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Besluit kansspelen op afstand - Decision remote gambling General description: (more detailed descriptions below) Hoofdstuk 1. Algemene bepalingen Chapter 1. General terms In this chapter, they mostly define certain words to prevent confusion Hoofdstuk 2. De vergunning Chapter 2. The license Here they mostly talk about the license the casino’s have to have to do this. They mention what it contains, the period it is valid and to cancel it. Hoofdstuk 3. De vergunninghouder Chapter 3. The licensee This chapter is dedicated to the licensee. It says who can have a license and the conditions the licensee has to have. Hoofstuk 4. De organisatie van kansspelen op afstand Chapter 4. The organisation of remote gambling Most of the information is in this chapter. They discuss a lot, but what might be interesting is that they also talk about integrity, the rules licensee have to follow and safety measures so all the games can be played fairly. I made 4.14 yellow, since I think it has the most to do with gambling addiction, but also look casually through the other articles. Hoofdstuk 5. Toezicht en handhaving Chapter 5. Supervision and enforcement Talks about the procedures the licensee has to follow. Who to report to, measures it has to take for information safety etc. Hoofdstuk 6. Wijziging andere besluiten Chapter 6. Modification other decisions Not important I think. There is no real information here. Chapter 7. Slotbepalingen Chapter 7. Final provisions Not too important as well. It states the rights of the minister I think.

More detailed description: Hoofdstuk 1. Algemene bepalingen Chapter 1. General terms In this chapter, they mostly define certain words to prevent confusion Hoofdstuk 2. De vergunning 2.1

Chapter 2. The license

1 The license can be issued for the on remote organisation of: a. Casino games where the player plays against the licensee b. Casino games where the players play against each other c. Bets during sports game or the result of a sports game d. Bets on the results of horse racing or harness racing organised by XXX organisation 2 The license is not issued for the organisation of on remote lotteries 3 & 4: something about that further regulations will be issued by the minister.


The license is valid for a maximum of 5 years

2.3 Only by written permission of the Board of Directors can the transfer be handed over in any other way. 2.4 -

2.5 -

This is about application of the license After application, the license has to be given within 6 months This period can be extended by the Board of Directors to a maximum of 6 months if more research is deemed necessary If the period is extended, the Board of Directors needs to notify the applicant and has to clarify the period in which the answer has to be given. This is about suspension of the license Suspension of the license ends on the day after the day on which the suspension had been announced or since 6 months have passed since the suspension. This period can be extended by the Board of Directors to a maximum of 6 months if more research is deemed necessary If the period is extended, the Board of Directors needs to notify the applicant

Hoofdstuk 3. De vergunninghouder

Chapter 3. The licensee

3.1 Talks about the granting of exceptions by the Board of Directors. 1. Exceptions as “stated other law” can only be granted if the Board of Directors deem it necessary … 3.2 The licensee needs to always have the following data a. Identity and antecedents of executives b. Identity and antecedents of people who qualified take part (I think just who work there) c. Identity and antecedents of stakeholders d. Identity and antecedents of wealth providers \ e. Formal and factual organisation, finance, possession and control structure from concern 3.3 1. The continuity of the licensee is not guaranteed if: a. Bankruptcy or liquidation b. The licensee has suspension of payments c. Considerable part of the licensee’s capital has been seized. 2. Minister can add things to this part of the law. 3.4 About the trustworthiness of the licensee and what they take into consideration. 3.5 The licensee has to inform his workers about the law, for what is necessary to properly do their work 3.6 The licensee is responsible for the internal supervision

Hoofstuk 4. De organisatie van kansspelen op afstand Chapter 4. The organisation of remote gambling (Chapter 4 is bigger than the ones before this, so I will give a quick definition of all the parts. If you want more information on some parts, please tell me which ones and I will translate them for you! It is really no problem) Afdeling 1: algemeen

section 1: general

4.1 This part is about the designation of the representatives for supervision, the qualities they need to have and the responsibilities they have. 4.2 The responsibilities and rules the licensee has towards the players. 4.3 The responsibilities the licensee has in relation to the outsourcing of work. 4.4 About the administration the licensee has to keep. Afdeling 2: integriteitsbeleid

section 2: integrity policy

Paragraaf 1. Algemeen

paragraph 1. General

4.5 The licensee has to make sure that his organisation is “fair” and has to prevent crimes. It has to also possess several things stated in 2 abc. 4.6 The licensee cleared the trustworthiness of the representatives and the people in key positions. Paragraaf 2. Weddenschappen

paragraph 2. Bets

4.7 The licensee has to have good measures regarding no manipulation or misuse of foreknowledge 4.8 The rules for holding bets. What to do before and after the bet. It also states what to do in circumstances that might point at manipulation. 4.9 Situations when the holding of bets are illegal. Afdeling 3: Inschrijven en aanmelding speler

section 3: registration/ application player

4.10 Only natural persons can be a player 4.11 Terms and conditions to registrate as a player 4.12 The licensee has to consult the register when he wants to register a player. 4.13 Player can only be registered if it has no other relation to cheating, terrorism, money laundering etc.

4.14 The player can only be registered, if the player has indicated his boundaries concerning playing. 4.15 The player can only be registered, when the player has declared the points stated in this article. 4.16 The identity of the player has to be verified. 4.17 The registration will be ended if the player wants to or when the player does not comply with the terms and conditions. 4.18 The player can’t be registered if he/she has already registered. 4.19 When the licensee is allowed to suspend the player 4.20 If someone is suspended, the licensee has to research his suspicion. 4.21 The suspension does not influence the players rights to see his playing account 4.22 The licensee shall terminate the possibility of registration upon termination of the player's registration. 4.23 The licensee shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent continuous and unauthorised registration. 4.24 The minister can add rules Afdeling 4. Betalingstransacties

section 4. Payment transactions

4.25 Payment transactions can only be done through playing accounts 4.26 Players can only have 1 playing account 4.27 The crediting of the players playing account by the licensee 4.28 There can’t be a negative saldo and participating in games has to be suspended if the playing account is inadequate to do so. 4.29 The debiting of the players playing account by the licensee 4.30 The safekeeping of the saldo on the players playing account 4.31 The licensee has to be able to give the players general information on the terms and conditions and other stated in the article at any time. 4.32 The licensee has to register every money transaction between him and the players 4.33 The Minister can add rules.

Afdeling 5. Consumentenbescherming

Section 5. Consumer protection

4.34 The information the licensee has to make accessible for the players 4.35 the agreement between the licensee and the player has to be regarding the Dutch law 4.36 The customer service has to be available at all times when players can play 4.37 Complains have to be free of charge 4.38 The licensee has to provide all general information and communication in at least Dutch 4.39 Rules can be added by the minister Afdeling 6. Het spelsysteem

Section 6. The gamesystem

4.40 The licensee has to have a qualitysystem, informationsecuritysystem etc 4.41 Talks about the managementsystem 4.42 Electronic systems 4.43 Rules can be added by the minister Afdeling 7. De keuring van het spelsysteem

Section 7. Inspecting the gamesystem

Paragraaf 1. De aangewezen keuringsinstellingen paragraph 1. The appointed inspection institutes 4.44 The appointing of a inspection institute 4.45 The appointing of a inspection institute is comparable to a approval of a competent authority 4.46 terms and conditions to be a inspection institute 4.47 The institute may not have any relations to the licensee 4.48 The quality, standards and values the inspection institute needs to have 4.49 The institute needs to provide the minister or Board of Directors the information they ask for Paragraaf 2. Periodiciteit van de keuringen

paragraph 2. Periodicity of inspection

4.50 the licensee has to design his gamesystem according to the guidelines from the inspection.

4.51 Process of what is necessary before designing this gamesystem 4.52 The design has to correspond to article 4.41 Paragraaf 3. Uitvoering

paragraph 3. Implementation

4.53 The points of inspection and the implementation of the inspection 4.54 The points the inspection report has to contain

Hoofdstuk 5. Toezicht en handhaving

Chapter 5. Supervision and enforcement

5.1 Where the licensee has to report to and what points the licensee has to report 5.2 The licensee has to put appropriate measures into place for keeping information safe. 5.3 the licensee has to have a control database 5.4 The licensee has to give the Board of Directors financial security to comply his financial obligations Hoofdstuk 6. Wijziging andere besluiten Chapter 6. Modification other decisions Here they put some of the alterations they had done. Chapter 7. Slotbepalingen

Chapter 7. Final provisions

7.1 The minister arragnes rules for periodical suspension. 7.2 This decision can differ for different games and different licensees. 7.3 signatures of king and ministers.

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