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The Nectar of Instruction

kr�7Ja bcu)a dayamaya, karibare jihva faya, sva-prasi.ida-anna dila bhai sei annamrta khi.io, radha-kr�7Ja-gu7Ja gao, preme rj.aka caitanya-nitai

••o Lord! This material body is a lump of ignorance, and the senses are a network of paths leading to death. Somehow or other we have fallen into the ocean of material sense enjoyment, and of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and uncontrollable. It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world, but You, dear Kr�I).a, are very kind to us. You have sent this nice prasi.ida to help us conquer the tongue; therefore let us take this prasada to our full satisfaction and glorify Your Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Kr�I).a and in love call for the help of Lord Caitanya and Prabhu Nityananda."

There are six kinds of rasas (tastes), and if one is agitated by any one of them, he becomes controlled by the urges of the tongue. Some persons are attracted to the eating of meat, fish, crabs, eggs and other things produced by semina and blood and eaten in the form of dead bodies. Others are attracted by eating vegetables, creepers, spinach or milk products, but all for the satisf�ction of the tongue's demands. Such eating for sense gratification-including the use of extra quantities of spices like chili and tamarind-is to be given up by Kr�I).a conscious persons. The use of pan, haritaki, betel nuts, various spices used in pan-making, tobacco, LSD, marijuana, opium, liquor, coffee and tea is indulged in to fulfill illicit demands. If we can practice accepting only remnants of food offered to Kr�I).a, it is possible to get free from maya's victimization. Vegetables, grains, fruits, milk products and water are proper foods to offer to the Lord, as Lord .Kr�IJ.a Himself prescribes. However, if one accepts prasiida only because of its palatable taste and thus eats too much, he also falls prey to trying to satisfy the demands of the tongue. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us to avoid very palatable dishes even while eating prasiida. If we offer palatable dishes to the Deity with the intention of eating such nice food, we are involved in trying to satisfy the demands of the tongue. If we accept the invitation of a rich man with the idea of receiving palatable food, we are also trying to satisfy the demands of the tongue, In Caitanya� caritamrta (Antya 6.227) it is stated; jihviira lalase yei iti�uti dhiiya si.Snodara�pariiyar:m kr�r:m niihi piiya

"That person who runs here and there seeking to gratify his palate and who is always attached to the desires of his stomach and genitals is unable to attain .Kr�IJ.a."

As stated before, the tongue, belly and genitals are all situated in a straight line, and they fall in the same category. Lord Caitanya has said, bhiila nii khiiibe iira bhiila nii paribe: "Do not dress luxuriously and do not eat delicious foodstuffs." (Cc. Antya 6.236)

Those who suffer from diseases of the stomach must be unable to control the urges of the belly, at least according to this analysis. When we desire to eat more than necessary we automatically create many inconveniences in life. However, if we observe fasting days like Ekadasi and Janma�tami, we can restrain the demands of the belly.

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