8 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 41 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | northwestindependent@telkomsa.net | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free
Honderde sit hul voete neer in Snowflake A ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
s jy Dinsdagaand jou voet wou neersit teen kindermolestering moes jy fyn trap. Die Snowflake was stampvol mense wat die opening van die Sit Jou Voet Neer-uitstalling bygewoon het en kom luister het na die Noordwes Kinderkoor se uitvoering van die liedjie The Beat of Our Feet. Dit is spesi aal geskryf deur Susan Booyens, bekende in mediakringe, en die woorde is deur Anton Pottas, dirigent van dié koor getoonset. Volgens Martie Bothma, kurator van die Snowflake gebou, is die openingsgeleentheid die “beste en lekkerste opening” sedert die ontstaan van Aardklop in Potchefstroom. “Die Sit Jou Voet Neer-projek bring nuwe hoop en lewe na die sosiale bewusmakingsveldtogte wat die afgelope vyf jaar die hooftema van Snowflake is,” sê Martie. Kara van der Merwe, die graad 9 meisie wat ‘n slagoffer speel van kindermolestering in die fliek Dis Ek, Anna, is die dryfkrag agter die projek wat deur die vervaardigers as die amptelike projek vir die fliek aangeneem is. “Dit was wonderlik om te sien hoeveel mense die Sit Jou Voet Neer-projek ondersteun en betrokke wil raak,” sê Kara. “Ek is baie opgewonde oor die res van die week se uitstal ling en alles wat nog gaan gebeur!” Die uitstalling is geopen deur die aktrise Charlene Brouwer wat die hoofrol vertolk in die fliek Dis ek, Anna. “Vir my was die absolute hoogtepunt van die aand om die Noordwes Kinderkoor te kon ontmoet,” sê Charlene. “Die kinders is die rede hoekom ons almal doen wat ons doen. Hulle talent en kinderlike braafheid het my as volwassene net verder geïnspireer om net nog harder aan ons saak
Annazel Jansen en Kara van der Merwe by Dinsdagaand se opening. LINKS: Die aktrise Charlene Brouwer het ‘n prettige “selfie” saam met die Noordwes Kinderkoor geneem.
te werk.” Die fliek Dis ek, Anna word op 23 Oktober 2015 uitgereik, maar daar is Vrydag (9 Oktober) ‘n enkele vertoning by die Mooi rivier Mall om 17:00. Die bekende Potchefstromer Janet Potgieter, Mev. Afrika Globe 2014, het ook haar gewig agter die projek gegooi en het ná die opening gesê: “Dit was ‘n onvergeetlike oomblik om oor die see van gesigte te kyk in die Snowflake! Dis ongelooflik hoe plaaslike, nasionale én internasionale steun vir dié sosiale media-veldtog die afgelope week ontplof het. Ek
weet dat deur saam te staan, kan ons ‘n wêreldwye impak hê en ‘n verskil maak in mishandelde kinders se lewens.” Gedurende Aardklop is Kara en haar span op die heel boonste vlak van Snowflake beskikbaar om te gesels oor die projek. Foto’s kan ook geneem word van jou voete. Verskeie sterre het dit reeds gedoen. Die foto’s word te koop aangebied en die geld sal aan orga nisasies geskenk word wat slagoffers van kindermolestering help. Die pragtige foto uitstalling is die moeite werd om te sien!
Van die voetfoto’s wat nog tot Saterdag in die Snowflake gebou te sien is as deel van die Sit Jou Voet Neer-uitstalling.
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A happy wall for all Het kleiner partye ‘n invloed in stadsraad? ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER
Het die DA, VF+ en Cope ‘n invloed op die huidige ANC-beheerde Tlokwe-stadsraad, vra Die Vrou Wat Weet, NorthWest Independent se voorbarige korrespondent oor plaaslike politiek.
et die vyfjaarlikse stadsraadsverkiesing op die horison, is dit nogal ‘n belangrike vraag. Mens kry so die indruk die ANC maak soos hy wil en steur hom aan niks en niemand nie. So was dit ook nou met die herafbakening van plaaslike owerhede, wat meebring dat Venterdorp by ons op Potch ingelyf word. Hoewel die afbakening nie deur die regering gedoen word nie, kry mens die indruk die afbakeningsraad dans maar te graag na die minister se pype. Die DA het gehoop om Tlokwe te wen (saam met ander partye), maar met Venterdorp bygetel, gaan die ANC waarskynlik in beheer bly. Die herafbakeningsproses was so vol gate dat die DA hof toe is, maar die saak sloer. As die hof die DA se saak uitgooi, is dit neusie verby. Wen die DA sy saak, sal Ventersdorp (vir eers) op sy eie mishopie bly en ons verkiesing in Potch heel interessant raak. Die DA, VF+ en die EFF kan dalk net die meerderheid word en met die vraag sit of hulle vir mekaar kans sien in ‘n koalisieregering. Kry die ANC egter die meerderheid, sit ons weer met ‘n situasie soos nou. Die ANC maak soos hulle wil en die kleiner partye kla steen en been. Met weinig effek. Want behalwe as jy die ANC in die hof vasvat, luister hulle na niks behalwe hulle eie
belang nie. Nou kan jy soms, net soms, ‘n oorwinning in die hof behaal, maar oor die algemeen moet die minderheidspartye weet dat hulle doelbewus geïgnoreer word. Ontwikkeling, kospakkies en ander voordele sal steeds van ondersteuners van die DA, Cope, VF+ en EFF weerhou word, al betaal belastingbetalers daarvoor. Elke triek in die boek sal gebruik word om die ANC goed te laat lyk en ander te benadeel. Dis hoe die ANC in Tlokwe opereer. Gaan dit dus die moeite werd wees om volgende jaar te stem? Gaan dit help om spesifiek vir die DA en ander kleiner partye te stem? Ek dink wel so. Dalk wen die partye wat nou in opposisie is tog die meerderheid se steun. Mens mag maar droom. Maar as dit nie gebeur nie, sien ek swarigheid. Die ANC sal dan opvoeter vir nog vyf jaar. • Volgende keer: Wie gaan die burgemeesterskandidate wees?
Here at Advanced Body Clinic treating you is our passion!
Last week Thursday the Potchefstoom Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes celebrated their 32nd birthday at their premises, 90 Chris Hani Street. Serendipitously, this event coincided with the International Day of Older Persons. “Today is all about celebrating age and letting people know that retirement can be fun, especially if you are involved in an organisation such as The Dienssentrum. Many people are under the impression that when you retire your life ends. This is most certainly not the case,” says Tanita Roode, a social worker and the social organiser at the Dienssentrum. The day’s main attraction was the “Ek was hier muur’ (The ‘I was here’ wall) – an entire wall dedicated to age where anyone is invited to paint their own work of art as part of the day’s celebrations. “We chose to do the painting of the wall specifically to allow interaction between our community members and because it is so relaxing and therapeutic,”says Tanita. They also had live entertainment, line-dancing and ‘Trim Gym’ aerobics. The smell of cinnamon and freshly baked pancakes wafted through the air from food stalls manned by their own volunteers. “The donations we received from the community were quite impressive. We have fantastic sponsors such as Spar Miederpark, Wohnen, Habitat and Henk Jansen. This contributed greatly in making the day possible,” says Tanita. “The main objective of the Dienssentrum is to help elderly people to be able to live independently as long as possible by providing them with the services that will allow for this to be possible,” explains Tanita. The Dienssentrum’s primary services include social work, nursing care, transportation, preparation and delivery of home-made meals as well TO ADVERTISE IN NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT
70 Steve Biko, Jubilee, Square, Potchefstroom (Across Virgin Active and walking distance from PUK) Tel: 018 293 3125 | Cell: 082 464 9400
CONTACT NIENIE AT 082 740 3860
240 MC Roode Drive, Potchefstroom Tel: 018 290-7949
Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015
Last week Thursday members of the Potchefstroom community celebrated age at the event commemorating the Potchefstroom Dienssentrum’s 32nd birthday. They each got the opportunity to paint their own work of art on the official ‘ek was hier muur’ (the ‘I was here’ wall).
as a clinic service. Their secondary focus is on creating a social community amongst their elderly members through various activities such as organised tours, ‘trim gym’, line-dancing, bridge, art classes, events and more. The currently have 240 volunteers from the Potchefstroom community and anyone who would like to volunteer their time are welcome to contact the Dienssentrum on (018) 293 0678.
Brand beteken omgee vir Swanepoel-gesin ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
Een oomblik bestel jy ‘n ete in ‘n restaurant en lag en gesels saam met vriende en die volgende oomblik moet jy hoor jou huis brand. Binne ‘n halfuur is daar feitlik niks oor nie. Dit het verlede Vrydagaand met Christo en Charlene Swanepoel gebeur wat die pastorie op die terrein van die NG Kerk Mooirivier vir die afgelope twee en ‘n half jaar huur. Kwalik ‘n maand tevore het Charlene in ‘n uitreik na Volkskool, toe die koshuis afgebrand het, deur die rommel gestap en gewonder hoe begin mens oor na so tragedie. Nou moet syself daaroor dink. Charlene is ‘n “kantoortannie” by Laerskool Mooirivier en Christo ‘n graanverkryger. Charlene vertel: “Toe ek die aand moet bed toe gaan, besef ek vir die eerste keer ek het net die klere aan my lyf. Niks anders nie. Nie slaapklere nie. Nie ‘n tandeborsel nie. Niks nie.” Dit het egter nie lank so gebly nie. “Die mense van Potchefstroom is net ongelooflik...” Die trane dam in haar oë op as sy vertel van die hulpfonds vir onmiddellike behoeftes, die sakke met klere, kos wat elke dag voorsien
word en mense wat reeds begin skryfbehoeftes vir die skool aandra. “Ek het nog nooit so iets beleef nie. Ek weet nie of dit op ander dorpe ook so is nie.” Christo vertel ook dat hulle net die grootste waardering vir die brandweerpersoneel het.
“Die Brandweer van Potchefstroom het alles so professioneel hanteer, tydens die brand en selfs daarna. Mens het nie woorde nie.” Daar het klaarblyklik ‘n kortsluiting in die hooflsaapkamer ontstaan en die brand het binne minute deur die huis gewoed. Bure het
die hek van die spoor afgehaal en die karavaan en Charlene se kar uitgestoot. Die gesin se twee honde en twee katte het ongedeerd die ramp ontkom, maar die kokketiel het dit nie oorleef nie. “Die belangrikste is ons het mekaar. Ons vat die pyn van die verlies. Al het jy niks. Ons het nogsteeds baie. Al is dit ook net in aardse terme die klere aan jou lyf,” sê Christo. “Ons ervaar ook dat mense gee en gee en gee. Ons wonder: Wat het ons gedoen om dit te verdien? Ons dankbaarheid is oneindig groot. Ons sal nooit genoeg kan dankie sê nie.” Charlene het haarself gevra: “Kan mens weer na so-iets opstaan? Hoe doen jy dit? Waar begin jy? Waar kry mens ‘n manual vir dié ding?” En toe onthou sy ‘n foto wat in die brand verwoes is. Haar dogter het eendag in ‘n atle tiekbyeenkoms gehardloop. “Heel voor. En toe val sy. Die foto is geneem net na sy opgestaan en verder gehardloop het, met die bloed wat van haar arms en bene afloop, maar syt klaargemaak. Daai opstaan en verder hardloop... Dis wat ons nou gaan doen. En ek gaan weer daardie foto probeer opspoor.”
082 740 3860 Melinda: 082 660 4060 | Golden: 079 704 9697 Michael: 083 738 3786 | Ernst: 071 040 8532 018 297 7403/4/5 • H/v Albert Luthuli & Molenstraat, Potchefstroom
Hilandi’s songs resonate in Potch ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER
ape Town singer-songwriter, Hilandi du Toit, is performing alongside Schalk Joubert at this year’s Clover Aardklop Arts Festival with her latest production Die somer het ‘n geel rok aan. She has recently launched her debut album with the same name, which was produced by acclaimed director Joubert. With her unique musical style, intimate narratives, and remarkable guitar playing, she takes fans on an emotive and poetic journey. Her musical style can be described as alternative pop and Afrikaans folk and she feels very strongly about writing all of her own music. “I am always inspired by experiences that touch my heart. The sea and the mountains in the Cape, where I live, are also where I draw a lot of my inspiration. I can simply gaze at the sea and I start hearing notes,” she says. This production has already gained critical acclaim as she was awarded the “Woordtrofee” for best contemporary solo artist as well as a “Kanna Slurpie” at the ABSA KKNK for best upcoming artist for Die somer het ‘n geel rok aan. Hilandi was a member of the popular female quintet Zamar where she was exposed to numerous genres and fell in love with flamenco music. “It is an extremely passionate, very explosive, South American style of playing the guitar. I am also a very passionate person so the style immediately resonated with me,” she explains. Eventually the public expressed so much interest for her to release her own album that in 2009 she decided to go solo and launch her debut album Die somer het ‘n geel rok aan. In 2007 she was selected for an ATKV songwriting compe-
since 1918
Keurbos gallery opens in style
tition where she made it through to the top ten and was invited to take part in a workshop led by well-known musicians such as Nataniël, Amanda Strydom, Chris Chameleon, Lize Beekman and Wouter van de Venter. Through this, numerous opportunities arose and ever since she has been soaring to ever greater heights. • Hilandi and Schalk will be performig their last show on Thursday 8 October, at the KykNET Konservatorium at 10:00.
The enticing, new-concept art gallery, Keurbos, had its official opening last week Wednesday in an event abundant in art and culture. The opening was attended by many local Potchefstroom artists and art lovers and owner, Annemarie Coetzee, was thrilled by the immense support she received from the local art community. What makes Keurbos so unique is that artists are invited to exhibit their work on a non-commission basis at a minimal fee. Artists ‘rent’ a panel in the gallery on which they can exhibit their creations and all transactions take place between the buyer and the artist. This also provides the opportunity for the artists to interact with the buyer. “I wanted to create a contemporary adult space where our local art community can exhibit their work and come together to discuss art. It is exclusively for our local artists as I want to grow our community,” explains Annemarie. The spatial design, architecture and landscape are a backdrop of serenity, enhancing the charm. The Gallery, which is located at Hoewe 12A Mooivallei, is open weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00.
Gebore: 22.09.1921 Oorlede: 30.09.2015
Die Teraardbestelling vind plaas op 09.10.2015 om 10H00 en die diens vanuit Huis Eikelaan te Potchefstroom om 11H00. Ds. Peet Coetzee neem die diens waar.
Ons Is Hier Vir Jou
24/7 (018) 294 3269
Blou gaan nooit weer só blou wees nie ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
since 1918
Gebore: 14.09.1939 Oorlede: 02.10.2015
Die troosdiens vind plaas op 09.10.2015 vanuit die Rhema kerk te Potchefstroom om 11H00 en word waargeneen deur Pastoor Anton Labuschagne.
Ons Is Hier Vir Jou
since 1918
24/7 (018) 294 3269
Gebore: 06.05.1940 Oorlede: 03.10.2015
Die diens vind plaas op Woensdag 07.10.2015 vanuit die PPK Kerk om 11H00 te Potchefstroom en word waargeneen deur Pastoor Du Preez.
Ons Is Hier Vir Jou
since 1918
24/7 (018) 294 3269
Gebore: 30.11.1936 Oorlede: 15.09.2015
Lam Boud Tjops Lam Rib Minute Steak Marinated Bees Sosaties
R88.60 p/kg R85.50 p/kg R89.50 p/kg R72.50 p/kg
Geleë by die Sasol Garage in Baillie Park, selfde gebou waar Steers, Potch Biltong, Apteek en Goue Oond is
since 1918
Born: 1951.04.27 Passed: 2015.09.21
Die diens het plaasgevind op Donderdag 24 September 2015 om 10H30 NG Noord, Zeerust.
The funeral was on 3 October 2015 at Potchefstroom Matlwang Village.
Ons Is Hier Vir Jou
24/7 (018) 294 3269
Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015
Ons Is Hier Vir Jou
24/7 (018) 294 3269
As blou jou gunsteling kleur is, sal jy waarskynlik vir altyd anders daaroor dink, nadat jy Erik Holm in sy eenmanstuk Blou-Blou oor dié kleur hoor praat het. Die stuk speel elke dag tot Saterdag by Boys High. Die teks en regie is deur Jan Groenewald. Hy vertel in die stuk van sy wroeging ná die ongeluk wat hom in 2007 verlam gelaat het, toe hy in ‘n vlak waterpoel geduik het om ‘n bal uit te haal. As jy verwag het dat dit ‘n ligte stuk is (soos van die feestannies in die gehoor aanvanklik gedink het!) gaan jy ‘n bloutjie loop. Die gekwetter en giggels het gou weggesterf en die saal was doodstil terwyl Erik vertel van sy drome, denke en gewaarwordings ná die ongeluk. Die stuk word aangevul deur tonele op ‘n skerm agter hom wat lyk of dit geskiet is deur ‘n outydse 8mm kamera. Dit word duidelik dat familie en nogmaals familie sy anker is en dat hy nie daarsonder sal of wil klaarkom nie. Waarsonder hy wel nou klaarkom is die pynmedikasie wat hom waarskynlik aanvanklik vreemde drogbeelde laat sien het. Die paar keer waar hy insidente uit sy lewe in ‘n rolstoel met die gehoor deel, is aangrypend en jy kon aanvoel dat die gehoor dit geweldig geniet het. Erik (en Jan) moet dit dalk oorweeg om ‘n opvolg van Blou-Blou te maak en die lewe in ‘n rolstoel met gewone mense te deel. Dit is ‘n lewe waarvan gewone mens niks weet nie en sal waarskynlik baie “normale” mense se oë oopmaak vir normale mense in rolstoele. Daarna sal jy anders dink oor normaal, net soos wat jy nou anders dink oor blou.
Ma-en-dogter-stuk laat jou tegelyk skater en snik ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
Eers in die agste toneel van MA! kon die ma en dogter, in ‘n rolspel, eerlik wees oor hul gevoelens vir mekaar. Dié toneelstuk wat by Aardklop opgevoer word, ondersoek die verhouding tussen ‘n ma en dogter en word tot Saterdag in die Girls High-saal aangebied. Annelisa Weiland en Franci Swanepoel speel die hoofrolle en Gert van Niekerk is die regiseur. Verhoudings is nie ‘n maklike saak nie. Meer nog so die
verhouding tussen ma en dogter wanneer hulle in dieselfde bedryf is en die ma ‘n suksesvolle aktrise is en haar dogter pas ontslaan uit ‘n rehabilitasiesentrum en sy wil poog om weer haar loopbaan op dreef te kry. Dit is opvallend hoe die die dogter aanvanklik verslons en onseker van haarself met elke toneel meer selfversekerd word en meer suksesvol raak. Die ma aan die ander kant versleg weer in elke bedryf totdat sy ten laaste aan ‘n rolstoel gekluis ter is en waarskynlik volkome demensie het.
Beide die akteurs speel hulle rolle uitstekend en verskeie mense in die gehoor het ‘n traan weggepink terwyl die waarheid tussen ma en dogter in die ope kom. Hierdie is ‘n lag met ‘n traan produksie, glad nie swaar nie en is waarskynlik aan te beveel vir die gemiddelde feesganger. Die saal was net halfvol, maar sowat ‘n kwart van dié groepie het ‘n traan weggevee voor die ligte aangegaan het. Die enigste bron van kritiek is die melodramatiese musiek wat afbreuk doen aan die voorlaaste tonele.
Quo vadis EDWINA MAKES A Aardklop? DIFFERENCE THANKS TO Johan Pienaar van Kaapstad het al ‘n paar keer vantevore die Aardklopfees bygewoon. Maar oor vanjaar se fees het hy sy bedenkings.
Ek daag Dinsdag in Potchefstroom op na ek ‘n maand of wat terug impulsief besluit het dat ek vanjaar – nadat ek meer as ‘n dekade gelede Kaap toe verhuis het weer Aardklop sal bywoon. Van Aardklop self het ek bitter min in die media gesien. Weens werkdruk het ek ook nie vooraf die program deeglik bestudeer nie. Met die inry by Potchefstroom van Johannesburg het ek gewonder of ek my nie dalk met die datums misgis het nie, want dit lyk kwalik of dit ‘n feesdorp is. Van bemarking op die toegangsroetes is daar min blyke en die plakkate wat wel teen lamppale is, is uitsluitlik op die borge gesentreer. Die program is, om die minste te sê ‘n teleurstelling. ‘n Totaal van 44 produksies waarvan daar op die oog af slegs enkele werklike sterk stukke is. Ek onthou Aardklop as ‘n fees wat in die vroeë 2000’s die toon aangegee het met uitdagende produksies en ‘n verskeidenheid wat dit op gelyke voet, indien nie ‘n stappie voor, die ander feeste in die land geplaas het nie. Aardklop was dié kwaliteit-fees wat jy sonder huiwering kon bywoon. Dit blyk nie meer die geval te wees nie. Dit lyk dit vir my of die donderwolke oor Aardklop saamgepak het. Die verskuiwing van die feesterrein na die Joolgronde (vir waarskynlik geldige praktiese redes) beteken ook dat plaaslike ondernemings uitmis op ‘n waardevolle inspuiting wat Aardklop altyd na hulle gebring het deur nie afsonderlik nie, maar eerder deel van die fees te wees. ‘n Gemeenskap wat nie bevoordeel word nie, verloor belangstelling en dan verloor die fees iets. Ek hoop van harte dat die donderwolke sal verdwyn en nie in ‘n donderstorm sal ontaard wanneer die huidige borge hul borgskappe moet hernu nie.
Lekker Lentefees Suzette Wilkens Produksies bied weer ‘n Lentekonsert aan met Musikarté op 24 Oktober om 19:30 in die Sanlam Ouditorium op die NWU-kampus. Die program sluit in Afrikaanse treffers asook treffers uit rolprente en musiekblyspele soos Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, Que Sera Sera en Old Man River. Gaskunstenaars soos Blue Moon Dance Studio, Johan Erasmus van Musikland, Stephan Pieters en Stephan Mynhardt sal te sien wees. Kaartjies vir die konsert is beskikbaar by die volgende plekke: AJR Mooirivier Mall, Heimat-gebou, Protea Boekwinkel asook op www.artema.co.za. Staan ‘n kans om twee kaartjies te wen deur die volgende te beantwoord: Watter rolprent-treffers kan by die Lentekonsert verwag word? Stuur jou antwoord met jou naam en van na 082 303 3248. Vir meer inligting kontak Suzette Wilkens by 082 532 3507.
Direct claimant Edwina Makgamatha is a survivor of a hit-and-run accident that nearly claimed her life and left her partner seriously injured. To this day, the driver who caused the horrific accident five years ago on the notorious Mabopane Highway outside Pretoria, resulting in the car rolling several times, is unknown. Edwina heeded RAF’s call to approach the Fund directly, thus ensuring their claim was handled quicker and that they received their full settlement, without having to pay any legal fees. Thanks to the RAF’s compassionate and professional handling of their case, they received full compensation and were granted an undertaking certificate to cater for their future health needs and requirements. For her physical needs, the RAF ensured that Edwina received all mobility disability devices she required such as a wheelchair, a bath bench and pressure mattresses. Furthermore, her home was modified to make it more accessible for wheelchair use, while hand controls were installed in Edwina’s car, allowing her to regain her independence once again.
rehabilitation. Not only did she have to deal with accepting her physical injuries but also with the massive psychological and emotional trauma when she realised that she would never walk again. However, Edwina credits her recovery to the enormous psychological and emotional support the RAF caregivers provide. Today, Edwina has victoriously turned her pain into a new mission in life – she is making a difference in the lives of many left paralysed by road crashes, especially those living in townships where services for the disabled remain poor. Her company, Thusanang (meaning ‘to help one another’), has forged close ties with numerous manufacturers of mobility disability products and along with her specially trained caregivers, refers them for home and car modifications. She does motivational talks, visits rehab centres, supplies medical consumables, and is even establishing a driving school for disabled people! “The RAF has not only given me support during a hectic period but has also assisted me to establish my business,” she said. “When I was young, I wanted to be a nurse, and I feel what I’m doing now is the closest thing to achieving my dream.”
The 30-year-old mother of two Edwina can be contacted on underwent a long and gruelling 011 – 453 0480. For more details about RAF’s services, contact the Call Centre on 0860 23 55 23, from Monday to Friday between 07h45 and 16h00.
Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015
Rob Fereirra Hospital Sibusiso Simelane, 013 741 3551 Themba Hospital Yandisa Peter, Not Available Tonga Hospital Sifiso Shabangu, 013 785 0627 Standerton Hospital Jabulile Dlamini, 017 712 5872 Witbank Hospital Lucia Mashaongane, 013 653 2082 Evander Hospital Jennifer Itumeleng, 017 632 4480 Kwa-Mhlanga Hospital Thabo Selowa, 013 947 3659 Mmamehlake Hospital David Kulwago, 012 721 2391 Mapulaneng Hospital Fumani Lesley Ndlovu, Not Available
Jane Furse Hospital Ramadumetja Betty Maboa, 013 265 8917 Thohayandou Hospital Tshilidzini, 015 964 1169 Elim Hospital Aubery Lusunzi, 015 556 3496 Dilokang Hospital Ketibile Maelane, 013 214 7265 Nkhensani Hospital Dick Maluleke, 015 812 0039 Letaba Hospital Yvonne Mojapelo, 015 303 3713 Ellisrus Hospital Aubrey Lusunzi, Not Available Musina Hospital Gabriel Makhavu, 015 534 0446 Siloam Hospital Tutu Bungane, 015 973 0001
Edendale Hospital Simphiwe Ngcobo, 033 395 4033 Addington Hospital 031 332 3006 Prince Mshiyeni Hospital Nobuhle Buthelezi, 031 906 0918 RK Khan Hospital Lesslie Pillay, 031 403 2258 Newcastle Hospital Gugu Mabaso, 034 312 4301 Emadadeni Hospital Sihle Gumbi, 034 312 4301 Ladysmith Hospital Zandile Mabaso, 036 631 4586 King Edward Hospital Thubelihle Mpetshwa, 031 205 4586 Greys Hospital Nonjabulo Nkabinde, 033 342 9023 Ngwelezane Hospital John Sibiya, 035 794 2669 iDumbe Hospital Zamaswazi Hlope, 034 995 0036 Stanger Hospital Sphamandla Phakathi, 032 551 4698 Port Shepstone Hospital Sifiso Zondi, 062 195 7970 Bethesda Hospital Nkosikhona Nxumalo, 062 436 0570 Christ the King Hospital Nosipho Buthelezi, 062 289 8908 Appelsbosch Hospital Sithembiso Nkosi, Not Available Northdale Hospital Nonhlanhla Dlungwana, 061 108 0451
New Somerset Hospital Sandile Gcayiya, 021 402 6422 Tygerberg Hospital Monde Marasha, 021 933 8924 Groote Schuur Hospital Sindiswa Mzamo, 021 447 2666 Paarl Hospital Jana Hartley, 021 860 2569 Stellenbosch Hospital Tshidiso Mutlane, 021 883 3074 Worcester Hospital Lynette Ellis, 023 347 8976 Robertson Hospital Lynette Ellis, 023 626 2710 Vredenburg Anwar Gallant, 022 719 1231 George Hospital Carlene Koelman, 044 8732576 Mitchell’s Plain Hospital Phindiwe Jako, 021 372 0150 Red Cross Hospital Cheslin Mitchell, 021 685 1988
Charlotte Maxeke Hospital Nkosazana Mphahlaza, Rodney Salvier, 011 642 6709 Tembisa Hospital Dimakatso Monyuku, Rainy Maleka, 011 920 2831 Tambo Memorial Hospital Sharon Jansen, Curtis Sehume, 011 892 1941 Helen Joseph Hospital NORTHERN CAPE Rabia Molohlanye, 011 482 8223 Gordonia Hospital Far East Rand Motane Tax Hospital Seepamore, Nomatolo 054 331 0007 Dlangamandla, Kimberley Hospital Not Available Esme Claudia GrifLeratong Hospital fiths, 053 802 2159 Manne Dipico Hospital Candice Kroet, Pricilla Xoliswa, Boitumelo Dikgetsi, 011 410 4621 051 753 2151 Natalspruit Hospital LIMPOPO Mamatiela Arcelia Polokwane Hospital Tsaoane, Cynthia Van Rens011 389 0500 burg, 015 297 0450 Tshwane District Mankweng Hospital Hanedzani Tshivhasa, Hospital Rothi Nong, 015 267 0234 011 329 5167 Voortrekker Hospital Chris Hani Everista Rabalago, Baragwanath Hospital 015 483 2639 Margaret Khumalo, Mokopane Hospital Shomani 015 581 0972 Nengovela, Maphutha Malatji Jacqueline Hospital Lekalakala, Emmanuel Sadiki, 015 769 1520 011 933 1282/1106 Warm Baths Hospital Sebokeng Hospital Puseletso Shakoane, Kamohelo Moepe, 014 736 3397 016 988 1542
Pholosing Hospital Phumzile Letsoalo, 011 732 1032 GAUTENG NORTH Dr George Mukhari Hospital Thoriso Bopape, 012 560 0420 Jubilee Hospital Dipotso Raphela, 012 717 3151 Tshwane District Hospital & Steve Biko Hospital Rothi Nong, 012 329 5167 Kalafong Hospital David Makushu, 012 373 4217
Frere Hospital Pumeza Peni, 043 722 5056 Livingstone Hospital Babalwa Xego, 041 451 0504 Dora Nginza Hospital Brenda Dingwayo, 414 591 020 Nelson Mandela Hospital Zuko Mtyhida, 047 531 0427 Uitenhage Hospital Brenda Dingwayo, Not Available Cecilia Makiwane Hospital Nontobeki Payi, 043 761 3309 Madzikane Ka Zulu Hospital Asanda Cetywayo, 039 255 7008 Frontier Hospital Notemba Mbaliso, 045 838 1542 St Elizabeth Hospital Loyiso Ntshobane, 039 253 1015 Aliwal North Hospital Nathi Dunjwa, 051 633 2072 Taylor Bequest Hospital Thabisile Dinga, 039 737 3217 Midlands Hospital Chesslyn Arries, 049 891 0220 Butterworth Hospital Zipho Ntsinde, 047 491 0160
JS Tabane Hospital 0145925297 Brits Hospital Nomaxabiso Matsika, 012 252 7874 Moses Kotane Hospital Sibongile Sithole, 014 556 3903 Tshepong Hospital 018 465 2272 Mafikeng Hospital Nonny Gausubelwe, 018 383 2081 Potchefstroom Hospital Fezile Nzima, 018 294 7130 Zeerust Orapeleng Ramongola 018 642 1027
Pelonomi Hospital Peter Motswiri, Raymond Baatile Nkone, 051 432 9952 Bongani Hospital Ditsietsi Susan Lebona, 057 355 3124/3130 Monapo/Qwaqwa Hospital Nonzwakazi Zicini, 058 713 0022 Parys Hospital Oceania Mlobela, 056 811 2155 Nala Hospital Hospital Itumeleng Marima, 056 515 1048 Thebe Hospital Nomkhosi Mvuma, Not Available
Sandra skitter onverpoosd op verhoog Sandra Prinsloo het geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Dié formidabele aktrise vermaak gehore al vir jare en Aardklop-feesgangers het hierdie jaar die voorreg om haar weer in twee produksies te sien. Die Naaimasjien en Oscar en die Pienk Tannie word vir ‘n tweede jaar hier aangebied. Sandra het MARISKA NEL meer vertel oor dié twee produksies, feeste, keuses, reise en seiljagte. Hoe lank vermaak jy gehore al met Oscar en die Pienk Tannie en die Naaimasjien? Ons het Naaimasjien al in 2008 begin opvoer dis sewe jaar – wat ʼn lang tyd is vir een stuk. Oscar het ons in 2009 begin. So albei hierdie stukke kom al ʼn lang tyd saam met ons. Hoe motiveer jy jouself om oor en oor dieselfde produksie op te voer? Die motivering is die gehore, want om dit weer te repeteer is bietjie swaar. Wanneer daar ʼn gehoor is, is daar ʼn ander dinamiek, daar is interaksie. Ek probeer ook om dit vars te hou, so ek sê vir myself elke optrede is my eerste en laaste. Wanneer ʼn produksie vir so lank opgevoer word, is daar veranderinge wat aangebring word? Daar is klein goed wat verskuif en goed wat verander soos jou performance groei. Ons moes Naaimasjien byvoorbeeld met 20 minute verkort toe ons dit Edinburgh toe gevat het. Watter gehoor is die lekkerste om voor op te tree? Die gehore verskil so baie. Hier bo in die Noorde is die mense geneig om bietjie meer te lag en in die Suide is almal ʼn bietjie meer ernstig. ʼn Ouer gehoor is ook gewoonlik minder vokaal.
Wat wil jy bereik deur jou produksies? Dit moet my gehoor skuif. Of dit ʼn hartskuif of ʼn kopskuif is maak nie saak nie. As daar nie ʼn verandering plaasvind nie hoekom doen ons dit dan? Dit is dan mos net mooi prentjies en ek wil nie net mooi prentjies maak nie. Ek wil iets doen wat my gehoor op ‘n reis vat. Is daar ʼn plek in ons samelewing vir ʼn fees wat slegs op een taal fokus? Dit is elke fees se reg om hulle teikenmark aan te spreek, maar dit is jammer dat feeste nie meer inklusief is nie. Ek begin wel ʼn neiging sien dat daar uitgereik word na ander tale. Die groot probleem is egter dat ons nie mekaar se tale praat nie. Teater is eintlik so ʼn goeie plek om te begin, want al verstaan jy nie ‘n taal nie kan jy teater verstaan, dit is ʼn emosionele ervaring waardeur ons kan leer. Hoekom dink jy kom mense fees toe? Baie kom maar net vir die musiek en die wors en dan word dit soos ʼn dorpsplein affêre. Maar dit is tog ʼn toneelfees. Ek sien al hoe meer dat hoe knapper mense se beursies is, hoe meer kom hulle teater toe en hoe minder gaan jol hulle. In moeilike tye soek mense na iets geesteliks en teater gee dit vir jou. Oscar en die Naaimasjien gee daai iets meer vir die gehoor. Die Naaimasjien vir my so belangrik,
dit raak ʼn sosiale kwessie aan. Oscar dien as ʼn geestelike bewusmaking, dit fokus op die feit dat jou lewe nie gemeet word aan hoe lank jy lewe nie, maar aan intensief jy lewe. Hoe jy jou eie realiteit skep. Daar is nie realiteit buite ons nie. Ons is skeppende wesens, wat maak ons met dit wat ons het, met dit wat die lewe is? Van die oomblik wat jy opstaan tot jy gaan slaap maak jy keuses, wat gaan jy eet, aantrek. Op elke vlak maak jy
Geklassifiseerd • Classifieds Tel: 018 294 3924/17 • Faks: 018 294 8081 • E-pos: northwestindependent@telkomsa.net
Algemeen / General
keuses. Wat weet min mense van jou? My groot passie in die lewe is seil. Ek is ʼn gekwalifiseerde skipper. Dit is die wonderlikste ding in die wêreld om op ʼn seiljag te wees in die middel van nêrens. Die fisieke werk, navigasie… As ek nie ʼn aktrise was nie sou ek ʼn professionele seiljagvaarder wees. Ek het die jaar in Kroasië gaan seil en volgende jaar is dit Turkye.
Kom bou ‘n kersboom!
Verlede jaar is afgesluit met 78 feestelikversierde kersbome in die Potchefstroomse Museum. Vanweë die reuse-sukses van die projek, beoog die Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Klub, in samewerking met die Potchefstroomse Museum, om weer ‘n Fees van Kersbome vanaf 20 November tot 6 Desember 2015 in die Hoofmuseum aan te bied. Daar sal vanjaar drie kategorieë wees, naamlik kersbome groter as 1.5m, kersbome kleiner as 1.5m en kerskranse. Almal is welkom om ‘n versierde kersboom of kerskrans vir die uitstalling te bring. Skakel gerus vir Elmarie Weyers van die Potchefstroomse Museum (018 2995021/0722877994) of Johnny Ford van die Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Klub (082 804 7835) vir meer besonderhede.
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LASBON CAR INTERIORS • Custom Fit Seat Covers • Embroided Logos We make heavy duty custom fit seat covers with a waterproof ripstop canvas material with a ⁄⁄ inch sponge on the inside. We make seat covers for any kind of vehicle e.g cars, trucks, bakkies, tractors etc. We also put embroidery logos on the seat covers e.g car or company logos.
- We embroider logos or any names on any kind of material i.e heavy or soo - We embroider logos for schools, companies and individuals
Contact Lavas: 078 401 2316 | lavas459@gmail.com
Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015
Kennisgewing / Notice NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO DIVIDE LAND Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 6(8)(a) of the Division of Land Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 20 of 1986) read together with SPLUMA, Act 16 of 2013, that the under-mentioned application has been received by the Tlokwe City Council and is open for inspection during normal office hours at the Office of the Department Human Settlements and Planning, Tlokwe City Council, Office 210,Second floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Wolmarans Street and Sol Plaatjie Avenue, Potchefstroom. Any objections/representations must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, at the above-mentioned address or posted to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/representations, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS/ REPRESENTATIONS: 12 NOVEMBER 2015 NATURE OF APPLICATION: We, J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners CC [RegNr. 2006/148547/23], being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 1131 (a Portion of Portion 1119) of the farm Vyfhoek 428, Registration Division I.Q., North West Province, intends to apply to the Tlokwe City Council, according to Section 6(1) of the Division of Land Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 20 of 1986) read together with the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013), for the subdivision of the above mentioned property into five (5) portions with an average of 7 hectare per portion. Owner: JOHANNA ELIZABETH ALIDA ELLIS [ID nr. 561027 0078 083] Location of Land:North East of Potchefstroom, East of Tuscany Ridge and the R501 [Carletonville Road] Applicant: J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners Address:17 Du Plooy Street, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel No: Tel: 082 776 3311 / 082 395 3744 Notice Number: 148/2015 Municipal Manager:Dr. B. Mokgethi
Freek Robinson gesels met Peter le Roux (arbeidsreg kenner), Flip Buys (Solidariteit) en Zwelinzima Vavi (voormalige vakbond-leier) oor die rol en toekoms van vakbonde in Suid-Afrika. Hoewel ‘n nuwe werkersparty blykbaar nie voorsien word in die onmiddellike toekoms nie, was almal dit eens dat vakbonde weer ‘n belangrike rol in die politieke diskoers sal speel. Die Diskoers-praatjies word in die Boeke-oase aangebied.
Eienaar: JOHANNA ELIZABETH ALIDA ELLIS [ID nr. 561027 0078 083] Ligging van grond: Noord-oos van Potchefstroom, Oos van Tuscany Ridge en die R501 [Carletonville pad] Aansoeker: J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners Adres: Du Plooy Straat 17, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel No: Tel: 082 776 3311 / 082 395 3744 Kennisgewingnommer: 148/2015 Munisipale Bestuurder: Dr. B. Mokgethi
The Huis Hebron Upliftment Centre is hosting its annual Christmas Fair on 31 October at their premises, which borders on the Manzini Game Reserve. The day will kick off with a cycle challenge at 08h00 and a scenic 2.5 km ‘fun walk’ through their farm’s plantations. There will also be a Strong Man competition, Quad Biking trails and a photo booth to capture the day’s special moments. Food will be plentiful and residents of the home will be preparing various delectable treats such as traditional curry and rice, vetkoek, boerewors rolls, pancakes, freshly baked cookies and confectionaries: to name a few. Bouwer Bosch from the popular local band ‘Straatligkinders’ will be performing on the day and his fiancé, Leandie du Randt (from the popular TV show ‘Binnelanders’) will make a motivational speech. A favourite amongst guests each year is the ‘White elephant table’, where the community donates articles they no longer need and guests can make donations for the article they wish to own. “This year we have a beautiful piano that has been fully repaired and restored and it will be auctioned off to the highest bidder,”
Lynette Bosch, a volunteer social worker, tells us. “Huis Hebron was started 13 years ago by Gretha le Roux when she received a calling from God,” explains Lynette, a volunteer. Huis Hebron is primarily a homeless shelter that functions as a self-sufficient society where an average of 90 residents live. This event is aimed at creating a day where families can come together and spend quality time with their loved ones. It is also a fundraising event for Huis Hebron to improve their facilities. “The event has expanded greatly since its start and we will be having a lot more activities than in previous years,” explains Lynette. “This year’s fair will be extra special as, for the first time, we have invited residents’ families to attend the event and spend the day with their loved ones. Some of them haven’t seen their loved ones in months, or even years, so as I said – It is going to be extra special to reunite them with their friends and families on this day,” she says. Entrance to this festive event is simply a can of food - as a donation towards the home. For more information or to make a donation kindly contact Huis Hebron at HebronPotch@ gmail.com or Lynette at 071 378 2659 by mid October. Donations will be much appreciated.
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Klousule 14(a) van die Potchefstroom Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013, dat ek, J.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners BK [Reg No. 2006/148547/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar, van voorneme is om by die Stadsraad van Tlokwe aansoek te doen om spesiale toestemming op die bestaande persele bekend as Erf 1700 en Erf 1701, Van der Hoffpark Uitbreiding 37, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Noordwes Provinsie [geleë te Tarentaalstraat 2 en 4], vir verdere gebruik vir ‘n vulstasie. Iedereen wat teen hierdie aansoek beswaar wil maak, moet sodanige beswaar, tesame met die redes daarvoor, binne 21 dae na publikasie van die laaste advertensie in die pers, skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, en die aansoeker indien. Volle besonderhede van die voorgenome aansoek is ter insae by die aansoeker en die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Stadsraad Kantore, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 14(a) of the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme, 1980, read together with SPLUMA, Act 16 of 2013, that I, J.J. Botha of H & W Town Planners CC [Reg Nr. 2006/148547/23], being the authorized agent of the owner, intends to apply to the City Council of Tlokwe, for special consent to use the existing premises known as Erf 1700 and Erf 1701, Van der Hoffpark Extension 37, Registration Division IQ, North West Province [situated at 2 and 4 Tarentaal Street], for the further purpose of a filling station. Any person who wishes to object to this application must lodge such objection, together with reasons, with the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, and the applicant, in writing within 21 days of the publication of the last advertisement in the press. Full details of the proposed application are open for inspection at the applicant and the office of the Municipal Manager, Tlokwe City Council Offices, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom.
Naam en Adres van Aansoeker: H & W Town Planners, Posbus 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520 of Du Plooystraat 17, Potchefstroom, Tel : 082 776 3311, Verw: HB 201524
Name of applicant: H & W Town Planners, PO Box 1635, Potchefstroom, 2520 or 17 Du Plooy Street, Potchefstroom, Tel: 082 776 3311, Ref: HB 201524
Datum van eerste publikasie: Datum van tweede publikasie:
Date of first publication: Date of second publication:
KENNIS VAN AANSOEK OM GROND TE VERDEEL Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 6(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond, 1986 (Ordonnansie 20 van 1986) saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013dat die ondergemelde aansoek deur die Tlokwe Stadsraad ontvang is en ter insae beskikbaar is gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Departement Menslike Nedersettings en Beplanning, Tlokwe Stadsraad, Kantoor 210, Tweede Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, op die hoek van Wolmaransstraat en Sol Plaatjielaan, Potchefstroom. Enige beswaar/vertoë moet skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder voor die sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 ingedien of gerig word, met melding van bogenoemde opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erf en telefoonnommer/s en adres. SLUITINGS DATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/VERTOË: 12 NOVEMBER 2015 AARD VAN AANSOEK: Ons, J.J. Botha & L.J. Botha van H & W Town Planners BK [Reg No. 2006/148547/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 1131 (‘n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 1119) van die plaas Vyfhoek 428, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Noordwes Provinsie, is van voorneme om by die Stadsraad van Tlokwe aansoek te doen, in terme van Artikel 6(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond, 1986 (Ordonnansie 20 van 1986) saamgelees met SPLUMA, Wet 16 van 2013, vir die onderverdeling van bogenoemde eiendom in vyf (5) gedeeltes met ‘n gemiddelde grootte van 7 hektaar per gedeelte.
Christmas fair a blast this year
1 Oktober 2015 8 Oktober 2015
1 October 2015 8 October 2015
Kennisgewing / Notice
Kennisgewing / Notice
TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM DEPARTMENT INVITATION TO BID Bids are hereby invited from qualified and suitable experienced service providers for the following projects:
TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Visualising Space. Realising Place. Unlocking Development Opportunities Head Office: Bloemfontein Tel: 0861 001 373 | Fax to Email: 086 622 0200 Email: info@ybmac.co.za Web: www.ybmac.co.za NOTICE APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORIZATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 (2)& 24 (D) OF NEMA: FOR THE PROPOSED TOWNSHIP ESTABLISHMENT (DASSIERAND EXTENSION 1) ON FARM 435 IQ PORTIONS 434 IN POTCHEFSTROOM – TLOKWE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. Notice is given under Government Notice No. R 982 and GN.R 983 in terms of Chapter 6 of the NEMA Regulations of 4 December 2014, as promulgated under Section 24 (2), 24 (D) of National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) for the Development of the proposed township establishment on Farm 435, IQ Portions 434 in Potchefstroom – Tlokwe Local Municipality. Notice is herewith given that application has been lodged to the competent authority (herein refers to the Department: Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ) (North West Provincial Government Republic of South Africa), with the following reference number: Ref: NWP/EIA/21/2015.
Developed Structures:
Development of the proposed Township Establishment (Dassierand extension 1). Farm 435, IQ Portions 434 in Potchefstroom – Tlokwe Local Municipality.
Application Status: The application is in its initiation phase and currently subject to public participation process, before submission of a Scoping Report to the Department: Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ) (North West Provincial Government Republic of South Africa).
Proponent: Tlokwe Local Municipality, Contact Person: Mr. Owageng Melamu, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tel: 018 299 5111.
Environmental Consultant: All enquiries relating to this initiative, can be forwarded to YB Mashalaba & Associates Consultants CC, P O Box 3159, Bloemfontein, 9301: Contact Person: Tshegofatso Lekgetho. Tel: 051 448 8568 Fax: 086 622 0200 or Email: info@ybmac.co.za. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE All interested and Affected Parties with any interests, concerns or issues regarding the project must contact YB Mashalaba & Associates Consultants CC for the attention of Tshegofatso Lekgetho or forward their concerns to the Competent Authority (Department: Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ)) – Potchefstroom Office for the attention of Mrs. Thembekile Makuwa at 018 299 6583 stating the reference number within 30 days of this notice. YB Mashalaba & Associates Consultants CC 4 Emil Building, 107 Zastron Street/P O Box 3159, Bloemfontein, 9301
Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015
Tel: 051 448 8568 Fax: 086 622 0200
Bid No.
Compulsory Briefing session
Purchase amount
Closing date
Evaluation Criteria
Contact Person/Details
Provision of short term Insurance
Subdivision and pegging of Erven 9813, Ikageng Extension 6 and ERF 12442,Ikageng Extension 7(IK 9813;IK 12552) Supply and delivery of 3 Ton-Long Wheel Base Truck to Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom. Supply and delivery of Zero turn grass cutting machines o Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom Supply and Delivery of Brush cutters Machines to Tlokwe City council, Potchefstroom
08/10/2015 at 10:00 in the Department Housing Boardroom Dan Tloome Complex,
MS M Matsheka 018 299 5162 Mr L Mohlomi 018 299 5776
T Muswede 018 299 5704
T Muswede 018 299 5704
T Muswede 018 299 5704
C o p y r i g h t
E n v i s i o n S B S . 2 0 0 6 . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r
Payments must be made at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolman’s Street, and Potchefstroom. Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”. Bidders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the submission of above mentioned tenders to Tlokwe City Council.Tender documents will be available after briefing session dates at Office 104, First floor, Municipal Building, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue & Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of the above mentioned amounts. Enquiries: Tel 018 299 5147/45. CLOSING TIME: 12H00 Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with, “The above stated Tender no. and Description” and must be placed in the tender box in Room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520.Tenders will be received until 11h30, of closing dates and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette, 27636, dated 30 May 2005 Tlokwe City Council supply chain management by-laws will also be applicable. DR NE BLAAI-MOKGETHI , MUNICIPAL MANAGER, Notice no.147/2015
8 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 41 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | northwestindependent@telkomsa.net | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free
New Centre for Sports Medicine a first ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER
ew Centre for Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine – A first in the North West province. Potchefstroom is a metropolis for many sportsmen and sportswomen and the opening of its new, highly specialised Centre of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine is a welcome addition the town. Last Thursday was the official opening of the centre at the Mooimed Hospital. It was a very informative and sophisticated event that was attended by a select few industry professionals. The Centre of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine will be run under the leadership of its director, Dr. Hannes Jonker, an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in knee, shoulder and sports injuries. He has long carried the vision of establishing a multifaceted service hub where patients can receive extensive medical care, after-care and rehabilitation. “This is an idea that has been developing in my mind for a long time. I recently furthered my studies in the United States of America and noticed that specialised sports centres are a need across the globe. “I also believe that this centre can mean a great deal with regards to Potchefstroom’s infrastructure and will be a positive point for our community. There is no other Centre of its kind in the North West Province and we
are proud to be offering the following services to patients: Orthopaedics, Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, Bio-kinetics, Orthotics / Prosthetics and Rehabilitation,” says Dr. Jonker. The centre boasts only the latest, most advanced technology and equipment and is headed by a team of highly accomplished specialists: Dr Hannes Jonker, Dr De Klerk Taute (Orthopaedic surgeon specialising in smaller joints such as the hand, wrist, foot and ankle) and Dr Pierre Venter (Sports physician). The talented team of physiotherapists include Elaine Burger, Lambert Fick, Japie Kruger and Wilhelm Mouton. Biokineticists are Barend Steyn and Rouan Knoesen; and Nelis Holtzhausen as the orthotist / prosthetist. “The goal of the centre is to provide effective, one-stop, super-specialised services to all of our patients. Our team of accomplished staff were hand-picked from a selection of candidates. “They come together and offer a holistic approach to healing and rehabilitation of patients. If everything goes according to plan we will be gaining a third orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the back, next year,” explains Dr Jonker. “Each patient is unique and has a different expectation or goal. Here we aim to harness both to ensure a rapid healing response and a quick return to normal activity, or the sports field,” he explains.
Dr De Klerk Taute (Left) and Dr Hannes Jonker (Right) of the Centre of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine are two specialist orthopaedic surgeons. Dr Jonker, the Director of the Centre specialises in knee, shoulder and sports injuries while Dr Taute focuses on the smaller joints such as foot, ankle, wrists and hands.
Kids get a second chance at fun-filled youth camp ¢¢ SANDRA SWANEPOEL
Fun and game were on the menu of the camp organised by Banna Ba Kae for children who come from disrupted backgrounds last weekend at Nooitgedacht campsite.
You sometimes do things wrong, because you don’t know better, but you always get a second chance. The Victim Empowerment Forum of Potchefstroom gave 145 children that second chance at a camp last week at the North-West University’s Nooitgedacht campsite. Saki Tlotleng, the “father” of Banna Ba Kae (Real Men don’t Rape), was also the caretaker of this camp. Banna Ba Kae got the South African Police Service, the Department of Social Development, the National Prosecution Authority, Tlokwe Crisis Centre, Reach Out and the Department of Education together to identify children and give lectures to help youngsters make better choices in life. “There were presentations on drugs, human trafficking, alcohol abuse, every social sickness possible,” says Saki. “The information is available to tell children when they get involve in these things, there are negative consequences.
Share with children: Focus on the positive things in life and get positive results.” The one thing that struck him during the camp was that government cannot do this alone. The community must get involve to help children make the right decisions in life. He also realised that children need to be allowed to be children. “Too early in their lives there are those that get involve with things that take their childhood away. That was also the reason that the children had ample time to play and had fun times at the camp.” Saki says the camp was a huge success, like the one Banna Ba Kae organised last year for rape victims only. He hopes they will be able to organise these camps twice a year. Saki is sure it will happen, because, as he proudly say: “I have eight full time employees, but more than a hundred volunteers that always help with their time and talent. For those people I can only say: Thank you!”