NorthWest Independent - The newspaper Potch depends on.

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5 November 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 44 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Skurke loop lig vir dié vrou ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL


lmal sien al uit na die Desember vakansie en miskien ‘n kans om weg te kom van die werk en die huis. Ongelukkig beteken dit in Suid-Afrika ook dat jy jou so aan die risiko van misdaad blootstel, jou huis gaan immers nie saam met vakansie nie. Daarom het die NorthWest Independent gaan kuier by Jeanne Adriaanse, die voorsitter van Potchestroomse Gemeenskap Polisiëringsforum (GPF) om by haar te hoor wat ‘n mens kan doen om met gemoedsrus jou tasse te pak en jou tuiste agter te los. Met die instap kom jy agter Jeanne skrik nie vir niks nie. Tussen die gesels deur beantwoord sy deurklokkies, vinnige boodskappe en laat boonop opknappingswerk aan haar huis doen. Sy lyk glad nie gespanne nie en boonop vertel sy jou ook nie hoe besig sy is nie. Sy verduidelik dat Potchefstroom twee polisie-kantore het: Een in Ikageng en die ander in Potchefstroom self. Die Tlokwe area word ingedeel in drie sektore en elke sektor het verskie buurtwagte en koördineringsgroepe wat as deel van die GPF saam met die Polisie werk om misdaad te bekamp. “Die GPF neem nie die Polisie se werk oor nie!” sê sy. “Elke dorp moet volgens wet ‘n GPF hê. Die Forum is daar om bewusmaking te bevorder, die publiek te waarsku en kommunikasie tussen die publiek en die Polisie te bewerkstellig.” Jeanne sê toe sy ses jaar gelede deel geword het van die GPF was daar maar min kommunikasie tussen die verskillende rolspelers in die Forum. Haar grootste doel was om die

Jeanne Adriaanse, voorsitter van Potchestroomse Gemeenskap Polisiëringsforum (GPF), nooi alle Potchefstromers om haar te kontak as hulle wil weet hoe om in te skakel by dié organisasie. Haar nommer is 083 236 8563.

kommunikasiekanale oop te maak. “En moenie vir ‘n oomblik dink ek stuur net goeie nuus aan nie. As daar kritiek en klagtes is, dan volg ek dit ook op!” Terwyl sy gesels kom ‘n mens agter sy probeer altyd verstaan wat

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mense se optrede onderlê. Sy tree nie self impulsief op nie, maar die verhouding tussen die Polisie en die GPF is duidelik baie goed. Jeanne sê haar beste veiligheidswenk is: Sorg dat jou huis (of blyplek) die moeilikste

is om by in te breek in jou buurt. As ‘n dief wil inbreek, sal hy inbreek, maak dit net vir hom regtig baie moeilik. Hy sal dan eerder ‘n makliker teiken gaan soek. Die één besondere droom wat Jeanne koester is ‘n sateliet-polisiestasie op die Bult. Die idee kom van Kaptein Smit van die Polisie, verduidelik sy. Daar word reeds meer as vyf jaar hieraan beplan, maar telkens het die projek skipbreuk gelei omdat beloftes nie altyd nagekom is nie. Uiteindelik klink dit egter of die droom binnekort bewaarheid gaan word. “En ook hoog tyd,” sê sy. “Misdaad het in die laaste tyd geweldig toegeneem op die Bult. Daar is verskeie faktore wat daartoe bydra, wat hoofsaaklik gedryf word deur die digtheid van mense in die area, maar verseker ook oor die agterlosigheid van die inwoners. Dit is jong mense wat pas uit hulle ouerhuise kom en nie gewoond is aan die verantwoordelikheid van self jou goed oppas nie – hulle loop veral deur!” Jeanne sê dat sy glo aan die sogenaamde “broken windows”-teorie wat Rudy Giuliani New York se burgemeester toegepas het om nie klein misdade toe te laat nie. “Dit begin by slordige tuine, sypaadjies en erwe rondom jou. Misdadigers floreer in sulke areas. Dink dus baie mooi voordat jy vullis in die oop erf oorkant jou gaan gooi en dink niemand gee om nie. Jy benadeel net jouself.” Dink ook voordat jy mense op straat geld en kos gee. “Jy betaal hulle letterlik om daar te bly,” sê sy. “Ek weet mense stem nie noodwendig met my saam nie, maar dit is inderdaad wat gebeur. Daar is ander maniere om dié probleme op te los. Dit is net die maklikste opsie om geld te gee.”

91 WALTER SISULU STREET TEL : 018 285 74 70




Hoër Volkskool kies nuwe studenteraad vir 2016

Christi-Léne Sauer (PrintCaféPotch), Catharien Saayman (Abraham Kriel Chil & Youth Care Centre) Lourens van Niekerk (AKCYCC) and Cobus Veenendaal (PrintCaféPotch) with the money they collected for Abraham Kriel.

Print shop makes novel plan te help kids Local Potchefstroom business, PrintCaféPotch, held a charity drive in support of The Abraham Kriel Child & Youth Care Centre Potchefstroom. It was the brainchild of PrintCaféPotch employee, Christi-Léne Sauer, to run an exciting promotion where proceeds and donations would go entirely towards Abraham Kriel. This promotion saw PrintCaféPotch’s A4 canvas prints go at unbelievable prices – the first canvas for R1 and R60 for each subsequent order. Considering that these would normally cost up to R180, this was a deal that had customers flocking to the store and a whopping 730 canvases were ordered and printed over the promotional period. A designated Abraham Kriel collection jar was filled by grateful customers, too – this amount, along with the money collected for the R1 canvases, went to the centre.

On Monday 2 November PrintCaféPotch representatives Christi-Léne Sauer and Cobus Veenendaal, handed over the money that had been raised. Along with the donation came more good news: PrintCaféPotch owner, Johann du Toit, undertook to match the donation if Abraham Kriel representatives could correctly guess the amount in the collection jar (within a R20 range). There was much excitement as Lourens van Niekerk, a social worker at Abraham Kriel, guessed the correct amount within the R20 range, thus doubling the original R2 903 donation to R5 806. The Abraham Kriel will be using the proceeds to expand their Festival of Lights. Kilometers of lights have already been strung and you are invited to come and see this flickering phenomenon on the grounds of Abraham Kriel from 20 November – 24 December.

Die studenteraad-meisies van Hoër Volkskool is voor: Nine Brits (vise-president), Lize-Mari de Lange (vise-president), Elanza Jurgens en Lize-Mari Smit. Agter is Anke Wagner, Janeke Ackerman, Elanie Stapelberg, Melissa Lotter, Lune Smit (president), Xante van Heerden, Lauren Snyman, Kristen Louw, Caitlinn Rousseau en Larissa Gouws.

Die studenteraad-seuns van Hoër Volkskool is Reinhardt Scholtz, Johann Glover, William de Paiva en Ruan von Abo (president). Agter is Hendrik Weideman, Johan Burke, Leon Jordaan, Juan Kleynhans, Warren Fuller, Wayne Preece, Armand Vermeulen, Ryan de Jongh, Jandre Olivier en Eduan Ritchie (vise-president).


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Michael en Jolene is die trotse ouers van Oktober se babakompetisiewenner, Marissa Roets. Dié pragtige babadogtertjie is nie na iemand vernoem nie, haar ouers het net gedink dis ‘n mooi naam, vertel Ma Jolene. Marissa is stroopsoet en hou baie van haar speelgoed. Sy glimlag altyd, is baie nuuskierig en hou baie van handjiesklap. Ma en Pa Roets won­der met groot af­wag­ting of sy eerste “pappa” of “mamma” gaan sê, want sy “oefen” deesdae baie hard! Op nege maande is dit hoog tyd, sê haar ma. Jolene se wenk vir ‘n gelukkige baba van dié ouderdom: “Gee jou kind soveel liefde en aandag as wat jy kan, want voor jy weer kyk is hulle groot.”


Drie besluite wat Potchefstromers se oë laat rek Wat het die volgende sake in gemeen: Meer parallelmediumklasse op die Puk; ‘n ja-stem vir gay huwelike in die NG Kerk; en ‘n prominente DA-politikus van Potch wat uit die party geskop is? Die Vrou Wat Weet vertel.


ir die tipiese wit leser van hierdie koerant het hierdie besluite nie net uit die bloute gekom nie, maar jou leefwêreld dalk effens omkrap. Al raak dit jou nie persoonlik nie. Al dink jy dit raak jou nie. Maar is ons dan nie al gewoond aan verrassings nie? Verwag ons regtig dat alles rustig gaan voortgaan soos die “goeie ou dae”? En verteenwoordig van die besluite nie juis goeie nuus nie? Gun hierdie tannie ‘n paar opmerkings, met dank aan my vriend se vriend wat, soos altyd, in die koerante snuffel en oor ‘n glasie sauvig­ non blanc of twee oor die beteken van die lewe wonder. Punt nommer een: Parallelmediumklasse is reeds lankal deel van die NWU se taalbeleid. Dit gaan nou net uitgebrei word om diegene wat Engels verkies (ook) gelukkig te maak. Nou is sommige Afrikaanse ouers ongeluk-

kig. Dalk omdat hulle bang is hul kinders kies stilletjies om na die Engelse klasse te gaan? Kom ons leef en laat leef. Daar is plek vir Afrikaans op die Puk. Daar kan ook plek wees vir Engels. Trouens, daar is reeds plek vir Engels. Deur oop te wees vir Engels, beskerm ons sommer ook Afrikaans. Vandaar dat prof. Hermann Giliomee van Stellenbosch nou pa­ rallelmediumklasse vir die Maties bepleit. Dus: Laat julle harte nie ontsteld raak nie. Praat en skryf en lees en kyk liewers Afrikaans as om alewig in Afrikaans te moun. Die tweede besluit wat sommige mense erg omkrap, is die NG Kerk se algemene sinode oor gays. Daar is besluit gay is oukei. Maar net as die gemeente daarmee kan saamleef...

Juanita Terblanche se toekoms is in die weegskaal.

Wat beteken dat jy nie gou ‘n gay huwelik in ‘n NG kerkgebou op Potch gaan sien nie. Altans, dis hoe ek die windrigting peil. Dit is goeie nuus vir bruilof-venues wat nie na seksuele voorkeure vra nie. So dit raak jou nie? Dalk ken jy jou kind net nie goed genoeg nie. Dit sal jou sterk anti-gay-standpunt in sy spore stuit as jy

verneem hy/sy is toe inderdaad anders. Of, as jy al lankal daarmee vrede gemaak het, sug jy dalk “Dankie, Here” omdat jy ‘n sagte liefde vir jou kind het. Die derde saak het ook as ‘n ligte skok gekom. Juanita Terblanche, kiesafdelinghoof van die DA en bekende op die dorp, se loopbaan lyk daarmee heen te wees. Volgens berigte is sy uit die party geskop oor sake wat nie duidelik is nie. Sal sy die skorsing aanvaar of alle middele inspan om haar lidmaatskap te herstel? Haar loopbaan as parlementslid is immers op die spel. Ek vermoed sy sal veg, want die Hattinghs (sy is mos Chris se dogter) gaan nie sommer lê nie. Volgens die berig in die Sunday Times kom die saak teen haar al jare. Besonderhede is egter skaars, maar die betrokkenes sal vandeesweek al begin praat, as jy my vra. Hierdie een gaan nie stilweg verdwyn nie. Alles bymekaar getel beteken hierdie beslui­ te dat ons in opwindende, onseker tye leef. Daarom: leef versigtig soos slange en opreg soos duiwe.

Kennisgewing / Notice BOEDELKENNISGEWING

since 1918

Gebore: 27.12.1938 Oorlede: 30.10.2015

Die troosdiens vind plaas op Woensdag, 04.11.2015 om 11H00 vanuit die Gereformeerde gemeente, die Bult te Potchefstroom en word waargeneem deur Ds Fanie Coetzee.


Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

24/7 (018) 294 3269


since 1918

Melinda: 082 660 4060 | Golden: 079 704 9697 Michael: 083 738 3786 018 297 7403/4/5 • H/v Albert Luthuli & Molenstraat, Potchefstroom


Chubby Fillets





Die troosdiens vind plaas op Donderdag, 05.10.2015 om 12H00 vanuit die NG Miederpark gemeente en Ds. Okkie Cilliers sal die diens waarneem.


Ons Is Hier Vir Jou

24/7 (018) 294 3269 DELIVERY OR COLLECT



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Gebore: 12.04.1957 Oorlede: 30.10.2015


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Nee vir gay dominee? Vergeet van trou...


ie onlangse besluit van die NG Kerk om in beginsel gay predikante toe te laat op die preekstoel het steeds Christen-gemeenskap aan die gons. ‘n Mens moet seker ‘n bietjie simpatie hê met die lidmate wat gewalg is oor die moontlikheid dat hulle dalk eersdaags vir ‘n gay mens moet “do­minee” sê. As jy elke versie in die Bybel letterlik opneem, is dit seker verstaanbaar dat jy ‘n hekel sal hê in gays en dat jy in vrees en bewing leef oor die moontlikheid dat ‘n gay leraar jou in die verderf sal lei of jou kroos korrupteer. As jy so sterk voel oor die boosheid van homoseksualiteit, sal jy natuurlik doodseker wil maak dat geen aspek van jou lewe deur gay mense geraak word nie. Veral nie wanneer dit by geestesgoedere kom wat ‘n Christen se morele kompas van Ware Noord kan laat afwyk nie. Jy kan tog onmoontlik so ‘n sterk weersin hê in ‘n gay predikant dat jy wil afstig, maar dan ‘n boek lees van ‘n gay skrywer of ‘n Sondagkoerant koop waarvan die redakteur gay is nie? Die Bybel maak dit baie duidelik dat ‘n Christen nie dubbelstandaarde kan hê nie – as jy regtig sterk voel oor ‘n saak moet jy streng hou by die Woord se voorskrifte daaroor. Afrikaanse homofobe sit eintlik in ‘n heel unieke penarie as hulle konsekwent hul hekel aan gays wil uitleef. Want ons kultuurgoedere is deurdrenk met die bydraes van gay kuns­ tenaars, digters, skrywers, joernaliste, TV- en radio-aanbieders, akteurs, sangers, resensente,


regisseurs en vervaardigers. Wees seker dat baie van jou gunsteling sepie-karakters deur gay akteurs vertolk word – ja, dalk selfs ‘n goedige antie of twee wat jou tone laat krul van lekkerkry met hul kwinkslae! Jy moet ook bedag wees daarop dat daar meer as een Afrikaanse televisie-nuusleser is wat vir die ander span speel en dat van die gewildste geselsprogramme deur gays aangebied en vervaardig word. Selfs ons skole en universiteite wemel van die gays en van ons land se mees gerespekteerde regskenners is so gay soos ‘n piekniekmandjie. Jy moet eintlik ook mooi dink voor jy by ‘n sekere supermark kruideniersware gaan koop, want hoe kan jy ‘n onderneming ondersteun wat ‘n bekende gay vermaaklikheidskunstenaar in advertensies gebruik? Dan praat ons nie eers oor die dilemma van ouers wat ‘n troue vir hul dogter reël maar

nie ‘n gay dominee op die preekstoel wil hê nie. In welke geval jy natuurlik sal wil seker maak die ontwerper van jou dogter se trourok het nie “onnatuurlike” seksuele neigings nie. Jy sal heel moontlik ook ongemaklike vrae moet vra oor die kêrel wat die blomme doen, die orrelis, die fotograaf, die caterer, die grimeerkunstenaar en tien teen een ook die haarstilis. Afrikaanse kunstefeeste moet jy liefs ook soos die pes vermy want dis ‘n berugte nes vir skeppende gays. Feit is, as jy regtig ‘n lewe wil lei sonder enige blootstelling aan gays het jy bitter min beweegruimte. Jou lewe sal baie baie armer wees en jy sal kort voor lank nie ‘n benul hê wat in die wêreld aangaan nie. Die alternatief is dat jy weer ‘n keer die Bybel gaan lees en jouself afvra hoeveel van die ander argaïese voorskrifte daarin respekteer moderne Christene werklik vandag nog? En miskien moet jy dalk ook weer gaan dink oor Jesus se boodskap van liefde en die wese van goedheid. Hoekom is net liefde tussen sekere mense heilig? Watter sterfling kan besluit dat een mens se liefde goed is maar ‘n ander mens se liefde boos is? Soos die Groot Boek sê: Al praat jy die tale van mense en engele, maar jy het geen liefde nie, het jy ‘n stuk klinkende metaal, ‘n galmende simbaal geword. Net miskien kom jy eendag by die poorte van die hemel om uit te vind dat jou morele kompas toe al die tyd “klinkende metaal” was wat skeefgetrek was deur vrees en vooroordeel. En dat ALLE liefde God eintlik behaag.

21 Trees to be planted As part of the build up to the COP21 to be held in Paris later this month, Tlokwe City Council is partnering with Miss EarthSA, Carla Viktor, to take up the global challenge of planting 21 trees exactly 21 days before the world climate change conference. The event is spearheaded by Ina Stoltz, Climate Change Champion for SALGA North West and also the local MMC for Community Services. The COP annual meeting this year is again expected to deliver a major agreement on the action plan for saving the planet from the disastrous consequences of rising average global temperatures. The term ‘COP’ stands for Conference of Parties. ‘Parties’ is a reference to currently 196 signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC. “Tlokwe City Council is committed to playing its role in whatever form possible with the limited resources at its disposable. We know that people of this city also love the trees,” says Stoltz. “As a municipal department we will continue to encourage to plant trees, especially in the townships. With each RDP house coming up we donate a plant and encourage beneficiaries to plant particularly fruit trees.” The tree planting event will be held at the Dan Tloome Gardens next to the Council Chambers at 11:00 on Monday, November 9.

Kennisgewing / Notice MARNEWICK & GREYLING PROKUREURS Benodig die dienste van ‘n Senior Invorderingstikster/Sekretaresse Posvereistes: Bestuur van Skuldinvorderingsafdeling Werksondervinding van minimum 5 jaar in Regspraktyk Rekenaarvaardig: Word & Excel Goeie menseverhoudinge Ondervinding van Lexpro sal as aanbeveling dien Ten volle tweetalig (Afrikaans & Engels) Aanstelling onderhewig aan proeftydperk. CV aan: Sluitingsdatum: 13 November 2015 Salaris onderhandelbaar. Diensaanvaarding so spoedig moontlik”. Ons vertrou u vind bogenoemde in orde. Die uwe MARNEWICK & GREYLING PROKUREURS

Should hair really be such a big issue?


recently got some hairstyling advice which boiled down to getting rid of the grey in my hair. Apparently it makes me look like a granny. I considered taking the advice for a day or two. Then I saw an elderly woman barely able to shuffle along the street but sporting a pitch-black mane and instantly decided against it. I’ve never really bothered much about the stuff that grows out of my head but I know that hair is an issue. I like mine the way it was made to be, kroes, and I’m often chastised for that preference. I’ve been told how unproffesional, uncivilised and rural or just plain lazy I am for liking the fuzz that decorates my head. A while back I had a purple hairdo and found out that girls with rainbow coloured hair are considered easy. What a revelation! That hair can be the means to guage a person’s sexual availability as well. What if you just like the colour green?

To all the men whose come-on is an offer to give me money to get my hair done: your pick-up line can’t be an insult. It’s not flattering when a person’s means of getting a woman’s attention is to suggest she change

her appearance. Having natural hair is not a sign of being unable to afford good grooming. Maybe an inability to appreciate natural beauty is a sign of mental poverty. I don’t follow a certain religion and I don’t hear any ancestors speaking to me just because I keep my hair the way nature intends it to be. Just as a weave or relaxed hair would not automatically make me educated, sophisticated or proffessional. You can tell nothing about me from my hair except that I chose to keep it the way you see it. Most of these suggestions to “upgrade” my appearance are given by people who have hair just like mine. Maybe it’s not supposed to matter so much because we do it to each other. So much for loving yourself. Who needs Black Pride when R200 can buy a head of smooth gladde hare for a few weeks? Why not get to know a person before you presume to know what they are? Of all the ways in which we can measure the content of

POTCH IMPRESSIONS By Netta Drift a person’s character why should hair be one? Should we complain about people being superficial and fake when we actually encourage each other to be that way? It would be descriminatory to base the calibre of a person on race or sex, yet hair is an exception. When you stop and think about it, should hair really be such an issue? The stuff on top of a person’s head is nothing more than an indication of their ability to chose a hairdo. Don’t read too much into it - as they say: Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Revision of the 1996 White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage The Department of Arts and Culture is currently embarking on the work to revise the 1996 White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage. Since its adoption in 1996, the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage has provided a key policy framework Journalist Carin Venter at the launch of her book The Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site - a sense of place.

Travel book launched


for the Department and the entire sector. It has set the tone for redress, transformation, protection, preservation and promotion of South African arts, culture and heritage products, services and offerings. It has been almost 20 years since the adoption of the 1996 White Paper and, since then, a lot has happened within Government and the sector as a whole, such as the establishment of a separate Department of Arts and Culture, the


adoption of the National Development Plan, the centrality of the Nation Building and Social Cohesion Agenda, etc.

Potchefstroom journalist Carin Venter saw her two-year dream realised with the publication of her first book in the intriguing series: SA Roads Less Travelled. This debut book in the series is titled The Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site – a sense of place. It focuses specifically on areas within - and surrounding the Vredefort Dome. The author travelled extensively to many remote, secluded locations in search of hidden gems - rare and beautiful places that many people are not aware of, with the prospect of highlighting them for other travellers. “I realised that such a book did not yet exist in South Africa and I decided to start writing about these less-known places that needed to be discovered. I wanted to start with the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site. I began my research and eventually it grew into this 200page book,” explains Carin. She conducted hours of in-depth research with numerous professors from North West University and other knowledgeable sources. Field guide Warrin Flores had a huge impact on her thought process when writing the book. “He has an exhaustive knowledge of the Dome that only a local could have,” explains Carin. Her book starts off with a background to South Africa and then takes readers into the Dome and its surrounding towns. The history of each town - Potchefstroom, Parys, Vredefort and Viljoenskroon - are described along with interesting facts about the area, what to look out for as well as places of interest and activities exclusive to the area. “You will definitely need more than a weekend to see all the amazing sites that the Vredefort Dome has on offer,” says Carin. Carin is excited to have been commissioned to start the second book in the series SA Road Less Travelled. “I have an idea that it will involve regions in the Eastern Cape but I am still contemplating,” Carin teases. The book will soon be available at Exclusive Books.

The White Paper review process is intended to provide an opportunity to reflect on the successes and challenges of the 1996 White Paper, identify prevailing policy gaps and challenges and offer solutions. It is an opportunity for the Department and the entire sector to craft a new vision for South African arts, culture and heritage for the next 20 years, in line with the National Development Plan. The revised White Paper will also provide short- to medium-term recommendations for the Department and the ACH sector, focusing on opportunities to broaden participation in the sector and create sustainable livelihoods. The Department believes that it is essential to obtain input from stakeholders and other interested parties. Up to this point, 3 public consultations have been held (Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban). DAC Public Entities have also been engaged through the stewardship of the Deputy Directors-General. Accordingly, the following public participation platforms have been scheduled as the Department continues with the process:

Schedule for Public Consultations on the Review of the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage Activity




Mpumalanga Public Consultations

Nelspruit (Nutting House)

4 November 15

09h00 to 15h00

North West Public Consultations

Mahikeng (Mmabatho Palms)

11 November 15

09h00 to 15h00

Northern Cape Public Consultations

Kimberly (William Humphrey Art Gallery)

18 November 15

09h00 to 15h00

Gauteng Public Consultations

Pretoria (Ditsong Museum)

20 November 15

09h00 to 15h00

The public or interested parties can also send their written submissions to the following email addresses: dacwhitepaper@ / For further information and clarity, members of the public are invited to contact Mr Sthenjwa Ngcobo at sthenjwan@ or 071 683 8472. Interested parties are also invited to RSVP to Sthenjwa Ngcobo at the above email address.


Friendship is more than a number on Facebook ¢¢ PAIGE TURNER

“I’m so impressed with my partner,” I announce around the braai fire. “Two years ago the Luddite wouldn’t use an ATM and now he’s opened a Twitter account!” “What’s Twitter?” grunts someone, out of the smoke. Be kind. There is still a large population which isn’t familiar with social media and – tempting though it may be – it’s kinder not to LOL, with an OMG or a more likely instant WTF? FOMO is not something that afflicts everyone. When Fear Of Missing Out does catch the population that depends on screens for its

POTCH ONLINE definition of life, the universe, everything and then some, it does so – in some cases - with a ferocity rivalled only by a Potchefstromer on his third day of queueing at our inimitably inept Licensing department. A side explanation for the newbies: Twitter and Facebook are the country’s two most popular social media sites and while there are many differences between the two, one of the most significant is the restriction around access. If you are on Twitter, anybody can follow what you say and Tweeters take pride in counting

Kennisgewing / Notice KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN POTCHEFSTROOM DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 1980, INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986), SAAMGELEES MET SPLUMA, WET 16 VAN 2013 POTCHEFSTROOM WYSIGINGSKEMA 2138 Ek, J.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners BK [Reg No. 2006/148547/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 205, Dassierand, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Noordwes Provinsie, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013, kennis dat ons by die Tlokwe Stadsraad aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Potchefstroom Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, soos gewysig, deur die hersonering van bogenoemde eiendom geleë te Fererostraat 4, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 3”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Stadsraad Kantore, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 10 November 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 10 November 2015 skriftelik tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtige agent: H & W TOWN PLANNERS, Posbus 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520, Tel : 018 297 7077 [JJ Botha], Verw: HB 201543

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE POTCHEFSTROOM TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 1980, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), READ TOGETHER WITH SPLUMA, ACT 16 OF 2013 POTCHEFSTROOM AMENDMENT SCHEME 2138 I, J.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners CC [Reg Nr. 2006/148547/23], being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 205, Dassierand, Registration Division I.Q., North West Province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, read together with SPLUMA, Act 16 of 2013, that we have applied to the Tlokwe City Council for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme, 1980, as amended, by the rezoning of the above mentioned property situated at 4 Ferero Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Tlokwe City Council Offices, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, for a period of 28 days from 10 November 2015 Objection to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to him at P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, within a period of 28 days from 10 November 2015. Address of authorised agent:H & W TOWN PLANNERS, PO Box 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520, Tel: 018 297 7077 [JJ Botha], Ref: HB 201543

their followers. The more you have, the stronger your cyber-voice. On Facebook, on the other hand, people send you a ‘friend request’ and you can accept or reject their overtures. You have a lot more control over who may have glimpses into your private life, your daily ruminations and the latest picture of your cat, lying doing nothing particularly special at all. Each person on Facebook has a catalogue of friends – usually open to viewing by others. And this is where this medium becomes fascinating. Researchers in Australia reveal that


we form an average of 396 personal relationships but only 33, one in 12, will stand the test of time. And only one in five of these - just half a dozen people - is considered a close friend while the rest are ‘social friendships’. Okay – they’re Australians, so not a helluva lot of people want to be friends with them, but they’re good figures for comparison. Official Facebook figures show that the average user has 338 online friends. Yep. Only 338. If you’re astonished at this information because you have 1 298 online friends and that’s only because you haven’t got around to sending out requests this week, then you’re either a teenager dodging maths homework, or you have a problem. A serious one. You can’t logically have over a thousand contacts and call them friends. Ask yourself these questions – have I met them in person? Have I had a meaningful conversation with each of them? If I saw them in the mall would I recognise them? Apart from being on FB, do we have any other common interest? Would I buy them coffee if I saw them tomorrow, or look awkwardly in another direction? Wouldn’t I be better off collecting stamps, rather than people? Cleanse, toss, wipe out. ‘Unfriend’ anyone who isn’t special to your life. Tonight. Then walk outside, knock on a neighbour’s door and introduce yourself. There’s a real life out there. YOLO.

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7 Kennisgewing / Notice TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL: TENDER NOTICE TENDER 74/2015: PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT OF ERVEN IN DASSIERAND, IKAGENG, IKAGENG EXTENSIONS 3, 6, 7 AND 11, PROMOSA, PROMOSA EXTENSIONS 2 AND 3, POTCHINDUSTRIA, MOHADIN, MOHADIN EXTENSION 1 AND POTCHEFSTROOM In terms of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Financial Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) the Tlokwe City Council hereby invites tenders for the purchase and development of the under-mentioned erven. Certain documents must be attached to your tender. Particulars thereof are indicated on the tender form. TENDER FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM 26 OCTOBER 2015 at the Department of Finance, Room 104, First Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R200.00 per document and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom Tenders for the purchase of the following erven are invited:




Area approximately (m2)

Zoning (land use)

Remainder of Erf 247

111 Chief Albert Luthuliry Drive

5 000 “Business 3”


5 Stan Street

2 168 “Educational”

Portion 2 of Erf 418

14 Vegkoppie Street


957 “Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house)

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R1 250 000 R350 000 R200 000


Address Kothalang Street

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 249

Zoning (land use) “Institutional”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R70 000



Portion 22 of Erf 14446

Mare Street

Portion 1 of Erf 14453 Portion 6 of Erf 18565

Rata Street Ramhitsane Street

577 328

Portion 7 of Erf 18565

Ramhitsane Street


Portion 8 of Erf 18565

Ramhitsane Street




Erf 10881 Erf 11427 Erf 11818 Erf 12540 Erf 13181 Erf 13800 Erf 13827 Erf 14179

Iketleng Street Boitumelo Street Areaganeng Street Mogolodi Street Areaganeng Street Areaganeng Street Baitshepi Street First Avenue 40

Erf 10853

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 264 1 210 615 1 669 921 829 1 685 1 289

Zoning (land use) “Business 4” “Business 4” “Business 3” “Business 4” “Business 4” “Business 4” “Business 4” “Business 4”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R90 000 R85 000 R50 000 R115 000 R65 000 R60 000 R110 000 R90 000

Address 17 Daniel Street 61 Promosa Street

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 144 1 346

Zoning (land use) “Business 3” “Business 3”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R110 000 R125 000




Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 948

Zoning (land use) “Institutional”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R100 000

Erf RE/15579

Erf 464

Address Mogolodi and Seboni Streets

1442 (Rocky in nature) 1638 1665 These two erven will be consolidated with each other 1949 (Rocky in nature)

Address 77 to 79 Kleurpoort Street 87 to 89 Kleurpoort Street 34 to 38 Carnation Street 1 to 3 Manchester Street 5 Manchester Street

R45 000 R45 000

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 776

Zoning (land use) “Public Garage”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R300 000

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 885

Zoning (land use) “Business 1”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R140 000

32 Jeppe Street 30 Jeppe Street 11 Abattoir Street 36 Jeppe Street panhandle access 34 Jeppe Street 138 Slade (Ross) Street

Area approximately 2 (m ) 3 290 3 078 4 134 10 695

Zoning (land use) “Industrial 1” “Industrial 1” “Industrial 1” “Industrial 1”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R340 000 R300 000 R285 000 R750 000

9 140 1 197

“Industrial 1” “Industrial 1”

R650 000 R240 000

Address 99 Vierdelaan

Erf 5* Erf 6* Erf 7*

Zoning (land use) “Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house)

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R120 000

Address 12 Dahbel Street 10 Dahbel Street 6 Dahbel Street

“Residential 2”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R200 000

2 279

“Residential 2”

R150 000

2 960

“Residential 2”

R170 000

Total area is 1 303 345

Zoning (land use)

“Institutional” (créche)

R90 000

“Residential 1 (ordinary dwelling house)

R40 000

Area approximately 2 (m ) 929 975 1 441

Zoning (land use) “Business 3” “Business 3” “Business 3”

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R90 000 R85 000 R140 000


Area approximately 2 (m ) 856

Area approximately 2 (m ) 5 013




R50 000 R45 000



Portion 53 of Erf 247 Portion 19 of Erf 320

Mogolodi 42 and 46

1947 1948


Portion 46 of Erf 247 Portion 47 of Erf 247 Portion 48 of Erf 247 Portion 50 of Erf 247





“Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house) “Institutional” “Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house) “Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house) “Residential 1” (ordinary dwelling house)

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R40 000



656 659

Zoning (land use)



Area approximately 2 (m ) 252

Remaining Extent of Erf 186 Portion of Remaining Extent of Erf 1050

Address 111 Rivier Street

Area approximately 2 (m ) 1 419

106 Dwars Street


Zoning (land use) “Business 4” “Residential 1” (potential for higher density residential land use rights)

Reserve price (R) (VAT incl) R850 000 R250 000

DOLOMITE AFFECTED ERVEN The erven that are marked with an asterisk, are dolomite affected. Important information regarding the requirements for development of each of these erven which must strictly be adhered to, is attached to the tender document as Annexure B. Sealed tenders endorsed “TENDER: ERF” must be placed in the tender box at the office of the Speaker, Third Floor, Room 315, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 30 NOVEMBER 2015 whereafter it will be opened in public in the Committee Room on the Third Floor of the said Dan Tloome Complex. COUNCIL DOES NOT BIND ITSELF TO ACCEPT THE HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER Notice 129/2015 DR NE BLAAI-MOKGETHI MUNICIPAL MANAGER

5 November 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 44 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Soldiers show their skills

Robert is Speler van die Jaar


By ‘n spog-prysuitdeling by die Elgro-hotel is Robert Kruger onlangs as die Luiperds se Speler van die Jaar aangewys. Daar word hard agter die skerms gewerk om Kruger met die Leeus se hulp vir die Luiperds te behou hoewel die kanse goed is dat hy saam met Robert Du Preez Sharks toe gaan. Nog nuus is dat John-Roy Jenkinson Varsitybeker-rugby vir die Maties gaan speel en dat die Onder 19 Speler van die Jaar, Cooper Masuku, ‘n Leeu gaan word. Die top-driedrukker in die Onder 19-liga, Zweli Silaule, gaan Sharks toe en die hulp-afrigter Jaco Pienaar en sportwetenskaplike Jacus Coetzee word albei Bulle. Die Luiperds en die NWU-Puk sal dus ‘n splinternuwe afrigtingspan vir aanstaande seisoen moet aanstel. BRON: Suparugby. FOTO: Mario van de Wal.

Gholf-entoesiaste neem krieketveld oor Só sien mens nie dikwels Noordwes Krieket Unie se tuisveld, Senwes Park nie! Verlede Donderdag en Vrydag het die stadion ‘n metamorfose ondergaan toe die hele terrein in ‘n mini-gholfbaan omskep is vir die jaarlikse Stadion Gholf vir losiehouers. Nagenoeg 220 gesoute (en -beginner) gholfers het die dag saam met die Unie geniet. Selfs die hitte het nie gholfliefhebbers laat wegbly nie. Miskien omdat die afkoel daarna so lekker was?

Layout and design by: KREATIVMEDIA HUB


For the second year SAASIC Reserve, a unit under command of SA Army Infantry Formation, had the honour of organising and hosting the Military Skills Competition in Potchefstroom. What started out as an Army entity, grew into an annual SANDF competition, with international as well as local participants. 175 South African Soldiers - including 21 women - representing all the arms of services and 19 participants from Botswana, UK, Netherlands and Denmark took part in this event. Amongst the prestigious attendees were the Military Attaché of Netherlands, Maj Gen R.C. Andersen, the Chief Defense Reserves and in the absence of Maj Gen L. Yam - the General Officer Commanding of the South African Infantry Formation - Col V.P. Maleka. The Military Skills competition is designed to test all key Infantry - and other - military skills: rifle and pistol shooting, water and land obstacle crossing, an 8km combat run and hand grenade throwing. This event is an excellent test of the combat readiness status of soldiers. The highlight of the event took place at the Kopanelo obstacle course where the competition focused on grenade throwing and obstacle crossing and was followed on Saturday by an award function where the following winners were announced: Overall Individual Winner: 2Lt Purchase from Regiment Mooi Rivier. Overall Team Winner: Regiment Mooi Rivier Seven of these competitors will take part in an international competition in 2016.

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