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Test your tuffness this March

■ Roelof de Jonge

Athletes from Tzaneen and surrounding areas can once again prepare themselves for the ninth instalment of the annual Spar Tzaneen Tuffy 4-in-1 marathon which is regarded as one of the toughest road races in Limpopo. Although some would argue the toughest in the country.


This event, organised by the Tzaneen Marathon Club in partnership with SPAR Tzaneen, Aida Properties and Aquelle Mineral Water, takes place on the 11th of March and will start at Lombard Avocado situated at Farm AB 34 on the Old Coach House Road outside Tzaneen.

Athletes competing in the Tuffy can enter for the mighty 42.2km race. For the less brave runners there is a choice of shorter distances including a 21.2km, 10km and a 5km fun run. The 42.2km starts at 06:00 and the other distances at 07:00.

“The amazing atmosphere and the scenic route of this event will be complimented by various food stalls, music and a beer garden”, said Tertius Erasmus, chairperson of Tzaneen Marathon Club. Photos of the entire race day will be available online courtesy of the keen eye of local photographer, Joe Dreyer.

Online entries close on the 19th of February and all entrants will receive a free Tuffy moisture management T-shirt. All participants will also receive a goody bag, buff, foam peak and uniquely designed Tuffy medal.

The race numbers and T-shirts for all online entries can be collected at Aida Properties, 38 Boundary Street in Tzaneen on Friday the 10th of March from 14:00 until 18:00 or at the start of the event from 05:00 to 05:45.

Organisers of the SPAR Tuffy 4-in-1 Marathon advised participants to ensure they arrive as early as possible given that approximately 1 000 athletes are expected to compete.

For any inquiries people can contact Tertius Erasmus on 071 363 5124 or Wicus van Vuuren on 083 391 0172 can be contact for any further information.

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