Marina High Newsletter | Volume 1, Issue 3

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"The sea is calm tonight.
 HIGH The tideMARINA is full, the moon lies fair
 Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
 Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
 Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. ... Ah, love, let us be true
 To one another! for the world, which seems
 To lie before us like a land of dreams,
 So various, so beautiful, so new,
 Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
 Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
 V Oare here as on a darkling plain
 And we L. Swept with1 ,confused alarms of struggle and IS SU flight,
 E 3 Where ignorant armies clash by night.”


s e l l w l e e n r)

- Matthew Arnold


New Year? New Resolutions!……….…….. 4 Self Care: What is it and where can I get some?………….……………..…………………… 5 Mariner Resolutions…………………………. 6 Bite of the Month……………………………….7 Senioritis: A Diagnosis………………..……. 8

NEW YEAR? NEW RESOLUTIONS! Welcome to 2019! Before we dive head-first into another stressdefining year, let us remember what New Years teaches us. Some may interpret it as a time for predictions and future, others for reflection, and yet others simply ignore New Years as another day passing. No matter the outlooks, New Years is still a start of something new and therefore a time to try many “firsts�. It is a moment that grants people the understanding of their worldly influence and self-discovery. Of course, the biggest tradition as the New Year begins is New Years Resolutions. To put it plainly, it is a wish to improve and personally grow in relation to something lacked in the previous year. Eating healthier, working out, spending less money, and dedicating more time on personal projects are some of the most popular resolutions. Whether or not you participate in this ritual, finding things to improve upon, setting goals, and dreaming for the future are all important human qualities that are important no matter the time of year. So to start the year, try to think of one thing. It can be big, such as applying to colleges in the fall, or small, such as telling your family that you love them more often. Whatever it is, ensure that it is important to you. Stick to your resolution, and work toward becoming the person that you want to be this week, month, year, or even throughout your lifetime. With the mindset of improvement, you can only go up.


WHAT IS IT & WHERE CAN I GET SOME? Happy New Year everyone! This year I hope we can all achieve our goals and practice self care! In the past few years, we’ve been hearing that term more often: self care. Self care threads have popped up online as more and more people begin to reflect on their work, school, or family and focus on taking better care of themselves. But what exactly does it mean? If you type “what is self care?” into Google, the first thing that pops up is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health”. It is accurate, but it might not truly grasp the essence of self care. However, that’s the greatest thing about it –– there isn’t a single way to describe self care! For every unique person, every “self”, there are endless possibilities as to what it can represent. Personally, I tend to view it more as “the collection of actions a person takes in order to be physically, mentally, or emotionally healthy”. Other people might consider “self care” as simply being content with the types of activities, extracurriculars, classes, and friend hangouts that they take part in. Now that we have a better idea of self care, what are ways we can incorporate it? For starters, check up on ourself: “Have I drank water in the past few hours?”, “Have I done anything good for myself today?”, “Is there anything else I should start now?”. The first and most important step to effective self care is understanding yourself and your needs. Only through reflection can you understand what your body and mind are lacking or already has enough of. From that point on, you can act upon these needs and gradually figure out what works for you. Sometimes these needs may not even seem like needs at first. Some self care lists include things like watching your favorite show or spending a day out of town while others can say to clean your room or get to bed earlier. Self care comes in different forms, ranging from realistic and often unappealing tasks to exciting activities that can help you destress. Know what you need in a given moment and dow hat is needed to obtain it. As much of a trend as mainstream society has made it seem, self care is a necessity. It’s not selfish or self-indulgent; it’s about doing what is right for yourself. This 2019, during both our highs and lows, let’s take care of ourselves. Strive to grow and excel but never forget to enjoy urself during the process!



Be nicer to people Work out more Be tech-free, engage myself in the people around me learn and improve my Korean speaking skills Dress more the way I want Get out of my comfort zone, be more honest to myself Write a song Be more involved in my clubs No more fast food Organize my room


Tico’s breakfast & lunch

This month we take a look at one fo the comfiest and clean restaurants Marina has to offer. Tico’s Breakfast and Lunch offers affordable dishes and a genuinely friendly staff. The food is always fresh and delicious. Locals say that the Nova Scotia Eggs Benedict are some of the best they have had. This location truly lives up to its motto: “Fresh, Simple, Savory”

SENIORITIS: A DIAGNOSIS So it’s a new year again and that means just one more semester before the end of high school for many seniors. As a senior at marina High, I admit that I am extremely excited for graduation. it would seem that our senior class is just holding on until this moment of complete and utter freedom, but let us take a minute to reflect on what it means to have the fabled senioritis. Looking back at my history at the school, I find that every year eager seniors claim to have senioritis. They go on and on about how they are fed up with high school and they start to do some strange things. There are those who seemingly always have a free period and don’t know what to do with it, those who have cars and seem to want to live int hem, those who befriend a teacher and develop a sort of “bromance”, and of course, those who order food in the middle of class and usually come into class always with a milk tea boba in had. Now, these are only some examples of what senioritis can be, but I think anyone can see the pattern: seniors lose interest. Unfortunately, while these symptoms may in fact be harmless, there will undoubtedly be those whose class work becomes consistently tardy and their grade suffers because of it. So in the spirit of the new year and new beginnings, don’t let yourself fall through the cracks! Every senior has worked incredibly hard to reach this point and graduation is but a few months away. I encourage you to continue working hard and creating new memories. It’s our senior year! Let us be the best versions of ourselves as graduation approaches with life beyond our diploma!

thank you for reading!

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