NorthWest Independent - The newspaper Potch depends on.

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10 December 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 50 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free


Nadia, of The NorthWest Independent, with Friesian horse, Rüdke. They wish readers a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

“It would be hard to imagine a world without Christmas. This time of the year is one of merrymaking, with each family choosing its own special way of celebrating the special day. Christmas belongs to no one nation alone, nor to one tongue, nor to one colour or creed. In the same spirit, the NorthWest Independent community newspaper prides itself on being a true community newspaper that has dedicated a lot of time to - and put a lot of effort into you – our community. We are passionate about you and continue to believe in the importance of outreach to one and all. 2015 has been an eventful year for us, focusing on the community and local news. In this time of gratitude we give thanks to you: we value your patronage and your confidence in us. We thank you for your support. May you and your loved ones be blessed this festive season. Our first 2016 issue will be in your homes on 14 January 2016.” Greetings from the NorthWest Inde­ pendent staff

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An early Christmas gift for the elderly ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER


he annual Festival of Trees hosted by The Potchefstroom Museum and The Rotary of Potchefstroom Mooi was a huge success, collecting 2883 cans of food for the less fortunate. Winners, who were announced this week, were then given the opportunity to donate their cans to a charity of their choice, and in a beautiful gesture, all of the respective winners donated their cans to organisations which help the elderly. Wesvaal Taxation Services was the winner of the Large Christmas Tree category; the winners of the Small Christmas Tree was Star Taxation Services. As one vote equals one can of food, these two winners collected a total of more than 2600 cans of food. The winners both decided to donate their cans and bring joy to the elderly residents at the Ons Hulde Old Age Home. “We believe in giving 10% of every donation we receive to others who are also in need and will be donating 130 of the 1300 to them,” explained Mariaan de Villiers, Manager of Ons Hulde Old Age Home. In the last category - Favourite Christmas

Wreath – Cronjé Lemmer of Cronjé Lemmer Art Gallery walked away with the honours. Cronjé donated his cans to The Potch Mooi Rotary Anns for their Gift Hamper Project for the Elderly. This projects aims to help those less fortunate who cannot survive on their meagre government pensions. The local SPCA also received three crates of dog food. “It is wonderful to have been able to help the elderly community through this project. There is a great need amongst the old aged homes in Potchefstroom,” said the organisers. The idea for the Festival of Trees exhibition was the brainchild of co-organiser Annette Hattingh, and with the support of the Potch Museum and The Rotary Club of Potch Mooi, she saw her dream realised for the second consecutive year. The exhibition had more than 1700 visitors coming to witness the splendour of the 57 Christmas trees on Display. “We are excited to see the Festival of Trees becoming an annual highlight. We already have people who have asked to exhibit at next year’s Festival of Trees,” says Elmarie Weyers, Curator of The Potchefstroom Museum.

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Front: Bronwen Verster, owner of Star Taxation Services. (Winners of the Small Tree category). Back: Michelle Fritz, owner of Wesvaal Taxation Services (Winners of the Large Tree category) alongside Mariaan de Villiers manager of Ons Hulde Old Age Home who received these two winners’ combined total of over 2 600 cans of food.


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Loop lig vir mense wat geld insamel REDAKSIONEEL M et Kersfees om die draai, is dit ‘n tyd van die jaar wat welwillendheid seëvier en mense hul harte en beursies oopmaak vir minderbevoorregtes. Daar is soveel verdienstelike sake waarvoor mense geld insamel dat dit soms moeilik is om te besluit wie werklik jou bydraes verdien. ‘n Geval wat onlangs onder NorthWest Independent se aandag gekom het, behels ‘n man wat by verskeie winkels en inkopiesentrums in Potchefstroom geld insamel vir mense met kanker. Casper Jooste sê dat anders as die Kankervereniging wat geld insamel vir navorsing, samel hy geld in om kankerlyers daadwerklik by te staan. Hy deel talle staaltjies oor mense wat nie mediese fondse het nie wat op Pats Foundation steun vir geldelike hulp. Hy vertel ook vir belangstellendes van ‘n natuurlike aanvulling wat glo ‘n wonderkuur is teen kanker omdat dit herstel versnel. Dié middel word deur ‘n vriend van hom “Sarel” gemaak en Casper tree as tussenganger op. NorthWest Independent se ondersoek na Casper se aansprake het egter gewys dat hy vanaf September slegs een kankerlyer, ene Susan Coetzer, geldelik bygestaan het met oorbetalings. Die bankstate wat Casper

aan ons voorsien het, toon tot en met die dag van ons navraag, het hy drie bedrae aan haar betaal – R300, R250 en R350 onderskeidelik. (Teen druktyd kon ons nog nie vasstel of Susan werklik kanker het en waarvoor presies die oorbetalings aan haar gemaak is nie.) Alhoewel Casper talle dokumente het wat aantoon dat Pats Foundation as ‘n nie-winsgewende organi­ sasie geregistreer is, kon hy nie bewys lewer dat daar ‘n register is van mense wat bygestaan word of dat dié organisasie se finansiele state al ooit ge-oudit is soos wetgewing van sulke organisasies vereis nie. Hy het ook geen bewyse voorgelê van mediese navorsing oor die doeltreffendheid van die natuurlike middels wat hy bemark nie. Casper het aanvanklik vir NorthWest Independent se verslaggewer gesê dat hy nie besonderhede van die mense wat hy bystaan kan verskaf nie, omdat hy nie wil hê hulle moet lastig geval word nie. Hy beweer daar is kankerlyers in Potchefstroom wat hy in die toekoms geldelik sal bystaan, maar hy het nog geen betalings aan hulle gemaak nie.

POTCH BOEREMARK Drankwinkel | Boerebar Slaghuis |Take-Aways Vars groente daagliks Vir die beste vleis teen die beste prys Groot verskeidenheid tuisgebak

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SLAGHUIS SPECIALS Heel en halwe lam A graad Vark boud Bees tong gesout Lam braai - pakke A graad

In ‘n verklaring wat Casper aan die NorthWest Independent voorsien het ná ons aanvanklike vrae, voer hy aan dat sy welsynwerk eintlik primêr oor bewusmaking van kanker gaan. Sy hoofdoel sê hy is om mense aan te moedig om gesond te leef en hulself te laat toets, sê hy. Dit is goed en wel, maar wanneer die publiek ‘n skenking maak, het hulle die reg om te weet presies waarvoor hul geld aangewend word. Kanker is ‘n geweldig komplekse siekte en ongekwalifiseerde mense wat sterwendes vals hoop gee met beloftes van ‘n “wonderkuur” doen onberekenbare skade. Die bewusmaking wat Casper doen oor kanker moet dus opgeweeg word teen sy ander aansprake. As ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie nie voldoen aan elke enkele wetlike vereiste nie, moet die gevaarligte flikker. En wanneer ‘n welsynsorganisasie se inkoms­ te grotendeels vir “administrasie” aangewend word, kan jy maar weet daar is iewers ‘n slang in die gras. Voor jy ‘n skenking maak aan iemand wat homself as ‘n weldoener voorhou, moet jy doodseker maak dat jy nie ‘n gat in die kop gepraat word nie. Maak dan eerder ‘n skenking aan ‘n organisasie wat oor jare ‘n goeie reputasie opgebou het en verifieërbare bewyse kan lewer van hul goeie werk.









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Festival of Trees

We wish you the best during this joyful season.May your holidays be filled with festivities and plenty of merry enjoyment.

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Mooirivier groet geliefde onnies Drie geliefde onderwysers van Laerskool Mooirivier tree aan die einde van die maand af. Letterlik duisen­ de kinders is met die jare deur hulle hande en baie huidge Potchefstromers het by hulle geleer: Nie net skoolwerk nie, maar ook van die lewe. Piet van Wyk Mnr. van Wyk het as jong onderwyser by P A Theron in Stilfontein begin skoolhou. In Augustus 1982 skuif hy egter na Laerskool Mooirivier - hy was dus 34 jaar en 4 maande by die skool. Piet was ‘n aardrykskunde, geskiedenis en tegnologie onnie by die skool. Leerders het sy lesse baie geniet, grootliks te danke aan sy oongelooflike kennis en passie vir die buitelewe en natuur. Uit eie jagervaring en -kennis en baie spesiale staaltjies wat hy met leerders gedeel deur die jare, onthou kinders sy lesse veral, word vertel. Op sportgebied wou jy nie graag met die spanne wat hy afgerig swaarde kruis nie. Hy is n spesia­lisanaliseerder van sy opposisie met rugby, krieket en hokkie. Piet het n spesiale manier om die beste uit sy spelers te haal en hoe harder die wedstryde hoe beter vir hom. Sy spanne behaal ongelooflike sukses deur die jare en het met rugby, krieket en hokkie menige Super 12 en Noordwes titels ingepalm. Op hokkiegebied het sy spanne ook n paar keer nasionale titels verower. In atletiek het hy ook n klompie nasionale atlete opgelewer. Vir sy hande staan niks verkeerd nie. Hy het sy eie huis gebou in Van der Hoff Park en sy kollegas het geweet dat as daar n probleem is met ‘n deurslot, is hy die man om te vra.

Gretchen en Piet van Wyk en Magda Prinsloo kort voor hulle laaste dag by Laerskool Mooirivier.

In die afskeidsboodskap aan hom, sê sy oud-kollegas: “Jou huis sal nooit stil wees nie, want ons as vriende en kollegas sal nog altyd kom hulp vra en kuier omdat jy n ongelooflike innemende en omgee mens is. Lekker rus, Meneer! Jy is n yster.” Gretchen van Wyk Mnr. Piet se vrou, Gretchen, tree saam met hom af. Hulle het ontmoet toe hulle destyds saam op universiteit was. Gretchen was 28 jaar deel van die Tokkiespan. Sy het van Laer­

s­kool Stilfontein na Mooirivier geskuif saam met Piet. Met meer as 44 jaar ondervinding het sy op elke gebied waar sy betrokke was haar uitmuntend van haar taak gekwyt, vertel haar kollegas. Sy het reeds vanaf haar skooldae uitgeblink in sport en as afrigter het sy haar merk gemaak in veral netbal, hokkie en atletiek. Ten spyte van haar belangstellings en liefde vir sport, was die akademie van die kinders altyd vir haar baie belangerik en het sy haar


beywer sodat elke kind sy/haar volle potensiaal kon bereik. Sy was ‘n graad 4-juffrou. “As kollega met haar kennis en ondervinding en haar bereidwilligheid om te help, het haar in ’n klas van haar eie geplaas, waar geen probleme ooit te groot is nie. Sy het graag gehelp. Ons gaan haar baie mis.” Magda Prinsloo Magda tree aan die einde van die jaar uit diens na 34 jaar in die onderwys waarvan sy 23 jaar verbonde was aan Laerskool Mooirivier. Sy het destyds in Vanderbijlpark begin waarna sy toe by Laerskool Hendrik Potgieter – nou bekend as Potchefstroom Primary School – skoolgehou het. Sy het haarself onderskei as ‘n baie bekwame hulpklas juffrou waar sy vir jare kinders met leerprobleme bygestaan het. Later toe dié fasiliteite by skole gestaak is, het sy ‘n graad 2-juffrou geword en nog later die graadhoof by graad 2. Hier het sy nie net kinders nie, maar baie nuwe onderwysers touwys gemaak. Magda het ook tennis afgerig en klokslag elke Maandag- en Woensdagmiddig kon jy haar op die tennisbaan gaan soek. ‘n Ander gunsteling was die redenaars - sy het graag gehelp om die kinders voor te berei vir dié aktiwiteit. En dan natuurlik dit wat die meeste mense sal onthou: “Indien jy ooit lekker wil eet – of dit nou ontbyt (Super 12 netbal en rugbydae by ons skool), middagete of ‘n aandfunksie (tydens beheerliggaamvergaderings, haar onthaalgroep of tydens revuetye) dan kan ek haar aanbeveel,” vertel haar kollegas.

Army puts smiles on children’s faces ¢¢ LYNDLE HAAGNER

Children of the Promosa community were surprised with donations of food and Christmas presents at a festive occasion on Thursday 03 December. The School of Tactical Intelligence in Potchefstroom has taken on numerous community service projects where they provide support to people in need. In collaboration with Thales they were able to donate food and Christmas presents to all the children who rely on Thuso Ya Batho for their meals.

Thusa Ya Batho (The place of help) is the long-time project of much-loved Promosa resident, Angela Freeks. Ma Angela, as she is known in the community, has been providing home-made meals for the children and elders of the community since 2010. On average, Ma Angela feeds between 300 and 400 mouths a day. She has given her life to serving the community and uses her own pension, along with sponsorships, to feed the less fortunate. Ma Angela starts cooking at 05:00 every morning and has 10 volunteers who help her prepare the daily meals.

The School of Tactical Intelligence surprised the children at the Thuso Ya Batho Project with Christmas gifts as part of their community service project. PHOTOS: LYNDLE HAAGNER

Specials - Full head foils, cut & blow - R450 | Full set of nails - R180 | Full body massage - R200 071 679 9974 | 018 290 6777


Elderly gets commune at Service Centre The Potchefstroom Service Centre for the Aged (Dienssentrum) has unveiled a new assisted-care facility for elderly residents suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The focus is primarily on patients who have not yet entered into the advanced stages of the disease but do, however, need partial assistance from a caretaker. “There is an incredible need in Potchefstroom for the care of elderly people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, especially those who are in the in-between

stages of the disease. This new facility is the ideal living environment where residents still have the opportunity to be independent and socialise with other residents. Most importantly, they are not alone,” explains Tanita Roode, Social Organiser at the centre. The house in Kamp Street offers a home to four elderly residents who are cared for by a trained caretaker. Caretaking takes place according to residents’ needs and includes basic nursing, administration of medicine, any assistance needed by the residents as well house-

hold services and the preparation of meals. However, the caretaker does not live on the premises: she is there 16 hours a day and there are alarm systems in place if any of the residents are in need of assistance during the night. “We evaluate each applicant to determine the level of care needed and to ensure that they will adjust well to the environment of the house,” explains Tanita. An open house was held on Friday 27 November and residents had officially moved in by Sunday 29

November: there is currently one room still available in the house. This home, owned by the Centre, was beautifully renovated with their own funds and funds from sponsors. Each room has a private veranda and an en-suite bathroom which has been designed for the safety of the residents. The residents enjoy home-cooked meals together, served by the caretaker in the spacious kitchen and dining area. Residents can socialise in the large living room which is decorated with modern furniture.

Vrywilligers vereer by Dienssentrum We wish to thank all our sponsors and supporters for helping us to make all our projects such a huge success this year!

May your holiday season be filled with hope, joy, love and happiness. Thank you for the support during 2015!

May your heart be filled with the joy of giving thisPOTCH festive season, asROTARY it is the expression of the love in your heart and the kindness in your soul. Merry Christmas, and may this new year bring you joy and laughter.

Geklassifiseerd •

Tel: 018 294 3924/17 • Faks: 018 294 8081 • E-pos: northwestinde-

Algemeen / General


From Potch Mooi Rotary

• Gehoortoetse • Gehoorapparate • Diens en herstel van apparate • Wasverwydering • Gehoorapparate toebehore • Gehoorbeskermers Kom vir gratis siftingstoets om u gehoor vermoëns te bepaal. Baat ook by gratis leen-periode van apparaat om te kyk of u by nuwe tegnologie aanpas. Medicross Potchefstroom c/o Peter Mokaba & James Maroka 018 297 0785


X-Mas Promotions

Buy 2 or more Tombstones & stand a chance to get up to 50% off your first tombstone

Op Vrydag 4 Desember 2015 het Potchefstroom Dienssentrum Internasionale dag vir Vrywilligers saam met 50 vrywilligers gevier. Vrywilligers is ‘n baie belangrike deel van die dienssentrum en vir die laaste finansiële jaar is 9832 ure gelewer deur 240 vrywilligers. Vir hierdie spesiale geleentheid is Koos de Villiers, ‘n junior lektor by Unisa in Pretoria, die gasspreker gewees. Sy tema het gehandel rondom wat is my motivering om betrokke te raak as vrywilliger. Die boodskap was duidelik dat die talente, kennis en vaardighede, sowel as liefde en omgee niks beteken as ons dit nie aan ander uitdeel nie. Daar was ook sertifikate oorhandig aan 11 vrywilligers wat die Bemagtigingsprogram vir afgetrede vrywilligers van ‘n dienssentrum, voltooi het. Indien daar enige persoon in die gemeenskap belangstel om betrokke te raak as vrywilliger, kontak Tanita Roode by 018 293 0678.


Unsung Heroes sing a tune of success


This year marked the introduction of a new Award in Potchefstroom: the Unsung Heroes Award. The award recognises the outstanding work of a voluntary group or team of volunteers, delivering selfless service to the community. The debut award deservingly went to the heroic ER24 team, which has continuously provided admirable services to our community. The Unsung Heroes Awards is an initiative of the NCC (National Child Crisis)/ Potchefstroom Real in conjunction with Potch Pay It Forward, a group created specifically for the purpose of short term, emergency individual fund raising projects for needs within the Potchefstroom community. The criteria for the award is based on voluntary services performed for those in need. These heroes go above and beyond what is expected from them, regardless of the risks they may encounter. “Some people argue that humans are born good or born bad; I think

that’s nonsense,” says Yanni Malan, chairperson of National Child Crisis and founder of the Potchefstroom Real initiative on Facebook. “We are all born with the capacity to be anything. And for that reason we chose ER 24 as our first official Unsung Heroes. Our emergency rescue teams, the people who are there when we need them most, often go unnamed and don’t receive the recognition they deserve,” he adds. In the line of duty, ER24 constantly goes above and beyond, performing a tremendous service to the Potchefstroom community. Between 1 April and 1 November 2015, they were on the scene of close to 3800 incidents

and transported between 370 and 400 emergency patients each month. According to Gavin Edwards (Potch branch manager, ER24), ER24 gladly does a lot of pro bono work, as their main focus is to help people. Many local businesses sponsored the event, making it a memorable inauguaral evening and ensured that Er24, felt the admiration and appreciation of the community. Yanni Malan says,“The Unsung Heroes Awards will become an annual event and the public will have the opportunity to nominate various Unsung Heroes to receive recognition for their selfless acts of service to the community.” The NCC/Potch Real initiative is an affiliate of the National Child Crisis NPO and is also responsible for numerous community upliftment projects in which they fight against child abuse and help the less fortunate with food, clothing and other necessities. They are currently working towards starting a safe haven for abused and abandoned children in the Potchefstroom area.

The J & A Auto Clinic Team are proud to be celebrating 10 years in business. Back: Isaac Ntlhane, Riaan Erasmus, Jaques Fourie (owner). Front: Emily Melato, Annelize Fourie (owner).

Car(t)wheels for J & A

J & A Auto Clinic is celebrating 10 years in business on 10 Decem­ber. Owners Jaques and Annelize Fourie, a husband and wife team, started the business in 2005 and are proud to have reached this big milestone. “We are already looking forward to the next 10 years,” says Jaques. It is clear that this dynamic duo’s strong work ethic, high standard of service delivery and loyal client base, have aided their success as a business. J & A Auto Clinic, who specialises in mechanical repairs and services on all vehicles, as well as aircon repairs and re-gasing, are continuously expanding. “We currently have 10 vehicles coming through the workshop each day,” says Jaques. Their team of five work hard to deliver only the best service to their clients. “We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all our clients for their continued support throughout the years. We wish everyone a happy festive season and a happy new year,” says Annelize. J& A Auto Clinic has recently moved to their new premises at 3 Ross Street, Potch Industria. They will be closed over the festive season and will be open for business again as of 6 January 2016 – a great time to start your new year with a newly serviced vehicle. Contact Jaques Fourie on 018 293 1699 for any enquiries.

Special Christmas greetings to all our clients. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all the support during 2015! 3 OR Thambo Laan/Avenue, Potchefstroom Jankra Building/Gebou, 2nd Floor/Vloer Tel: (018) 297 3833 | Tel: (018) 294 4840

J&A AUTO CLINIC Mechanical repairs on all vehicles Services on all vehicles Repairs & regassing of aircons Aircon treatment for unpleasant odours All insurances also welcome



Tel/Fax: 018 293 1699 |

10 December 2015 | Volume 9 | Week 50 | Tel: 018 294 3924/17 | | Potchefstroom | Gratis • Free

Kom trap saam vir Bybels in 2016


an 14 tot 20 Februarie 2016 neem ʼn groep fietsryers van Potchefstroom vir die derde jaar aan die Noordwes Trap vir Bybels fietstoer deel. Noordwes Trap vir Bybels is ʼn inisiatief van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika en is daarop gemik om fondse in te samel vir die verspreiding van Bybels. In 2016 neem daar drie groepe fietsryers aan die inisiatief deel. Die groepe vertrek onderskeidelik vanaf Lichtenburg , Rustenburg Potchefstroom. Die Potchefstroom groep ry ʼn sirkel roete van ongeveer 600 km: Potchefstroom – Ventersdorp – Orkney – Leeudoringstad – Wolmaransstad – Makwassie – Bloemhof - Ottosdal – Hartbeesfontein – Klerksdorp – Potchefstroom. Gedurende die roete word daar by laerskole gestop en Bybels aan die Graad 7 leerders oorhandig. Volgens Joubert de Wet, ʼn fietsryer wat aan die 2014 en 2015 toere deelgeneem het, is dit ʼn ongelooflikervaring

om te sien watter impak die oorhandiging van ʼn Bybels op ʼn graad 7 leerders het. Die blydskap waarmee hulle die Bybels ontvang is ʼn belewenis wat jy nie in woorde kan beskryf nie, in baie gevalle is dit die enigste Bybel in die huishouding. Om die toer ʼn sukses te maak doen ons ʼn beroep op die gemeenskap van Potchefstroom en die omliggende dorpe om die toer te ondersteun deur skenkings en donasies. ʼn Donasie van R35 subsidieer een Bybel. Donasies word direk in die Bybelgenootskap se rekening betaal en belastingsertifikate kan aangevra word indien nodig. Skole wat betrokke wil raak is ook welkom om muntleggings af te neem om so fondse in te samel om die toer te ondersteun. Vir meer inligting, om ʼn donasie te maak, of om deel te neem aan die toer, kontak gerus vir Angelique Möller by 082 787 6569 of epos angeli- Die groep fietsryers wat aan die 2014 Noordwes Trap vir Bybels Fietstoer deelgeneem het. Hulle pak weer die fietstoer aan in Februarie 2016.


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