NorthWest Independent - The newspaper Potch depends on.

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22 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 43 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Best Quality Chicken, Direct to the Public No additives. No hormones. No brine.

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Seboni! Kom Kyk! Come and See our work! ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

A group of dynamic Potchefstroom women have started an outreach project, Seboni (Come and see), where they equip women from the Ikageng community with the necessary skills to become independent entrepreneurs. It was the brainchild of Eretha De Klerk to add another dimension to the ‘Touching Africa Initiative (TAI) - an initiative that facilitates and contributes towards sustainable growth and development in Africa. This was to be the Seboni Project, which started earlier this year. She approached a few woman, namely Martie Bothma, Elfrida Klopper, Leane Kleyn and Jean van Deventer to start the project. “Our vision is to create a platform for unemployed women where they can learn valuable skills and eventually be independent business owners. It is also important to us that they make products that they feel good about. We, as the organisers of the project

have all walked a path with the women and got to know them, their history and their dreams,” says Martie Botha, one of the project leaders. The women gather weekly in a dedicated workspace to work on their arts and crafts. They creatively make use of materials they have available to them, so many of the pieces they create are made from recycled materials. These women can create the most beautiful

Swanepoels sê dankie

Charlene Swanepoel en haar gesin se lewens is onlangs tot stilstand gedwing deur ‘n verwoestende brand. Die wonderlike bystand van die Potchefstroom-gemeenskap het haar geïnspireer om hierdie bedankingsbrief te skryf: “Graag wil ons DANKIE sê aan mense wat veral daardie aand ons bo natuurlik by gestaan en gehelp het. Die brandweer vir hul professionele diens, jul menslikheid en ongelooflike samewerking!! Mooirivier Beskerming. Pieter ons buurman oorkant. Tim Flemming. Videa Smith. Charl en Hannelie Yates en skoonouers. Wilna Esterhuizen. NG Kerk Mooirivier. Die onbekende meisie wat na die kinders omgesien het. Arnu en Gerdri Badenhorst, nie net was julle saam met ons toe ons die oproep kry nie, julle was en is end-uit saam met ons hier deur! En dan BAIE BAIE DANKIE aan elke persoon wat deur die week ons gehelp, ondersteun en bemoedig het op watter wyse ookal. Ds. Albert Horn, ds. Arnu Badenhorst, Estie Matthews, kerkraad en oom Hennie Pretorius van NG Kerk Mooirivier DANKIE vir wat julle vir ons gedoen en beteken het. Die Swanepoel-gesin”

works from almost nothing. “I have always loved making things with my hands. As a child, my mother always encouraged us to keep ourselves busy with various arts and crafts projects and I really wanted to share my skills with others so that they could do the same, and in turn, generate an income from it,” Martie explains. The Seboni Project had its first exhibition at the Snowflake building during this year’s

Hier is ons burgemeesterskandidate Alles wat op die oomblik in die plaaslike politiek gebeur, het te make met volgende jaar se munisipale verkiesing, meen haar vriende in die politiek, beweer Die Vrou Wat Weet.


ink maar aan die hofsaak oor die samevoeging van Ventersdorp en Tlokwe, asook die premier van Noord­wes se onlangse roadshow hier in ons geweste. Blou ligte en al. Daarom het ek goed gedink om te gaan uitvis wie gaan die onderskeie partye se kandidate wees vir die burgemeesterskap. Ek kan daarom vandag onthul wie die kandidate gaan wees, en wie nie. Soort van. Kom ek haal net gou ‘n paar moontlikhede uit spel. Niemand van die Ventersdorp-ANC sal ‘n kandidaat wees nie, want hulle is amptelik te treurig. Dit laat ons met Potch se mense. Die Vryheidsfront Minus het tans net twee Tlokwe-raadslede. Hulle steun is wel nodig in ‘n moontlike koalisieregering, maar dit sou voorbarig wees om ‘n amptelike “burgemeesterskandidaat” te hê. Sommige meen raadslid Botha se vrou is die een vir die fight, want sy is kwaai. Of Pieter Mulder - as hy uiteindelik moeg

is vir die praathuis in Slaapstad. ‘n Foto van Pieter teen die pale? Nee wat. Die ANC sal seker hul huidige burgemeester inspan? He talks the talk, maar is hy nie te ordentlik nie? Sal hy wegkyk wanneer hy moet? Hierdie berekening sal haarfyn in die binnekringe oor ‘n bottel of vier Blue Label gedoen moet word. En die EFF? Dalk David Kgam, eksANC-grootmond. Dis nog duister wat die rooiberet-brigade doen. Wat ons met die DA laat. Sy koukusleier, Chris Landsberg, was jare gelede burgemeester, maar hy is teen volgende jaar seker al 70. Te oud en nie meer lus nie? Annette Combrink was al in die stoel en hou van posisies. Word sy wel burgemeester en dien vyf jaar, sal sy goed 78 wees. En dan is daar haar nuutgevonde konserwatisme. Skryf op Maroela Media en so aan. In dieselfde kamp as Flip Buys van





Datum: 7 November 2015 Tyd: 9:30 vir 10:00 Plek: Crista Galli R100 per persoon Vir meer besonderhede kontak Carolina by 082 879 7786

POTCHEFSTROOM HEBRON KERSMARK MOOI ROTARY ANNS bied aan: Live musiek | Photobooth | Wit olifant tafel

Tee Tuin | Springkasteel | Geskenkies | Kettie-skiet

2de Handse Klere en Meubels | Kiddies Corner PIK-EN-PROE

KAARTJIES BY DIE DEUR BESKIKBAAR Baie geluk aan Nina Grobler, Erns van Graan en Joeye Coetzee wat elk 2 komplimentêre kaartjies wen na die Lentekonsert 2015. Kaartjies kan op daardie aand by die deur afgehaal word.

Aardklop Festival, in the form of a pop-up shop. It formed part of the social awareness exhibit that the Snowflake building’s owners, Marthie en Albert Bothma host every year. This exhibition was instrumental in creating awareness of the importance of sustainable job creation as well as the Seboni Project itself. The project is still in its beginning phase and although the women do not generate a sizable income as of yet, they are extremely enthusiastic and dedicated to Seboni. Things are moving forward and recently a large retailer noticed one of their products, a crocheted bag, and was so impressed by their work and the project that they have decided to become a sponsor of the project. The funding they receive will go towards purchasing equipment and materials for their new product range, which they hope will be available at local Potchefstroom stores in the near future. If you would like to get involved in the Seboni Project, kindly contact Martie at martie.


INSPIRASIE IDEES Prysuitdeling VIR JOU deur Bouwer Bosch KERSTAFEL deur Leandi du Randt KERSVERSIERINGS Motiveringspraatjie TE KOOP Langs Manzini Wildsplaas | | 071 378 2659 Toegangsfooi: 1 Blikkie kos | 31 Oktober 2015

Datum: 7 November 2015 Tyd: 9:30 vir 10:00 Ikageng Gate Shopping Plek: Mall Crista Galli

OPENING 29 October 2015

R100 per persoon

Vir meer besonderhede kontak Carolina by 082 879 7786

Solidariteit... Is dit alles deel van haar plan? Om KP, ekskuus, VF+, stemme te lok? Mmmmm. Nee wat. Tannie Annette het haar kanse gehad. Maar wie dan? Maklik, sê my vriend van ‘n vriend. Die DA het ‘n jong koukusvoorsitter, Hans-Jurie Moolman, wat soos ‘n bees werk en slim is. Hy is boonop ordentlik. Die soort man wat ons stad kan lei. Sal die DA hom aanwys? Gaan hoofkantoor alleen hieroor besluit of sal die koukus ook ‘n sê hê? En sal Moolman tyd hê? Hy het ‘n praktyk en mense sê hy is op pad na die regbank... Al wat teen hom kan tel, is sy gebrek aan openlike ambisie. Maar dit is dalk die beste aanbeveling.



ie stryd wat tans op kampusse landwyd woed is betekenisvol want dit kan lei tot groot woelinge in die politieke arena in ons land. Tog is dit belangrik om te onthou dat die Potchefstroom-kampus van die Noordwes-Universiteit ‘n bykomende dimensie belig van studente-protes. Hier gaan dit nie soseer oor die verhoging van universiteitsgelde nie maar veral oor die historiese uitslui­ting van swart en Engelse studente weens die taalbeleid van die kampus. Daarom loop die emosies so hoog oor simbole van apartheid wat vir sommige studente aanstootlik is terwyl ‘n standbeeld soos dié van die digter Totius vir ander van waarde is omdat hy so ‘n groot rol gespeel het in die vestiging van die Universiteit en onder meer die Bybel in Afrikaans vertaal het. Die positiewe uitvloeisel van die groep ReformPuk se aandrang dat Totius se beeld op die Potchefstroom-kampus óf verwyder word óf deur ‘n kennisgewing in konteks geplaas word is dat daar nou vir die eerste keer behoorlik gedebatteer word oor hoe apartheidsdenke die Puk gevorm het. Dit is goed dat studente vanuit alle ideo­ logiese perspektiewe hul stemme laat hoor, want dit is al manier hoe groter begrip vir die uiteenlopende ervarings van wit en swart geskep sal word. Dit is egter jammer dat die gesprek nie uit die staanspoor in ‘n eerlike gees geskied nie, want wit studente wat nou beweer dat hulle “stilgemaak” word, verdraai die waarheid om simpatie te wek. Jy kan met reg vra waar is die voorbeelde dat hulle al die swye opgelê is en deur wie? In die era van sosiale media het studente van alle oortuigings meer kommuni­ka­sie­


Die NorthWest Independent sê die antwoord op die dilemma oor Totius se standbeeld is dalk om ‘n beeld van sy suster Marie du Toit op te rig.

moontlikhede as enige vorige generasie om hul menings te lug. Wit Afrikaanse Christen-studente het al vir dekades ‘n veelheid moontlikhede om hulself uit te druk en gehoor te word op ‘n kampus wat hul kultuur bo enige ander groep se belange stel. Boonop staan die Puk se studentemedia bankvas agter die voorstanders van ‘n Afrikaanse kampuskultuur en organisasies soos AfriForum en Solidariteit maak voortdurend voorbrand vir Afrikaanse studente se taalregte op die Potchefstroom-kampus. Ook in hoofstroom media word die “taalstryd” aangebied op ‘n manier wat uiteindelik meer simpatie skep vir die regte van Afrikaanse sprekers as wat begrip gekweek word vir swart of Engelse studente se frustrasies. As die geskiedenis vir studente belangrik

is, moet hulle dalk moeite doen om te luister na mense wat eerstehands ervaring het van die allerverskriklikste vorme van onderdrukking wat tydens die apartheidsjare gebeur het toe daar werklik geen vryheid van spraak was vir andersdenkendes nie. Dié vergrype het gevloei uit die apartheids-ideologie waarvoor Totius in 1944 die Bybelse regverdiging gebied het in die Volks­ kongres. Natuurlik moet jy genuanseerd kyk na die tyd waarin Totius geleef het en deur wie hy beïnvloed is. Maar om te sê dat hy bloot net ‘n produk was van die heersende denke van toeka is nie heeltemal waar nie. Daar was destyds al teenkanting teen apartheidsdenke en in sy eie familie het Totius ideo­logiese opposisie oor menseregte gekry. Sy suster, Marie du Toit, het in 1921 in reaksie op sy betoog aan die Doppersinode waarom vroue nie stemreg moes kry nie, ‘n boek geskryf, Vrou en Feminist, waarin sy Totius se redes weerlê het waarom vroue nie mag stem nie. Bitter min mense weet vandag van Marie se radikale denke oor vroueregte en dit illustreer hoe selektief ons na die geskiedenis kyk. Dit bring ‘n mens tot ‘n onthutsende gevolg­ trekking: As wit Afrikaanse mense so min van hul eie geskiedenis weet, hoeveel moet ons almal nog wys word oor mekaar se verlede en hede voor ons werklik begrip sal kry vir ander kulture se werklikhede? Miskien is die belangrikste dat almal wat ‘n belang het in die oorlewing van die Puk nou goedkoop propaganda laat vaar en werklik ‘n poging aanwend om na mekaar te luister. En dalk moet die NWU ondersoek instel na die moontlikheid om naas Totius ‘n beeld op te rig van sy vuurvreter-suster wat haar tyd so ver vooruit was.

Men to boys: ‘Don’t rape!’ ¢¢ PHETOGO SEBONEGO

A talk about rape by the founder of a local organization that aims to educate men and boys had a big impact at Potchefstroom High School for Boys. The Grade 11’s welcomed Saki Tlotleng’s interesting presentation about the rape crisis, not only in our country, but in our town. Tlotleng emphasized to the boys that men possess the power to stop the ongoing cycle of sexual violence. “The statistics on how many women get raped in Potchefstroom alone on a weekend was unbelievable. It was shocking,” says student, Mortal Mogomotsi. “To think that every weekend 5 males get raped in our town, and the minimum number of women who get raped over the same period, is 48. It’s frightening.” The Banna ba Kae campaign aims to educate men about the issue of rape with the understanding that ultimately, rape can only be stopped by men. Their outreaches are aimed at establishing an understanding between men that they need to take responsibility for the attitudes of other males. Tlotleng explained the low conviction rates to the learners, who then understood issues like unreported rape and dropped charges. The boys left the talk shocked by the information. “We realise the importance of shelters for women and the vulnerable position they are in,” says Raps Tlhapi.


POTCH BABAS Tussen 0 en 1 jaar

Stuur vir ons ‘n foto van jou baba! Inskrywings sluit 28 Oktober 2015,14:00 Stuur jou foto, naam, nommer, naam van baba en ouderdom na

Gaan stem dan vir jou gunsteling baba tussen 29 Okt. & 3 Nov. op ons Facebook blad.

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Preserving the heritage of Promosa Secondary


to instil values in their children that aid teaching and that is a fair request. Yet, many parents are disappointed when their children well-behaved, punctual and appropriately dressed - receive no instruction for months because there is no teacher or textbooks for a certain subject. Race and language would be far less a hot topic if the end result was an orderly school that produces the results Promosa Secondary has always been known for. The concerns about the future of the school is about the decrease in academic results and the dilapidation that has occurred at Promosa Secondary. The school has lost a proud history of producing results that attracted many outof-town learners and now struggles with basic discipline and teaching. When representatives of the DOE state that the school is the property of the government not the community and will be run accordingly, it increases the level of anxiety in the community. The problems now seen at Promosa Secondary are the result of a gradual decline in teaching standards, community participation as well as good parenting. There is no innocent party. Those in the community of Promosa who want to preserve their heritage and language have to become more active in community matters and not leave important decision to be made without their knowledge and participation. The decline in the state of the only Coloured secondary school in Potchefstroom is evidence that this has not been happening.

White and Non-white, but those divisions were far less rigid between Black and Coloured. The residents of Ikageng and Promosa had a shared communal history prior to apartheid policy being instituted. I recall a hometown where everyone who spoke Afrikaans could greet and say a few phrases in vernacular and vice versa. I’m from a town where family ties remained strong despite being stretched by a policy where members of the same clan could be classified under different races. Being considered both Black and Coloured the home I lived in Afrikaans was generously enhanced by Setswana and English. The Potch I know has always been a mixture of Coloured and Black culture and its languages. At its core the school’s problem is not a race or language issue, but the drop in education standards that the whole of South Africa is experiencing. The school might advise parents

POTCH IMPRESSIONS By Netta Drift Those who value their Afrikaans, have to teach their children to speak the language properly; schooling will only supplement what is taught at home. Parents also need to show understanding for teachers and schools that are over-crowded but under-staffed and under-resourced. The government has to realise that it exists because of the people and aren’t above communities. The school belongs to us more than it does the government because it affects what is most precious to us: Our children. There is talk of establishing an alumni club of the schools old pupils to weigh in on school matters, a positive step in the right direction. However it must also be accepted that years of neglect and under-performance will not be rectified in a year or two. At this point the best thing the communities of Promosa and Ikageng can do is become involved in the schooling of their children. If each parent does their bit to ensure their child is effectively educated all the problems the school faces will be greatly reduced.


here has been a lot of speculation about the future of Promosa Secondary and the teaching medium the school will be employing in future. Recent interaction on Facebook inflamed some tempers, mine included, that Afrikaans might be done away with as a language of instruction. The two Coloured schools in Promosa are the only ones outside the traditional white suburbs where Afrikaans is both the home language and the medium used for education. Coloured people in Promosa now feel as if their language and heritage is being side-lined in a school standing right on their doorsteps. The influx of learners who don’t have Afrikaans as a home language saw the inclusion of English, making the school a double medium institution. Many of the new pupils and teachers use Setswana as a home language. This has created a situation where it has become an unofficial supplemental language of instruction. Poor academic results have also added to the concerns the community has about the future of the school. The community has found very little sympathy from the Department of Education (DOE) regarding their concerns about the use of language. Conflict ensued when the candidate preferred by the community, Godly Burrel, had to stand back for the government selected principal. Promosa has since adjusted and accommodated the current head of the school, Pelesa Mafisa. The Potch I grew up in had barriers between

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Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

Being a baker for 18 years makes you the kind of expert that can open the best baking shop in town with literally everything you will ever need in the kitchen. Marisol Corriera is the baking wizard at Zigmart in Potchefstroom. She’s always prepared to share he expertise and will gladly help customers choose from all the weird and wonderful stuff in the shop. When walking down the aisles in Zigmart while wondering what all the different things on the shelves are, there is Mari (what all the Potchefstromers call her) at your side to explain. Cake tins, dummies, pre-mixes, gel and powder colouring, edible figures, all shapes, sizes and brilliant colours, cupcake holders, flavourings, essence… A magical collection of baking wonders. To add to this great experience you can also

buy all the shapes, colours and sizes of plastic ware and glass. When Mari started baking almost two decades ago she struggled to get the right stuff in Potchefstroom and dreamt of a local shop where she could buy these things. Sweet Sensations was the first shop she opened, but the premises was a bit too small to accommodate all the baking goodies that she knew bakers need. “I could also not buy in bulk and give my customers good prices, “she says. “My dream was to go bigger and better and this is what our new shop is. “I love the new shop! And Google is my friend as I use it to look at new trends and then find the stuff needed for my customers,” Mari explain. “There is a lot of new and wonderful things coming. “

Kom kyk saam na ons geveerde vriende Lede, vriende en belangstellendes van Potch se voëlklub word herinner en uitgenooi na ‘n nagbesoek aan die Prozesky voëlpark Vrydagaand (23 Oktober) vanaf 18:30. Bring jou eie stoel, koffie en beskuit, flits en insekweerder. Vir verdere inligting skakel Nick Jonas, 079 3583 682 van Wesvaal Voëls.



Don’t miss playful exhibition N12 Treasure Route a hidden gem ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER


ast Thursday evening saw the NWU Gallery hosting the opening of their latest exhibition at their gallery in the Botanical gardens. The deeply intriguing and ambiguous ‘The Games People Play” was also the opening event for the Aardklop Art Safari and boasted a variety of artworks, sculptures and installation art. Curated by Gordon Froud and Yannis Generalis and co-curated by Doreen de Klerk, this exhibition invited artists to interpret the theme of ‘the games people play’ and react towards it by expressing it through art. These games encompassed a gamut of interpretations, from literal games and mind games to more abstract concepts. The artists creatively portray their interpretation of the theme and in turn also play games with the viewer, creating ambiguities, double entendres and conjure a world of smoke-and-mirrors and of make-believe. The exhibition will run until November 6th and everyone is welcome to ‘come and play’. The gallery is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 - 16:00.

Many people have negative associations with travelling along the N12 highway. Images of bad road conditions and car accidents immediately come to mind and people may choose alternative routes to get to their destinations. Fortunately this artery that runs through our town, Potchefstroom, has received major attention and there is currently a very compelling initiative underway - The N12 Treasure Route. This initiative is creating treasured holiday and travel destinations along the N12, giving travellers an entirely new experience when using the route. Through the beautification of buildings and marketing of attractions, this creates incredible opportunities for tourism that will benefit the communities, towns and cities along the N12. Rob Trautman from Potchefstroom a member of the N12 Treasure Route Association, is the driving force behind this project. He and his team are incredibly passionate about promoting local tourism and simultaneously providing a safer, richer travel experience. “We want people to start using the N12 as an alternative route to the N1. It is toll-free, malaria-free, and the roads are now in very good condition,” says Rob. By establishing the N12 Treasure Route as a brand, they are expanding tourism along the route which, in turn, supports local communities and local business by increasing direct and indirect employment. The N12 Treasure Route Association currently partners with the Sustainable Tourism


ABOVE: Izanne Wiid’s “Newton’s Balls/ Executive Ball Clicker” was one of the main attractions at the opening of “The Games People Play” exhibition at the NWU Gallery in the Botanical gardens. LEFT: “Arachnonailophobia” by Gawie Joubert sees an arachnid made entirely of human nail clippings.

Die N12 waar dit deur Meiringspoort in die Swartberge kronkel.

Partnership Programme (STPP). “We feel very strongly about sustainable tourism and are always striving to become more ‘green’,” says Rob. Thus far the project has been very successful and has received endorsement by the Minister of Tourism. They have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the STPP and are also working with the Skills Village 2030 Secondary Co-op Ltd to arrange mega events along the route. “We are currently planning a Balloon Race that will be taking place next year,” tells Rob. “We encourage the local Potchefstroom community to join and become members of the N12 Treasure Route Association and support our local events and businesses,” he says. Visit the N12 Treasure Route’s website at where you will find a comprehensive directory of all the towns, cities and attractions along the route. Also, check out the App available in the App Store.

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LASBON CAR INTERIORS • Custom Fit Seat Covers • Embroided Logos

Bakkies with drivers wanted to provide subcontracting work for BoxBerry Express. This will include local and outlying deliveries. For further information please contact: Luke Chaplin on 072 761 9238 or Carmen Muller on 082 518 3443


Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

We make heavy duty custom fit seat covers with a waterproof ripstop canvas material with a ⁄⁄ inch sponge on the inside. We make seat covers for any kind of vehicle e.g cars, trucks, bakkies, tractors etc. We also put embroidery logos on the seat covers e.g car or company logos.


- We embroider logos or any names on any kind of material i.e heavy or soo - We embroider logos for schools, companies and individuals

Contact Lavas: 078 401 2316 |


Mooirivier Laerskool se hoofleiers is onlangs aangewys. Voor: Stefan Schoeman (onderhoofseun), Lize van der Westhuizen (hoofmeisie), Morné Stafford (hoofseun), Dollah Kilimane (onderhoofmesie). Agter: Ruandi van Dyk(onderhoofmeisie), Gabriel Richards (onderhoofseun), Nicci Labuschagne (onderhoofmeisie), Martin Landman (onderhoofseun).

KANSA OMGEEGROEP Is jy met kanker gediagnoseer of is jy tans besig met behandeling?dan is jy ‘n OORWINNAAR! KANSA nooi jou vriendelik uit om DV Vrydag 23 Oktober 2015 om 14:00 ‘n samekoms by te woon by NG Suiderkruis kerksaal in Kampstraat. Kom deel jou ervarings, bekommernisse en vrae. Alle kanker Oorwinnaars is baie welkom! Kom kuier saam rondom ‘n koppie tee of kofffie (bring asb eie koffiebeker saam) – die res sal voorsien word. Vir navrae kontak Sr Frances Minné by 018 294 8253 of Doreen vd Westhuizen by 082 835 0998

Kennisgewing / Notice TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION TENDER 57/2015 Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 11kV CABLES AND SWITCHING SUBSTATION FOR THE UPGRADING OF THE ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE TO THE BULT AREA FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12:00 ON 05 NOVEMBER 2015 Sealed tender, duly endorsed “TENDER 57/2015: SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 11kV CABLES AND SWITCHING SUBSTATION FOR THE UPGRADING OF THE ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE TO THE BULT AREA FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatje Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 05 NOVEMBER 2015 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatje Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. CIDB Category 5EP or 4EP PE Contractors and higher may tender. FUNCTIONALITY – (70 POINTS) Functionality Criteria (Proof is required to be submitted with tender) Core business of organisation - reference to similar projects (1 Point for each item confirming core business)

Maximum number of points 5 points

Proven track record - reference to the completion of similar projects (4 Points for each comparable project)

20 points

Experience and expertise of key staff - reference to similar projects (1 Point for each year)

14 points

Capacity to do the work - reference to the resources (1 Point for every 2 persons on staff *maximum 5 points) (1 Point for each vehicle *maximum 5 points. Proof of registration required to be attached for each vehicle)

10 points

Project Plans

21 points

Bidders that score less than 70% on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid.

To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria, upon payment of a non-refundable, deposit of R600,00 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The City Council reserves the rights to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, the lowest tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (as amended). It must also comply with the Supply Chain Management Regulations as published in Government Gazette 27636 of May 2009. The Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Law will also be applicable. A compulsory site inspection meeting will be held on 22 OCTOBER 2015 at 10:00 in the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria. Enquiries: Mr George Adejinmi at 083 3756986 or 018 462 0796. Notice No. 56/2015 DR N E BLAAI-MOKGETHI MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Ikageng Gate Shopping Mall OPENING 29 October 2015

22 October 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 43 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Dragon boat races – the final countdown ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

The ever-popular Dragon Boats are back in Potchefstroom, with tremendous hype building around the 3rd annual Dragon Boat Races that will be taking place this Saturday, 24 October, at Potch Dam. The event is hosted by the Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Club and sponsored by Discovery. Since its start in 2013, the dragon boat races have gained a lot of momentum, with 16 teams participating in this year’s races. The teams comprise 20 crew members -18 paddlers, a drummer and a flag-catcher – who will paddle in a series of races to determine who will make it through to the final. The winning team will receive a trophy and crew members will each receive a gold medal. The R 5 000 entry fee will be awarded back to the winning team and will be matched by the Mayor of Potchefstroom, the Honourable Kgotso Khumalo. This will bring the cash prize to R 10K and the winning team can then donate this money to the charity of their choice. “We want

to bring the community together to enjoy the day, but it is also a fundraising event to raise funds and create awareness of cancer,” says Riaan Botha, a director of The Potchefstroom Mooi Rotary Club. “The whole concept started due to the fact that paddling is a great form of exercise for people suffering from breast cancer and who are undergoing rehabilitation,” explains Eloise Sauer, Rotary president. A special memorial event will also be taking place during the course of the day, in which cancer survivors will paddle to the centre of the dam and participate in a moving ceremony; with Professor Anette Combrink addressing the guests and participants. The first races will start at 08h00 on Saturday morning and the entry fee for spectators is the standard Potchefstroom Dam fee. It promises to be a fun-filled day for the whole family where you can enjoy a picnic, braai or a lekker ‘boerie’ roll from one of the food stalls, while watching the races, knowing that you are supporting both a good cause and your own community.

Teams who will be participating in the Dragon Boat Races this Saturday have been undergoing vigorous training in preparation for the big event.

Martial arts hopefuls aim for World Games

Members of the local Korean Martial Arts Club competed in the Martial Arts South Africa National Selection Championship at the Parys Afridome during the weekend of 3 and 4 October. Athletes are in the first phase of selections for the World Martial Art Games for 2016. The juniors: Back. Master Louise Viviers (Instructor); Zade Hofsta -Gold, Pamela Chihanga - Bronze X 2, Reamogetse Mosiane - Silver X 2, JC Wyllie - Silver X 4. Front: Cael Witten - Bronze and Silver, Nicholas Chihanga - Gold, Ivko Ivanov - Gold, Silver Bronze X 2. Koketso Manyama - Bronze.

The senior Korean Martial Arts team are in the back: Suzanne Crator - Bronze x 2, Frances Stoltz - Gold and Bronze X 3, Andre Lerm - Gold, Silver and Bronze, Hanke de Kock, Imke de Kock - Gold X 2 and Bronze. Middle. Ruan vd Berg - Gold and Silver, Thami Vavane - Thato Melleane - Bronze X 2, Brandon Lee Stewart - Gold X 2 and Bronze, Cara de Kock - Bronze X 2 and Silver. Front. JC Wyllie - Silver X 4, Zade Hofsta - Gold.




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