Marina High Newsletter | Volume 1, Issue 1

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"The sea is calm tonight.
 HIGH The tideMARINA is full, the moon lies fair
 Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
 Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
 Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. ... Ah, love, let us be true
 To one another! for the world, which seems
 To lie before us like a land of dreams,
 So various, so beautiful, so new,
 Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
 Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
 V Oare here as on a darkling plain
 And we L. Swept with1 ,confused alarms of struggle and IS SU flight,
 E 1 Where ignorant armies clash by night.”


s e l l w l e e n r)

- Matthew Arnold


Marina Shoe Type ……………………………. 3 Main Story ……………………………………… 5 Contact Information ………………………… 7


By Cassandra Chapa

Shoe type at Marina High (MaHS) is a big topic among the students. All around school you hear students complimenting each other on their shoe game. Students take it to the extreme when taking care of them. From walking really slow and unnatural, to ironing their shoes to remove creases in them. I personally have done both, but I have always wondered what the most common and favorite shoes around MaHs were. So to answer my question, I asked the students myself, here’s what they said.

White Shoes This is probably one of the

most iconic shoes that we know of: Air Force 1’s. When going around school, this was the most common answer. Katrina Chapa and Jenna Sales believe they are the most popular because “they are not expensive and they match everything,” which is true as they only cost $90 in men sizes. They back up the whole “argument” on how white shoes match everything. Air Forces are also really big with collaborations in the shoe c o m m u n i t y, f r o m t h e Wa r r i o r s b a s k e t b a l l t e a m t o Tr a v i s Scott, both creating t h e i r versions

jordan 11’s

Jordan 11’s have to be one of the most popular Jordans ever made, at least that’s what the students think. When I asked students, the first Jordans to come to mind were these. With one of the students saying that most students wear t h e m because “all the rappers wear them”. While this is true, other students said it was a “more slick and clean” version than any other Jordan. Below is a pair of Concord Jordans which are being rereleased on December 8.

slipWhether - on vans it be classic or checkered, slip-on vans were

one of the highest suggested shoes because they are “basic” said by Elizabeth Lamond. Walking around school, you can see at least half the school wearing a pair of these, no matter what “category” the person fits into. They are also a very popular shoe to collaborate with, with Marvel and Charlie Brown both partnering up with them in the past year.

old skool vans

The most iconic Van up to date is the Old Skool Van. With it being very versatile and easy to match up with outfits, it’s very easy to see why this is one of the top-selling Vans. Mrs. Maldonado, a teacher who sees a quarter of the school a day said “I examine my students head to toe. I see more Vans than a used car salesman”, so she must see a lot of Vans. These Vans are also pretty cheap compared to other shoes on this list — no wonder they are popular.

slides Slides are not really known for their outdoor wear, but

are pretty popular around school. You see kids wear them all the time with no one saying anything about them. With school dress codes getting less strict, you see more and more kids rock these. Deja Briscoe and Corinthian Ealey said, “kids like these because you can wear them anymore; the beach, store, or even school”. Not only that, but you can buy them anywhere for any price. You can get them at Target for $5 or from Gucci for $600.

From a shoe that’s most commonly used at home, to a shoe that was made from Michael Jordan, you can see them here at MaHs. From any background, everyone has at least one pair of these. Whatever brand, or whatever style people who feel comfortable wearing them, you will see them wearing them.

MAIN STORY Hello! Welcome to The Mariner — a Marina High School Newsletter. The first of its kind, we plan to take on the tough issues and examine what really makes a Mariner. This month’s theme: Marina High School. Here, we take a look at how Marina became the school it is today. Now, you may scratch your head wondering what exactly we mean by this, but no worries — here at The Mariner, we will keep things simple, interesting, and fun! Marina High School was established in 2006, however, the first full graduating class was not until 2009. Curiously, our school was placed on the location of an old elementary school, and even annexed some of the buildings across the school parking lot, which was the location of an old preschool. Marina High has always boasted a strong and community-centered campus with an average student population of 630 students. As students, we have grown up with the expectation of perfection. The movies show us images of huge classes, absurd parties, and the fantastic “romance” of being a high schooler. However, this is an image that removes the reality of teen life from high school and replaces it with a sugar coated stereotype. Being a small school opens up so many opportunities ignored by bigger schools. Not only do we have the underdog advantage, but we have a spirit only born after a struggle, the spirit that drives us to our wins and our successes. The community we build ensures us a win, no matter the score. Being a Mariner means pride for everything that we hold true. It means we always defy the odds. It means that we make our own movie ending. Marina High is changing, now more than ever. Our student body diversity remains as strong as our excellent academics. Marina is defying its expectation to fail and remain stagnant Scholastically, students are rising above standards and are exemplifying extensive knowledge and passion for growth. Our music


N I g oo R A ( M

E R S!

I love being a teacher at Marina High School - it’s a small school. I’ve gotten to know my students very well over two years, and I have worked in many other schools that do not have half the resources and wonderful scholars.


You get to meet so many different people here of different backgrounds, and I think that’s really awesome that you can do that at a school, of all places

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It’s a really diverse community, and everyone is special in their own way. There’s always something new everyday from the people here.



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