NorthWest Independent - The newspaper Potch depends on.

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15 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 42 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

ReformPUK: Students voice concerns


lack students of the Reform Puk group this week held an historical meeting in the Totius Hall on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. This was the first such meeting in recent times. Strong objection to racism was expressed, but several speakers stressed that they were not against Afrikaans as such. The students did, however, ask for parallel English classes. The Manifesto clarified their position: “We neither hate nor reject Afrikaans. We reject the way Afrikaans is used to exclude and discriminate against black students on the Potchefstroom Campus. We also reject the manner in which the administration uses Afrikaans to the detriment of the image of the language amongst other cultural groups in this country.” The lively but orderly meeting was atten­ded by some 250 students and staff, some of them white. A call was made on the rector of the campus, Prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, to resign immediately. He was present, but did not respond. The ReformPUK students described how Afrikaans was used to exclude them. Students also spoke about their experiences of racism and how they struggled with the interpretation services. When a speaker asked which students in the audience had heard the phrase: “The interpretor did not hear the student,” many hands were raised. The vice-chancellor of the NWU, Prof. Dan Kgwadi, also attended and welcomed the fact that students expressed their views. Earlier in the week Prof. Kgwadi encouraged students to support his “We are the NWU” initiative. “Under this banner I wish to encourage an on-going process of discussions between students internally, between students and management and between students and academic staff,” he said in a letter. For this purpose he has assigned Theo Bekker, director for special projects in his office, to co-ordinate this inclusive process. One of the leaders of the ReformPUK movement, spokesperson Jeanett Mosala said the group is “very impressed” with the response to the meeting. “We were really surprised at how many students turned up and how well the manifesto was received. I think we touched a nerve and this movement will grow to something really important. We are positive that

our demands will be met and we look forward to a new era of dialogue and engagement on our campus.” A representative of ReformPUK said the most negative reaction to their manifesto was from people who objected to the immediate removal of the poet Totius’ statue from the Potchefstroom campus. He emphasized that ReformPUK’s demand included an alternative: That the statue be properly contextualised by including visible information on the role historical figures such as Totius played in oppressing black people. “White students need to know that this man was instrumental in providing a Biblical justification of Apartheid and in fact addressed the 1944 Volkskongres on this topic planting one of the most important pillars of grand Apartheid.” A lecturer who attended the meeting said she had always thought she had a good grasp of the problems black students face. “But I was still surprised by the horror stories these students shared about racism and exclusion.” Some of the ReformPUK demands include: * The immediate removal of all barriers to English as a language of instruction and a feasible plan to implement English as language of instruction before the beginning of the next academic year. * As part of this plan all lecturers should be tested for their ability to lecture in English and immediate steps should be taken to rectify any shortcomings in this regard. Where shortcomings can’t be addressed, lecturers from other NWU campuses should be drafted to rectify the situation. * The discontinuation of the ineffective translation services before the start of the next academic year. * All first year classes should from the 2016 academic year be available in English. * By the 2020 academic year at least 50% of the permanent residential students on the Potchefstroom Campus should be black. * Visible and safe spaces must be provided immediately to black students. * Segregation in hostels must be abolished immediately. * By the 2020 academic year at least 50% of the hostel residents on the Potchefstroom Campus should be black. • Also read NorthWest Independent’s editorial comment on Page 4.

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The ReformPUK meeting was attended by more than 200 students and lecturers.

Students made their concerns clear in front of the venue where the ReformPUK meeting was held.


Let Samuel take you on a tour of the Dome If you have the chance to visit the Vredefort Dome, do it in style and use the best tour guide you can. That’s what a group of learners from Boitirelo Combined School in Potchefstroom did, when the much-awarded tour guide Samuel Seleke, took them on an overnight educational tour to learn about the Dome formation and its biodiversity. Samuel has won several local and provincial awards in the past two years as tour guide and will soon represent the province at the Lilizela National Awards as well. Samuel’s company, Seleke Tourist Guides, is a company

that specialises in the ‘natural side’ of tourism, where other tour guides are more involved in cultural activities. He started as a ranger in 1987 at Boskop Dam and his interaction with the children that visited the dam convinced him to become a tour guide. “I like my work too much,” says Samuel. “It bothers me that the children from our own area don’t even now the basics about the Dome. The children that I mostly see there, are children from Gauteng. That is not right.” Samuel not only specialises in tours in and around the Dome, but also in township tours.

Geskiedenisman sterf

‘n Groot gees in geskiedeniskringe is op 9 Oktober oorlede. Prof Gert van den Bergh was 83 jaar en voorheen professor in geskiedenis en departementshoof van die Departement Geskiedenis aan die P.U. vir C.H.O. voordat hy in die 1990’s afgetree het. Hy was as historikus veral bekend as kenner van Middeleeuse Europa, van die geskiedenis van Potchefstroom (veral in die tyd van die Z.A.R. in die 19de eeu) en van die veldslae van die Tweede Anglo-Boereoorlog in die Noordwesprovinsie. Hy het verskeie boeke geskryf, waarvan die laaste oor Potchefstroom se rol in die twee Anglo-Boereoorloë as die finale uitgawe van die Christiaan de Wet-Annale gepubliseer is. Prof. Gert was ook ‘n bekende en geliefde persoonlikheid in die kulturele lewe van Potchefstroom. Hy was bekend vir die toere wat hy na Europa georganiseer het. Hy was ook vir baie jare as voorsitter, bestuurslid en gewone lid by die Oud-Pukwyngilde betrokke. Hy is vereer vir sy bydrae tot die bewaring van kultuurerfenis in en om Potchefstroom. Die reëlings vir die roudiens is nog nie gefinaliseer nie, maar dit sal waarskynlik op Vrydag 16 Oktober in die N.G. Kerk Grimbeekpark gehou word. Skakel vir Liané van den Bergh (0182991541) vir nadere besonderhede.

HEBRON KERSMARK Live musiek | Photobooth | Wit olifant tafel Tee Tuin | Springkasteel | Geskenkies | Kettie-skiet 2de Handse Klere en Meubels | Kiddies Corner Prysuitdeling deur Bouwer Bosch Motiveringspraatjie deur Leandi du Randt Langs Manzini Wildsplaas | | 071 378 2659 Toegangsfooi: 1 Blikkie kos | 31 Oktober 2015

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

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Taxi Rank to upgrade commuter services ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

Sol Plaatjie (Ikageng taxi rank diciplinary committee), Tsidi Williams (taxi rank office bearer) and Boqo (the taxi rank manager) - are determined to deliver better service to commuters travelling via taxi.

Section, and Motlhabane Street. These routes were originally part of the Ikageng Taxi Route but have been neglected in the past. “We are moving back into our territory and reviving these routes,” says Boqo, the Ikageng Taxi Rank Manager. The Ikageng Taxi Rank would like to urge


commuters to lodge any complaints or grievances with them so that they can take proper action and correct the matters. “Our office at The Ikageng Taxi Rank is open Mondays to Thursdays from 09:00 to 15:30. You can also call us directly on 082 226 5943,” says Tsidi.

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organising this event for them,” explains Tsidi. The Ikageng Taxi Rank is sourcing funds for this event and those who would like to make a donation are welcome to contact their administration on 082 226 5943 New routes will be adopted via Mowe Street, Maphongo Street, The Yizo Yizo


The Ikageng Taxi Rank, Extensions II and IV, are in the process of upgrading the service that their commuters receive. They operate as a non-profit organisation and are determined to rid the sector of all negative connotations and to create a respectable industry instead. Currently the taxi industry forms part of the informal sector where nobody gets employed on a permanent basis. “We are here to serve the community. We know that there is a lot of potential in this sector as well as a great deal of money circulating within it, and there is a need for good services to be rendered to the community,” explains Tsidi Williams, an office bearer of the Ikageng Taxi Rank. An outreach program will give back to the community and upgrade the service that commuters are getting. One way in which they will do this is through their new campaign: Happy driver; Happy passenger = a fulfilled day. “We are doing it for the safety of commuters; we want to inform them of their rights. We also want to professionalise the taxi industry and make people aware that, as commuters, they have the right to be treated with dignity and respect,” says Tsidi. In early December they will be hosting an event to raise awareness for this campaign. It will be a fun-filled day where the community can come together and learn about taxi regulations and their rights as commuters. There will be fun activities for the children while the adults take part in the discussions. “We value and consider our commuters and we want to show them our appreciation by
















Beware mad online advice


NWU staan by belangrike kruispad T erwyl die toekoms van die Potchefstroom-kampus van die Noordwes-Universiteit nog in die weegskaal is, het twee belangrike gebeurtenisse vandeesweek plaasgevind wat ‘n invloed kan hê op die pad vorentoe. Vir die eerste keer het swart studente op die Potchefstroom-kampus hul stemme verhef en met hul ReformPUK-beweging sterk standpunt ingeneem teen aspekte van die bestuur van dié kampus wat hulle as problematies sien. Die byeenkoms waar die swart studente hul manifes en eise bekendgemaak het, was vreedsaam en het in ‘n goeie gees geskied. Dit kan tot ‘n groot mate toegeskryf word aan die versoenende leiding van die vise-kanselier Prof. Dan Kgwadi en sy opregte pogings om na alle studente se belange om te sien. Een van die belangrikste kwessies wat na vore gekom het, is swart studente se frustrasies met die Puk se tolkdienste. Die NWU roem homself op die doeltreffendheid van dié diens, maar swart studente se ervarings van tolkdienste is kennelik oorweldigend negatief. Hul eis dat dié diens afgeskaf word en dat klasse volgende jaar in beide in Engels en Afri­kaans aangebied word, is dus nie onredelik nie. Dit is dalk ook hoogtyd dat die Minister van Hoër Onderwys, Blade Nziman­ de, ‘n ondersoek gelas na die NWU se aan­ spra­ke oor die sukses van dié stelsel en waar­om studente se ervaring nie daarmee strook nie. Ook die studente se aandrang dat die NWU die ware statistiek oor die rasverdeling op die kampus bekend maak, is geregverdig. Daar is vir te lank gekonkel met syfers om dit te laat lyk of die Puk ten volle geïntergreerd is. Die swart studente se vertellings van rassisme en hoe hulle uitgesluit voel op ‘n kampus wat primêr vir wit Afrikaanse Christen-studente voorsiening maak, is ook kommerwekkend. As die bestuur nie swart studente se klagtes ernstig opneem nie, kan dit nog tot groot probleme en konflik lei. Die tweede betekenisvolle gebeurtenis is die verkiesing van Prof. Annette Combrink in die Raad van die NWU. Op die keper beskou is dit ‘n positiewe verwikkeling wat Prof. Combrink bring aansienlike ervaring van universiteitsbestuur na die tafel. Maar daar was die afgelope tyd aandui­


It’s a truism that on social media, everyone seems to be a good friend: it’s when everyone starts becoming an expert that life gets dangerous – and more than a little bit amusing. The mind boggles. Just this week in Potchefstroom there was a post to this effect: “My dog is foaming at the mouth and has blood coming out of its anus. What should I do?” Kinder, more patient souls than I immediately came up with diagnoses of cat flu and rabies and poisoning (no shortage of amateur vets in this town). The more pragmatic participants immediately dished out sound sentences like ‘get him to a vet’. No BS, Sherlock. You would think that would be obvious – but it seriously required someone to share the wisdom. Quite honestly, while my mind applauded their logical advice, I wanted to grab the person who asked the question in the first place by the cyber-collar and hiss into their gullible ear: “Shove a tampon up its backside and send it to the SPCA for eating your space cakes”. Next medical dilemma: “I have burnt myself with steam. What should I do?” The logical answer would be ‘Ask a doctor or pharmacist’; or ‘Google it’ (after all it’s very evident that you have both access to the internet and time to spend there). Instead the veterinarians-turned general practitioners are consulted and respond with all the most inanely damaging feedback they can muster

dings dat sy haar toenemend skaar by die sterk Solidariteit/Afriforum-faksie wat onder leiding van Flip Buys baie hard probeer om Prof. Kgwadi te ondermyn en sy transformasieplanne vir die NWU in die wiele te ry. Dit is dus ‘n ope vraag of sy binne die raad vir Prof. Kwgadi sal steun of saam met die klein maar verbete regsgesinde faksie sal probeer om transformasie te blokkeer. Te oordeel aan die artikel wat sy onlangs vir Solidariteit se webtuiste Maroela Media geskryf het, lyk dit of haar ingesteldheid nou stroom­op is. ‘n Mens kan dus met reg vra wat het dan

‘‘As die bestuur nie swart studente se klagtes ernstig opneem nie, kan dit nog tot groot probleme en konflik lei.” geword van die sogenaamde “lefty” – ‘n naam wat sy aan haarself gekoppel het. En hoe klop haar nuwe konserwatiewe vriende met haar DA-posisie? Is sy gereed om haar veel wyer ondersteuningsgroep (ook in die swart gemeenskap) in gedagte te hou wanneer sy met NWU-sake besig is? Indien nie, kan ‘n on­ houd­bare konflik tussen ‘n inklusiewe DA-benadering en ‘n ekskusiewe Pukbenadering ontstaan. Waarop ‘n mens dus hoop is dat Combrink haar progressiewe verlede herontdek en ‘n stem van rede en vernuwing in die raad word. Dis nodig gegee die kritieke vergadering op 20 November wanneer die nuwe strategie en struktuur vir die NWU goedgekeur moet word. In alle geval moet sy besef sy het haar beurt as rektor gehad. Nuwe tye en uitdagings verg nuwe, inklusiewe denke. Sy het dus ‘n geleentheid om ‘n ware leier te wees en uit te styg bo kleinlike eiebelang. En sterk leierskap uit Afrikaanse geledere is nou broodnodig, want as die Raad van die NWU nie binne die volgende weke hul pro­ bleme uitgestryk kry nie, is die waarskynlikheid groot dat die Puk onder administrasie geplaas sal word deur die Ministerie van Hoër Onderwys. En dan verloor almal.

Gebore: 03.11.1956 Oorlede: 06.10.2015

Die fliek Dis ek, Anna wat die inspirasie is vir die Sit Jou Voet Neer-veldtog teen kindermolestering wys Donderdagaand 15 Oktober om 19:00 by die Mooirivier Mall se Ster Kinekor-teater vir ‘n spesiale voorskou voor dit landwyd open op 23 Oktober. Gaan kyk gerus waarom soveel mense meen Dis ek, Anna is een van die beste flieks wat nog in Afrikaans gemaak is. Die fliek is gebaseer op die boeke van Anchien Troskie en Donder­ dagaand se vertoning is ten bate van Childline.

since 1918

Die diens het plaasgevind op 09.10.2015 vanuit die PPK Gemeente te Potchefstroom om 14H00 en was waargeneem deur Dr,. JJ Malan.

Die troosdiens vind plaas op 16.10.2015 vanuit die Volle Evangelie Kerk te Potchefstroom om 10H00 en word waargeneem deur Past.Q Groenewald.



Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

24/7 (018) 294 3269

Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

Gebore: 28.04.1932 Oorlede: 09.10.2015 since 1918

since 1918

Die troosdiens vind plaas op Vrydag, 16.10.2015 vanuit die NG Grimbeekpark Gemeente om 12H00 en word waargeneem deur Ds. Johan Knoetzen.

Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

24/7 (018) 294 3269

24/7 (018) 294 3269

Born: 12.12.1942 Died: 10.10.2015

The service will be on Monday, 19.10.2015 at the Catholic Church at 11H00 Potchefstroom.



Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

– ‘put toothpaste on it’ (forget about the strong chemical contents like calcium, triclosan, peroxide and sodium lauryl sulfate and the risk of infection and trapping the heat and….). And please, not just ANY toothpaste – white toothpaste only. Therein – clearly – lies the secret. Next advice: butter. Yes, the coolness will help relieve it for an instant after which you can fulfil your sado-masochistic fantasies by breathing deeply as you feel the fat facilitating the burn and trapping it, Lucifer-style. Vicks VapoRub got a mention; so did mustard. Finally, sense prevailed, and the advice moved to shoving an ice cream onto one’s forehead, dipping a toe into a glass of wine and rubbing chilli into one’s eyes. Who am I to argue? I’m waiting with barely-contained excitement for someone to ask for vasectomy advice, or how to become a Pitbull breeder. That’s going to be a memorable free-for-all. As for recommendations on where to go to have one’s nails done: that’s a topic for another column, where I’ll be the one seeking input on how natural, regular-income earning women in Potch can avoid feeling completely inadequate in the face of the nail/eyelash/ Hollywood blow/Brazilian wax/botox/ filler/nip-em-tuck-em/pedicure onslaught. I trust you’ll all have some professional input for me.

Aangrypende fliek wys in Mall

Gebore: 17.02.1963 Oorlede: 12.10.2015

since 1918


24/7 (018) 294 3269

What home-schooling is teaching me


y two children are being home schooled because I refuse to put them into the sausage-machine that produces people who keep society the way it is. The first thing home-schooling taught me? I’m a sausage. Home schooling is no joke and I learn as much as the children do. In fact, I have to stop and analyse what I know in order to explain it to them. Very often I have to question accepted knowledge that seems to have been passed on to me without me ever having understood it in the first place. That is scary. My son (8), is a master at throwing a spanner into the works, because he hasn’t been in a conventional school, beyond crèche. He’s always looking at me in a way that can only be translated as meaning: “This woman is either lying to me, or she’s crazy”. He asks the best questions, and I rarely have a good answer. But I’m the mother here, after all. So when he asks, “Does the world stop when I’m not there or do things keep going?” I answer: “Quantum physics says it stops. If you don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” When he asks why everyone has a nose, eyes, mouth and cheeks but still looks different, I’m floored. My daughter, at 15, is mostly interested in reading and combing her hair. She works hard at her schooling, mostly independently. She has the horrible temper of a teenager and I’d rather not mess with that. Most of her questions are about politics and money and religion and other things that are supposed to make sense but don’t. She hasn’t bought into

the system yet and has already decided that she will be a self-employed lawyer… My heart skipped a beat when she announced that. My daughter; a lawyer! I had to pretend to be thrilled by the news and put on my best ‘Mummy-is-proud-of-you-baby’ expression super-quickly. Home-schooling teaches me that: Children want to learn - Children have a natural curiosity about everything in the world. I think the perfect blend in schooling is between what we think children should learn and what they want to learn.

BMW Premium Selection Certified pre-owned

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

Sheer Driving Pleasure

Playtime is as important as worktime - Far from it being that long breaks make one lose momentum, it would appear that children assimilate better when there are extensive breaks between learning periods. Lessons that end in tears on Friday are easy as pie on Monday. I don’t know how that works, but it does. You only need about 3-4 hours per day Really! With no changing of classes or keeping a large group of people organised, school work gets done in 3-4 hours. The added benefit of focusing on one or two subjects means

5 POTCH IMPRESSIONS By Netta Drift taking great strides in a day. Learning fluctuates - My daughter, who has always been a whizz at maths has days when she appears allergic to logic. Every subject falls under the following equation: SCHOOLWORK = WAR. Those are the days when the lesson switches to watching a documentary on YouTube instead. YouTube and Google are your BFFs - I had never heard of a line equation, binomials or trinomials, but YouTube has taught everyone in my house something about those concepts. The video clip was funny and explained in a way that just stuck. I’m keeping that Wi-Fi connection up at all times. You need a lot of food – The main subject at home-school one which my children get distinctions in is, of course, eating. Carrot sticks and popcorn makes the lesson go down much easier. I’m given a glimpse into a profession that carries a great responsibility and for which we parents sometimes have nothing but criticism. Teaching is easier and much more difficult than you think it is. Easy because there is much that your children have already taught themselves and hard because most of us don’t know how we got our knowledge which makes transferring it, a lesson in itself.


Classical music gains momentum at festival ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER


cclaimed violinist, Zanta Hofmeyr, and concert pianist Elna van der Merwe (also part of the renowned ‘Blondes’) brought their new concert French Violin Sonatas to the Aardklop Arts Festival last week. Both musicians have performed at Aardklop almost a dozen times, but this was the first year that they performed together. Zanta commented on the gain in interest of classical music shows at this year’s festival and the positive reaction they got after their performance. “I could feel that the audience really wanted to hear the music, that they were listening with great anticipation and curiosity. Our program was rather peculiar, perhaps for many, as it comprised classical French pieces that really don’t get performed often, especially in South Africa. It is incredibly beautiful music so I though it would be very interesting to combine four French composers (Debussy, Fauré, Poulenc and SaintSaëns) into one program. There is a lot of variation amongst the four pieces and the style of the composers also differs greatly,“ explains Zanta. They have performed this program in the Cape since February and will continue their performances throughout South Africa next year. For both instruments, these pieces are of an extremely high standard and require a lot of challenging techniques. “Just from a technical aspect, these are extremely difficult pieces to play. There is a big difference between adopting a piece of music and performing it. It takes

Zanta Hofmeyr and Elna van der Merwe shared the stage at this year’s Aardklop Festival, performing their latest repertoire comprising of unusually beautiful, classical French violin sonatas.

hours of intensive practise and you cannot perform a work unless you have been able to internalise it and make it part of you,” says Elna. This concert is also special in that the violin and the piano share the spotlight equally, equally complementing one another. It is evident through their emotionally gripping performances that these two musicians have immense respect for one another’s art. “Zanta

is incredibly honest, with a lot of integrity, as a person and also as musician. Her work must be of a certain standard or else it simply won’t happen. It is absolutely her passion, and she plays with her entire heart and soul. This is very evident when you see her play,” Elna explains. “Playing the piano is also Elna’s passion and she is incredibly talented. She is a master pianist with the capability of getting - with

even just a little effort - phenomenal results. There are few people that can do what Elna can do,”says Zanta Earlier in the year, Zanta and Elna took four days to record their first album together: ‘Franse Vioolmusiek’ (French Violin Sonatas) “We actually had too much music for just one CD so we might be recording a second one in the future,” says Elna. Fans can look forward to the release of this album early next year.

Geklassifiseerd • Classifieds Tel: 018 294 3924/17 • Faks: 018 294 8081 • E-pos:

Algemeen / General


• Gehoortoetse • Gehoorapparate • Diens en herstel van apparate • Wasverwydering • Gehoorapparate toebehore • Gehoorbeskermers Kom vir gratis siftingstoets om u gehoor vermoëns te bepaal. Baat ook by gratis leen-periode van apparaat om te kyk of u by nuwe tegnologie aanpas. Medicross Potchefstroom c/o Peter Mokaba & James Maroka 018 297 0785

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015


Tokkies se hokkiespanne eenvoudig die héél beste! Laerskool Mooirivier se o.13A-hokkiespanne het weer eens rede om baie breed te glimlag. Daar gaan eendag terug gedink kan word aan ‘n jaar vol goue hokkie hoogtepunte. Die Tokkies se o.13A-seunsspan het die haas onmoontlike reg gekry om vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar as die beste hokkiespan in Suid-Afrika gekroon te word. Die span het op 2 en 3 Oktober aan die SA Skole Uitdaagreeks by die NWU se uitmuntende astrobaan deelgeneem. Alhoewel die oorwinning soet was, moes die span hard werk nadat hulle die eerste wedstryd verloor het. Die o.13A-seunsspan het die Super 12-kompetisie, die o.13A-Noordwesliga en die o.14A-Noordwesliga (mediumskole) gewen. Die skool se seunsspan word afgerig deur Piet van Wyk. Van Wyk het op 12 Oktober

verjaar en beskou die wen as ‘n heerlike verjaarsdaggeskenk. Die o.13A-dogterspan van Laerskool Mooirivier was ook sterk aanspraakmakers vir die SA-titel. Die span het as die silwermedaljewenners uit die stryd getree. Die span was derde in die Super 12-kompetisie en die wenners van die Noordwesliga. Gretchen van Wyk rig die span af. Die skool se hokkiespanne het sewentien o.12 en veertien o.13 provinsiale spelers opgelewer. Na die SA Skole Uitdaagreeks het Laerskool Mooirivier hom gevestig as een van die sterkste hokkiespelende laerskole in die land. Piet en Gretchen van Wyk tree aan die einde van die jaar uit na baie lang, betekenisvolle onderwysloopbane. Laerskool Mooirivier gaan beslis die egpaar se kundigheid, vaardigheid en wysheid mis.

Laerskool Mooirivier se meisiespan is VOOR: Sonika Grobler, Rouxlé Marais, Nicci Labuschagne, Marolene Basson, Riandi Boshoff. AGTER: Miandi van Staden, Jana McKinnon, Jacqueline van Rooyen, Milana van der Merwe, Gretchen van Wyk (afrigter), Ruandi van Dyk, Marlize Jordaan, Sanja Truter, Mizelle Muller.

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Potchefstroom Cancer Association Offers

SCREENING CLINIC Pap smear R160.00 Breast Examination R 40.00 PSA Blood test R150.00 Cholestrol R 30.00 Blood Sugar R 15.00 Blood pressure R 5.00 WEDNESDAY 21ST OCTOBER 2015 CANSA OFFICE 79 JAMES MOROKA AVE (Opposite Medicross)

Phone for an appointment 018 294 8253/ 018 294 3368 Enquiries: Sr Frances Minné 082 520 8445

Kennisgewing / Notice



Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 6(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond, 1986 (Ordonnansie 20 van 1986) saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013dat die ondergemelde aansoek deur die Tlokwe Stadsraad ontvang is en ter insae beskikbaar is gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Departement Menslike Nedersettings en Beplanning, Tlokwe Stadsraad, Kantoor 210, Tweede Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, op die hoek van Wolmaransstraat en Sol Plaatjielaan, Potchefstroom.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 6(8)(a) of the Division of Land Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 20 of 1986) read together with SPLUMA, Act 16 of 2013, that the under-mentioned application has been received by the Tlokwe City Council and is open for inspection during normal office hours at the Office of the Department Human Settlements and Planning, Tlokwe City Council, Office 210,Second floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Wolmarans Street and Sol Plaatjie Avenue, Potchefstroom.

Enige beswaar/vertoë moet skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder voor die sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 ingedien of gerig word, met melding van bogenoemde opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erf en telefoonnommer/s en adres.

Any objections/representations must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, at the above-mentioned address or posted to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/representations, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address.

SLUITINGS DATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/VERTOË: 12 NOVEMBER 2015 AARD VAN AANSOEK: Ons, J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners BK [Reg No. 2006/148547/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 1131 (‘n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 1119) van die plaas Vyfhoek 428, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Noordwes Provinsie, is van voorneme om by die Stadsraad van Tlokwe aansoek te doen, in terme van Artikel 6(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond, 1986 (Ordonnansie 20 van 1986) saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013, vir die onderverdeling van bogenoemde eiendom in vyf (5) gedeeltes met ‘n gemiddelde grootte van 7 hektaar per gedeelte.

CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS/ REPRESENTATIONS: 12 NOVEMBER 2015 NATURE OF APPLICATION: We, J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners CC [RegNr. 2006/148547/23], being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 1131 (a Portion of Portion 1119) of the farm Vyfhoek 428, Registration Division I.Q., North West Province, intends to apply to the Tlokwe City Council, according to Section 6(1) of the Division of Land Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 20 of 1986) read together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013), for the subdivision of the above mentioned property into five (5) portions with an average of 7 hectare per portion.

Eienaar: JOHANNA ELIZABETH ALIDA ELLIS [ID nr. 561027 0078 083] Ligging van grond: Noord-oos van Potchefstroom, Oos van Tuscany Ridge en die R501 [Carletonville pad] Aansoeker: J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners Adres: Du Plooy Straat 17, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel No: Tel: 082 776 3311 / 082 395 3744 Kennisgewingnommer: 148/2015 Munisipale Bestuurder: Dr. B. Mokgethi

Owner: JOHANNA ELIZABETH ALIDA ELLIS [ID nr. 561027 0078 083] Location of Land:North East of Potchefstroom, East of Tuscany Ridge and the R501 [Carletonville Road] Applicant: J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners Address:17 Du Plooy Street, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel No: Tel: 082 776 3311 / 082 395 3744 Notice Number: 148/2015 Municipal Manager:Dr. B. Mokgethi

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

Die seunspan is VOOR: Jurgen Peters EERSTE RY: Philip Jonker, CP Kleynhans, Marko de Witt, Stefan Schoeman, Rynard Botha, Eben Verster, Martin Landman. TWEEDE RY: Michael van Rooyen, Dirco Bester, Philip Botha, Gomolemo Koena, Gabriel Richards, Piet van Wyk (afrigter), Morné Stafford, Michael Fourie.

Fees van Kersbome gaan Potchefstromers bekoor Verlede jaar is afgesluit met 78 feestelik versierde kersbome in die Potchefstroomse Museum. Vanweë die reuse sukses van die projek, beoog die Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Klub, in samewerking met die Potchefstroomse Museum, om weer ‘n Fees van Kersbome vanaf 20 November tot 6 Desember 2015 in die Hoofmuseum aan te bied. Aan kreatiwiteit het die kersbome, wat verlede jaar op uitstalling was, beslis nie ontbreek nie. Daar was kersbome wat gemaak is uit boeke, koerantpapier, papier doilies en haarkapper-benodigdhede. Selfs ‘n ou TV-antenna, leer en windpomp is ingespan om as kersboom te dien. Die nagenoeg 2000 besoekers aan die uitstalling het ook gesorg dat meer as 3000 blikkieskos aan talle welsynsorganisasie geskenk kon word. Die organiseerders doen ‘n beroep op alle sake-ondernemings, verenigings en individue om weer vanjaar aan die Fees van Kersbome deel te neem. Daar sal vanjaar drie kategorieë wees, naamlik kersbome groter as 1.5m, kersbome kleiner as 1.5m en kerskranse. ‘n Spasie sal aan belangstellendes

gegee word om hul versierde kersbome uit te stal en gratis reklame vir hul sake-ondernemings te maak. Die publiek sal inruil vir ‘n blikkie kos ‘n stembrief kry om hul gunstelinge in elk van die kategorieë aan te wys. Die eienaars van die gewildste kersbome of kerskrans sal die voorreg kry om welsynsorganisasies te nomineer aan wie die blikkies geskenk moet word. Om Potchefstromers die geleentheid te gee om gesellig saam met hul familie en vriende in die Museum te kuier, sal kaasborde vanaf 17:00 tot 20:00 te koop aangebied word. Die Potchefstroom Museum sal spesiaal vanaf 20 November tot 6 Desember 2015 weeksdae vanaf 9:00 tot 20:00, Saterdae vanaf 9:00 tot 13:00 en Sondae vanaf 14:30 tot 17:00 vir die publiek oop wees. Almal is welkom om ‘n versierde kersboom of kerskrans vir die uitstalling te bring. Skakel gerus vir Elmarie Weyers van die Potchefstroomse Museum (018 299 5021 of 072 287 7994) of Johnny Ford van die Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Klub (082 804 7835) vir meer besonderhede.


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SHARON: 073 168 5524 15 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 42 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Hot shots show their steel in competition ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER


MAIN PHOTO: The organiser, André Olivier, along with his dedicated team worked hard to make the day a success. LEFT: Willie Oosthuizen was the overall winner of the competition, receiving his trophy from Ibert Joubert, Hartbees Branch Chairman and Pieter Botes, PMP representative. ABOVE: Shaeen Gabru, a long-time member of the Hartbees Branch, claimed second place in the women’s shooting category.

he SA Hunters’ and Game Conservation Association’s Hartbees Branch hosted the prestigious Denel PMP shooting competition last Saturday at the Hartbees Branch’s Syferfontein Shooting Range. The Denel PMP (Pretoria Metal Pressings) Group sponsors 14 of these competitions throughout South Africa as well as 2 in Namibia each year. The Hartbees Branch is proud to have been a host for the past 6 years. André Olivier was in charge of organising the event and did so as his last formal tribute as former Chairman of the club. Participants came from across the country to compete for the best ‘grouping’. A ‘grouping’ is where one shoots a sequence of shots, aiming at the exact same spot on the target. It is then measured (like the diameter of a circle) from the center of the two furthest points of the group shots. This is a good indication of the consistency of the shooter. There were various categories according to the different calibers and participants were also divided into men, women and junior categories. There were 113 shooters participating at the event and there were 716 targets shot on the day. The overall winner was Willie Oosthuizen with a grouping of 4.44mm (234 Win Caliber). Second place was claimed by JP Mare, with a grouping of 8.08mm (222 Rem Caliber). JP was also the winner of the junior category. EE Coetzee took first place in the women’s category with a grouping of 8.38mm (243 Win Caliber) and Shaeen Gabru, second with a grouping of 10.79mm (308 Win Caliber). “The event was hosted under very difficult, hot and windy conditions, which made good groupings difficult,” says Peter Haagner, a member of the Hartbees Branch. Regardless of the extreme conditions, an incredible number of 43 participants managed to obtain groupings less than 18mm. Overall there were very good groupings shot and a lot of participants qualified to go through to the PMP National Championship.

Hanneke wys sy’s ‘n super-atleet in Londen Hanneké Dannhauser het onlangs reuse suksesse behaal in twee Warrior reekse waaraan sy deelneem. Sy het tweede plek in die Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Race in Londen behaal nadat sy 30km en 90 versperrings oorkom het. Daarmee saam moes sy ook ses oorlewings vaardighede toepas. “Dit het gevoel of ek in die weermag is,” vertel Hanneke. Sy het in ‘n stadium ook ‘n vuur moes maak en was meer as een keer naby tou opgooi. Kort op die hakke hiervan het sy ook die eerste plek in die Jeep Warrior Race in Kaapstad behaal. Hanneké sê sy moet dikwels gedurende so ‘n wedren vir haarself sê: “Just don’t stop!” En, sy het nie. Welgedaan Hanneké!


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