Koran Kampus UKDW Edisi Februari 2020

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VOL.14/FEB 2020


Pelantikan Lembaga dan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan UKDW


ertempat di Auditorium Koinonia Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta, telah berlangsung Upacara Pelantikan dan Serah Terima Jabatan Pengurus Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) dan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan (OK) UKDW untuk Periode Tahun 2020, pada hari Jumat, 7 Februari 2020. Acara ini dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 48 LK dan OK UKDW baik dari tingkat program studi (prodi), fakultas, maupun universitas. Dalam sambutannya, Joko Purwadi, S.Kom., M.Kom. selaku Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni, dan Informasi (WR III) UKDW mengajak mahasiswa supaya lebih aktif dalam berorganisasi, karena dengan berorganisasi mahasiswa bisa melatih kemampuan leadership, serta kerja sama dalam tim. “Pengurus organisasi

kemahasiswaan yang baru dilantik mengemban tugas untuk dapat mewadahi potensi dan aspirasi yang dimiliki mahasiswa UKDW terkait perkembangan kampus,” ungkapnya. Sementara itu Lawrence Billy Vasco Djama selaku Ketua Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universitas (BPMU) 2020 mengungkapkan harapannya supaya LK maupun OK UKDW lebih tertib dalam berorganisasi. “Sistematika dan mekanisme berorganisasi sudah kita rumuskan, oleh karena itu budaya kompromi sudah harus ditinggalkan, kita harus betul-betul taat akan aturan. Semakin kita disiplin berorganisasi, maka semakin pesat kemajuan organisasi kita,” ujarnya. [Bellano Ifendo Sugiarto] foto:dok.Bellano

Susunan Pengurus Kabinet Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universitas Tahun 2020 BADAN PENGURUS HARIAN


Lawrence Billy Vasco D.



Kepala Bidang Riset & Aspirasi Ketua Michael Gerardi Aji

SekJen Ketua Komisi I

Ebenhaezer Stefanus R.

Fransisca Alicia

Wakil Ketua

SekJen Komisi I

Kesekretariatan II Beni Mulia Tabarus Ketua

Keuangan I Ketua

Yuliana Chintya Dewi S.

Keuangan II

Dlein Anjelin Lambehe


Miaffido Ordinasari

Kepala Bidang Komunikasi Informasi Dennis Alexander Staff Bidang Komunikasi Informasi Dominikus Dwiky S.A. Yeheskiel Reza A.


Kepala Bidang Legislasi Ketua

Kepala Ketua Bidang Keorganisasian

Staff Bidang Legislasi

Staff Bidang Keorganisasian

Kepala Bidang Statistik & Pengawasan Felline Pirenne Kusdiono

Kepala Bidang Pendidikan & Kaderisasi

Anggel Christia Dolonseda

Staff Bidang Statistik & Pengawasan Fransiska Thea Setyaratri Katharine Hana Christian P. Matthew Linardi Yoseph Kritanto S.

Staff Ahli

Brian Sineleyan Adrian Paskalis Angkie Octovaldo Elias W. Antonia Deta Anno Vida Eloidia Seafi Hantoro Kadek Doni Hendrawan

Christine Stefani Cleorata Tamelan Joel Kevin Pongoh Marzellyno Rafhael Mailissa Theresia Avila Drira Ite Siga

Fedy Ekasli T. Natasya Febriola Haurissa

Evelyn Chistiani H. Magdalena Evelyn H. Vincent Arlene S.

Jeremia Frandy A.

I Valeriana Tanesha


Jade Septhimoranie

Staff Bidang Riset & Aspirasi

SekJen Komisi I

Kesekretariatan Ketua


Christo Alvido Latuny

Staff Bidang Pendidikan & Kaderisasi Amelia Gita Andreani Helena Natashya Tampubolon Mayang Sekar Anindya Micha Anggreini

Susunan Pengurus Kabinet Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Tahun 2020 Departemen Dalam Negeri

Badan Pengurus Harian


Dessykal Vegas Tidore

Wakil Ketua

Reksi Njurumay

Sekretaris Ketua

Koordinator Ketua

Koordinator Ketua

Gaudensius Bayu Muga


Stefika Adriwanto Soenarjo Genesia Ivan Ranni Silvia Anjelyn D. Br. Muntge

Koordinator Ketua

Elva Miza Tarigan


Koordinator Ketua

Bobby Pattimukay


Alan Cholin Parenta Elza Miyori Toding Rante Hanna Temminckii Anggita Dewi Chintyawati

Departemen Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa

Departemen Kesekretariatan

Koordinator Ketua

Vincensia Sanca Anggun L.


Mario Andra Wiratama Kezia Annora Tassayu Shema Krisnawiyata Aji Fegy Hasta Kacaribu

Welly Praneidya Br. Sitanggang

Departemen Agama

Koordinator Ketua

Bellano Ifendo Sugiarto


Sekretaris II Ratih H. Rambu Teba Ketua

Departemen Sosial Budaya

Departemen Luar Negeri

Gibeme Murib


RBN Jeremia Naibaho Darius Rowa Nyanyi


Marcyola Sekarharum Putri P. Emma Noren Cahya Putri Annanda Apriliansyah Cahya U.

Imanuel Yeremia Rafael Marcelino Kasihiw Ragil Bayu Dharma Kristina Imingkawak

Bendahara I Jermia Tampubolon Ketua Bendahara II Ketua

Ni Nyoman Widhryani Putri D.

Departemen Komunikasi Visual & Teknologi

Susunan Pengurus Lembaga Kemahasiswaan Program Studi Tahun 2020 BPM Fak. Teologi

Koordinator Ketua

Andreas Susilo Dinata

BPM Fak. Bioteknologi

BPM Fak. Arsitektur & Desain















Sekretaris I





Sekretaris II

Samuel Dharmawan

Anggota Ebentera Santosa Srinindra Harimurti Natasha Nadya H. Karolus Wijaya


BPM Fak. Bisnis Tomi Berajan

Alexander Mahadartha

Rizath Widodo Selan

Amanda Stivani E. T. Veiyoena Riwoe

Steffy Madelen Priskila P.

Devi Krisnawati Br. Sitanggang

Wahyu Aji Pamungkas

Maria Grasela Kase

Vincentia Wemy Hendrastuti

Yuanita Christpratistha Helsa W.

Abigail Nathania Arswanda

Chatrine Mutia Andesyana

Natasya Vicky Vania Sutono

BPM Fak. Teknologi Informasi Yashinta Novita Dewi Arnan Dwika Diasmara Felix Rivaldo Laurentia Yulia Cristi


Eusebia Fernanda Siahaan

BEM Fak. Teologi

BEM Fak. Bisnis










Wakil I



Mety Elizabeth Agustin Kevin Jonathan Darmawan

Angeliana P. W. Sikowai Mira Jineta Perangin-angin

BEM Fak. Bioteknologi Stenllie Jonathan Florencia Angel Meliana

BEM Fak. Kedokteran Vallentino Ardine Prasetya B. Anggitya Bayu Prakoso

BEM Fak. Arsitektur & Desain Yosia Yamaguchi Kristiono Ricky Hasta Ivan Pratama

BEM Fak. Teknologi Informasi Desta Siwi Prabawan Wilhelmus Krisvan Pamungkas

Sekretaris I

Sekretaris I


Wakil II

Sekretaris I

Sekretaris I

Sekretaris II

Sekretaris II


Sekretaris I

Sekretaris II

Sekretaris II

Bendahara I


Sekretaris II


Bendahara I

Maria Fransisca Sihombing Gerrald Mutihan Binsar M. Dwi Lina Agustine

Bendahara II

Melati Suci B. Dju.

Friska Uli Br. Sinurat Christina Tirza Anesti Kelvin Umbu Gauka Sabadi

Sarah Mega Pratenna Kaban Nigel Verrell

Ivan Fabianus Tumbol Ni Wayan Maitri Puspadi T. Gracia Elvira Umboh

Bendahara I

Brigita Agustin Clarista

Bendahara II

Cristina Cecilia Kurniawan Indah Suciani Dwimiranti Michelle

Sharon Pramesty Rindho Ananta Samat Tita Marita Simangunsong

BEM Fak. Kependidikan & Humaniora Ketua

Irene Damaian Kristia M.


Lia Erisca Debbyanti


Charolenawati Rusanto


Derita Bologi

Bendahara II

Jeysy Carmila Dewi Ester

Ruth Vanessa Gloria Sinaga

*Sumber: Lawrence Billy V.D.

*Susunan pengurus Organisasi Kemahasiswaan akan dipublikasikan pada Koran Kampus edisi selanjutnya

Program Studi


VOL.14/FEB 2020

Ibadah Gabungan Program Studi Manajemen dan Fakultas Teologi



impunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Manajemen (HMPSM) dan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Teologi (BEM Teologi) Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) berkolaborasi mengadakan ibadah gabungan bagi mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen dan Teologi. Kegiatan dengan judul “Manajemen Teologi


Ibadah Bareng-Bareng” ini diadakan pada hari Sabtu,8 Februari 2020 dengan tema “Menghubung Persaudaraan Dalam Tali Kasih: Ibrani 13: 1 -16” . Kegiatan yang baru pertama kali diadakan ini bertujuan menjembatani gap yang ada di antara lembaga kemahasiswaan di UKDW. Rutinitas yang dilakukan oleh lembaga


kemahasiswaan di setiap fakultas terkadang membuat mahasiswa lupa pentingnya kerja sama dan berkolaborasi dengan mahasiswa di fakultas atau prodi lain. dr. Susanna Erika. S, mahasiswa Pascasarjana Teologi UKDW, dalam khotbahnya mengajarkan bagaimana perbedaan bisa disatukan dengan kasih, karena kasih adalah dasar dalam persaudaraan.


HMPSM dan BEM Teologi berharap kegiatan Manajemen Teologi Ibadah Bareng-Bareng ini bisa menjadi agenda rutin yang diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya dan bisa dilakukan juga oleh lembaga kemahasiswaan di fakultas atau prodi lainnya di UKDW. [Bilgan]

FAD UKDW Berpartisipasi dalam AFAIR 2020


ua karya mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Arsitektur Fakultas Arsitektur dan Desain (FAD) Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta lolos kurasi Architecture Fair (AFAIR) yang diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Indonesia. Karya pertama berjudul “Tha Chalom In-Between Promenade Walk” dibuat oleh Elvin Janitra. Sedangkan karya kedua yang berjudul “Phenomenological Design-Based Development of Tha Chalom Pier, Thailand” merupakan hasil karya Eva Angelina Mintoro. Kedua karya ini merupakan hasil dari tugas Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 05 mahasiswa Prodi Arsitektur Angkatan 2016 UKDW, yang pada bulan September lalu berkesempatan mengikuti workshop bersama para mahasiswa Kasetsart University di Bangkok, Thailand. Bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Arsitektur Indonesia (APTARI) dan Galeri Nasional Indonesia, AFAIR 2020 menampilkan 101 karya mahasiswa arsitektur dari 62 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang telah dikurasi oleh Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, S.T, M.Arch, Ph.D. Mengangkat tema “Us Within Us Without”, AFAIR 2020 berusaha memposisikan kembali keberadaan dan peran arsitektur


dalam konteks lingkungan dan keseharian manusia yang dilatarbelakangi oleh dampak lingkungan akibat perubahan iklim di Indonesia. Pameran berlangsung di Gedung C Galeri Nasional Indonesia dari tanggal 28 Januari 9 Februari 2020. Tak hanya menampilkan

karya dalam bentuk maket, instalasi, dan display visual, AFAIR 2020 juga menyelenggarakan presentasi karya mahasiswa arsitektur seluruh Indonesia serta kelas diskusi yang terbuka untuk umum. Presentasi terkait karyanya dipaparkan oleh setiap mahasiswa di hadapan para

reviewer baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi di bidang arsitek. Review diberikan untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam mengoreksi dan mengembangkan kembali gagasan desainnya. Untuk memudahkan sesi presentasi, setiap karya dikategorikan berdasar tema antara lain Ecology, Lifestyle and Living, Science and Well-being, Locality, dan Creative. Pada sesi talkshow, Yu Sing sebagai pemenang Futurarc Green Leadership Award 2016 serta Realrich Sjarief praktisi arsitek sekaligus founder RAW Architecture memberikan pandangannya terhadap permasalahan lingkungan dan bencana alam yang dapat diselesaikan melalui desain pembangunan berkelanjutan, khususnya wilayah perkotaan penyebab peningkatan suhu bumi secara drastis. Menurut Dr. -Ing. Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya, S.T., M.Eng. selaku Kaprodi Arsitektur UKDW, FAD UKDW sangat mendukung keberlanjutan kegiatan semacam ini dan berencana meningkatkan produktivitas mahasiswanya melalui proses perancangan desain di kelas studio dan teknik presentasi peserta didik yang saat ini masih belum banyak terasah dalam hal public speaking serta ketepatan penyampaian materi dalam waktu singkat. [va]

Kuliah Perdana Prodi Arsitektur UKDW “BIM & Architectural Digital Drawing”


ertempat di Auditorium Koinonia Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta, Program Studi (Prodi) Arsitektur Fakultas Arsitektur dan Desain (FAD) UKDW mengadakan kuliah perdana pada hari Senin, 3 Februari 2020. Mengusung tema “BIM & Architectural Digital Drawing”, perkuliahan ini wajib dihadiri oleh mahasiswa Prodi Arsitektur Angkatan 2016-2019. Dengan latar belakang kemajuan teknologi yang terus berkembang dalam mendukung proses desain, pengenalan terkait Building Information Modeling (BIM) serta pemodelan tiga dimensi dan presentasinya diberikan untuk memperluas wawasan mahasiswa. Acara yang dikoordinir oleh Stefani Natalia Sabatini, S.T., M.Sc., Dosen Perancangan Arsitektur, Inclusive Design UKDW ini terselenggara atas kerja sama Prodi Arsitektur UKDW dengan pihak SketchUp di bawah PT. ACA Pacific. Acara dibuka oleh Kaprodi Arsitektur, Dr. -Ing. Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya, S.T., M.Eng. yang memberikan semangat kepada para mahasiswa untuk kembali belajar di semester yang baru. Dr. -Ing. Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya, S.T., M.Eng. juga memperkenalkan program Program Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) yang telah berjalan selama satu tahun dan pada semester ini baru saja menerima mahasiswa baru untuk angkatan yang kedua. “Saya berharap topik yang disampaikan pada kuliah perdana ini dapat


menjadi bahan diskusi bagi rekan-rekan mahasiswa yang akan berpraktek profesional di dunia kerja,” ungkapnya. Adapun narasumber yang mengisi acara ini adalah Amy Rachmadhani Widyastuti dari Divisi BIM Biro PDW Architect, Kiki Richardus S selaku AEC Technical Manager di PT. ACA Pacific, dan Hartanto Gautama Utama, Regional Technical General Manager PT. ACA Pacific. Bertindak sebagai moderator Yohanes Satyayoga Raniasta, S.T., M.Sc, IAI, Dosen Arsitektur, Perancangan Kota FAD UKDW. Materi pertama disampaikan oleh Amy Rac h mad h ani Wi d y as t u t i y ang j u g a merupakan pengurus Institut BIM Indonesia. Amy menyampaikan bagaimana peran BIM dalam proses sinkronisasi dan kolaborasi desain. “BIM akan bekerja


maksimal apabila pengguna BIM tak hanya terampil menggunakan software-nya, namun juga memahami fungsi utamanya yang terkait dengan kolaborasi antarperancang, serta antara perancang dengan pihak struktur dan pihak mechanical electrical. Terlepas dari itu, BIM diharapkan bukan menjadi batasan dalam mendesain, namun justru membantu agar desain menjadi semakin visibel,” ungkapnya. Kuliah dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan SketchUp sebagai software pemodelan tiga dimensi oleh Kiki Richardus S, seorang arsitek dan SketchUp Instructor. Menyambung materi sebelumnya terkait BIM, Kiki menunjukkan bagaimana SketchUp dapat menyimpan informasi-informasi terkait dengan elemen dalam bangunan dan dapat diubah ke dalam format software BIM.

Dirinya juga menunjukkan kemampuan fitur SketchUp Layout yang memungkinkan model tiga dimensi dalam SketchUp diteruskan menjadi gambar kerja. Pembicara ketiga, Hartanto Gautama Utama, melengkapi informasi terkait pengembangan software SketchUp melalui plugin V-Ray. Regional Technical General Manager PT. ACA Pacific yang juga merupakan V-Ray Licensed Instructor dan SketchUp Master Trainer ini memperlihatkan perkembangan ilustrasi dan animasi tiga dimensi masa kini yang begitu maju. “VRay yang selama ini dikenal oleh mahasiswa arsitektur biasa digunakan untuk membantu proses render gambar tiga dimensi banyak digunakan untuk membantu membuat animasi pada film-film superhero Hollywood,” ungkapnya. Dirinya juga menunjukkan bagaimana V-Ray dapat mendukung presentasi desain arsitektur melalui virtual reality yang dapat diakses melalui smartphone dan dapat berlangsung interaktif karena mampu mengganti visualisasi desain sembari berdiskusi dengan klien. Sebagai penutup, Yohanes Satyayoga menegaskan kembali bahwa software memang sangat membantu dalam proses desain. Meski demikian, pusat kreativitas berada pada manusia yang menggunakan software tersebut. [Stefani Natalia Sabatini]

Program Studi

VOL.14/FEB 2020

The First Elected BEM FKHum


tudent Executive Board of the Faculty of Education and Humanities (BEM FKHum) is a student organization that represents the voices and inspirations of all students in the faculty. The members of BEM FKHum have been elected on 7 February 2020, along with the other new members of all student boards in UKDW. Irene Damaian Kristia Manalu was elected as the chairperson of BEM FKHum for one year period, 2020-2021. I had the opportunity to have a brief interview with her and asked about her expectations for BEM FKHum. “I hope BEM FKHum will be able to advance the potential of the human resources through the student body in BEM FKHum based on their interests and talents. Besides, I hope FKHum will be an ideal place to study and accommodate the student body to be more communicative, interactive, and proactive,” she said. Irene also stated her hope for BEM FKHum in the future. She said that in the future, even though this organization is the youngest among the others in this university, she believed that under the management of BEM FKHum 2020 with solidarity, enthusiasm, visions, and missions as the guidelines, BEM FKHum will make good



progress. Broad relations with the other organizations both inside and outside the university will be established. Various activities will be conducted to enhance the development of human resources as well as

organizational experiences and skills. BEM FKHum will have some programs to be implemented during the 2020-2021 period. With three divisions in BEM FKHum, i.e. (1) Research and Development, (2) Talent,

Publication, and Creative, and (3) Public Relations, it is expected that they would be able to manage the programs well. One of the programs is the upcoming sharing session with the English Student Association from Universitas Muria Kudus. The event which will be held on Saturday, 15 February 2020, is aimed to promote collaboration between the student boards from the two universities. The other event proposed in their program is Duta Wacana English Competition (DWEC), an annual event held by the English Language Education Department of UKDW. Representing three units, i.e. English Language Education Department, Language Training Center, and the future department in FKHum, BEM FKHum is expected to be an ideal place for the Faculty of Education and Humanities students to improve their academic skills, soft skills, metacognitive skills, and competencies. Most importantly, BEM FKHum is expected to be the extension of God’s hands in manifesting the four core values of UKDW, i.e. Obedience to God, Walking in Integrity, Striving for Excellence, and Service to the World [Siaga Adi Satoto]

Potluck Ceremony in Omah Babadan Dormitory


aturday, 8 February 2020, Omah Babadan Dormitory of Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) held a potluck ceremony to celebrate Christmas, Chinese New Year, and the new semester of 2019/2020 at the dormitory backyard and attended by 20 students who live in the dormitory. This event was designed in the form of potluck where everyone brought and shared the food. Potluck is an informal event in western culture to promote the feeling of togetherness and teamwork. The purpose of this event was to create a sense of togetherness among the students who live in the dorm and the resident advisor mentor. The event which was held from 12.00 to 14.00 offered so many activities. Before the event, the residents cooked the meal that they would bring to the event. Then, the residents prepared the place and the equipment needed


for the event. At noon, the event was opened with a prayer and a small ceremony by the resident advisor mentor. The welcoming ceremony was led by Adham Khrisna Satria, S.S.,M.A, the resident advisor mentor. Mr.


Adham said, “At first, I felt doubtful to hold this event. It’s because there were so many events we had held, yet not many residents participated and supported them.” He mentioned that he had informed this potluck

event long before it was held as he hoped that many residents would come and join it. The peak of the event was sharing food and eating together. Everybody served their meal and they ate together. The residents provided various kinds of food, such as snacks, fruits, traditional food, salty and savory foods, and also spicy food. The event finished at 14.00, yet many of the residents stayed there just to play Uno Card Game and have a chat. Mentari N. P., one of the students from Biotechnology faculty UKDW, said, “This ceremony was great, but I still hope all of us can join this ceremony. I’m also grateful that the event was running well”. Mr. Adham expected that the residents can hold other events in the future and more residents could join and participate in it. [Rita]

The Model of Learning in Indonesia: How They Should Look Like


ver the years, there has been no significant change in the model of learning in Indonesia. The essence of learning in Indonesia is still memorizing and scoring. These two things are parts of learning, so it can not be said that it is wrong. The problems are the rapid rise of technology which can replace humans in some jobs and the high demand for skilled workers that makes these two things become not very important anymore. Thus, Indonesia needs to change the model of learning in order to prepare its young generation to cope with incoming problems. Recently, the new minister of education, Mr. Nadiem Makarim, shouted about the change in the education system of Indonesia. He believes that the education system is ineffective, thus the change is needed. Since the era before Indonesia became an independent country until now, it has been very common to have teachers dominating classroom activities. To put it simply,


teachers are the center of the classroom. This is also something common in many different countries. The education world seems stuck on the bottleneck. However, the trend started to change because of the researchers out there. The paradigm started to shift to studentcentered learning. The role of teachers is not

just knowledge providers, but also as coaches, guides, motivators, and many others. Teachers' presence in the classroom becomes less visible, yet their role becomes more important than before. There are many teachers that try to apply this model of learning, therefore, this trend has become more popular in recent years. Our new

VISION To be a distinctive and trustworthy Christian university that delivers a new breed of professionals for the pluralistic world based on love

MISSION Implementing education and contextual teaching based on Duta Wacana values Conducting studies in favor of humanity Conducting participatory community development programs Developing a distinctive and competitive institution Developing an academic community who embodies Duta Wacana values

minister of education is also one of the people who believes and follows this trend. I see that his policies support and encourage the teachers to change the way they used to teach and start to follow the trend. This change definitely will increase the workload of teachers, but it is not a reason to reject this change. As a pre-service teacher, I believe that this change is needed. Recently, this change is a big topic, especially in the educator community. Some people accept it, while others reject it. Although I personally support the decision of Mr. Nadiem Makarim, it is not shocking that many people reject the policy because of the fear of failure. Nonetheless, whether it is the right decision or not, it is not something for us to decide. It is something that future generations should judge. As for the risk of failure, it is not the first time our education system does not work appropriately, isn't it? [Yohanes Richardus Ricky D.]


Office of International Affairs


VOL.14/FEB 2020

Exploring Collaboration Possibility between UKDW and Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak


niversitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta received a networking visit from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia (SUTS) on Friday, 14 February 2020. Visiting UKDW, Assoc. Prof. Ida Fatimawati bt Adi Badiozam, the Head of School, School of Design and Arts, Faculty of Business, Design, and Arts was accompanied by Augustus Segar, the Deputy Head of School of Design and Arts SUTS. Taking place at Rev. Dr. Tasdik Seminar Room, the meeting was attended by Dr. Henry Feriadi as the Rector of UKDW, Rev. Handi Hadiwitanto, Ph.D. as the Vice Rector for Human Resource Capacity Building and Partnerships, the deans and vice deans from faculties in UKDW (Faculty of Education and Humanities, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Biotechnology), the Head of Institute of Academic Development and Learning Innovation, the Head of Institute for Research and Community Service, and also the Office of Partnerships and Public Relations (Biro IV). Dr. Henry Feriadi started the discussion with a brief introduction about UKDW and its faculties. Related to the information about SUTS, Dr. Henry said there are a lot of areas

foto:dok.Biro IV

that UKDW and SUTS could explore to make a good collaboration. “I think this is a good opportunity to explore more about the collaboration possibility. First, we would like to explore some collaboration programs with SUTS like student exchange and faculty development. I think our lecturers can get their Ph.D. program in SUTS. And the second one we can exchange ideas about doing joint research,” Dr. Henry said. Continuing the discussion, Dr. Ida emphasized her interest to collaborate with UKDW in the research area. As a branch campus from Swinburne University Melbourne that started as a university since 2000, SUTS strives to realize the mission of World Class University that is to emphasizing

foto:dok.Biro IV

social-economic impact through science, innovation, and technology. “Whatever we do in our university we also believe that we have to make contributions to higher education and the community,” she said. Dr. Ida also introduced the Center of Education Research which was recently inaugurated on 7 August 2019. The Center of Education Research has an interest in four areas such as teacher education, student engagement, impact evaluation, and culture and heritage education. Through this center, SUTS wants to do more technology and innovation research, develop partnerships with the public and private stakeholders in Malaysia as well as internationally, and support the government program.

“Sarawak's State focused a lot on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Recently our government decided to teach Science and Math in English from primary one (7 years old students). This is something that our teacher has done very quickly and adapted to. So it is very important to have the proper ability in language, math, and science as well. Then we support the government to enhance the teacher's ability,” she said. Talking more about collaboration, Dr. Ida explained the process that must be passed if the faculty member at UKDW wants to continue their studies by following the Ph.D. program at SUTS. "Just start with your proposal (3-5 pages), get a conversation with our supervisor, and we can discuss later the technical details." At the end of the meeting, Rev. Handi stressed the importance of having an agreement between UKDW and SUTS as a common ground for establishing cooperation in the form of collaboration programs such as joint research, student exchange, community service, participation in workshops, seminars, or exhibitions, collaboration for English Language Department (TESOL program), and also the possibility to pursue a Ph.D. in SUTS. [ai]

Scranton Scholarship


cranton Scholarship is a scholarship that provides young women from developing countries worldwide with opportunities for higher education. The Scholarship was initiated in 2008 by Scranton Women's Leadership Center (SWLC) located in Seoul, Korea. SWLC is committed to empowering women to live up to their full potential and leadership with human dignity so that they may contribute to the betterment of their own communities and the world.


t i s n o t exaggerating that S c r a n t o n Scholarship makes the better version of me. Being a Scranton's scholar gave me an unforgettable experience which I cannot receive from another source. I was able to learn how to associate in organizations during my study, which enable me to manage my time efficiently. This ability helps me a lot in the work environment. Lastly, Scranton Scholarship gave me a chance to visit South Korea as well when I participated in the Scranton Scholar Leadership Program in 2016. I met new friends and exchanged culture with each other. Yet the most important was exchanged ideas with others about women's equality. We were able to look at our real potential and share it with people. Lucia Hyaning Pergiwati Putri Kinasih Scholarship Period: 2013 - 2015 Software Engineer at PT Mitrais


am etern a l l y grateful as one of the Scranton Scholarship recipients. The scholarship has aided me to continue my education. Receiving this scholarship has also motivated me to work hard in my study. Scranton has inspired me to help others and give back to the community once I pursue my career in architecture. I am truly grateful to Scranton Women's Leadership Center for supporting my education and I will strive to become a professional architect for my better future. “Be grateful for what you are now and keep on fighting for what you want to be tomorrow” Lolita Febriana Kusuma A., B.Arch. Scholarship Period: 2017-2018 Junior Architect at Exospace Architects and Interior Design


c r a n t o n Scholarship is t h e b e s t scholarship I ever got and heard. It is not just about the funding granted to the students, but also the concern. With Scranton Scholarship, I got many experiences for international activities. It also gave me a chance for a leadership program in South Korea and know about the foundation as well. Scranton Scholarship has a system for us to be discipline, tough, and independent. Scranton empowers women with a new chance for their life.

cranton Scholarship helped me to fund my study at UKDW. It also helped me to build my confidence as I believe that women are also able to work. Women can continue to learn and achieve their dreams. Scranton Scholarship also builds our character as a woman to give a positive impact on our environment and empower our fellow women. Thank you Scranton Scholarship!

Elizabeth Novita Wijayanti Scholarship Period: 2014 - 2016 Contract Employee at the Faculty of Architecture and Design UKDW

Mey Krisherina Scholarship Period: 2018-2020 Department: Management Faculty: Business



thank SWLC for choosing me as one of the recipients of this scholarship. I h a d t h e opportunity to receive this scholarship twice. Scranton Scholarship really helped me in college. This scholarship helps students, especially women, to be able to work in terms of education, social and leadership. While receiving this scholarship I was encouraged to explore my abilities in academics and leadership. I am grateful for this scholarship opportunity.

Vanesha Glorya Priskilla Scholarship Period: 2018-2020 Department: Information System Faculty: Information Technology


cranton Scholarship was my dream since my first year as a student at Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana. I found out about this great opportunity from one of the outstanding scholarship students. Scranton Scholarship is a wonderful blessing from God and I never thought before that I can be a university student. Through this scholarship, God opened the door for me to be able to study inside and outside the classroom. I can expand my knowledge from the lecturers and train my leadership spirit through the organizational activities that I join. Especially, I can contribute and promote that women can also be leaders and have a positive influence on themselves and their communities in their fields and through their abilities.

Verina Devari Putri Ariasti Scholarship Period: 2018-2020 Department: Accounting Faculty: Business


n my opinion, receiving Scranton Scholarship is a blessing. There was a time when I felt pessimistic if I could continue my education at university. At that time, I got information about Scranton Scholarship, and finally, I gathered my courage to apply for this scholarship. I am very grateful that I got this scholarship. Every time I feel tired after lots of studying or feeling down, I always remember the moment when I successfully received this scholarship. It is because of Scranton Scholarship, I am able to continue my education. This scholarship has inspired me to learn more and to be a person who can be helpful to others as I have been helped by this scholarship. For other female students out there who might be in the same situation as I was, don't give up! When we want something and we give our best effort to achieve it, I believe that God will show the way. Nadya Violenta Scholarship Period: 2018-2020 Department: Biology Faculty: Biotechnology


cranton is like an angel who really helped me to continue my study when I needed that help. Scranton Scholarship has helped me and my family financially. Moreover, Scranton is the best motivator that always drives me to be a better person. Thank you, Scranton, for supporting me and encouraging me to be a woman leader. Fransisca Alicia Scholarship Period: 2019-2020 Department: Accounting Faculty: Business

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