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Across five centuries and half the globecomes this compact guidebook of essential spiritual teachings. How to choose a guru, how to practice yoga, even where to live-you'llfind it alli�thisinvaluablework originally written in Sanskrit by Srila Rupa Gosvami, the greatest spiritual genius of medieval India. Now translated and illuminated by Rupa Gosvami's modern successor, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, The Nectar of Instruction is the key to enlightenment for all seekers on the path of spiritual perfection.

His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prahhupida


of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Srila Riipa Gosvami, the author of Sri Upadesamrta and numerous other volumes of Vai�Qava philosophy. He is the chief literary disciple of Sri l(r�Qa Caitanya, the pioneer of the powerful salikirtana movement which began in India five hundred years ago.

The temple of Radha-Govinda in V:rndavana, India, established in the Sixteenth Century by Srila Rupa Gosviimi. A conquering Moghul tyrant, Aurangzeb, dismantled the top four stories in envy of the temple's magnificence.

Sri Sri Radha-Govindaji, the beloved Deities of Srila Riipa Gosvami. At the time of the Moghul invasion, they were moved to Jaipur, India, where they are presently being worshiped.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His intimate associates performing sarikirtana (congregational chanting of the holy names of God). From left to right are Sri Advaita Acarya, Lord Nityiinanda, Lord Caitanya, Sri Gadadhara, and Sri Sriviisa.

Sri Sri Radha-Kr��a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His eternal consort. Of the many objects of favored delight and of all the beloved damsels in Vrndavana, Srimati Radhara�i is the most treasured object of ��a's love. (p. 82)

Lord Kr!?Q.a lifting Govardhana Hill during His pastimes in Vflldavana, India, five thousand years ago. Kr!?Q.a held up the divine hill for seven days to protect the denizens of Vflldavana from torrential rains sent by Indra, the king of the demigods. (p. 79)

BOOKS by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prahhupiida


As It Is

�rimad-Bhagavatam,Cantos 1-8 (24Vols.)

Sri Caitanya-carita�ta (17 Vols.)

Teachings of Lord Caitanya

The Nectar of Devotion

The Nectar of Instruction

Sri Isopani�ad

Easy Journey to Other Planets

Kn;r.la Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System l<.r�Q.a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (3 Vols.)

Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers

Dialectic Spiritualism-A Vedic View of Western Philosophy (3 Vols.)

Transcendental Teachings ofPrahladMaharaja l<.r�Q.a, the Reservoir of Pleasure

Life Comes from Life

The Perfection of Yoga

Beyond Birth and Death

On the Way to l<.r�Q.a

Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge

Elevation to l<.r�Q.a Consciousness

Krsna Consciousness: The MatchlessGift

B��k to Godhead Magazine (Founder)

A complete catalog is available upon request

International Society for Krishna Consciousness

3764 Watseka Avenue

Los Angeles, California 90034

On the cover: The samiidhi (tomb) of Srila Rupa Gosvami at the Radha-Damodara temple in V:rndavana, India.

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