10 September 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 37 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | northwestindependent@telkomsa.net | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free
New hope for job seekers in Potch
brand new initiative that promises to change the way people find employment in Potchefstroom is already making a big difference. The Dag op ‘n Slag Potchefstroom Loonwerkers initiative was launched a few weeks ago to provide a bridge between people looking for employment and potential employers in Potchefstroom. A website and Facebook Page that allow workers to introduce themselves to prospective employers by registering on a worker database has resulted in many workers finding employment. The project started after a group of anthropology students from the North-West University did a research project about the day labourers who look for employment in Du Plooy Street. After spending time talking to these men the students felt they could not just leave and do nothing to try and increase the men’s chances of an income and of moving into more stable work situations. According to Robert Socha, a German exchange student, the idea is to help people who are desperate for employment. “They walk early in the morning in the cold, several kilometers from their homes to a corner in the middle of the town,” explains Robert. “Then they wait there many hours for somebody to come by and offer them a job so that they can feed their families. On most days, they have no luck and have to walk back home after hours of waiting. The situation of Potchefstroom’s day labourers is sad and depressing. “With this initiative we can help them to register online so that all their information such as identity number, photograph and information about their skills is captured online for prospective employers to see.” Since its launch, the Dag op ‘n Slag Loonwerkers website has developed to include 17 employment categories and over 40 profiles of job seekers have been added. “We have now also created a category for women because we soon realized that there is as much need for structured employment opportunities for them,” says Robert. “Their situation is in some ways worse than that of Potch day labourers. For these women it’s dangerous to stand on a corner as they
Mapaseka Tlhakanye (left) was one of the first women to register for employment at the Dag op ‘n Slag Loonwerkers initiative in Ikageng. With her are Samantha Meyer and Robert Socha, two students from North-West University who started the non-government and non-profit service.
would probably not get any reputable job offers! “That’s why we’ve announced the project in a community group on Facebook and asked people to spread the word. We’ve already started to collect the first profiles of women. Categories such as cleaners and domestic workers were added to our website.” Robert and his fellow student Samantha Meyer believe they have already witnessed a rise in day labourer employment as a result of Dag op ‘n Slag. “Last Saturday practically full employment was reached in Potchefstroom as it was almost impossible to find day labourers on the streets,” says Samantha. “We hope that this current trend can be
maintained in future and we will try to contribute to that by adding more profiles to our data base.” One of the first woman to register was Mapaseka Tlhakanye from Ikageng. She saw the Dag op ‘n Slag Facebook group and decided to investigate. “I’m very excited about the possibility the Dag op ‘n Slag campaign holds. I’m looking for any job, I’m not picky. I have many skills and I can speak a lot of languages. As long as I have a little bit of income at the end of the month, I’ll be happy. But I have realistic expectations. I know I will have to be patient.” Samantha makes it clear that Dag op ‘n Slag is a free service to the community but it does not promise employment. “The project is not
a work promise and you will not sign a work contract. Dag op ‘n Slag Loonwerkers is a marketing mechanism for day labourers and unemployed people to promote their abilities in the Potchefstroom community on the internet. “We will not mediate the jobs but put information online so that employers can contact workers directly,” Samantha says. The next opportunity for workers to register is this Friday (11 September) at 13:00 to 16:00 in front of the Ipelegeng Community Library at 6934 Sarafina Street. For more information visit the website www.dagopnslagpotchefstroomloonwerkers.wordpress.com or the Dag op ‘n Slag Facebook page or contact Samantha Meyer on 082 598 6718.
Om in meel groot te word ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
“Ek het binne-in die meel groot geword,” vertel oom Klaas Turkstra in die bekende Potchefstroomse bakkery se 80ste verjaar dagmaand, September. Van die ou sake-ondernemings, is hulle een van die min wat nog oor is. Die staaltjies en verhale oor die familie se herkoms stroom onophoudelik uit die vrien delike oom se mond. Sy pa was ‘n bakker in Dokkum in Friesland. “Daar was so baie bakkerye, die uitbreidingsmoontlikhede was maar min,” sê Oom Klaas. “Ek dink my pa het ook bietjie die wandelaarsgees gehad, daarom dat hy in 1925 na Suid-Afrika gekom het met die boot”. Hy het eers drie jaar in die land rondgeswerf en toe ‘n bakkery in Brandfort gekoop. Hy moes sy verloofring verkoop om dit te on doen. “Ja,” vertel hy, “die Friese mans het verloofringe gedra.” Sy verloofde wat in Friesland agtergebly het, het seker nie daarvan geweet nie. Sy het wel nadat die bakkery op dreef gekom het ook na Suid-Afrika gekom. Oom Klaas vertel sewe jaar later het Pa Andries en Ma Hiske die bakkery verkoop en met hulle (toe) vier kinders Potchefstroom toe verhuis nadat die eienaar van die Heidema fietswinkel in Potchefstroom hulle vertel het hier is beter moontlikhede. Hulle het toe ‘n klein bakkerytjie in Wolmaranstraat oopgemaak. Later het hulle verhuis na die gebou in Kerkstraat waar die bakkery jare lank ‘n bekende baken in die dorp was. Hyself het in 1950 voltyds in die Turkstra Bakkery begin werk. Sy broer, Hessel, het twee jaar later ingeval. “Ons het veertig jaar saamgewerk,” vertel Oom Klaas. Dit is nou buiten die tyd toe hulle ses kinders as klein tjies maar almal in die bakery gehelp het. “Dis hoekom ek in die meel grootgeword het!” lag hy. Hy kan nou nog onthou hoe sy pa die deeg met sy hande geknie het voordat hy sy eerste kniemasjien kon koop. Harde werk, wat so vroeg as 02:00 in die oggend begin het. “Oorlogtyd waas daar nie meel nie. Ons het toe die gemaalde wortels van ‘n spesifieke boom gebruik. Ek kan nie die naam onthou nie, maar ek proe nou nog daai slegte smaak in my mond. “Suurdeeg en louwater is mos sinonieme,” sê die oom. “Maar toe ontdek ek in Johannesburg as jong man ‘n spesifieke brood: Dit was die Chrystal-brood van ‘n bakkery naby Hill-
Die patriarg van die bekendste bakkery in Potchefstroom oom Klaas Turkstra. INLAS: Die Turkstra hoefies word al 80 jaar in die bakkery gemaak volgens die resep wat Andries Turkstra uit Friesland saamgebring het Potchefstroom toe. ‘n Ander naam vir koekies soortgelyk aan dié koekie is varkore of “pigs ears”.
brow. ‘n Kwaai Duister het die plek besit. Die bakkery het vier vloere gehad en een aand toe besluit ek, ek gaan hom vra hoe maak hy daai wonderlike brood. “Dis toe waar ek yswater en suurdeeg ontdek het. Dit het gelei tot die unieke Turks tra brood wat ‘n wending in ons besigheid veroorsaak het.” Die onderneming het toe só uitgebrei dat daar in die industriële gebied gebak is en net by die bakkery in Kerkstraat nog verkoop is. Daar was bykans 350 werkers in hulle diens. In 1983 is die bakkery aan Premier Milling verkoop, want toe bak hulle al tot 50 000 brode ‘n dag en ry tot 3 200km om die brood betyds by die kleinhandelaars te kry. Dit is ook toe wat Oom Klaas se broer die lang verbintenis tussen hulle vaarwel toegeroep het en afgetree het. Oom Klaas het egter besluit om in die kleinhandel ‘n bakkery
te bly bedryf wat die eetgoedtjies verkoop waarvoor hulle so bekend geword het en steeds verkoop: hoefies, worsrolletjies, fyngebak, beskuit en soutgebak. Hy het ook besluit om voort te bou op dit waarvoor Turkstra so bekend geword het: Goeie diens en goeie kwaliteit. Turkstra Bakkery het ook toe verhuis na die perseel waar hulle vandag nog is: Sol Plaatjestraat. Vandag is sy seun Gerhard saam met hom in die besigheid, net soos sy broer destyds was. Steeds ‘n familiebesigheid, al is dit nou net pa en seun in plaas van broers. Vra jy die twee manne uit na hulle eie vaardighede in die kombuis, lag altwee heerlik en verseker my dat nie een van hulle twee bakkers is soos die oorsponklike Andries Turkstra uit Friesland is nie. Jy besef gou dat hulle eerder uiters vaardige besigheidsmense is wat weet hoe om mense op te lei en ook weet hoe om ander se vaardighede te gebruik. Gerhard was in die polisie tydens sy diens plig en toe hy later uitklaar, was sy pa gou daar met ‘n vraag: wil jy ‘n polisieman of ‘n
bakker wees? Twintig jaar later en Gerhard bak steeds saam met sy pa. Of liewer: Laat bak! Oom Fanie Coetsee is nou 78 en is eintlik maar die bakker van Turkstra, vertel die Turkstras. Hulle werk al 60 jaar lank saam. Hy sluit steeds elke oggend die bakkery douvoordag oop en sorg dat alles in plek is vir die dag se bakkery. Teen 09:00 gaan hy darem huis toe. Oom Fanie word beskou as deel van die familie, sê Oom Klaas. Of dié familiebesigheid die 100 jaar merk gaan haal, is onseker. Oom Klaas sê: twintig jaar gelede kon ek nog 5 jaar planne maak, maar vandag is dit nie meer so maklik nie. Nie as gevolg van my ouderdom nie, maar die ekonomie is vandag nie meer wat dit was nie. Arbeidswetgewing maak veral die wêreld moeilik vir ‘n klein besigheidsman. Dinge loop nou te vinnig deurmekaar.” Tog hoop mens Oom Klaas laat hom ompraat deur ‘n skrywer om sy familiestorie en al die resepte, in ‘n boek te laat opteken, al sal dit ‘n vreeslike terugslag vir Suid-Afrika wees as Turkstra-hoefies nie meer bestaan nie!
Leer hoe om ’n TV-aanbieder te word Take a taxi to lekker
erlede jaar het ‘n kursus wat mense die fyner kunsies leer van televisie-aanbieding groot aftrek gekry toe dit tydens die Aardklop-kunstefees aangebied is. Vanjaar maak Kreativmedia Hub weer so en dié keer sal die bekende TV-persoonlikheid Freek Robinson hom aansluit by die bekroonde joernaliste Daniëlla van Heerden en Ivor Price as aanbieder. Dié eksklusiewe tweedagkursus op 8 en 9 Oktober word in die Long Room in Senwespark-krieketstadion aangebied. Kursusgangers sal eers die nodige teoretiese agtergrond kry oor die joernalistieke beginsels van onderhoudvoering en daarna sal hulle touwys gemaak word oor aspekte soos stembeheer, houding en liggaamstaal voor die kameras. Die ervare TV-regisseur Suzanne Sterley sal weer soos verlede jaar voornemende TV-aanbieders in ‘n japtrap touwys maak oor tegniese aspekte soos beligting en klank. Deelnemers hoef geen vorige ervaring te hê om te kwalifiseer vir die kursus nie – die kursus sal veral van waarde wees vir mense van alle ouderdomme wat daarvan droom om ‘n loopbaan in die vermaakbedryf te volg. Dit is ook ideaal vir diegene wat bloot net hul kommunikasievaardighede wil verbeter. Die program oor twee dae is ontwerp om kursusgangers selfvertroue te gee en gewoond te maak daaraan om voor die kameras op te tree. Dit is ook ‘n wonderlike geleentheid om ‘n kykie te kry agter die skerms van die TV-wêreld en om kontakte op te bou in die bedryf. ‘n Kommunikasiestudent van die Noordwes-Universiteit, Janli Sonntag, was vol lof vir die aanbieders nadat sy verlede jaar die kursus voltooi het. “Die sprekers was wonderlik, hulle het in ons belanggestel en vryelik hulle ervarings en wenke met ons gedeel. Die beste van alles was die praktiese ervaring om self onderhoude met bekendes te doen. Ek was erg op my senuwees, maar dit was daardie sink of swem oomblik wat ons almal nodig gehad het,” het Janli gesê. Die kursus word aangebied deur Kreativmedia Hub,
pub crawl in Ikageng
Die aktrise Shaleen Surtie-Richards was een van die bekendes met wie deelnemers aan die TV-aanbiederskursus verlede jaar onderhoude gevoer het. Hier gesels sy met Kara van der Merwe.
‘n maatskappy wat spesialiseer in kommunikasie, bemarking, ontwerp, uitleg en onderrig. Volgens die direkteur Elrie Visser streef Kreativmedia daarna om mediageletterdheid te bevorder. “Ons grootste prioriteit is om mense op skeppende maniere te bemagtig om deel te word van die kreatiewe ekonomie,” verduidelik Elrie. “Ons het ná die sukses van verlede jaar se kursus baie navrae gekry en daarom maak ons vanjaar weer so.” Daar is beperkte plek beskikbaar vir die kursus, bespreek dus vroegtydig om seker te maak jy mis nie dié goue geleentheid nie. Die kursus kos R2 000 per persoon en mense wat vroegtydig bespreek kan dié bedrag in paaiemente afbetaal. Stuur ‘n e-pos na kreativemediahub@gmail.com of bel Kreativmedia Hub op 083 460 3710 vir meer inligting.
If you have no plans for the weekend, you better take note of an exciting outing to Ikageng this Saturday. The “i heart ikageng…” township pub crawl is a fundraising initiative to upgrade a small community park in Ikageng on the corner of Letsi and Kereke Streets. The Local Space Global Place (LSGP) project was initiated by Urban and Regional Planning (In collaboration with Botany and Creative Arts) at the North-West University in 2012. Last year an open space in Ikageng (previously used as a dumping site) was transformed into a lively public place. This site was transformed by the planting of eleven indigenous trees and a piece of the proposed paving was paved. The township pub crawl will allow for the implementation of phase two, which will include the partial paving of a footpath. The “i heart ikageng...” project will include the visitation of the site (Corner of Letsi- and Kereke Street) as well as three local pubs (Club Motswede, Diphetogo Lounge and Katlego Pub). The initiative strives to boost the economy of Ikageng as local mini-bus taxis will be used for transport. Potch residents are invited to join in and make a contribution towards the well-being of our beautiful city and in particular the community of Ikageng. The taxis will depart from Cachet Park in Hoffman Street at 14:30 on Saturday afternoon. To book a seat, you can contact Wessel Strydom 084 551 0045 or email: weslstrydom@gmail.com. More information is also available on the Facebook page.
Hoe wys jy dat jy werklik omgee?
Baker’s paradise opens in Potch Potchefstroom’s new factory outlet, Zigmart, is a welcoming oasis on any foodie’s horizon. “Many customers have expressed how much Potch needed this type of store,” says Marisol Correia, manager. This baker’s paradise is a metropolis of colour as you are welcomed by the enticing sweet scents. They specialise in all baking accessories and bulk ingredients, cake tools and decorations, plastic-ware, home-ware, party supplies, sweets, packaging supplies, pet food and accessories as well as helium balloons. Zigmart firmly believes in loyalty, service
with a smile and going the extra mile for their customers. “Even if we do not stock a product, we will ensure that we locate and order it at a customer’s request,” says Marisol. Since they opened their doors last Saturday they have received tremendous support from the Potch community. “We will keep expanding to suit customer needs,” explains Marisol. As they say: “The proof is in the pudding”, so be sure to pop in at Zigmart - shop no. 36; West Acres Shopping Centre. Trading Hours: Monday – Friday: 08h00 – 18h00; Saturday: 08h00 – 15h00 and Sunday: 09h00 – 13h00.
Kennisgewings • Notices Tel: 018 294 3924/17 • Faks: 018 294 8081 • E-pos: northwestindependent@telkomsa.net
Hier by NorthWest Independent het ons in die afgelope twee weke nogal baie gedink oor hoe ons as Potchefstromers wys dat ons omgee. Eers het die storie van Hendrik en sy stoel ons in trane gehad. Die storie het kwalik in die koerant verskyn of drie mense het stoele aangebied. Ongelukkig kon net een stoel gebruik word, maar moenie glo nie: Die mense se harte en hande was oop en kort voor lank het hy ook ‘n stewige klompie geld in die bank gehad wat kon help om rekeninge te betaal wat agterstallig geraak het weens die enorme mediese uitgawes. En toe ontstaan die liederlike brand verlede week by Hoër Volkskool – ‘n hele verdieping van die Jack Pauw koshuis is verwoes en daarmee saam kinders se klere, boeke, tasse, sporttoerusting, beddegoed, fone en ander elektroniese apparaat.
REDAKSIONEEL Moenie dink die groothartiges was klaar gegee nie! Die aanbiedinge en hulp het onop houdelik ingestroom. Natuurlik sal dit wat verwoes is nooit weer ten volle vervang kan word nie, maar ‘n mens is oortuig dat dié soort gee die slagoffers nog lank sal bybly. Daar is mense wat net gee om gesien te word. Mense wat gee om weer later iets terug te kry – mense met ‘n verskuilde agenda. Tog is daar soveel mense wat met ‘n goeie hart gee en nooit verwag om weer iets terug te kry nie. ‘n Mens hoop dat almal wat in omstandighede soos dié gee van daardie soort mense is: Om te gee sonder om iets terug te verwag. Daar is ook mense wat nie geld of aardse goed het om te gee nie. Tog wil hulle gee. Dit is hulle wat hulle tyd of unieke vaardighede
Cultural festival for all
Members of the community are invited to attend and be part of the Cultural Jamboree taking place this Saturday at the Memorial Park. There will be an array of fun and festive activities for Potchefstroom locals to enjoy as well as an arts and crafts exhibition. Various government and community organisations will be displaying and selling a variety of interesting products. The event will start at 10:00 and will be led by the Premier of the North West, Hon Supra Mahumapelo, and the Executive Mayor of Tlokwe City Council, Kgotso Khumalo. Be sure not to miss the festivities at Memorial Park (Next to Kynoch). For more information contact Mr. Errol Temanie at 018 299 5006 or send an email to errolt@potch.co.za
CONTACT ISABELLE AT 072 997 8646 OR NIENIE AT 082 740 3860
Total Microbiological Analyses 730 Number Microbiological Analyses Compliant 728 % Compliance 99,73% Total Physical Analyses 1823 Number Physical Analyses Compliant 1823 % Compliance 100% Total Chemical Analyses 2864 Number Chemical Analyses Compliant 2857 % Compliance 99,76% Total number as Analyses 5417 Total number of Compliant Analyses 5408 Total % Compliance 99,83%
“skenk” om ander te help. Daardie tannie wat kos maak vir die honger kinders wat rondom haar bly. Die ma’s en pa’s wat by die skool werk op sportdae en die onderwysers wat kinders ná skool help met ekstra klasse gee sonder om iets terug te verwag. Iemand vertel daar is geld geskenk in die einste brand om vir die kinders klere te koop. Nou hoe gemaak? Elke seun het ‘n “aanneemma” gekry en het saam met haar gaan inkopies doen om seker te maak die kêrel kry die regte klere wat hy verloor het. Die “aanneemma” het dus nie noodwendig geld gegee nie, maar tyd! Ons het almal van daai gee in ons. Ons moet net weer dink daaroor. Al het jy nie geld of aardse goed nie, kan ons altyd iets anders gee. Kyk net om jou rond, luister en dink nuut. Jy weet wat jy kan gee jy moet dit net doen! Dink daaroor.
Spogtuine is Potch se voorland Alle tuinliefhebbers word uitgenooi om Donderdagoggend 17 September om 10:00 ‘n praatjie en geselligheid op een van die Mooivallei Hoewes by te woon. Johan “Panda” du Preez van Starke Ayres gaan raad en wenke gee om jou tuin op spogstandaard te kry vir die somer en demonstreer hoe om vars produkte uit die tuin te gebruik in die kombuis. Geskenkpakkies en The Gardener/Die Tuinier tydskrifte word gratis uitgedeel aan die eerste 50 gaste. Toegang is R20 per gas en sluit ver versings in. Onthou om ‘n opvoustoel saam te bring. Daar sal nie kaartfassiliteite beskikbaar wees nie en gaste word versoek om die regte kleingeld te bring. Rigtingaanwysers na dié tuin sal aangebring word regoor die Roots ingang op die inrypad (MC Roodeweg) en die roete sal ook op die Facebook-blad van die Potchefstroomse Tuinbouvereniging geplaas word. Die Facebook-blad is oop vir alle belangstellendes. Navrae kan ook gerig word aan Theunis de Jong by 082 575 3006.
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Tel: 018 294 6001 (Slaghuis) | 018 297 7879 | 15 Durr Street, Potch Industria
Droom van sorgeenheid nou ’n werklikheid
Kennisgewings • Notices Tel: 018 294 3924/17 • Faks: 018 294 8081 • E-pos: northwestindependent@telkomsa.net
of Culture, arts anD traDitional affairs
2015/16 Internship Opportunities Intern
Salary: Minimum stipend of R4 500 pm Duration: 12 Months Requirements: A post-Matric (Grade 12) qualification as specified below: Centre Head Office
Reference Directorate Number 1/2015 Communications
Graphic Design (2)
ND Graphic Design
Communications (1)
ND/Bachelor’s degree in Communications/Journalism B degree in
Traditional Affairs
Anthropology (1)
Risk Management (2)
BCom/BTech in Risk Management
Supply Chain Management (1)
Assets Management (1)
Budgets (1)
Admin Support Services Admin Support Services Admin. Support Services
Organisational Design (1) Social Work (1)
BCom/BTech in Accounting, BCom Economics, BTech Logistics BCom Accounting/Financial Management/ND Financial Management BCom Accounting/Financial Management/ND Financial Management National Diploma in Management Services/Production Management BA in Social Work
Psychology (1)
BA in Psychology & Sociology
8/2015 TOTAL
Functional Area
Kelvin Glen (CEO), Kgotso Khumalo (Burgemeester van Potchefstroom), Victor Boqo (woordvoerder van die burgemeester) en Nienie van Wyk (NWI), tydens die opening van Sameul Broadbent se Alzheimer-eenheid. INLAS: Een van die pasiënte van die nuwe Alzheimer-eenheid.
versorgers se ogewondenheid oor die nuwe eenheid. Priscilla Mouebatsi, Maggie Nqunde, Gladys Laphgane en Elsie Roman wat nagskof werk staan gedurende die opening heeltyd by die TV monitors, waar hulle die bewegings van die inwoners dophou. Elaine Viviers, aktiwiteits-koördineerder van die Alzheimereenheid, vertel dat die pasiënte volgehoue versorging nodig het. “Ons doen elke dag twee aktiwiteite met die pasiënte wat wissel tussen motoriese, kognitiewe en sensoriese
aktiwiteite. “Ongelukkig beskik die meeste van ons pasiënte nie regtig meer oor die vermoë om kognitiewe aktiwiteite te doen nie, daarom fokus ons op sensoriese en motoriese aktiwiteite,” vertel Elaine. Voorts is daar natuurlik ook ADL (Activities of Daily Living), wat alledaagse handelinge insluit soos om self te eet, of om die seep te ruik terwyl hulle gebad word. Dié ADL word ook as sensoriese en motoriese aktiwiteite beskou. Die opening was ’n
spoggerige geleentheid en die eenheid smaak vol en modern ingerig. Tog, ten spyte van die blydskap en die besef dat jare se drome en harde werk nou gerealiseer het tot ‘n werklikheid, is daar ook die besef dat hier te make is met mense wat net liefde en aandag wil hê, mense vir wie die realiteit van hul daaglikse bestaan telkens verander, kleiner word. Mense wat buiten vir die daaglikse stryd teen oud word ook moet baklei teen die groot vergeet.
Geklassifiseerd • Classifieds
Salary: Minimum stipend of R2 500 pm Duration: 12 Months Requirements: A post-Matric (Grade 12) qualification as specified below: Centre
Reference Number Head Office WIL 1/2015 WIL 2/2015
District Recreation Centres
Functional Area
Finance Finance
Assets Management (2) N6 Financial Management Supply Chain Management (3) N6 Financial Management
WIL 3/2015
WIL 4/2015
Budget and Cash Flow N6 Financial Management Management (1) Expenditure Management (1) N6 Financial Management
Algemeen / General
Management Assistant (1)
WIL 5/2015
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WIL 6/2015
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N6 Financial Management
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Rustenburg Recreation Centre (Finance) Noyons/ Donkervleit
Cash flow Management (1)
N6 Financial Management
Expenditure management (1)
N6 Financial Management
WIL 13/2015
Bojanala District (Rustenburg)
Management Assistant (1)
N6 Management Assistant
WIL 14/2015
Dr Kenneth Kaunda Management Assistant (1) District (Potchefstroom)
N6 Management Assistant
WIL 15/2015
Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District (Vryburg)
Management Assistant (1)
N6 Management Assistant
WIL 16/2015
Ngaka Modiri Molema District (Mahikeng)
Management Assistant (1)
N6 Management Assistant
WIL 12/2015
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N6 Management Assistant
Please Note: • Applications will only be considered from unemployed South African citizens, aged between 18 and 35 years • Candidates who have already participated in an internship programme in any Government department will not be considered • Applications should be made on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department, and accompanied by a comprehensive CV, certified copies of all qualifications and Identity Document. Application forms should be signed and dated. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being considered • Candidates must indicate the reference number of their preferred Directorate/District in the space provided on their application form. Please ensure that if you are applying for more than one position, a separate application for each post must be submitted • Should you be in possession of foreign qualifications, they must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Please take note that all qualifications are subjected to verification • Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Faxed and e-mailed applications will also not be considered • The Department reserves the right not to make appointments and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department • Should you not be contacted within 3 months from the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. Please direct all enquiries to Mr GJ Metswamere, tel. (053) 948-0098 or Mr L Mpofu, tel. (018) 388-2736/99. The Department of Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Closing date: 21 September2015 All applications must be forwarded to the following address: By post: Attention: Director: Administrative Support Services, Department of Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X90, Mmabatho 2735 By hand delivery to: Department of Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs (between the Convention Centre and SABC), Office No A58; A61; A63 & A68, Ground Floor, 760 Dr James Moroka Drive (Gaabomotho Building) (all Ref Nos) or AJR Building, 34 James Moroka Street, Potchefstroom 2530 (Ref Nos: WIL 1/2015 to Ref No. WIL16/2015) or 28 Steen Street, Rustenburg 0300 (Ref Nos: WIL 1/2015 to Ref No. WIL16/2015).
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p 3 September is die Alzheimer-eenheid van Samuel Broadbent amptelik geopen. Tydens hierdie spoggerige geleentheid het Potchefstromers die geleentheid gehad om die splinternuwe Alzheimer-eenheid van Samuel Broadbent, met die gepaste naam – Vergeet-my-nie - te sien. Terwyl die eerste reën oor Potche fstroom uitsak, sê Suster Elsa Steenberg dat die boere in Noordwes glo dat as dit reën wanneer ’n nuwe onderneming aanvang neem is dit geseënd “so vanaand is ons baie geseënd”. “Vir 20 jaar was dit my droom om so ’n eenheid oop te maak, vir 20 jaar het ons planne gemaak, gewerk, en vanaand is hierdie droom ’n werklikheid,” sê Suster Steenkamp. Samuel Broadbent se Alzheimer-eenheid, wat tans 14 pasiënte huisves is ‘n baanbreker in terme van sorgsentrums vir bejaardes wat aan Alzheimersiekte of demensie ly. Les Smith, die voorsitter van MHA (Methodist Homes) sê dat sowat R1.8 miljoen in die eenheid herbelê is en dat hierdie eenheid ‘n veilige hawe en ’n omgewing gevul met liefde vir die pasiënte moet wees. Potchefstroom se burgemeester, Kgotso Khumalo, het ook die opening bygewoon. Volgens hom is sorgsentrums soos Samuel Broadbent uiters belangrik, aangesien mense vandag veeleisende beroepe beoefen, en juis daarom nie altyd die nodige aandag aan die ouer geslag kan gee nie. “My eie ouma was ook ‘n inwoner van Samuel Broadbent en ek weet hoe goed hulle na elke inwoner omsien.” Kelvin Glen (besturende direkteur van MHA) sê tereg: “Hier by ons gaan dit nie net oor goeie bestuur of ’n winsgewende besigheid nie, elke mens is belangrik, elke werknemer, elke pasient.” Dat elke pasiënt se beste belange ‘n prioriteit is, blyk duidelik uit die
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Potch is virtually real on Facebook ¢¢ PAIGE TURNER
“I love Potchefstroom,” said the grey-haired woman who sat next to me in the dusty hall. “We recently moved here from Kimberley and we’re so happy.” “It is a town of quirks. It takes years to get to know it; but it will always make you smile,” I confirmed. “What’s the best way to get to know people?” “Facebook. It says it all.” Social media is alive and well in our town, providing not only useful information but glimpses into the homes, lives, minds and hearts of locals. Actually beyond locals: It isn’t unusual to see heartfelt contributions, especially on controversial topics, from “Jannie from Swakopmund” or “Ester vanaf Londen”. Once a ‘Stromer, always a ‘Stromer, it seems. Just a glimpse at yesterday’s posts on two of the town’s most followed Facebook pages – Potchefstroom and Hello Pietie – tells a story. First there’s the ongoing dispute between a customer and a local nursery: The customer requested that the nursery not overwater their succulents because of the damage it causes… three days ago. The argument is still raging: Largely thanks to a business owner who doesn’t subscribe to “the customer is always right” adage. That’s a distinguishing feature of our rural enclave. Frightening numbers of business owners tend towards the virtual Luddite. Finding it impossible to deny the existence of technology and cyberspace conversation, they subconsciously revert to ignoring its effects instead. The power of the medium escapes them as they continue to shoot their pop guns at the consumer Kalashnikov. The next post is from someone driving to Stilfontein and offering a lift to anyone needing one. This man is distinguished by his gentleness and generosity on social media. He’s our peacemaker and our voice of reason. Further down a student has run out of money, so he is selling the goods that mom and dad bought for him as they enthusiastically equipped him for the start of his wonderful academic future. Bargain. He gets drinking money, we get a virtually new leather beanbag. Someone asks who is responsible for repairing our roads after the massive amount of
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construction that has taken place on the Bult, having lost two tyres in one day. The useful answers are short-lived, as the conversation veers towards homelessness. Yep. It happens. More often than not. A thread will start off discussing the botanical gardens and end up in an argument over milk tart recipes. We’re good, like that. There’s a home for rent, a house for sale, requests for wool, a dance on Saturday night at a country venue. There was scant attendance at the last one that was organised. We tend to be like that, don’t we? Complaining about what we don’t have and then rarely supporting it when it appears. Between all this, the irrepressible humour of one resident, who finds an opportunity for a pun in every post. There’s Mafeking Road potential in all these tales. These aren’t the only local pages. Every time an argument breaks out, one of us veers off the mainstream path and starts a new one, in true Voortrekker style. If you aren’t on social media, you’re missing out on a massive slice of life, a generous source of local information and a glimpse into a large family which squabbles and hugs in equal amounts, knowing that ultimately, we’re all in this together... *** Oops – did you think I was talking about the whole of Potchefstroom? Silly me. Of course the social media-defined planet Potch isn’t about everybody. It’s purely for those of us who are privileged enough to have ready access to social media. Those of us wealthy enough to possess computers, smart phones and enough data to use for leisure. Those of us whose age doesn’t prevent us from participating. Those of us who can read. Beyond the cyberworld of what we like to call Potch, there is a parallel, privilege-free universe where knowledge isn’t freely shared. A place where tomorrow’s transport is more of a concern than a ripped tyre. A place where the search for food is more immediate than the search for discount prices on beef. That is the real Potchefstroom. The Potchefstroom beyond Facebook. The one we frequently and comfortingly, choose not to see.
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SCREENING CLINIC Pap smear R160.00 Breast Examination R 40.00 PSA Blood test R150.00 Cholestrol R 30.00 Blood pressure R 5.00 WEDNESDAY 16th SEPTEMBER 2015 CANSA OFFICE 79 JAMES MOROKA AVE (Opposite Medicross)
Phone for an appointment 018 294 8253/ 018 294 3368 Enquiries: Sr Frances Minné 082 520 8445
3 September 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 36 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | northwestindependent@telkomsa.net | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free
Barbarian Race een vir die boeke ¢¢ MARISKA NEL
ie Staalbeer Barbarian Race het verlede Saterdag tydens die Lentefees plaasgevind. Dié kompetisie het oor ‘n afstand van 12 km gestrek en deelnemers moes 27 hindernisse trotseer. “Die wedloop was soortgelyk (maar glad nié so moeilik) aan die baie bekende Warrior Race,” sê Miranda Huisamen, ’n bemarker by Staalbeer. Die hindernisse by die Barbarian Race het deelnemers etlike kere oor die rivier geneem, waar hulle soms met behulp van ‘n tou soos ‘n wafferse Tarzan oor die rivier moes kom. Sandsakke van 10kg moes ook oor afstande van 30m gedra word en hier het die reën beslis ’n invloed gehad, aangesien die nat sandsakke toe effens swaarder was. Daar was drie kategorieë vir hierdie kompetisie – mans, vroue en spanne. Miranda sê dat hulle bekommerd was dat die gure weer die kompetisie gaan kortwiek, maar 19 mans, 12 vroue en 19 spanne het opgedaag om deel te neem en sy beskryf die dag as “‘n reuse sukses”. Willem Erasmus het die mans-kategorie gewen (42 min 12 sekondes) terwyl United In Arms 1 bewys het dat hulle dié span van die dag is toe hulle die kompetisie in ‘n tyd van 62 minute gewen het. Tlokwe City Council Department of Infrastructure has issued a notice that the Gamma Substation will be shut down from 08:00 till 18:00 on Sunday 20 September for modifications on the new 11 KV panels. Areas that will be affected include the Bult; Sanitas Plotte; Mooivallei Plotte; Dagbreek Hoewes; Tuscany Ridge; Water Berry Estates; North West University; Military Base; Witrand Hospital; Dassierand and the Northern parts of the CBD Area. All power points must be treated as live during these hours.
Die heerlike reënweer gedurende die eerste naweek van September het die Laerskool Mooirivier se twee hokkiespanne soos ‘n handskoen gepas. Die o.13A-dogterspan het die gedugte span van Laerskool Brits met 3:0 in die finaal geklop. VOOR: Marlize Jordaaan. MIDDEL: Miandie van Staden, Riandi Boshoff, Marolene Basson en Sonika Grobler. AGTER: Rouxle Marais, Mizelle Muller, Zia Pieterse, Sanja Truter, Gretchen van Wyk (afrigter), Jana McKinnon, Ninni Labuschagne, Ruandi van Dyk, Jacqueline van Rooyen en Milana van der Merwe.
Deelnemers aan verlede Saterdag se Staalbeer Barbarian Race moes hul staal wys om die 27 hindernisse baas te raak. FOTO: Staalbeer.
Die plaaslike PUK-atleet, Yolandi van Aswegen, bekend vir haar prestasies in die 100 en 200m naellope, het bewys dat sy ‘n opponent is om mee rekening te hou. Ten spyte van die gure weer het sy die kompetisie in 56 min en 41 sekondes voltooi, ’n tyd wat aan haar ’n welverdiende eerste plek besorg het. “Die wedloop was ’n groot uitdaging en nog groter pret,” sê Yolandi.
Die o.13A-hokkiespan van Tokkies is die Noordweskampioenspan nadat hulle Laerskool Rustenburg met 5:0 geklop het. VOOR: Jurgen Peters MIDDEL: Michael Fourie, CP Kleynhans, Michael van Rooyen, Marko de Witt, Eben Verster en Phillip Jonker. AGTER: Rynard Botha, Stefan Schoeman, Morne Stafford, Piet van Wyk (afrigter), Philip Botha, Gabriel Richards, Gomolemo Koena, Martin Landman en Dirco Bester.