>> STRUCTURE | Trnávka Galvaniho, AVIDOL |SK
Poloha/ Location: ulica Na Križovatkách, Bratislava II/ Na Križovatkách street, Bratislava II Autor/ Architect: Ing. arch. Kiaček, Ing. arch. Komár, Ing. arch. Míčová Developer/ Developer: AVIDOL s.r.o. Realizácia/ Construction: 2007 stručný opis územia/brief description: Residential complex “AVIDOL ” at Na križovatkách street is located in quiet and plain side of Ružinov outskirts of Bratislava, close to a four lane street Galvániho street. Residential houses are well connected to the road network, highway inciter is only about 1 km from the residential complex. Territory on the southeast borders on the areas of secondary and vocational schools, on the southwest on residential complex Slnečný dvor and school area, on south on build-up area of houses and on northeast on already mentioned four lane Galváni street. Residential complex “AVIDOL 470 apartments” has a capacity and height gradation – from the highest and most compact estate from Galvani street gradual loosening southwestern direction. In the inner block – east-to-west line – is created mostly precincts direction and therefore the orientation of houses inside of the solved area is logical. It is a complex composed of two major residential buildings of pectinate shape (in plan), that urbanely relate to six smaller spot objects. Two similar residential buildings with square floor plan and inner block are adjoined northern and southern with them. In its surrounding there are many undeveloped parcels, so there can be expected further building in the future. In inner block of houses there are predominantly green spaces including grown verdure and there is preffered pedestrian movement against all forms of transport (both static and dynamic) together with creating of a playground between the blocks. Construction of a complex will continue to further phases including areas amenities and another 300 apartments. They should together create a valuable residential environment, but with high density without adequate equipment of basic services of residential environment. Compactness osf buildings, building density and the technologies used suggest energy effectiveness as well as effectiveness of public financed infrastructure.
>> STRUCTURE | Trnávka Galvaniho, AVIDOL |SK Údaje/Parameters: Celková plocha/Total area: 30063 m2 Plocha parcely/Ground area: 24383 m2 Stupeň zastavanosti v %/Build area %: 0.42 Hĺbka bloku budov/ The depth of the block of buildings: 18 m Počet podlaží /Number of floors: 7 Hrubá podlažná plocha nad úrovňou/ Gross floor area above: 71638 Z toho bývanie m2/%/ Of which housing: 0,96 Z toho sociálne a osobné služby m2/%/ Of which social and personal services: 0 Hustota podlažných plôch/ Density of floor area: 2.94 Plocha bytov spolu m2/ Total area of flats m2: 10234 Počet bytových jednotiek/ Number of housing units: 471 (2 phases) Nezastavané plochy spolu m2/ Unbuilt areas total m2: 19829 Z toho verejné m2/ Of which public m2: 19829 Z toho verejné %/ Of which public %: 100 Z toho poloverejné m2/ Of which semipublic m2: 0 Z toho súkromné m2/ Of which private m2: 0 Z toho detské ihriská m2/ Of which playgrounds m2: 0 Dopravné plochy m2/ Traffic areas m2: 9019 Nadzemné parkoviská m2/ Surface parking m2: 3339 Vnútorné garážové státia/indoor parking places:157 Index zelených plôch/ Index of green areas: 0.23 Zelené plochy m2/ Green areas m2: 5634 Dĺžka obslužných komunikácií m/ Lenght of service roads m: 970 Dĺžka zberných komunikácií m/ Lenght of col lecting roads: 0 Zásobovanie energiou/Energy supply: externé elektrina, plyn, teplo/ extern electricity, gas, central heating