6.9 SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the parks needs assessment map Figure 6-1 the areas of significant park needs that were outlined can be overlaid onto the vacant land parcels of the City to indicate areas of focus for planning purposes. The open parcels within these areas should be explored for additional parkland as these areas are in most critical need for parks and open space. Many of the parcels that are within the park needs areas are generally small and do not offer significant
opportunities for larger recreational amenities such as ballfields or soccer fields. However, opportunity areas in or adjacent to these areas (see Figure 6-6 and Figure 6-7) should also be explored, and if redevelopment of these sites is considered, park land should be made available to further offset the park needs in these areas. The geographic distribution of amenities within these areas should also be considered to allow for placement of amenities compared to existing amenities that may be currently available around the sites.
Not to scale. Figure 6-1: Vacant Land near Park Needs Areas 161