Community Activity Guide Spring/Summer 2022

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Committed to our community Lac La Biche County strives to provide a multitude of programs and services to enhance the quality of life for all county residents. The 2019-2024 Strategic Plan emphasizes this with the following goals in mind: Economic Development

Recreation & Culture

focus efforts & build partnerships with business to create a resilient County that remains prosperous.

continue to invest in have safe communities recreation amenities, and support the divers cultural services and needs of our residents. supporting infrastructure to offer opportunities to experience our multicultural and recreational diversity.

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Social Wellness

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focus our tourism and marketing efforts on what makes Lac La Biche distinct.

protect and sustain the valuable natal assets for all to enjoy.

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50+ Strengthen and Stretch Programs Join others 50+ for morning walks and talks on the Canadian Natural Track, followed by a 30 minute strengthen & stretch class to improve strength and flexibility on Mondays from 9:30 – 10 am.

Active Lifestyles & Prescription to Get Active (RxTGA) Programs Offered in partnership with Lakeland Primary Care Network (PCN) and Associated Medical Clinic, patients can be prescribed activity to increase activity levels and reduce chronic conditions.

Community Events Take your pick, there’s multiple community events, awareness days, workshops and initiatives coordinated and offered by Lac La Biche County departments throughout the year. Find out what’s happening in the coming months on page 4.

did you know? 2

Community Activity Guide

Access to Canadian Natural Walking Track In 2021, 1,754 community members stayed active by using the free track access?

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