eeing as it is the first Easter in a new decade, I cannot help but wonder how Jesus would react if He lived in this day and age. Let me disclaim before we go any further that this piece is going to be very educational, somewhat fictional and hopefully FUNNY. I pray that the Lord forgives me if any of the following content offends any of His beloved children. With that said I think that, with all due respect and reverence to my King and Saviour, Jesus can probably take a joke. Loosen up and humour me for a second, imagine if Jesus was born in 1986 and the first Easter celebration had to happen in 2020. Listen, it’s about to get real!
The story begins with a prophecy…
happened before so basically people thought he was crazy. And then… He said that Jesus would be bruised
kréhon SWIFT
So, it’s probably the 1920s or way
for all our sins, like… Uncle, how
back when and there’s this uncle
can you say that about the Son of
named Isaiah. Uncle Isaiah
God?! Man of God! Well, uncle Isaiah
encountered God at a young age
believed it and he prophesied it.
and said that God could send him to
Basically, if you’re gonna prophesy
speak to the nations and stuff. So,
about somebody in 2020, you had
uncle Isaiah heard from God about
better only have nice things to say
a lot of things. He even kinda
but back then, people legit ONLY
predicted that Jesus would be born
said what God told them. And so did
by a virgin, which had NEVER
Jesus… but wait, we’re not there yet.