbin’. Despite the taxing ordeal, spring cleaning represents the rebirth of each person and the decisions within their life. Organizing is a want for structure, ease, and fluidity; purging is the hope of happiness and selfpresence; cleaning is the wish for control, awareness, and peace. Spring itself is a time of growth and birth, ending a bitter, white season for one of green. It is important to rid yourself of the drawbacks in your life. Whether it is ancient school papers, stained clothes with holes, or clearing yourself of all negative energy, spring cleaning can lift the suffocating blanket of anxiety and dust. Not so unlike New Years, spring cleaning is essentially a time for change and prosperity. Doing something for yourself, celebrating life for the miracle that it is, and reflecting upon yourself to help enrich your mindfulness and self-love.

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Make a list of everything that needs to change, preferably ranked by personal importance so there is a clear goal; cross off each item when it is completed, and reward yourself for your accomplishments Clean the easy stuff first Allow yourself to let go of things, especially ones that you keep out of guilt If you’re stuck, get inspiration- books, tv shows, friends, and family may just be the key to realization and the perfect kickstarter Get into it- get crazy ideas of how to improve your living space and make a plan to do so Take breaks to breathe, and do something you love in the meantime (or just sleep, that seems to be great) If you can’t part with it, don’t- this isn’t about getting rid of everything, it’s about shutting out the negatives and improving your living space •Don’t be afraid to ask for help- the worst they can say is no •Encourage others to clean as well •Take on projects that you’ve been looking forward to- deweeding the yard, re-tiling the kitchen, painting the bedroom; or even something such as sewing a patch or taping your binder •Remember your goal, and the happiness that you will find along the road of growth


March kicks up a storm with Mercury Retrograde coming back in the early days of the month, just in time for Spring cleaning. This period of time can be dangerous, but not to worry! All you have to do is be a little extra cautious, and more mindful of your communications. Try not to make any drastic decisions, things may not be what you predict them to be! Now would be a good time to really drink in the world around you and give yourself some space to just be imaginative and creative. For these horoscopes, look at your general sign.

aries You might feel a little hot-headed this month, so it’s best if you avoid direct confrontation in case your emotions get the best of you in the moment. You might feel irritated since you want to just go at it, but remember that not everything has to be forced.

taurus For you, it is highly encouraged to just go with the flow even though you might feel a little out of your element. Don’t be so uptight with the logistics in a situation, but remember to stay present in the moment and aware of your surroundings.

Being bold this month can be of some good to you. While remaining careful, try gemini to dive a little deeper then you usually would and expand on your leadership qualities. Some exciting possibilities might come your way if you do!

For a while now, you’ve been experiencing some challenges in your life. Now is cancer a good time to think back on your past and ponder on how you could do things differently. Contemplation and reflection will help you in the long run, so don’t give up!

Whilst a Leo usually hates being overly-emotional, do not try and push aside leo emotional issues. You might be holding yourself, and even others, back. Look beneath the

surface more when assessing your relationships and let your fiery nature be a guiding light for others. The month of March will feel like a hectic one, with people coming at you left and right requiring your help. As you try to find your balance with juggling every responsibility, remember to prioritize and tend to the most important needs first. There is much to learn about perspective!


A word of advice this month is to not get caught up in only having your focus on the libra same old thing. You might be missing out on so many opportunities! Since taking brand new challenges can be risky this month, try instead to expand on things you already have or know.

scorpio Many things will be shifting and changing for you this month. You can’t always control them, so it’s better to just react accordingly while always keeping integrity in

mind. If you really feel like taking on new risks this month, make sure that you are truly ready for them.

Change is also upon Sagittarius this Spring! You might feel that you sagittarius want to fall back into old habits, but it’s better not to. Take some time to focus on

yourself as events start to make more sense and change your way of thinking. Make sure to also check in with the people you love.

The first two weeks may be hard for you emotionally, but try not to be too capricorn pessimistic even though you feel bad. If you ever find yourself caught in the middle

of two sides, remember that your natural gravitation towards compromise and fairness will help you out.

You might feel surprised to find things that were once forgotten, or aquarius that you didn’t even know were there. Instead of ignoring them, try to reimagine them and use it to your advantage. These new findings may bring you to learn more about the world and change your outlook on life.

pisces Happy Birthday Pisces! As you discover more about your wants and dreams, remember to keep positivity in mind as you figure yourself out. Reflection can lead to new challenges. Sometimes bringing together two different parts of your identity can open up a whole new world.


As we shift into the spring season, we are greeted with a great aura of enthusiasm and energy. The days are getting slightly warmer, the Marina fog begins to shy away (well at least some years it does), and our environment just seems to bloom. We don’t need to be bundled up in heavy winter sweaters anymore. With the arrival of spring, we can explore more vibrant ways to express ourselves. Here are a few things to consider as the 2019 year transitions to its next season: •

COLORS - We often associate this season with lighter colors, be it pastels or tints. Spring is a great time to introduce lively colors into your wardrobe, setting a noticeable contrast from the darker shades worn in winter to keep warm. Take a peek at some of the 2019 spring/summer runways and you’ll notice a lot of cream and beige neutrals, warm sorbets and pales, and a considerable number of lavender pieces. In general, you’ll be seeing a lot of brighter colors, so experiment with different combinations of these hues.

FABRICS - We teens tend to forget the impact of various fabrics. A simple shift from denim to corduroy pants can make a big difference, and this holds true for any switch from common to distinct. Mass market fashion tends to use and reuse the same limited set of materials for easy production, so a variance of this can easily display more about your character.

INSPIRATION AND FITS - Recently, we’ve been seeing a lot more inspired fashion, often with revivals of past trends or ideas garnered from entertainment and social media figures. Envision the look or vibe you’re going for, then move on from there. Don’t be afraid to test different fits either. Clothing can fit you in different ways: the standard way, fitting and figure-hugging, loose and oversized, and so on. Figure out what works for you, as learning more about these


Around this of our high school careers we tend to focus on the freedom that is soon to come. With graduation comes the independence for many of us to finally pursue a full life outside of the public education world. For some of us this means travel while for other it means completing a degree in higher education or simply applying for a job. However, something that we must all face when we go out there in the “real world” is budgeting. Budgeting is more than simply having an idea of what you want to spend your earned money. Budgeting is reflecting on your habits and understanding what kind of person you are when it comes to navigating you expenses and your current income. As young adults it is healthy for seniors to start taking into account how they will generate the funds to pursue a college degree or simply paying for living expenses. In the next few newsletters we will begin sharing tips on how to effectively budget for the future. Hopefully these lifelong skills will become everyday habits that will increase our ability to manage money and always make informed decisions.

BITE OF THE MONTH Tommy’s restaurant

When in Rome, visit the monuments of ancient civilizations. When in Marina, however, visit the humble lodgings of Tommy’s Restaurant. Here you will find the heart of Marina’s community morning breakfasts. Not only is the food here delicious and affordable, but the kindness of the staff truly makes Tommy’s the epitome of Sunday morning comfort.

FASHION SCHOOLS College is a big choice in a students life, and even though it is their choice they don’t choose what they actually love to do. People usually choose what their parents want them to do, things such as doctors, lawyers, and politicians but they may not want to do that. Looking around Marina High most kids have a passion for fashion and may even want that to be their career. What they may not know is that it can be their care, and some schools are even in their home state. One college is Otis College of Art and Design, located in Los Angeles, California. This is a private 4-year university. The average cost after aid is $35k, the graduation rate is 63%, and the acceptance rate is 90%. This college isn’t just about fashion now but how our fashion taste will affect future generations. With the minor option of sustainability, the college says “develop strategies and systems, as applicable to art and design, which can meet the needs of current generations without compromising those of future generations.”. The college also offers classes in fashion design, textile/surface design, jewelry design, and illustration. Another college is Parsons, The New School of Design located in New York. The programs they offer are Fashion Design, Fashion Studies, Fashion Marketing. Number of students: Undergrads: 4,191; Graduate: 555; fashion design: 1,087; fashion marketing: 384, and the tuition is $38,510. They even have famous graduates such as Marc Jacobs and Tom Ford. The school aims to get companies to come in and see your work and get some feedback. When asked, students, rave about their instructors. The last college is The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), located in New York. The programs they offer are Design, Business, Marketing, Illustration, Styling, etc., very comprehensive programs part of the State University of New York network. Tuition: $5,168 (NYC/NYC residents); $13,550 for out-of-state residents. Some famous graduates are Carolina Herrera, Calvin Klein, and Michael Kors. FIT isn’t just for someone who wants to make fashion but for someone who wants to promote and sell fashion. Those these aren’t the only fashion schools in America they are some good options. One is in California and is perfect for the fashionista who wants to stay local and two are in New York and are for the people who are interested in marketing. Choosing college may not be the easiest but when making your decisions make sure you are making them for you and that it is the career path you want.

thank you for reading!

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