93 – MXC730TR - Project Booklet

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Landscape of Multiple Opportunities Invites people to collectively reimagine and reinvent TAKSİM as the heart of Istanbul, it refers to a collaborative process concerned from street configurations to plaza dynamics to community engagement activities. Just as important as the urban design strategies, the proposal facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the historical, physical, cultural, and social identities that define TAKSİM as a unique place for ongoing evolution. The TAKSİM Urban Design Competition proposal is organized into 5 distinctive landscapes working as multilayered network of tangible and intangible components allowing for a mixed-use and multidimensional environment. TAKSİM: LANDSCAPE OF MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES is a celebration of programmatic openness through the use of spatial elements of various degrees of temporality, constantly reshaped by the forces of seasonal changes and agents of the city.


Contents Framework for a Holistic Approach


Existing Condition Analysis and Design Strategies


Landscape of Image and Identity


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activations


Landscape of Connectivity, Accessibility, and Mobility


Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services.


Landscape of Management and Funding


Landscape of Multiple Opportunities


Resized Competition Boards


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey




Framework for a Holistic Approach

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Framework for a Holistic Approach


Multidisciplinary team organizational chart

Partner in Charge 1

Local Architect Landmark and Preservation Consultant Open Space Programming Advisor Community Outreach Facilitator* Ecology Consultant Local Codes Advisor History and Culture Advisor Hydrology Consultant

Partner in Charge 2

Project Manager

Structural and Civil Engineers Sustainability Consultant MEPFP Consultant Public Art Advisor Quantity Surveyor Lighting Designer Water Features Consultants BIM Specialist

*In collaboration with Metropolitan Municipality

Project Architect

Senior Architectural Designer Jr. Architectural Designer 1 Jr. Architectural Designer 2

Design Consultants

Project Urban Designer Senior Urban Designer Jr. Urban Designer 1 Jr. Urban Designer 2

Project Landscape Designer Senior Landscape Designer Jr. Landscape Designer 1 Jr. Landscape Designer 2

Modelmaker Visualization Artist


Competition Stage 2 Consultants Additional Consultants for Future Stages

(Bim Consultant for Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents)

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Framework for a Holistic Approach


Involvement During Project Life Cycle Project development strategy

Involvement During Project Life Cycle


Design development

Concept and Schematic Design

Construction 4D / 5D






Operation and Maintenance



ProjectDeliverables Deliverables Within 7 Dimensions Project Within thethe 7 BIM BIM Dimensions



Autocad Traditional plans. lines , images, etc.


3d Model

Graphic documentation. Geometrical information. Objects with properties. Project visualization.


Execution plan design


Simulation of every project phases. MEP Simulation. Design of the execution plan.

Costs control


Expense estimate. Quantity survey. Operation costs.




Energy analysis. Variations and interactions. LEED tracking.


Facility management consultancy


BIM life cycle strategies. BIM As- Built. Operations and maintenance model. Logistic tracking and control .





Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Framework for a Holistic Approach


Information Outcomes from Progressive Levels of Development for Project Models

Information Outcomes from Progressive Levels of Development for Project Models


3d model


4D Time

5D Cost



Modeling of existing conditions. LOD Graphic documentation. Objects with properties. 100 Project visualization. of project phases. LOD Simulation Simulation of installations. Execution plan design. 200 LOD Cost estimation. 300 Quantity of materials. Operating costs. LOD 350 LOD 400



Energy analysis. Variation of envelope interactions. LEED monitoring. Interaction analysis design vs BIM model.

LOD 500

Architectural / Urban / Landscape Project Objectives Architectural / Urban / Landscape Project Objectives for forEach EachStage Stage Development ofof Development

LOD 200

LOD 300



· During this stage the general proposal of the project is developed defining its overall geometry, platforms, contour curves, excavation volumes, pedestrian and vehicular paths. Also, geotechnical studies shall take place in order to understand the site's water absorbing capacity, resistance, among others. · Architectural Design · Structural and Civil · Engineering · MEPFP · Electrical

· The project gets refined: irrigation, lighting, excavations, and project levels are solved. Constructions procedures are defined and a paving proposal is developed. · Architectural Design · Structural and Civil · Engineering · MEPFP · Electrical · Illumination · Water Management

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

LOD 350 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT · During the design development phase all accessories, equipment, and furniture are selected and added to the schematic proposal. The project is revised in every aspect, cross referencing the information of every consultant in order to solve any existing conflict. · Architectural Design · Structural and Civil · Engineering · MEPFP · Electrical · Illumination · Water Management · Sustainability · Landscape

LOD 400 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS · All the necessary constructive details are produced and all the required technical information is defined in preparation for construction. Local Codes are extensively reviewed and a construction cost estimate is developed. · Architectural Design · Atructural and Civil. · Engineering · MEPFP · Electrical · Community Outreach (agregar a todos) · Illumination · Water Management · Sustainability · Landscape · Quantity Survey · Traffic and Transportation (agregar este en etapa pasada tambien) · Local Codes Compliance (agregar en anterior tambien) · Public Art · Preservation Consultancy


2. Existing Condition Analysis and Design Strategies


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Existing Condition Analysis and Design Strategies


Metropolitan Articulation


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

500M N


Existing Condition Analysis and Design Strategies

The Northern Gezi Park Garden: connectivity and accessibility from the main section of the park to this area is very limited, the program of activities is null. Opportunity: connect with the main part of Gezi Park by means of ramps that enable universal accessibility, provide a children’s playground, provoke pedestrian flow and traffic through the northern section of the park.


The Gezi Park: south boundary with limited accessibility, partial use as parking and outdoor storage, devoid of play equipment, cultural events and entertainment, not welcoming, lacking art-related components. Opportunity: add a number of indigenous plants and tree species to enhance the existing plantation, incorporate a meadow for active and passive leisure activities, provide a simple network of walkways, and a variety of routes for all kind of visitors, incorporate amenities, strong presence of urban furniture, and art-related areas.

The stair, the wall, and the ramp: the scale and location of these elements act more as a barrier between the park and the plaza rather than connecting them. The actual condition fails at welcoming visitors into the elevated park and vice versa. Opportunity: to introduce an urban strategy to naturally link both public spaces while taking full advantage of the difference in levels. A panoramic view towards the square and the park is achieved.

West border of the park: 200 meters of park border with no program, accessible by 4 stairs ranging from 5 meters to 15 meters wide. Opportunity: to emphasize park accessibility while taking advantage of the slope as children’s climbing walls.

Urban Corridor: a natural axis of human flow with no character. Opportunity:To activate storefronts of retail stores facing it; to expand north temporary structures used today for fairs and bazaars; to implement a series of food vendors with outdoor tables and chairs.

The Esplanade: the southern section of the Gezi Park mostly used as parking lot and occasional outdoor storage platform. Opportunity: to create a natural link between the Gezi Park and Taksim Square, to regain space for the public, not for the car.

Undefined space: lacking urban or architectural identity. No spatial programming. Devoid of amenities. Opportunity: due to its generous surface area and its strategic location within Taksim, two maneuvers are possible: to open up the surface to connect directly with the underground passing, and to locate an architecture & art related piece to program and activate the space. An urban attractor.

East Border and Urban Leftover: marked by a difference in elevation between Tak-ı Zafer Cd and the plaza, featuring a small stair and a ramp linking them, most of the border represents a challenge for universal accessibility, car park use blocking access and views. Opportunity: dedicated area for touristic bus stop, inclusion of pocket parks, clear accessibility to the park and square.

Iron fence and greenery: used as urban bench and featuring an anodyne landscape design. Opportunity: to provide a functional urban sitting for visitors to use while remarking the Republic Monument with a landscape intervention.

Taksim Metro Station: a transportation hub acting merely as a threshold to other stations. Opportunity: to transform the portal into a place with public wi-fi, information kiosk, public art, waste and recycling bins, shade and shelter, signage and seating. The Square: devoid of character, identity, devices for social triangulation, and amenities; timid connection with Gezi Park. Opportunity: to create a mixed-use and multi-dimensional environment meeting on the one hand the needs of the community through useful amenities, serving as accessible, active, sociable and comfortable urban square, and on the other, playing a central role of urbanity and urban life in Istanbul.


Trees in the Square: a handful set of small and medium size trees randomly located at the eastern edge of the square without any relevant purpose. Opportunity: To introduce a series of amenity-based islands including a richer diversity in vegetation, benches, drinking fountains, waste receptacles, solar-powered cellphone-charging stations, offering shadow and programmed areas inside the plaza.

Tak-ı Zafer Cd. & Sıraselviler Cd.: little attractive, poorly efficient, and uninteresting streetscape, designed focused primarily on motor vehicle movement. To keep focus on autos results in unsustainable land development patterns, fewer transportation choices, noise, pollution, and greenhouse gases, as well as a detriment in social, civic, physical, and economic activity on streets. Opportunity: to introduce a pedestrian-priority street, allowing the street to effectively function as public space. The shared street is a low-speed, curbless roadway designed as a single surface shared among pedestrian, and bicyclist and low-speed vehicles.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Existing Condition Analysis and Design Strategies

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



3. Landscape of Image and Identity


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Image and Identity

TAKSİM’s urban identity is conformed not only by the preservation of its past and the political, social and cultural events lived in its historical process; but also by its natural, human and built environment; people’s perception of TAKSİM contributes to the understanding of its urban identity. The square, surrounded by buildings, is one of the most important public spaces fulfilling the need of people’s social interaction, from the past to the present, and most importantly, to the future. From the Maksem built in 1732 under Mahmud I, the Republic Monument inaugurated in 1928, to Henri Prost’s park number 2 of 1937, and the Atatürk Cultural Center, under construction, along with its rich cultural heritage, ethno-religious diversity, social relations, and political agendas, TAKSİM positions itself as a platform for collectively reimagining and reinventing its square and park as the epicenter of the city’s public life. The historical and cultural landscape of the site, its processes of social transformation, along with a changing architectural and urban morphology, sets a unique opportunity to implement a vision to bond together past, present and future. On the one hand, for instance, a punctual landscape intervention at the Republic Monument to enhance the existing green area surrounding it, on the other, an urban maneuver to strategically and seamlessly connect the square with the Gezi Park and its immediate context.

TAKSİM is tactically intervened to set the ideal conditions for human interactions while maximizing shared value.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Programmatic Components:


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Maksem Info Center (Current Citizens Center for Istanbul Municipality + Tourist Info Center/Ticket Office) Maksem Art Gallery Foreign Consulates (French and German) Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital Additional Gümüşsuyu Building Aya Triada Church Republic Monument Atatürk Library Etap Marmara Hotel Intercontinental Hotel Divan Hotel Bambi + Kizilkayalar Nostalgia Tramway TAKSİM Mosque AKM - Atatürk Cultural Center TAKSİM History Interactive Kiosk Memory Points (QR code scanning totems displaying TAKSİM’s historical aspects) Original Stair Preservation


Landscape of Image and Identity


Memory Points A new future for TAKSİM requires an open dialogue with the site’s tumultuous, multilayered past, a new understanding of the site’s history and memory that would enable reconciliation among the city’s residents from all walks of life. This new way of looking at the site’s history will be formed through the participation of experts and the public. In order to facilitate this, the project proposes several points in the site where an interactive display of one aspect of TAKSİM’s history would be installed. These

will be accompanied by a multimedia app that would enable the public to reach to further information, as well as record and upload their own memories of those particular ‘memory points.’ Considering that the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Department of Cultural Heritage is working on a similar app for Beyoğlu, this can be adapted for the purposes of the Square’s new design.

Memory Points Description

Armenian Cemetery

TAKSİM was a land of cemeteries before the city’s northward expansion pushed them out of the city center, out of sight, and sometimes under the artefacts of the modern city. One such case is the Armenian Cemetery, which once stretched from the northern parts of the Gezi Park to Elmadağ.


Water from the northern forests of Istanbul is what made TAKSİM. There had been no large scale waterworks established to serve the northern shore of the Golden Horn and the villages on the Bosporus until the 18th century. Mahmud I commissioned the foundation of his mother, Saliha Valide Sultan to install the TAKSİM Waterworks, which fed of Balaban Creek in Bahçeköy as well as Eskibağlar Creek. Water that was conveyed to a depot in TAKSİM, the highest point in the region, by means of the Bahçeköy and Mahmud I aqueducts via the “Hacı Osman Meadows–Ayazağa–Levent–Mecidiyeköy–Şişli–Harbiye route” would be distributed (in Turkish, TAKSİM) to various districts from the adjacent utility station, a project completed in 1731 and 1750. The region owes its growth in the second half of the eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century to the water coming all the way to the city’s northern fringes--a vital reminder of the importance of the city’s ecological hinterlands.

TAKSİM Barracks

Known as the “Artillery Barracks,” “Beyoğlu Barracks,” or “TAKSİM Barracks,” marking the northern border of the TAKSİM plain, was commissioned by Selim III for the army’s artillery units, and completed in 1806. It sustained heavy damage during the Kabakçı Revolt of 1807. Mahmud II appointed the imperial chief architect, Hafız Mehmed Emin Agha to rebuild the barracks in 1812. The Artillery Barracks, which had repairs in 1847, 1862 and 1893, reiterates the layout of its counterparts: A rectangular courtyard with a mosque in the center surrounded with two-story wings, as well as three-story tower-like masses positioned in the corners. Countering the bare expression of the Empiric-style that dominates the facades, the entry, which opens westward (onto Cumhuriyet Avenue) features traces of the Orientalist-style and most likely took on its current shape during the renovation carried out during the reign of Abdülaziz (1861-1876). The barracks played a crucial role during the Countercoup of 1909, as the clashes between the Action Army (Hareket Ordusu), sent from Salonica by the Committee of Union and Progress, and the supporters of Abdulhamid II, were concentrated around barracks. The barracks began to be utilized as a stadium with the initiative of Turkey’s first sports announcer, Çelebizade Said Tevfik Bey (Sait Çelebi) in 1921. It was the first stadium in Istanbul. Football matches between Ottoman teams and English and French occupation troops brought the house down; Fenerbahçe defeated the English team 2-1 to win the General Harrington Cup, creating an ecstatic air as if the Istanbulites had won a national victory. The first match of the National Team was played here against Romania on October 26, 1923. It remained intact with the financial support of the Galatasaray and Güneş sports clubs, serving a sort of field of these clubs until it was demolished in 1940. Besides football, the stadium also hosted May 19 celebrations, as well as several sports branches like wrestling, track & field, boxing and field hockey. The structure was demolished as part of Henri Prost’s redesign of the square.

Gezi Park


The Artillery Barracks was demolished in TAKSİM Republic Square, replaced with the İnönü Gezisi (Gezi Park). In 1936 the architect and urbanist Henri Prost was appointed as per the request of the city administration to come up with Istanbul’s city plan. He proposed the barracks be replaced with a terrace that opened onto the square with a promenade park behind it.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Image and Identity


Jardin du Taxim

TAKSİM Gardens/Jardin du Taxim. TAKSİM was a flat expanse surrounded by graveyards to the west and partially to the south until the second quarter of the 18th century. The first modern municipal organization of the empire, 6th Municipal District, was founded in 1857 in the region encompassing Galata and Beyoğlu, which increased the spatial transformation of the district and reorganization of public spaces according to new principles. As a result, TAKSİM Municipal Garden was opened in 1869—part of its ground was taken from TAKSİM cemeteries.


TAKSİM became a parading ground during the Allied occupation of the city between 1918 and 1923, in the aftermath of the Ottoman loss during World War I. The city was taken over by the Ankara Government on October 6, 1923, in the aftermath of Turkish War of Liberation and the Lausanne Treaty.

Republic Monument

A commission chaired by Istanbul Deputy Hakkı Şinasi Pasha was formed for the creation of a monument of Atatürk in 1925. This commission applied to the Italian sculptor, academici, composer and politician, Pietro Canonica (1869-1959). Work on the monument commenced with the approval of the Ministry of Education on 1 December 1926. Various debates regarding the monument’s qualities ensued as it was originally planned to just depict Atatürk. Upon Canonica’s recommendation, it was decided to have the monument symbolize the War of Independence as well as the Republic. Due to insufficient state appropriations, the cost of this work was paid for through donations made by Istanbul’s public. The Republic Monument, contrary to urbanization principles, was first positioned on vacant grounds. The arrangement of the square and zoning of TAKSİM was to take place over a period of ten years.

Atatürk Library

The central library of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, this structure, constructed between 1973 and 1975, is designed by one of the most renowned architects of the 20th century, Sedad Hakkı Eldem, in his characteristic hexagonal plan as an allusion to ‘traditional’ Turkish architecture.

Pertev Apt, Talimhane

Situated to the west of the barracks, military training grounds were opened to residential/commercial zoning, in the 1930s, leading to the establishment of a modern district named “Talimhane” (training field) with a grid plan and full of Art Deco apartment buildings. One such building is Pertev, built in 1933, with a design by the leading late Ottoman, early Republican architect, Vedad Tek.

May 1

TAKSİM Square was a center not only for the official celebrations but also for social movements. The first massive celebration for International Workers’ Day in Turkey was held here in 1976. On May 1, 1977, because of the gunfire that targeted the crowd and the resulting stampede, 41 people were killed, which marked it as the “Bloody May 1” and the square has come to be known as “May 1 Square.” After the celebrations/commemoration was held in TAKSİM the next year, the square was closed down for Workers Day celebrations in the following years. In 2010, after May 1 was declared as the Labor and Solidarity Day, TAKSİM was opened for celebrations, only to be closed down again in 2013 on the grounds of the construction work going on in the square.


Originally designed as the Istanbul Opera House by Feridun Kip and Rüknettin Güney in the Second National Architectural style, the construction of the Atatürk Cultural Center began in 1946. Due to a lack of funds, the construction remained incomplete until 1969, when it was finished by Hayati Tabanlıoğlu with some alterations. It was inaugurated as the Istanbul Culture Palace in 1969. Atatürk Cultural Center was closed in 2008, and after left abandoned for 10 years, it was torn down in 2018. A new design by Murat Tabanlıoğlu is now being built.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Image and Identity


Memory Point Location


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Image and Identity


Detailed view of Landscape Intervention and Urban Sitting at the Republic Monument; behind: Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion, and the Gezi Park

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


4. Landscape of Attractions, Destinations,

and Activations


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Interactive Fountains & Shadow Refl ecting Pools along with Interactive Art and Installation Pieces as social interaction devices in TAKSİM

To create a strong sense of belonging in users, TAKSİM must be human-oriented, creating a mental and emotional relationship with the square. Based on that, a series of factors are carefully introduced and located to strengthen the place attachment, its sense of place. First of all, located at the eastern part of the square, a collection of water features ranging from interactive water jets for kids to play and as evening light-show installations, shallow reflecting pools to walk barefoot. Secondly, the urban stairs and the arcade. A set of stairs, turf slopes containing new trees and plants, an amphitheater, and the original Park Number 2 Stairs connect naturally the height difference between the Gezi Park and the square while also performing as a natural urban setting for meeting, resting, chatting, and contemplating, working as a fantastic vantage point to experience the richness of the place from atop. At the southern edge of the square, an arcade is introduced to generate a porous border or element to partially-define the square, performing not only as a piece of infrastructure to be used for temporary exhibitions or events; as an open corridor linking directly the Atatürk Cultural Center with the Republic Monument, but also as a shaded space, and as framework or structure to intervene with art competitions. Finally, the islands: placed in-between preferred people’s pathways or pedestrian traffic, a series of multi-purposed islands are introduced to offer the users a range of reasons to see TAKSİM as a destination point, as a sociable and comfortable place. Islands englobe different components such as food vendors, benches and outdoor chairs and tables, public restrooms, bicycle racks, waste receptacles, drinking fountains, digital-interactive TAKSİM maps and totems, solar powered cellphone-charging stations, and natural and artificial elements to create shadows for sun comfort. Places prosper when locals and tourists have a range of reasons to be there, from places to sit, art to discover, music to appreciate, history to experience, playgrounds to enjoy or people to meet. Activities are the foundations of great places, they are the reasons why people visit them and continue to return, activities makes a place special.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Permanent Programmatic Components:


Interactive Fountains (Featuring Seasonal Operation Models) 2. Arcade 3. Amphitheater 4. Local Designers Market – Shop – Bazaar (Platform Dedicated to Local Crafts and Independent Designers) 5. BELTUR Café 6. Gezi Café 7. Atatürk Library Book Dropoff Point 8. Children’s Playground and Carousel 9. Gezi Sculpture Trail 10. Shadow Pavilion – Puppet Theater 11. Cultural Representation Food Stalls (Featuring typical food from several backgrounds that integrate Istanbul’s cultural diversity) 12. Shading – Water Collecting Funnels 13. Park’s Storage Deposit (For Temporary Modular System Structures and Other Equipment Safekeeping)



Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

The Local Designers Market – Shop – Bazaar and the BELTUR Café (among other services) are located underneath the habitable space created by the height difference between the Gezi Park and the Cumhuriyet Cd.

The Children’s Playground Intends to Activate the Northern Part of Gezi Park in Conjunction with the Flowering Forest. The Shadow Pavilion – Puppet Theater Aims to Promote Cultural Representations such as the Karagöz-Hacivat Shadow Play..

Amphitheater creates the ideal setting for small gatherings and informal performances by local musicians / artists.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


The Arcade creates a direct connection between de Atatßrk Cultural Center and the Republic Monument, working as an urban promenade that provides shading, defines relevant paths, and frames the monument’s perspective while walking.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


A Local Brass Instrument Quartet Plays for Local Visitors and Tourist in front of the Amphitheater and under the Shadow Casted by the New Trees Planted on the Turf Slopes.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

Selen Gülün Quintet feat. Sibel Köse & Ece Göksu performing at the Istanbul International Jazz Festival at TAKSİM

A successful urban square is prepared to change or adapt in use during the course of the day, week, season and year. In order to perform to these fluctuations, spatial flexibility is incorporated at the core of the overall competition proposal. To stimulate social cohesion – people participating actively or passively in cultural, religious, economic, political or community activities -, the project introduces a number of spatial, urban, architectural and art components encouraging visitors to take part in several activities and engagements such as meeting, gathering, talking, listening, watching, eating, dancing or participating in entertainments and performances. Potential Event and Project Activations: Ephemeral Contemporary Art Projects in collaboration with local art institutions such as Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul Design Biennial, SALT, Istanbul Modern, Arter, Pera Museum, and Mamut Art Fair, transforming TAKSİM into an active site for dialogue and temporary installations. Food Based Artistic Projects; Art Night TAKSİM; Environmental Initiatives with local collectives such as Birbucuk specializing in projects at the crossroads of art and environment. Performing Arts; music: collaborations with Istanbul’s festivals such as the Istanbul Music Festival, Istanbul Jazz Festival who already uses public spaces to host concerts; performance & dance: in collaboration with local groups such as Perform Istanbul, Arter, and Istanbul Theater Festival; opera: in collaboration with AKM; cinema: open air cinema and conversations with film directors; literature: book fairs and conversation with writers. The ability to offer a wide range of social activities triggers the presence of people, and people themselves are the essential component for a successful public square. Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Temporary / Seasonal Programmatic Components: Spring Based Program 1. Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure (Children’s Festival Configuration) 2. Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure (Public Festivity Configuration) Summer Based Program 3. Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure (Street Market Configuration) 4. Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion 5. Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure (Outdoor Cinema Configuration) Autumn Based Program 6. Interactive Art Installation 7. Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure (Concert – Music Festival Configuration) Winter Based Program 8. Ice Rink


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Visiting TAKSİM during Spring



A group of tourists staying at a hotel in Galata decide to explore Istanbul starting at TAKSİM.


They Take the Nostalgia Tramway from the Tünel Terminus, disembarking at the Republic Monument.


They cross Tak-ı Zafer Caddesi to enjoy first the current art exhibition displayed in the Arcade and sit to have a coffee.


Soon, they engage with the TAKSİM Children’s Festival where a series of pavilions present puppet shows, music for children, as well as art and literature events taking place during the month of April.


Afterwards, they visit the Gastronomy Bazaar to enjoy food, beer, wine, workshops, live music, and other attractions.


When they get to Gezi Park, they discover the Treasure Hunt Event taking place at the Children’s Playground alongside with the KaragözHacivat shadow play in the Shadow Pavilion – Puppet Theater, events that are an extension of the Children’s Festival.


As they move towards the Gezi Fountain and Reservoir they find thousands of tulips form the Annual International Istanbul Tulip Festival.


After resting in one of the Park’s shaded areas, they take a bus tour to visit Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapı Palace.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

A Memorable Summer Experience at TAKSİM

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


A corporate office employee working at the business center of Istanbul gets off at TAKSİM Metro Station on her commute back to Gümüşsuyu. She first walks across the square to collect the tickets she reserved for the following week’s show at the Atatürk Cultural Center.


Minutes later, she passes by the organic street market to buy a fresh vegetable salad and some fruits to eat while waiting for her partner to arrive.


Afterwards, she walks towards the Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion that just opened for the season and takes a brief look.


Later on, she decides to rest at the shadowed area casted by the Gezi trees located at the Amphitheater.


She also enjoys the interactive water fountains show where kids are playing, and tourists are feeding the birds.


Finally, her partner arrives and they watch a film together at the Outdoor Cinema on the square. [Axo Screen] On their way back home they stop to get an ice cream at one of the Cultural Representation Food Stalls.


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Artistic and architectural pieces, such as the Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion, offer the opportunity to present innovative projects to engage not only with the visitors, but also with the unique urban surroundings.

Participatory artistic and architectural projects presented on an annual, biannual or seasonal basis, selected through open competitions for young Turkish professionals, are at the core of the proposal. Artistic and architectural pieces,


such as the Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion, offer the opportunity to present innovative projects to engage not only with the visitors, but also with the unique urban surroundings.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

Aim and Scope


The Public Art and Architecture Summer Pavilion is an international competition for artistic and architectural ideas, convened once a year by the YAP (Young Architecture Program), for all those recently graduated artists, designers and architects under 35 years of age, individually or in teams of two or 3 members. The temporary pavilion is proposed as a reflection of the urban and natural landscape revolving around the concept of water and lighting, remarking the importance with the cultural context of Istanbul since the past. Water is a relevant concept in TAKSİM, containing one of the main water distribution stations (Maksem) from the mid-18th century onwards.

The Project

The competition proposes to design a temporary pavilion within an urban landscape in TAKSİM linked to the water supply system. A limited space will be provided where the pavilion should be located, the competitors have total freedom to propose the artistic and architectural installation based on their proposal, duly argued. The definition will be at the concept level, with a proposal of structural order, materials, and construction systems. It is recommended to take into consideration the use of recycled materials and to have a dialogue within environmental conservation. To present the proposal, the contestants must express the idea in sections, facades, site plans, sketches, diagrams, photos of models, images, and a descriptive memory of no more than 300 words.

Mission and Vision

Mission: To offer emerging architectural talent the opportunity to design and present innovative projects, to develop original designs for a temporary, outdoor installation at TAKSİM. Vision: To generate temporary installations during the summer that provide shade, seating and water, while working within guidelines that address environmental issues, including sustainability and recycling. The program’s dynamism is ensured through its annual iteration model.


All graduates in architecture, art, and design under 35 years of age, from any academic institution, Turkish or foreign, may participate in the contest individually or in teams of maximum 3 people. The above conditions must be accredited by each of the participants by means of identification copies and a document that attests the professional’s title. Each contestant or team may submit only one project, which will be assigned a registration number. Without exception, a member of a team cannot be part of any other team. No member of the jury, nor regular collaborating partners, employees, or relatives up to the second degree consanguineous with them is eligible for participation. Failure to comply with any of these conditions will lead to the disqualification of the contestant or team in question.

Calendar and Deadlines

• • • • • • • •

Competition Launch: First Week of January Participant Registration: Second Week of January Portfolio Submission: Second Week of January List Of 5 Finalists Publication: First Week of February Workshops Developing the Proposal: From the First to The Third Week of February Selection of The Winning Proposal: Last Week of February Proposal Constructive Development: May and June Pavilion Installation: First Week of July

Site of the Competition

The site of the competition is TAKSİM, within Beyoğlu and Şişli districts of Istanbul. The specific location is the Tarlabaşı Blv. – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access.

Considerations and Restrictions

The pavilion should be developed on a surface of 2,450 square meters around the Tarlabaşı Blv. – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access and consider the following: • The pedestrian access to the underpass should not be blocked • No element can be anchored directly to the pavement, the pavilion must be conceived as an independent structure • The maximum height is 10 meters • No element should be attached to the existing surrounding buildings

Strategic Partnerships

• •

Young Architects Program (YAP) Istanbul Museum of the Modern Art

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

Autumn: a Unique Season for a Cultural Experience in TAKSİM




A group of university students take the 43 bus route from Dikilitas to TAKSİM.


After getting off they climb the northwest Gezi Park stairs to lay out, people-watch and wait for the concert that will take place on the square in the afternoon.


An hour later more people start to arrive for the concert. They decide to walk south towards the urban stair and arrive at the shading – water collecting funnels to meet more friends, realizing that the Istanbul Design Festival just started. They walk towards the communitybased interactive public art installations and check the pieces.


They also enjoy the “Swinging in the City” project that is part of the festival.


Finally, the concert begins and they enjoy dancing to their favorite DJ on the square with a mixed crowd.


After the concert they decide to go to the food vendors to get some refreshments, recharge their cellphones while using the free Wi-Fi.


They continue the night by walking into Istiklal Caddesi, passing through the pocket park, in order to visit some coffee/bar after. Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities

TAKSİM on a Winter Evening

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


A family of three generations living in Kasımpaşa arrange to spend a Ramadan evening at TAKSİM.


Some family members take the dolmuş and arrive through the Tarlabaşı Blv – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access, while others get there cycling and leave their bicycles on the available Bike Racks.


After enjoying a Ramadan dinner altogether, parents take a stroll at the square to do some shopping at the Local Designers Market – Shop – Bazaar, whereas grandparents and grandchildren enjoy the interactive fountain’s light show before they all take ice skating lessons at the ice rink.


Parents and grandparents drink some tea at the BELTUR Café in order to catch up, while the grandchildren enjoy a community giant chess challenge promoted by the nearby Satranç Atölyesi chess and card club.


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Prefabricated Steel or Aluminum Modular Structure Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, each module is 3 meters wide, 2.5 meters long and 2.5 meters height and is provided with a steel or rigid platform to be used as floating floor. By adding partial or complete modules in different directions, dynamic pavilions take shape. Different kind of fabric is to be used to add shade and comfort for users and visitors.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


North to South View at the Gastronomy Bazaar on Cumhuriyet Cd; outdoor sitting operates as an extension of the modular structure while offering a fantastic experience in front of the Gezi Park.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Amphitheater Construction Axonometric


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Exploded Axonometric View. Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, this scenario features 18 stands radially deployed of about 7.5m2 each (mediumsize pavilion), however, the whole cylinder can be used as a single area measuring 200 m2. Flexibility, lightness and adaptability are the architectural vision for the temporary structures.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Exploded Axonometric View. Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, this scenario features 24 stands of 7.5 m2 each. Such structure warranties a homogenous architectural vision for light and temporary pavilions. Each module is 3 meters wide, 2.5 meters long and 2.5 meters height and is provided with a steel or rigid platform to be used as floating floor. Furthermore, by adding partial or complete modules in different directions, dynamic pavilions take shape. Different kind of fabric is to be used to add shade and comfort for vendors and visitors.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Exploded Axonometric View. Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, this scenario features stands of 7.5 m2 each. Such structure warranties a homogenous architectural vision for light and temporary pavilions. Each module is 3 meters wide, 2.5 meters long and 2.5 meters height and is provided with a steel or rigid platform to be used as floating floor. Furthermore, by adding partial or complete modules in different directions, dynamic pavilions take shape. Different kind of fabric is to be used to add shade and comfort for vendors and visitors.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Exploded Axonometric View. Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, this scenario features a structure of 2.5 m x 22.50 m and 11 meters height to be used as the scenario for open air film projections.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Attractions, Destinations, and Activities


Exploded Axonometric View. Prefabricated steel or aluminum modular structure, this scenario features a structure of 25 m x 22.50 m and 11 meters height to be used as the scenario for open air film projections.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


5. Landscape of Connectivity,

Accessibility, and Mobility


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Connectivity, Accessibility, and Mobility

Transportation Networks Conveying at TAKSİM

A fundamental aspect in urban public squares and parks is the condition of being connected. Connectivity measures the availability of facilities and infrastructure between points on a network, in this case, between the site and the city of Istanbul; in that regard TAKSİM is surrounded by a group of urban facilities such as bus networks, tramway, subway system, roads and sidewalks that provide a wide range of transportation options for people to use. To be successful, a public square and park need to be easy to get to and be easily accessible by foot. To take advantage of the high level of connectivity that TAKSİM has, its edges, streets, sidewalks and ground floors of adjacent buildings have to be revisited, they are far from offering a comfortable experience and positive influence for the site as a whole. Wide steps and ramps allow to comfortably transition from one space to another, achieving universal accessibility. The proposed Tarlabaşı Blv. – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access directly links the square with the underground pedestrian platforms. Moreover, free Wi-Fi Hotspots and Cell-Phone Charging Stations allow to easily access internet-based transportation apps and services. Based on the connectivity and accessibility strategies, an entirely new approach to mobility is presented for the proposal. Introducing the shared street: a pedestrian-priority street, featuring curbless roadway and designed as a single surface shared among pedestrians, bicyclists and low-speed motor vehicles, in this scenario, the street performs as an extension of TAKSİM’s public space. Considering the project’s size and its adequate integration at a metropolitan scale, Pocket Parks are strategically positioned. Pocket parks articulate large public spaces whilst they also promote a safer pedestrian mobility.

Public Space and Transportation Programmatic Components:

1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.



TAKSİM M2 Line Metro Station Tak-ı Zafer Cd. Shared Street Mete Cd. Shared Stret Stairs to Tarlabaşı Blv – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Tarlabaşı Blv – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access Touristic Bus Stop Universal Accessibility Ramp Asker Ocağı Cd. Ecological Pedestrian Bridge TAKSİM – Istilkal Cd. Articulation Pocket Park TAKSİM - Şefikbey Sk. Articulation Pocket Park

Shared streets have a positive impact on public health, physical environment, and economic benefits increasing historical, cultural, and commercial property values and retail activities. Flush roadways separated by bolards and paintings that enhance the safety, aesthetics, and overall street experience.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



Landscape of Connectivity, Accessibility, and Mobility

The TAKSİM – Istilkal Cd. Articulation Pocket Park is the most relevant public space of this type because it creates a safe transition from the project to one of the city’s most vibrant and popular streets.

Shared streets featuring pedestrian amenities as well as distinctive materials and furnishings balance the needs of all users.

The Tarlabaşı Blv. – Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access is one of the main interventions of the proposal. It aims to link public transportation systems with pedestrian oriented public spaces and streets in a functional and aesthetic manner.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Connectivity, Accessibility, and Mobility


Axonometric Section. Tarlabaşı Blv. - Cumhuriyet Cd. Underpass Main Access.

Tak-ı Zafer Cd. Shared Street as an Extension of Public Space.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


6. Landscape of Ecology, Furniture,

and Services


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services


The Park is the Epicenter of the Sustainable and Ecological Preservation Model Implemented in TAKSÄ°M

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services


Park Elements

One of the main concerns of the project is the conservation and improvement of the environment. In this scenario, both hardscape and softscape areas are intervened to generate 9 new natural environments: the Republic Monument Landscape Intervention, the Tree Islands, the Urban Stair, the Urban Corridor Tree Line, the Park’s Border Slopes, the Gezi Park, the Grand Lawn, the Flowering Forest, and the Atatürk Library Gardens. These environments are strategically deployed and aim to create significant experiences while enriching the existing vegetation with a wide variety of plants, bushes, and trees. In addition, the project has considered the 9 strategies that PPS (Project for Public Spaces) has identified, through nearly 30 years of observation, research, and analysis, for helping parks achieve their full potential as active public spaces that enhance neighborhoods and detonate economic development. These strategies are: use transit as a catalyst for attracting visitors, make park management a central concern, develop activations to attract people during different seasons, acquire diverse funding sources, consider spatial flexibility, articulate with the city through “inner” and “outer” parks, provide amenities for the different types of users, create attractions and destinations throughout the park, and develop an identity and image for the park. Each of the existing 1,207 healthy trees, which together add up to 70 species, are preserved and constitute the basis for creating a series of natural environments and experiences that include 77 additional trees, 6 species of climbing plants, and 86 species of new bushes and grasses.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services


The Grand Lawn, a large amphitheater, is a gathering space where people can enjoy a democratic and respectful ambience.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services

North Facing Cross Section Showing the Square, The Underground Transportation Systems and the Set of Urban Stairs, Amphitheater, and Turf Slopes that Connect with The Park.

East Facing Longitudinal Section Showing the Square, the Park, the Republic Monument, the Underground Transportation Systems, and the Cumhuriyet Cd Pedestrian Promenade.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services


South Facing Cross Section Showing the Grand Lawn, the Border Slopes, The Underground Transportation Systems, and the Cumhuriyet Cd Pedestrian Promenade.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services

Urban Furniture and Public Services

Outdoor furniture and equipment throughout TAKSÄ°M are key elements that facilitate a series of leisure activities that will consolidate the park and square as constantly active public spaces. Wellness-oriented activities promote public health; benches, chairs and tables strengthen the existing and new food venues; public toilets, bicycle racks, solar-powered cellphone charging stations, free wi-fi enable a series of opportunities for the community to reach and enjoy the distinct areas of the project.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Ecology, Furniture, and Services


Chairs and Tables Strengthen Programmatic Elements Such as the Cultural Representation Food Stalls

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


7. Landscape of Management

and Funding


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Management and Funding


Conservancy Model and Community Involvement Conservancy Model

To keep TAKSÄ°M safe and lively, a management plan becomes a central element within the overall design proposal. Partnerships are to be suggested to get funding with diverse sources such as rent from cafes, markets, exhibitions, fairs, and small commercial uses. Partners are essential to the future success of a public space, they become invaluable in supporting and getting the project off the ground. Potential partners can be museums, academic institutions, local organizations, and others. Public spaces and parks are valuable assets to the city since they create platforms for community revitalization and engagement, they promote economic development, create safer neighborhoods, improve public health, strengthen tourism, and contribute to environmental preservation. To achieve these benefits, a solid sustainable and management set of values is required. Sustainability in this context is not only understood as the ability to satisfy present needs without compromising those of future generations; but also, from an economic viewpoint, as the adequate management of the assets that allow the preservation and creation of economic, environmental, and social opportunities for the population.

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Community Involvement

Conservancy Model

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

Turf Care Playground Keeping Tree Care Furniture Keeping Facility Preservation and Maintenance Horticulture Media and Community Management Plan Event Programming Trash Management

Community Involvement

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Non-profit Management Organism Brand Development Strategic Alliances with Stakeholders Concession Management Volunteering Groups “Adopt-a� Program



Landscape of Management and Funding

Lighting and Trash Management Guidelines

Lighting Guidelines

Waste Management Guidelines


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

City Context Understanding Energy Consumption Optimization Environmental Impact / Light Pollution Reduction Maintenance, Updating, and Quality Control Citizen Access to Public Lighting Comfortable and Safe Urban Spaces Urban Culture and Identity Non-Polluting Mobility Support Local Economic Development External Integrations Finances Good Practices

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Innovating for a Cleaner Park Keeping Pace with Growing Visitation Creating a Comprehensive Sustainable Strategy Trash Management Timeline Receptacle Design and Placement Collection and Disposal Process Public Education Environmental Stewardship Day-to-Day Trash Management Trash Management for Events and Special Uses Concessions and Other Special Users Waste Sorting

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Management and Funding


A Successful Management and Funding Framework is Quintessential for TAKSİM’s Consolidation as Istanbul’s Main Public Space

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey


8. Landscape of Multiple



Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Multiple Opportunities


Site Plan


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey




Landscape of Multiple Opportunities


General Axonometric


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Multiple Opportunities

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



Landscape of Multiple Opportunities


Aerial View of TAKSÄ°M Square & Gezi Park, Istanbul, Turkey.


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Multiple Opportunities

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



9. Resized Competition Boards

Board Assembly Visualization


Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey

Landscape of Multiple Opportunities

Taksim Urban Design Competition Istanbul, Turkey



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