NorthWest Independent - The newspaper Potch depends on.

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1 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 40 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Rotary Anns’ food drive needs help M ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

any pensioners living in South Africa have spent their lives raising their children, sending them to university, and working hard to support their households, but now - in their golden years - cannot afford adequate housing, food or electricity. Sandra Mans, secretary of the Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Anns initiated an outreach project where the Anns would specifically help the elderly community who are in need, with food donations. “Our project is still in its beginning phase and we would really like to expand it to be able to help even more people,” says Sandra. The whole initiative began when they heard of specific elderly households who were not living with family, in a care facility, or in an old age home. Instead, they were living alone in inadequate conditions and could not survive on their meagre state pension of R1420 that they receive from the government each month. “It originally started with donations of fresh vegetables that we received weekly and we were able to help a few households. Then the donations started increasing and we were blessed to be able to help a few more people in need. This allowed us to start putting together a food hamper containing meat to the value of R800 and non-perishable food items, once a month, that we were able to donate to one household,” explains Sandra. “At this moment, we have 24 households on our list. We are able to help three households a week with fresh vegetables but only one of these households a month, with a meat and grocery hamper. The more donations we receive, the more households we can help,” she explains. “It is a heart-warming experience to see the immense gratitude these folk have, even for the tiniest donation. Some are so honest that they will even tell us that if we know of someone who is in more need than they are, that we should rather donate the food to them. They don’t just take,” she says.

The Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Anns are able to help three households weekly with fresh vegetables and one household monthly with a hamper of meat, vegetables and non-perishable food items.

Originally, this outreach project was funded by the Anns’ own pockets. “We decided to take the money which we would have used to spoil ourselves, and decided that it should go to a better cause. Instead we donated it towards these food hampers. We later realised that we need to do more. The Potch Mooi Rotary Anns had some additional funds that they were able to contribute towards this project. We now have a small monthly budget for this cause,” she explains. The Anns would like to ask everyone in the Potchefstroom community who is in a position to help, for donations of non-perishable food items. Cash donations and fresh produce are also welcome and Sandra or Alicia Fourie, who is also assigned to this project, will make the necessary arrangements for delivery. “At the end of the year there is an official Rotary Anns’ report indicating what was donated to each project. This will be readily available to anyone who would like to ensure that their donation went to the right cause,” guarantees Sandra. If you are willing to contribute, contact Sandra at mansijp@telkomsa. net 082 374 2223 or Alicia Fourie 076 172 1325.

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Besonderse foto’s van voete soos dié van ‘n kind in ‘n vlugtelingkamp in die Kongo sal volgende week van Dinsdag af in die Snowflake-gebou uitgestal word as deel van die Sit Jou Voet Neer-veldtog teen kindermolestering. Kara van der Merwe (14) van Potchefstroom het die Sit Jou Voet Neer-veldtog begin nadat sy ‘n rol gespeel het van ‘n jong slagoffer van kindermolestering in die fliek Dis ek, Anna. Daar sal foto’s van talle bekendes se voete te koop wees by die uitstalling - soos dié van die atleet Caster Semenya in die INLAS - en die geld sal aan welsynsorganisasies soos Childline geskenk word. Dinsdagaand om 18:00 is die amptelike opening van die uitstalling en by dié geleentheid sal die Noordwes Kinderkoor ‘n lied uitvoer wat spesiaal vir Sit Jou Voet Neer geskryf is. Die openingsgeleentheid is gratis en almal is welkom.



Buckle up for RuffStuff

Potchefstroom will not only be a magnet for art lovers next week with the Aardklop Arts Festival, outdoor lovers and adrenaline fiends can also look forward to much to see and do. The RuffStuff Outdoor Expo is the first of its kind in North West Province and will run from 6 to 10 October at Senwes Park, the North West Cricket Union’s grounds, next to the Aardklop grounds. “The reason why we decided to start with this was to also use the facilities of the Cricket Union and give them a chance to also benefit, as we all know it’s not cheap to run a facility like this. After all, why shouldn’t the community profit from events on their doorstep? When big business do this, they are called genius!”, says Sandra Swanepoel, partner in KMHub and organiser of this event. The RuffStuff Outdoor Expo targets everything relating to the outdoors – from fishing to hunting, boating, outdoor driving, 4x4, hobbies, sports, tourism, holiday destinations, outdoor accessories as well as arts and crafts. Industry names such as Echo 4x4, African Backbone, Suzuki, John Deere and Senwes are some of the exhibitors and there will be plenty of fun activities for kids. “We start small this year as we have to first win over the trust of the community and exhibitors, but we hope this will grow into a huge event that will give people also a walk

on the wild side while visiting Aardklop! Most successful events start small and grow with time,” says organiser Elrie Visser. Hopefully North West Tourism will also be showcased via the Kenneth Kaunda District Tourism. Small product owners were asked to be part of the chance to show what they have in this small and wonderful province. The first time ever for them to be part of an outdoor exhibition in this area. All the other provinces do have big outdoor exhibitions and hopefully this will become part of the yearly calander. Children can enjoy paintball, a giant 12 m water worm, a boxing ring, a space rocket, a disco foam party and much more. These activities are courtesy of ‘Jump 2 the Moon inflatables’ and will cost between R15 and R60 per child to participate Adults can sit back and enjoy a refreshing beer from our beer tent or a unique crafted beverage from Qualito Craft Distillery. As it is the first year that this expo will be running, the RuffStuff organisers would like to extend an invitation to all Potchefstroomers to come and enjoy the expo. Entrance is R10 per person and the gates will be open daily from 10h00 – 18h00 over the Aardklop period. For more information, check out the RuffStuff Outdoor Expo’s official website at

Klap hande vir die beste kinderkoor in die land! ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL

Applous beteken “‘n toejuiging veral deur handgeklap” en dit is presies wat Laerskool Mooirivier se Juniorkoor verdien het nadat hulle deur die ATKV-Applouskoorbeoordelaars aangewys is as die beste Juniorkoor in Suid-Afrika. Hiermee stof hulle skole so ver as Pretoria, Kaapstad en selfs Namibië uit! Esmie Koornhof is die leier van dié koor wat dit kon regkry om die graad 1 tot 3’s binne drie maande tot so ‘n besondere prestasie te kon lei. Sy is ‘n graad 3 onderwyser by Mooirivier Laerskool. Om dit nog meer uniek te maak: Daar is 80 bloedjies waarmee sy werk! Daar is in Februarie begin en in Mei was die

finale beoordeling. Hulle moes egter tot nou wag om die uitslae te kry aangesien daar uitdunne in meeste groote dorpe en stede in Suid-Afrika plaasvind. Ruben Jacobs, skoolhoof van Laerskool Mooirivier, was “vreeslik bly en opgewonde” oor die ongelooflike prestasie van die koor. “Dis iets waaroor ek en die koorleiers al lank droom,” sê hy. Nie sonder rede nie. Verlede jaar was die groep derde in die land. Esmie vertel dat sy nog nie regtig kans gekry het om die prestasie te verwerk nie, want sy is reeds weer besig om die jaarlikse revue vir Mooirivier af te rig. “Dit is ‘n uitdaging, maar ‘n absolute voorreg om te kan help om ‘n kind te vorm,” sê sy. “Hulle leer soos sponse, al is

die sponse soms bietjie lewendig!” Sy sê ook dat dit nie moontlik sou wees sonder die regte span nie. Petro Coetzee, die koor se begeleier en Marlise de Beer, die organiseerder, is onontbeerlike skakels in die suksesverhaal. “Dit is ook ‘n voorreg om dit by Mooirivier te kan doen,” sê sy. “Dit is wonderlike kinders, die ouerbetrokkenheid en die ondersteuning van ons hoof. Sonder hulle sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie.” Ruben sê hy skryf die koor se prestasie toe aan die kennis en geesdrif van die koorleiers en die kinders se potensiaal en entoesiasme. Die primêre doelstelling van ATKV-Applous is die bevordering van die Afrikaanse lied en jeugkoorsang. Die doel is dus om deur


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Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

240 MC Roode Drive, Potchefstroom Tel: 018 290-7949

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Alexis van Zyl (5 weke) is die wenner van North West Independent se babakompetisie vir September 2015. Sy is vernoem na Alexander, The Great! Haar naam beteken “defender of man”. Sy’s op 17 Augustus 2015 gebore - op haar mamma se verjaarsdag. “Alexis het nog nie boeties of sussies nie, maar ons kroonprinsessie het baie maatjies!”, vertel Alecia van Zyl. “Elke mamma glo haar baba is die mooiste in die hele wereld, including me! Nou het ek bragging rights!” Alecia sê sy weet Alexis is baie bly oor die wen, “Want toe ek haar vanoggend vertel het sy vir my een groot glimlag gegee! Sy is baie soet en gelukkig, solank haar magie vol en haar dummy by is. Sy hou daarvan om tussen baie mense te wees of musiek te luister, stilte is nie lekker nie!” Haar ma spot wanneer jy vra of sy goed in die nag slaap: “Definieer nag… wat is slaap – is dit iets wat jy kan eet? Ag ek spot net, so 2 keer. Ek is die trotse enkelmamma van Alexis. Raad aan ander mammas van Alecia af? “As iemand hulp aanbied, dan aanvaar jy dit onmiddelik! Moenie sê jy sal dit ingedagte hou nie, sê net “Ja dankie – soos in nou asseblief! Dankie tog ons lewe in die 21ste eeu – weggooidoeke en blikmelk is soos die beste uitvinding nog ooit!”



One of the posters used on social media to promote the RuffStuff Outdoor Expo.

koorsang die Afrikaanse lied asook die genot van koorsang te bevorder. Skole wat deelneem, moet liedere sing wat deur die ATKV-Applous voorgeskryf word. Emsie sê sy het self op skool koor gesing, maar nooit gedink so eer sal haar ooit te beurt val nie. Voordat sy agt jaar gelede by Mooirivier begin skoolhou het, het sy nog nooit met kore gewerk nie. Aan die begin was dit ‘n groter uitdaging, maar dit word darem nou makliker. Haar wenk: “As jy ‘n liefde het vir ‘n ding, kan jy dit maak werk.” Haar droom vir die toekoms? “Net om nog beter te vaar! En miskien beoordeling ook te doen, want skielik word sy as ‘n ekspert beskou!” lag sy.

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Don’t miss Art Klop exhibition at Aardklop ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

Potchefstroom artist and fashion designer Cronjé Lemmer is proud to invite you to his latest exhibition: Art Klop. He will be exhibiting along with sculptor Jacky van Tonder and three of his top students: Roy Vieira Forte, Dedré Victor and Antionette Hills. At the exhibition, guests will experience the unique art form of Collography – a relief-printing process involving attaching shapes, fibers, textures and various other mediums to a wooden or cardboard block after which prints are made based on the images formed. “It is truly a very remarkable and unique technique,” explains Roy Forte, Cronjé Lemmer’s protégé. “I had never heard of collography, but when I saw it – I was sold,” he says. “You will notice that there is a theme of spirituality in all the artists’ work. We’re tired of politics; we’re tired of portraying all the bad aspects of life, we want to show beauty and we want to reflect God in all our work,” explains Roy. On Monday there was a pre-show of the exhibition at Cronjé’s gallery, attended by 70 guests. “It is the first time that we have had an exhibition of this magnitude in my gallery and we are going to be doing it on a regular basis in the future, about every second month starting in November,” Cronjé tells us. This joint exhibition will be held at two locations during the Aardklop Festival period from 6 to 10 October: the Aardklop show grounds in Tent B, stand no. 158 as well as at the ‘Kuier Kombuis’ alongside the Alice gallery at the North West University’s Theological School on the corner of Molen and Borcherd Street.

ATKV Boeke-oase by Clover Merger still in the Aardklop byna ‘n fees op sy eie balance as court EDITORIAL COMMENT

case is postponed


Cronjé Lemmer (Left) along with his top students Dedré Victor and Roy Vieira Forte as well as sculptor Jacky van Tonder (Right) at the pre-show viewing of their “Art Klop” exhibition that will be taking place next week in Potchefstroom.

Dansers van Potchefstroom en Klerksdorp het hul staal behoorlik gewys by die ESDU World Dance Masters-kompetisie wat onlangs in Midrand gehou is. Sowat 6 000 deelnemers het meegeding en uiteindelik het 11 kinders van Potchefstroom se Big Base Dance Studio ‘n tweede plek in die Hip-Hop dans-afdeling losgedans en ‘n derde plek in die Hip-Hop-kategorie. Jacques Jacobs van Potchefstroom Gimnasium het ‘n eerste plek behaal in die Komtemporêre-afdeling en hy was naaswenner in die kompetisie vir die Beste Manlike Talent. Ashley Muller en JC van Wyk het onderskeidelik ook ‘n tweede en derde plek behaal. Die span se afrigter Yvonne van Deventer is vol lof vir haar uitblinkers. “Dis ure en dae se toewyding en dissipline wat nou vrugte afgewerp het,” sê sy. Die nege seniors van Big Base Dance Studio het ook uitgeblink en gaan saam met die juniors volgende jaar na Kroasië vir die Wêreldkampioenskap.

n urgent application launched by the DA, which was set down for hearing on 29 September in the Northern Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, was postponed to 28 or 29 October 2015. The application was brought to interdict the Demarcation Board from taking any action or making any consequential decision to implement its decision to amalgamate Tlokwe City Council with Ventersdorp Local Municipality and in so doing redetermine the number of councillors within the proposed amalgamated municipality. Although the postponement was perhaps not entirely surprising, the delimitation of the specific wards of the proposed amalgamation and the consequent redetermination of the number of councillors is quite an onerous task which may lead to real problems in completing this task in time for meaningful decision-making on the part of all political parties which may contest the local government elections in 2016. There is no doubt that the demarcation board is presently not constrained in continuing with the delimitation and/or redetermination of councillors until the urgent application has been disposed of, one way or another. However, reliable sources seem to suggest that the demarcation board and its legal advisors are not keen to proceed with the consequential decisions until the court has disposed of the application brought by the DA. Since no argument was presented in court on 29 September, it is difficult to predict the possible outcome of the application and Potchefstroom will be holding its breath until 28 or 29 October. Watch this space. The NorthWest Independent hopes to publish a more indepth article concerning the basis for the application and the Demarcation Board and the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs’ responses to the Democratic Alliance’s application, especially concerning the proposed amalgamation of Tlokwe City Council and Ventersdorp Local Municipality. It will be remembered that the city experienced protests (coupled with uncalled for vandalism) on 9 September to allegedly show disapproval of the proposed merger. In hindsight, the burning of the municipal offices in Ventersdorp does not really make any sense considering that all ratepayers of Ventersdorp should be elated for such a merger. The only persons who may not agree with the merger are the existing councillor who shall, if the merger is finally going ahead, be obliged to function within the prescripts of the merger as against acting independently in the past. These events place into serious question whether the protest action on 9 September was perhaps not an organised event gone wrong by persons or entities that had much to gain from these protests.

Dana Snyman is een van die gewilde skrywers wat vanjaar by die Clover Aardklop se Boeke-oase te sien sal wees.

onder andere deel van die gaste vir Diskoers 2: Die vakbondwese in onstuimige vaarwater – is die vooruitsig vir die land redding of rampspoed? Diskoers 3: Word moedertaal in skole vermoor of is net Afrikaans onder skoot? se deelnemers sluit in dr. Jaco Deacon, adjunk- uitvoerende hoof van die Federasie van Beheerliggame van Suid-Afrikaanse Skole (Fedsas), en dr. Michael le Cordeur, akademikus en direksielid van die Afrikaanse Taalraad. Die Diskoers-reeks word die Vrydag afgesluit met Diskoers 4: Jou monument en my museum. Het ons ’n gedeelde erfenis of is daar dele wat onherroeplik met apartheid besmet is? waarin onder andere Nathi Mthethwa, minister van kuns en kultuur, en Alana Bailey, adjunk- uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, hul stemme sal dik maak. Dan is daar ook ‘n kunsuitstalling getiteld DOSIS, saamgestel deur Alex Hamilton. In hierdie uitstalling word daar daagliks ’n nuwe kulturele tema verken met ’n opwindende groep kunstenaars van regoor die land. Dus:#KunsVirAlmal.

We all pay a price for denying our violent culture ¢¢ PAIGE TURNER


ocial media was abuzz this week over the latest incidence of violence, coming from Gimmies students. Charges have been laid against a group of boys for allegedly abducting a Ferdinand Postma learner and beating him up. This followed close on the heels of a viral video a couple of weeks ago, where a Gimmies learner – trying to break up a fight between fellow students – ended up in hospital with a broken jaw, amongst other injuries. This boy’s parents have yet to receive a call of concern, never mind an apology, from the perpetrators and the school, at the time of writing this column. Yep. Allegedly not a word from the school itself, who seem to have chosen the unwise route of drawing into a laager in the hope that the incident will be forgotten. The victim’s parents don’t want to be interviewed because of possible negative repercussions, of which there have already been a few. Elizabeth Kübler Ross, many years ago, identified stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then acceptance. It seems that the Potchefstroom community is going to need to work through every one of these stages, as it faces its own losses. Firstly, the death of the illusion that a school can rest on the laurels of its history and not have to face current

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall IKAGENG OPENING 29 October 2015

Die gratis Diskoers- en boekprogram wat by die Clover Aardklop Nasionale Kunstefees (van 6 tot 10 Oktober in Potchefstroom) aangebied word, is van uitstaande gehalte. Die boekprogram by die ATKV Boeke-oase, gebasseer in Hoffman straat in Potchefstroom, bied ’n wye verskeidenheid gesprekke en voorlesings – die oorgrote meerderheid oor boeke wat eers in die tweede helfte van die jaar uitgereik word. Dit wissel van prof. Willie Esterhuyse se Geagte Jahwe tot ’n gesprek met drie vroulike spanningsverhaalskrywers (Madelein Rust, Lien Roux-de Jager en Deborah Steinmair) wat almal vroue as hoofkarakters het wat die speurwerk doen. Ook op die lys is Rachelle Greeff (Die naaimasjien en ander stories), Juliana Coetzer (Bloedvreemd), Dana Snyman (In die blou kamp) en Amore Bekker (Hartstories). Twee boeke wat beslis opspraakwekkend gaan wees weens die onthullende aard daarvan, is Carel van der Merwe se Donker stroom – Eugène Marais en die Anglo-Boereoorlog en Koos Stadler se Recce – Kleinspan-operasies agter vyandelike linies. Onder die kosvaandel is gesprekke oor liplekkerkos en sondekos op die spyskaart. As jy wil hê jou mond moet water, kan jy nader staan vir Brekfis met Derrich en Adelie (’n boek met gunstelingresepte van Gardner en Ludik soos gehoor op Saterdae op RSG se Brekfis met Derrich). Diegene wat hul sondige verhouding met suiker en koolhidrate wil beëindig, moet beslis kom luister na Karen Thomson, medeskrywer van Suikervry – 9 weke na vryheid van suiker- en koolhidraatverslawing. Deur die week word ’n skemeruurkuier aangebied (wat ’n gratis glas wyn insluit) met onderskeidelik Randall Wicomb (Dinsdag); Marlise Scheepers – ook bekend as Sjef Snoekie (Woensdag); Antjie Krog (Donderdag); en verskeie digters en die Buckfever Underground as deel van die gewilde Hardop (Vrydag). Sedert André P. Brink se dood in Januarie vanjaar is daar heelwat oor hom geskryf en hulde gebring uit talle oorde. In André P. Brink – Op ’n ligter noot sal Gert van Niekerk en Franci Swanepoel voorlesings uit van sy werk doen, soos “Die dag van die pampoen” uit Parys-Parys: Retoer en ander prettighede uit onder meer Oom Kootjie Emmer. Ruim ook tyd in om die boekwinkel te besoek wat daagliks van 08:00 tot 19:00 oop gaan wees of om ’n heerlike koffie en ligte maaltyd by die koffiewinkel in die binnehof te geniet. Freek Robinson, aanbieder van die aktualiteitsprogram Robinson en ankeraanbieder van eNuus op kykNET, is die gespreksleier vir die Diskoers-reeks. Diskoers 1: Gaan ’n blou golf die munisipale verkiesing tref? is ’n indringende gesprek met die nuwe DA-leier, Mmusi Maimane. Zwelinzima Vavi, voormalige hoofsekretaris van Cosatu, en Flip Buys, voorsitter: Solidariteit, is

POTCH ONLINE culture, which may well be the antithesis of what it once stood for. And this isn’t unique to Gimnasium high school – almost every school is faced with this challenge at various points in its history. The second loss must be a loss of pride. Even while shouting #proudgimmiesparent on social media, there is an undertone of desperation and denial. “Surely, not us?”; “But it’s not just us”; “It happens everywhere”; “It’s not everyone” ... The first stage of loss is, of course, denial. After two very public incidents in a very short time, the denial of a very real bully culture, starts to stand on shaky ground. As citizens, we all lose when violence gets swept under a denialist carpet. The other stages of grief will follow – the anger has already started, the bargaining is no doubt on the go behind the scenes and in nightly prayers. We can only hope that we turn our depression around before we start accepting behaviour like this as ‘normal’. Of course this isn’t unique to this school. I only hope that it’s unique in the apparent way that it is (or isn’t) being dealt with. Just this morning I was having a conversation with a group of learners from Boys’ High who were outraged at the

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall IKAGENG OPENING 29 October 2015

stories they were hearing. They have an acute awareness of how gentlemen behave and tell me that there is zero tolerance in their school, when it comes to physical aggression. The discussion became cathartic for them, as they started relating incidents that they experience, in town, on an almost weekly basis. If they’re not being targeted by the community at the taxi rank and muggers who see them as elite and therefore vulnerable, then they are being targeted by the good people of Potch: those same citizens who cry foul on social media, and trivialise bullying and racism as if it is confined to a select few and purely incidental. Last week two learners had eggs thrown at them from a student’s car, at a traffic light, for no apparent reason. This weekend, a group of three boys – solid, intelligent, respectful boys – were accused of wanting to steal by a group of old women, simply because they were standing on a street corner, in Baillie Park, (outside a parent’s home) waiting for a lift. Sociologists will no doubt tell us that this is all indicative of a greater malaise and that these incidents are logical manifestations of deeper frustration in society. Until someone writes a thesis on this, though, along with an actionable plan to change the way we are behaving, we can do only one of two things: weep and wail whilst pointing fingers elsewhere, or get up, man up as a community and start taking personal responsibility for our children and our town.



My town, a small town



My town used to be considered a barometer for white sentiment in the old South Africa. It used to be judged as being very “verkramp” (meaning bigoted) and some of its past glory still remains. But like most other things in life the view from the outside differs from what insiders see. Being black or coloured in South Africa meant that we were allocated our own little portion of each town. Even if the lines that separated one portion from another were only in the imaginations and town planning maps of those who wanted it to be that way, each portion developed its own identity over the years and my town actually refers to the portion where I live. What stands out about my town is the two main activities my co-habitants engage in. One is religion and the other liquor. The contradiction is lost on my fellow townsmen because it has always been this way. It’s hard for the people in my town to believe that a person could choose not to drink and still have no desire to partake in any religion. I just love the way life is so cut and dried in the minds of those I live with. My town is a place where your character is mostly determined by what your surname is. Great for those with upstanding pedigrees, crappy for those who come from less decent stock. People assume to know the content of your character, your future prospects and your status in societal hierarchy based on what they know of your family. For some it’s hard to break free from history. For others an undeserved bump-up which they struggle to live up to. Like most small towns we pride ourselves on our communal spirit. We are always there for each other we say; and it’s true. “There” might be as support in your time of need, or it might be in your private business. That is after all what small towns are best known for, nosy neighbours. Oh we might donate money, or time, or effort when you need us, but we will whisper about you before you’re out of earshot. Mostly because we want you to know

that you have done something scandalous and gossip-worthy. The people of my town love pretending that they just live here, but actually belong in better towns. Everyone actually belongs in Johannesburg, the City of Gold, but by some fluke of circumstance they just can’t get the dust of this horrid little place shaken off their shoes. Having left my town, lived in Johannesburg for 13 years, and had a good life there by any standard, I think a reality check is in order. Being known in my town is like having money in the bank when living in Jo’burg. “Small-town Famous” is a term that was coined after a visit to my town, I’m sure. The assumption that everyone wants to be known gives my fellow citizens the right to question anyone in depth. The answers of which couldn’t possibly have any relevance in their day to day life, but if you want to be wellknown you have to spill your guts. My town has long established a way to walk, to talk, to dress, to think, where to appear and when to appear there. Everyone

knows what our sentiments and opinions should be, who we should side with, what our ambitions should be and how we must go about conducting our private affairs. It might be many stipulations but the answer to all of these is the same: whatever everyone else is doing. A burning desire of those in my town is to have a big funeral. You pay for this by attending as many funerals as you can while alive. The question: “Who will attend your funeral if you don’t support the funerals of others?” is meant to strike fear into the heart of any dissident member of my community. Those who love this burg act as if every feather on every bird flying over the town has been placed in their custody. Sometimes this custodianship extends itself to the grocery cupboards, garden implements, toolboxes, cars, and children of fellow inhabitants. Don’t be surprised if someone you barely know comes and knocks on your door at any time of day asking to use/borrow your lawnmower, mayonnaise, child (to send on an errand)

or baking trays. You have very little room to refuse. Remember, you want to build up goodwill for your funeral and not be gossiped about as being stingy. Anyone living near you has unlimited emergency rides booked in your car. Please take note and act accordingly. My neighbour asked the other day what my pottering in the garden was all about. I explained it’s a food garden where I’m growing vegetables. Her response was: “Ooh great! Now I can borrow spinach from you.” Wow! The part I have most difficulty with in my town is the unsolicited visit. The drop-in. The head poking through the doorway. The knock when you least want to hear one. And if you don’t answer, the people of my town start calling your name. If you still don’t respond they ask your neighbour where you are. Both the unwanted visitor and neighbour might start calling your name. All that noise to force you out of your unsociable behaviour. The rule now is, always keep the dishes washed because you never know who might come to ask/lend something. Always keep the sitting room in perfect order so you can let your guest in without shame. In fact, make sure your whole house is spic and span by 11 o’clock because anyone might drop in from then on. I can do without uninvited guests; they’re the ones who stay the longest because they have nothing better to do. My town is a gem and a soft place to fall when the big, big world stops treating us nicely. My town is a family town because most of us stem from a few core lines going back generation before generation. My town will make a space for you even when your ancestry is foreign to us, there’s always room for one more branch on the family tree. My town is a study in the best and worst of human nature and especially its paradoxes. My town is a concentrated dose of the whole, wide world.

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Sundowns victorious with easy win over Cosmos ¢¢ MOTHUSI MAKGOANE

Man of the match, Keagan Dolly put smiles back at Chloorkop. With goals scored in both halves, the nippy striker masterminded a 2-0 convincing victory for Mamelodi Sundowns over Jomo Cosmos at Potchefstroom’s Olen Park staduim on Sunday. Amid unruly behaviour of supporters at Lucas Moripe stadium last week, Dolly’s brace brought reprieve for Mosimane. The Sundowns coach, affectionately known as Jingles, escaped nasty encounters with agitated supporters and Sundowns die-hards.The Brazillians shaky start to the season put Mosimane under ernormous pressure. Victory over Cosmos on Sunday was the third this season for Mosimane, thanks to the brace by Dolly. Cosmos came into the game with much vigour and nearly scored when striker, Bryce

Aka’s close-range shot was saved by Denis Onyango. Themba Zwane floated a beautiful cross from the left flank in the 22nd minute and Dolly scored with a header from close range. Ezenkosi had chances to level matters in the second half but Cheslyn Jampies deflected a shot from a free kick which swayed off-target. With determination to level matters, Sono brought on the Zimbabwean duo of Charlton Mashumba and Denver Mukamba. The introduction of these men on the pitch changed the complexion of the game. Cosmos threatened Sundowns’ defence. Sundowns’ Ramahlwe Mphahle’s poor clearance fell on the path of Thabang Monare, the latter shot wide. Cosmos relaxed towards stoppage time and were duly punished. From an Anthony Laffor pass, Dolly easily tapped the ball to give the Brazilians a 2-0 win.

Aïda se eerste verjaarsdag op rolbalbaan gevier Aïda Potchefstroom se eerste verjaarsdag het gesorg vir groot sports – op die rolbalbaan van alle plekke. Potchefstroom Rolbalklub het die Aïda-span ontvang en ‘n kenner het hulle eers deeglik touwys gemaak oor die fynere kunsies asook die reëls van die spel. Ná die aanvanklike oefenlopies het die spanne die baan betree en alle fokus was op die rollende balle. Daar was ‘n paar spanne, ‘n paar goeies én slegte rolle, maar uiteindelik was dit die lekker saamkuier rondom die braaivleisvuur wat saak gemaak het. Die span gelei deur Charl van Rooy het as die oorwinnaars uit die stryd getree. Van Rooy het dieselfde fokus en dryfkrag

BO: Louren Steenkamp, Ruan Haasbroek en SW Rossouw van Potchefstroom Gimnasium is vir die Noordwes o/18-krieketspan gekies. REGS: Duan Jansen en Marco Jansen van Gimmies is vir die Noordwes o/15-krieketspan gekies.

Algemeen / General

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Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

Kennisgewing / Notice

Kennisgewing / Notice



Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Klousule 14(a) van die Potchefstroom Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013, dat ek, J.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners BK [Reg No. 2006/148547/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar, van voorneme is om by die Stadsraad van Tlokwe aansoek te doen om spesiale toestemming op die bestaande persele bekend as Erf 1700 en Erf 1701, Van der Hoffpark Uitbreiding 37, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Noordwes Provinsie [geleë te Tarentaalstraat 2 en 4], vir verdere gebruik vir ‘n vulstasie. Iedereen wat teen hierdie aansoek beswaar wil maak, moet sodanige beswaar, tesame met die redes daarvoor, binne 21 dae na publikasie van die laaste advertensie in die pers, skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, en die aansoeker indien. Volle besonderhede van die voorgenome aansoek is ter insae by die aansoeker en die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Stadsraad Kantore, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 14(a) of the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme, 1980, read together with SPLUMA, Act 16 of 2013, that I, J.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners CC [Reg Nr. 2006/148547/23], being the authorized agent of the owner, intends to apply to the City Council of Tlokwe, for special consent to use the existing premises known as Erf 1700 and Erf 1701, Van der Hoffpark Extension 37, Registration Division IQ, North West Province [situated at 2 and 4 Tarentaal Street], for the further purpose of a filling station. Any person who wishes to object to this application must lodge such objection, together with reasons, with the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, and the applicant, in writing within 21 days of the publication of the last advertisement in the press. Full details of the proposed application are open for inspection at the applicant and the office of the Municipal Manager, Tlokwe City Council Offices, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom.

Naam en Adres van Aansoeker: H & W Town Planners, Posbus 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520 of Du Plooystraat 17, Potchefstroom, Tel : 082 776 3311, Verw: HB 201524

Name of applicant: H & W Town Planners, PO Box 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520 or 17 Du Plooy Street, Potchefstroom, Tel: 082 776 3311, Ref: HB 201524

Datum van eerste publikasie: Datum van tweede publikasie:

Date of first publication: Date of second publication:

1 Oktober 2015 8 Oktober 2015

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

wat van hom ‘n suksesvolle agent maak aan die dag gelê om stof in sy teenstanders se oë te skop. Om die prentjie verder te voltooi, is Van Rooy ook as die bes geklede rolbalman by die geleentheid aangewys. Leon Engelbrecht, mede eienaar van Aida Potchefstroom, het sterk tweede geeindig. Die jong agente, Erno Nagy, Jerry Motsau en Marelize Raphiri het bewys hoekom hulle deel uitmaak van die Aïda span deur met volgehoue geesdrif die kuns van die sport onder die knie te kry. Aida Potchefstroom het Oktober 2014 sy deure in Potchefstroom geopen. Die span agente is jonk, ywerig en gereed om die uitdagings van die eiendomsmark in die volgende jaar aan te pak.

1 October 2015 8 October 2015





082 740 3860

1 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 40 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Annual fox trail a ‘howling’ success ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER


More than 800 participants competed in The School of Tactical Intelligence’s annual Fox Trail event last Saturday in Potchefstroom.

he School of Tactical Intelligence hosted their annual Fox Trail event last Saturday at the General de la Rey Training area in Potchefstroom. This was their 14th Intelligence Formation event and has been implemented as part of Esprit de Corps to enhance and promote healthy lifestyle practises amongst the Intelligence Corp and the community at large. “We wanted to get the community involved and create an event where friends and family can enjoy the day together,” says Henry Hornsby (Lieutenant Colonel). “This year the participation was extraordinary. We had, for example, 600 registered entries and almost 200 extra entries today. The enormous interest was unprecedented and these unexpected late entries had to compete without a number! We are very impressed by how this event has grown. Even just since last year participation has increased from 500 athletes to 800 this year. The entry fee is R10 per person and all funds raised will be put back into the community,” explained Henry. Before the races start, adult participants are given a traditional Intelligence Corps tonic to get their blood pumping. It’s called -rightfully so - ‘fox blood’. The howls of foxes can be heard over the speakers as they drink.. The Fox Trail was divided into three events which participants could enter and they could choose to either run or walk. These events included a 5km, 10km and 16km Fox trail and winners were selected according to their age groups, which ranged from Junior (16 – 19) to Grand Master (60 years and older). The overall winner in the men’s 16km Fox Trail was Motobisi Baloyi (00:55:04) and in the women’s race the winning spot was claimed by LaunéMeyer (1:07:36). In the 10km Fox Trail, Petrus Ditabe took first place in the men’s race with a time of 37:43 and Christine Bronkhorst the women’s race, in a time of 56:04.

There was a lot of excitement in the air as the participants gathered around the starting point, getting ready to compete in the Fox Trail.

Participants ranged from young to old.

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