Become a Legend
March 2017
Mir Muhammad Ali Khan INDECISIVENESS
Waqar Waheed Nothing is impossible for Allah Author Kaiser Mukhtar Rajput
Ultimate Success
Amna Zafar enjoys lucrative returns from her freelancing work while working with diverse clientele of SMEs across borders. Her small start-up of IT & digital solutions is known as SA developers (Provides Complete Digital Solution).She didn’t restrict her to hardcore development only but dived into digital marketing cluster too and harvest opportunity to work in capacity of marketing manager at local govt. initiative named ‘Sports Board Punjab’. As socially responsible professional with reasonable ethical stance, She indulged in volunteer role with local NPOs and NGOs ( Punjab University Blood donor society, Paam Trust, Message Foundation, Aurat Foundation) and worked for women empowerment in rural and urban sector of Punjab. With passion to bridge the gap between academia and industry, served prestigious institutions like Punjab University,LUMS,LCWU,NCBA,Superior University, UMT and few more. Her inclination towards shared learning made her a blogger/writer and she keeps spotlighting the happenings around related to ‘youth activism, women empowerment and development. Also her write-ups at different platforms related to technology and business satisfy her tendency to share her acumen with peers and learner network around.Currently,she is working as a freelance trainer and give training sessions on various topics in educational institutes and also in corporate sector. She has trained more than 5500 people for online startup and online work. To become integral resource of our prestigious country through this organization by employing all my education, experience and desire to add value with my Marketing and IT skills.
The ideas man
Internationally renowned Investment Banker, Entrepreneur & Capital Markets Advisor.
Ultimate Success
INDECISIVENESS is one thing that i think is a bigger problem than Fear, Failure, Struggles, Lessons, Phobias, Depression, Anxiety and whatever else that can come to your mind. Because indecision is something that keeps you away from learning, facing your fears, Rewards, Successes, Accomplishments, and everything that could possibly bring you enlightenment and happiness. Indecisiveness will prevent you from taking the first step. It is the mother of all evils in a human mind. Everything and i mean everything stems from this problem. It breeds fear in humans but never even lets them face the fear so the chances of overcoming your fears are zero. It never lets you become successful because people who can not take a decision can not start something, and if you can not start something than how will you ever get to your destination. Its like deciding to go to Paris, You do your research on the web about Paris, See the beautiful pictures, learn about the places to see, Look up the restaurants and shows and events
happening in Paris during your stay, learn a few phrases from Google Translation in French, Go to your travel agent, Buy a ticket, get to the airport, go through check-in and immigration, get your boarding pass and then start thinking, waiting in the boarding lounge, should you get on the plane or not. Was it a good decision to choose Paris or should you have gone to another destination. Will it turn out to be according to your expectations or not. What if this happened and what if that happened while you were in Paris... While you are thinking about all this and BEING INDECISIVE, The plane leaves. Now if you were using your faith, Islam, as an excuse, you will say..Yehi Allah Ki Marzi thi Ke Plane Chala Gaya...( This is what God Wanted). Maybe there was a MASLEHAT (Hidden Reason) in me missing the plane..Maybe..Maybe Maybe... ALL WRONG. Do not confuse your own mess ups with Allah's doings. The biggest of indecisive people i have met, and if they happened to be Muslims, they immediately bring Allah into covering up their own faults. What they dont understand is that Allah wants and likes people who make decisions. Decision to do good for others, decision to not lie, decision to pray or to fast,
decision to go to Hajj, Decision to support your family with Halal earnings, decision to do everything. You will be questioned for your DEEDS in the AAKHIRAT (Judgement Day) and those deeds had to be done by taking a decision to do them. Without a decision, nothing can be done. People become indecisive based on the fear of not being good at something they want to do. Remember one thing and remember it ALWAYS, You not being good at something is the FIRST STEP towards you becoming good at it. As long as you have passion for it, what you suck at in the beginning will become your expertise later. But your indecisiveness will prevent you from getting good at anything. From starting that business, Or getting a better job. Or marrying someone you love. Or traveling to another country. Or
Ultimate Success
changing a house. Indecisiveness will not only RUIN your own life but it will ruin the lives of your children and your spouse and your loved ones because a man who can not make a decision for himself should not be made responsible for making decisions for his family. Never fear your past for making a decision for your future. your past does not dictate your future. Never use your previous failures or your current fear to justify your indecisiveness. I
want you to know that i am a living proof that Pain will make you stronger, tears will make you braver and heartbreaks will make you wiser, failures will make you sharper, loneliness will make you enlightened, rejection will make you more determined.... But nothing can make you anything, if you do not take the decisions. Dont ever be scared and give up, because brave people are also scared, cowards are not the only ones who are scared. The only difference is that Cowards get scared and give up, heroes get scared but go on. You decide, what do you want to be ?
Ultimate Success
Waqar Waheed
Nothing is impossible for Allah Sometimes bookish words of goodness and hopefulness do not affect our lives as much as a real life event can. It is a story of Mr. Ali …who was a very successful cardiologist and very ambition surgeon. He lived in England all his life, he only dreamed of himself receiving a Nobel price for his achievements. Through his limitless struggles and hard working, He reached that point when he was invited to Germany for receiving Nobel price. He was feeling something above happiness. He anxiously waited for the day of his flight which was just one day before the mega event of this life. He reached airport before the time so he could not miss his flight. After about 15 mints, there was an announcement regarding the delay off light due to bad weather.Mr.Ali felt severe abdominal pang. He started pinching because he just could not afford any delay now. He rented a car and started the journey on his own towards his most awaited prize.
Sometimes things don’t happen the way we want to…they happen the way nature wants them to happen. It is the nature’s way of converting someone’s impossible into possible and some one possible into impossible. Mr. Ali was just half way through when his car broke out. Weather was doing his best to stop him. There was something in the air, some mysterious force which was obscuring his way, diverting him towards some unknown destroy. Mr. Ali felt that if he ever missed that event, he would not be able to live. He got out of car and went into a nearly valley to find some help and shelter for the horrible night.
Ultimate Success
Waqar Waheed
Nothing is impossible for Allah He knocked on a door. A woman appeared. Old face, creased skin, hopeless eyes. She asked him the matter. He told her that he need shelter for a night. She invited him inside. He saw the house was old fashioned. Someone was lying on bed moaning with pain. He asked that old woman about that person. She said; He’s oh he is my son…..old woman’s young son……He is ill with some cardiac problem. They say that only a surgeon of England someone DR.Ali can cure my sons illness. But you see, I am poor and can’t afford to go to England. So I spend my days and night praying to Allah for that Doctor to come here. They say: Nothing is impossible for Allah ....But I ‘have been asking for only one thing my whole life, I don’t know why Allah doesn’t respond me! Mr.Ali was seeing into her eyes with unbelievable expressions and said: Indeed, nothing is impossible for Allah! I am Dr.Ali.
Waqar Waheed MBS ,M.Phil, PHD +923064002127
Qasim Ali Shah A distinguished trainer, professional speaker and writer, serving in the field of educational for since last 16 years.
Ultimate Success
hen you think of motivational speakers, you might think about self-help gurus telling you how to channel your inner child or visualize your path to success. Motivational speakers can deliver presentations and speeches on any topic, however. What counts is your passion for the subject you are addressing. Become a motivational speaker by identifying your message and your audience, brushing up on your public speaking skills and promoting your speaking abilities.
Qasim Ali Shah is a distinguished trainer, professional speaker and writer, serving in the field of educational for since last 16 years. The focus of his training is based on to compensate development. He has created 500+ video lectures on the social issues and personality development. He conducts a variety of training classes for beginners and students of advanced levels. He has also served for Government departments such as DSD – Directorate of Staff development & teaches 8000+ Headmasters. He has associated with MPDD – Management professional development department & teach government officers.
“Whatever the human mind can think clearly it can be achieved.”
Ultimate Success
WORLD Learning about your prospect shows interest, professionalism and gives you an outrageous edge, Qasim Shah was the one who had started his career as a quick but an outstanding learner. Like others he had been treated by the community in a most awful way that he becomes the victim of professional politics and has been given a seat at the back end in the class of life and struggle. But he is the one who don’t know the meaning of“ Giving Up”.
We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: Inspiration or desperation. Well, the Qasim Shah aimed for the inspiration, always emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for selfimprovement and showing people how to reach for bigger, better lives. Not like others he is very easy to talk to. His behavior is polite and way is enthusiastic, most important he never hide any sort of key steps which will help others to grow, he is a DON of Success.
We’ve long been taught that the reason we work is primarily for a paycheck. In fact, we’ve shaped much of the infrastructure of our society to accommodate this belief. Then why are so many people dissatisfied with their work, despite healthy compensation? And why do so many people find immense fulfillment and satisfaction through “menial” jobs? Qasim Shah explores why so many believe that the goal for working should be to earn money, how we arrived to believe that paying workers more leads to better work, and why this has made our society confused, unhappy,
and has established a dangerously misguided system. Through fascinating studies and compelling anecdotes, these codes dispels this myth. Ultimately, Qasim Shah proves that the root of what drives us to do good work can rarely be incentivized, and that the cause of bad work is often an attempt to do just that.
Ultimate Success
How often have you heard the comment, “He or she is a born leader?” There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they’re looked up to as a leader. Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further.
A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.
“If you believe that success comes from hard work, not luck, you will never agree to work and wait for fate to spend the life will......”
A Good is Enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirt A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.
Ultimate Success
WORLD “Few of our own failures are fatal,” We’re so anxious not to “draw a line under a decision we regret” that we end up causing still more damage while trying to erase it Why Success Always Starts With Failure? This may be true, but we certainly don’t act like it. When our mistakes stare us in the face, we often find it so upsetting that we miss out on the primary benefit of failing (yes, benefit): the chance to get over our egos and come back with a stronger, smarter approach. According to Qasim Shah, “success comes through rapidly fixing our mistakes rather than getting things right first time.” When it comes to failing, our egos are our own worst enemies. As soon as things start going wrong, our defense mechanisms kick in, tempting us to do what we can to save face. Yet, these very normal reactions — denial, chasing your losses, and hedonic editing
Denial .“It seems to be the hardest thing in the world to admit we’ve made a mistake and try to put it right. It requires you to challenge a status quo of your own making.” Chasing your losses. We’re so anxious not to “draw a line under a decision we regret” that we end up causing still more damage while trying to erase it. For example, poker players who’ve just lost some money are primed to make riskier bets than they’d normally take, in a hasty attempt to win the lost money back and “erase” the mistake. Hedonic editing When we engage in “hedonic editing,” we try to convince ourselves that the mistake doesn’t matter, bundling our losses with our gains or finding some way to reinterpret our failures as successes.
The Recipe for Successful Adaptation At the crux of Adapt lies this conviction: In a complex world, we must use an adaptive, experimental approach to succeed. Harford argues, “the more complex and elusive our problems are, the more effective trial and error becomes.” We can’t begin to predict whether our “great idea” will actually sink or swim once it’s out there. Harford outlines three principles for failing productively: You have to cast a wide net, “practice failing” in a safe space, and be primed to let go of your idea if you’ve missed the mark.
“College is an amazing safe space to fail. We are experimenting with new friends, a new city, new hobbies, and new ideas – and we’ll often mess up academically and socially as a result. But we know that as long as we don’t screw up too dramatically, we’ll finish college, graduate, and move on – that mix of risk and safety is intoxicating. Yet somehow as we grow older we lose it.”