New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs
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Newsbriefs Rethinking Homelessness since 1977
New Hope Housing, Administration Office 8407-E Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309 703-799-2293
Volume 22 Issue 12
December 30, 2016
2017: Good Things on The Horizon! A quick look back some of the notable events at 2016: Terrorist attacks. Brexit. Zika. Black Lives Matter. The Olympics. Transgender bathrooms. Orlando. Pokemon Go. Hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. And the election. Wow. 2016 at NHH has been far less dramatic – thank goodness . It’s been a year of carrying out our mission, one resident at a time. It’s been a year of stability and continued outstanding work by all of you who day in and day out provide for those who seek our help – whether that is cooking a yummy meal, playing bingo with residents, paying our bills and billing our contracts, fixing up units, taking residents to appointments, raising money, getting rid of bed bugs, helping residents find jobs, recruiting volunteers, getting residents to take their meds, hiring and training new staff, posting our successes on social media, or moving people in to their own housing. We celebrated the end of the FY with bonuses and the end of the calendar year with a great holiday party. Vacancies are the lowest I can remember. And staff turnover is down. There are good things on the horizon! A successful bond referendum means that we will be working toward a renovation/replacement of the Kennedy Shelter in the next few years . A reorganization, effective January 7, will strengthen us and provide promotion and professional growth opportunities for many people. New computers are coming. A new training system will begin in January. There is continued funding for all of our programs plus the addition of SUSTAIN, a long term housing program for Fairfax CSB-connected persons. Our new tour program culminates in a breakfast fundraising event in the fall. And who knows what new program possibilities might be on the horizon. We can all feel good about the part we have played in ending homelessness in our community. I look forward to working with each of you in the coming year to do our part to make the world more just, peaceful, and caring in 2017. Thanks to each of you for being part of the NHH team. I wish you, those you love, and all those we serve a happy and healthy new year.
Pamela L. Michell, Executive Director
ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL HOLIDAY PARTY! Picture station, virtual bowling, glow dance party, and Karaoke are just a few of some of the things that staff engaged in during New Hope Housing’s Annual Holiday Party. Below are a couple of teaser pictures from the event. To view pictures and video from the NHH Staff “Mannequin Challenge”, click on the links listed below.
To view the NHH Holiday Party
“Mannequin Challenge”
To view the NHH Holiday Party “Picture Slideshow”
HOLIDAY POLICY 2016/2017 First some definitions to understand this policy… Recognized Holiday = the actual date of the holiday on the calendar- such as 4th of July, Christmas Day (which is the 25th of December), and New Year’s day (which is always Jan 1 st). Observed Holiday=the day New Hope Housing is observing the holiday (might not actually be the exact date as outlined above). Ok, now read the following with these two definitions in mind:
This year, New Year’s Day (Jan 1st) falls on a weekend. Our Executive Director, Pam Michell is designating Monday, January 2, 2017 as the day to observe the holiday in accordance with Personnel Policy. This means that the admin office will be closed on Monday, January 2, 2017. Exempt staff DO NOT work on these days, but will be paid for them at their regular rate of pay.
All nonexempt employees who work on a recognized holiday will receive holiday pay (compensation at double the normal rate). All full-time nonexempt employees regularly scheduled to work on a recognized holiday must obtain his/her supervisor's prior approval to take the day off. If full-time nonexempt employees take the holiday off, they will receive the pay at the regular rate, not the holiday rate. All part-time nonexempt employees regularly scheduled to work on a recognized holiday must obtain his/her supervisor's prior approval to taking the holiday off without pay. Part-time nonexempt employees who work on the recognized holiday will receive holiday pay (compensation at double the normal rate). She is providing holiday pay for those nonexempt staff working on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2016 for the 4p.m. to midnight shift ONLY.
If you have questions, please speak to your supervisor. Holiday pay is not to be used for calculating overtime.
Staff Quarterly Meeting Tuesday, January 24th 12:30pm - 3:30pm Location: TBD RSVP Your Attendance With Your Supervisor
On Call RSS Eleanor U. Kennedy Shelter
BIOI have been in the DMV metro area for almost 3 years now. I obtained my degree in Psychology shortly before relocating to Virginia from California. I currently work for Fairfax County DFS, but previously worked at a partnering shelter in Fairfax County.
Interesting & Fun Facts
I am originally from Los Angeles, CA
I never learned how to ride a bike.
I LOVE sushi!
Staff Holiday Party Raffle Fundraiser
Arlington Independent Media outlet “Sustainable Scoop� interviews New Hope Housing Residential Coordinator, Jeff Lisanick and Director of Development , Jan Sacharko
To view video interview click on link below:
Webinar Available On Demand January 17, 2017 at 12:00pm
Maintaining Personal and Fiscal Resiliency During Tough Economic Times Learn how to develop a "stress plan" to visualize a more positive financial future. Understand the process of prioritizing your needs and exploring the full extent of your assets.
To View Webinar On Demand visit the INOVA EAP Website: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on “Member Login” Enter Username: newhopehousing Enter Password: Mondloch To access webinar, on homepage click on “Online Seminars” link.
You no longer need to register in advance to attend Online Seminars at a set time. Seminars will be prerecorded and uploaded on the third Tuesday of each month. If you have questions, type them into the "Ask a question" box. You will receive an e-mailed answer within five business days. All questions and answers will be posted on the FAQ tab. Please get prior approval from your supervisor if you will view webinar during work hours.
Why wait until the holiday season to save! Jump start your 2017 savings goals with these awesome challenges. Kudos to NHH staff member Marian Washington for sharing this idea. She currently is a part of a savings challenge with her daughter. Marian’s goal is save a dollar a day from Jan 1. to December 1st ($365)
LaKesha McGuire sends Kudos to:
Nicole Dillon sends Kudos to:
HUGE shout out to Ollie for cleaning the Admin Office fridge and for the countless other things you do. You are an ANGEL!
Tek for stepping up and helping the development team unload Christmas gifts. Many hands make light work.
Paul for always taking my requests to the “next level”. You are a Tech Genius! I appreciate all of your contributions to the holiday party.
Ollie thank you for helping get the children's room ready for the Reading Connection and finding creative ways to store donations.
Richard, there are no words that can truly express my gratitude. Thanks for being our camera man at the party. You captured some great memories!
Oliver thank you for attending and critiquing our new tour program.
Pam & Jo for having the confidence in me to roll up my sleeves and dive into a magical world in the clouds known as “Box”.
Sami- Sooooo glad you are here. The first time in 3 years that I didn't have at least one night here until midnight. Thank you, thank you for all of your help.
EEC Team (Chavon, Donald, Jeff, and Lance) thanks for representing your program sites well. We were able to pull off 90% of what people asked for at the holiday party and a lot of folks are happy. Job well done! Shaun Dean for holding down ADP reports. Thanks for answering last minute requests. Jan thank you for always lending a helping hand. Steve’s back definitely appreciated you bringing those printers into the office.
Martha Faconer sends Kudos to: Eddie, Stephen, and Roxanne thank you for all your help with the emergency move due to a flood. Eddie thank you for all your help with the emergency clean-up at Kennedy. Darcel, Dexter, and Zenobia thank you for all your support during a very sad crisis. Roxanne thank you for staying on top of the inspection. Thank you EEC Team for a spectacular holiday party! I had a lot of fun. Nicole and Sami, job well done with the holiday events and everything you did to prepare gifts for residents. Ollie, thanks for assisting with delivering food baskets. Donna, I appreciate all of your hard work cooking meals during the holiday and assisting volunteers.
Shaun D- Your candy jar fundraising idea was great! $72 more than we would have had had you not done this. Thank you for your continuous spirit of fundraising for NHH. Stephen M- Congratulations on winning the candy raffle! That .8 did it for you :-) Ollie- Thank you for making Christmas special for the Kennedy, Turning Point, and Vet House residents. Chavon, Samir, Artisha, Dana, Chimere, Melonie, Akira, Lance, Simajah, Alyss, Tonya H, Heath, Martha, Jan, Eddie, Donna, Laurel, Ashley, Christina T., Sharina, and Eugenia- Thank you for helping make the residents holiday special this year. Your help in distributing gifts was very much appreciated. Anthony D- HUGE lifesaver for transporting all of the canned good donations to Kennedy for me. Thank you! Tony R- thank you for keeping up with all of the cleaning and trash at Admin. I know we accumulate a lot over the holidays. Pam- thank you for the bonus. It really helped make my nephew's Christmas special.
Jo Mullen sends Kudos to: LaKesha, Chavon, Donald, Lance, Jeff Elder, and Paul for a wonderful holiday party. I don’t know how you do it, but each year it’s different and fun. I know the great amount of work, idea spinning, running around, etc. that goes into this and I think each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. It was a very fun and relaxing afternoon!! Sami and Nicole for the donations that came in for the holiday season. My goodness!! And thank you for keeping hallways walkable. And for letting my inner kid come in and play with the toys.!! That’s the best part for me. Jan for the year end giving letter. It was done “eye popping” and was noticeable. And it seems to be working. Pam, Tonya, and Oliver for putting creative ideas down, and making it happen!! I think we are going to have a great re org and it will go a long way in assisting our residents. Shaun for pulling endless reports for me out of ADP. It’s year end and I need to check my list twice just like Santa Claus! Vince and Tek for sharing some good times at the holiday party. You were great company on our back table. Chimere, Chavon, Samir, Artisha, Dana, Christina, and Khristina, for taking many bags of toys to your clients. It’s a lot of work, but no child should go without a present no matter how dysfunctional their parents may be. You all did awesome! Eddie, Stephen, Roxanne, Tony, Donna, Anthony and Martha for all the pickups and drop-offs, special cooking for the holidays, keeping everything clean despite the many parties going on, all while staying on top of your normal day to day. Heath for some insightful thoughts during the holidays. Richard for taking the pictures at the holiday party. That is such a hit. People really enjoy that activity. Jeff L for understanding the importance of timing in all that we do. Thank you!!! You are the first in my 15 years to “get this”. ! Martha for working some very long days to keep things running smoothly!!! I don’t know how you do it lady.!!! LaKesha, Ollie, Nicole, and Sami for making the admin office a “winter wonderland”. Sami, Nicole, and Jan for the awesome job of bringing in the donations. AND for keeping things mostly organized. We can still walk thru the hallway so that is a good thing! Vince and Tek for being patient when I interrupt your concentration with one of my questions. It’s great to have you two, you really are getting the systems down! Thank you. Shaun D. you are amazing getting payroll out while not feeling well! Staff, know that she understands the importance of us getting our paychecks on time!! She goes to great lengths to get that done.
Chavon Bell sends Kudos to:
Shanice Gomire Kudos cont’d:
Sharina- Thank you for all that you do with our clients and their children. You always give your all.
Luis you’re awesome!
Jan, Nicole, and Sami for coordinating and arranging all of the holiday items for clients. Artisha- Great job with jumping in and learning the ropes with your clients. Paul K. thank you for taking the time out to meet with my clients to assist them with their employment needs. Also, thank you for being on the same page with me in regards to the clients needs.
Reed Livers sends Kudos to: KUDOS to the EEC Team (LaKesha, Chavon, Donald, Lance, and Jeff E.) that made this such a fantastic Christmas Party. Thank you Paul K. for your contributions as the party DJ. Special thanks to Nicole and Sami for the awesome work they did to send food baskets and gifts to so many families and clients. Thank you, Richard for your hard work taking photos. Great Job!!! Special Thanks also the Operations Team for getting everything done with all the running, pick-ups, drop-offs and extra support for all the shelters and programs, and providing all the meals: Martha, Eddie, Steven, Roxanne, Tony, and the kitchen crew, Donna and Anthony D. Thank you Pam for making a Christmas bonus happen. Special thanks to Shaun D. for getting payroll done in all the chaos.
Shanice Gomire sends Kudos to: Eddie and Steven- Thanks for delivering a dresser for me it was greatly appreciated.
Tony Richardson- Thanks for helping out, and going the extra mile. Donna- Thanks for getting a food basket together at the last minute. Ollie- Thank You, Thank You, & Thank You
Richard Honesty sends Kudos to: I would like to send out BIG Kudos to LaKesha and the EEC Team (Chavon, Jeff E., Lance, and Donald) for giving us another year of happiness with the Xmas Party activities. I have to give Big Kudos to Paul who gave us the music, the bowling and Karaoke - great setup Paul... I also want to give Kudos to Christina Trotter for making the clients at ACS and other locations smile with all of the gifts they received on Xmas. Her efforts really touched the lives of many souls with Xmas cheer. Finally, I would like to give Kudos to the ACS Team for their dedication to providing the outstanding support to our clients that makes them feel at home away from home.
Ollie Dawson sends Kudos to: Clarence - Thank you so much for assisting with the MP room check and clean up. You are always dedicated to helping our residents Tony- Thank you so much for helping with the Christmas present and food basket delivery. It was a big help. Donald - Thank you for your continuing support with the community house visits to see how our clients are doing . Alyss- Thank you for your help with providing information to the residents about the walk through. It was a big help. Reed- Thank you for providing holiday cheer to someone. your insight with this great information really helped out .
Shaun Dean sends Kudos to: I took this picture of New Hope Housing’s fearless leader Pam Michell during one of admin office’s busiest weeks in the month of December. She was in the midst of doing what she does best, rolling up her sleeves and getting down to business on the behalf of residents and staff. Pam, on behalf of all NHH staff, we say “THANK YOU” , “THANK YOU”, & “THANK YOU” for your tireless hard work and dedication. May your New Year be full of more NHH victories and we pray for the continued success and prosperity of the organization. Cheers to a phenomenal woman!
Jan Sacharko sends Kudos to: Nicole & Sami for doing an awesome job getting donated gifts & food for residents for the holidays! Eugenia Young for great work at ACS and arranging an interview with a successfully housed resident! Tony R. because he tries so hard to clean my office! Vince for always taking my late check requests in stride! Dana for always helping get me data! Bernatria and Donald for helping me help a woman in need of shelter who found her way to admin when the office was empty! Ashley Marshall for working with me on a project to makeover an apartment for a recently housed resident AND arranging for a past resident to donate their car! Akira Brown and Lance Flowers for helping me thank Dominion Foundation for their grant! Jeff Lisanick for arranging an interview with Arlington Independent Media before the holidays! Rosa for submitting a client story for a grant! Stephen and Eddie for helping clean up admin after all the holiday giving was over!
Simajah Jackson sends Kudos to: Ms. Trotter for organizing yet another enlightening Women's Empowerment event. The ladies of PSH and I had a great time! Ms. Eugenia for sharing your moving story at the Women's Empowerment event. You are so full of compassion. Mr. Richard for coming through to support your ACS crew and capturing great moments with your photography skills at the women's Empowerment event. Thanks for being most honorable photographer at the NHH Staff Holiday Party! PSH CMs/OCs (Melonie, Akira, Lance, Alyss, and Chimere) for your patience, compassion, and hard work with our sometimes very challenging clients. Also, thank you for your flexibility and patience during yet another transition. PSH RSS Staff your support means a lot to the clients and team. You are appreciated. Ollie for all of your time, dedication, and efforts spent toward assisting PSH clients; especially, a couple with creepy crawly situations Martha, Roxanne, Stephen, and Eddie for your every day support, flipping units, making food deliveries, and helping to maintain clean, safe, and comfortable homes for our clients. Chimere for rolling up your sleeves and working with Ollie and Roxanne to restore order and cleanliness in a home. Akira, Melonie, and Lance for your willingness to do the "dirty work" and assist clients maintain a safe and clean home environment. Martha, Shawn V., Luke, Pam for your communication and support throughout a recent and unexpected temporary home displacement of a client. Martha, I have to thank you again for your flexibility and patience! Thank you for keeping open communication and being available to address emergency situations. Luis for your major role played in identifying and securing housing for a PSH client. Thank you for helping to make his transition possible! You're the greatest! Tonya H. for all of your hard work supporting PSH clients at Susan's and Just Homes Arlington. Your persistence and ability to connect with the clients does not go unnoticed! A huge thank you to Alyss, Melonie, Akira, and West for transporting clients to and from the Pohick Christmas Party! Lance and Reed, you guys are the greatest for tackling the toilet debacle at Max's. That was a "puzzling" incident. Latasha, thank you for frequent communication and the sharing of thoughts and ideas to address program concerns.
Simajah Jackson Kudos cont’d: Tonya G., I am extremely thankful to have you as our interim director. You are amazing! A special shout out to Team Kennedy for sharing you with us! How you wrap your mind around how all of these systems in different localities function amazes me, Dana. Thank you for all that you do! Shaun D., Vince, Tek, and Shawn V.- Y'all are an amazing team and always so friendly and helpful. Thank you! LaKesha, your warm spirit is enough to brighten up any room. Thank you for being you and helping to hold us all together. Jan, Sami, and Nicole, thanks for all that you do to bring in volunteers, secure donations, and raise awareness about homelessness and means to prevent or help through it. Tujuanda for working well under change and pressure to address a recent client concern. CJ, Kenny, Heath, Stacey, and Denae for being my go-to crew during the week at the Mondlochs and sharing information and concerns as things arise. EEC (Lance, Chavon, Jeff E., Donald, and LaKesha), I had a blast at the NHH Christmas party! Go DJ Paul! Thanks for the switch up. All of NHH for remaining positive, hopeful, and supportive of each other during our upcoming transition.
Latasha Younger sends Kudos to: EEC Team (LaKesha, Lance, Jeff E., Chavon, and Donald) You did an awesome job getting everything together for the Staff Christmas party. Thank you! We had so much fun!! Richard- Thank for all the pictures! You did a great job! Tonya H.- Thank you for making sure that all the residents at Susan’s Place had a nice Christmas. Marian and Sheila- Thank you for making sure our resident at Mondloch Place takes his medication on the weekends. Luke- Thank you for finding a unit for our new Just Homes client. Eddie, Stephen, Roxanne, and Martha- Thank you for helping me move, getting keys, and furnish our new unit in Arlington. The client was very pleased when he walked in his new apartment. Martha, West, Patricia, Lisa, Marian, Sheila, Denae, Louis, and Simone- Thank you for giving up your Christmas with your family by working on Christmas Day. Simajah- Thank you for all the support you have given me over the last few months. You are an awesome team player! Angelica- Thank you for picking up extra shifts at Max’s Place. Tonya G.- Thank you for all your support you have given me. You are a great listener. I’m going to miss having those talks with you. Sami, Nicole, and Jan- You guys did a great job in making sure all of our clients at NHH have a great Christmas. Thank you for all that you guys do! Heath- Thank you for running back and forth to Admin and Kennedy. I really appreciate all that you do! CJ, Tujuanda, and Kenny- Thank you for trying to keep up with room checks and visitors that come in Mondloch Place.
The NHH Admin Office gives a very BIG KUDO to Ollie Dawson! Thank you for getting us in the holiday spirit with your festive décor. You are definitely our defacto winner of the door decorating contest! Shawn V. also appreciated your assistance with his door. You are simply amazing and we love never get enough of your “creative flair”!
“I enjoyed seeing the laughter and smiles throughout the office from staff when I did the surprise decorating; and I love sharing my creativeness with everyone. Decorating for the holidays brings back memories from my childhood. I was always excited to see decorations on people’s houses and in the department store windows. The holiday season can be hard on people and families for so many reasons, so I make sure to spread cheer wherever I go. I love giving gifts, and it warms my heart when I see faces light up when presents are opened. I feel blessed to be able to share with others.” - Ollie Dawson (NHH Program Assistant)
New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs Position: Reports to: Supervises:
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Residential Supervisor for Shelter Programs Coordinator of Residential Services Residential Services Specialists
Areas of Responsibilities: The Residential Supervisor for Shelter Programs is a full-time non-exempt position directly supervised by the Coordinator of Residential Services (Shelter/PSH). The Residential Supervisor (Shelter) supervises Resident Services Specialist (RSS) staff assigned to EUKS, VIC-HOP, and FCWS; ensuring that they function appropriately with performing their job tasks in compliance with expected delivery of services. The Residential Supervisor (Shelter) assumes delegated duties and direction from the Coordinator of Residential Services, and/or Senior Director of Programs I to ensure that program policies and procedures are enforced. Summary of Position: The Residential Supervisor (Shelter) is responsible for the program maintenance, and the smooth day-to-day operations of the shelter. Further, s/he is responsible for a variety of administrative and managerial duties including, but not limited to: The coordination of adequate shift coverage for the Kennedy Shelter, training, providing on-call shift coverage, ensuring a safe and manageable living environment for all shelter residents, and working a flexible schedule including evenings, weekends, and overnights. S/he will provide feedback to staff on performance; recommending corrective actions to the Coordinator of Residential Services. During the winter hypothermia season, in addition to his/her responsibilities at the Kennedy Shelter, s/he is responsible for supporting shelter/program operations for the Falls Church Winter Shelter and/or the Ventures in Community Hypothermia Outreach Program as assigned. Essential Responsibilities: Some of the essential responsibilities of the Residential Supervisor (Shelter) include, but are not limited to:
In collaboration with the Coordinator of Residential Services, trains all Full Time, Part Time, on call and seasonal Resident Services Specialists and/or volunteers for EUKS, VIC-HOP and/or FCWS as assigned. Further, assist with the orientation, training, and work of volunteers at the Kennedy Shelter, FCWS, and/ or VIC-HOP as assigned; Schedules resident services specialists shifts and ensures adequate coverage of all facilities on all shifts including: daytime, evening, overnight, and all weekend shifts; On call for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Ensures a safe and manageable living environment for shelter/program residents by establishing consistent implementation of policies and procedures on all shifts; Oversees the distribution of medication by RSS staff and ensures all medication policies and procedures are implemented appropriately; Supervises the documentation of daily shelter activities and communication between shifts including log book entry, incident reports, general and substance abuse warning notices, etc. Oversees both intake and discharge procedures for all residents; Is visible and interacts regularly with shelter residents. Models a caring, concerned, and respectful attitude toward residents where each community member is treated with dignity and respect; Adheres to the required ethical standards to include confidentiality, boundaries, resident rights; Is familiar and complies with the policies and procedures of New Hope Housing, Inc. including the utilization of Mandt principles and Out of Poverty curriculum; Provides crisis intervention and crisis management services as needed; Helps facilitate all site-meetings, and attends all mandatory staff meetings; Conducts regular supervision with Resident Services Specialist staff; Assists in the coordination of shelter activities and transports residents when requested in agency vehicles; Interacts positively with New Hope Housing staff, Fairfax County deployed staff, staff members from collateral agencies, the general public, and all volunteers; Works flexible hours including evening, weekends, and overnights as assigned. Is on-call to provide last minute shift coverage as necessary including evenings, weekends, and overnights; Approves use of PTO and Sick hours. Monitors and approves residential services specialist work hours in the ADP electronic timesheet system; Performs other duties as assigned
Preferred Qualifications: This position requires the following: BA preferred high school diploma or GED required;
Strong supervisory, management, and team building experience with two (2) years’ experience working in a human service setting; Experience working with homeless adults and/or adults diagnosed with a mental illness and/or addiction disorder; counseling and crisis intervention skills; Effective time management skills in a fast-paced environment; Proficient use of computers to include Microsoft Office; The ability to successfully pass a background check and possess a valid driver’s license with a good driving record to be approved by our insurance carrier; Strong oral and written communication skills; Ability to prioritize competing priorities and make sound judgements; Willingness to work evenings and weekends when needed
If interested, please send resume to New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE that values diversity!
New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs
Position: Reports to: Supervises:
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Residential Supervisor for Fairfax PSH Coordinator of Residential Services Residential Services Specialists
Areas of Responsibilities: The Residential Supervisor (Fairfax PSH) is a full-time non-exempt position directly supervised by the Coordinator of Residential Services (Shelter/PSH). The Residential Supervisor (Fairfax PSH) supervises Resident Services Specialist (RSS) staff assigned to Mondloch House, Mondloch Place, Max’s Place and Gartlan House; ensuring that they function appropriately with performing their job tasks in compliance with expected delivery of services. The Residential Supervisor (Fairfax PSH) assumes delegated duties and direction from the Coordinator of Residential Services (Shelter/PSH), and/or Senior Director of Programs I to ensure that program policies and procedures are enforced. Summary of Position: The Residential Supervisor (Fairfax PSH) is responsible for the program maintenance, and the smooth day-to-day operations of the PSH programs. Further, s/he is responsible for a variety of administrative and managerial duties including, but not limited to: The coordination of adequate shift coverage for the PSH programs, training, providing on-call shift coverage, ensuring a safe and manageable living environment for all program, residents, and working a flexible schedule including evenings, weekends, and overnights. S/he will provide feedback to staff on performance; recommending corrective actions to the Coordinator of Residential Services (Shelter/PSH). Essential Responsibilities: Some of the essential responsibilities of the Residential Supervisor (Shelter) include, but are not limited to: In collaboration with the Coordinator of Residential Services (Shelter/PSH), trains all Full time, Part Time, and on call Resident Services Specialists and/or volunteers for Mondloch House, Mondloch Place, Gartlan House, and Max’s Place;
Schedules resident services specialists shifts and ensures adequate coverage of all facilities on all shifts including: daytime, evening, overnight, and all weekend shifts; On call for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
Ensures a safe and manageable living environment for program residents by establishing consistent implementation of policies and procedures on all shifts;
Oversees the distribution of medication by RSS staff and ensures all medication policies and procedures are implemented appropriately;
Supervises the documentation of daily program activities and communication between shifts including log book entry, incident reports, and staff observation, etc.
Is visible and interacts regularly with program residents. Models a caring, concerned, and respectful attitude toward residents where each community member is treated with dignity and respect;
Adheres to the required ethical standards to include confidentiality, boundaries, resident rights;
Is familiar and complies with the policies and procedures of New Hope Housing, Inc. including the utilization of Mandt principles and Out of Poverty curriculum;
Provides crisis intervention and crisis management services as needed;
Helps facilitate all site-meetings, and attends all mandatory staff meetings;
Conducts regular supervision with Resident Services Specialist staff;
Assists in the coordination of PSH activities and transports residents when requested in agency vehicles;
Interacts positively with New Hope Housing staff, Fairfax County deployed staff, staff members from collateral agencies, the general public, and all volunteers;
Works flexible hours including evening, weekends, and overnights as assigned. Is on-call to provide last minute shift coverage as necessary including evenings, weekends, and overnights;
Approves use of PTO and Sick hours. Monitors and approves residential services specialist work hours in the ADP electronic timesheet system;
Performs other duties as assigned
Preferred Qualifications: This position requires the following:
BA preferred high school diploma or GED required; Strong supervisory, management, and team building experience with two (2) years’ experience working in a human service setting; Experience working with homeless adults and/or adults diagnosed with a mental illness and/or addiction disorder; counseling and crisis intervention skills; Effective time management skills in a fast-paced environment; Proficient use of computers to include Microsoft Office; The ability to successfully pass a background check and possess a valid driver’s license with a good driving record to be approved by our insurance carrier; Strong oral and written communication skills; Ability to prioritize competing priorities and make sound judgements Willingness to work evenings and weekends when needed
If interested, please send resume to New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE that values diversity!
New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs
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OPEN POSITIONS SPREAD THE WORD! On Call Resident Service Specialists- Kennedy Shelter Responsibilities include monitoring the shelter, answering the phones, greeting visitors, and most importantly interacting in a positive manner with our residents. Must be flexible, dependable, and have the ability to work with a diversified group of individuals. A High School diploma or GED is necessary, and previous experience with the homeless/mentally ill a plus. Successful candidates will be called to duty when we are short staffed. Hours are flexible, not scheduled, and you must be willing to cover shifts at a moment’s notice. $14.13 an hour. EOE/ADA that values diversity. If interested, please send resume to New Hope Housing is proud to be an EOE that values diversity!
If you have moved, please remember to update HR with your new mailing address by filling out the “Change of Address” form in ADP (located on the main page) and submit to LaKesha McGuire at the New Hope Housing admin office. Lastly, if you have moved to another state, it is very important that you complete a new state tax withholding form and submit to payroll accountant Shaun Dean. Otherwise, you could end up with a tax liability at tax time.
Effective November 1st New Hope Housing began to bank with BB&T. If you receive live checks, you may no longer cash them at United Bank if you are a non-account holder.
New Hope Housing - Newsbriefs
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NHH Quarterly Mtg.
Board Meeting 30
Team Meetings
Location ACS EUKS
ACS Team EUKS Team
Times 2pm 1pm
Every Wed Every Thu
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday Rotating Locations of each month
PSH Team Community Services Team
Name Yvette Roberts Tonya Henderson Lorene Lawson Yvonne Kedoin Celestine Chew Katrina Fleet Londrea Dudley LaKesha McGuire Kimberly Kardelis Samantha Smyth
Month January January January January January January January January January January
Birth Day 5 9 9 12 12 13 17 20 23 25
Every 1st Monday of each month
Stephen Maxey
Veronica Letsinger
Anthony Defreitas
Paul Smith
Qui'va Burroughs
Tomarr Brash
Dana Murray-Tonks
Celestine Chew
Sharina Jagoonanan