More&More 8: FAME English TEOG Testbook

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accept : kabul etmek anything : herhangi bir şey, hiçbir şey argue : tartışmak arrangement : ayarlama, düzenleme attend : katılmak back someone up : birine destek olmak buddies : arkadaşlar busy : meşgul close friend : yakın arkadaş common : ortak competition : yarışma conversation : konuşma count on : güvenmek depend on : güvenmek, -e bağlı olmak depressed : morali bozuk difficult : zor each other : birbirini enough : yeterli event : olay everything : her şey excuse : mazeret, affetmek free : boş, müsait get on well : iyi anlaşmak graduation : mezuniyet guest : misafir imagine : hayal etmek interests : ilgi alanları invitation : davet join : katılmak letter : mektup lie : yalan (söylemek) mind : akıl movie : film on the weekend* : hafta sonu other : diğer physically active : fiziksel olarak aktif promise : söz vermek refuse : reddetmek relatives : akrabalar romance : romantik film same : aynı sci-fi : bilim kurgu sender : gönderen share : paylaşmak shopping mall : alışveriş merkezi similar : benzer something : bir şey spend : harcamak/geçirmek stranger : yabancı thriller : gerilim filmi together : birlikte

A good friend

knows all your best stories.

A best friend

has lived them with you.

* Yaygın kullanım ‘’at the weekend’’ olmasına rağmen, ders kitabında ‘’on the weekend’’ yapısına yer verilmiştir. Bu sebeple sorularda ‘’on the weekend’’ kullanılmıştır.




IMPORTANT EXPRESSIONS Are you busy tomorrow evening? Yarın akşam meşgul müsün? Are you doing anything on tomorrow afternoon? Yarın öğleden sonra bir şeyler yapacak mısın? Are you free now? Şu an müsait misin? Cheers!* Hoşçakal!

(* ”UPTURN in English” kitabındaki kullanımı bu şekildedir.)

Do we have another choice? Başka seçeneğimiz var mı? Do you have any plans for the afternoon? Öğleden sonra için herhangi bir planın var mı? Enjoy yourself. Keyfine bak. Feel at home. Kendini evinde hisset. Great idea! Harika fikir! How are you doing? Nasılsın(ız)? Nasıl gidiyor I am glad to hear that. Bunu duyduğuma sevindim. I am not feeling well. Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. I am not going to do anything on Sunday. Pazar günü hiçbir şey yapmayacağım. I am busy tonight. Bu gece meşgulüm. I don’t really enjoy it. Gerçekten ondan hoşlanmıyorum. I feel blue. Hüzünlüyüm. I have to study. Ders çalışmalıyım. I hope……… / I guess……… Umarım…..... / Sanırım…...... I like……. / Do you like……..? Severim…... / Sever misin? It seems great for you. Senin için harika görünüyor. It’s Mike calling. Arayan benim, Mike. I’d love to, but I can’t. İsterdim ama yapamam. Maybe later. Belki sonra. No matter. Önemi yok. No, not at all. Hayır, Hiçbir şey yok. Nothing special. Özel bir şey yok. Please, come in! Lütfen içeri gir! Say hello. Selam söyle. See you / Goodbye / Take care. Görüşürüz/Güle güle/Kendine iyi bak. Shall we…………..? ….yapalım mı? Sounds good. Kulağa iyi geliyor. That sounds fun! Kulağa eğlenceli geliyor. That would be great! Çok iyi olur. That’s better. Bu daha iyi. What a nice day! Ne hoş bir gün! What about sci-fi movies? Bilim kurgu filmine ne dersin? What are you doing tonight? Bu akşam ne yapıyorsun? What do you have in your mind? Aklında ne var? What do you think about…….?: …..hakkında ne düşünüyorsun? What type of………? / What kind of …….? Ne tür…? Why don’t we join it? Niçin biz buna katılmıyoruz? Will you come and pick me up? Gelip beni alacak mısın? Would you like to come over? Uğramak ister misin? Would you like to…….? .........mak ister misin?


Yes, I would. / I’d love to. Evet, isterim.


TEST 1 1.




Dann : We are going out of Nashville with friends. Would you like to go out of the town? Abrra : ........ , I have to study then because I have an exam tomorrow.

A) do sport B) go to movie C) go for a walk D) feel at home

A) That sounds fun B) I am not going to do anything C) I am sorry, I can’t D) That would be great


Donna : It was a great movie, Gale. ........ You are my best friend. Gale : You are welcome. We are real buddies. I had great time, too.


A) What about watching another movie? B) Good idea, let’s go. C) Thanks for everything. D) Would you like to listen to music?


Harry : Hi. Taylor : Hello. I hope you are not busy. Harry : No, I am not. Please come in, ........ and enjoy yourself.

Helen : We are going for a walk. Would you like to join us? Nancy : I am sorry, but I can’t. I am going to have some guests. Helen : ........ . See you at school. A) No matter B) It seems great C) Of course D) That sounds fun

Alice : Dave and you don’t have similar interests. For example, you like playing tennis but he never plays it. Are you close friends? Meggy : No, we are not ........... .


“Sofia is my closest friend. We are like sisters. I can always ........ her because she never lies to me. We sometimes argue but we..........each other most of the time.” A) buddies / get on well with B) back up / depend on C) get on well with / depend on D) depend on / get on well with

A) relative B) buddies C) classmate D) stranger






Michelle Katya Michelle Katya


: Hi. : Hi Michelle. ........... : ........... : Great, thanks.

A) Tea party B) Birthday party C) Barbecue party D) For a walk

A) Who are you?/ How are you? B) It is Katya calling / How are you doing? C) It is Michelle calling / How are you? D) How are you doing? / It is Katya calling.

11. Sue : What are you doing on Friday? We are going to shopping mall. Would you like to join us? Maide : ........... I am going to visit my grandparents.

8. 9. ve 10. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre cevaplayınız.

Dear Erika, I hope all is well in your world. I am going to have a party at my place on Saturday, 24th April. We are going to drink tea and chit-chat. Marry and Jeff are going to come. I hope we will have fun together. I guess you know my address. Cheers, Sally



What is the invitation about?

A) Will you pick me up? B) I’d like to, but I can’t. C) Great idea! D) That sounds really fun!

Who is the sender of the mail?


A) Marry B) Jeff C) Sally D) Erika

Rose : Is Duygu one of your close friends? Damla : No, she isn’t, because ................ A) we have nothing in common. B) she never lies to me. C) we never argue. D) she helps me whenever I need.

Who is the invitation for? A) Jeff B) Sally C) Marry D) Erika 10




True Friends ▶ have a lot in common ▶ always back up each other ▶ never tell lies ▶ ...................

16. Hande : Why don’t we watch tennis competition tonight? Ashley : ................... I don’t really enjoy watching sports. Hande : What about “Ice Age”? It is an animation. Ashley : That’s better. Let’s watch it!

13. Yukarıdaki tabloya aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisi eklenebilir?

A) Do we have another choice? B) That sounds fun. C) Yeah, that would be great. D) I’d like to see it.

A) always argue B) get on well with each other C) don’t share similar likes and dislikes D) don’t have fun together


Özgür : Do you like comedies? Sally : Yes, they are my favorite. Özgür : I heard that a good comedy is playing at the movie theatre. Shall we watch it together? Sally : ............... Let’s go. Dear Langdon, I am organizing a nature walking on Sunday. We will start walking in front of the Green Park, at 2 p.m. I hope you can join. ................... Sienna

A) No, thanks. B) That is a great idea. C) I am sorry, I can’t. D) Sorry, I am really busy.

17. Yukarıdaki davetiyenin sonuna hangisi getirilemez?

15. Bob : Are you busy tomorrow evening? Sude : No, not at all. .......... Why do you ask? Bob : We are going to have a barbecue. Would you like to join us? Sude : Yes, I would.

A) Love, B) Feel at home, C) Cheers, D) See you soon,

A) I’m not ready for the exam. I have to study. B) I’m going to visit my relatives. C) I have to go to shopping mall. D) I’m not going to do anything. 11




20. ........... should study very hard this week.

18. 19. ve 20. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre cevaplayınız. Aries (March 21-April 19) You will have a great week. You will enjoy sports with your friends. You can spend more time with them.

A) Taurus B) Cancer C) Gemini D) Aries

Taurus (April 20-May 20) You will feel depressed because you will argue with one of your friends. You should call your friends more often.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You will have a difficult week because you will have exams. You can get help from your teachers and friends.

You will go to Sports Center with your buddies and have fun together. You are lucky because you have true friends.


18. Who will be physically active this week? A) Taurus and Cancer B) Gemini and Taurus C) Aries and Cancer D) Taurus and Aries

19. ........... will have some problems with friends. A) Taurus B) Cancer C) Gemini D) Aries


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