Gil Latz

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Latin American and the Caribbean Higher Education Conference--LACHEC 2016

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization: The Brookings/JPMorgan Chase Global Cities Initiative

Gil Latz, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, IUPUI Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis: IUPUI

• Indianapolis – 13th largest city in the U.S. • Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) & Office of International Affairs – Globally recognized for international partnership model

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

IUPUI’s Office of International Affairs pursues internationalization initiatives by:

• •

Establishing strategic partnerships

Recruiting and advising international students •

2000 students (7% of 30,000 students) from 145+ countries

Developing study abroad opportunities

Implementing curriculum internationalization

Supporting faculty research on international topics

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

IUPUI is guided by a definition of internationalization as: • “the process of connecting a university’s teaching, research, and engagement activities to the global networks that frame 21st century life”.

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

IUPUI’s Strategic Plan, Our Commitment to Indiana and Beyond, calls for: •

IUPUI to become a global campus in partnership with Indianapolis becoming a global city through: • Making the campus an international and intercultural hub for the metropolitan region; and • implementing the 2014 Internationalization Plan emerging from participation in the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

Strategic Plan Priorities (2 of 10): •

Deepen our Commitment to Community Engagement

Strengthen Internationalization Efforts

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

Today’s presentation analyzes priority of university/ local community engagement in IUPUI’s campus internationalization strategy

Case study: Brookings/JPMorgan Chase Global Cities Initiative • an example of partnership between universities and non-Higher Education Institutions (HIEs)

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

GCI Exchange grows metro economies by: • Strengthening global awareness and economic competitiveness • Producing data/ analysis for decision making • Fosters practice and policy innovations • Integrate public, private, civic sector partnerships into a peer learning network • In the US, 28 cities participate; majority include university collaboration

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

For Indianapolis, IUPUI conducted a market analysis on the metro region in terms of: • Global trade issues • Metro region’s standing on critical global economic measures • Identification of best policy and practice innovations

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

The 2016 Metro Indianapolis Global Trade and Investment Plan contains 5 strategies: • Accelerate Global Life Science and Advanced Industry Innovation • Capitalize on the Crossroads • Capture Mid-Market Potential to Gain Major Global Impact • Global Talent Ready for Global Competition • Global Mindset, Global Destination

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

Global Talent Ready for Global Competition •

Tactic examples: • Convene Indiana’s universities and colleges to develop, attract and retain high-skill global talent; • Develop global learning curricula that prepares graduates, regardless of discipline, to operate and excel in a globalized world; • Prioritize complementary faculty research themes.

University-Community Partnerships for Internationalization

Global Mindset, Global Destination • Tactic examples: • Conduct analysis/ mapping of metro’s international connections/ opportunities; • Recognize/ capitalize on the unique global presence of the region’s colleges/ universities (reinforce globally oriented domestic/ international students); • Promote a global metro Indianapolis brand.

Implications for Latin America: New 21st Century Dynamics

Global forces reshape US and non-US metropolitan areas: • Greater global integration – international trade has tripled as a share of global output since 1950

• Rapid urbanization – In 2012, the top 300 metropolitan areas accounted for 19% of the world’s population, but nearly one-half (48%) of global GDP

• Rapid expansion of a global middle class – 70% of global GDP growth between now and 2025 will occur in emerging markets, such as India, and China (perhaps Brazil) – Less than 4% US firms sell product/services outside our borders

Implications for Latin America: New 21st Century Dynamics

Global forces reshape US metropolitan areas (2): • Resulting: – Swift global integration – Rapid expansion of a global consumer class – Rise of urban areas as engines of global economic growth • Creates need for: – City/ regional leaders to envision global engagement – Higher education with new responsibilities for preparing graduates to engage an increasingly interconnected world • With ---skill, wisdom, and accountability---

Strategies for Latin America: New 21st Century Dynamics

Institute global learning for all, regardless of major:

• •

connect learning experiences to professional practice/ community development

Create public awareness/ understanding of global forces reshaping urban communities

Key international academic programs to local communities •

supporting local internationally oriented businesses

Reach out to growing immigrant communities in our regions

Develop projects on global issues and community conversations on global citizenship and responsibility

Latin America Strategies: New 21st Century Dynamics

Take note of expectations of Business, GOV and NGO leaders

Latin America Strategies: New 21st Century Dynamics

Summary: • Institutionalize global learning broadly across all disciplines • Connect directly to the international interests of local organizations and businesses • Pursue goals through partnerships, local & global • Understand and construct international efforts to have local impact and meaning • Create sustained structure for dialogue and planning of such activities

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