Bulletin Newspaper 3 March 2023

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BENSKY ON THE CARDS PHOTHOLE FEVER DA CONFRONTS WATER TANKERS SPLASH IT OUT www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 Here is the GTM’s road maintenance schedule 18 Water trucks looting Aqua Park daily The best local swimmers head to nationals 3 March 2023 NEW VERSION Merensky will face Ben Vorster in NWU Super Inter High 2024
www.farnorthbulletin.co.za FREE 3 March 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 LIFTING EQUIPMENT SHORT COURSES: • Rough Terrain/Earthmoving /Agricultural • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@kbcsa.co.za Website: www.kbcsa.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa GET THE BEST OF US WITH EXTRA PERKS! CLICK SUBSCRIBE ON THE BULLETIN FACEBOOK PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT. READ INSIDE LOCAL SPORT BETRAP!
Joe Dreyer 2 9

Personeel | Personnel

Talana elects Street Patrollers

The newly elected structures were urged to try and work with the community, for the community, by the community.

Earlier this week the Tzaneen police joined hands with the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in an effort to strengthen their efforts to fight crime in areas notoriously riddled with crime. One of these areas within the jurisdiction of the GTM, is the Talana hostel situated in the Tzaneen industrial area opposite the main electrical substation near the railway tracks.

“As the police, we joined hands with the GTM to implement the Talana hostel Street Committee and CPF sub-forum to work with the Tzaneen Police in our fight against crime,” explained Tzaneen SAPS communications officer, Sgt Maurice Nkhwashu.

Tzaneen’s station commander, Brig Charles Masinamela led a strong saps delegation including crime prevention commander Lt col Sekoto, social crime commander Cpt Mogoboya, Vispol warrant officer Mkhwanazi and social crime coordinator Sgt Ndlovu.

They were joined by GTM safety and security desk coordinator Mr Mokwena, Greater Tzaneen municipality CSF members Mr Manzini and Mrs Mabuza, DA ward Councillor Chrizelle Dreyer and Councillor Shai to oversee the election of a new street com-

mittee at Talana hostel community hall.

The newly elected structures were urged to try and work with the community, for the community, by the community. The members were urged to always respect the laws of the Republic, to only fight against crime and not to abuse their status to try and settle scores with their foes.

Bulletin sent a media inquiry to DA Ward Councillor Chrizelle Dreyer to establish who the committee would be reporting to, how many members the Street Patrol team comprises of, how the mem-

bers were selected and whether the drive to elect these CPF sub-forums and Street Patrol Teams would be limited only to Talana. At the time of going to print however, we had not received a full response from the Councillor as she was in the process of looking into other more pertinent matters concerning service delivery issues in her ward. We will follow up on this story with her in our next edition.

GTM’s Roads maintenance schedule

The roads in Tzaneen have become literal obstacle courses as the number of potholes increase almost daily. Not only have the number of potholes increased, but the size of some of these potholes have reached epic proportions. The seemingly lackadaisical approach by the municipality in repairing these potholes has led to residents believing that the GTM in fact doesn’t have a maintenance plan in place. This week, the GTM released their roads maintenance schedule to Bulletin, which we have published here. We encourage our readers to study this table and report any issues of major concern to us via WhatsApp on 064 650 7123 so that we can forward it to the relevant councillors.

Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2023 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
with us Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies. Follow the link below for past copies. https://issuu.com/laeveldbulletin GET THE BEST OF US WITH EXTRA PERKS! CLICK SUBSCRIBE ON THE BULLETIN FACEBOOK PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT. Kontak besonderhede Contact Details Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Adinda Tolmay 083 777 4055 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ebenezer 101% Merensky 104.3% Dap Naude 98.9% Middel Letaba 7.7% Blyderivierpoort 102.4% Klaserie 105.8% Tours 100.8% Vergelegen 102.6% Magoebaskloof 101.4% Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 27/02/2023 Tzaneen 102.4% www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 2
ROADS AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PLAN: TARRED ROADS AND STORMWATER QUARTERLY PLAN ZONE SUBURB OLD INDUSTRIAL MEDI PARK FLORA PARK NEW INDUSTRIAL ARBOR PARK PREMIER PARK ZONE 4 AQUAPARK ZONE 5 NKOWANKOWA SECTION A ZONE 6 NKOWANKOWA SECTION B ZONE 7 NKOWANKOWA SECTION C ZONE 8 LENYENYE UP (POLICE STATION) ZONE 9 LENYENYE DOWN (INDUSTRIAL SIDE) ZONE 10 LETSITELE ZONE 11 HAENERTZBURG PLANNED WORK TAR PATCHING STORMWATER Feb-23 WEEK 2 WEEK 4 Mar-23 WEEK 4 Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently WEEK 5 Not in a bad condition Not in a bad condition Not in a bad condition DEVIATION/COMMENTS Not in a bad condition Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently with less traffic Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently Not in a bad condition, Accomadate less traffic Not in bad condition Old infrastructure, need to be maintained frequently Not in a bad condition Not in a bad condition, Accomadate less traffic ZONE 1 TZANEEN CBD ZONE 3 ZONE 2 Jan-23 WEEK 1 WEEK 3 WEEK 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 3 WEEK 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 3 WEEK 4
Councillor Chrizelle Dreyer adresses the Talana residents.

Tankers a day in John Smith Street

A war is looming and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality is doing very little to stop it. After countless reports by the local media, numerous complaints by the rate payers of this town and even a drive initiated by opposition parties to manufacture expensive locking mechanisms for fire hydrants (funded by donations from the residents), the illegal drawing of water from hydrants by private water tanker operators continues unabated.

Bulletin has reported extensively on this hot-potato topic and we have even exposed the head of the GTM traffic department, Johannes Malatji for his involvement through our discovery that he in fact owns at least one of these water tankers. In fact, the GTM admitted that they knew of his involvement and in a response to our media inquiry, the director of communications for the municipality, Neville Ndlala inadvertently admitted that Malatji was “drawing water like the others”.

Malatji has not yet been reprimanded and the reports have suggested that his water tanker is still operating. Rumour has it that he

now brandishes a permit allowing him to draw water.

When the issue of water tankers first made headlines, the GTM attempted to defend the private water tankers by claiming that there was a water shortage in the rural areas, and that these tankers were assisting the municipality in delivering water to the affected areas. This was because the GTM did not have enough trucks in their own fleet to service the demand.

This is where the situation becomes confusing as at one point the communication lines were blurred with the municipality stating that they had a list of so-called registered sub-contractors who were paid by the GTM to deliver a service. Later the municipality changed their tune and denied that there was a tender out. They then said that a meeting was held with all the private water tanker operators known as the Group of Private Water Tankers during which it was agreed that permits would be issued to a select few operators, their registration numbers would be listed on a database and they would be permitted to draw water from a designated hydrant in Kudu Street only. They would also be charged R16 per kilolitre.

This never happened because it was never enforced and not once was there an employee stationed at any hydrants to monitor the trucks, the permits or the amount of water drawn. What this managed to do though, is open up the entire system to abuse by hundreds of opportunists who soon pounced on the easy money to be made from selling water to the impoverished.

Water tankers numbering between 20 and 30 per day, draw water from any hydrant they can access from the side of the road. The hydrants are often damaged causing thousands of litres of potable water to spill into the streets. The water tankers target a specific hydrant until such time as they are either chased away by neighbourhood watch groups, or the municipality installs a locking mechanism on the hydrant.

At which point they simply find another hydrant to loot.

What has the DA done?

The Democratic Alliance in Tzaneen have laid charges of theft against the operators of water tankers who have been tapping the fire hydrants in Aquapark dry.

DA Caucus leader, Rene Pohl, with the assistance of a resident in John Smith Street, counted a total of 21 trucks drawing water from a hydrant in this neighbourhood on Saturday afternoon, the 25th of February.

Pohl followed one of the water tankers and pulled up next to the driver as he stopped for a load at the hydrant situated at 1 John Smith Street. She approached the driver and demanded to see a permit whilst she contacted the police.

“It is a very well-orchestrated operation in Aquaprak,” Pohl stated. “There are lookouts stationed on the roof tops of houses near the hydrant who are paid a loaf of bread by the drivers of the tankers. These guys then warn the drivers when the coast is clear and they can fill up their tankers.”

Pohl said that the moment she started following one of the tankers she could hear a loud whistle all the way down the street between the various lookouts to warn the driver.

“After I laid the charges I contacted the GTM’s director in charge of the water and infrastructure and she immediately sent out a team to the site who placed a large locking mechanism onto the hydrant whilst the water tankers were still at the scene.”

An emergency meeting was immediately scheduled for the following morning, Monday, the 27th of February, in the council chambers to discuss a way forward in dealing with the illegal water tankers.

Yesterday afternoon, Thursday the 2nd of March, the scene repeated itself at the very same fire hydrant in John Smith Street. A woman living in this neighbourhood walked outside and filmed herself on her cellphone attempting to chase the drivers away. One of the truck drivers allegedly attempted to run her over during a brief altercation.

Pohl again rushed to the scene and again laid charges of theft with the Tzaneen police. It is not certain how these truckers managed to remove the special locking mechanism in order to draw the water, but it is clear that they have found a way to circumvent the system.

The GTM’s Licensing Head, André Liversage arrived on scene accompanied by Tzaneen police to check for permits. One of the water tankers was impounded.

What the GTM said

We sent an inquiry to the GTM to find out what their plan is regarding the water tankers. In their response the municipality said that they were concerned about the illegal water tankers and their operations and that they would be working on a solution to the problem.

“We are gravely concerned about the conduct of private water tanker operators using fire hydrants as water sources. Although we acknowledge the water crisis faced by our communities especially in the rural communities, we cannot condone the conduct of the operators. We have scheduled a high-level internal meeting to work on a sustainable solution to this problem. This meeting will take place today, Friday, 3rd of March. The outcomes of this meeting will inform our approach towards addressing this issue.”

We issued a media inquiry to both the DA ward councillors Rene Pohl (Ward 14) and Chrizelle Dreyer (Ward 15) where the act of illegal water drawing from hydrants is most rampant. At the time of going to print we had not received a response, but both have promised to respond timeously for our next edition.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 3
“There are lookouts stationed on the roof tops of houses near the hydrant who are paid a loaf of bread by the drivers of the tankers. These guys then warn the drivers when the coast is clear and they can fill up their tankers.”
Andre Liversage of the GTM arrived on scene to assist Pohl in layong criminal charges against the water tanker drivers. Caught in the act! Rene Pohl assisted by a local business owner blocked a water tanker from leaving the scene.

New ISUZU D-Max tames Barbie

You know you have a winner when the woman you send to test drive the new bakkie at your local NTT Isuzu dealership is more excited about the vehicle than her scheduled manicure. In fact when Bulletin’s sales executive Adinda Tolmay, first set her eyes on the D-Max Double Cab as it stood stealthily on the showroom floor, her reaction was comparable to that of an excited bride crossing the chapel’s threshold on her wedding day.

“This is arguably one of the sexiest bakkies I have seen in years,” she exclaimed as she was handed the keys. “Just look at this beast! I want one, and I don’t care how it drives.”

The all-new ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab range offers 12 new models built to conquer whatever the wilderness or urban jungle throws your way. You’ll travel a long way to find a better bakkie.

With a choice of a 1.9- or 3.0-litre turbo-charged diesel engine under the hood, ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab bakkies boast more than enough power to conquer mountain passes and urban jungles. Whether your next adventure is a weekend off-roading, a road-tripping family holiday or navigating school drop-off and pick-up, an ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab will take you there.

The upgraded 3.0-litre Ddi engine is optimised for more torque at lower engine speeds, superior

pull-off and acceleration, significantly reduced noise levels, and optimised fuel consumption. It delivers 140 kW of peak power at 3,600 rpm, with maximum torque of 450 Nm from 1,600 to 2,600 rpm. The 1.9-litre Ddi engine is a new powertrain added to the ISUZU D-MAX range. It uses common rail direct injection to produce a maximum power output of 110 kW at 3,600 rpm, with peak torque of 350 Nm available between 1,800 and 2,600 rpm. The result - superb fuel economy and low running costs.

In addition to boosted power, you can look forward to a revised body and frame with increased strength, new front and rear suspension with a longer wheelbase, and a new wider and tougher chassis. Now with a wading depth of 800mm, water crossings are a breeze. On- and off-road performance is further enhanced by electronic rear differential lock and overall improved ride and handling.

Smart, ‘gradelogic’ transmission prevents over-revving and unnecessary fuel burn by ensuring that the new ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab bakkies stay in the best gear for the terrain.Overall weight reduction also contributes to excellent fuel con-

sumption at just 7.9 litres per 100km depending on prevailing conditions and driving habits (please see range brochure for more information).

On gravel track or smooth tar, expect a smooth, comfortable driving experience in one of the allnew ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab bakkies.Noise and vibration levels are reduced thanks to added insulation and improved door seals.

Allowing you to fully master your environment, the 4X4 models feature a Terrain Command Dial that allows for instant switching between 2WDhigh and 4WD-high modes at speeds of up to 100 km/h.

The ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab features sleek and

aggressive front and rear facias for a strikingly distinctive silhouette. The bigger-than-ever grille and signature dragon eye motif of the front lights will keep you looking back after you’ve parked. Minimised panel gaps and an integrated two-step rear bumper that seamlessly flows into the body round off the upmarket, sporty look of the all-new ISUZU D-MAX Double Cab. Exclusive features such as aero sports bars add a confident expression of style.

Watch Adinda take the ISUZU D-Max Double Cab 3.0 beast through its paces in the video on our Facebook page at Far North Bulletin.

Adinda’s rating: 9.5/10

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 4
“This is arguably one of the sexiest bakkies I have seen in years,” she exclaimed as she was handed the keys.

Rooies reg vir Lim Kampioenskappe

■ Roelof de Jonge

Nie minder as 15 atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het onlangs daarin geslaag om vir die opkomende Limpopo Kampioenskappe in Polokwane te kwalifiseer.

Kian Lötter gaan aan die 100m en 200m naellope deelneem en Cohen van Vuuren gaan sy man in die gewigstoot-item staan. Lourens Harmse gaan die Vossies in die werpskyf-item verteenwoordig.

Ashley Chipo gaan hoop om die botoon te voer in die 110m hekkies en Tristan Buglas gaan saam met tientalle spoedvrate die 100m naellope hardloop. Theto Maake gaan ondermeer aan die 110m hekkies en 400m hekkies asook aan die driesprong-item meeding.

Peggy Phakula (90m hekkies en 300m hekkies) tesame met Nkateko Nkwinika (400m, 200m) en Muofhe Modau (100m) is ook van Ben Vorster naelloop-atlete om vir goeie vertonings dop te hou.

Die gedugte Megan-Lee Mans gaan weereens een van die gunstelinge wees om met die louere in die gewigstoot en werpskyf items weg te stap. Nog ‘n atleet wie aan die gewigstoot en werpskyf gaan deelneem is Vumu Mashele.

Chanelle de Swardt het gekwalifiseer vir deelnames aan die 400m en 800m items en Nkoka Mngoni gaan die hoogspring-item aanpak. Princess Maake (200m) en Dineo Letsoalo (100m hekkies) is nog twee naelloop atlete wie nie buite rekening gelaat kan word nie en van verwag word om onder die voorste atlete te eindig.

SA’s wink vir Vossie visse

Na afloop van die onlangse Limpopo Skole Swemkampioenskap op Tzaneen het ‘n aantal swemmers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster skitterprestasies behaal en sodoen deurgedring vir die nasionale swemkampionskap.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Swemkampioenskap gaan vanaf die 20ste tot die 24ste April vanjaar in Durban teen van die room van skoleswemmers hul staal wys.

Die swemmers wie vir die SA Kampioenskap deurgedring het is Elnè Haynes, Yvonne Botha, Joshua Joubert, Jason Loucau en Wessel Joubert.

Larrie trippel-M’s oppad na SA’s

Met die Limpopo Skole Swemkampioenskappe wat aan die begin van Februarie hier op Tzaneen beslis was, het ‘n aantal van dié dorp se swemtalent daarin ge-slaag om vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Kampioenskappe te kwalifiseer.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se trippel-M swemmers, naamlik Mari Bruwer (Gr.6), Marny du Plessis (Gr.7) en Milan Ferreira (Gr.7), gaan saam met die Limpopo skolespan die room van Suid-Afrikaanse skoleswemmers vanaf die 20ste tot die 24ste April in Durban die stryd aansê.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 5
Damian Bye Yvette Botha Elnè Haynes Wessel Joubert Jason Loucau Joszua Joubert Marny du Plessis, Mari Bruwer en Milan Botha maak reg vir die SA Skoleswem in Durban.


■ Rev. Ron Reiners

Read: Matthew 5: 13-16

“You are the salt of the earth” (13a) You are the light of the world” (14a)

We all like to get recognition for something we have done, some sort of praise or acclamation. It is in our human nature, however, some thrive on this and then think that they are superior to others. God created each one of us to fulfill a specific role and He sees us for what we are not for who we are. When Jesus said “You are the salt of the earth” He meant all of us not just a chosen few. He expects us to be like salt, to add flavour to this troubled world. If we lose our purpose in life (God’s purpose for us) we become like salt that has lost its saltiness and which needs to be thrown way as then we are of no use to anyone. Working in the framework of God’s purpose we will achieve much, yet we need to be humble, just as Christ was.

He also said: “You are the light of the world” If you are traveling along an unknown path and you get lost and it becomes dark you always seek for some light to indicate a path to travel. God is our light in this troubled world. We need to seek His light. We also need to be a light unto others, when we shine God’s light into the world others will readily follow. It can be as simple as a smile. Smile at others it might just lift the heavy burden they are carrying. Praying for others, even if you do not know them, God will hear these prayers and through the power of the Holy Spirit lift them up. The power of God working in and through you can do wonders in this corrupt world. Don’t give Satan the chance to come to those who are in dire need, use your God given gifts no matter how simple you may feel they are. There is an old hymn that goes “Shine Jesus Shine” so shine your light out there and bring others into the loving arms of our Saviour and be the salt of the earth May God bless and keep you.


■ Ben Theunissen

Piet was een van ons kerk se mense. Eenkeer ‘n maand het ons gaan kamp met die woonwaens. Partykeer het van die ouens amper sonder hulle woonwaens huis toe gegaan, want die gewildste streep om te trek in die bedryf is om die woonwa van een van die kampers af te haak terwyl daar totsiens gesê word.

Soms tydens ‘n woonwa-saamtrek word daar promosies aangebied om produkte te bemark. So was daar met een geleentheid ‘n promosie om die voggies van Patrick Mynhardt se karakter, Oom Schalk Lourens en gestook in Marico se wêreld, aan die kampers bloot te stel.

Piet het ook deelgeneem aan die kompetisie om aan elke glasie se inhoud te proe en dan te sê watter produk gebruik is in die spesifieke drankie. Die probleem is dat daar verskeie glasies met die voggies was wat geproe moes word.

Soos Piet self verduidelik: “Na een glasie, is jy heel nugter, selfs na die tweede en derde, maar mampoer het ‘n manier om jou in te haal.”

Soos Piet geproe het, het die ‘effek’ van die drankies al hoe nader gekruip...van agter af. In die “sitvlak op ‘n kussing posisie” was dit nog makliker om ‘n paar tree voor die onverantwoordelikheid te bly. Die wenner is aangekondig en dit was nie Piet nie. Min het hy geweet dat hy ‘n tweede verloor gaan ervaar.

Met die opstaanslag, om woonwa toe te vertrek, kom hy toe agter dat die duiseligheid nie van vinnig opstaan is nie. Vinnig gaan sit sou hom dalk in die verleentheid stel. Hy staan asof dit sy laaste staan is. Doodstil. Om tot sy me-

desinne te kom, bekyk hy die wêreld soos ‘n trapsuutjie om te bepaal in watter rigting sy woonwa is.

Hy loop toe, nie wetend in watter rigting nie. Ander Piet loop hom gelukkig raak en sê dat sy vrou na hom soek.

“Sy is daar by die woonwa”- en wys in ‘n rigting. Piet het die rigting waargeneem en stap daarin. Enige kompetisie verg energie en ‘moeg’ vind hy uiteindelik sy woonwa, en sak hy in ‘n kampstoel neer.

Met eens is dit asof die hele kamp gedraai het. Die woonwa staan nou agerstevoor en onderstebo. Hy besef hy moet so gou moontlik in die bed kom...maar hy sien nie die deur nie.

Dalk sal die liggie bo die deur hom help, maar die liggie is nie bo die deur nie, om die waarheid te sê, daar is nie ‘n deur nie.

Die antwoord is nou om te kyk waar die ander persone in die geselskap in en uit beweeg. In ‘n stadium, stap sy vrou in die woonwa in, maar steeds sien hy nie die deur nie. Tyd raak min en Piet besef dat hy baie stadig ‘n tree voor die mampoer moet wees.

Hy staan op en beweeg in die rigting waar die geselskap in en uit gaan. Hy sien nog steeds nie die deur nie, maar stap met durf na die plek toe waar die deur moet wees. Toe verskyn daar ‘n opening in die woonwa se kant en Piet stap in. Hy val ‘gelukkig’ op die bed neer en knip sy oë om seker te maak dat hy in die woonwa is. Dit is toe dat ma inkom en sê:

“Oom Donker het jou kom haal, nê my Skat”.

Piet het nie geantwoord nie, want hy kon nie. Hy en Oom Donker is toe reeds weg...

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 6

Larrie swemmers ryg ‘n rits medaljes in

Roelof de Jonge

Die Vlak 1 Swemkampioenskappe het in Polokwane by die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé op Saterdag die 25ste Februarie plaasgevind.

Kobus Auret het in die 12-jarige afdeling vir seuns geswem en spog met ‘n eerste plek in die 100m rugslag item, Bea-Mari Bekker (meisies 6 jaar) het die drie eerste plekke in die 25m vlinder-, rug- en vryslag agter haar naam geskryf.

Simeon Bekker (seuns 7 jaar) het goeie rekeningskap gegee van sy vermoëns en het twee tweedeplekke in die 100m individuele wisselslag en 25m vryslag behaal.

Die twee broers in die span, Luan (seuns 7 jaar) en Ruben de Wet (seuns 9 jaar) het ook deelgeneem. Dit was egter die ouer broer, Ruben, wie die eerste plek in die 25m vryslag-item verower het. Riazé Haynes (meisies 8 jaar) het in die derdeplek in die 25m vryslag geëindig.

Inge Jansen van Vuuren (meisies 9 jaar) het podiumplekke in al vyf haar items behaal. Sy was eerste in die 25m rugslag en 100m individuele wisselslag items, tweede in die 25m bors- en vryslag items en neem die derdeplek in die 25m vlinderslag item.

Jacques Liebenberg (seuns 8 jaar) het ‘n silwer medalje in die 25m rugslag item ingepalm. Leandi Liebenberg (meisies 9 jaar) het twee goue medaljes in die 25m vlinder- en borsslag items verower.

Gabriella Loucao (meisies 7 jaar) was ook ‘n goue medalje wenner vir haar deelname in die 25m borsslag items. Sy spog verder met silwer medaljes vir haar deelnames in die 25m vlinder-, rugen vryslag items.

Charl Norval (seuns 8 jaar) swem ‘n eerste plek los in die 25m vryslag. Reece Saaiman (seuns 8 jaar) het ‘n silwer medalje vir sy tweedeplek in die 25m vryslag ontvang. Righardt Vorster (seuns 9 jaar) het die eersteplek in die 25m vlinderslag verower en asook ‘n tweede plek in die 25m rugslag item.

Luan Botha (seuns 10 jaar) was die goue medalje wenner in die 25m vlinder-, rug- en vryslag asook vir die 100m individuele wisselslag. Hy het ‘n silwer medalje in die 25m borsslag by sy rits van goue medaljes gevoeg.

Michelle de Beer (meises 11 jaar) swem die eerste plekke los in die 50m en 100m vryslag items en volg dit op met tweede plek-

ke in die 50m rug- en borsslag items en ‘n derde plek in die 100m borsslag item.

Margit de Villiers (dogters 12 jaar) het ‘n brons medalje vir haar deelname in die 100m borsslag verdien. Sussies Isis (meisies 9 jaar) en Ziah Dorfling (meisies 6 jaar) het ook deelgeneem. Ziah het die eersteplek in die 25m borsslag verower en het verder derdeplekke in die 25m rug- en vryslag items behaal.

Ilana Lubbe (meisies 12 jaar) was tweede in die 100m borsslag item en het twee derdeplekke in die 50m vlinder- en borsslag items agter haar naam geskryf.

Luan Lubbe (seuns 10 jaar) was die welverdiende goue medalje wenner in die 25m borsslag item. Hy het bonop twee silwer medaljes in die 25m rugslag en 100m individuele wisselslag items asook twee brons medaljes vir die 25m vlinder- en vryslag items ingepalm.


Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B88807/2007 registered on 30 May 2007 passed by RO-

GEEMA KENNY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 801016 0091 08 9, Unmarried, for the amount of R150 000,00 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND RAND) ,in favour of THE STANDARD BANK LIMTED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1962/000738/06 in respect of certain ERF 122 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO, which bond has been

lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the rst publication of this notice.

Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys. Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-3660.

Email address: reandi@ joubertmay.co.za


MJ Perold (seuns 11 jaar) was die wenner van twee goue medaljes wat hy in die 50m vlinderen borsslag items behaal het. Hy het verder ‘n silwer medalje in die 100m borsslag item sowel as vier brons medaljes vir die 50m en 100m rugslag en 50m en 100m vryslag items behaal.


Machiel Pieterse (seuns 10 jaar) was die wenner van die 25m vlinder- en vryslag item en hy het drie derdeplekke in die 25m rug- en borsslag asook in die 100m individuele wisselslag huis toe geneem.

Cara van der Westhuizen (meisies 11 jaar) was ook die wenner van twee goue medaljes nadat sy in die 50m en 100m borsslag items geseëvier het. Sy het verder twee silwer medaljes in die 50m en 100m vryslag items by haar goue medlajes gevoeg. Maya Vosloo het die brons medalje geneem vir haar derdeplek wat sy in die 100m vryslag behaal het.

Legals & Notices


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certi ed copy of Deed of Transfer T71023/1995 passed by MAUD LOUW, IDENTITY NUMBER: 240914 0011 00 9,UNMARRIED, in favour of BERNIE BARTLETT PRETORIUS, IDENTITY NUMBER: 460729 5034 08 4, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY, in respect of certain PORTION 70 OF THE FARM MIAMI

732, Registration Division L.T.,Limpopo Province, measuring 21,4144 (TWENTY ONE COMMA

FOUR ONE FOUR FOUR) hectares, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Limpopo within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice.

Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys. Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no:015 307-3660.

Email address: reandi@ joubertmay.co.za


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation

68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certi ed copy of Deed of Transfer T102616/2008 passed by QUANTUM FRUITS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1996/004926/07, in favour of THE TRUSTEES FOR THE TIME BEING OF MAMPHOKU MAKGOBA COMMUNITY TRUST, REGISTRATION NUMBER: IT8699/2004, in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM ALIAS 897, Registration Division L.S., Limpopo Province, measuring 381,4371 (THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE COMMA FOUR THREE SEVEN ONE) hectares,

which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Limpopo within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice.

Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys. Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-3660. Email address: reandi@ joubertmay.co.za


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the


BER: IT8699/2004, in respect of certain THE FARM INKONKA 899, Registration Division L.S., Limpopo Province, measuring 1338,5584 (one thousand three

hundred and thirty eight comma ve ve eight four) hectares, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Limpopo within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice.

Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys. Address : 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-3660. Email address: reandi@ joubertmay.co.za

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Laerskool Tzaneen se span van 28 swemmers wie almal onderskeidelik by Shamu- en Task Swemklubs afgerig word het behoorlik vir golwe onder die ander skole gesorg.
Gabriella Loucao Charl Norval MJ Perold


Many of us where eager to hit the gym as we entered into 2023, but new year’s resolutions fade and life gets busy.

It is important to create structure in your life and daily routine. Making time for yourself and healthy activities can bring you joy but can be a daunting task.

When it comes to diet, sleep and exercise, having good, strong routines is linked to improved mental and physical health. Bulletin chatted with Ettienne van Wyngaardt, owner of Health and Fitness Tzaneen, on creating healthy routines that will give you results.

Where to start?

Always remember that it is never too late to start exercising. It is always safe to make an appointment with your GP for a health check before you start exercising. Find an activity that you will enjoy and set your mind to it. Join a gym for a fitness evaluation/programme or find a “training buddy” should you need some extra encouragement. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to warm up and cool down with stretching. Take

it easy and start with short sessions that are 30 min or less. As you get fitter and stronger you can gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. Drink plenty of water during and after exercising to avoid dehydration.

How do you decide which approach is right for you? Home or Gym?

It will depend on your goal, daily schedule and equipment needed. Joining a gym can help you to stay motivated and focused and a gym provides a dedicated space and offers a variety of equipment, from cardio machines, weights and personal trainers. Working out at home can be effective and you can save on membership fees. You can workout at any hour of the day in the comfort of your own home, but it is more difficult to stay focused and motivated as there are many other chores like washing and cleaning to distract you! Whichever you decide, to be successful you need so stay focused, determined and committed. If you do not want to go to a gym, what other options are there?

A few ideas/activities that you could try if you choose not to join a gym.

• Go for long walks

• Water Aerobics

• Join park runs

• Search YouTube for videos on Yoga, Dance or Aerobics workouts

• Choose sport inspired workouts like boxing, swimming and tennis.

How important is it to maintain structure and routine?

Routine creates structure and promote mental, physical and emotional health. The absence of a routine can often lead to stress and anxiety. Having routine will also help to produce results faster. What are some things that can be part of a healthy routine?

Choose workouts that you enjoy or are good at and will look forward to. Set up weekly “to do list” and put it on the calendar as you would with any other appointment. Workout in the morning to get it out of the way. Most importantly – you must stay dedicated!

How do you maintain a healthy balance between exercise and food?

A healthy diet and exercise are both essential for a healthy lifestyle. The most important ways to help keep the balance is by eating a variety of foods and exercising regularly. To maintain a healthy weight, you have to balance the calories you eat with the calories your body uses every day. You need to aim to live in a calory deficit – in other words, you need to take in less calories than what you burn.


When it comes to diet, sleep and exercise, having good, strong routines is linked to improved mental and physical health.

People with more daily routines have lower levels of distress when facing problems with their health or negative life events.

It takes an average of 66 days for a behavior to become automatic (a habit), but for some people it can take as long as 8 months. Don’t give up!

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA

Letaba dis ‘n fees van rugby op

■ Roelof de Jonge

Dit was ‘n fees van rugby uit die boonste rakke vir toeskouers wie Letaba Rugbyklub se James Tolmay Rugby Dag oor die naweek bygewoon het. Gelukkig het die swaar voorspelde reën vir Saterdag die 25ste Februarie nie uitgesak nie, en die mooi weer het ook tot die goeie opkoms bygedra.

Die hoofwedstryd is tussen die eerstespanne van Letaba en Kruinie Rugbyklub van Polokwane beslis. Letaba het die kragmeting tot groot vreugde van hul ondersteuners oortuigend met 27-12 gewen.

Vir beide spanne en hul afrigters was hierdie vriendskaplike wedstryd ‘n guldige geleentheid om haakplekkies uit te stryk voor die aanvang van Limpopo Blou Bulle se Boet Fick Amateur Rugby Ligakampioenskap. Veral vir die Kruinies-span wat vanjaar hul buiging in die eersteliga maak, nadat hul sedert die klub se buiging in 2017 in die tweedeliga meegeding het.

Die openingswedstryd was Letaba se Ou Manne-span wat teen die derdespan van Louis Trichardt te staan gekom het. Hierdie span mag dalk nie oor die fiksheid en stamina beskik nie, maar daar skiet geensins te kort aan hul passie vir rugby nie. Hulle het die Triggies derdes met 39-0 afgeransel.

Die voorwedstryd vir die Letaba en Kruinies stryd het die span van Nkowankowa Rugbyklub teen die tweedespan van Louis Trichardt uitgedraf. Die besoekers van Louis Trichardt het uiteindelik met 27-12 gewen, maar hulle het beslis nie die punte op ‘n skinkbord ontvang nie.

Nkowankowa se manne het die Triggies behoorlik laat sweet, en het slegs met 10-0 voorgeloop voor halftyd skril deur die skeidsregter aangekondig was. Nkowankowa het in die tweedehelfde verbete geveg om vir punte op die telbord te sorg, en het hul doellyn met genadelose duikslae verdedig.

Carel O’Neill, Klubkaptein van Letaba Rugbyklub se bestuurspan, was vol lof vir die toeskouers se teenwoordigheid.

“Dit was een groot voorreg om voor so baie ondersteuners van ons dorp, Tzaneen, te kon speel en bonop nog uitstekende rugby vir hulle te bied. ‘n Hoogte punt vir my was al die kinders wat hul eie rugby langs die veld gespeel het terwyl ons ook op die veld doenig was. Dit maak ons as spelers baie trots om te sien hoe kinders ons voorbeeld wil volg.”

Die puntemakers vir Letaba is die kaptein Carel O’Neill (‘n drie, een strafskop en ‘n doelskop), Tian Knoetze (strafskop) en Christo Lombard, Johan Scheepers en Zian van den Heever wie elk ‘n drie gedruk het.

Die Ou Manne se puntemakers was Gideon Labuschagne (een drie en twee doelskoppe), Dirkie Coetzee (‘n drie), Willem Snyman (twee drieë) met Johan van der Westhuizen, Bennie van Zyl en Bernard van der Schyff wie ook elk vir ‘n drie gesorg het.

Die driedrukkers vir Nkowankowa was eerste deur hul regtervleuel, Gabriel Nyalungu, gedruk waarna die stut, Nyiko Ntlemo, oor die doellyn gebars het en sodoende vir sy span se tweede drie gesorg.




The Pottery & Gin Workshop will be held at The Bohemian on 3 March 2023 from 18h00 & 4 March 2023 from 10h00 at R400.00 per person. For more information contact Demi-Lee on 073 062 6772

The Mental Wellness Conference will be held on 11 March 2023 at Mashutti Country Lodge from 10h00. Tickets available at Computicket For more information contact 061 720 1268.

The SPAR Tzaneen Tu y 4 in 1 Marathon will be held on 11 March 2023 at Lombard Avocado from 06h00.

Enter Online at www.entryninja

For more information contact Wicus van Vuuren on 083 391 0172.

The WIK Triathlon will be held on 12 March 2023 at Stanford Lake College from 08h00. Enter Online at www.entryninja.com

For more information contact 015 276 6103 or email info@slc.co.za

The Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race will be held on 4 March 2023 from 12h00 on the banks of the Letaba River.

For more information contact Tracey on 083 968 0902 or email tracey@warriors.co.za

Domestic/O ce

Jobseeker Agriculture

My name is Ruel Ramaila. I am looking for a position in Agricultural science. I have a diploma in Agricultural Science. I have experience in Microsoft Word and Excell and experience in fruit, vegetables and Agronomic crops. Form management, nursery, packhouse or logistics administrator. Contact me on 078 436 9953

My name is Gloria Mankgela. I am looking for full or part time work. I can start immediately.

Contact me on 072 176 46


My name is Rodney Maake.

I am looking for full time driving, security or assistant work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 079 865 9740 or 083 926 1166



My name is Tinny Mokgalabone. I am looking for full time house keeping and cooking work. I can start immediately. I have references. Contact me on 072 467 5362

My name is Solomo Sitoe. I am looking for full or part time security work. I can start immediately. Contact 076 514 8205

The St Patrick’s Day Festival will be held on 25 March 2023 at Blueberry Heights from 09h00 till 18h00.

Tickets available at Quicket

For more information contact 079 845 0707 or email magoebasmarket@gmail.com

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www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 9
“Dit was een groot voorreg om voor so baie ondersteuners van ons dorp, Tzaneen, te kon speel en bonop nog uitstekende rugby vir hulle te bied.”


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www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 11


www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 3 MARCH 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA 12


Die Rooimasjien was Woensdag, 1 Maart in ‘n riller-stryd teen veral Jeugland en Eldoraigne betrokke wat vir van die spannendste hoërskool atletiek in die laaste paar jare gesorg het. Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vanjaar die jaarlikse NWU-Super Interhoër atletiek byeenkoms op die historiese Pilditch-stadion in Pretoria aangebied. Tzaneen se top sportskool het in Groep 4 van hierdie gesogte byeenkoms deelgeneem en moes uithaal en wys om uiteindelik die tweede plek te neem, ‘n skamele 14 punte (837) agter die wenners Jeugland (851) en slegs 26 punte voor Eldoraigne (811). Rob Ferreira uit Witrivier in Mpumalanga (799.5), Hugenote (695.5), Potchefstroom Volkskool (663), Driehoek (657) en Linden (651) het goeie vertonings gelewer op die dag maar het gesukkel om kers vas te hou met die drie voorlopers wie mekaar behoorlik in die opwindende aflosse die stryd om die kroon aangesê het.

Soos verwag het die aflosse ‘n paar onvermoede ontsteltenisse opgedis, met van die gunstelinge wie die aflosstokkie by die oorhandiging laat val het en dus ‘n diskwalifikasie tot gevolg gebring het. Hierdie het veroorsaak dat die byeenkoms se voorlopers, Eldoraigne, in die derde plek in geskuif het en die geveg om die kroon deur Ben Vorster en Jeugland hervat is.

Dit was veral die Vossies se blitsvinnige Damian Bye wie die skare op hul voete gehou het met sy tyd van 10.98 in die 100m vir seuns O/17.

Ben Vorster se sterkste veld-item was verseker die verspring met Kian Lotter wie gesorg het vir ‘n eersteplek in die seuns O/14 verspring met sy afstand van 5,59 meter. Lesego Malatji het in die seuns O/15 verspring item nog ‘n goud vir Tzaneen ingepalm met sy wenafstand van 6,00 meter. In die verspring vir seuns O/17 was dit die Vossies se Theto Maake wat die eersteplek behaal het met ‘n pragafstand van 6,43 meter. Tristan Buglass het vir oulaas sy deel vir skole atletiek gedoen met ‘n welverdiende tweede plek in die seuns O/19 verspring item met sy afstand van 6,41 meter.

In die gewigstoot het die Rooies glad nie sleg gevaar nie en het Cohen Janse van Vuuren goud in die seuns O/14 ouderdomsgroep behaal met sy afstand van 13.38 meter. Die staatmaker Megan-Lee Mans het weereens haar kompitisie uit die sirkel uitgedryf met haar afstand van 12.95 in die dogters O/17 gewigstoot item. Mans het verder gestoot as die naaswenner in die seuns O/19 item.

Mans het later in die dogters O/17 werpskyf item haar kompitisie heeltemal verpletter met haar wen afstand van 35,93 meter. Die naaswenner in hierdie item was Zandri Nel van Eldoraigne met ‘n afstand van 30.07 meter.

Duan Smith het in die spiesgooi vir seuns O/14 ‘n

wen afstand van 39,27 meter gegooi om nog waardevolle punte by die Vossie telling te voeg.

Aan die einde van die dag was dit die aflosspanne wat die telbord laat swaai het met Ben Vorster, Eldoraigne en Jeugland wat met slegs agt punte geskei was toe hul spanne die baan betreë. Beide die 0/14 seuns en sogters het hul aflosse gewen met die O/15 seuns en sogters wat derde en vyfde onderskeidelik oor die lyn geseil het.

Die Vossies se O/16 dogterspan het in die vierde plek geëindig met die seuns in derde. In die O/17 aflosse was dit Jeugland wat die dogters item ingepalm het met Eldoraigne in tweede en Ben Vorster in die derdeplek. Die seuns het beter gevaar met Ben Vorster wat naelskraap tweedeplek ingeneem het agter Rob Ferreira. Damian Bye het sy alles gegee om die Rob atleet se vyf meter voorsprong te verkort na slegs ‘n vyfde van ‘n sekonde. Sou die baan ‘n meter langer gewees het, sou die Vossies die goud opgeraap het.

Die term “haar breedte” het nog nooit soveel gewig gedra soos in die 0/19 seuns en dogters se aflosse nie. In die dogters item het Eldoraigne eersteplek gevat in ‘n tyd van 50.46 sekondes met Ben Vorster in die tweedeplek in 50.97 sekondes.

Die 0/19 seuns het gesorg vir die grootste opwinding van die dag met Rob Ferreira in eersteplek in 42.75 sekondes en die Vossies in tweedeplek in 42.79 sekondes. Letterlik ‘n haarbreedte het die twee naelopers geskei.

“ Die term “haar breedte” het nog nooit soveel gewig gedra soos in die 0/19 seuns en dogters se aflosse nie. “

Jan van Staden, die hoof van die Vossies, het al die skole bedank vir hul deelname en insette om die 2023 Super Interhoër ‘n sukses te maak. In Februarie vanjaar het Hoërskool Merensky hul NWU-Super Interhoër Groep 5 byeenkoms gewen. Dit beteken dat Merensky volgende jaar in Groep 4 teen Ben Vorster sal deelneem vir die eerste keer in baie jare.


Dit gaan voorwaar ‘n baie interes-


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