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Existing Condition Taksim as an Undefined Urban Void “They saw … the dreamers whose gravestones are long vanished, whose dreams have yet to come true, whose days were spent poring over maps with a magnifying glass, imagining the jumbled streets of Istanbul giving way to a magnificient new network of avenues, lines with linden trees as in Berlin, in the shape of a star as in Paris, overarched with bridges like St. Petersburg … “ The Black Book, Orhan Pamuk Everyone has a dream for Taksim! All ideological camps and social groups have a dream for Taksim. Yet, despite all such dreams, Taksim remains as an undefined urban void. Considering the discrepancy between these dreams and the existing condition of the area, the difficulty of executing an urban design in Taksim could be identified with much ease and precision. Over the last hundred years, each big scale intervention on Taksim has started with deleting or ignoring the traces of its past. In addition to this each intervention has been abandoned before realizing the initial objectives. In the end, Taksim has become a multi-layered space that has many traces from the past but unfortunately with no integrity.

a c c e l e r a t i o n


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t h e

f r e q u e n c y

o f

p h y s i c a l

i n t e r v e n t i o n s

o n

2019 – Taksim Mosque

2018 – Contruction of the new AKM

2018 – New bridge to Harbiye

2014 – Demolition of bridge to Harbiye

2013 – Gezi Protests

2012 – pedestrianization project

2006 – Kabataş Funicular

1990s – metro construcction

* In 1990: Again Ahmet to Mehmet – Look my dear, there will be a magnificent square!..

1986 – Demolitions for Tarlabaşı Bulvarı

1975 – Construction of Sherathon and Intercontinental Hotels

1969 – Inauguration of AKM

* In 1930: Ahmet to Mehmet – Look, there will be a magnificent square!..

1960 – Demolition of Kristal Casino

1909 – Removal of Talimhane

1928 – Republic Monument and Talimhane neighbourhood

1940 – Demolition of Artillary Barracks

Historians and sociologists would read this history in the context of the «war of political symbols» that has dominated Turkey's political life. No matter how it is defined in the end, the obvious result is an unfortunate loss of public space.


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3 1

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1910-20 1. Talimhane. 2. Taksim Garden as a formal urban space.

1920-40 1. The Republic Monument a new formal void. 2. The courtyard as a new informal void 3. Loss of «Talimhane void».




1940-60 1. Gezi Park as formal void 2. Republic Monument . 3. A new formal void with an unstable relation with the monument.

1960-80 1-2. Expansion of the void after the demolition of Kristal Cassino






1. Disconnection of Gezi Park with the Congress Valley. 2. Vivid informal void of Taksim.

1. The huge void after pedestrianization of Taksim. 2. Gezi Park as an urban void.

The Tension Between Formal Interventions and the Dynamics of Informal Public Void The emergence of Taksim as a public space is not a result of a planning decision. But rather, the possibility of the public space emerged within the void that was left open further to the removal of Talimhane. Afterwards, the history of Taksim has always witnessed the tension between the formal interventions by the governmental institutions and the dynamics of an informal public void. At first, at the plain of Talimhane, then on the courtyard of Artillery Barracks, then in the space facing the marble steps of Gezi Park, there has always been an informal space populated by the public activity. The morphological character of Taksim does not resemble the Greek Agoras or Italian piazzas. Taksim has always been quite informal. Remarkably, the informal character resisted the attempts to restrain the urban space.

However, the pedestrianization plan that was launched in 2012 has broken the relationship of Taksim with its historical axes. The decomposition of Gezi Park due to the social and political tensions together with the physical interventions was another loss. As a result of these brutal interventions, Taksim Square and Gezi Park are now formal deserted voids. 01

Outlining a Strategy to Regenerate the “Taksim Void” How to re-generate Taksim?

Our response to this question is basically proposing a participatory strategy to transform the existing formal void into a sequence of public spaces that would respond to the historical memory and contemporary spatial needs of the public. What would be needed is neither a new GRAND DESIGN nor the RESTORATION of a particular historical layer of the past, but instead, to a GRAND PROCESS that would be open to collaboration and participation, and would be responsive to the complex nature of a public space. The pursue would be for an adaptable strategy that will give room to citizens for transforming the space to a “place”. It is exactly in this sense that public would claim their rights of seizing the urban space. In this way urban void would be a ground for creative public manifestations, by which then the «void» would be a positive asset. It is interesting to witness that whenever the brutal planning interventions crushed Taksim in the past, the public life has always finds a way to flourish again quite quickly. What happens once could happen again. By the help of a comprehensive strategy, public space could be re-animated and would become a place where the heart of a vibrant multicultural metropolis keeps beating.

The Guiding Principles To achieve this goal, 6 guiding principles are proposed: 1. Avoiding any physical intervention with cultural and ideological references. 2. Avoiding to impose an overwhelming new character on Taksim and Gezi. This would be an outdated vision which has failed many times in the past.

3. Activating and nurturing public participation. Any urban design project would be unable to solve all the problems of Taksim in one single attempt. The complex nature of an urban space requires time and participation of all related parties. 4. Introducing an incremental design process which would be open to the public contributions. A resourceful strategy would incorporate creative potentials proposed by the public within a well-defined spatial framework. This is the age of Wikipedia, instead of Britannica, which is open to active participation of the users. 5. Creating space and areas for public forums and social interaction. Taksim and Gezi would serve as a common ground for public negotiation. The main purpose of the planning strategy is to create public grounds that will provide and enable interaction as social negotiation would lack a sound ground without a public space. 6. Avoiding massive interventions with high costs that would add new construction load to Taksim. Interventions should be executed according to an incremental strategy.

A 4 Layered program 1. Spatial Framework Creating a well-defined framework for the articulation of urban space. 2. Access & Linkages Connecting the integral parts with each other and with urban vicinity 3. Attraction points : Pavillions and flexible zones Arranging a flexible program to respond diverse needs.

4. Taksim collective : A responsive platform for Taksim Defining a social platform for managing the process


Spatial Framework Spatial Configuration of Taksim Maçka & Nişantaşı Topographical Barriers

2 Harbiye

Maçka Park










1 Cihangir




Pedestrian flows


Topography / corridors and obstacles

Barriers / 1. Poorly defined borders of Gezi Park, 2. The blind garden walls of the Hotels, 3. The garden walls of Ataturk Library, 4. The barriers of vehicle underpass

Urban Paks / Distances

3 4

Cultural Axis

2 1 1 Urban Morphology / the morphological diversity of the urban blocks around Taksim

A potential cultural axis / AKM, Maksem (Taksim Art Gallery) and the Taksim Mosque are the new cultural and religious functions around the Square. With Ataturk Library, there will be a potiential cultural axis.

Urban Axes / 1. Commercial & recreational axes; 2. The L-shaped axes of Republic Monument; 3. The grid of Talimhane; 4. Central axis of Gezi.

Components of the Spatial Framework A framework should be created that will transform the existing undefined space into a sequence of interconnected spaces in a flexible configuration. The existing traces and the erased traces of past will be the reference for spatial definitions.


The spatial framework will provide a canvas for the public; the content will be the outcome of an open design collaboration.

7 6

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Division of the Taksim void:

4 1. The Republic Monument and the main axes 2. Extension of Talimhane 3. Gezi Park 4. Taksim Square 5. Connection to Istiklal St and Sıraselviler St 6. Ataturk Library 7. The green island at the east side of Intercontinental Hotel



1. The Republic Monument and the Main Axes The Republic Monument has always been the pivotal point of Taksim Square at the conjunction of movements. The circular form and the cross forming at the center were defining the spatial references of the urban space. In order to restore the spatial references of the Monument, a strict grid is proposed which is originating from the center of this circle. The strict geometric order of grid, as a spatial framework, will define the pattern of ground covering material and the order of the regularly proposed trees. The L-shaped axes will define the epicenter of Taksim Square with three interconnected sections: entrance of Istiklal Street, extension of Talimhane, and the square facing Gezi Park stairs. Two focal points are proposed to mark the end of the axes: a flagpole at the east side, an art sculpture at the north side. The monument and the flagpole will also constitute a formal axis for public ceremonies. Additionally, the monumental façade of AKM will support this axis in accordance with its historical role in Taksim. The main axes will serve as an “outer park” around the “inner park” -Gezi- and strengthen the spatial integration of Gezi with the immediate urban structure.

Restoring the shops under the terraces of Gezi at the west side is a critical decision for the spatial definition of Cumhuriyet Street. The shop fronts at the border of Gezi and the kiosks distributed among the street level will enrich the daily use of the “outer park”.

Improved retail

Functional area

Tram route


Park connection Retail Proposal

Flexible zone

Green line Cafe seat

Exisiting retail

Gezi Park

Section / Proposal

Organized Retails Facade

Section / Existing

undefined area

Gezi Park

Grid and axes will both articulate the urban space by defining the fragments of small scale and will orient the pedestrian flow within the square.

Retail Art/Landscape

Reorganized Cumhuriyet Street 04

2. Extension of Talimhane The existing void between the Republic Monument and Talimhane is a transition space between Taksim and Talimhane. The proposal is a semi-open urban space as a mediator between the square and Talimhane. Before it was demolished, the role of Kristal Casino was similar: an interface between the urban structure of Talimhane and Taksim, and an attraction point for informal popular events and activities. The large canopy and the amphitheater will provide a similar function. This spatial arrangement will strengthen the definition of the circular space around the Monument and will be an attraction point for casual open-air activities.

Gezi Park

Taksim-Beyoglu Tram

Talimhane Pavilion


Republic Moument

Another critical proposal is a gallery space over the underground bus stop level in order to let the day-light in, and to make a new connection between the two levels.


Info Center Bus st. Connect. Flower Shops Cafe / Amphi

Reorganized Cumhuriyet St.

Talimhane Blocks

Gezi Park Taksim Square


Proposal Green Zone

Existing underpass Bus stops


Meeting platform


Flower market

Socializing steps

Info center


Elevator Stairs

Panorama point


Pavilion Section 05

3. Gezi Park The original layout of Gezi Park resembles a classical palace with its chambers organized around a large courtyard. A reinterpretation of the layout of Prost Plan would lead the park to be envisaged as an open-air venue for cultural events. Forums, outdoor exhibitions and events held during the Gezi Protests exhibited the most creative way of using the public space. This experience, which is still alive in the social memory of the city, is encouraging for the new function. The existing location of trees, the axial organization and the circulation layout of the original plan will all be considered and will be reinstated in a new functional configuration. The spatial layout will reside both fixed settings for outdoor activities and also flexible event zones that are open to temporary spatial arrangements. Gezi Park will contain attraction points for temporary activities and passive recreation facilities at the same time. The central lawn and the existing fountain area – which will be re-arranged as an open amphitheater for casual events – will be informal gathering places, like a courtyard at the center.






3. Gezi Park The spatial layout will reside both fixed settings for outdoor activities and also flexible event zones that are open to temporary spatial arrangements. Gezi Park will contain attraction points for temporary activities and passive recreation facilities at the same time. The central lawn and the existing fountain area –which will be rearranged as an open amphitheater for casual events – will be informal gathering places, like a courtyard at the center. The green slope on the west side of Gezi is a negative intervention that erodes the spatial definition of the original plan. Keeping this in mind the terraces on the west side will be reinstated. The shop fronts under the terrace will strengthen the definition of Cumhuriyet Street. However, the stairs and the ramp in the Prost Plan will be re-arranged in order to maintain the spatial integration of the park with the street level. Gezi Park will have a strong and formal character with its original boundaries. Gezi, the «inner park», will be supported by the «outer park» by its diverse functions. While the outer park will contain small-scale commercial and F&B units, Gezi will be reserved only for cultural facilities. Taksim Garden has a slightly different character with its informal layout with respect to Gezi. The garden would contain a child’s playground and sports activities. Gezi as an urban park should attract the surrounding communities for daily use, it will be proposed so that the garden area would respond to this need. Taksim Garden

existing situation

proposal for usages

future situation

The intense pressure of tourism and commercial facilities around Taksim causes a risk for the identity of the urban area. Connecting Taksim and Gezi Park with the residential areas like Macka and Nisantasi by spanning over the topographical barrier would have positive effect on the use of urban space. Gezi Park


4. Taksim Square The Prost Plan envisaged the square at the end of the central axis of Gezi Park as a terrace looking towards Bosphorus. After the construction of the hotel block on the south side, this original idea has been abandoned. The area has been a large refuge for a long time that was populated with crowds during the public demonstrations. Now it is time to redefine the square as a spatial extension of Gezi Park: the last and the biggest flexible activity space of the park. The square and the marble steps of Gezi Park are overlooking each other. Both can be considered as a scene while the audience uses the other part. Temporary structures would enhance the seasonal use of the square. Festivals, concerts, celebrations could be arranged in this area. The entrance of Istiklal Street is another transition space. The narrow triangle opening to the square needs an urban element orienting the pedestrian movements and providing a meeting point for a short time waiting. A canopy is proposed to satisfy these needs and strengthen the definition of the circular space around the Monument. The canopy would revive the memory of the tram stop canopy located at the same place in the past.

daily life at the green axis



Section of Tak-i Zafer Street

from gezi park to square 08

new taksim square

Taksim Belongs to Us

Taksim will house festivals, biennials, exhibitions, open-air concerts, public demonstrations, celebrations, informal recreational activities during varying seasons. The image of Taksim in collective imagination will be an outcome of active participation and collaboration. Taksim belongs to us. The “us� is designating all citizens of the city regardless of their segments and those visiting from all other parts of the world.


Access & Linkages Pedestrian Bridge Taksim and Gezi are both suffering from the lack of a well-defined network of connections both for pedestrians and bicycles. Considering the main axes of the existing urban structure and the exit points of metro and bus stops, a clear layout should be provided for the pedestrian flow. Variation in the types of ground covering material and urban amenities should support the accessible pedestrian network. A new promenade, the Pedestrian Bridge, linking Istiklal Street, Taksim and Gezi to Macka Park would enhance the accessibility of the urban space. Such a link will integrate the spatial fragments in an attractive route of cinematic promenade. The Pedestrian Bridge would also revive the memory of the public terraces of Gezi having great vista to Bosphorus and the old cultural & recreational axis envisaged by Prost.


Access & Linkages Alternative Pedestrian Accesses

The New Tram-line Route The existing tram-line is widely used both by the local citizens and the tourists. Extending the route of the tram-line as a ring around Gezi will enhance the use of tram and strengthen the integration of Taksim and Gezi. The new stops on the route would be arranged to increase the accessibility of focal points around Taksim.


Attraction Points: Pavilions and Flexible Zones Gezi Park and its immediate surrounding will provide “place�s for attracting various people for their diverse needs at varying times of the day. There will be Pavilions having specific functions with long-term use as well as Flexible Zones that will be open to seasonal arrangements. Flexible zones would be arranged as open, semi-open, temporarily closed spaces or the combination of them according to the needs. The spatial arrangement of each zone should be adaptable and will be the subject of open design collaboration. The seasonal adaptations will give an impulse to the vivid life of Taksim.

Multipurpose Activity Zone Usage Alternatives

regional bazaar

sports organization


fair area

festival / concert 12

Attraction Points: Pavilions and Flexible Zones

Diverse functions will be assigned to the Pavilions according to the context of each unit. One of the Pavilions will house the Taksim Collective, while the functions of other Pavilions will vary from F&B facilities, and bookstores to cultural and recreational facilities. A Pavilion would be envisaged as an interactive urban artwork or a public terrace looking to Bosphorus.


Taksim Collective: a Responsive Platform for Taksim Taksim Collective is an autonomous platform established in the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, which will be;

• watching sustainability of community's quality of life, including the built and natural environments. • working on cultural, entertainment, and recreation possibilities . • keeping Taksim inclusive and accessible. • aiming to engage all users into the design process and life cycle of Taksim. • collecting ideas and wishes from community by mobile applications, open calls, open meetings, competitions mainly to ask “How do you really want to use this open space?” • pursuing the execution of the process and incorporating the results to improve a more forward-looking design policy.

• managing income from rentable areas and funding public activities and events.

Taksim Collective will be an interdisciplinary collaboration including software engineers, data scientists, urban designers, architects specialized in participatory design, sociologists, cognitive psychologists, among others. The ultimate aim of the Collective is making Taksim an international venue of festivals, biennials, exhibitions, open-air concerts, public demonstrations, celebrations, informal recreational activities. It is quite unfortunate that there are very few modern paintings depicting Taksim. Gezi and Taksim should be the subject of modern art and popular culture. A piecemeal design method can be followed in order to procure contributions for separate topics.


Organization of the Working Team for Stage II


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